Rattan furniture in apartment interiors: 20 best solutions

We are already accustomed to seeing wicker furniture in country or country interiors, on the open terraces of cafes and restaurants, as well as on the balconies of apartments. However, in recent years, wicker furniture made from artificial rattan can increasingly be found in urban interiors. We show how great wicker furniture can look in an apartment interior and how it perfectly complements urban living rooms, bedrooms, kitchens and bathrooms.

What interiors are wicker furniture suitable for?

Traditionally, wicker rattan furniture in the apartment was used by designers to create colonial, rustic and eco-styles

. If you are a fan of one of these trends in interior design, then wicker furniture is the ideal option for you! With its help, you can completely decorate your apartment: from the hallway and bathroom to the living room, bedroom and kitchen.

However, such furniture will also be useful when creating other interior styles! Wicker pieces of furniture will add lightness to strict classic living rooms or complete a Scandinavian interior. Laconic furniture of regular geometric shapes will diversify minimalist interiors, and modern design elements will add zest to high-tech living rooms and bedrooms. Well, with the help of bright and colored wicker furniture you can create an interesting eclectic interior.

Especially wicker furniture has become relevant recently, when there is a trend towards environmental friendliness.

and harmony with nature. After all, artificial rattan replicates natural weaving materials in appearance. At the same time, it is excellent for use in apartments with dry air and a large number of heating devices. Moreover, hand-woven furniture will add status to any urban interior.


Wicker furniture has many advantages. Among which is the fact that it is made of environmentally friendly material, which allows it to be installed in the bedroom and in the children's room.

Wicker products do not require special care, are not subject to deformation, do not darken and can be used for a long time.

Such furniture is moisture resistant and easily tolerates temperature changes, which allows it to be used outdoors. However, wicker furniture in the room must be supplemented with decor made from wicker products, for example, baskets and flowerpots made from the same materials.

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Meanwhile, wicker furnishings go well with wood furniture.

For example, a kitchen table made of natural wood, and next to it you can put elegant stools made of wicker. Wicker furniture combines harmoniously with textiles.

Wicker furniture for living room and bedroom

Do you want to quickly and easily diversify your living room? Then add a wicker chair that matches the color and style to your interior. For classic living rooms, this could be an armchair with openwork weaving, curved legs and a rounded back, complemented by decorative pillows in delicate colors. In addition, a traditional rocking chair or a classic daybed would be a great option for the living room.

For minimalist interiors, armchairs in dark wood shades and strict shapes are suitable. Well, hanging chairs, popular in the West, will help diversify the modern interior. They were invented back in the 1950s in Scandinavian countries and quickly gained popularity throughout the world. In addition, a rattan hanging chair in an apartment is not only a stylish piece of furniture, but also an excellent place for relaxation and privacy.

Another integral part of the living room or bedroom are small coffee, tea or bedside tables. In the case of wicker furniture, you again have a huge selection of colors, shapes and textures. In addition to classic coffee tables made of artificial rattan with a glass top, you can put, for example, a wicker chest in the living room. Such a chest will combine a convenient table and storage space, which is especially important for small apartments.


Of course, the design of wicker furniture is varied, but there is a tendency to use colored coverings for this type of furnishings. So, wicker furniture in white colors will harmoniously fit into a country estate.

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As for massive furniture, which includes a bed or living room furniture, you should leave them in natural colors.

Also, in small apartments it is better to limit yourself to wickerwork in natural colors, otherwise it will overload an already small room.

Artificial rattan furniture for the kitchen

As a rule, we spend no less time in the kitchen than in the living room: preparing food, getting together with the whole family for dinner and drinking tea with friends. Therefore, I want the kitchen to become the most comfortable part of the apartment. At the same time, it is important that the kitchen furniture is unpretentious in use. Artificial rattan furniture can handle this perfectly!

Sets of wicker chairs and dining chairs will fit perfectly into any kitchen interior. Due to their texture and natural wood shades, they create coziness and add lightness to the interior. In addition, artificial rattan perfectly withstands exposure to water and excessive moisture, and does not stain from grease, food or drinks. Well, if you also complement the chairs and dining chairs with furniture cushions, then you definitely won’t want to leave such a kitchen!

Another great solution for the kitchen or pantry is wicker chests of drawers. Such chests of drawers are not only roomy and light, but also provide good natural ventilation inside them. Therefore, they perfectly store cereals, spices and flour products. This is especially true for cold storerooms or rooms with high humidity.

Natural rattan: what is it?

The features of any furniture products are determined by the material from which they are made. The production of wicker furniture is no exception. What is rattan? Why did you choose it for the manufacture of wicker furniture?

Natural rattan is a vine from trees of the palm family.

Rattan is an exotic vine of the palm family. It is found in Asia, Australia and Africa. However, among the numerous 330 species of this plant, only a few of them can be used for furniture production, mainly those that grow in Southeast Asia. This choice is due to a number of characteristics that are unique to this material.

The main advantage of rattan is the incredible length of its branches. On average, this value is 200-300 m, but there are also record holders - up to 350 m. This is why it became possible to weave furniture and various products from rattan: the material allows elements to be made without joints or to minimize their number.

Important characteristics of rattan are the same thickness of the stem along the entire length of the vine and the complete absence of knots and shoots. These properties allow you to fully use the length of the vine without waste. The maximum trunk diameter is up to 7 cm; young palm stems are thinner.

The length of rattan branches can reach 350 m, thanks to which furniture can be woven from it almost without joints

One of the advantages of rattan is its strength, which is due to the structure of the tree. The cut of the branch is not hollow inside; it is divided into several layers: bark, porous part and hard core. It is the core that provides the material with excellent resistance to heavy loads. For openwork weaving of furniture, use only it, clearing the stem of all top layers.

This is interesting! Some furniture designs made from natural rattan can withstand a load of 500 kg, and local residents use this raw material in the construction of houses and suspension bridges.

Strength classes and coloring of natural rattan

The smaller the porous part of the vine stem, the stronger the rattan and products made from it. It is customary to divide rattan wood into three strength classes:

Most often, rattan is painted in natural light brown shades or left white.

  • class A - the highest, has a premium variety: the rattan trunk is ideal, i.e., without stains, scuffs and other cosmetic defects;
  • class B is an intermediate option, products made from it are more affordable in price;
  • class C is the lowest limit for rattan furniture, used in products that are not subject to heavy loads.

The strength class affects the cost of rattan furniture. The price of products with exactly the same design may differ by 2-2.5 times if materials of different strength classes were used in production.

Wicker furniture uses raw materials that can be bent at different angles. The stem of a vine in its natural form is not very plastic. To give it the necessary properties, rattan is treated with steam and only after that the production of products begins.

Natural rattan comes in 3 strength classes: A – the highest, B – average and C – low

A rattan trunk ready for production is white, but it can be painted in one of four natural shades:

  • honey;
  • cognac;
  • coffee;
  • olive.

If the surface of the raw material is ideal, the natural color is usually left. Very rarely, vines are painted in colors such as red or black. Manufacturers try to preserve and emphasize the beauty and warmth of natural material, but for some design solutions, shade options are possible.

Wicker furniture in the bathroom, hallway and balcony


- this is actually the face of your apartment. After all, she is the first thing that all arriving guests see. Therefore, hallway furniture should not only be comfortable, roomy and functional, but also presentable. Wicker chests, poufs and banquettes will ideally cope with this task. In addition, artificial rattan is not afraid of wet clothes, shoes and umbrellas!


- an important part of the apartment. However, as a rule, it does not have a large area. Therefore, bathroom furniture should be spacious and not bulky, as well as moisture and water resistant. In this case, artificial rattan racks will help you. They will not only withstand exposure to moisture, but will also not become covered with fungus or mold. In addition, wicker furniture is well ventilated, so you don’t have to worry about the things stored in the racks.


- another small part of the apartment that is subject to more aggressive environmental influences. And the point here is not only high humidity, but also excessive exposure to sunlight. Therefore, you can’t think of a better option for decorating a balcony or loggia than wicker furniture made from artificial rattan! It does not fade under the sun, is not afraid of cold, heat and excessive moisture. We talked in more detail about options for decorating balconies using wicker furniture in a separate article.


Ekaterina says: 03/29/2013 at 8:10 pm Do you think it would be appropriate to put wicker chairs by the fireplace if the room also has a sofa for watching TV, but it stands away from the fireplace, and the wall with the fireplace is decorated with stone ?

ticca says: 04/21/2013 at 5:21 am Of course, it’s appropriate. Depends, of course, on the overall decor of the room, but in general, unless your room is glamorous and shiny and ultra-modern and cool, then wicker chairs will almost certainly do the job.

Expert advice

  • Check the quality of the rods in advance. The easiest way is to wrap it around your finger; it doesn’t break, which means it’s of high quality;
  • Do not use material with branches;
  • The inside of the rod has no color. If dark or brown, do not apply;
  • Don't make straight cuts;
  • For the foundation, take thick twigs that were prepared in winter, and for decoration, branches from the spring;
  • Prepare the material carefully: clear leaves, get rid of bark, sort by size and purpose;
  • If you don’t want to tinker with blanks, buy a ready-made one in the store. But don't forget to check the quality.

Variety of materials and models

Another reason why wicker furniture is almost always appropriate in interior design is that the market offers a wide range of items made from:

  • and you;
  • bamboo;
  • reed;
  • hazel;
  • rattan;
  • water hyacinth;
  • sisali.

A soft set with a wicker frame.
Not only the usual rocking chairs, country chaise lounges and interior accessories can be created from thin twigs and wood fiber. Modern technologies, which are based on many years of experience of handicraftsmen, allow us to weave any pieces of furniture used in the interior from natural materials:

  • stools;
  • chairs;
  • armchairs;
  • rocking chairs;
  • sofas and beds;
  • ottomans;
  • coffee tables;
  • coffee tables;
  • dining tables;
  • decorative shelves;
  • cabinets;
  • vases and baskets;
  • flower pots and flowerpots;
  • screens and mobile partitions;
  • facades for cabinet furniture;
  • mirror frames;
  • shades for chandeliers and lamps.

You can use both single pieces of furniture and sets in the interior. Just like decorating a room with a variety of accent wicker items.


Rattan has become a fairly popular material for furniture production. It is actively used both as a base material and in combination with glass, metal, and plastic to create original interior items of different styles.

Today, you can choose original wicker furniture made from rattan for your home. Among them there are such types as:

  • lunch groups;
  • chests of drawers for storing clothes and shoes;
  • comfortable sofas;
  • chests for storing small accessories;
  • bedroom sets;
  • dressing tables;
  • bedside tables;
  • coffee tables;
  • living rooms.

All these wicker interior items are distinguished by their original aesthetics, naturalness, environmental friendliness, and high resistance to negative environmental factors. In other words, they have a huge number of positive qualities, so they are relevant in a city apartment, in a country cottage and on a summer cottage, and therefore are worth the attention of buyers.

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