Requirements for an aquarium cabinet, criteria for its selection

One of the most pleasant, relaxing forms of relaxation is watching fish in an aquarium. To improve a person’s emotional state, there is no need to conduct hour-long sessions in front of them, it is enough to just see in the field of vision. A good overview can be provided by an aquarium cabinet, which simultaneously performs decorative and operational tasks. It must have the necessary strength and visual appeal to enable comfortable contemplation of the underwater world in miniature.

Design Features

An aquarium cabinet, as a rule, performs several tasks at once:

  • provides reliable support for a fragile glass tank;
  • raises the aquarium to the required height above the floor;
  • used for storing various accessories (feed, water filters, nets, sponges).

A medium-sized aquarium holds at least 15 liters of water. It is known that 1 liter is approximately 1 kg. It’s easy to imagine how much weight a cabinet under a container holding 150–200 liters must withstand. It is important that the structure is sufficiently reinforced. In addition, the following conditions must be met:

  1. The countertop and other elements must be resistant to moisture.
  2. It is necessary that there are vertical jumpers along the entire length of the furniture. They are needed to evenly distribute the weight of the aquarium, otherwise the tabletop will gradually sag.
  3. Reinforced back wall of furniture.
  4. It is advisable to have a small side on the cabinet so that the tank does not slip off.
  5. Furniture can either have no legs at all, or must be equipped with durable supports with adjustable heights.

As a rule, a bedside table is used only for storing aquarium accessories. However, if it is large enough, you can adapt it for other needs . Advantages of using a cabinet:

  • it becomes possible to approach the tank from all sides;
  • the conditions for cleaning and maintaining the aquarium are improved, it is easier to change water and filters;
  • It’s more convenient to watch the fish.

How to strengthen an aquarium cabinet

The cabinet, like all pieces of furniture, must be installed securely and steadily. At the same time, it is very important that there are no distortions or slopes, which can be easily traced along the surface of the water relative to the upper edge of the aquarium. Any slope will definitely lead to a crack in the glass, it’s just a matter of time. In large bodies of water, such consequences occur quite quickly and disastrously. This is especially true for apartments, where any flood leads to the repair of someone else’s apartment. And in the private sector, large amounts of water can easily destroy flooring.


There are many options for designs and shapes of stands. They can be divided into two groups: standard, curly. The most common are the classic varieties. These include the following options:

  1. Square. These cabinets are quite narrow and tall.
  2. Rectangular. This option is the most common. Such models are suitable for most aquariums in all respects.

Design and purpose of rolling pedestals, good places for placement.
Options intended for installation in a corner are somewhat less common:

  • corner - the tabletop is shaped like the letter “L”;
  • triangular - the tabletop is made in the form of a corresponding figure, the sides of which are adjacent to the walls.

The rarest are shaped cabinets for an aquarium. Users are not very willing to choose them as the shape requires a suitable tank design. Usually they buy something more convenient that matches the size of the aquarium.

In addition to individual models, there are also built-in compartments in the walls. Any furniture set has a special recess for the TV. Some owners prefer to save room space and install an aquarium in this niche. This technique allows you to free up space in the room, but makes it difficult to clean and replace water, and complicates the maintenance of additional devices (filters, compressor).




Photos in the interior



When placing an aquarium, focus not only on the design of the base cabinet. It must have a reinforced frame and be intended specifically for these purposes. Otherwise, instead of decoration, you will get a lot of problems with the risk of flooding your neighbors.


The size of the cabinet is directly related to the size of the aquarium. The tank is glass, so any distortion or overhang can cause uneven distribution of loads. This situation always ends with the appearance of cracks and destruction of the housing. The main supporting element is the tabletop or upper platform. The successful installation of an aquarium of one size or another depends on its size and shape. It is customary to conventionally distinguish between three types of furniture:

  1. Small ones. These usually include models that can withstand containers with a capacity of 70–100 liters. The length of the support platform is 0.6–0.7 m with a depth of about 0.3 m.
  2. Average. On such models you can install an aquarium with a capacity of 120–150 liters. Their length can be 0.7–0.8 m, width - 0.3 m.
  3. Big ones. These are stands for large tanks with a volume of 200 l to 300 l. The minimum height of the supporting plane should be 1 m. It is important to ensure sufficient strength of such a cabinet, since the load will be very large. Any distortion or sagging can cause destruction of the aquarium with dire consequences.

How to make a TV stand with your own hands, instructions for beginners

Not only individual cabinets are produced, but also entire sets consisting of 3 tiers:

  • lower - supporting structure;
  • middle - the tank itself;
  • the top - a lid combined with mezzanines.

Usually the capacity of such kits is very large. To ensure reliable support, the design includes additional reinforcing elements and stiffeners. The dimensions of such models are quite large, in length - from 1.5 m, in height - from 1.3 to 2 m. To install a cabinet of this type, you need a large room; it is not advisable to choose such designs in a typical panel apartment.





Magnetic stand decoration

A home bar is the perfect space for experimentation and new design ideas . You can decorate this design in different ways. An aquarium cube at the base would be a great solution. Not all homeowners can boast of such decoration, since it is a real luxury item.

The main component of the magnetic appeal of this device lies in the beautiful lighting. You can install multi-colored LED bulbs that will allow you to create several stunning illumination effects, not only static, but also dynamic, in the room.

The built-in glass block in the bar counter looks stylish and elegant

An original solution for luxury apartments

Beautiful corals and algae will perfectly complement the kitchen design

Manufacturing materials

Various materials are used to make supporting structures for aquariums:

  1. Chipboard. This is the most common option used for assembling furniture. Please note that chipboard cabinets are only suitable for small or medium-sized tanks. The material is not resistant to moisture; contact with it destroys it. In addition, panels under load are prone to sagging. If the cabinet is made of chipboard, it is necessary to strengthen the tabletop and install additional rigidity elements. The advantage of the material is its low cost, due to which it gained its popularity.
  2. MDF. This is one of the varieties of fiberboard, which is thicker and more rigid. The main property of the material is the ability to absorb moisture and then release it without losing its working qualities. Suitable for assembling stands for medium-sized tanks. Despite its specific capabilities, it needs protection from water. In addition, reinforcement of the structure is required.
  3. Tree. The rigidity and strength of natural wood depend on the species and method of preparation of the material. If the raw materials are properly dried and stabilized, you can use them to create stands for large aquarium models. The only condition will be reliable protection from contact with moisture. The disadvantage of wooden cabinets is their tendency to dry out, crack, and warp.
  4. Metal. As a rule, only a frame made of it is used, sheathed on the outside with decorative panels made of chipboard or other materials. This method allows you to obtain the most durable support that does not lose its performance under significant loads. Furniture made using metal is quite heavy.

For installation of heavy, large containers, a metal frame is most preferable. For relatively small aquariums, other materials with lower load-bearing capacity are suitable.



laminated chipboard


Tips for choosing

The main selection criteria for most users are the size of the aquarium and the cabinet, as well as the combination of its design with the interior of the room. However, this is not enough for the stand to fully function. The following factors must also be taken into account:

  1. Moisture resistance. The material must be prepared for possible contact with moisture. Insulating coatings are required. During the manufacturing process of the cabinet, a special impregnation must be used.
  2. Resistance to deformation. The rigidity of surfaces is determined by the thickness of the parts and the properties of the material.
  3. Strength. The build quality must match the complexity of the task being performed.
  4. Presence of holes for cords. The wires and tubes necessary to connect the filters and compressor should be placed as secretly as possible. If the design provides special holes or channels for laying wires, the appearance of the kit will be much neater and more attractive.
  5. Internal organization. Food, spare filters, devices for catching and cleaning the aquarium, care products, and design elements need to be stored somewhere. If there are various compartments inside the cabinet that allow you not to dump all the accessories in one pile, using the product becomes much more convenient.

Reasons for the popularity of a shoe cabinet with a seat in the hallway

In addition to these criteria, one should not forget about the size, cost and other features of the cabinet. The optimal option must harmoniously combine the necessary qualities and provide all the requirements and functionality. It is very important that the furniture is safe, especially if children live in the house.

Moisture resistance

Resistance to deformation

Structural strength

Presence of holes for cords

Convenient internal structure

Video on how to choose a cabinet for an aquarium

Popular questions

When choosing a stand for an aquarium, you must take into account that the design can be larger, but not smaller. If the aquarium hangs over the cabinet, this will increase the load on the walls and seams, which means depressurization may occur.

Absolutely not. A slight curvature of the surface of the tabletop or a defect in the height of the leg can lead to deformation of the aquarium, especially if it is of medium-large volume. Therefore, it is important to check that the cabinet is level and all its parts are free of defects.

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