Decorative painting of walls: choose the color and texture to match the style of the room

The living room is rightfully considered the center of the apartment and house, since it is here that family and friends gather for rest and relaxation after a working day. For a good mood, relief from nervous tension and complete distraction from everyday life, the color of the walls in the living room is selected taking into account a number of rules used by professional designers around the world.

Features of choice

A correctly selected color scheme can visually make a room larger and more spacious, fill it with light, support the overall concept, and even eliminate some of the shortcomings of the room.

Criteria for color selection

  • Features of lighting. Dim lighting can be corrected by using bright, light palettes that distribute light evenly and eliminate dark corners. If natural light enters the room in sufficient quantities or even in excess, preference should be given to cool, calm tones.
  • Design and personal preferences. First of all, the color of the living room should be liked by its owners. In addition, if a certain style concept has already been chosen in a design project, it must be adhered to.
  • Functionality requirements. The color of the finish can often act as a tool for zoning space instead of massive partitions or furniture groups.
  • Living room area. A spacious room opens up more opportunities for realizing bright ideas. Here you can create a contrasting finish, or use smooth transitions. Small living rooms require the use of light colors and neat accents that will harmonize with other interior details.

Not all walls have to be painted the same tone, but there should be balance in everything. The finishing of the floor and ceiling is pre-thought out so that all surfaces fit well together.

Advantages and disadvantages of painted walls

It seems that painted walls are the simplest finishing option. However, they have their own positive and negative features that are worth remembering. The main advantages of painted surfaces are:

  • The modern building materials market offers a huge range of paint and varnish coatings for walls, differing in quality characteristics, purpose and shades;
  • When the paint dries, it does not emit toxic chemical gases and does not harm human health in any way;
  • You can do the painting yourself;
  • It is possible to decorate painted surfaces with special patterns or using a special roller with a convex pattern.

Among the disadvantages of painted walls are:

  • Before starting work, the master must prepare the walls well;
  • The paintwork on the walls highlights differences and other imperfections;
  • If fresh painting is planned, the old layer will need to be cleaned off.

It is possible to decorate painted surfaces with special patterns or using a special roller with a convex pattern.

Influence on the choice of cardinal directions

Any palette can manifest itself differently depending on the degree of natural light. This factor depends not only on the size of the window openings and their openness, but on the side of the world from which the room is located.

  1. South. Often there is not only enough sunlight, but also in excess. In order to reduce the “temperature”, it is recommended to use moderately cool shades (white, blue, turquoise, gray).
  2. West. During the daytime peaks, the room may be too hot and light, so there should be cool shades, such as mint (closer to blue), deep blue, gray, brown.
  3. East. It is recommended to give preference to pink and brown tones, which will benefit from the sunrise and compensate for its lack in the afternoon.
  4. North. Due to the coldness and short duration of sun hours, you need to choose warm, soft shades (beige, coffee, green, yellow). They will not only add light to the room, but also visually fill it with sun.

Before choosing the color of the walls for the living room, you need to consider the location and intensity of the lighting fixtures. If they are located around the entire perimeter of the room (in the form of LEDs or built-in lamps), the tint palette can be changed depending on the desired effect.

How can you wash painted walls?

When starting to wash the walls, it is important to consider what material they are covered with. After all, a specific type of paint must have its own care:

  • Do not wash walls coated with oil-based paint with soda or soap. Small stains can be easily cleaned with a regular eraser. The entire wall is washed with water and starch no more than 2 times a year;
  • For all types of paints, you cannot use any alcohol or alcohol-containing substances;
  • You can wash the surface with water and diluted vinegar (300 ml of household vinegar per bucket of water);
  • For washable paint, mildly alkaline cleaning agents are used. Walls can only be cleaned with soft material. The same applies to water-based paints.

For washable paint, mildly alkaline cleaning agents are used.
Painted walls will always be relevant in any room and design. They can be combined with different furniture and other finishing materials. Painted walls will complement any interior and make the room even more comfortable.

Feng Shui in the color scheme of the living room

The use of Eastern teachings when choosing interior colors allows you to determine the direction of vibration and energy, which will have a positive effect on a person’s mental and physical health. The teaching is based on the basic elements: Wood, Fire, Metal, Water and Earth. In this case, the finishing should be placed on smooth, even walls so that nothing interferes with the movement of positive energy.

Characteristics of Feng Shui flowers

  • White. Symbolizes ideal, purity, light. For comfort and warmth, use in combination with another palette. An excellent solution is to add yellow tones.

  • Red. The color of passion, activity, movement. It stimulates the appetite, but can sometimes cause attacks of aggression. When combined with gold, it attracts good luck. Red doesn't go well with black. The palette is not recommended for use by people with diseases of the nervous system.
  • Orange. Combines the positive energy of yellow tones and the power of red. Conducive to a pleasant conversation in the guest room, attracts prosperity and kindness.

  • Gold. Denotes respect, honor, status. Previously, only rulers could use this color in the interior. The golden palette has a positive effect and attracts money energy.

  • Black. In fact, it is not considered a mourning color, but a magical color according to Chinese teachings. But many still equate it with negativity, so it is better to minimize the use of black or use it for accents.

  • Blue. The main association is water. The palette has a calming effect, restores harmony, relaxes and is suitable for meditation. Blue stimulates spiritual energy and intuition.

  • Green. The color of calm, peace, nature. It stimulates wealth and well-being, means life, growth, harmony with others. Pairs well with yellow and gold colors, creating the energy of success.

  • Yellow. Symbolizes positive energy, success, happiness. It attracts warmth and makes the living room cozy, evokes an optimistic mood, and attracts good luck.

  • Violet. It has mystical, magical properties. Suitable for creative people, symbolizes material well-being.

When choosing not one, but several wall colors in the living room interior, it is important that they indicate one direction to enhance energy. You should be guided not only by the above characteristics, but also by your own preferences in order to create a cozy interior.

Types of compositions that can be used in interior design

There are enough paints in stores on different bases that can be used in residential areas. There are quick-drying compositions with a glossy and matte surface, as well as decorative mixtures that, when applied in several layers, can transform the interior beyond recognition.

Manufacturers offer paints in the form of a white base, which can be tinted in any color, or ready-to-use compositions in a wide palette of shades.

Types of paints that are used:

  1. Alkyd . The coating is used on any substrate, does not deteriorate in conditions of variable and high humidity and can be used in any room.
  2. Oily . It is made on the basis of drying oil, which takes a long time to dry and emits an unpleasant odor. Rarely used for indoor use on walls, but will work great outdoors.
  3. Enamel . It is made on a varnish base, which gives a characteristic shine when dried. The composition dries quickly and when used on walls, it creates a durable coating that is not afraid of water and mechanical damage.
  4. Acrylic. Designed for walls and ceilings in dry rooms. The composition has excellent value for money. Acrylic paint lends itself well to tinting and will retain its color for the entire period of use.
  5. Latex. Used in rooms with high humidity and in the kitchen. The coating does not allow water to pass through and washes well, does not absorb dirt and odors, but is prone to fading in the sun.
  6. Water-based. The paint can be tinted well in any color, applied and creates a durable coating that can hide minor defects. Disadvantages include loss of color saturation during operation.
  7. Silicone. The composition is safe and, when applied, creates a durable film that is easy to clean and repaint if necessary. Silicone paint is compatible with most compositions on other substrates and does not require careful surface preparation.

Any of these coatings can be used in residential areas and are safe after drying. The main thing when choosing a decorative coating is to take into account the conditions of use. When painting walls in rooms with variable humidity, water-based paints are not recommended.

Optimal solutions

Gray background

A modern, popular palette that is suitable for both classic and loft, minimalism, and modern styles. For greater effect, it is complemented with geometric textures. Thanks to the variety of shades, it is suitable for rooms of different sizes.

Yellow scale

When choosing, you should pay attention only to pastel and calm shades, and not bright and flashy shades, which will negatively affect your relaxation and cause nervous tension. Sunny, warm yellow is associated with summer and comfort. In spacious rooms it can be used for all walls, in small living rooms - for interesting accents in decor, photos, etc.

Brown tones

Mainly used for classic solutions. More saturated and deeper shades are chosen for accents, coffee, chocolate, etc. for the background.

Olive shade

Well suited for Provence, Scandinavian style, country. A soft, natural, pastel shade of green is suitable for rooms of different sizes and locations. The noble tone gives coziness and comfort and goes well with other soft tones.

Light orange

Associated with rich summer colors. It is used for various interior solutions and will become the highlight of a mixed style of classic and modern. Pairs well with turquoise and gray. Looks good in dark living rooms with windows facing north. It also compensates for the lack of lighting.

Shades of beige

A popular, versatile, practical color that can be used to decorate any living room. The room will be warm and harmonious. For decoration, bright, rich colors, imitation brickwork, and textured plaster are used.

Shades of turquoise

The turquoise palette will give you a feeling of freshness, freedom, and spaciousness. The shades are presented both rich and deep, and pastel, fresh. It goes well with different color options without overloading the interior. Makes a cool palette softer and more appropriate. More suitable for spacious rooms, plays well as accents.

Natural shades of green

A natural, comfortable palette that symbolizes life. Various shades are used in the living room interior. Often gamma is used to zoning space. Pairs well with shades of gold, brown, and floral prints.

White background

Strict and restrained, but at the same time, a neutral color that can be used as a base for any style. Its color palette is wide and varied, and textured application will open up new facets of white. The palette visually expands the room, fills it with light and warmth, and eliminates dark corners.

Painting walls with a roller with a pattern

To decorate a wall with an individual repeating pattern, you will need a special roller. It can be purchased at a hardware store or made by hand using a clipper (artistic skill required). Simply dip the tool in the paint coating and run it along the wall. Make sure that the layer is sufficient, otherwise the pattern will gradually fade.

Decorating a wall with images using a double roller Source

Rollers with such attachments are sold separately.

Different attachments for the roller with a pattern Source

Selecting one wall with “honeycombs”

Honeycomb painting will help highlight the interior and make it unique. It can be done using a pre-drawn template. Many people first prepare the surface: create a pattern using adhesive tape, and then start painting. It is better to make such patterns multi-colored, alternating light with dark tones. Amber from top to bottom is allowed.

Painting walls with a honeycomb design Source

Complex geometry

Geometric shapes with many shapes are best used for one wall. Since very often mistakes are made during the continuation of patterns on partitions: the seams are deformed, the size is distorted. To organize a colorful ornament, you need to paint one by one. Draw figures and wait for them to dry. Next, apply the next part of the composition.

Geometric multi-colored pattern on the entire wall Source

Paint drips

To imitate long drops, you will need a thick syringe and paint that matches the color of the interior. Start your composition from the ceiling. Fill the syringe with paint and release it onto the wall using gentle pressure. There is no need to adhere to symmetry here. You can dilute a certain amount of smudges with a color of the opposite shade.

Imitation of paint drips in a modern interior Source

Circles in the interior

A dark background and bright multi-colored circles will add grace and contrast to the room. Usually this design is carried out in the sofa area. This makes it possible to concentrate attention on the recreation area. The design turns out interesting if the circles are designed in the form of connected rings.

Circles on a gray wall background Source

Immerse yourself in a nautical theme

Decorating a bathroom requires attention. It is not enough to simply paint the walls in a room. They can be diversified with marine life and algae. If it is not possible to make the drawing yourself, use cardboard templates. It is advisable to create sketches in the sink or bathroom area. It is also acceptable on the side wall near the toilet.

A marine theme is a good idea for painting bathroom walls Source

Characteristic stylistic palettes

  1. Contemporary. Modern style allows you to use more bright colors such as blue, turquoise, emerald, lilac, etc. A combination of several contrasting colors in one room is typical.
  2. Scandinavian. The style is characterized by the use of beige, gray and white tones, as well as shades of blue. The color should be harmonious and maintain spaciousness.
  3. Classic solutions. These directions are characterized by muted, calm colors of brown, green, and blue. Only one shade is used in the interior; patterned wallpaper is used for accents.
  4. Loft. A modern solution for decorating a living room. Mainly cold, calm tones are used for the interior. Gray and white go well with brick. For such an “industrial” idea, you can use black.
  5. Country. A rustic theme is impossible without natural shades such as brown, green, soft yellow, blue, peach, olive, etc.
  6. Provence. The base is pastel colors such as olive, beige, lavender, etc. It has a natural, restrained palette.

The palette of each style may vary depending on the functional purpose of the color, the area of ​​the room, and personal preferences. If, according to the design project, the implementation of non-standard tones is appropriate, there are no restrictions for bringing such an idea to life.

Types of color combinations

  • Contrast. This color combination is used to implement modern interiors. You can choose the most unexpected colors if you place them correctly in the room. Use options - accent wall, geometric patterns, stained glass or panel effect, etc.
  • Neutral combination. Opens up ample opportunities for the implementation of original ideas. Delicate shades are suitable for classics, for modern solutions - cooler palettes.
  • Monochromy. The use of one color scheme allows not only to visually preserve the area, but also to expand it. There are many combinations, since each color can have dozens of shades. Without overloading the interior, you can zone the space.
  • Two colors. The use of two different colors is acceptable for spacious rooms, but other solutions can be considered if both shades are light. It is important that the colors chosen are from one half of the spectrum. The transition is smooth, the gradient method is popular.

The use of several combinations is possible only if the living room area is 25 square meters or more. Then one of the zones can be decorated for relaxation in soothing colors, the other can be decorated for receiving guests, etc.

Mistakes when painting house walls

When painting walls, some difficulties and mistakes arise. Among the most common are the following:

  • Unprepared surface. Such walls cannot be painted. The coating will quickly begin to crack and crumble.
  • Painting a wall without primer. The most common mistake. As a result, the facing material does not fit well and begins to roll or collect debris.
  • The paint is not thinned correctly. It is very easy to overdo one color when mixing. The result is a defect in interior design.
  • One layer application. This option is usually not acceptable. Of course, if there is no need to create translucent styles in decoration.
  • Re-painting over a non-dried layer. Such a mistake often spoils the beauty of the chosen color or pattern. Fixing a defect is very difficult.

Neat transition of tone along the wall Source

Choosing colors for a small living room

To decorate a small living room, light, calm colors are used that will be in harmony with other interior elements. It is better to avoid patterns and prints, as they may make the room seem smaller. Decorative items and furniture are used for bright accents.

To visually enlarge the room, you need to think about a lighting scheme that will highlight the color of the walls, and also hang mirrors. If you use wallpaper or decorative plaster, they should be discreet, monochrome, without unnecessary details that could negatively affect the visualization of the space. An interesting solution could be to paint an accent wall in a different shade, if you choose the right color.

Living room furniture options

Today there are many solutions for decorating halls. And if earlier, for example, there were problems when installing a huge sofa in a small room, now new models save space.

Functional TV and sitting area

The multimedia area in the living room is one of the most important parts. Usually there is a TV with all the devices: home theater, set-top box or set-top box. They need a special place to hide unnecessary cable clutter, that is, they need a practical TV cabinet. Today's TV stands offer additional space for electronic items and devices.

Ideally, cabinets should have a row of shelves, drawers for small items and a large top shelf. The seating area is usually located a few steps ahead: a corner sofa, sofa or comfortable chair.

Modular living rooms in a modern style

Modular living rooms in a modern style also offer many interesting possibilities when choosing facades. For example, you can choose partially painted doors or interesting textures that will help enliven monochromatic compositions. For example, for a white living room, it is worth choosing a contrasting color for selected cabinets or facades with a voluminous “diamond-shaped” structure, which will be interesting for the refraction of light. Glass doors can also be a good option if they are not located next to the TV itself. These patterns can reflect light off the screen and cause an unpleasant and distracting visual effect.

Modular furniture replaces traditional living room models. The trend towards modern interior design is becoming increasingly evident. Of course, this is due to changes taking place in the furniture market, as well as to increasingly bold ideas that can be implemented when organizing the interior of an apartment.

How to decorate a living room?

Do you want your living room to be aesthetically pleasing and functional? Do you like change? Then modular furniture is a great solution. Thanks to her, the room will acquire a modern and unique style. By choosing modular systems, you can be sure that the furniture will perfectly match the dimensions of the interior. In addition, you can optically increase the space of the room. It is important that the living room, in which you spend a lot of time, is first and foremost decorated with taste.

Slide into your living room in contemporary style

Modular furniture, that is, a slide assembled from several frames, has many advantages. By choosing this type of furniture, you get comfort, functionality, fashionable minimalism or modernity. Another advantage of modular tracks over traditional furniture is that you can choose the final set because modular designs allow for many different configurations of specific elements.

Segments can be folded vertically, horizontally, drawers, shelves. Thanks to this, you have many options to organize and ensure that your stay will not be the same. This is a personality type that can be easily used to decorate the interior or change it after a while.

How to avoid mistakes?

Once you've decided to have modular furniture in your living room, it's worth knowing what to look for. When planning the placement of individual units, be sure to place items where you will store heavy items at the bottom and frequently used items at shoulder height so they are easily accessible. You should also remember that the lower furniture is not too deep and the elements do not block each other.

It is also important that the door does not touch the wall and that the drawers are not too high. After all, you should remember about functionality and practicality. It is also worth taking care of a good fit of modular furniture. As a result, you can improve the proportions of the living room and hide any imperfections, such as distortions, jumpers or niches.

Modern wall

To add versatility to the interior, you can use wall shelves on blank walls, which provide the finishing touch to the interior and provide space for further decoration.

Modern wall blocks are not only beautiful, but also functional pieces of cabinet furniture that should be in the living room!

Modern furniture sets are often kept in light colors, which gives the interior lightness and versatility. White furniture is a great base for decor!

Living room decorators are increasingly choosing a wall with an expressive, bright and bold color front with slightly shiny surfaces. This decoration is an original way to decorate the living room!

For those who like a more comfortable environment, an excellent alternative would be wall blocks made of natural painted wood, which will perfectly warm the room. Classic furniture is universal and timeless!

Chairs and tables

Well-chosen chairs and tables make any living room a luxurious place for family celebrations. Headphones are not only functional, but also a decorative addition to the interior.

Everyone wants to have a fashionable and unique vacation. Just look at the photo of modern furniture in the living room, and you can get lost in the variety of styles, the wealth of available colors or the huge selection of furniture and accessories.

The current trend in the interior is modular furniture, which makes it easier to decide on a particular style of interior decoration.

This furniture in the hall interior is easy to combine, rearrange, and buy new modules, which is important for worn-out upholstered furniture. Modern furniture is no longer what it was 10-15 years ago: today it is light, modern and functional furniture.


Storage space in the living room should not be enough. A suitable place for this is a spacious chest of drawers, which is equipped with drawers, cabinets, and display cases. This is a great place for souvenirs, family photos, bed linens, towels, tablecloths.

In addition to its aesthetic qualities, a universal chest of drawers also has great storage capabilities. Thanks to it, we will rid the living room of clutter and thereby create a functional and aesthetic space for storing things.

Cushioned furniture

The group of such models is represented by the following elements:

  • Standard sofas. They are straight and angular. Such models are used if the living room is small. The owners of the premises can choose a model of any shape, color and height.
  • Sofa bed. These models are equipped with mechanisms that allow you to make beds directly from the seats.
  • Sofas. Stool made of soft fabric with low armrests.

Also included are poufs - soft chairs without a frame.

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