Why do you need curtains in the kitchen?
Retail outlets will offer you many options for curtains for kitchens with balcony doors. But the question arises: are they needed in the kitchen at all? You are not sleeping here and there is no need to shade the room. Don't watch TV in the kitchen, and glare on the screen won't bother you.
Curious strangers will not look into the room, since the windows are securely hidden by balcony glazing. Maybe you shouldn’t hang curtains at all to make it lighter, and they won’t become smoky and saturated with kitchen odors?
Of course, if you have a recent renovation, the balcony door and window look modern and are not scratched or stained yet, and the heating radiators are hidden in a niche, then you can do without curtains.
But in most cases the situation is completely opposite, and curtains will help hide all the flaws:
- smeared unsightly double-glazed window;
- ugly plastic window sill;
- protruding heating radiator with external piping; cluttered balcony.
In this case, you should consider purchasing curtains to make your kitchen cozier and more attractive.
What is needed for redevelopment?
Sign a whole bunch of documents at the BTI and architectural bureau. Also obtain permission from the fire department.
You must also initiate a general meeting of all residents of the house and take signatures from them agreeing with your initiative.
Of course, for all this you must have a ready-made redevelopment plan in hand.
Expert opinion
founder of the interior studio, architect and interior designer. The main area of work is kitchen design
With a load-bearing wall, you can remove the windows and door, but the base cannot be touched. Take this into account when developing your project.
You can draw up a redevelopment project yourself. This will require some preparation: you need to take into account many nuances, and for this you need to familiarize yourself with GOST and its provisions.
Many owners resort to the help of special companies. They undertake the organization of turnkey redevelopment. Depending on the fee, the services also include the collection of all necessary documents and permits from KGIOP and BTI. This is convenient if you need to save time. But it is fraught with large repair costs: you will have to write another line in the budget.
Does it make sense to hang tulle in the kitchen?
It is advisable to buy curtains complete with tulle. It is not necessary to cover the entire window, preventing the doors to the balcony from opening. But an accent of transparent fabric on the cornice is a must.
The advantages of tulle are obvious:
- covers ugly plastic;
- does not interfere with the access of light;
- visually enlarges the kitchen.
Ideally, thick curtains or light curtains should be at the edges, and airy tulle in the middle.
The main rule of choice is that the center should be lighter and thinner than the sides. If there is no need to close the curtains in the kitchen at night, they can be made static by hanging two strips on the sides.
Which design to choose
When choosing a curtain design for a kitchen with a balcony door, do not opt for dark shades. There is already limited light coming through the balcony, so it is better to lighten this part of the kitchen rather than darken it. Among the new curtains for 2022, you can choose light shades of transparent or translucent texture.
Pay due attention to the design, because you will have to constantly open and close the balcony door, which means there must be free access to it.
Avoid thick curtains for half the window. This will block access to the sun's rays into the room, and from constant movement along the eaves, such curtains will quickly lose their attractiveness. High humidity, soot and splashes will quickly damage them. At the same time, dense fabric usually tends to absorb odors.
The radiator under the window must be covered with a curtain, so the fabric should not shrink from exposure to high temperatures.
You will have to wash curtains in the kitchen more often than in other rooms, so the fabric should be durable, not fade, and dry quickly. For the same reason, it is better to avoid lace and ruffles. If the kitchen is small, then lambrequins will look out of place.
Pros and cons of merger
If the kitchen is combined with a balcony, then someone is extracting obvious dividends from this. People can be understood, because this allows:
- significantly expand the usable area and use it correctly;
- distribute all functional areas;
- avoiding templates to decorate the interior beautifully;
- provide access to sunlight into the room.
- the need for documentary approval of redevelopment;
- high repair costs;
- if the balcony is very small, then after insulation the increase in usable area will be insignificant.
Types of curtains for the kitchen
Designers offer all kinds of curtain ideas for the kitchen, each of which has its own pros and cons.
Classic curtains
They will look good in a traditional interior and will never go out of style. With their help you can easily close the battery under the window. But you need to choose durable fabrics, since constantly opening and closing the curtains to get to the balcony will quickly lead to wear and tear. In addition, classics are not suitable for cramped small kitchens.
Roman curtains
Replace blinds and drapes at the same time. A thick strip of fabric is attached to the cornice, and if necessary, it can be raised by folding it. Hang Roman blinds separately on the window and on the balcony doors. For windows facing south, thicker material is suitable. For northerners, it is better to choose polyester interspersed with viscose or cotton.
Roller blinds
They can also be hung separately on windows and balconies. Classic curtains consist of a smooth fabric folded into horizontal folds. Will decorate any interior.
Cascading is a drapery with folds. Suitable for country or Provence styles.
Thread curtains are ideal for a small kitchen. They visually elongate the height of the room. They are easy to care for. You can change the position of the muslin from time to time, holding it on one side with a grip, or grabbing it from both sides of the balcony opening. Or you can leave it in a free position.
The choice of colors is huge, so you can choose a product for any interior. Products with a smooth transition of colors look nice.
Curtains with lambrequins
Suitable for spacious kitchens with a classic renovation. Folds and ruffles make the decor more luxurious. With minimalism and high-tech, lambrequins will have to be abandoned.
Curtains with eyelets
They will look great in the kitchen. Eyelets sewn to the fabric and placed directly on the cornice will make the folds on the fabric perfectly uniform and will not interfere with the opening of the balcony doors. These curtains can be gathered at the sides.
A modern interior cannot do without blinds. They do not take up much space, can protect the room from the scorching rays of the sun, will last a long time, and do not require careful maintenance. You can choose blinds:
- plastic;
- bamboo;
- wooden;
- fabric.
Please order according to the size of the window and balcony door. If desired, you can decorate them with photo printing.
How to hang - on one or two sides
Having looked at the photo of curtains for a kitchen with a balcony door on the Internet, you will notice that the location of the window with a balcony is almost always asymmetrical. Therefore, you can hang curtains on one side or on both sides - whichever is more convenient for you. All the same, you will not achieve symmetry, even if the balcony door is located not on the side, but in the center of the kitchen. When choosing the location of curtains, also take into account the arrangement of furniture.
Suitable fabric for curtains
When you decide to buy accessories for your balcony door, you should choose not only fashionable curtains, but also practical ones. The fabric for curtain design should be wear-resistant, not too massive, and fire-resistant.
If you choose cotton or crocheted curtains, after several washes they will lose their original attractiveness and will have to be replaced. Velvet curtains tend to absorb odors and moisture, and drying them after washing is problematic. Ruffles and frills will quickly wear out and darken, losing their original beauty.
It is more advisable to choose synthetic fabrics - they are easy to wash and do not need to be ironed. After washing, it is enough to immediately hang it on the ledge to dry. They have only one drawback - air flows poorly.
Don't ignore semi-synthetic fabrics. Such curtains will be environmentally friendly and at the same time will last you a long time.
Which cornice is preferable?
Since the balcony door in the kitchen is constantly in use, you should choose a strong and durable cornice that can withstand all the loads. Don't even consider string mounts.
It’s better to look at plastic or wooden curtain rods with large rings. They meet all the requirements.
With a complex design, you can use a two-level design, when part of the cornice is located above the window, and the other at some distance above the door. If space allows, the cornice can be attached diagonally to make it easier to move the curtains and go out onto the balcony.
Redevelopment options
In fact, there are only two of them. The choice is determined by the type of partition between the zones. It can be ordinary or load-bearing.
Full union
If the partition is safely removed without consequences, you will get the maximum amount of usable space when combined. Accordingly, you can take the dining table, furniture, and even household appliances onto the balcony.
The partition is removed completely or partially. Then a small decorative arch is formed on top.
This option is suitable for studio apartments, where any boundaries between rooms are bad manners that you just can’t put up with.
Partial transfer
In cases where it was not possible to coordinate a complete transfer with the removal of the structure, arrange a partial one. With it, the window and door are dismantled, and the partition is successfully adapted to the bar counter. Or a countertop.
It turns out to be a nice option with a clear division of the kitchen space into a cooking area and a dining area.
The refrigerator is placed on the balcony - this is convenient, so it is often noticeable in interiors.
How to hang curtains
Recently, it has become fashionable not to bring the ceiling to the wall, leaving a niche in which the cornice is subsequently mounted directly to the ceiling, invisible to prying eyes. If a plasterboard ceiling is not included in the kitchen design, you can hide the curtain fastenings behind a baguette cornice.
On a wall-mounted round cornice, curtains with eyelets look good when placed directly on the cornice. But curtains with curtain tape, which is attached from the inside out, and then hooks are inserted into it, look more beautiful.
To make it easier to walk onto the balcony, it is advisable to cut the tulle into two parts and secure the curtains with garters or tiebacks below the middle of the product. Curtains in the form of a narrow strip along the length of the window can be chosen exclusively for the Provence style.
Ideas in different styles
When choosing curtains, pay special attention to the style direction of the room.
- Provence. Simple striped, checkered curtains or curtains with delicate and unobtrusive flower patterns will become the main decoration of a Provence-style kitchen.
- Classic. Long classic curtains in discreet shades that will harmonize with the walls and antique furniture are suitable here.
- Modern. Strict blinds, roller blinds or laconic monochromatic curtain options in a modern style will look especially appropriate. Clear lines and rectangular shapes will help unload the room and make it interesting and stylish.
- Country. Bright curtains with large or small prints, decorated with ruffles or frills, look great here. The main thing in this style is not to overdo it with excessive pomp.
The photo shows yellow curtains in the interior of a modern kitchen.
How to choose curtains correctly
You should start choosing stylish curtains with color. The fabric should be combined with other interior elements so as not to look foreign. If you don’t want to focus on textiles, but select curtains solely to hide the balcony door, then choose shades of beige or gray.
If you need to draw attention to the curtains, then choose desaturated colors with white and gray dilutions - this is the most current design today. The combination of white and black colors is fashionable, but slightly hurts the eye.
If the color of the kitchen furniture and upholstery is green, blue, brown, then choose appropriately diluted shades for the fabric - turquoise, olive, dirty blue, cocoa.
Thicker curtains look more expensive, but this does not always fit into the style of the interior, so instead of beauty you can get tackiness.
Usually everyone prefers white tulle. But it will look good only in combination with gray curtains. In all other cases, it is better to match the color of the curtains to several shades lighter.
Handle patterns and designs very carefully so as not to cross the fine line from stylish to bad taste.
Choosing curtains for a kitchen with a balcony is not an easy task, but it can be solved. The main thing is to take into account all the nuances and not go beyond the general style of kitchen decoration.
The technical side of the question: to demolish the balcony block or not?
To obtain permission to demolish a balcony block (part of a load-bearing wall) and expand the kitchen, you will have to spend a lot of time and effort.
Officially, such work is called “redevelopment” - changing the configuration of a living space” (LC RF Art. 25, Part 2).
This requires mandatory approval, a positive result of which will be obtained if the following conditions are met:
- A loggia is attached, not a balcony.
- The house belongs to a new building; it is possible to obtain a technical opinion for redevelopment from the author of the project.
- On your side are neighbors and a competent lawyer specializing in obtaining approvals.
In white and gray Source dekormyhome.ru/
Modern white and gray kitchen Source www.mrdoors.ru
In apartments belonging to the old foundation, built several decades ago, everything is more complicated. Most often, the authors of projects are the successors of Soviet design institutes, the ends of which can be difficult to find.
In case of unauthorized dismantling of a window unit, no legal problems arise, no penalties are imposed - this is not yet practiced in Russia. In the event of the collapse of a wall, balcony or loggia, weakened by illegal redevelopment, the owner of the premises is found guilty, and not the administration or the HOA, which is to their advantage.
Kitchen-living room with access to the balcony Source cozyblog.ru
Design of a combined kitchen with access to a balcony Source www.gd-home.com
At the legislative level, each region dictates its own rules. For example, in Moscow there is Resolution No. 508-PP dated October 25, 2011, prohibiting:
- Combining loggias and balconies with interior spaces.
- Transfer of heating radiators connected to the general house system to balconies and loggias.
The conclusion suggests itself: all Moscow apartments with a kitchen combined with a loggia or balcony are illegal. The only thing that is allowed is renovation while maintaining the functionality of the premises, that is, the kitchen remains a kitchen, and is separated from the balcony by a door and a window.
Beautiful white set Source www.kuxni.net Chalk board on the wall Source modernplace.ru
Photo of curtains for the kitchen with a balcony door
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