How to make a cocoon swing for your dacha with your own hands step by step instructions

Making a cocoon chair is easier than making a regular stationary one. The only thing is that you can’t make it from acrylic, but you can weave it from rattan, sew it from thick fabric, or weld a metal structure. The following will describe how to make a hanging cocoon chair using various methods.

All people love a comfortable holiday in a cozy environment. That’s why they try to decorate their home so that harmony reigns in the house or on their property. A comfortable hanging cocoon chair is precisely such a part of the interior that not only decorates the home, but also contributes to a pleasant pastime, both alone and in good company. You can sit in it very comfortably, because you can relax in it. And hide from everyone for a while. The cocoon chair is made in the shape of an egg and covers a person by 75 percent, thanks to the side walls.

Design features

Having the skill of working with welding and metal, you can make a cocoon swing with your own hands.
A cocoon swing is a version of a hanging chair in the shape of an oval. The main feature is the drop-shaped shape and the presence of rounded walls closed at the top, covering 3/4 of the surrounding space.

The hemisphere is suspended on a base that has a wide base, ensuring stability and stability.

The design looks interesting, is convenient in terms of physiology, and allows you to create a feeling of privacy and comfort, without diminishing the pleasure of being in an open area.

Making a seat using the macrame technique

For this type of hanging chair you will need:

  • 7 strands of 6 m;
  • 4 wires 5m each;
  • 4 strands of 4.5 m each;
  • 2 wires 4 m each;
  • 2 metal circles with a diameter of 90 and 110 cm.

Having prepared the ropes of the required length, proceed to attach them to the frame.

  1. Starting from the center, tie 7 long strands in pairs at a distance of 6 cm from each other.
  2. Continue attaching threads to the sides of the warp. Accordingly, on one side there should be 2 wires of 5 m each, 2 wires of 4.5 m each and 1 wire 4 m long. Connect the long and short cables in pairs to the base
  3. Then start weaving the pattern from the center of the piece. Weaving the pattern should start from the center
  4. As a result of your work, you should get an openwork circle. Finished perforated circle: seat base using macrame technique
  5. Secure each garment with a flat knot to prevent the rope from slipping around.
  6. When knitting, always maintain tension by tying knots at 6cm intervals.

If it is necessary to create a fringe, the length of the strands should be increased by about one meter and, upon completion of the work, do not cut the remaining cord.

In addition, equip the resulting structure with reliable strapping and a soft pillow.

A rocking chair made using the macrame weaving technique must be additionally equipped with a pillow

Advantages and disadvantages

Cocoon swings for the dacha have come into fashion relatively recently, but are becoming increasingly popular.

This is due to the following advantages:

  • Originality. The product will never go unnoticed by guests.
  • Versatility. The hanging chair can be placed outdoors, under a canopy or indoors. There is a place for him everywhere.
  • Variability. The walls of the hanging bed can be solid, transparent or wicker, in the shape of an egg, a drop or a ball.
  • Availability. Any craftsman who has the skills to handle household tools can make an egg swing with his own hands.

Such pendants also have disadvantages:

  • Static when attached to the ceiling. This is not always convenient, and after removal or movement, marks remain on the surface.
  • The need to prepare a stable platform when installing outdoors. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the possibility of moving the structure and the base along with it.

However, the advantages are obvious, and the disadvantages are not fundamental.

What if you make it yourself?

We thought and imagined that everything you need for a home hammock can be assembled in a tool block, and your hands are dexterous. Whoever decides: we make the rocking chair ourselves.

And then we will tell you below what and how to make types of hanging chairs like cocoon-hammock-swing. And most importantly, how to strengthen it indoors, so as not to hastily drag a complex device into the office block or living room before the rain.

Types of cocoon swings

Dimensions of a swing for one person
Before you start making an egg swing with your own hands, you should familiarize yourself with the varieties of their designs and choose the most optimal option.

  • Weaving. Rattan, belts, rope or insulated wire are stretched onto a rigid frame. An excellent solution for outdoor structures that are exposed to the sun, moisture and temperature changes.
  • Soft frame. It is made by analogy with cases filled with balls that take the shape of the human body. You can sit and recline.
  • Deaf. To make the contours, opaque fabric is used to cover the seated person from prying eyes.
  • Double. A separate variety of increased size, allowing a couple to have a romantic time.

The chairs are made on a stand, universal or hanging, which imposes certain restrictions.

Chair based on a soft frame

The entire chair is made of fabric sewn in the shape of a bag with a hole. Attach a product such as a hammock to the top.

The base is a durable fabric folded in half. Any shape can be created, but during use it takes on the shape of the body.

To do this, you need to draw a picture and choose a size. For a child, a diameter of the lower base of 50-70 centimeters is sufficient; for an adult, 70-100 centimeters is suitable.

Cut out a circle and several triangles in diameter. Treat the edges of all parts with decorative materials. Sew the pieces together, leaving one part open.

As you can see in the photo of a handmade hanging chair, the furnishings and materials can be absolutely anything. The engine of ideas is your imagination.

Materials and tools

You will need pipes of various thicknesses to make the frame and weaving.
The durability, strength and cost of the furniture will directly depend on the materials from which it is made. This primarily concerns the chair frame and support frame.

  • Square profile pipe. The metal is strong, resilient, and if properly processed, lasts for decades.
  • Polypropylene. Plastic pipes have sufficient strength and are resistant to corrosion.
  • Wood. The material is easy to process, but is susceptible to rotting and insect damage. Requires careful and regular handling

Manufacture, wicker, polymer mesh, and leather cords can be used to make cladding.

Basic set of tools for any model:

  • roulette;
  • square;
  • level;
  • Bulgarian;
  • welding;
  • pipe bender;
  • electric drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • marker;
  • Bulgarian;
  • hammer;
  • pliers.

We should not forget about our own safety. You must wear safety glasses, gloves and a respirator when sawing.


The boards are new or used, the latter are well used. Drill holes in them from the top and bottom to the entire length after 5 cm.

Then lay the boards underneath and tightly add the next piece of wood, threading the cord through the holes diagonally, and fasten the boards together. Next, we thread the cord from the wrong side, we get crosses with which we tie the boards along the holes.

According to the previous principle, you need to thread the cable from the reverse side. The lacing is tight, but loose: the straps should have some freedom. Once you have gone all the way, tie a strong knot in your back.

Next, drill holes for hanging the rocking chair - on the top panel from the bottom and the second from the top, slightly stepping back from the edge on both sides, focusing on the center of the bar. Job is done. Lay down a blanket and a couple of pillows.

Drawings and dimensions

To bend pipes you will need a manual pipe bender.
The following details need to be shown in the drawing:

  • dimensions;
  • base;
  • rack;
  • bracket;
  • suspension;
  • fastenings and hinges;
  • frame;
  • covering, cover and filling (if provided);
  • options (shock absorption, lighting, airflow).

Materials should be taken with a margin of up to 15% to account for errors, losses and subsequent repairs.

The size of the product is determined by the dimensions of the person for whom it is made.

The following convenient standards have been adopted:

  • child - 30 cm;
  • a person of average build - 40 cm;
  • full man/woman - 50-60 cm;
  • double seat - 80 cm or more.

The parameters are approximate, individual dimensions should be taken into account, not forgetting the perspective.

How to make a cocoon swing with your own hands

The support stand must be made of durable metal.
The following step-by-step instructions will help you make a comfortable and beautiful hanging chair:

  1. Draw up a project, estimate, purchase materials, prepare and check tools.
  2. Assemble the cocoon frame. Here the technology is determined by the selected material. Polypropylene pipes are heated, bent, and then welded using shaped parts. The result is a strong and elastic monolith. It's more difficult with wood. It will take days, or even weeks, to give it a rounded shape. It’s easier to take thick plywood and cut out solid arcs from it, which are connected with bolts and glue. Steel structures are the strongest, but you will need a pipe bender. Docking is done by welding or hardware. If necessary, anti-corrosion treatment is carried out.
  3. Place the seats and cover the cocoon with the selected upholstery. It can be a rope net, vine, dense or translucent fabric.
  4. Assemble the support device. For a ceiling-type cocoon, a strong hook is made, secured to several powerful anchor bolts or self-tapping screws. For hanging, a structure is assembled consisting of a support frame, a figured stand and a hanging ring.

All that remains is to take all the parts to the parking lot, connect them and enjoy life, rocking in a comfortable and beautiful chair.

Standard sizes of rocking pendants

Hammock chair. Has a soft frame. Unlike the hanging bed itself, which is installed on a pair of posts, here it will be held by a shelving unit.

Nest chair. The most famous hammock. It is essentially a ball, and its mounting frame is a frame consisting of a three-quarter diameter tube.

Thanks to its elegant shape, it can be installed in the living room during the cold season.

Throw away the chair. An elegant rocking chair that takes up minimal space. The kids love it. And more often it is called children's. The child plays with it just like at home: the device resembles it in shape. Having played enough, they fall asleep there.

In your home, it is removed from the frame outside and attached to a hook on the ceiling; if concrete, then on a strong anchor.

Rocking chair. The frame can be hard or soft. The swing will decorate your garden or country yard. Only the little ones in the room will adapt to his swing so as not to hit the wall with his back. These are the best chairs for the garden. It can be attached to a large tree branch.

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