How to make a hammock from a hoop with your own hands: master class, photo

Schemes and drawings of a hoop hammock

The construction of a hammock chair made from a hoop and ropes is very simple, but the drawing is still important for better visualization of the design. It shows the locations for the holes needed to hang a DIY hammock.

You can draw a diagram for creating a hammock with your own hands

It also shows the size of the holes and how to measure the angles for their correct location.

The location of the zipper on the case and the size of the case are important design parameters

What tools and materials will be needed

Necessary tools and materials for creating a hammock from a hoop with your own hands, the technology of which will be presented step by step in the photo below:

  • hoop;
  • textile;
  • marker or pencil;
  • tight rope.

This kit will allow you to make a comfortable chair with your own hands in a matter of hours, especially if you have minimal skills in working with a sewing machine.

What can you use to make a hammock hoop?

If you don’t have a metal hoop, you can make it yourself. Metal-plastic pipes that have the appropriate thickness and strength are suitable for this. To make a standard product with a diameter of 110 cm, you need to take a pipe of 345 cm.

What is a hammock on hoops made from?

For those who know the macrame technique, it will be easy to tie a hammock on a hoop with your own hands. This will also allow you to not sew anything, because the base will be a metal circle, and a woven fabric with an interesting, independently chosen pattern will be stretched over it. The material can be either thick rope or polyamide cord. They are not only very durable and can withstand a lot of weight, but also look interesting and allow you to choose attractive colors.

Options for original design solutions

These interior items were most popular in the middle of the last century. A large number of different models were created using various types of materials.

Next, let's talk about what such original interior items can be made from.

The easiest way to create this unusual item is using a material related to sporting goods, such as a hula hoop.

There are several options for creating it from a hula hoop. The first also assumes the presence of a hoop, the second even involves several of them, and they can vary in size. The choice is yours.

How to make a wicker swing-hammock from a hoop with your own hands

A wicker chair will allow you to have a pleasant time at the dacha, relaxing in a secluded corner and watching nature. Step-by-step instructions will help you weave a hammock from a hoop with your own hands:

  1. First, you need to tightly tie the hoop with a cord, without leaving a single gap (tightening should be done every 20-30 windings).

  2. According to the diameter of the smaller hoop, which will be the seat, it is necessary to fasten the threads at the same distance from each other, after which you can begin weaving. The beauty of macrame is that it allows you to give free rein to your imagination, because the pattern can be anything you want, as long as you have enough strength, skills and imagination. Most often, classic checkerboard weaving is used for a hammock, which looks cozy, cute, and at the same time comfortable to sit on. And for variety, you can try the technique in two different colors to make the hammock chair even more original.

  3. At this stage, the structure is assembled. This needs to be done before weaving the back so that you can understand what size it will be. The longer the support hoses are, the deeper the hammock will be, and the more material will be needed to weave the back. To reduce the risk of slipping, it is better to saw the ends of the hoses with metal-plastic tubes slightly before fastening them. This will give the structure greater stability. The hoops are fastened by wrapping them with a strong rope.

  4. Back weave. Here you can use any pattern, but the option where both the seat and the back are made in the same tone using the same technique will look nicer.
  5. You can attach such a chair either to the ceiling or to a tree in the country. In any case, you need to ensure that the suspension mechanism is reliable, since it will have to withstand long-term loads. To do this you need to select four ropes. Two long ones will be suspended from the bottom of the structure, and two short ones from the top. To mount it yourself on the ceiling, you can use a hook. First you need to make a hole and secure the device with durable polymers. And only after it has completely cooled down (after two days) can you try to hook up the chair.

    Important! After finishing the weaving, you can create a fringe with your own hands. This will give the structure more comfort and make it even more attractive in appearance.

How to sew a hammock chair from a hoop (step by step, instructions)

For those who have not mastered the weaving technique, use a master class for a hammock on a hoop with your own hands. Step-by-step manufacturing instructions are as follows:

  1. It is necessary to place the hoop in the middle of the fabric, then measure an additional 25 cm from it so that the diameter becomes 50 cm larger, and mark the resulting circle with a marker. As a result, after cutting the fabric according to the markings, you should get two identical fabric figures.

  2. According to the diagram, it is necessary to sew a zipper into one of the parts. Its approximate location is in the center for convenience.

  3. At this stage, both parts must be turned right sides to each other and sewn together with a machine seam. After this, turn the fabric inside out and make four holes for ropes in it, according to the diagram. Their edges can be trimmed with braid.

  4. The resulting cover remains to be put on the frame (hoop) and suspended with the help of four ropes: two of 220 cm and two of 280 cm. They need to be folded in half, then threaded through the holes with the hoop and tied in a knot.

  5. The last step is hanging the hammock.
    Important! To make relaxing on a hammock much more enjoyable, you can throw pillows on it, also made by yourself.

Manufacturing master class

To make a beautiful and original swing, follow these steps:

1. The prepared hoop is placed in the center of the prepared fabric. You will need to draw a sketch with a dotted line, leaving a margin of 25-30 centimeters. The model should not be too deep, as it will be difficult to get up from such a swing.

2. Excess fabric is trimmed using scissors. We do the same with the 2nd piece of fabric material.

3. You will need to insert a zipper into the first section, and use scissors to make a cut in the center of the fabric material.

4. The two resulting segments should be laid face to face and sewn with a sewing machine. It is important that the zipper is open while sewing.

5. The made cover is turned inside out, and 4 holes are made along the edges of the hoop according to the diagram. You will need to insert a rope into them.

6. The edges of the resulting holes are machined using trouser braid. Thanks to such manipulations, the material will not fray, which will add maximum decorativeness to the product.

You need to sheathe the hoop using padding polyester filler. Instead, foam rubber or fabric pieces are used. How the hoop will be wrapped with filler depends only on your wishes. The main condition is to securely grab it with a thread to prevent the material from unfolding.

The final step is to put the cover on the made frame.

Note! To sheathe the hoop, synthetic and nylon threads are used. It is better to do the lining several times, using small stitches.

How to make a hammock from two hoops

Hammock chairs can be made from a variety of materials: these can be rattan hoops, metal or metal-plastic tubes. The main thing is that they can withstand the weight of the person who will sit on it. For convenience, you can cover the structure with padding polyester with your own hands, so it will become softer. Step-by-step instructions on how to make a hanging hammock from hoops:

  1. You need to take two hoops, one of which should be smaller, since it is used for sitting, and attach them to each other, wrapping them tightly at one end.

  2. Attach the hoops to each other from the back using support hoses. They need to be made strong so that you can safely lean on them.
  3. At this stage the frame is sewn. To do this, you need to take two 1.5 m squares and fold them four times (each separately). Next, you need to outline equal circles in each square and cut them out. Then step back 4 cm from the edges and outline the inner contour. After this, you need to mark the holes for the slings, for which the circle is folded in four and smoothed, so that the folds become guidelines. The first pair of slings is at an angle of 450° relative to the bend, the second – 300°. After marking, the circles need to be laid out. Next, you need to make slits according to the intended template (it is advisable to make them the same on both circles; for this you can connect the fabric with pins). The petals need to be folded inside out and the edges glued with non-woven material, only then can the slot be completely finished.

  4. The next step is to insert the structure into the cover and sew it up. To add softness, you can put some filler inside like padding polyester or batting. It is advisable to insert a zipper and make the cover removable so that you can wash it when it gets dirty.

  5. The most important stage is hanging the structure. It is advisable to choose a strong branch for this that will not fall under the weight of a person. In addition, you need to take into account dynamic loads due to the swinging of the hammock. The ideal option is to make the support yourself; to do this, you can dig a metal pole and concrete it for reliable fixation.

Brief summary

In the middle of the last century, hanging interior items were popular. There were a large number of options for this design item.

Today they are used as an excellent design solution. The variety of seating options gives you the opportunity to choose your own option.

It is also worth noting that you can create it yourself using durable materials. The question of what a hanging chair can be made from is not so relevant.

They can be made from various materials. We looked at some options for creating chairs in this article.

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