Design of a children's room for a boy: 30 best photos

A boy's room is an individual area that should be comfortable for games, relaxation and activities. To organize the interior correctly, you need to take into account several factors: the age of the child, his preferences and hobbies, as well as the stylistic solution. Based on this, you can create a cozy and truly functional children's room.

Children's room for a boy with an interesting layout Source

Room design for a boy 3-5 years old

Psychologists say that in preschool age children develop special feelings and personality. Any child should have his own opinion, which is taken into account by his parents. Based on this, it is advisable to arrange the bedroom.

Bedroom for a boy 3-5 years old in the style of football Source

Interesting furnishings with a bunk bed Source

For a 3-5 year old child, it is necessary to remember that the interior should be playful and as colorful as possible. The child should be pleased to be in this room, he should have a desire to spend more time here playing or having leisure time.

Bedroom with a play area for a young athlete Source

Great bedroom for fans of children's cartoons and racing Source

Interesting design of a nursery for a boy Source

Beautiful children's room with a large bed and decor Source

Boys at this age are not yet very independent. Toys and favorite characters remain an important part of life. Accordingly, when decorating a room you need to take these points into account. The arrangement of such a bedroom has several features:

  • Thematic design of the bed is a must. Often even the bed itself is made in the shape of a car or any favorite character from a fairy tale or cartoon.
  • Furniture decoration is made to order and matches the theme of the chosen interior as much as possible.
  • Wall decoration should be practical and not brandish. The ideal is its complete compliance with the furniture design. Of course, for a little explorer it is better to paint the walls, as the wallpaper can quickly be damaged.
  • Don't forget about decor and useful objects. For example, a bean bag chair in the shape of a ball or a soft corner with a print will be very useful. If your little one is interested in drawing, then you can purchase an adjustable easel especially for him.
  • Make a separate play area. It can be fenced with a false wall. Here you can also put a cabinet with drawers where you can store toys. A small table with a design wouldn’t hurt (there are models with the alphabet, numbers and various useful pictures).

Before you start organizing the interior in the children's room, you need to create a diagram and a separate concept, according to which you can later realize all your ideas.

A room with a bed for future sailors Source

Bedroom for a child in English style Source

Themed children's room for a little football player Source Interesting children's room from IKEA Source

See also: Catalog of companies that specialize in interior redevelopment.

Room design for a boy 6-10 years old: ideas and design features

The room of a ten-year-old child should be minimalist and functional. Here it is inappropriate to use various colored frames that attract attention. Usually in such a zone an interesting idea is carried out and a combination of several simple styles is carried out: modern, minimalism, modern.

Decorating a children's room for a child 8-10 years old Source An interesting idea for a bedroom for a boy 8-10 years old Source

A bedroom for a schoolchild with a unique style Source Spacious room with a bright boyish interior Source

Bright balance of shades in design Source

The nursery may not correspond to any of them. When creating a bedroom for one 10-year-old boy, parents should consider the following nuances:

  • Availability of laconic forms of furniture. They are the ones who make the room “expanded” and functional.
  • A focus on the boy’s hobbies, hobbies, and favorite activities should be present in some objects: as a decorative element or furniture design.
  • Proper arrangement of the workplace. Flashy shades are not allowed. It should be comfortable for the child to work in this area. It is advisable to place a computer or laptop on the desktop.
  • To make the atmosphere calm, wall decoration in beige, cream and light gray is suitable. Diversity is created with the help of color accents, which can be seen in upholstered furniture and decorative elements.
  • To make the bedroom as functional as possible, it is equipped with floor racks or wall shelves. Be sure to add a small wardrobe for storing school and everyday clothes.

At the age of 6-10 years, children are already fully aware of what they are doing, so there is no need to go to extremes, choosing the most practical materials and non-staining shades.

Marine-style bedroom with moderate decor Source Interesting design idea with a writing board in a boy’s room Source

Interesting design of a nursery with a comfortable workplace Source decorservice-nt.rf

Bright room for a boy in the theme of aircraft Source

Bedroom for a child interested in marine hobby Source

Tips for choosing furniture

The choice of furniture for a children's room depends on the style of the interior and the age of the owner of the room. However, there are general principles that will help you make the right choice.

Comfort and safety come first. Make sure that the parts do not have sharp corners, high locations, or awkward fits. The workplace, like the bed, must correspond to the physiological characteristics of the developing organism, without causing pain or distorting it.

Despite the relatively high price, furniture made from natural materials is a priority. Wood is not only harmless, but also has a positive effect on human well-being. Pay attention to the coating of the kit: it should be hypoallergenic and not collect dust.

Children's room for a boy in a modern style

When a young man begins to feel like an adult and show his ambitions, you can change the design of your individual area - the bedroom. Therefore, the ideal option is to furnish the room in a modern style. The child should be pleased to bring friends, and also feel comfortable in such an environment.

Children's room in a modern interior style Source

Modern children's room for boys with two-tier furniture Source

A room for a boy with a functional set Source Children's room in a light style Source A bright room for receiving guests Source

Children's room for a boy in loft style

The design of a boy's room in the loft style is still unusual. The room contains antique motifs, slight negligence and traditional incompleteness. Such features fit very harmoniously into modern children's bedrooms.

A comfortable room for a boy in the loft style Source A nursery for a boy with a loft interior and a functional set Source In the loft style Source Decorating a nursery for a boy in the attic Source

Multifunctional children's room for a boy in a loft style Source

The proposed design option will look good in both spacious and small rooms. The finished room design should have the following characteristics:

  • Availability of free space. It is advisable to leave it in the central part of the room or near the door.
  • Enough light. To do this, it is important to arrange the main and additional lighting in the correct order.
  • Execution of walls without finishing. You can leave the brick visible or simply paint the plaster walls. You can dilute them with various decor: posters, posters, paintings.
  • Abundance of metal structures. They can be seen in pieces of furniture: handrails or headboards, wardrobe fittings or bedside tables, book stands, lamps.
  • The use of natural materials is mandatory: wood, stone or a clear imitation of them.

In a children's room with a loft style, the use of dark shades is extremely inappropriate. Therefore, along with the brick far wall, adjacent partitions can be decorated in light blue, beige or coffee color.

Themed nursery for a boy Source

Practical room for boys in the loft style Source Loft interior in a teenage boy's bedroom Source Loft style in gray for a children's interior Source

Lighting options

The children's room should be bright, this is important for the boy's vision and maintaining vitality. During the daytime, natural light freely penetrates into the room through light transparent curtains, tulle, and veil. Various types of blinds are also relevant, which muffle the sun's rays when necessary.

Artificial light should be soft, imitating daylight. There must be a chandelier that completely illuminates the nursery. It is desirable that the lampshades are made of unbreakable material (plastic), and the product itself is compact in size - it hangs too low.

Additionally worth purchasing:

  • sconce in the form of an animal or character;
  • a lamp with an interesting lampshade (placed on the bedside table);
  • table lamp (for the workplace).

But floor lamps in the nursery are not recommended - the boy can get entangled in the wires lying on the floor, drop the structure and get injured.

Children's room for a boy in pop art style

Most stylistic decisions originate from spectacular fine art. Pop art is no exception. Therefore, in a room with a similar interior design, you can find various ornaments and outlines, color drawings, blots and multi-tasking acrylic drawings.

Interesting interior in pop art style for boys Source Organic pop art interior design for teenage boys Source

Slight carelessness in a boy’s room in pop art style Source

Bright yellow room for a boy with pop art design Source

This direction is characterized by:

  • an interesting combination of colorful things in a single visual space;
  • use as decoration of works in the form of photo printing and interesting ornaments in glossy design;
  • the presence of various advertisements and graffiti on the walls. Also, such images can be part of the decor of a sofa, bedspreads and graphics on furniture;
  • Chairs, benches and even a child’s desk can be decorated in a bright style.

On a note! Brightness in the pop art interior style is just a catchy accent against the background of walls in a monochromatic finish. This design ideally combines light glossy and matte tones of different palettes.

Another worthy feature of the pop art style in a children's room is neon lighting. In order to better visualize it, special niches and shelves built into the wall are created.

Children's room for a boy in a space style

Some children are attracted to the theme of space. In this case, it is advisable to create an appropriate environment for him in the room. Be careful, because this will require bright and as natural tones as possible.

Room for a boy with space decoration Source

Interesting design of a room for a boy in a space style Source

Teenage bedroom in space design Source

Decorating a “space” bedroom using acrylic Source

Many people prefer to decorate a room in the style of the interior of a spaceship. It won't be cheap. As a budget option, you just need to decorate the walls in a comic style and make a dark stretch ceiling with a starry sky. The facade of the furniture can be made in dark blue. Often they even order cabinets with fluorescent figures: stars, a month, comets.

The sleeping and working space is decorated in the same style. In order for the furnishings in the room to best suit the theme, it is necessary that “cosmic features” be visible in every detail.

Costume Corner

Who said dress up is only for girls! Help little man bring his heroes to life with a creative corner for his favorite movie character costume collection.

Green nursery for a boy

Green color is ideal for a child's room. It is considered universal, therefore suitable for any child of any age. The “green” environment in the room is perfect for hyperactive children.

This shade will be appropriate for any interior style: classic, Scandinavian, neoclassical, modern, rustic.

Beautiful and modern children's room in a light green shade Source

Light green children's room with simple design Source

Lime multifunctional bedroom for two boys Source

When using the green color scheme, you need to take into account some features:

  • The green tone should be cool and have more dark content. But only if it complements shades such as blue, purple, gray.
  • When you need to use green to diversify yellow or orange, a palette of light green, mint or pistachio is more suitable. This color can be seen in the decoration of walls and ceilings.
  • Bright green cannot be used in large areas of a child's bedroom. Let it be used in decorative items: figurines, vases, hanging shelves.
  • A children's room for a school-age boy should not be full of bright colors. To dilute them, you can use white, beige or ash shades. They will help make the room visually more spacious.

Please note that green goes well with all shades of the palette. But at the same time, companion colors should be chosen taking into account the age of the room.

Ideal children's room with convenient zoning Source

Room for a boy in light green color Source

Child access to accessories

At any age, children's books, miniature art paintings and other art objects should be at hand. Movable shelves are a great way to keep picture books and other accessories close to it.

When it comes to buying furniture for your son's bedroom, first of all you must decide what the main purpose of the furniture is: to simply use the room space economically or to create a cozy corner where you and your son can tell funny stories to each other.


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Features of thematic design of a boy's nursery

The theme of the design implementation in the children's room must be determined taking into account the boy's age. With such a wide range, you can easily choose a simple or intricate setting.

Bedroom for a boy with Spider-Man Source

Bedroom design with a tourist interior design Source Bedroom for a boy with a combination of several styles Source

The following interiors are considered the most popular in the design of boys' nurseries:

  • Cars and military equipment. These topics are in demand among boys of any age. Objects of thematic design are easy to observe in the decor: paintings, black and white photographs, figurines.
  • Trips. This type of interior is suitable for those guys who have a craving for tourism. In this case, the bedroom is complemented with photo wallpapers, stylish paintings and canvases. The proposed direction can easily be implemented in night curtains and other textile elements.
  • Nature. Some teenagers love to take care of plants. Therefore, for such cases, you can easily organize the presence of indoor flowers: different types of cacti and ficus. Additionally, posters on the wall, natural colors and natural materials will help to emphasize the theme: wood, metal, stone.

Hexagonal wall shelf design

Transform ordinary wall shelves into something special. They can be placed in the corners of the wall joints in a hexagon shape or in any other shape to create a special corner where your son can display and display his favorite toys.

The practicality of these shelves is that they stand the test of time. As the child grows up, they can be repainted in any colors and shaped designs can be created according to his wishes without the need for partial renovation of the room.

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