Polyurethane foam mattress: types, design features and advantages

Good health directly depends on the quality of your sleep. To get a good night's sleep, you need to choose a mattress that will meet the requirements for a good sleeping place. Recently, products filled with polyurethane foam (PPU) have become popular among buyers. They are distinguished by a high degree of comfort and a budget price. It remains to be seen whether they are as safe for health as the manufacturers say.

What is polyurethane foam?

Polyurethane foam is a synthetic material with a cellular structure that belongs to the group of gas-filled plastics. In everyday life it is often called “foam rubber”, but this is not true. Polyurethane foam is of high quality, it is more elastic and durable.

Thanks to a unique production technology (plastics, being in a liquid state, foam and harden), the material acquires a porous structure that contains a large amount of air (up to 98%). Polyurethane foam layers are lightweight, which greatly simplifies their operation.


Sizes of single mattresses: 80x190 cm, 80x200 cm, 90x190 cm, 90x200 cm. Less common are 80x180 cm. Sizes of one-and-a-half-size mattresses are 140x200 cm, 120x200 cm. Double mattresses are 160x200 cm, 180x200 cm. It is easy to purchase mattresses of other widths and lengths to order.

Thanks to its firmness and elasticity, it provides good support to the body during sleep and creates all the conditions for proper rest.

The height of the mattress side starts from 5 cm. The standard is 15 cm and above.

If the production technology is fully followed, the polymer becomes inert. It is completely suitable and safe for human health.

Important! The mattress should be turned over from time to time. This will extend the service life of the product, prevent its deformation and restore elasticity.

Areas of application of polyurethane foam

PPU or polyurethane foam, due to the presence of numerous pores, has high thermal insulation properties and a high degree of elasticity, which determined the scope of its application. The material is widely used in:

  • construction as insulation;
  • in the production of upholstered furniture and mattresses;
  • as a filler for soft toys;
  • for the production of sponges for cleaning needs;
  • filters;
  • rollers for painting work.

For upholstered furniture, mattresses, higher quality polyurethane foam is used. In other areas, lower grade material can be used.

Reviews about spring mattresses

Most people are satisfied with the purchase of a spring mattress. Both inexpensive models from Ikea and high-quality Ascona and Ormatek are praised. Among the negative aspects, buyers most often point out the high price, damage to the product due to careless handling (jumping).

Reviews about spring mattresses:

  • Olga: “Ikea Chareid is the first spring mattress in our house. It cost 16 thousand rubles, which is quite cheap for this category. Pocket springs (187 springs/sq.m.), on top there is a layer of polyurethane foam with a massage effect. With his appearance, I learned what it was like to sleep like a baby. It's incredibly comfortable. We plan to buy one for our son when he grows up.”
  • Vyacheslav: “Two years ago I bought a budget Hovog spring mattress from Ikea for 9 thousand rubles. It is one-sided and moderately hard. Weighs about 30 kg. It was delivered rolled up. At first I was disappointed - it felt like I was sleeping on the floor. And then he lay down and became the way he needed to be. A good thing, no worse than expensive Ascona.”
  • Mikhail Alekseevich: “We have been using the Askona Terapia Cardio mattress for 5 years. Orthopedic, high, the springs are not felt. Sleeping together is comfortable, even if there is a difference in weight, and someone likes to toss and turn in their sleep. I began to sleep very well. We bought a mattress for 20,000 rubles. Not little, but not prohibitively expensive either, considering that we will be using it for at least 10 years.”
  • Sasha: “I had a negative experience with spring mattresses. The slats on the bed were broken. They didn’t notice it right away, and it managed to become deformed. We bought another one, cheaper. But the springs dug into my back so much that I had to sell them to friends. For the same money we bought polyurethane foam with memory effect. Heaven and earth."

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Component composition of polyurethane foam

To make polyurethane foam, a mixture of two polymers is used:

  • polyisocyanate;
  • polyol.

The substances are mixed in a liquid state and undergo a foaming process. They are the main components of the solid part of the material, which accounts for a smaller part of the total composition. Additional elements are

  • flame retardant additives;
  • phenol;
  • tertiary amine;
  • toluene;
  • phosphorus.

Most of the foam is made up of gaseous substances. This can be ordinary air or carbon dioxide, depending on the scope of application of polyurethane foam.

Rules of care and use

Products made from orthopedic foam require regular cleaning and ventilation. In order to maintain the original appearance of the device for a long time, you must follow these recommendations:

  1. once every three months it is necessary to ventilate the mattress and clean it with a vacuum cleaner;
  2. The material should be cleaned only with special means;
  3. It is better to dry the product in the fresh air;
  4. the structure should be turned over regularly;
  5. It is not recommended to exceed the permissible load on the product.

Properties of polyurethane foam

Polyurethane foam has both positive and negative properties. The latter are not critical when using the material in construction or in the production of cleaning, cleaning, and washing products. But we should not forget that they can be dangerous.

For upholstered furniture and mattresses, high-quality polyurethane foam is used, which has practically no negative properties.

Positive properties

  • Low thermal conductivity.
  • Waterproof.
  • Vapor tightness.
  • Thermal insulation characteristics.
  • Waterproofing properties.
  • Noise insulation.
  • High adhesion.

Negative properties

  • Does not tolerate direct sunlight.
  • It's getting dark.
  • It dries out and crumbles.

Surface structure

Mattresses made of polyurethane are springless and spring:

  • Springless are models whose filling is made not only of polyurethane, but also of latex and coconut. Such devices can also be made of polyurethane chips and have gel inserts. These modifications completely repeat the shape of the human body during sleep, and then slowly return to their original form.
  • Spring. Such models can be with independent spring blocks or continuous weave springs. The first option is more reliable, since such parts better support the body of a sleeping person.

Is polyurethane foam in a mattress harmful?

Recently, a large number of rumors have appeared about the dangers of mattresses with polyurethane foam filling. They are explained by the composition. Anyone would be frightened by chemical dyes, phosphorus, formaldehyde and even arsenic.

But it must be taken into account that all these substances reacted during the foaming process and after the foam hardened they became completely harmless. They can only become active when the material is heated to 200 °C or during combustion. In an apartment it is impossible to obtain such a temperature, which means that substances hazardous to health will not be released.

It is better to pay attention to the positive characteristics of polyurethane foam mattresses:

  • elasticity;
  • anatomical;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • affordable price.

The last argument turns out to be the most effective. It is this that makes mattresses with polyurethane foam in demand among consumers.

Reviews of polyurethane foam mattresses

There are a large number of reviews about PU foam mattresses, and all of them are contradictory. Most often, comments are left on products from Ikea. Moreover, the same model can be praised and criticized at the same time.


Negativity towards polyurethane foam mattresses is mostly due to the excessive softness of the filler. Here's what customers write about them:

  • Mila: “We bought an extendable couch and thin Malfors polyurethane foam mattresses from Ikea. At first glance they didn’t inspire confidence, but in terms of size they were the only ones that matched the couch. After the first night, my back hurt wildly. This is not a mattress, but a sheet! The head falls in, the butt falls in. She returned to the ancient spring bed. It’s a waste of money, it’s very disappointing.”
  • Andrey: “I bought it from advertising. The polyurethane foam mattress was declared as hard, but in fact it cannot even be called medium-hard. An 8 year old child can still sleep normally. And underneath me it collapses so much that you can feel all the slats.”


Almost all buyers in reviews of polyurethane foam mattresses note the affordable price, ease of transportation, convenience and practicality.

  • Valeria V.: “I would never have thought that foam rubber could be so comfortable and keep its shape well. We bought the Moshult model. The material feels very elastic and dense to the touch. My weight is 60 kg, my husband’s is 72 kg. The mattress practically does not bend under us. The only negative point is that after about a year the foam inside turned yellow. But this is not visible in a mattress pad.”
  • Margot: “Malfors from Ikea is my first polyurethane foam mattress. This is a real salvation for a tired, sore back. We chose the toughest one. But sleeping on it is very comfortable. It takes the shape of the body. The feeling cannot be expressed in words. Been using it for six months now, no complaints. Same as on the first day of purchase. The mattress cover with a zipper is easy to remove. It doesn't fit completely in my washing machine. I unzip the zipper all the way and wash first one part of the mattress cover, then the other.”
  • Arsen: “We bought a budget mattress. The choice was faced with inexpensive spring and polyurethane foam. After lying on both, I felt a noticeable difference. The springs dig into your lower back, and you really relax on the foam. I advise you to take the one that is tougher. It’s just as comfortable, but more durable.”

Pros and cons of a polyurethane foam mattress

Like all mattresses, models with polyurethane foam filling have their advantages and disadvantages. All that remains is to analyze and decide whether their advantages are important for the consumer and whether the disadvantages are so critical. To reduce the number of shortcomings, it is recommended to study information about the types of polyurethane foam and their properties.


The main advantage of polyurethane foam mattresses is their price. With other positive characteristics, they turned out to be worthy competitors to expensive models with natural fillers or materials created using innovative technologies.

Polyurethane foam mattresses

  • elastic;
  • breathable;
  • have excellent orthopedic characteristics;
  • light weight, which simplifies operation.

By choosing a model with PU foam filling, you get a budget mattress that will delight its owners.


There is only one drawback - the risk of exposure to direct sunlight. This is especially important to consider in mattresses with removable covers.

The opinion about the harmful vapors emitted by the material is controversial today. If the mattress is not a fake, then we can safely say that it is safe for the human body.


Not knowing what to choose, a polyurethane foam mattress or a spring one, you need to compare the characteristics, pros and cons of both types. The table will help with this:

Polyurethane foam mattressSpring mattress
Main advantageCan effectively use the entire area, lightweight, inexpensiveSpinal support, orthopedic effect, durability
Main disadvantageBends heavily under heavy weightHigh price, cannot be used 5-10 cm around the edges
ConvenienceEnvelops the bodyCreates the necessary resistance and supports the spine
RigiditySoft, medium-softHard, medium-hard
Features of operationDo not get it wet, need to turn it over oftenYou cannot jump, sit or lie on the edges
Product weight6-8 kg25-35 kg
Maximum load70-110 kg140-150 kg and more
Life time5-7 years10-15 years
average cost4000 rub.20,000 rub.

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Material Features:

Polyurethane foam mattress models last a long time, support comfortable and healthy sleep and are not difficult to care for. An important feature is the orthopedic properties of the material, to give which manufacturers:

  • create multilayer structures with different layer densities;
  • give the mattress anatomically correct geometry;
  • Springs of different heights and elasticity are added to the design.

To extend the life of mattresses, they can be produced with a layer of coir - slabs of coconut bark. Both with and without it, mattress models are available with different side hardnesses. Periodically changing the sleeping surface maintains the health of the muscles and spine.

Orthopedic foam, foam rubber, polyurethane foam (PPU) - let’s understand the concepts

Strictly speaking, any of the materials that in appearance and properties resemble an ordinary sponge for washing should be called foam rubber - in Russia the name of the chemical concern “POROLON” has long and firmly taken root as a general name for foam polymers. But consumers have the impression that it is a cheap, simple and short-lived product.

Watch the video at the end of the article, it clearly shows the difference between different samples.

Therefore, today mattress sellers proudly call layers of fillers, at best, polyurethane foam, polyurethane foam, or orthopedic foam. Some went further and registered their own trademarks - OrtoFoam, Ergofoam, etc. The fact is that foam rubber has such characteristics suitable for making mattresses that there is simply nothing to replace it with. It’s easier to hide his presence behind a beautiful foreign word.

All that a serious manufacturer of sleep products can do is to follow modern developments in the chemical industry and use advanced technologies to create materials with improved properties. This way you can achieve increased durability, set different hardness, make the foam colored, non-flammable, super elastic. All leaders in the Russian mattress market produce foam rubber at their own factories, and can give it the necessary qualities.

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