Which laminated chipboard is better for the kitchen: pros, cons and alternatives

Many people are interested in which chipboard is best for the kitchen. We will tell you all the pros and cons of the material, as well as what is better than chipboard or MDF for a kitchen set.

LDSP (laminated chipboard) is the cheapest material for making kitchens. Of course, those who value the durability and quality of products buy solid wood kitchens in Moscow. But if you are not chasing status and a long service life, but just want to buy inexpensive furniture, this is your option.

What is MDF?

MDF is an abbreviation for finely dispersed fraction. The material is wood dust compressed and secured with reliable glue. This is a very durable material. Thanks to the modern type of MDF processing, it is possible to give furniture different shapes - make tables in the form of an oval, round the corners of cabinets.

Painted MDF panels are quite expensive. The fact is that painting is done in several layers, and then the panels are varnished. This type of furniture is highly durable. Another plus is that the buyer can choose a set of any color that matches the decor in the kitchen. Painted cabinet walls and doors are resistant to mechanical damage and heavy soiling that occurs when cooking fatty foods.

In addition to regular and painted MDF, there are frame doors made of this material and kitchen facades covered with PVC film. PVC also increases the durability of the headset.

The advantages of furniture made from MDF include:

  • low price of furniture made from simple MDF;
  • a large selection of different colors of painted material;
  • resistance to increased humidity;
  • possibility of round and oval shapes;
  • practicality of the headset - the surface can be cleaned with a damp cloth;
  • a variety of surface treatments for facades - matte, glossy, varnished, laminated facades;
  • You can also buy a suitable tabletop from MDF;
  • Furniture made from MDF will serve its owners for a long time.

But the material also has disadvantages:

  • furniture made from painted MDF is expensive;
  • any dirt immediately ends up on the walls and doors of the kitchen unit;
  • If the doors are covered with film, they do not tolerate high room temperatures well.

About furniture assembly

The general operating procedure may look like this, although some differences are acceptable.

  • Sealing the ends with an edge, if the workshop only did cutting. It is best to use acrylic materials.
  • The guides are attached to the sides of the cabinets where the drawers are provided.
  • Installation of hinges on doors.
  • Collection of cases. The main thing is that the modules form a single line. After installation, there should be a small gap between the cabinet and the wall, up to 4 centimeters.
  • Collecting boxes for confirmations. Special holes are made at the ends of the parts, into which the products themselves are then inserted.
  • Handles are attached to the facades, then they move on to hanging the doors.
  • The cabinet is connected to the tabletop.
  • Installation of a special splint, which also helps to secure everything. Most often, the distance between the bottom of the cabinet and the floor is 140-150 centimeters.
  • Assembling the bodies of the top drawers, securing additional parts.
  • Cutting a hole for the sink and installing it.
  • Installation of wall plinth and plinth. Countertops and kitchen facades made of chipboard must be selected in advance.

Isn't it better to choose a kitchen made from chipboard?

Many buyers choose particleboard (chipboard) as a material for kitchens. LDSP is laminated chipboard. The panels are made from wood chips bonded with resins. The walls of the kitchen cabinets are varnished, and the facades are sanded and covered with wood veneer or other pleasant-looking coating. The biggest advantage of such furniture is its low cost.

The advantages of buying furniture made from chipboard include:

  • low price of furniture;
  • the ability to custom make a set in any size required by the buyer;
  • Kitchen countertops made of laminated chipboard are also available for sale in addition to the sets;
  • a large selection of shades of furniture (white, black, colored) and types of facade coating.

Unfortunately, cheap furniture has many disadvantages:

  1. This set is not suitable for rooms with high humidity and high temperatures. Since these are the disadvantages of small kitchens, it is better to choose furniture from other materials.
  2. A kitchen with laminated chipboard facades will not last too long. It is suitable for housewives who like to change the decor in their home from time to time.
  3. Laminated chipboard sets have rectangular shapes. There is no ability to make rounded corners and oval shapes.
  4. Laminated chipboard facades must be sheathed with another material, since panels made from this material are rough and unattractive in appearance.
  5. Chipboard cabinets require constant attention and frequent cleaning.

Nevertheless, the material found its consumer. It is worth buying for young families, when the husband earns little, but he has a positive outlook at work. This type of furniture is purchased by a huge number of people living in rented apartments. When moving, you can simply throw away the laminated chipboard set. The variety of LDPS headsets is shown in the photo.

Positive, negative sides

Taking into account the pros and cons makes the choice easier for future buyers. First, it's worth considering what users like:

  • Low prices. It's difficult to find a more affordable level.
  • Moisture resistance due to the addition of a special film. Proper maintenance increases the available service life by at least 10 years.
  • Processability, manufacturability. It is easy to cut out any shapes from sheets, regardless of complexity.
  • Strength. It is smaller than that of natural wood, but the indicator is enough for any load at home.

But the negative aspects should not be ignored either.

  1. Burnout of saturated colors under the sun's rays.
  2. Harmful substances in the composition.

Maybe pay attention to the plastic?

You need to understand that kitchens are not made from plastic. This material is the covering of cabinets made of laminated chipboard or MDF. The good thing about plastic is that it greatly increases the lifespan of kitchens. White kitchens made of laminated chipboard should be chosen with a plastic coating, as it is easy to clean.

Plastic-coated furniture has other advantages:

  • plastic doors, even white ones, are practical - you can simply wipe them with a wet rag or sponge;
  • the coating increases moisture resistance and resistance to high temperatures;
  • Manufacturers offer customers many different shades of plastic;
  • the color of the kitchen does not change when the furniture is exposed to the sun;
  • the coating is resistant to mechanical stress;
  • plastic headsets are inexpensive.

Countertops are purchased from the main material of the kitchen.

Plastic coating also has disadvantages:

  1. If you scratch the white door, the damage is very noticeable. Even the trace of a trickle of water is visible on the colored façade.
  2. When the facades are made of matte plastic, it is difficult to wash them without leaving streaks on the surface.
  3. When buying a cheap model with plastic, there is a possibility of the coating fading in the sun.

Making your own kitchen sets

There are several stages in this process:


  • Kitchen in light colors - overview of interiors in loft, hi-tech, minimalism and Scandinavian styles (photo + video)

  • Photo wallpaper for a children's room: rules for choosing, recommendations for combination, photo and video tips for a boy's and girl's room

  • How to choose the right washable wallpaper for the kitchen: video instructions, tips and recommendations from craftsmen and designers

  • Layout. One of the most crucial moments.
  • Sawing For such work, it is recommended to use the services of workshops. Then the quality of the finished parts is much higher, and the work is completed faster. Edging of the required fragments is also carried out if the need arises.
  • Assembly. It is advisable to perform it with at least one or two assistants. To ensure that the design of chipboard kitchens meets your needs.

How to choose the best option?

What is better for the kitchen: chipboard or MDF? What considerations should you take into account when choosing a kitchen unit for your apartment:

  1. Wallet capabilities. If money is tight, you can choose kitchens made of laminated chipboard coated with plastic. Those who do not count every penny should opt for furniture made from MDF.
  2. If there are small children in the house, you should take a closer look at the plastic coating of kitchens made from laminated chipboard, since a child can scratch or ruin the coating. The same applies to pet lovers. Young families buying furniture for a rented apartment are also suitable for this type of set.
  3. Term of use. If you are buying a kitchen for a long time, take a closer look at MDF models. Otherwise, it is better to buy a cheap kitchen made from chipboard.
  4. Design requirements. You can buy cheap furniture for a standard small kitchen in Khrushevka. In a large kitchen in a luxury apartment, it makes sense to install an expensive set with rounded corners. It will also help wealthy parents while the child is growing, so that the baby does not get hurt on sharp corners.

Cheap kitchens are also divided by design. There are classic sets and furniture in a modern style. Prices start from 6.5 thousand rubles. Manufacturers offer low-income families a huge selection of kitchen furniture. Reviews on the Internet highlight all the advantages and disadvantages of various materials for kitchen furniture. Headsets in different styles from different materials are shown in the photo.

What classes does chipboard have?

Materials for creating kitchens can be divided into the following three main classes depending on the degree of formaldehyde content:

E1. With a maximum concentration of 10 mg of chemical per 100 g of material. This is the best class for arranging the kitchen and any furniture that is used indoors. Such slabs are as safe as possible and are suitable even for children’s furniture.

E2. Up to 30 grams of resin is contained per 100 grams of shavings. Such raw materials are no longer suitable for use in premises intended for permanent residence.

Rules of care

The chipboard kitchen is good when it's new. Careless handling often leads to scuffs and swelling of the film. This can be avoided by following simple rules:

Cleaning from dust, splashes or stains must be done without using abrasives or steel wool. A slightly damp sponge soaked in detergent is the best assistant in the fight against dirt. Do not forget to wipe the surfaces after wet cleaning with a dry soft cloth or napkin.

The joints and junctions of the countertops to the walls must be closed with special corners installed with sealant.

To prevent fasteners from becoming loose, inspect them regularly and tighten them if necessary.

Stepson rules

Two weeks after planting the seedlings, pinching is carried out. During this period, the plant grows by 5-7 cm, which indicates that they are ready for this treatment. Stepping is carried out in the morning. Carefully form a bush, removing the lower leaves, ovaries in the axils and additional stems. The treatment is carried out in such a way that the bush has a maximum of two good, thick stems. It is advisable to remove all other branches.

Attention: After pinching, the plants should not be watered for one or two days.

Further, for high-quality development, it is necessary to observe the correct feeding and watering regime throughout the entire period of tomato growth. Only in this case can a rich and high-quality harvest be achieved.

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Additional tips and tricks

MDF, laminated chipboard and chipboard are materials that differ slightly from each other in characteristics. Therefore, they are easy to use to create practical and attractive kitchen groups.

Chipboard is distinguished by its ability to use various materials for finishing. Therefore, there are no restrictions when implementing design projects. The quality of processing meets all modern requirements, as do other characteristics.

Disadvantages of materials

The main disadvantage is the flammability of the materials. However, a similar drawback is present in all objects created from wood or its derivatives.

The second unpleasant moment will be the formation of cracks or chips when heavy objects fall onto the surface or careless handling of sharp objects.

We do it ourselves

If you've decided to update your kitchen, you don't have to run to the store. We offer you ideas on how to make a kitchen out of chipboard with your own hands.

The process is divided into 3 stages:

Layout. Includes measurements of area, equipment (refrigerator, stove, hood, heating boiler, radiators and pipes) and drawing up a sketch. The location of switches and sockets must be indicated on the drawing. Only after this the dimensions of work surfaces and cabinets are determined based on personal convenience.

Sawing The best option is to order it from specialists with professional tools and machines. This way, the quality of the parts will be higher, especially since many companies carry out edging.

Assembly. All you need is a couple of assistants, a drill and self-tapping screws.

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