Water mattress for home: advantages, types, operational features

Long, comfortable sleep is the key to a good mood for the whole day. A well-rested person is more productive and successful. He doesn’t get upset over little things and maintains his balance even in difficult situations. Only a comfortable bed, or rather a comfortable mattress, can give you a sound, good sleep. Not only the mood of the vacationer, but also his health depends on the quality of the latter. For this reason, the choice of sleeping surface should be taken as responsibly as possible. A good solution would be to buy a water mattress.

This water mattress is truly an imitation of the sea and waves

This original model has a number of undeniable advantages. The beneficial qualities of water mattresses, their types, and operating features are described in detail in this publication.

Water (or water) mattresses are a special type of mattress where the filler is water or a special liquid based on it.

What are the differences between water mattresses and standard ones?

Products with liquid inside are becoming increasingly popular.

In terms of external parameters, a water mattress is practically no different from a classic one. It has a similar design, standard shape. The main difference between the models is their content. In classic versions, latex and spring blocks are used, while water products are filled with water. It is she who gives a unique feeling of comfort during relaxation.

Construction of a modern water mattress

Another important distinguishing characteristic is the weight of the product. The structure filled with water weighs much more than a classic lounger. Because of this, certain difficulties arise in choosing a bed. Not everyone can withstand such loads.

The classic shape for a water mattress is a rectangle with rounded edges, but there are also round and oval mattresses

Shapes and sizes

A mattress of any shape can be made from polymer material. But in the case of liquid filler, all products have rounded corners. This increases their reliability. The most common configurations are:

  • rectangular;
  • round;
  • oval.

As for the dimensions, they differ little from the standard parameters.

  • Single models - 100x200 cm.
  • One and a half - 120x200 cm.
  • Double - 150x200 and 180x210 cm.

Myths, rumors

Working principle of a water mattress

In our country, the water mattress is in low demand. The main reason is the existence of many ridiculous myths. Many rumors have nothing to do with the real state of affairs, others are not so scary. The main myths about water structures are discussed in the table.

MythIs it true
Constant gurglingA high-quality water mattress is almost silent. No air can get inside the product, gurgling is completely eliminated.
Causing seasicknessMotion sickness is indeed possible. However, this happens rarely, mainly when using cheap models. They consist of only one chamber.
Rotten waterThe water mattress is filled with ordinary water. It is not purified, bacteria can multiply in it. However, rotting can be prevented using special means. The preparations allow water not to deteriorate for years.
High probability of leaksThis is wrong. The probability is quite low. Without special human efforts, the product will not break. It can withstand heavy loads. The main thing is that the owner should not intentionally test the structure for strength with sharp objects.
High power consumptionMonthly consumption – 15 kW. This is a small expense.

A bed with a water mattress is a comfortable sleeping place that can serve you faithfully for more than 20 years if you choose the right design

Advantages and disadvantages

In the West, a waterbed is present in almost every home. No wonder. It has a number of positive characteristics.

  • Relieves stress from joints and effectively relaxes muscles. Water helps the body take the correct position during sleep. It does not interfere with blood circulation and promotes complete relaxation.
  • Ensures maintenance of optimal temperature. Modern models are equipped with heating. The system includes a built-in heating regulator. With its help, you can set the most comfortable temperature. In a well-warmed bed, falling asleep takes less than ten minutes. A warm water mattress is a good help in the fight against insomnia.
  • It is highly hygienic and hypoallergenic. Fungus and mites will never grow in such a design. And keeping it clean is quite easy - you just need to wipe it with a damp cloth from time to time.
  • Retains its qualities for many years. Over time, water surfaces do not sag or deform. The product case is very durable and wear-resistant.

The product does not have many disadvantages. One of the main ones is bulkiness. The design is quite heavy and bulky. It’s unlikely to fit it into a small apartment. Another disadvantage is the difficulty of care. Owners must change the water from time to time and follow certain operating rules.

With the proper level of dexterity, two people can sleep on a water mattress, but the movements of one person will still be felt by the other

Bed requirements

Water mattresses cannot be used on regular beds, as their base cannot cope with such weight

As already noted, water mattresses need a special bed. You cannot use standard furniture under them. It will simply fall apart after laying the product. What should the bed be like? The first requirement for it is the presence of a solid foundation. The base must be made of strong, stable, wear-resistant material. Melanin is perfect.

A bed for a water mattress is usually made to order and consists of a durable frame and a protective box that are not afraid of moisture

The second requirement is the presence of a protective box. The sides of the box should be higher. This will protect the apartment from liquid in the event of a structure rupture. It is almost impossible to find such furniture in an ordinary store. It must be made to order. The master will be able to make the ideal base, taking into account the characteristics of the bed. The most important thing is that materials that are resistant to moisture should be used in production. If it is wood, it must be coated with a special water-repellent composition. It will protect the surface from the harmful effects of water in case of rupture.

The feeling of sleeping on such a surface can be compared to a gentle swaying - “like on the waves”


Any water mattress has high hygienic and anti-allergenic properties

You can find several types in stores today.

  1. Single-chamber.
  2. Multi-chamber.
  3. With polyurethane block.
  4. Children's.

The first type can be classified as budget. They are a simple design made of a cover and filler. This water mattress can only be used by one person who is light in weight. It is quite difficult to maintain balance on its surface. If you have seasickness, you cannot buy a single-chamber model.

Single-chamber mattress - in which the liquid is located in one large section, the most inexpensive option

Multi-chamber type - a more progressive model, equipped with special cylinders. They contain a liquid filler, the temperature of which can be adjusted. In multi-chamber structures, the water is practically motionless. A bed with such a bed is very stable.

A multi-chamber mattress consists of several liquid-filled cylinders, with the possibility of “zoning” rigidity by adjusting the pressure in the compartments

Models with a polyurethane block can be called the most optimal for purchase. They are comfortable, do not cause motion sickness, and allow you to properly distribute the load. The polyurethane block significantly extends the service life.

A mattress with an additional support layer that provides additional rigidity and makes the mattress suitable for permanent use.

Children's beds with water can only be multi-compartment. They are made from high quality materials and equipped with several additional layers. Some of them have special temperature regulators. They allow parents to choose the optimal temperature regime for their own child.

How to choose

When choosing a waterbed, there are several factors to consider:

  • Do the owners sleep restlessly, do they toss and turn a lot in their sleep?
  • In what conditions is it most comfortable to sleep, cool or warm, even if the room is hot?
  • Do you have back pain?
  • Do you have pain in other joints or muscles or arthritis?
  • Are there problems with blood circulation?

If the problems described above are not observed, then it is quite possible to get by with purchasing a regular or orthopedic mattress. If several of these conditions are met, a waterbed is a reasonable solution.

Many owners note an increase in the level of comfort and normalization of sleep after purchasing such beds, especially compared to other types of sleep systems.

What to remember when choosing

  • Waterbeds have improved radically since their introduction. Today's most popular products use durable fiber layers.
  • The liquid in waterbeds with 1-2 layers of fiber can move within 20 seconds. 10-12 layer systems completely suppress water movement with ergonomic lumbar support that keeps the body in the correct position. If the owner is worried about his vestibular apparatus, it is better to purchase the latter option.

  • If you have back or muscle pain, a design with additional layers of fiber is also suitable.
  • If there are small children or animals living at home, there is a high risk of the mattress being damaged before its service life expires. In this case, it is recommended to purchase mattresses with strong covers or special attachments on the sides.

Expert opinion

Zhukova Ekaterina Dmitrievna

Interior designer

If the owner is a heavy sleeper but his partner is not, it is better to choose a split mattress. It is also more stable than conventional models and allows each side to be adjusted separately. You can customize the temperature, different levels of wave control and additional support for your entire upper body.

Benefits of heating

The heating function of a water mattress will bring relief to people suffering from rheumatism, gout, pain in muscles and joints

Most models of beds with a water mattress have a special heating system. Their device is more complex. At the bottom of the structure there is a special layer containing conductive strips. They are reliably protected from water and can heat liquid to a given temperature. Typically the temperature range is from twenty-four to thirty-two degrees. The advantages of heating are obvious. Heating allows you to provide a comfortable bed for a relaxing rest.

The vast majority of water mattresses are equipped with a heating system with a temperature range from 24 to 32 degrees

A warm bed and a soft sleeping bed are conducive to relaxation and falling asleep quickly. Heating is especially indispensable in winter. Such a bed will be warm and cozy even in severe frosts. The additional heating function does not use much electricity. After heating, the liquid in the structure cools very slowly. Its temperature will be comfortable for several hours after disconnecting from the network.

Operating rules

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Since it is a waterbed bed mattress, it has its own features.

During operation, I advise you to adhere to the following rules:

  • if this is a cheap single-chamber option, then the water in it should be changed once a year;
  • in modern models it is possible to add water conditioner, which increases the interval between fluid changes to once every 2-3 years;
  • Wipe the frame with a slightly damp cloth;
  • do not use abrasives or hard brushes for cleaning;
  • do not smoke in such a bed, do not use matches or lighters;
  • refrain from eating in bed, otherwise there is a chance of piercing the base with cutlery.

That's enough, I think.

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