Types of bases for a mattress: how to choose so that you can sleep comfortably

Making a bed yourself is a very labor-intensive process, during which you need to know the intricacies of choosing a truly durable material. But it’s not enough to build a strong frame: you also need to know how to choose a base for the bed. We will help you understand this issue in this article. We recommend that you do not ignore the sections below, as you risk missing important nuances.

Plywood sheet for bed base Source livemaster.ru

What is a bed base and its structure?

A bed base is a special type of structure, without which the existence of a sleeping place is impossible. The structure serves as a place for laying the mattress. Can be attached to the main frame or simply packaged separately.

All the details that are present in the design, and this is: the place for the mattress, the mattress itself and the frame itself, play one role - they provide comfortable support for the body of a sleeping person.

A lattice base made of boards is simple, not orthopedic. Source postroysamdom.ru

Salon on Shelepikha

Moscow, Shelepikhinskaya embankment 16, (metro station Shelepikha, MCC station Shelepikha) View on Yandex maps or Google maps

Directions from: Shelepikha metro station (yellow and turquoise lines), 1st car from the center, exit towards st. 4th Magistralnaya. Outputs 2-3. From the metro, cross the road (towards 5-storey residential buildings) and go down the path between the houses. Walking straight all the time, in 3-4 minutes you will come out exactly to the salon. View route

Directions from: MCC st. Shelepikha (track No. 1) is the second car from the end of the train. Down the escalator - to the right, after the turnstiles go straight through the glass door. Next - exit 2, turn right, go straight 450m - down towards the embankment. Along the way, you will have a pedestrian crossing across the road - cross it and go further down in a straight line. You have arrived - on the first floor of residential building No. 16 (last entrance) you will see a sign “Matras.ru”. The approximate travel time from the MCC to the salon is 5 minutes.

Store phone: +7

Salon opening hours: Mon – Sun: from 09:00 to 21:00

Types of bases: orthopedic and solid

There is a lot of controversy about which base is best to choose for a homemade bed. Many believe that ideally it is orthopedic, as it will be beneficial. Others say that it will be solid and will last longer. Let's look at this in more detail.

Frame and base made of decorated durable plywood for a one-and-a-half bed Source fdforp.com

Salon on Kaluzhskaya

Moscow, st. Obrucheva, 34/63, building 1 (Shopping center "Furniture box", 1st floor) View on Yandex maps or Google maps

How to get there: from the Moscow Ring Road on Profsoyuznaya Street, 100m before the intersection with Obrucheva Street, go right under the barrier (you need to turn AFTER the Lotte Plaza hotel building). At the barrier, say that you are going to a furniture center and drive into the parking lot. There are always free places!

By public transport: Kaluzhskaya metro station, 1st car from the center. Exit No. 5, go straight 100 m, the Furniture Box shopping center will be on your left.

Store phone: +7

Salon opening hours: Mon – Sun: from 10:00 to 21:00

Which bed base for a mattress is better to choose?

The bed frame can be anything, but if you have decided to make the base wooden and do not know what is better than plywood for the bed or slats, we suggest reading the details below, which will eliminate doubts.

Using durable plywood under a bed mattress Source s3.amazonaws.com

Flat plywood (solid)

Sheets of plywood, which will later be used to complete the bed, in addition to sanding, are additionally coated with decorative substances and impregnations that protect the surface from harmful external influences. Such a panel is placed on the bed after complete drying. It can be fixed or simply laid hermetically. Since a solid sheet is much heavier, it exhibits its orthopedic properties worse.

But flat bases continue to be in demand, as they are easy to manufacture and quite versatile, as they are suitable for beds of different sizes and can withstand any type of mattress.

Important! This type of base is ideal for people suffering from spinal diseases. In such cases, you need a strictly rigid surface without springing or moving.

The use of perforated solid plywood for a bed Source poisk-mastera.ru

Lamellar base

The design of individual lamellas is considered a novelty in the technology of manufacturing bedroom furniture. It is usually made from beech or birch, sometimes walnut is used. The lattice base can be purchased ready-made on a wooden or metal frame. There are even designs where the orthopedic base is attached to a lifting mechanism.

Orthopedic slats for a double bed Source fastbox.su

The production of such lamellas is carried out using several unchanged standards. These include:

  • thickness - 6-8 mm;
  • width - 63 mm;
  • fastening in increments of 70-80 mm.

As for the length of each plank, it should be slightly less than the width of the inside of the bed frame. It is also considered a significant advantage that a bed with a collapsible base is easy to transport, move, and, if necessary, restore. Also, such furniture is easier to disassemble and assemble.

Types of slats

Wooden planks are made from bent-glued plywood, formed from several layers of veneer. Strength and flexibility depend on the type of wood. The slats can be wide or narrow. The width of the lamellas is selected for the mattress:

  • Wide battens (5.3–9 cm) are suitable for springless models, Bonnell springs, as well as products with a low spring density and hard filler. They are cheaper, but over time they can begin to creak. A mattress with such a lattice wears out faster.
  • Narrow strips (3–5.2 cm) are chosen for models with independent springs or with increased spring density. Suitable for all types of mattresses, excellent springiness, but more expensive.

Wide slats

Narrow slats

If the weight of a sleeping person does not exceed 90 kg, then it is better to take a design with narrow armor.

Lat holders for attaching lamellas have different degrees of mobility. There are:

  • mortise - the lamellas are located inside the frame body, there is a tendency to creak;
  • plastic overhead – mounted on top of the frame;
  • overhead rubber - fixed at the top, have a platform to reduce the load on the armor, the most durable.


Plastic overlays

Made from rubber

NameVertical deflectionRotate 200Vertical compression

Classification of slatted bed bases

Having decided that the slatted design for the bed is best suited, it is advisable to disassemble its existing types. There are only two of them: with and without a stiffness regulator.

Double bed with slatted orthopedic base Source proraboff.rf

In the first case, the capabilities of the bed expand. The design is able to change the level of rigidity in each specific zone to enhance the level of comfort during sleep. The change in basis occurs at several points:

  • head and shoulder areas;
  • middle back, pelvis;
  • hips, knees, feet.

Also, at the stage of choosing a frame, we recommend deciding what structure the mattress will have. If you purchase a slatted base in a store, be sure to tell the consultant which mattress you prefer.

Salon on the Enthusiasts Highway

Moscow, Shosse Entuziastov, 50, (metro Shosse Entuziastov, MCC station Shosse Entuziastov) View on Yandex maps or Google maps

Directions from: Shosse Entuziastov metro station - exit from the glass doors to the right. Walk along the highway in the direction of traffic to house No. 50. The entrance to our store is on the side of the building. View route.

Directions from: MCC st. Enthusiasts Highway (path No. 1) – platform on the left. From the last carriage is the first exit. We go down and turn right out of the glass door. Then we move straight along the underground passage, get out and walk against traffic for 550m - 7 minutes, go down into the underground passage, and turn left from the passage. Then we go straight 100m. You have reached house No. 50 - go all the way through it (to the barrier) - from the end of the building you will see the Matras.ru salon. You come! Estimated travel time from the MCC is 9 minutes.

If you are driving, call the store and they will let you into our free parking lot.

Store phone: +7

Salon opening hours: Mon – Sun: from 9:00 to 21:00

If the bed is for children: how to decide on the choice

For such cases, a number of individual features apply. After all, for the correct formation of a child’s spine, he needs healthy sleep, and only an orthopedic surface can provide him with this, no matter what position the child is in.

For example, a slatted base in combination with an orthopedic mattress must be chosen correctly; the distances between the slats and the thickness of each of them must be observed. Also pay attention to the following nuances:

  • The location of the lamellas on the frame should have an average distance of +- 80 mm. If it is wider, then some of the design features of the mattress will simply fall inward and the structure will gradually collapse. If the distance between the slats turns out to be too narrow, then the orthopedic properties of the structure will not manifest themselves correctly.
  • The optimal width of the lamellas is 63 mm. If they are laid over the entire area of ​​the bed frame, then these parameters are sufficient for the base to serve as a reliable support for a long time.
  • The edges and shape of the elements must be perfectly even and smooth. After all, when using the mattress, it will inevitably create friction with the lattice, and uneven ends will lead to damage to the fabric that contains the mattress. You can put on a mattress cover; this will only delay the process of damage to the fabric shell of the mattress, but not for long.

Important! For a children's bed, mattresses of a springless type or those consisting of natural latex can be chosen. These cannot be laid on a lamella base; therefore, you will have to limit yourself to a flat one.

Salon on Ogorodny Proezd

Moscow, Ogorodny proezd, 10, (metro Butyrskaya) View on Yandex maps or Google maps

How to get there : Butyrskaya metro station, last car from the center, exit the metro doors to the right. Walk a few steps along the direction of traffic to the Green shopping center, go inside and follow the signs on the Matras.ru signs - from the main entrance straight and to the right - you are there!

If you are by car, then enter the parking lot from Rustaveli Street.

Store phone: +7

Salon opening hours: Mon – Sun: from 10:00 to 22:00


The structures cannot cause harm to human health. They are specially designed to improve sleep quality and create the most favorable conditions.

But to ensure the most comfortable position for your body and spine, you need to choose a design taking into account the needs of the body and weight category.

People with a lot of weight need to purchase a model with a high degree of elasticity. Focus on the bases, adjusting the stiffness. When purchasing a budget option, you need to consider the safety of the model.

First stage

At the beginning, we prepare the materials and necessary tools. The most suitable material for our base is pine timber, which can be purchased at a hardware store or at a sawmill. Its dimensions are 50 mm by 50 mm. The base for the mattress will be furniture laminated chipboard, and we will make decorative elements of the bed from the slab material.

To calculate what length of timber to buy, you need to understand where it will be used. The timber will be used to strengthen the base, to support the base on which the mattress will rest. In our case, the most optimal size for the length of the beam is 4.5 meters. You need a couple of such bars. Since the elements made from beams will not be visible in our bed, you can purchase unplaned timber. It is better if it is cut to size on site. Such timber will be more convenient to transport.

Be sure to check how it was stored before purchasing the timber. It should be stored under cover. Pay attention to how it was laid, whether spacers were used between layers. Otherwise, you may end up with low-quality material, with mold, darkening or cyanosis. Such timber is often severely deformed due to drying.

If the timber was stored in unsuitable storage conditions, do not buy it, because you can choose a more suitable, high-quality material. For example, laminated veneer lumber. Such timber costs much more, but the quality of your product will increase significantly. Here you should not save money. After all, we do it for ourselves, our loved ones.

The next stage is preparing the base parts

The head of the bed needs to be made beautifully and neatly. The head back will be made of slab material and furniture chipboard. Make sure that the texture of the headboard material is directed from top to bottom or bottom to top, that is, it is transverse. It is good to process the bottom edge with a milling cutter according to the prepared sketch; this will give the finished product an aesthetic appearance. Take all this into account when cutting the material.

We make the holder from a block 20 cm long. It is fixed across the width and in the center, at a height of 15 cm from the bottom edge. We secure them with self-tapping screws and put them on glue.

The holder is fixed in the center of the beam. It is necessary to fix the racks on the sides of the head cloth. They are made from slab material.

The profile is connected to the headboard using prepared glue and dowels. It is necessary to apply glue not only to the dowels, but also along the entire length to the end of the head sheet.

At the top, on the headboard, we fix an additional decorative profile. Fix it in the same way as you strengthened the bed posts. Although this technology can be simplified a little. Only glue can be used. Do not use dowels. But double fasteners, reinforcing each other, will allow your product to be more reliable and durable.

If you have the capabilities and desire, and most importantly certain skills, then you can make racks in the form of columns using turned wooden elements. This will additionally give the product a more aesthetic appearance. The only point is that the turned part needs to be flattened with a plane for more convenient attachment to the side of the headboard.

The side opposite the headboard, called the footboard, is made according to a similar pattern as the headboard. The main difference in fastening the small backrest to the drawers is that it is done using eccentric ties. To ensure that the fastening elements are not visible from the outside, minifixes are used.


Manufacturers of bases offer many types of designs, which differ in systems and principles of operation, as well as the types of materials from which they are made.

The slats are made from high-quality natural wood – walnut, beech and birch. This allows them to be practical and durable.

Birch is one of the cheapest and most commonly used materials.

Beech and walnut are several times stronger than birch - they can withstand heavy loads and have a high degree of service.

There are wooden, plastic or metal structures. They are often equipped with a lifting device.

The frame is made of wood, plastic or metal with a solid or rack system. Plastic models are durable, lightweight and easy to use.

An important role is played by the legs, which are selected according to height and must have high-strength properties. The quantity is selected individually from 4 to 7 pieces.

Fasteners can be made of plastic, metal or rubber.


Let's name several leading branded manufacturers producing such a piece of furniture.

  1. has its own production. It produces many options for frames - from rigid metal to collapsible plastic models. They can be equipped with both manual and gas mechanisms.
  2. is engaged in its own developments. Manufactures frames to order, according to the sizes and wishes of clients. Large selection of colors.
  3. The Lazio factory offers a huge range of recreational systems, produced in-house. Helps you choose mattresses and pillows for a comfortable sleep. Guarantees high quality. Uses only environmentally friendly materials.
  4. presents designs for every taste. Thanks to the huge variety of frames and lifting mechanisms, it is able to please even the most demanding buyer. Uses absolutely safe materials. Produces models in accordance with GOST.

When purchasing a product, even from the most well-known manufacturer, you need to carefully study the technical characteristics and features of the product.

Care instructions

The bases are considered a fairly durable piece of furniture. But despite this, there are still several basic rules for increasing service life.

  1. Choose a system according to your size and weight category.
  2. It is prohibited to exceed the potential load specified in the instructions.
  3. Do not run or jump on the bed.
  4. When transporting, it is forbidden to bend the slats.
  5. Do not move the structure, which stands on personal supports.

If you follow simple rules, even the most budget base will serve you for many years.


The orthopedic design has more advantages than disadvantages. Lightness, mobility, individual adjustment of rigidity, a huge selection of systems, different price categories. Useful for healing the body. They fold up quickly and do not take up much space, which is important for moving.

You can purchase a model with an installed lifting mechanism. This is especially true in small rooms to save space in the bedroom and closet.

The main advantage of the systems is that they are designed specifically for orthopedic mattresses and provide them with an additional therapeutic result. The structures help to correctly distribute the load. Thanks to this, the life of the mattress is extended.


Orthopedic bases perform the main function of the bed and double the healing properties of the mattress itself. The initial task of such a piece of furniture is to maximize the distribution of a person’s weight and create a spring effect.

The base includes a frame, transverse slats and holders for them.

Lamels or slats differ in width, pitch and degree of elasticity.

Various types of lifting mechanisms from manual to electric with remote control are installed on the frame.

The structure can be attached to a bed frame, or it can be an independent piece of furniture standing on its own supports.

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