Modern style bedroom for a teenager: 100 photos

Parents often do not notice the moment when their child turns from a cute child into a teenager. Despite the fact that he is still a child for his parents, the teenager is still not the cute “why” that he was before. This is a difficult, turning point when a child grows up and develops new interests. A child's room, decorated accordingly, is no longer suitable for him. You need to make repairs, change furniture, add other interior items.

Teenager's room: how to choose an interior design

During puberty, a child's hobbies and interests change. A child may immerse himself in his studies, others go in for sports, others are fans of some musical groups, TV series, films, actors.

Interests can be very different. Surely, every teenager has something that interests him. And when decorating his room, you should take this into account, develop a design project in this theme, or add individual elements to it.

It is better to coordinate the design of the future room with its owner, so that later there will be no screams, scandals and hysterics, but they can happen, after all, these are teenagers. Much depends on financial capabilities. Not everyone can afford the services of a professional designer. If such an opportunity exists, it is better to take advantage of it. Let him talk to the child, take into account all his wishes, and develop a project in accordance with them. If it is not possible to invite a designer, you can look for interesting ideas and tips on the Internet together with your child.

Room options for a teenage girl:

Why not involve the child himself and make repairs together with him. Hard work that requires special skills should be entrusted to professionals, and everything else can be handled independently.

The interior design should correspond to the gender and age of the child. Parents should take into account the fact that after the repairs are completed, time will also fly by quickly for them, and their child will turn into an adult girl or boy. It is not always possible to make new renovations in the room during this period. Therefore, renovations in a teenage room need to be done in such a way that you can then rearrange something, repaint it quickly and adapt the interior for an older audience. After all, friends, girlfriends, etc. will come to them.

Room options for a teenage boy:


Child's age

The age of the child is the main factor influencing the choice of children's wall.

A preschooler's play space should be equipped so that the child can independently get and put away his toys or clothes. A table for creativity needs an appropriate height.

A small child does not need a large closet, but a wall with a bed would be an excellent option.

A children's area complemented by a wall bars or stairs will contribute to the physical development of the child.

But for a schoolchild, a wall with a desk is perfect, because the child will need a place to complete schoolwork and work on the computer. The table should be as comfortable as possible, since the child will spend a lot of time at it.

Ideas and layout for a teenager's room

Adolescence is the line between childhood and adulthood, so the interior style is mixed. Often rooms are decorated in a simple style with the addition of some fun, childish elements. It’s possible to make something incredible and interesting out of an ordinary room.

You can make partitions from plasterboard structures to divide the room into separate zones. And all this is inexpensive.

Room for a teenager with plasterboard partitions

For girls, the room can be styled like a princess room by adding a lot of pink. Although, not everyone likes it. It all depends on the girl and her interests.

Boys prefer strict classics with the use of some unusual materials and decorative elements. You can get ideas from the Internet, or come up with something of your own. You can, for example, paint an old bicycle and hang it on the wall as decoration, order a huge rack and store collectible cars, superhero figurines, or books on the shelves. There are many options.

If a teenager is a fan of something, you can decorate the interior of his room in this theme. It could be fantasy, music, travel, pirate themes, superheroes, something related to sports, etc.

If the room is small, the bed can be ordered with drawers to store things there.

Special attention should be paid to furniture and other interior items. You can try and find something interesting and exclusive. If it’s expensive in stores, there are online message boards and flea markets. There are many budget manufacturers offering inexpensive but high-quality furniture and other household goods.

Read also: room design for a boy: ideas, furniture, ceilings, wallpaper.

Clothes hangers on wheels: all types and DIY creation in our article.

How to make a dressing room with your own hands at home:

Choosing a color scheme for a teenage bedroom

What color to decorate teenage bedrooms is a question that worries most parents. The times when an exclusively pink palette was chosen for girls, and blue or green for boys, are long gone. Fashion dictates its own rules.

The color scheme for the interior of the room should suit the tastes and mood of the teenager

First of all, you need to focus on the child’s tastes. You should not insist exclusively on practical colors (beige, gray). But you shouldn’t go to extremes either, choosing only acidic shades. It is necessary to find a compromise in the form of combinations of several backgrounds.

Moderate use of contrasting accents is appropriate in the interior of a teenage room.

For example, wallpaper with bright geometric shapes or photo wallpaper with a corresponding theme will help you get away from monotony. Forest landscapes and floral motifs look great in a country-style room, and images of famous athletes will fit perfectly into an American-style interior.

Room areas and furniture for girls and boys

Regardless of whether it is a boy or a girl, his room must have a working and sleeping area . If the room is small, install special furniture where the sleeping area is located on the upper level and there is a table below. It's like a bunk bed, but at the bottom there is a table instead of a bed. This table will be the working one.

Instead of buying a PC, for which you will need to allocate a separate space, if space is limited, you can use a laptop. During this period, teenage girls begin to pay attention to their appearance, put on makeup and do their hair. Therefore, they will need a dressing table and a mirror where they will store their beauty products, jewelry, perfume, etc. They will also need a closet for clothes, which become more common during adolescence.

As for the boys, they would not refuse a recreation area that can be combined with a play area. We are talking about a sofa and a TV and a game console connected to it. If the area of ​​the room allows, you can also add a sofa. Not all parents agree to such a zone, being confident that the child will not do homework or study. In this case, it is really better to abandon such an idea.

Boys love shelving very much. This is a universal piece of furniture where each of them can store their things:

  • books
  • awards
  • toys
  • souvenirs, etc.


The material from which the children's wall is made is also important. Preference should be given to environmentally friendly natural materials, but in any case they must be of high quality and safe for the health of children. When purchasing, do not hesitate to ask for a product quality certificate.

All fittings must be checked upon purchase; poor quality of hinges and handles can lead to frequent breakdowns.

Children's furniture is made from various materials to suit every taste and budget. Preference is often given to natural wood; if you have a modest budget, you can opt for pine, it is environmentally friendly and has a low price.

However, it is worth considering that children can scratch wooden surfaces without much effort. To ensure that the furniture retains its attractive appearance for as long as possible, it is recommended to choose walls made of MDF. Its surface has a protective coating that is resistant to mechanical damage and wet cleaning.

But popular furniture made from chipboard is not suitable for children, since the material emits volatile substances that are unsafe for children.

How to choose wallpaper for a teenager's room?

Nowadays it is fashionable to decorate each wall differently, rather than covering everything with the same types of wallpaper. Although, here, too, it all depends on the child’s personal preferences and the intended interior. If this is a classic style, then it is better to cover all the walls with the same wallpaper.

However, boys, for example, love wallpaper that imitates brickwork. Above the bed on the wall they can put some kind of decorative sticker with a picture of something they like. It could be a world map, a motorcycle, an image of a tiger, a lion or something else.

You need to use only environmentally friendly and high-quality finishing materials, furniture, and decorative items. And, it is important to remember that the end result, first of all, should please the child.

Video on arranging a teenager's room:


When buying a modular wall for a children's room, you need to pay special attention to the reliability and stability of the structure. The absence of sharp corners will reduce the likelihood of injury to the child.

All mechanisms must work properly, and the doors must be easy to close and have stoppers or a closer so that the baby does not press his fingers when slamming the door.

Under no circumstances should you purchase a wall if you smell a pungent odor of varnish or paint; constant inhalation of such fumes can lead to headaches for the baby and parents.

Priorities in room design

Carefully thinking through the interior and actively involving the growing owner of the room in this process is an important condition for creating a comfortable environment. We must not forget about the personality changes that occur as a child grows up.

It is important not to be late in carrying out repairs. The transition from a toddler's nursery to a teenager's bedroom interior should be completed between the ages of 11 and 14. The exact moment is determined individually. The event should not be canceled citing various reasons: financial difficulties, fatigue, family circumstances.

The emphasis is on an adult environment. It is important to take into account the wishes and hobbies of the child. We must give the teenager the opportunity to express himself. It is recommended to fully involve the owner of the premises in the creative process. A young designer can make mistakes and insist on his point of view.

There is no need to contradict a teenager by severely limiting his freedom of choice. It is better to agree and give the child the opportunity to make his own decision. Repair errors are not so terrible; they can be corrected.

Taking into account the child’s opinion and understanding his own mistakes is more important. It’s good if participation is not limited to planning. The child can be involved in performing simple finishing work, creating furniture or decor.


A teenager's room should be equipped with adequate and high-quality lighting. In addition to the ceiling chandelier, good illumination of the workplace is required.

The sleeping place must be equipped with a sconce or floor lamp. Additionally, you can highlight a sports corner or a place for games.

If necessary, the room can be equipped with an original night light if the child does not want to sleep in complete darkness.


The amazing softness of the Provencal furnishings is in close connection with simplicity and elegance. The style perfectly matches the image of a bedroom for a teenage girl. Here it is easy to create a marshmallow atmosphere, loved by young ladies.

Provence looks airy and elegant and does not overload the interior. The option is not excluded for small rooms.

Stylistic direction

Do not be mistaken that only modern, progressive styles are suitable for teenagers. Any direction can be adapted to the taste preferences of the small occupant of the room. Among the most successful options, designers note:

  • Loft. The direction will be appreciated by young men. The interior, designed in loft style, has a touch of chic. The rooms use a sophisticated lighting system, in which special attention is paid to decorative lighting. The furnishings combine old elements and ultra-modern details. High ceilings are decorated with communication systems. Brickwork on an accent wall will emphasize the modernity of the style. The prevailing shades are brown, black, white and gray. Although loft is a respectable style, it will appeal to young rebels.
  • Classic style. It is more suitable for girls. To emphasize the charm of the interior, white and shades of pink are used in the color scheme, thereby moving away from the canonical brown, which a child may find too boring. The furniture is made of wood, and textiles are dominated by expensive fabrics with luxurious patterns.

  • High tech. A universal style that will appeal to both girls and boys. An abundance of white and gray will make the room lighter and more spacious. Chrome surfaces and glass will emphasize the “cold” elegance of techno style.

  • Minimalism. Only light shades are used in decoration, and discreet, contrasting tones are used in the colors of furniture and decor. The style is ideal for small rooms, as it visually enlarges them by a couple of meters and creates the illusion of freedom. Teenagers will like this direction because the time spent cleaning a room with a small amount of furniture and things will be minimized.

  • Provence. A soft, warm, elegant direction is suitable for girls. In Provence, pastel shades, wood, and aged furniture elements are used. The decoration uses wallpaper with small flowers, which harmonizes with lace and openwork.

  • Scandinavian style. The main concept of the direction is spatial freedom and abundance of light. The harsh northern climate is reflected in the interior: the “snowy” white finish is combined with rare green pine needles and blue shades of ice.

  • American style. Although the direction is in many ways similar to the classics, its concept is more democratic. Plain furniture upholstery in light shades is combined with colorful decorative textiles decorated with geometric patterns. The floor is finished with wood and the walls with conservative plaster. Groups of paintings on the walls, classic lamps, mirrors, and pillows on the bed can serve as decor. American style is characterized by the combination of several zones in one room, so it will look appropriate and organic in a teenage bedroom.

  • Vanguard. The direction is considered a symbol of youth and rebellious spirit. The avant-garde is characterized by the use of non-traditional finishing materials (mainly plastic), which allows for significant savings. In a bright interior, the emphasis is on geometry. Triangles, circles, squares are present in the shapes of armchairs, coffee tables, decor, textiles and photo wallpapers. A stylish addition to the interior will be groups of lamps of unusual shapes, bright posters, and two-color contrasting curtains.

The marine style and eco trend also go well with teenage rooms. In the second case, parents can unobtrusively teach the child to appreciate nature and take care of his health, surrounding him exclusively with natural materials.


When choosing the size of the wall, it is worth considering the size of the room and the height of the child. For two children, it is worth purchasing a large wall so that each has its own shelves and drawers.

There are many combinations of children's walls, including compact models that will help save space, for example, a corner wall.

Recommendations from experts

Considering the specifics of a teenage bedroom, it would be reasonable to divide it into several functional zones. It is necessary to allocate a resting place and a work area. Depending on the child’s interests, you can set up a sports corner or library.

When planning the design of a room for a teenager, it is important to take into account the following points:

  • the room should be comfortable and, as far as possible, from the front door and the parent’s bedroom,
  • furniture should be placed so that there is as much free space as possible,
  • the color scheme should be calm, preference should be given to pastel colors,
  • It is not recommended to decorate the window in an office style (blinds, roller blinds),
  • bedroom design can be concise and simple, but at the same time aesthetically pleasing.

A carpet should be laid on the floor, because the child can also sit on the floor. The door to the room can be equipped with a latch, so parents will demonstrate their trust in the child.

The calm design can be complemented with several bright accents. Their theme should correspond to the hobbies of the owner of the room.

The ceiling with a picture of the starry sky will appeal to the young astronomer, and the sports corner with a themed poster will appeal to the young athlete.


  • Chest of drawers in the bedroom: TOP-180 photos and videos of options for a chest of drawers in the bedroom. Selecting size and location. Features of materials and colors. Types of models

  • Cozy bedroom: design and layout of a cozy bedroom. Zoning and placement of furniture. Setting the degree of illumination. Additional decor (photo + video reviews)

  • Bedroom in the loft style - TOP-200 photos and video reviews of bedrooms in the loft style. Principles and features of style. Furniture, lighting, accessories. Colors and textures

As an option, you can consider a neutral design so that the teenager can later complement it at his own discretion.

Modern tendencies

In the presented photos of bedrooms for teenagers, you can see what trends of design, decor, and general design are currently prevailing.

The styles “loft”, “modern” are welcomed and, as always, “classic” is held in high esteem.

However, a lot depends on who lives in the bedroom: a girl or a boy.

  • For a young lady, the best interior colors are pink, burgundy, beige, olive, which means the “romantic” style.
  • For a young man - blue, light blue, gray - “classic”.

In addition, a lot depends on the taste preferences of the owner of the room. For example, if a young man is interested in football, you can cover one of the walls with 3D wallpaper, which depicts an exciting match.

And if a girl likes to be creative, music, or draws well, or attends art school, it’s worth thinking about hanging one of her masterpieces on the wall.

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