Wall painting in the interior - features, design options and stylish design combination ideas

Wall painting techniques

There are a considerable number of wall painting techniques, but they are all divided into classical (or traditional) and modern. The techniques differ in the composition of the paint, the method of application, the base on which the paint is applied, and much more.

Artists include classical techniques such as sgrafitto, fresco, alsecco and encaustic. Modern ones include graffiti, 3D painting, airbrushing and others.

We combine the incongruous

A brick wall is original, impressive and fashionable. But how can you choose the rest of the design as organically as possible?

Designers advise:

  • Very often such a wall combines several shades. In this case, it is better to select furniture using the darkest and lightest colors as a basis.
  • The rigor of the design can be enlivened by a bright carpet or eye-catching accents, such as colorful pillows on the sofa.
  • Red brick color goes well with orange, yellow, and blue. This combination is especially effective in oriental ornaments.


One of the most difficult techniques. First, black primer is applied to the wall, then white, after which the artist scrapes off the top layer to obtain the design. Sgrafitto was invented in Ancient Greece, but this technique became popular only during the Renaissance.

Design tools

As has already been said, one of the most undeniable advantages of creating flowers from paper for the wall is the ease of use of tools.

In order to decorate a room in this way, you will need:

  • paper of any color;
  • glue;
  • stapler;
  • scissors;
  • threads;
  • ribbons;
  • paints.

As you may have noticed, this set of tools is very similar to the school one. Therefore, if you have children, then you can borrow them from your children and creatively decorate the room with them. So, you will take your mind off everyday problems and plunge into the world of art.

Of course, to create voluminous flowers on the wall you will need special templates. They can be purchased at any office supply store or made by yourself. The second option will allow you to show your creativity and imagination.


The name of this technique comes from the Italian language, “fresco” means “fresh”. The bottom line is that water-soluble mineral paints are applied to the still damp plaster.

The artist is required to work quickly here, since when it dries, a protective film appears and it will be almost impossible to correct an error in the drawing. During the Renaissance, this type of wall painting was popular.

Natural shade

Loft and ethnic interiors often involve brick walls in a natural shade.
Authentic, historical masonry gives the room a special charisma, allows you to play with textures and place accents. It is not worth leaving the wall completely in its original form. An untreated porous surface is more difficult to clean. Under the influence of negative factors, especially in the kitchen area, the masonry will begin to deteriorate faster. To preserve the terracotta shade, a pre-cleaned and dried surface must be coated with glossy or matte varnish. Many people use clinker oils. They will not only protect the brick from dirt, but will also give the wall a richer and richer color.


The use of this technique involves painting walls with oil paints or paints melted on wax on dry plaster. This is also the name given to the technology of drawing, which is made on canvas and then pasted on the wall.

Modern painting techniques are characterized by the use of new materials, for example, acrylic paint. Unlike oil paints, it dries quickly, and the design looks more airy and bright. Paints with a fluorescent effect are also popular; if the painting is done with them, then with the onset of darkness the image begins to glow.

No less beautiful options for wall painting are obtained by using decorative plaster. Due to this, the drawing receives additional volume and expressiveness.

Real masonry or imitation: what to choose?

In addition to using real brick, its imitation, wallpaper of suitable colors or tiles of appropriate stylization can be used.

Real brick wall

In this case, the masonry made from floor to ceiling is not subject to additional plastering or hiding under sheets of plasterboard. For a spacious room with high ceilings, one of the walls of the room can be left without additional covering.

Made from real brick

But processing must be present:

  • The masonry is cleaned of dust and solution residues.
  • They wash.
  • Grinding.
  • The joints are rubbed using putty or grout.
  • Possible varnishing or painting.

Decorate the living room to your taste

Wallpaper with print

The simplest and most financially uncomplicated way of decoration is wallpaper with a corresponding pattern. The effect of masonry can be created not on the entire wall, but only on certain areas, for example, niches or wall fragments. Wallpapering can be combined with other decorative materials:

  • decorative putty;
  • natural wood;
  • tiles.

Wallpaper with a pattern

Attention should be paid to the selection of colors and expressiveness of texture. The best effect is created by high-quality design material. Separately, it should be noted that the textured wallpaper can be painted. You can even give them the desired shade yourself.

High-quality wallpaper that imitates brick can be used in places that are inconvenient for decoration with other materials:

  • narrow niches;
  • on surfaces that have a bevel;
  • on uneven surfaces, etc.

Excellent imitation

Advice A wide field for realizing ideas is provided by photo wallpapers that combine a “brick” background with another print, for example, graffiti.

Facing brick

Facing materials are currently presented very widely. It is lighter and thinner, compared to standard brick, takes up less free space and has a low weight . This circumstance allows the use of this facing material for finishing thin walls and in cases where it is important to economically manage free space.

The material can be:

  • artificially aged;
  • matte;
  • treated with glaze.

Cladding materials are very popular

Brick-like tiles

Brick veneer has an even thinner thickness compared to facing bricks. Tiles can be of two main types:

  • clinker;
  • ceramic.

Before laying, the wall surface must be pre-leveled.

Interior design element

Independent production of cladding material

In addition to the listed options, imitation brick can be made independently. This requires molds, varnish and brick plaster. This option can be used if you need to create an unusual design using bricks of a non-standard format.


Unusual modern technique of wall painting. The main difference is the use of an airbrush rather than the usual brushes as a tool. The paint is sprayed onto the wall under the action of compressed air, which provides its advantages, such as a smoother and softer color transition, as well as uniform painting in hard-to-reach places. Airbrushing became widespread during the heyday of pop realism.

Advantages of this interior

First of all, we advise you to look at photos of flowers on the wall for the interior in order to fully understand this topic.

It's always nice to create something with your own hands. And it’s even nicer if your product fits perfectly into the design of your room.

Flowers on the wall have many benefits. These include:

  • flowers will never wither;
  • they do not need to be looked after;
  • do not cause allergies;
  • using them you can create beautiful compositions;
  • the ability to decorate a wall brightly, catchily, stylishly and beautifully;
  • festive decoration of the room;
  • no expensive special tools or other additional means are needed.

3D painting

3D painting can perhaps be called one of the most complex and non-standard modern techniques. Works performed using this technology are capable of creating the illusion of distorted space, which is often used to correct any errors in architecture.

Whitewashing brick

White brick is a primary attribute of the Scandinavian style, although in recent years it has gradually migrated to other directions. The finishing looks moderately restrained, textured and very atmospheric.

Whitewash can be quite dense or slightly transparent. In the first case, the wall is covered with interior paint in 2-3 layers, using a roller or wide brush. In the second, a solution consisting of a quarter of water is used.

DIY wall painting

Of course, in order to paint the walls with high quality, the work of professionals is necessary, but not everyone wants to spend significant sums on such decor. That is why many people are interested in the question of how to paint a wall with their own hands.

One cannot help but rejoice in the fact that you can create a beautiful drawing even in the absence of artistic talent, using stencils for painting walls. As for paint, in our time acrylic is preferable; it has a number of advantages: it dries quickly, is durable, bright, and after drying it becomes water-repellent. You can subsequently wash the wall without worrying about the safety of the design.

Now regarding the instructions for painting the walls correctly. It consists of several stages: preparing the wall, creating a sketch, outline and the actual painting. But still, the main step is choosing a pattern. At this stage, you should decide on the size and color scheme, and choose a suitable place on the wall.

It is necessary to take into account many nuances, such as the skill of the performer, and, based on this, choose the complexity of the drawing. For beginners, a simple one with a minimum of small details is suitable.

Wall preparation occupies an equally important place in the process of wall painting. It is necessary to clean it from the remnants of old paint, wallpaper and other things. Then level it using plaster so that the pattern lies more neatly, and then apply acrylic primer. If necessary, you can paint it in the background color.

The next step is to create a sketch and outline. Usually they print out an image of the desired size, stick it to the wall using pieces of tape and trace it with a soft pencil. After this, the paper is removed and the details are completed. This is also done with a soft pencil, thin lines. If something goes wrong, you can erase the flaws with a wide eraser and draw again.

Having completed the sketch, they begin to paint with paints, in this case acrylics. Since they dry quickly, they should be diluted and mixed only before applying to the wall. You can paint with both brushes and foam sponges, and you need to add paint a little at a time to avoid unwanted smudges.

One of the advantages of acrylic is that once it dries it cannot be washed off with water, so there is no need to varnish the top.

Decorative painting of walls in the house allows you to create a unique design, giving owners the opportunity to emphasize their individuality. And if you make a drawing with your own hands, you can get a lot of positive emotions both during the process and after.

Select a pattern

The drawing must correspond to the stylistic decision and color palette of the room. Particular attention is paid to its location. The perception of the entire interior depends on which wall will be the accent wall. The loft uses “smoky” paintings and graffiti on brick walls. Painting is done using airbrush technique. The romantic Provence style loves plant motifs. Bouquets of wildflowers, peonies, roses, lilies will be the best addition to the interior of the French countryside. In Art Nouveau, masterpieces of painting are often repeated, which at one time decorated ladies' boudoirs and luxurious salons in a manner characteristic of the style. Inimitable Art Deco gives preference to fine ligature and ornate patterns. The Japanese style and minimalism, which is close to it in spirit, allow for thematic painting for their native country: orchids, pagodas, sakura branches. There are practically no restrictions in the ethnic direction. If the interior imitates a bungalow in the tropics, then images of the sea and palm trees will be very useful, but for African motifs in the painting they use trees with characteristic crowns, elephants, and a “dried” landscape. In addition to style, it is worth considering the functional purpose of the room.

In the living room

In the living room, painting usually corrects imperfections. For example, for a small room it is important to use a drawing with perspective: paths, terraces or paths going into the endless distance. Painting can replace the installation of columns or pilasters, and at the same time ennoble the classic design. The fireplace is the cozy center of any room. It is not always possible to establish even its imitation, let alone the original. A painted element on the wall with realistic flames will be a wonderful interior addition.

In the bedroom

The bedroom is used exclusively for relaxation, so every piece of furniture in this room should be designed for comfort and relaxation. Natural motifs usually prevail in painting. Landscapes, panoramas of the water world, green lush grass or heads of bright flowers will help you calm down and prepare for a good sleep. As a rule, the wall above the head of the bed is painted, since in most cases it is an accent wall. In the same room, the ceilings are often decorated in a similar way. It is not recommended to resort to dark colors, which will make the room visually smaller and will put psychological pressure on the owners.

In the nursery

In children's rooms it is recommended to use fluorescent paints for painting. This “luminous” coating will create a real fairy tale in the room. For a boy, paintings with space motifs are suitable. For girls they create more delicate landscapes: castle interiors, magical landscapes. Painting is also used when zoning space. A corner for reading and studying can be decorated with a picture depicting trees of “wisdom” with books on branches and shelves. Focus on soft, calm tones. A tasteless potpourri of bright colors will not contribute to either sleep or the learning process.

In the kitchen

In the kitchen, the dining area is usually decorated with paintings. They depict items that are thematic for this room: plates, bread, sweets, cups of coffee or tea, spices. Culinary paintings consisting of various dishes and “juicy” still lifes will look organic here. In small kitchens, painting should open up the space, creating a three-dimensional illusion. Images of French terraces, neat Italian streets, and picturesque landscapes are widely used. To extend the life of the painted surface, it is not recommended to place the accent near the stove or sink. Such a neighborhood will quickly spoil the decorative surface.

Photo of wall painting

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