Children's wall: popular classic and modern models from the latest catalogs (135 photos)

Children spend a lot of time in the nursery, so you should approach its design and selection of furniture responsibly. The room should not only be beautiful and cozy, but also safe and functional.

Furniture manufacturers offer many options for different furniture, which is divided into categories such as upholstered furniture and furniture for games, as well as modular and cabinet furniture. The latter also includes a children's wall, the choice of which will be discussed in the article.

A wall in a children's room will help organize a suitable space that promotes the development of the child. The functional furniture wall has many compartments of different sizes for storing clothes and bed linen, as well as shelves and drawers for storing books and toys.

Child's age

The age of the child is the main factor influencing the choice of children's wall.

A preschooler's play space should be equipped so that the child can independently get and put away his toys or clothes. A table for creativity needs an appropriate height.

A small child does not need a large closet, but a wall with a bed would be an excellent option.

A children's area complemented by a wall bars or stairs will contribute to the physical development of the child.

But for a schoolchild, a wall with a desk is perfect, because the child will need a place to complete schoolwork and work on the computer. The table should be as comfortable as possible, since the child will spend a lot of time at it.

Types of wall structures

In addition to the classification of furniture sets according to the manufacturing method, there is a gradation according to the installation location. Cabinets are designed for one of the walls. No options. Modular ones can be installed in the form of the letters “G” and “P” or arbitrarily.

The choice of one or another furniture layout is determined by the dimensions and configuration of the room


L-shaped sets are designed for small apartments. Children's corner walls are available for one and two children. The elements are located along two walls without window openings. They have good capacity and versatility. Teenagers prefer L-shaped walls because of their convenient layout when part of the room remains unoccupied.

A wall with a corner cabinet is an excellent option for a room with limited space

An interesting option for a corner layout with a bed and a desk


When you plan to install a wall along one of the walls, you can choose cabinet options. Models vary in length and configuration. There are samples with an upper berth. Straight designs are chosen for square and rectangular rooms.

Straight wall with study space and two spacious cabinets

An interesting version of a children's wall with a retractable table

And others

U-shaped children's furniture is designed for small rooms where space is limited. When purchasing folding or pull-out beds, a free passage with a width of at least 50 cm is provided. U-shaped walls for twins duplicate some elements and storage units. Some of the tables are made with a retractable tabletop.

A convenient option for U-shaped furniture arrangement in a room for two children


The material from which the children's wall is made is also important. Preference should be given to environmentally friendly natural materials, but in any case they must be of high quality and safe for the health of children. When purchasing, do not hesitate to ask for a product quality certificate.

All fittings must be checked upon purchase; poor quality of hinges and handles can lead to frequent breakdowns.

Children's furniture is made from various materials to suit every taste and budget. Preference is often given to natural wood; if you have a modest budget, you can opt for pine, it is environmentally friendly and has a low price.

However, it is worth considering that children can scratch wooden surfaces without much effort. To ensure that the furniture retains its attractive appearance for as long as possible, it is recommended to choose walls made of MDF. Its surface has a protective coating that is resistant to mechanical damage and wet cleaning.

But popular furniture made from chipboard is not suitable for children, since the material emits volatile substances that are unsafe for children.

Wall color in a children's room: add brightness

Just as when decorating living rooms, living rooms, and bedrooms, you can use a technique for decorating a children’s room - an accent wall stands out with a different texture, pattern, and color.

The wall that is located behind the head of the bed is the most popular when implementing this technique. You can safely do it in bright colors and not worry that your baby will be excited by the rich colors before bed.

An image of a continent, a map of the world or a country is also an interesting option for an accent wall. You can draw a map of an imaginary world or a non-existent kingdom if the child has highly developed fantasy and imagination.

The amazing world in the room will be recreated by wallpaper with photo printing. The topics can be different - legends, fairy tales, stories, animals, the child’s favorite heroes. This will be an original solution for highlighting an accent wall.


When buying a modular wall for a children's room, you need to pay special attention to the reliability and stability of the structure. The absence of sharp corners will reduce the likelihood of injury to the child.

All mechanisms must work properly, and the doors must be easy to close and have stoppers or a closer so that the baby does not press his fingers when slamming the door.

Under no circumstances should you purchase a wall if you smell a pungent odor of varnish or paint; constant inhalation of such fumes can lead to headaches for the baby and parents.

What are the advantages?

Such cabinet furniture, first of all, saves space and fits into almost any room. The walls are ideal in cramped children's rooms that serve as bedrooms, an office and a playroom. This is a salvation if parents do not have the opportunity to provide their child with a separate room or if several children live in it.

Every person needs a personal zone, and children are no exception: they also get tired of adults and peers, and need their own “secrets.” The designs and their variability make it possible to zone a corner for each growing individual, providing comfort and a sense of privacy.

Ergonomics. It is especially noticeable in sets that combine a working and sleeping area, a dressing room - everything is literally at hand. Finding things doesn't take much time.

Wide variety on the market and within one set. The furniture is presented in all colors and shades to suit every taste and budget. As a rule, it is possible to purchase and customize specific departments, rather than buying up the entire model range. If there is still not enough usable space or if everyday circumstances change, the components of the structure can be purchased in addition.


When choosing the size of the wall, it is worth considering the size of the room and the height of the child. For two children, it is worth purchasing a large wall so that each has its own shelves and drawers.

There are many combinations of children's walls, including compact models that will help save space, for example, a corner wall.

Nuances in decorating a nursery in a modern style

First, you need to understand what the system for building this style is made up of individually for each child.

  • Child's wishes. For infants or three-year-olds, we design the interior based on our preferences. But older children already have their own opinions and should be taken into account. Think about what your child is interested in, what interests him, what kind of character he has. Based on this, you can create an interior concept that will become its foundation.

  • Room size. The furniture configuration will depend on how much space you have and how many children the room is designed for. And if you need to accommodate three children in a small space, this will require non-standard solutions in choosing furniture and planning functional areas.

  • Distribution into zones. The child will not always be small. It is growing very quickly. Therefore, think in advance about the location of areas for games, learning, relaxation, and maybe even sports. They can be combined or separate. It is important to think through this point in advance.

  • Fashion trends in the interior. Of course, I want to see the children's room stylish and modern. Therefore this point is very important. Keep an eye out for new tricks and techniques. You may want to introduce some detail or idea as a whole into the interior of the children's room.

Furniture color

The color of furniture in the nursery also requires special attention; it is recommended to choose not flashy colors; pastel shades can be diluted with bright accents, for example, colored handles, edgings.

The child’s wishes should be taken into account, especially if he is a teenager. But you should carefully choose furniture in dark colors or with colorful patterns, as you can quickly get tired of them.

After studying photos of children's walls on the Internet, you can choose an option that suits you in terms of configuration and required functionality. If you need a wall of non-standard sizes or colors, we can make it to order.

Decorating a nursery in a modern style for a girl

A girl's nursery is almost always done in soft pink tones. The girl, on a subconscious level, models her behavior in her future life. Her environment helps her in this. Including the interior style where she spends her personal time.

Modern nursery design for girls

Modern design is characterized by simple and laconic forms that run through the entire interior. Roman blinds, furniture without unnecessary complication, clearly separated functional areas. The color scheme is gentle and calm. But sometimes there are bright accents that set the dynamics of the nursery.

Classic nursery design for girls

Classics will always be in trend. It is characterized by elegant interior decorations in the form of stucco molding and intricate ornaments. Girls associate themselves with princesses from their favorite cartoons and fairy tales. This style uses natural furniture of elegant shapes, a canopy over the bed, and beautiful heavy curtains. Classic loves space. Therefore, it is not suitable for small children's rooms.

Minimalism style for children's girls

Brightness and minimum details. Minimalism teaches a girl cleanliness and order. The style itself sets this trend. In addition, it has a big advantage. Adapting it to the child’s age is easy. There are also original ideas in furniture arrangement here. After all, minimalism requires compactness and functionality. You have to use your imagination. But the result is worth it.

Cost of furniture

The price of children's furniture is important for all parents, but do not be fooled by too low prices. After all, to produce high-quality children's furniture, only expensive, safe materials and modern, reliable equipment are used, therefore, low cost is a reason to think about the quality of the product.

The so-called spontaneous markets are not suitable for choosing a children's wall; it is better to trust well-known reliable manufacturers.

The wall should please not only the parents, but also the child, first of all, so do not forget about his opinion. The more the child participates in choosing and purchasing furniture for himself, the better.

Children grow quickly, their tastes and needs change, so be prepared for the fact that soon the furniture will have to be replaced with more “adult” ones.

Choosing a children's wall that will last a long time and will delight its little owner and his parents is quite simple, the main thing is to take into account all the necessary factors.

Definition of the wall and its design features

A spacious and functional closet-wall for a nursery belongs to cabinet furniture, which is presented in ready-made sets or modules.

  • Choosing a crib: criteria, functionality, mattresses, types and features of placement (125 photos)
  • Children's playpen - tips for choosing, the best designs and advantages of using a playpen (120 photos)
  • Schoolchild's corner - tips for choosing the most convenient and practical modern models (130 photos)

To select the correct design, it is necessary to take into account its configuration, the size of the room and the interior solution chosen for arranging the room in which the child lives.

Such designs can differ not only in external design, they are made from different materials and are characterized by various configurations.

Walls for a nursery can be complemented with a variety of furniture designs, which simplifies the choice for parents who want to maintain a unified composition of the interior solution.

Photo of a children's wall

Walls in a teenager's room

The child has grown up, he has new priorities, habits, and interests. Instead of toys, student supplies and books appeared on the shelves. Fairy-tale characters or bears that are depicted on the walls of a children's room are no longer interesting to a teenager.

For some young people, a neutral wall palette is necessary to relax after classes and study calmly. For others - a bright interior to keep their emotional state in good shape.

Already at this age, a teenager can clearly explain what he would like to see in his room, what colors should prevail, and parents, in turn, based on financial capabilities, compare the desires of their child.

You can personalize a child's room for a teenager by decorating one of the walls in the form of brickwork. His friends should appreciate such a childish environment.

If a teenager’s room is small, then the vertical surfaces should be finished in light colors, and the accent wall should be made in rich colors using ornaments, paintings or designs.

Interior design for a children's room 2022 – selection of materials and furniture

At first glance, it seems that buying new furniture for a children's room in 2022 is very easy and simple. You walk around, admire the bright cabinets and lovely cribs, and then choose the appropriate option from a huge assortment.

But an attractive appearance is not the only advantage of good children's furniture. It should be functional, as comfortable and safe as possible for the child. Therefore, when purchasing, you need to pay attention to the environmental friendliness of the material, the absence of traumatic elements (protruding fittings, glass inserts, sharp corners).

It should be remembered that the environment in the children's room affects the psychological development of the baby. If your child has already formed his own tastes and preferences, it is better to choose furniture taking into account his wishes. Then he will feel cozy and comfortable in his territory.

When purchasing children's furniture, you must adhere to the rules listed below.

Choose the most suitable color

The child spends a lot of time in his room: sleeping, playing, drawing, doing homework. Therefore, it is important to choose furniture of a color for the interior of a children’s room 2022 so that the surrounding environment does not irritate or tire him. The age of the child is of great importance. What is suitable for a child under three years old will be completely inappropriate in a teenager’s room.

With older children, the situation is simpler - they will be happy to help develop a fashionable design for the nursery 2022. But what about the kids who cannot yet say anything about this?

In this case, you can take the advice of child psychologists. They found that the color scheme in the room should be selected depending on the child’s temperament.

Thus, blue, blue or green furniture is most suitable for little choleric people. Sanguines - purple. Young phlegmatic people will become more animated if certain parts of their furniture are in red or orange tones. For melancholic people, it is better to choose calm pastel colors, and use brighter colors in textiles and accessories.

In any case, a beautiful and modern children's room 2022 should look brighter and more fabulous than the rest of the room. However, it is important to take precautions here so as not to turn the child’s room into a disorderly pile of flowers. This has a bad effect on the psyche.

The gender of the child also matters in choosing the color of the furniture. You can pay tribute to established traditions: for a girl, buy a pink, orange, peach or yellow set of furniture, for a boy - blue, purple, green. If the room is intended for two children of different sexes, a good solution would be to choose the same furniture for them, but in different colors.

With white furniture, the design of the children's room 2022 seems lighter and more spacious. This color is neutral, so it is often used in the production of children's furniture sets. If you like this option, you will need to add bright color accents to the decor: a painting, cheerful curtains, canopies.

Multi-colored curtains are universal. They not only give the room warmth and comfort, but also darken it in the evenings and allow it to be divided into zones. Not to mention, they can hide a little mess in the room. The colors and patterns of the curtains easily match the interior of the room and can be replaced if necessary.

Consider the size of the room and the age of the children

Children's furniture should perform all the necessary functions without cluttering up the room. You need to measure everything in advance, draw a plan for the nursery, and then draw pieces of furniture on the same scale. This will help you choose the right set and place it successfully.

Depending on the age of the child, his room is furnished differently. The baby needs a crib with crates, a playpen, and a small closet for toys. To make it easier for mom to care for him in the first months of life, a changing table is needed.

An older child needs to buy a children's bed with small railings, a more spacious closet with shelves for toys and books, a children's table with a chair for modeling and drawing. The student will need a more “serious” desk for studying and working at the computer, an additional wardrobe for school clothes, bedside tables for textbooks and office supplies.

It is very pleasant to furnish a stylish interior of a nursery 2022 for a preschooler or primary school student. Here you can give free rein to your fantasies. For example, instead of a toy storage box, put a “pirate” chest, decorate the interior with images of characters from your favorite fairy tales, and build curtains in the shape of a sail.

Furniture for a teenager is selected entirely according to his taste. As a rule, this is an ordinary bed, a wardrobe, a computer desk, and many convenient shelves. You can also buy a dressing table with a mirror for a girl’s room.

At this age, children often have friends over, and for this it is necessary to provide places where they could comfortably sit: a small sofa, a couple of armchairs or poufs.

So, you understand that as the child grows, the furniture in his room will have to be changed. And more than once. But there is an alternative option - buy furniture that grows and changes with your children. European manufacturers have been producing such kits for a long time. In these models, you can adjust the height of tables and chairs, the angle of inclination of tabletops, and the length of beds. Convenient, practical and suitable for both a 5-year-old child and a 16-year-old teenager.

But such universal furniture is quite expensive. Its purchase is profitable only if it can replace two or three sets of ordinary furniture.

Choose good material

Children's furniture is made of wood, chipboard, MDF, plastic, rattan, and wicker. Wooden furniture is beautiful, durable, and environmentally friendly. Furniture made from hardwood is considered the best for a children's room.

When creating a modern design project for children's 2022, you should pay attention not only to fashion trends and design trends, but also to the quality of finishing materials. Give preference to water-based varnishes. The only drawback of wooden furniture is its high price.

Furniture made from chipboard is much cheaper, but it is not very reliable: it can delaminate and break during intensive use. In addition, it constantly releases harmful substances.

However, there are also responsible manufacturers offering high-quality furniture made from chipboard. In any case, you need to check all accompanying documentation. Remember that for children's rooms, as for all residential premises, you can only use furniture of at least class E1, in which the formaldehyde content is minimal.

In addition, you need to carefully inspect all the edges and ends of chipboard furniture. They must be well sealed so that the child cannot get injured.

Furniture made from MDF is durable and safe for health. The material is covered with films, veneer and decorative panels on top, which ensures easy care of such furniture. Its price is quite high, but this is compensated by good quality, strength and durability. When the child grows up, this furniture can be sold or passed on by inheritance. She will be in good condition.

Plastic children's furniture includes bright tables and chairs. They are light, the child can easily move them from place to place. European manufacturers use expensive and harmless plastic for them. Wicker furniture made from natural materials - bamboo, rattan and wicker - can successfully complement the interior.

When choosing upholstered furniture for a children's room, give preference to upholstery made from natural fabrics. It breathes, is pleasant to the touch, and the body does not sweat when in contact with it. The mattress on the bed must be orthopedic. It supports the spine well and promotes the formation of correct posture.

Buy furniture to suit your child's parameters

In order for a son or daughter to feel comfortable in the children's room 2022, the furniture must correspond to their physical capabilities and parameters. However, many parents, wanting to save money, buy furniture “to grow into.”

As a result, kids cannot neatly arrange toys in a high cabinet; they put everything in the lower compartment in one pile. This is how children develop a tendency towards disorder. They can't reach the top shelves on the wall to get what they need. This could result in serious injury.

Ideally, the furniture should be such that a more or less independent child can access any objects in his room. Ergonomists recommend buying wardrobes for children's rooms no higher than 1.8 m and no deeper than 50-55 cm.

Take into account the following parameters:

  • A child whose height is 90 cm should have a chair with a height from the floor to the seat of 22 cm.
  • The height of the table for him should be 40 cm. With a height of 120 cm, the height of the chair is already 30 cm, the table - 52 cm.
  • When a child grows to 140 cm, the furniture also “grows”: chair - 37 cm, table - 62 cm.
  • For a teenager with a height of 160 cm, you will need a chair 40 cm high and a table 67 cm high.

Matching the size of the table and chair to the child’s parameters is the key to his health and correct posture.

Consider a sports corner

  • New trends in the design of modern interiors of children's rooms in 2022 say that sports should begin from early childhood. After all, children, especially young ones, find it difficult to sit still. All of them, without exception, love outdoor games. If the area of ​​the room allows, you should try to place a sports corner in the children's room with ladders, ropes, rings, a punching bag, a horizontal bar, and a wall bars.

If the sleeping place is located in the upper part of cabinet furniture (for example, above a closet), it should be equipped with a convenient ladder. Some sets also include slides that kids will enjoy sliding down.

When decorating a fashionable interior for children 2022, it is advisable to think through every little detail. For example, provide an area for games, where there will be open cabinets for toys, a small house or an Indian hut, a puppet theater, and other structures. They must be durable and safe for the child.

Plan your space wisely

Adults have bedrooms, offices, living rooms for relaxing and receiving guests, and kitchens. Children's room 2022 - combines all these functions. In it, children sleep, play, do homework, and little girls “cook dinner” for the dolls. The sleeping area, place for games and activities should be clearly defined.

It is more difficult to arrange a beautiful children's room in 2022 if you have two children, especially if they are of different genders, and the room is not too large. But still, each child should have a separate bed and, if possible, a separate desk. If there is a shortage of space, the best choice would be a bunk bed, and the play area can be made common.

There are compact children's corners on sale that can accommodate a table for studying, a sleeping place, and a locker for clothes and toys. Everything in them is thought out down to the centimeter; such furniture does not take up much space. It is necessary to furnish the children's room so that there is as much free space as possible.

What is the best way to arrange furniture in a children's room in 2022? The bed should not be placed near a window or near heating radiators. But the desktop should be in the brightest place in the room. It should be placed closer to the window, taking into account that sunlight should fall from the left. Most people are right-handed. But if your child is left-handed, then the light from the window onto his desk should be directed from the right.

You also need to take care of artificial light sources, primary and additional. In addition to a chandelier or LED lamps on the ceiling, you need wall lamps near the bed and in the play area, and a table lamp. To liven up the room, do not forget about accessories: textiles, sofa cushions, rugs.

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