(+101 photos) Table of the best color combinations in the interior of a children's room photo

Why do you need to combine wallpaper in a nursery? We can name at least 5 reasons:

  1. To zone the space and visually divide, say, a shared bedroom of two children, into personal “territories.”

  1. The principle of zoning is also useful if the nursery has one owner. In this case, you can highlight a wall near the bed, a play or study corner in the room.
  2. By covering the walls with different wallpapers, you can divert attention from unsuccessful architectural solutions or change the visual proportions of the room.
  3. In order to make good use of leftover wallpaper.
  4. And just to make the nursery’s interior more interesting and fun.

In this material you will find 7 ways to combine wallpaper, 10 tips on how to combine coatings of different colors and types, as well as 30 photos of interiors for your inspiration.

The influence of color on a child's psyche

An error in the color design of a nursery will eventually affect the behavior of the owner of the room. If a child is attacked by unusual attacks of activity or apathy, it is difficult for him to fall asleep or concentrate on any task, it may be due to the wrong color scheme.

Therefore, it is important to take into account the characteristics of shades when choosing the main color for a children's room; psychology points to the following properties:

  • Red. It not only invigorates and energizes, but also constantly keeps the nervous system in good shape. It is better not to get carried away with the color red, especially in a space intended for a baby. It can be used in doses and preferably not in decoration, but in accessories, otherwise whims are guaranteed.
  • Orange. Also not among the leaders for decorating a nursery; its excess easily leads to overwork. Moderate use improves mood, so an accent wall, a couple of orange toys or an orange print on curtains (bed linens) won't go amiss.

  • Yellow. It improves mood and has a positive effect on the intellect, but, like other bright colors, it is used as an additional color. The pale yellow version is good as a background tone, especially for shy children.
  • Blue, blue. These colors, together with numerous shades, calm, relax, and relieve nervous tension. They can be safely used in the play area of ​​a little fidget, but limited to young Pierrot’s room.
  • Green. It subconsciously connects with nature, therefore it has a positive effect: it calms the nervous system, relaxes the eyes, improves memory. Light shades of green are refreshing, and therefore green is suitable for decorating a classroom.

  • Purple, lilac. Bright, rich shades tire the psyche of a small child and distract attention. They cannot be made with primary colors; it is better to use the light version - light and pastel colors.
  • Pink. In large quantities it affects the baby, just like purple. The recipe for use is the same.

Combining wallpaper in a girl’s room: nuances

Some girls like pink wallpapers with fairy fairies, and some - with ships and pirates. To please your daughter, it is best to talk to her about what she would like to see on the walls of her room every day.

Related article: Interior doors with patina in a modern interior

If you try, you can create a separate world for a girl, where the main character and artist is the child himself

How to solve the most common problems when hanging wallpaper:

  1. If the selected canvases are different in thickness, you need to close the joint with molding. In this case, the transition will look neat.
  2. If glue gets on the front side, you need to wipe it off with a damp sponge immediately, do not leave it until it dries. Glue stains are not washed off, spoil the appearance of the wall and lead to the replacement of entire wallpaper sheets.
  3. If you need to frequently restore wallpaper, for example, there is a cat in the house that scratches the walls, you should choose liquid wallpaper. The most convenient option for repair is decorative liquid plaster.

In a girl’s room, you can interestingly decorate the walls with silk plaster of 2 types, painted in different colors. The shine and delicate palette of colors will create a fabulous and magical atmosphere.

For boy

Not only functionality and favorite colors should be present in the design of the room. It is very important that the interior also serves as a reflection of the teenager’s unique personality. Even if your preferences change every week (and this is exactly what happens in adolescence!), you can settle on something that will appeal to everyone over the next few years until the next renovation.

Psychologists believe that a correctly selected color palette helps in the development of personality: the potential of color therapy can hardly be overestimated, since everyone has colors that calm and others that irritate. You just need to identify them!

A young man’s room should have only all the essentials: a rationally organized workplace (perhaps not only a table, but also a small workbench or a place for working on technical issues), a bed, a wardrobe and a combination of a bookcase with shelves for all the most beautiful and necessary.

If your child loves Gothic and demands black walls and dark furniture, do not despair and invite him to read materials that explain in reasonable language that the color black has a depressing effect on the psyche, and a person may begin to develop depression.

But do not forget that a teenager is a maximalist who can stubbornly defend his point of view.

You will need to stock up on images of stylish designs in advance, in which only one wall or one corner of the room is given the opportunity to actively demonstrate the taste preferences of the occupant of the room. Other corners should be decorated in a different color.

If you and your child have a good, trusting relationship, it will not be difficult for you to explain to him that neutral wall colors make it possible to extremely diversify other decorative elements. The main thing is to decide on the theme and style!

Boy's room styles and colors

The main styles of modern decor that can be used when decorating a room for a teenager.

  • Avant-garde, high-tech - the style of cool techies and computer scientists. Predominant primary colors: gray, steel, black, white, auxiliary colors (1 or 2) - lemon, red, mustard, sky.
  • Country is a “rustic” style for household and household items. Predominant primary colors: brown, red, white, sand, secondary colors – green, beige, yellow.
  • Safari, marine, genre. Any combination of colors is possible, but, as in other options, there should be no more than three primary colors.
  • Kitsch and loft are the favorite styles of talented artists, musicians, and future architects. With this decision, it is customary to decorate with glossy surfaces and bright colors: scarlet, sea green, yellow, green, blue.

Temperament and color in a boy's room

As a rule, by adolescence, a child’s basic inclinations and needs have already been identified, and it is better to follow the recommendations of psychologists. They claim that choleric people prefer red and all its shades, sanguine people cannot do without glimpses of yellow and gold, melancholic people prefer blue, and phlegmatic people prefer green.

This is the “internal” palette of temperaments, while in practical life melancholic people most often choose warm tones, such as brown, orange or yellow, choleric people and sanguine people choose the coolness of blue, green, white, and so on with each type of temperament.

You need to make color blanks and decide what a teenager will enjoy looking at for a long time, and what will cause negativity.

You shouldn’t try to “re-educate” your temperament type to suit someone else’s preferences. Each of them is good in their own way, each has shortcomings, you can (and should!) live with all this, and live as comfortably as possible, and then everything will be fine!

Let the teenager draw room design options in a point or cockatiel, and you can adjust them together.

Color schemes for a teenage boy's room: photos

High-tech minimalism can be expressed in light gray walls. White can be used as the main color for furniture. For example, it could be a white bed frame with a dark gray mattress and colorful pillows, with black and white poster graphics above the bed.

Let there be a white cabinet, and to rest your eyes, place another one nearby - sand color or beige.

You shouldn’t be afraid of this color; the main thing is to select furniture with easy-to-clean surfaces. A white desk with multiple compartments for the computer, homework, and tech skills can take up an entire wall. A black and white striped carpet will complement the overall scheme and add a touch of mischief to the interior.

  • A room in the “country” style consists of a cozy (possibly made in patchwork technique) blanket and carpet next to the bed, wooden furniture, preferably in natural colors, built-in wardrobes and shelves, comfortably decorated niches and window spaces.
  • A sea or safari theme includes a wall-sized geographical map, an image of an active volcano, a “cave” bed and many other possibilities for imagination. Porthole windows, lifebuoys on the walls, flags and rope ladders - all this will allow the interior to look complete.

Anyone who likes to make technical models can easily decorate a room with them, and not only with them.

There may be photo curtains with airplanes on the windows, an exhibition of car models on the shelves, and photographs depicting any equipment that is of interest on the walls. The general background of the walls can be deep blue, sea green or beige, the furniture can be dark or light wood, depending on the wishes of the teenager. Lamps can be of original design. Alternatively, you can make the lampshades yourself.

Registration requirements

In the room where the child spends the majority of his time, it is necessary to provide:

  • brightness of colors;
  • positive mood;
  • maximum heat;
  • lots of natural light;
  • good environment for relaxation and development.

This is possible if you combine and glue the wallpaper correctly. Combining their different types and designs is a very common solution. Now there are so many bright options with fancy patterns. But it seems that if you stick them all over the room, there will be a feeling of some overload. Use tips on combining bright and muted colors, large and small patterns, and make the children's room the best place for children to spend time.

We want to give our children all the best, because traditions fade into the background, we need to use bold, creative solutions. After all, it is from the nursery that the baby begins to learn about the world around him; here he will rest, study and work, laugh and cry, be sad, experience different emotions and keep his first childhood secrets. Brightness and a positive environment will form a good character in the child and also ensure a good mood.

The big advantage of combining is that it becomes possible to divide the space. This is convenient if you have two children, but they have one room for two. You can combine interiors for boys and girls, without each child being deprived of their own personal space.

For girl

Many parents approach planning a children's room very responsibly, because it is so important to take into account all the nuances at once, so that the child likes his new personal space and does not have to redo the room design or change the wallpaper later. Girls are especially meticulous about the choice of color and interior details. Little princesses always want to surround themselves with beautiful things, because the craving for beauty begins in childhood.

Therefore, to create a comfortable atmosphere in the nursery, you must first decide on the color scheme of the future room.

Spending time in this room every day, the child will absorb the mood of the color that will prevail in the children's room. Therefore, psychologists recommend decorating the interior of a children's room in light colors. They create harmony and comfort. They also visually expand the space and help make even a not very bright room more fun and cozy.

The color of the room must be selected individually based on the child’s color preferences and visual perception. It is not recommended to make a choice of wallpaper based on the principle: pink for girls and blue for boys. Combinations of several colors are quite suitable for a children's room.

So for little princesses, it is possible to choose different shades. For example, cold turquoise and warm beige or yellow.

And if a girl likes a certain color, then the task becomes much easier. It is taken as a basis and combined with adjacent colors or, for example, diluted with white so that the color is not too intrusive.

When choosing the color of the walls, do not forget that the room will also contain furniture, interior items and, as a rule, a lot of toys. Therefore, it is better to choose light and not very variegated shades for wallpaper. In a word, so that they do not have too many small and bright patterns.

The only exception is an accent wall, on which photo wallpaper or wallpaper with some kind of pattern is placed to enliven the room and visually expand the space.

For example, a wall with vertical stripes or a large repeating pattern. In this case, the remaining walls are painted in one color that matches the tone, or wallpaper without a pattern is glued.

Examples of nursery color schemes for girls

Fairytale-fantasy for gentle, dreamy and romantic young ladies. Such a room promotes the development of imagination. Suitable colors: pink, purple, blue, turquoise, mint, lilac.

  • For active girls and nature lovers. Natural colors of foliage and trees are suitable for such a room. Such colors have a calming effect on the nervous system. They also awaken a desire to explore the world around us and a thirst for learning. Suitable colors: green, light green, brown, olive.
  • Calm pastel colors. Suitable for any age. The biggest plus of these shades is their versatility. With age, children’s tastes often change, and if today the girls wanted to see butterflies on their wall, then tomorrow there will be princesses or flowers. Therefore, in order not to re-paste the wallpaper every year, it is better to give preference to pastel colors.

Such a room can be supplemented with paintings, accessories and curtains, which will slightly dilute the monotony and add dynamics. Suitable colors: beige, light gray, powder.

  • Sunny yellow for a good mood. During the cold season, we all lack solar warmth and light. But they are so important for a positive attitude, especially for children. If there is also a lack of daylight in your nursery and the child periodically mopes due to cloudy weather, then dilute the room with bright yellow. To do this, add accents in the form of a carpet, curtains or furniture in sunny yellow tones. An accent wall or pattern with a similar shade would also be an excellent option.

It is not recommended to completely paint all the walls bright yellow or cover them with plain wallpaper, because then the room will be too colorful. Suitable colors: sand, yellow, lemon, orange.

When choosing colors for a children's room, first of all, you need to consult with your child. And offer several options to choose from, showing approximate photographs of the interiors.

Once the base color is chosen, it is important not to overdo it. After all, too much of one color in a nursery negatively affects the child’s development and puts pressure on the psyche. So it’s better to dilute it with white or choose colors that are not too bright and intrusive.

We decorate the walls with rags

When we combine wallpaper in a nursery, we often forget that a bright environment should not only cause a good mood, but also contribute to the development of a love of creativity. Therefore, patchwork combinations have long been attractive to young children.

It is enough to choose bright wallpaper with funny pictures, cut them into a large number of squares of the same shape - and you have the basis for a future composition. The scraps, combined in a certain sequence, can be placed on the entire wall or glued to one of the areas of the children's room.

For heterosexuals

To zone a room for two children of different sexes, it is best to use two primary colors in the interior. We are talking about pink and blue shades. This is a great option if the kids are small. After all, kids love everything bright.

Also, the design can be unusual, using various themes: jungle, fairy-tale characters, cartoons, animals, etc.

If this is a room for teenagers, then you can choose other colors. For example, wallpaper in purple-gray, pink-green, yellow-blue shades will look good. You can also use wallpaper in peach and apricot tones to decorate the walls. The color of sea green looks good in interior design, especially in combination with gray or khaki.

In addition, wallpaper of the right color can visually enlarge a small space. In this case, it is better to give preference to light colors in the design: beige, pastel, vanilla.

Remember that zoning a room with color is not just about choosing wallpaper. This is also a choice of furniture, carpets, textiles, and accessories.

Neutral options

If two children of different sexes will live in the room, then you need to choose neutral canvases of gray, beige, sand, and creamy colors. You can use not the most popular variety - cork or bamboo products. With them you can create an eco-style interior that will suit both boys and girls. Photo wallpapers with images of cities and nature, wallpaper with a simple pattern, without flowers and birds, are suitable for such rooms.

Using wallpaper with a pattern, you can zone a room. So, for example, for one zone it is better to choose wallpaper with images of large flowers, and for another - something “brutal”, for example, space, a car, graffiti. Additionally, such a room can be divided by curtains, a screen or a plasterboard partition.

When parents choose wallpaper for their child's room, the first thing they should pay attention to is what material it is made of. For children's rooms, you need to choose non-toxic, safe fabrics made from natural raw materials. Therefore, paper, non-woven and liquid wallpaper are an ideal option. But design is no less important.

Don't look for what you like - buy wallpaper whose design your child will like, or find a compromise. Cartoons, space, graffiti, bright flowers, fairytale castles and waterfalls - all this can decorate a child’s room.

Combination of wallpaper of two colors in a nursery

Why do you need to combine wallpaper in a nursery?

We can name at least 5 reasons:

  • To zone the space and visually divide, say, a shared bedroom of two children, into personal “territories.”

  • The principle of zoning is also useful if the nursery has one owner. In this case, you can highlight a wall near the bed, a play or study corner in the room.
  • By covering the walls with different wallpapers, you can divert attention from unsuccessful architectural solutions or change the visual proportions of the room.
  • In order to make good use of leftover wallpaper.
  • And just to make the nursery’s interior more interesting and fun.

In this material you will find 7 ways to combine wallpaper, 10 tips on how to combine coatings of different colors and types, as well as 30 photos of interiors for your inspiration.

Especially the principles of design

Since the room is intended for children, you can show all your imagination in it and follow several directions at once, making maximum use of the designers’ non-standard ideas. However, if you have not had to deal with such tasks before, then the whole process of combining may not be easy. In this case, it is recommended to contact professional specialists.

To ensure that there are as few problems as possible when combining, you should buy all the wallpaper for work in one place in order to immediately assess the entire integrity of the future picture. In this case, you will have the opportunity to put the wallpapers next to each other and understand how they fit together.

Combination methods

Method 1. Vertical combination

The technique involves decorating walls with alternating canvases of two colors/types or more. Vertical combination is good because it allows you not to join the pattern and not be “embarrassed” by the visibility of the seams. On the contrary, joints and vertical stripes will visually raise a low ceiling.

If you use more than two types of coatings, then you should select only one accent wall for this combination.

Rolls should be chosen with a width of no more than the standard 53 cm.

Below are photo examples of vertical wallpaper combinations in a children's room.

Method 2. Horizontal combination

This method is more traditional, since it resembles the classic decoration of the lower third of the walls with boiserie panels or lining, only instead of them there is the same wallpaper. The joints are most often covered with paper or any other borders.

However, the dividing line does not have to run in a straight line - perhaps it will be arcs, waves and even zigzags.

Keep in mind that combining canvases horizontally visually expands the room, but lowers the ceiling. This solution is also not suitable for highlighting an accent wall; using the described method you need to cover all the walls of the room.

How high should the bottom “tier” be? There are no strict rules here, but most often the sides are glued at a height of 1.10 cm from the floor.

At the bottom you need to glue wallpaper of a darker shade, and at the top - a lighter shade.

When using a border, you can combine wallpaper of different types, that is, of different densities and thicknesses. For example, you can stick a more practical vinyl underneath, then your baby’s graffiti can be washed off.

Method 3. Highlighting niches, ledges or accent walls

This technique involves the design of any niche, ledge, accent wall or its fragment. For this purpose, bright wallpaper, for example, photo wallpaper, is combined with plain coverings or with coverings with a calm pattern (polka dots, stripes, diamonds, checks, etc.) in a neutral color.

To zone a children's room, you need to highlight a wall near the bed, study table or play area.

By highlighting a niche, ledge or one wall with dark-colored wallpaper, and decorating the remaining surfaces in light colors, you can visually distance the wall, which means “enlarge” it a little and give depth to a small space.

Next, we present photo examples of zoning and highlighting an accent wall using wall decoration from two types of wallpaper.

Method 4. Creating a panel

In this case, bright and calm companions are also combined. The panels are limited by moldings or frames.

This decorative technique is an excellent reason to use leftover wallpaper.

Method 5. Decorating not only the walls, but also the ceiling

Companion wallpaper can be used not only to decorate walls, but also the ceiling. In this case, the child will be able to look at interesting pictures on it before going to bed.

For a small and low children's room, finishing the ceiling and walls with wallpaper is only available with light wallpaper.

Method 6. Patchwork style combination

Zoning a room or highlighting an accent wall can also be created using a combination of pieces of wallpaper of different colors, types and sizes using the patchwork technique. Since the “patchwork” wall turns out to be variegated, the second companion should be monochromatic.

A patchwork wall looks great in a country style, shabby chic, bohemian and Scandinavian interior.

Method 7. Creating “optical illusions”

By decorating the walls with wallpaper of different colors, you can change the proportions of the room. So, in order to expand a narrow and long room, you need to cover the ends with light canvases, and the long walls with darker ones.

And, conversely, you can add intimacy to a spacious room by covering the ends with darker coatings, and the long walls with lighter ones.

Design options and drawings

With flowers

For a girl's room, flowers will be a suitable solution. They can be realistic, modern or fantasy. Flowers can frame the entire children's room or be a bright detail of the interior.

Wallpaper stickers

A simple way to transform a child's room. Stickers can be applied over plain wallpaper or complement an existing pattern. In this way, you can create a unique design either on your own or in a playful way with your child.

In the photo, beige and white wallpaper allows you to decorate the wall with stickers.

Rear photo wallpaper

Wallpaper with 3D images will help turn a child's room into a real fairy tale for a girl. Printing technologies allow you to apply any realistic image, it can be fairy tale and cartoon characters, animals or the real Disney world.

With Paris

French romance is suitable for decorating the room of a romantic person. The walls will be decorated with patterns in the form of small towers, a drawing of a cyclist or a hand-drawn landscape of Paris.

With the princess

Almost all girls dream of becoming a princess. The image of your favorite cartoon character will make the child’s game more interesting and support the girl’s hobbies. The decoration of a children's room can be done with photo wallpaper combined with the usual type of wallpaper.

Modern street patterns are more in line with adolescence. The meaning of the drawing can be different, it could be the words of a song, abstraction or animals.

The photo shows brick wallpaper, painted with graffiti.


A simple but not boring way to decorate. The stripes make the children's room taller or wider, depending on the direction of the stripes. The combination of colors can be a girl’s favorite shades, and “striped” wallpaper can be successfully combined with other patterns and textures.

Polka dots

A funny and cheerful print will decorate a girl's room at any age. Colors can be restrained or, on the contrary, contrasting. For a small children's room, it is better to use wallpaper with a small pattern; for spacious rooms, a voluminous print is suitable.


Cute hearts will decorate a real girl’s nursery. Color, pattern and size can be completely different, from small patterns to large 3D images.

With animals

A picture of the animal world will decorate the room of a girl of any age. For example, for a very little girl it could be cute fairy-tale bunnies, and for a schoolgirl, a realistic image of dogs of her favorite breed.

With fairies

Wallpaper with fairies will support the fairy-tale theme in the children's interior. Cartoons and fairy tales have made fairies the favorite characters of many girls; their images on the walls will delight the hostess.

With butterflies

Romantic butterflies are suitable for decorating the rooms of schoolgirls, teenagers and little ones. A scattering of butterflies can decorate the entire room or be part of an accent wall.

With plants

An ornament of leaves, large photographs or colorful plant patterns. There are a lot of options for decorating a children's room, from the most modest to the bright and bold.

The combination of blue color in the interior of a nursery

Thanks to different color combinations, cool blues and light blues can become softer and more expressive.

Blue-pink children's

Such a duet looks bright and harmonious. The combination of blue and pink suggests the creation of a very stylish, calm and romantic design with a touch of romance.

Children's room in blue and white colors

The blue and white palette is considered a classic choice for a boy's room. This contrast does not cause irritable emotions or eye fatigue. With its help, you can visually expand the space and create a light and airy atmosphere in it.

An interesting effect is obtained by combining white walls with turquoise patterns or using furniture in white and blue tones.

Brown and blue children's room

Sky blue shades, diluted with elements of brown, will give the environment a feeling of warmth and coziness. Blue is used to decorate walls, white is preferred for ceilings, and flooring and furniture are chosen in brown tones.

Blue and orange room

Taking into account the coldness of blue and cyan shades, orange colors are used to soften the atmosphere and fill the space with the warmth of the sun. Such design does not hide the area of ​​the room and does not deprive it of freshness.


Beige walls give the room layout greater clarity. Refined and sophisticated beige is favorably emphasized by blue furniture and decorative elements.

Children's room in green and blue tones

The green-blue combination is as natural as possible. With the addition of light green shades, the atmosphere is brightened and will stimulate positive emotions, which will help lift your mood.

Yellow and blue interior

This color combination is a bold, experimental and energetic solution. Cool blues and warm yellows create a balanced balance and are perfect for a growing child's bedroom.

In a baby's nursery, the blue-yellow palette is used fragmentarily as accents.

Wallpaper design for the hall: combined variations

The fashion for wallpaper in different colors for one room continues. Today it has reached its peak, as it allows you to create amazing interiors in the hall and other rooms. For example, you can paste a plain canvas on three walls, and decorate the fourth surface with patterns or other catchy prints to give the room character. Combined wallpaper for the hall can be anything you want, it all depends on personal tastes and preferences.

Wallpaper with stripes

Stripes in various color combinations are associated with Mediterranean, maritime, and also English style. Horizontal or vertical lines give the space a special climate, distinguishing it from other interiors. It's always a pleasure to be in such a design. Don't forget that horizontal stripes visually make the room taller.

Pop art wallpaper

Modern, colorful, fresh hall for young, creative people. In the living room, very original wallpaper is used on one wall, and the others are covered in soothing colors so that there is no chaos in the room. In addition, a striking interior style in a bright and eye-catching palette will go well with dark brown wooden floors. Overall it is an energetic design with a distinctive, strong color accent.

Glitter Wallpaper

An eclectic and brilliant decor for a bright living room can be created with shimmering wallpaper. Cover the walls with shimmering canvases with richly decorated designs. The original pattern guarantees each space a unique design. This type of wallpaper in the living room will look beautiful in the presence of stylish furniture, which will not distract from the extravagant design and will serve as the basis for a unique interior. Thanks to this, the space will look luxurious and expressive.

Wallpaper in Indian style

A beautiful Indian style living room wallpaper design will not disappoint you. This theme in interior design is characterized by richly decorated accessories, be it wallpaper on the wall or cushions on the chairs. One wall can be decorated in a charming paisley pattern, while the other can be a solid color in a harmonious color. The entire living space presents a unique picture.

Black and white wallpaper

An original, distinctive interior that catches everyone's eye with an exclusive appearance and many intricate patterns is the black and white combination of wall paintings. The style of the room is difficult to define because it is partly eclectic but with a touch of glamour. This design solution is suitable for experimenters who are not afraid to express their individuality.

Colorful wallpaper

Colorful, lively wallpaper for the hall will fill the room with strong and expressive colors. To arrange this type of living space, you must first consider whether this amount of color will strain the eyes. Follow current trends to create a stylish and original living space in the hall. When combining wallpaper, use wall canvases with a 3D pattern.

Wallpaper in pastel colors

A safe combination of elegant colors for a timeless combination. These types of interiors are distinguished by the fact that they will be fashionable even in 5 and 10 years. The classic combination guarantees a modern and neat space for years to come. Wallpaper in soft colors gives the room a special sophistication.

Shades of color

To create a calm and almost ephemeral atmosphere in a room, soft blue pastel colors are perfect. Pale colors in the interior look isolated and elegant, which gives the space a special sensitivity.

You can give the atmosphere a summer mood with the help of azure shades.

The design of a room in dark blue helps overly active children tune in to the learning process, promotes control of emotions, feelings and rational thinking.

The combination of pink color in the interior of a nursery

Paying tribute to the designers, it is worth noting that dullness and routine are becoming a thing of the distant past, giving way to bright and original solutions. Today's life is filled with colors and comfortable details, while remaining quite spacious and functional.

A good example is the pink children's room.

It is clear that such a design is typical for a girl’s abode, since this glamor does not suit boys at all. Using a palette of these tones, you can create a cozy atmosphere for a girl of any age by choosing a style that suits your spirit.

A pink nursery is the dream of most girls. This color creates a magical atmosphere.

Pink is a complex color, classically made up of red with a dash of white, but it can also have purple, blue or orange notes.

Psychologists believe that the color pink has a good effect on the child’s psyche - it does not excite or cause aggression, but this only applies to pastel colors. Rich pink is difficult to perceive, but it can be used in details without overloading the interior.

For designers, pink is an ideal color, it goes well with many shades, and on its basis you can create different design styles.

To decorate a nursery in pink, you can use the following colors:

  • White. The combination of white and pink will add sophistication, solemnity and tenderness to the room. For example, the walls and bedding can be decorated in soft pink, and the furniture in the nursery can be made white.
  • Grey. It will balance the main color and add a feeling of peace and stability.
  • Yellow. Will add positivity and energy. Bright yellow interior elements will help drive away drowsiness and add vigor and activity.
  • Green. A classic combination given by nature itself: a pink flower on a green stem. The combination of these colors will be harmonious and beautiful.
  • Blue. A peculiar combination. However, the right shades will help create a stylish room. At the same time, it is better to use it for decorating children's rooms in a modern style.
  • Brown. Pink and brown are contrasting colors, but their combination is gentle and harmonious. A pink children's room with brown accents will appeal to a girl, since these neutral colors for decoration can be diluted with bright elements.

When designing colors, it is important to choose colors from the same palette - warm or cold. For a room facing north, decorating with warm colors is more suitable, while for the sunny side you can use a cool range of shades.

If the room is small, it is better not to use bright pink on the walls and furniture, as this will visually make the room smaller and make the furniture larger. However, it can be used for contrast, for example, making one wall bright and the rest light, this will visually add volume.

Color combination with turquoise in the nursery

The versatility and diversity of the color spectrum make turquoise a universal way to decorate a child’s room, thanks to which you can design an interior with a perspective, “for growth.”

The play of colors with bright details and proper lighting allows you to create a cozy and harmonious atmosphere.

Many associate it with water themes. And not in vain. After all, the resulting design conveys a feeling of freshness and vigor, like during a sea breeze.

Cool design ideas and drawings

The use of drawings and large graphic objects will make the room individual and emphasize the child’s character and hobbies.


Photo wallpapers with stylish modern inscriptions in the style of street art will fit unusually and creatively into a teenager’s room.

The photo shows a modern-style boy's room with bright blue graffiti on the accent wall.

With cars

A win-win option for any age. Small cars on a plain background - for a child, tractors, tanks, mischievous characters from the cartoon "Cars" - for a younger boy, realistic modern racing cars - for a schoolchild.

The photo shows a modern children's room for a boy in a contrasting red, white and black color scheme with a car-themed design.


A popular story for a boy's nursery. It will add airiness, lightness, and a spirit of adventure.


With the help of stickers you can liven up plain wallpaper or hide stains and dirt on the walls. A huge selection of bright themes will enliven the children's room.

3D photo wallpaper

Create a magnificent three-dimensional fairy-tale world in a child's room. It is better to place it on one accent wall (opposite the bed, near the table) to develop attention and imagination.

Under the brick

White ones are appropriate in the room of a child of any age. Bright orange, with traces of scuffs and unevenness, will fit into a loft-style bedroom for guys.


They influence the visual perception of the room: horizontal stripes expand the space, making it low, vertical stripes narrow it, adding height to the ceilings.

Checkered wallpaper will give the room a truly masculine character; blue and blue checkered for preschool children, brown for teenagers.

The photo shows a children's room for a boy in a classic style. A combination of light brown checkered and vertical striped wallpaper was used.


Wallpaper in football style for the room of a real fan and football player. Decorating with thematic decor (a pillow, a chandelier in the shape of a sports black and white ball, textiles or a carpet simulating a football field) will complete the image of the room.

The photo shows a boy's room in white and dark blue, the walls of which are decorated with football-themed wallpaper.

Cartoon and fairy tale characters

Winnie the Pooh, Transformers and Spider-Man are boys' favorite characters, and have long been on the walls of many children's rooms.


A huge topic in the gallery of children's prints. Dogs, bears, elephants, giraffes and dinosaurs will be excellent neighbors for a child.

World map

A world map with detailed names of cities, capitals, countries, geographical features, relief and animal habitats for travel enthusiasts.

In the photo, the boy’s children’s room has a bright accent wall in the shape of a world map.

Space and planets

Planets, constellations and spaceships will make the room attractive and original.

In the photo, a children's room for a boy is decorated with dark blue wallpaper with a geometric pattern and space-themed photo wallpaper.

How to choose shades?

As the main background, it is better to use a light and neutral palette (pale, with a blue tint or aquamarine). Bright and rich colors (dark turquoise, pearl) will be needed to decorate one of the walls (accent) or as decorative elements.

Light turquoise children's wallpaper will help visually increase the space. And richer and deeper colors will refresh sunny rooms.

Don't be afraid to improvise and give up monochrome! A turquoise nursery will only benefit from having an accent wall! Feel free to use stripes and prints (within the same spectrum or contrasting solutions).

This way the child’s room will acquire taste and personality.

The choice of colors largely depends on the child’s temperament.

Mischievous and restless children need restrained shades with a green undertone (for example, light green or sea green). And for quiet people, more intense, cheerful options paired with bright details are suitable.

Textiles can contrast with the main background or be within the same spectrum. If you don’t want to take risks, then opt for white weightless curtains. Plain or patterned - it doesn’t matter, the main thing is not to overload the situation.

But if neutral-colored walls and bright details are necessary, then feel free to hang turquoise curtains in the nursery.

It is better to use wooden texture as a floor covering. This will add comfort and harmony. Don't forget about carpets. The color scheme can contain all the shades used in the interior or be monophonic.

Combining wallpaper from different materials

Wallpapers based on various materials are successfully combined: ordinary paper, vinyl, textile, photo wallpapers with scenes from cartoons and fairy tales depicted on them. Since they are chosen for a room where small children live, you should choose the highest quality and proven products so that the material is environmentally friendly and has the appropriate quality mark and certificate. Environmentally friendly liquid wallpaper can be a good option in this regard.

In addition to the fact that wallpaper should be safe, it is desirable that it be wear-resistant and durable, it is best to choose washable options so that any dirt can be removed.

Combination with other colors

Monotony in the interior is boring and difficult to perceive. So don't be afraid to add some color to your home.

Competent color combinations create the necessary effects and set the overall mood.

Let's look at the most successful combinations.

  • A white turquoise children's room is a classic and win-win option.

It is fresh, light and cheerful. This is an excellent solution for small spaces. Such an environment will stimulate the child to be creative, learn and achieve new results.

  • Turquoise gray children's is universal.

Any child will live comfortably in it, regardless of age and gender. Gray reveals all the beauty and depth of turquoise. Therefore, interiors in this combination are especially expressive and interesting.

  • Turquoise pink children's room is specially created for gentle natures.

Of course, this is a girl’s space. Pink adds warmth and softness to a room. A feeling of peace and tranquility is created. The main thing is to choose the right color scheme. The blue undertone of turquoise is best combined with a reddish tint, and the green undertone with peach.

  • The turquoise yellow nursery is bright and cheerful.

The main thing is not to overdo it with saturation. Opt for muted and calm shades. It is better if turquoise dominates. Combinations with orange colors are also selected.

A beige turquoise children's room envelops you with its warmth and tenderness.

This is an excellent solution for a baby's room or a sophisticated person. You can achieve balance if you use beige as a dominant color. There can be many variations: from delicate cream to brown. A bright spot will be turquoise children's furniture and decor.

  • Turquoise-violet children's room is designed for creative and extraordinary individuals.

Deep colors are more suitable for teenagers. And soft pastel colors will create a gentle and romantic atmosphere. Combine and alternate them when decorating walls and decor - this will create the necessary balance.

As you can see, decorating a nursery in turquoise is quite simple.

You just need to think through the general scenario in advance and show a little imagination.

How to design niches in the bedroom

If you encounter difficulties and are afraid of ruining the repair, then simply cover the niches, ledges and partitions with wallpaper that will differ in color or texture from the main ones. Of course, this option is suitable for those who have these same niches and partitions in the room, but if they are not there, then you can always create them or simply choose another renovation option.

If you decide on niches, then you can make the headboard of the bed in this style; it will look unusual, and the construction of niches from plasterboard will not cost much.

There is another win-win option - using photo wallpapers; they can be grouped with plain types of simple wallpaper. Just choose photo wallpapers that match the style of the main ones. For example, photo wallpaper with a seascape will go well with blue or turquoise wallpaper. Experiment with textures.

Combination of colors in children's furniture

As for furniture, it is better to choose neutral shades for the children's bedroom. This way, even if you want to renovate and repaint the room, you won’t have to change the furniture.

The best option is the color of natural wood. If the bedroom is made in warm shades, then it can be yellowish-brown wood, sunny and warm, with a beautiful varnished surface. Light sand, soft beige or even white furniture is suitable for almost any interior.

You should not choose dark furniture, it will weigh down the interior. Choose furniture in the same color scheme, so there will be a feeling of a harmonious and stylish ensemble.

Wallpaper and gender of the child

When deciding to renovate the room of a younger family member who is eight or nine years old, it is worth taking into account his gender, since it is from this age that the design of a little man’s children’s room will differ from a similar room for a young lady.

Wallpaper in a boy's room

Before you decorate a “boy’s” room, you need to take into account the characteristics of its owner’s temperament, as well as inquire about his taste preferences.

Color spectrum

For a calm and phlegmatic child, it is advisable to choose warm shades. To increase the activity of children who are too passive and prone to laziness, it is better to use rich and bright colors, as well as rich color accents. Conversely, the decor of a hyperactive child’s nursery should be kept in cool, but not gloomy, colors. Blue, green, and purple tones are often used to decorate a room. You can also see yellow and brown colors here.

Experts recommend using black in the decor of a teenage boy’s room, harmoniously combined with portraits of various celebrities and graffiti.


The choice of patterns present on the wallpaper should be entrusted to the child himself, because one may like images of cartoon characters or animals, while another may like plain colors. The most universal are considered to be plant patterns or floral patterns. It is worth considering that too colorful and repetitive pictures can tire the child’s nervous system, and also soon become boring. It is advisable to fit them into the overall style in which the room is decorated. For example, the image of butterflies on the walls can be complemented by a green bedside table that imitates a clearing.

It is highly undesirable to use abstract drawings in the design of a nursery, since they are aimed at the perception of an adult, as well as patterns on all vertical surfaces of the room. The best option is to use combined wallpaper in a children's room, when one of the walls is covered with canvases with prints, and the rest with plain canvases, as demonstrated in the following photo.

Thematic stories

In addition to the usual drawings, a marine theme and various landscapes will be a wonderful addition to a teenage boy’s own corner. The image of the water surface, the sun, the coast, boats, boats and even sea robbers-pirates will not leave indifferent either a young thinker or an active adventurer. Knights and Indians are frequent guests on the walls of a teenager’s room. A technical or sports theme would be appropriate.

Wallpaper in a girl's room

The little woman’s room is also decorated in a special way. From childhood, girls are usually raised as future housewives, so to decorate her personal territory they often choose shades that can emphasize comfort.

Color spectrum

When designing a nursery for girls, experts advise using soft tones: beige, peach, pink. An appetizing orange and turquoise color will look very organic. Depressing dark shades should be avoided.


The choice of wallpaper designs intended for decorating a girl’s room should be made by analogy with the room of a representative of the opposite sex. The important point is that, when looking at a particular drawing, children learn to distinguish geometric shapes and colors, and also develop their mental processes.

Thematic stories

Undoubtedly, there are girls who are close to “boyish” themes - sports, technology. However, in general they are more romantic and will not refuse such style solutions as a princess or forest fairy room. In the first case, the room is kept in delicate pink shades. Here you can meet fairy tale heroes, see castles and lots of hearts. The second option involves the presence of butterflies, flowers and various animals on a green background in its many tones.

Wallpaper in the room of children of different sexes or different ages

If a common room is provided for children of different genders or different ages, then it becomes important to divide it into separate zones intended for each of them. In general, the room can be kept in neutral colors, and within its own territory, give the child the opportunity to decorate it independently.

Wallpaper color combination in a children's room

As an original option for decorating walls in a children's bedroom, you can consider decorating the wall with wallpaper in two colors. For example, interior professionals consider a combination of light blue and light yellow colors to be successful.

To “dilute” the monotony of the canvases, you can choose trellises that have small inclusions of a different color. Getting rid of the monotony of paint allows you to get an excellent result that will be positively perceived by the child.

It is important to choose a certain shade, taking into account the gender of the child. For example, for a room girls use warm colors and pink shades. Boys need rooms decorated in "cool" color combinations.

In their “domains” blue and blue tones, complemented by gray and beige colors, will be appropriate.

Pastel shades chosen for decorating the walls in a room can bring harmony and comfort to the room. They will not make the room too “grown-up”; they will leave the child his own cozy corner.

The delicate shades of pink wallpaper will lull and soothe a newborn baby.

If desired, you can use a variety of bright designs to decorate the walls in the children's room. For example, voluminous stickers with butterflies, funny animals, and flowers will help develop the creative imagination of schoolchildren and develop their interest in research.

As an additional detail, professionals suggest using toys in contrasting colors. They will attract the attention of children and become the object of their first studies and observations.

But when choosing bright colors, it is important to observe moderation. Otherwise, there is a high risk that the room will become too “spotty”, and the materials chosen for its decoration will become serious irritants for children.

What else do psychologists recommend that moms and dads who decide to make changes to the appearance of their baby’s room take into account? Experts advise taking into account the type of temperament of the owner of the room. For example, if the baby is a cheerful choleric person, muted shades would be appropriate in his room.

For example, for such a fidget, you can choose trellises in cool blue shades, which will “seat” the fidget for lessons.

Attention! A huge number of bright toys in the room of a sanguine or choleric person can increase their activity, and dealing with such a mischievous person will be very problematic.

A little phlegmatic or melancholic person simply needs bright details in the created interior. For example, you can highlight a small accent in the form of a red panel, so that “such a spot” stimulates the child to be active.

What type of wallpaper is best to choose for a girl's nursery?

Today, on the shelves of construction stores there is a huge selection of materials that combine several qualities; for children, the most important is environmental friendliness. Another important factor is appearance and ability to maintain.

Paper wallpaper

Not a bad choice for a child's room. They are environmentally friendly, breathable and absolutely safe for children. Paper wallpapers are available in a wide variety of colors, so it will be easy to choose a design for a girl. However, the paper coating cannot be washed off from pencils and markers, and they have a short service life. But given their low cost and the constantly changing hobbies of children, it will be possible to easily update the interior after a while.

A more durable type of coating consisting of non-woven fabric. The wallpaper “breathes” and will withstand mechanical damage and wet cleaning, which is important for a child’s room. They are made in two variations: completely non-woven and only with a non-woven base. The first type has a textured top layer and is often used for painting; the second type has a top coat that can be made of different materials, maintaining a solid base.

The photo shows the original non-woven wallpaper in the children's room.

Vinyl wallpapers

They are distinguished by great variety; they are manufactured using different technologies with different final results. This type of coating is convenient for children's rooms for several reasons: they can be washed, some coatings can withstand brushing, the wallpaper has high strength, long service life, good soundproofing qualities and their design will not fade in the sun. However, the main disadvantage for a children's room is that some types of vinyl coverings do not allow air to pass through, and low-quality products can even emit harmful substances. It is worth taking a responsible approach to the choice of material.

Liquid wallpaper

This is a safe and non-allergenic option for children. The peculiarity of the composition allows finishing without seams, with an even canvas. And with a little imagination, you can depict a multi-colored pattern or design on the wall. The good thing about the coating is that, if necessary, it can be replaced only in the damaged area. However, liquid wallpaper still cannot boast the variety that other types offer.

Eco-friendly coating with beautiful appearance. The coating allows air to pass through well and improves sound insulation in the room. The disadvantages include their need for frequent cleaning; textile wallpapers attract dust well; it will be difficult to get rid of “drawings” on the walls.

A universal finishing method that is suitable for girls and boys. Colorful images help development and excite the child’s imagination. The drawing can reflect the girl’s hobbies and character. It is applied to a paper base, so the walls will “breathe” and delight you with their appearance. For children's rooms, it is better to use laminated photo wallpaper; the protective layer allows you to easily get rid of traces of “creativity” on the wall.

First of all, it is a completely natural, eco-friendly finishing material, which is created from natural raw materials. Bamboo or cork wallpaper will “protect” from extraneous noise and make the children’s room more interesting. Natural wallpaper will be a good idea for a themed design.

One of the best solutions for decorating a children's room. Wallpaper for drawing can be of several types: chalk, coloring or for marker. Chalk wallpaper is a self-adhesive film that resembles a blackboard; you can draw on it with crayons, and the drawing can be erased with a damp cloth.

The coloring canvas has a black outline pattern on it that needs to be colored. There are cloths on sale that can be cleaned.

The colors used to decorate a child's room affect the child's psychology and mood. Each color is unique and reflects on a person in its own way.


Shades of blue are immediately associated with a boy’s nursery, although it would also be an excellent option for decorating a girl’s room. Blue harmonizes with many shades. Sky blue wallpaper may have a delicate pattern of a different shade.

The photo shows a combined wallpaper, with a floral print on one wall, and plain on the other.


A great option for decorating a girl's nursery. The shade will match the gentle nature of the princess and will make the interior romantic and playful. You can dilute the shade with gray, blue, lilac.


A positive yellow tone is certainly associated with the sun and creates a truly summery nursery interior. The girl's room will be filled with positivity and good emotions.


Mysterious and magical color. The walls of the room can be decorated with castles and fairy-tale characters on a soft purple background. It is better not to use a bright shade when decorating; it can make a child’s room dark and closed.


A cheerful color will stimulate creativity in a girl. The shade encourages positive thinking and gets rid of bad thoughts. However, when decorating a children's room it should be used sparingly; oversaturation of too bright a color will create the opposite effect.


Calm tone, which is perfectly “superimposed” by bright accents. The beige shade will be an excellent base for multi-colored filling of the children's room, for example, patterns on wallpaper or furniture.

Black is not the best color for decorating a baby girl, but this does not mean that it should be excluded completely. Chalk wallpaper or canvas with an imitation of a starry sky will be a cute and beautiful design solution. Thus, the children's room will become a real creative workshop.

Photos of various examples of flowers in the interior of a nursery

Photographs of children's interiors will help you get inspired and filled with ideas. Look how many wonderful options the designers have come up with!

Take the issue seriously, combine shades harmoniously and do not forget that color affects the psyche and mood of your baby. And let his room be the most comfortable and beautiful!

Features of choice

To create an exclusive design, we combine wallpaper taking into account the color, texture, geometry and pattern of the images.

Wallpaper combinations can be used in the form of stripes, squares or other combinations. Thanks to this solution, the interior acquires refined individuality and a comfortable atmosphere.

Tip For small rooms, a great idea is to combine wallpaper without images with a bright accent on several walls. The dimensions of the wall become visually smaller when decorated with small patterns, and when decorated with wallpaper with a large pattern they look larger.

Decoration in beige tones

Traditionally, wallpaper of the same type is combined, differing in color or pattern. This option is the simplest because it does not cause any difficulties when pasting. But the design of wall decoration with two or three types of wallpaper has more advantages, because it performs a number of additional functions in addition to protecting the surface of the walls.

Combination for children

Wall coverings in a children's room should correspond to the child's character and interests. You can combine wallpaper vertically, horizontally or in another way. More often, patchwork design is used for children's rooms. This is a complex version of decor made from pieces of different wallpaper fabrics, which will appease any restless person with its chaotic and colorful design.

A variety of textures, designs, thematic and floral patterns, and graffiti will give the space a serene mood necessary for the mental health of children. The most daring variations of bright and rich shades of coatings are suitable for a children's room. Kids approve of patchwork designs with flowers, stars, images of cartoon characters, and fairy-tale characters. Walls decorated with photo wallpaper look good.

VIDEO: Options for fashionable and beautiful designs

Wall design

Updating the interior

Horizontal arrangement of different wallpapers

Example No. 18

Today, this method is simply morally outdated - this is hello from the first European-quality renovations of the nineties. Then the first companions and paper borders appeared on sale. The very squeak of fashion. But today there are simply no good modern examples of such a combination of wallpaper. I named it so that the list is complete, for information. You'll just know it's there, but keep in mind that it's best not to use it for the next 50 years.

The horizontal line cuts the wall into two parts and hides the height of the ceiling.


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