Features of decorating a children's birthday table: tips and ideas

Every children's holiday is a “sea” of entertainment and “mountains” of treats. And the correct presentation of all this is a guarantee of positive impressions for the little host and his guests. Particular attention should be paid to the design of the children's table: tablecloth, dishes, original presentation, etc. Such little things do not go unnoticed by the young audience.

Let's take a closer look: what design styles are relevant for children's parties, what treats are best suited, what dishes to serve them in, and much more.

Children at the festive table Source www.zidart.rs

How to decorate a table: preparation for the process

Decorating a table for young guests requires theoretical and practical preparation. You should start by preparing a plan for upcoming actions , namely:

  1. Choosing the main theme of the holiday . Nowadays it is fashionable to decorate a celebration in the style of your child’s favorite cartoons, films, and fairy tales.
  2. Number of invitees . This will affect what size the table will be, how it will be located in space and shape, whether guests will be seated or whether it will be a buffet.
  3. Venue of the holiday . Nowadays it is customary to set up a decorated table in the same place where the entertainment part of the event takes place. The dimensions of the room will affect the size of the table. If the apartment is small, you will have to divide the games area with the dining area.
  4. Menu . Since the holiday is planned for a child, in this matter it is necessary to proceed from his gastronomic preferences. Most often, children prefer sweets: original cakes, pastries, cupcakes, desserts and fruits.
  5. Accessories . When preparing a children's holiday table, minimalism is not appropriate. The more accessories, the more interesting it is for the child. Small gifts for guests laid out on the table will cause special delight.

Interesting details for table design Source webinfantil.com
Taken together, all these design nuances will create not just a table, but a table of delight.

Paper children's birthday decoration

Decorate your child's room with paper crafts:

  • stretch marks
  • fan circles
  • honeycomb balls
  • flowers

Paper stretcher.

Winds made of paper.

Fan circles made of paper.

Paper napkin flower.

Design styles popular with children

Most modern children's parties are not complete without some kind of storyline, be it a cartoon or a fairy tale. The plots of Russian and Disney cartoons are especially popular, and less often - Soviet ones. Children will be no less delighted by a holiday designed in the style of the child’s hobbies: sports, marine themes, music.

When decorating a table, the chosen motifs will be used on tablecloths, dishes, accessories or even in food. But the brightest accent will be a cake decorated with the presence of your favorite characters. But, the place where little guests eat should not be full of elements of the chosen theme. Otherwise, children will simply get lost between what is edible and what is used as decoration.

Holiday in the style of "Football" Source pinimg.com

Decoration for children's birthday room

You can make a number decoration for a child’s birthday using the ideas from the article “Do-it-yourself birthday numbers from corrugated paper, napkins, cardboard, felt, balls, photographs. How to make the number 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 for a birthday?”

Number for a child's birthday.

An element of the photo zone or simply a room decoration will be a poster with a photo of the birthday person, his significant dates, interesting facts and wishes. If you want to make one, you might be interested in the following articles:

  1. “DIY children’s poster for a child’s birthday: templates, ideas, photos. How to make a beautiful children's poster for a child's birthday with wishes, photographs, and sweets?
  2. “Beautiful DIY poster for a girl’s birthday: templates, ideas, photos. How to make a beautiful poster for a girl’s birthday with wishes, photos, and sweets?”
  3. “Beautiful DIY poster for a boy’s birthday: templates, photos. How to make a beautiful poster for a boy’s birthday with wishes, photographs, and sweets?”

Poster for children's birthday.

Poster for a children's birthday, made from a template.
A child can treat children at home, in kindergarten or at school with an original cake made from juices, sweets and sweet bars. To make it beautiful for you, read the articles:

  1. “How to make a children's cake from juice for kindergarten, for a birthday? DIY baby juice and Barney cake: master class.”
  2. “How to make an original cake from sweets and juice? How to make a candy cake for a boy, girl, man and woman."

Children's birthday cake made from sweets.

Current furniture

What should a festive table be like, talking about it as an object. First of all, it is convenient for children. Of course, most parents decorate the kitchen table, or “grandmother’s” book-table. But the problem is that they may be too high for young audiences. Ideally, furniture for dining should be appropriate for the height of children: it is both comfortable and safe.

If there are no conditions to install the “correct” furniture, then it needs to be “correctly” decorated: made comfortable, without sharp corners. The same applies to chairs.

Both the table and chairs should be made in the same style: cover the surfaces with a tablecloth and chair covers in the same color. More budget decor options:

  • use satin or tulle ribbons;
  • decorate with paper garlands.

Original decoration of chairs Source i1.wp.com

Let's sum it up

As you understand, table setting is always carried out subject to certain rules, but you should not avoid showing your own initiative. As for the arrangement of dishes, there are certain limits, but with table decoration there are no restrictions and you can realize even your wildest ideas. The more unusual things there are on the table, the better. The main thing is to first make sure that its size is sufficient to use all these elements.

If we are talking about decorating a small table, then there is no point in cluttering it with useless accessories. Dishes should be arranged so that there is still free space between them. If this rule is ignored, then it will be inconvenient for guests to take them, and visually the table will look cluttered. You need to approach the matter with maximum responsibility and then you will be able to achieve the desired result in a short time.

Choosing a tablecloth

A tablecloth is a necessary attribute for decorating the place of a festive children's meal. It must meet several requirements:

  1. Be bright, or be as close to the chosen design theme as possible; if the theme of the celebration is some kind of cartoon, then it is not necessary that its characters or plots be depicted on the tablecloth; it will be enough to select the necessary monochromatic colors;
  2. Be made from fabrics that are easy to wash. Restless guests will definitely leave stains on the tablecloth. Therefore, the tablecloth must either meet this requirement, or simply be inexpensive - so that you don’t mind throwing it away.
  3. Be safe. By this we mean the following: during active games or no less active gatherings at the table, children are able to pull the fabric off the table and turn over all its contents. Therefore, the length of the canvas should be shortened, and the free edges should be attached either to the legs or to the inside of the table. For older children (+10 years), a tablecloth that reaches the floor would be appropriate.

Bright tablecloth for a little princess Source pushauction.com
If you think that a fabric tablecloth is a relic of the past, then you can replace it with colored oilcloth. Or you can completely refuse any coverage as such. Instead, use minimalism: place themed napkins, fabric or paper, under each cutlery.

Mini-pizzas “Animals”

Everyone knows that children simply love pizza. This dish is sure to be a hit! The mini-pizza recipe is designed specifically for children.


  • Yeast - 1.5 teaspoons
  • Flour - 3 cups
  • Salt - 1.5 teaspoons
  • Sugar - 2 tables. spoons
  • Vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons. spoons
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Garlic - 2 cloves
  • Tomato juice - 1 glass
  • Tomato paste - 1 table. spoon
  • Boiled shredded chicken meat
  • Grated cheese
  • Quail eggs
  • Sausage
  • Olives
  • Tomatoes


We prepare pizza dough in a bread maker. We put yeast, flour, salt, sugar and vegetable oil into it. Turn on the “Dough Kneading” program for 1.5 hours. 3 minutes after the start of kneading, add 150 ml of water.

If you don’t have a bread machine, you can use ready-made yeast dough or replace the dough yourself.

Fry finely chopped onion and garlic. Add tomato juice. Then tomato paste. The sauce should stand on low heat for 10 minutes until thick. Bring the mixture until smooth in a blender.

Divide the finished dough into small balls. Let's roll them out. We make “muzzles” and “ears” from small pieces of dough. Grease the pizza base with sauce.

Place chicken and cheese on pizzas. Place in the oven for 20 minutes.

Now all that remains is to show your imagination: decorate the faces of the “animals” with eggs, sausage, olives, and tomatoes. You can add herbs or any other ingredients.

Dishes and drinks

The menu for the upcoming holiday is one of the main achievements. And here you can fantasize without limits. There are 2 options for served dishes: sweets or hearty food. But, since the main audience is children, it is necessary to take into account that getting them to eat something can be extremely problematic. This is where creative food design can help.

Cute sweet hedgehogs Source www.przyslijprzepis.pl

So, how to decorate the table for a children's party with sweets:

Place the original cake at the head of the table. Its size is determined by the number of guests, and its type is determined by the theme. Mastic, gingerbread, mousse, caramel cartoon heroes and fairy tale characters, palaces, cars, etc.

Separate “islands” can be used to place tiered stands with cupcakes and mini-cakes.

Fruits and marshmallows on skewers are placed on separate oblong stands. If finances allow, then you can add a chocolate fountain to these snacks.

An original presentation of fruits would be to “transform” them into various animals or entire compositions, for example, ships.

Recently, it has become fashionable to decorate a sweet table for young princesses in a single color scheme, especially since this is easy to do for sweets. And if instead of a table you use a small bedside table - a candy bar - with treats, and decorate the place next to it with balls and garlands, you will get a modern, stylish look. Candy bars have high stands with muffins, cupcakes, glass jars with marmalade, marshmallows, etc.

Candy bar in a marine style Source yandex.net

See also: Catalog of projects of houses with a terrace and a garage.

A menu of more satisfying dishes: salads, sandwiches, hot dishes, is less common at children's parties. You can serve whatever the little hero of the occasion likes, the main condition is proper presentation.

Place the salads in some unusual shape and decorate them - in the shape of an animal, for example. Do the same with sandwiches, or prefer canapés. Cut out interesting shapes from sliced ​​cheese or meat that will stimulate your appetite.

Used as drinks:

  • homemade compotes and fruit drinks;
  • non-alcoholic mulled wine;
  • juices and sodas.

The content is not as important as the presentation of the drink. It will be much more interesting for children to drink the same juice from an unusual bottle or jar that matches the theme of the event. Cocktail straws, long and curved, with various accessories will enhance the joy of every child.

Plastic cups with images of your favorite characters are just as suitable. At the same time, you can add a “zest” to them: moisten the edges and sprinkle with sugar, or add cocktail umbrellas, slices of fruit, etc.

Mini juice bottles Source gigglesgalore.net

Decorating the party

No ideas for table decoration for a children's birthday? Take inspiration from cartoons, fairy tales or computer games. Here are some recommendations for choosing decor for the celebration of your beloved children:

  • A girl's birthday shouldn't be complete without Disney princesses, Barbies, fairies and other cartoon characters. Boys love superheroes, transformers and cars. If there are younger children at the celebration, you can arrange a pirate show, a soap bubble show and clown performances. Based on the chosen theme, table decoration ideas are born.
  • A children's party can also be held outdoors. Choose a suitable place in the garden and decorate the trees with garlands, balloons, ribbons and paper lanterns. All guests will remember this children's party!
  • What child doesn't love balloons? You can inflate them with helium and lift them into the ceiling, make a trap for balloons above the table that can be released when the cake is served, tie them to chairs, or decorate the dining area with bouquets of balloon flowers. Be prepared for the “bang-bang” sounds, loud cries of fear and pleasure, to be heard at the end of the evening. If there are also adults at the party, the air battle may irritate their ears, so this constant attribute of a children's birthday can be eliminated, replacing it with pom-poms made of plastic bags or corrugated paper.
  • Above the table you can hang hand-made garlands made of cardboard, colored paper or pieces of fabric. They can also create a play area so that children’s entertainment does not interfere with adults’ enjoyment of the holiday.
  • Children's birthday table settings can be complemented with funny caps, clown noses, wigs or masks. Each child, having found his place, will put on a festive attribute and cheerfully and cheerfully congratulate your child on his anniversary.
  • Each place must be assigned to a specific person. Place name tags or matching napkins on the dishes. A great idea would be to place beautiful cards with felt-tip pens on the table, on which children can not only sign their names, but also leave a few warm words to the birthday boy.
  • Table setting can be made more original and interesting if you divide it into a girls' area and a boys' area. Then one half of the table can be decorated with “brutal” masculine decor, and the other with cute pink bows and ponies. Based on this design, you can think of games for children, arranging various battles and competitions between boys and girls.

Decorating a children's table for Halloween

Decorating a children's table in space style

Children's table decoration in red

Dishes and serving methods

To decorate a children's table with dishes, you first need to think through the details: what material it will be made of, how many types of it will be used and how to decorate it.

The first is the material. For small children whose age does not exceed 7-9 years, it is better to give preference to unbreakable dishes - plastic, or preferably disposable. Moreover, now there are a huge number of thematic sets consisting of a plate and a glass. For older children, regular sets made of fragile materials are suitable, but not in their original form. It's better to decorate them according to the party theme.

Metal or travel utensils will delight children, since few people use such devices every day. You don't even have to decorate them.

Forks and spoons should be safe (without sharp edges) for small guests or absent altogether.

Set of disposable tableware Source ae01.alicdn.com

See also: Catalog of companies that specialize in installing doors and windows, as well as fences and railings.

Color options

As a rule, when decorating a table, preference is given to bright, rich colors. However, when choosing a color scheme, you must take into account the chosen theme. The optimal solution would be to use 2-3 shades; this method of decorating a children's sweet table is considered the most successful. It is extremely important that all the details, dishes, tablecloths, decorations, are harmoniously combined with each other.

Classification of napkins on the table, popular placement methods

For girls, as a rule, the color pink is used, especially since there are a huge number of shades. The following solutions will also be successful:

  • red;
  • orange;
  • yellow;
  • violet.

For boys, the table is most often decorated in blue; its shades are perfect for various themes. If you wish, you can also choose other, no less successful options:

  • brown;
  • green;
  • grey.

It is best to take white tablecloths and dishes. It is recommended to place accents using bright napkins and dishes. If you use multi-colored dishes, you need to carefully ensure that they blend harmoniously with the decor. For example, if the plates and glasses are blue, then the balls, toys and napkins should be blue or gray.


Additional pleasant little things on the children's holiday table will enhance the impression of the entire event. Every little guest will be delighted if there is a small box with a surprise next to his cutlery, which he can then take away for himself.

The labels on cocktail tubes, which are easy to make yourself, look interesting. And if you place toppers with the names of the guests near the plates, then delight is guaranteed.

Toppers are the main accessory on any table, not just for children. Wooden, multi-colored, large and small, inserted into desserts or cakes - they alone, without additional accessories, can decorate the table.

Gravity Falls toppers Source https://b-prazdnik.ru

Fruit waffle skewers with sauce

All children, without exception, will like the dish. The kebabs are easy to eat, sweet and fruity.


  • Small Viennese waffles
  • Banana
  • Strawberry
  • Blackberry
  • Or any other berries and fruits
  • Greek yogurt (or regular natural) - ½ cup
  • Maple syrup - 1 table. spoon
  • Cinnamon ¼ - teaspoon


We string waffles, berries and fruits in any order onto multi-colored tubes or wooden skewers. Mix yogurt with syrup and cinnamon.

Kids can dip the kebabs in the sauce - it's delicious!

Design examples

Here are some examples of how to decorate a children's table:

  • The set “Frozen” table is not cluttered with decorations, but is thought out to the smallest detail: dishes, mini-gifts in the form of “magic wands,” a tablecloth to match the theme, imitation ice balls.

Style “Frozen” Source i0.u-mama.ru

  • Fans of cars and all automotive themes will appreciate the table, on which, in addition to bright dishes, there will be toys in the form of their favorite cartoon characters.

Table in the style of "Cars" Source fantany.ru

  • A candy bar based on Peppa is a great option for kids. And a cardboard darling located next to the dining area will only attract attention to itself and the treats.

Design for Peppa Pig fans Source devania.com

Chicken kebab in the oven on skewers

Another option is to prepare chicken shish kebab and colored potato balls. If you are celebrating a children's party outdoors, then you can easily prepare pork kebab for older children.

We will need:

  • poultry meat - 700 g
  • sour cream - 3 tbsp
  • olive oil - 2 tbsp
  • lemon juice
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • pepper and salt

Cooking method:

1. Cut boneless chicken pieces into pieces.

2. Prepare the marinade. To do this, mix sour cream, lemon juice, pepper and salt.

3. Pour marinade over chicken pieces. Add onion cut into half rings to the ingredients. Stir. Place in the refrigerator overnight.

4. After the meat has been marinated, place the pieces on skewers. No need to wear a bow! Wrap each skewer in foil. Place in the oven and bake for 30-40 minutes. The kebab is ready, remove the foil.

Memorable gifts for the child's guests

An extremely important point to think about in advance. It is clear that the holiday is not for the guests, but for the birthday person - but given that your guests are children, you need to follow traditions.

That is, no one should be left without a gift. At least a tiny one. For example, packages of sweets and small toys. Or a kinder surprise and a pack of marmalades. Or a mini Lego set.

Or themed gifts: for example, magic wands for the Harry Potter team.

What are the options?

  • Hide the gifts in balloons, fill them with helium, and tie them to chairs.
  • Hide the gifts in beautiful chest boxes and place them near the plate for each guest.
  • Fill one large ball with gifts and hang it from the ceiling.
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