What to do if the bed creaks: tips and instructions

If a wooden bed creaks

A bed on a wooden base can cause a lot of trouble by squeaking if the parts have dried out or, conversely, become saturated with moisture in a damp room.

Loss of the product’s shape leads to an increase in cracks and gaps and the appearance of “bed songs”.

You need to start the inspection by checking the place where the bed is installed: it often happens: it is on an uneven floor, so it is enough to find a suitable place and move it to a smooth surface to get rid of the annoying “music”.

A spring mattress can be a source of unpleasant sounds. Experienced home craftsmen advise checking it by laying it at various points: it is possible that the location of the problem will be discovered.

It is believed that it can be removed with a simple movement: simply turning the mattress over to the other side. However, if the “sound” is strong enough, it is better to exchange the product.

When the bed is used for a long time, it has:

  • legs may become loose and give way;
  • the wooden structure becomes less stable, and the creaks become louder.

You can eliminate them in several ways:

  • if the fastener is loose, solving the problem is quite simple: you need to tighten it with wrenches;
  • rub the joints with paraffin, soap or silicone;
  • Fill large gaps with pieces of thick fabric or leather.

However, the most effective is the use of special rubber glue or metal staples, depending on the nature of the damage.

The peculiarity of the method of working with glue is that:

  • the structure will have to be completely disassembled;
  • Carefully apply glue to each part and let it dry a little;
  • connect all structural elements, pressing them tightly;
  • return the fastener to its place.

At the same time, you should not forget that it will no longer be possible to disassemble a wooden bed after thorough gluing.

Bed with lifting mechanism

Despite the fact that most beds are stationary wooden, you can find products with a lifting mechanism on sale.

This design can be a source of squeaking if:

  • there were problems with the condition of the foundation;
  • There is something wrong with the lifting mechanism.

In the first case, you can get rid of the unpleasant “music” only by contacting the manufacturer to replace the base - there are no other options.

It is usually enough to lubricate the mechanism itself with silicone, and if necessary, tighten the fastenings.

Eliminating the creaking of a metal bed

A metal bed can also upset you with extraneous sounds, but eliminating squeaks is quite possible; the main thing is to correctly identify their source.

  • Loose mechanisms - Replace with conventional fasteners
  • Contacting surfaces – Wrap with plastic wrap
  • Armor mesh - Replacement or treatment with a special agent

Experts say that there are not many options for repairing metal beds:

  • Tightening fasteners at the connection of parts; In this case, special attention should be paid to the engraving washer, which should protect the nut from unwinding. In its absence, the joints weaken very quickly. If for some reason it is not there or it is broken, it must be installed, which will ensure the reliability of the fastener.

If the source of discomfort is the metal lattice (mesh), which is still found on old beds, you can try lubricating it, although the likelihood that it will stop squeaking is extremely small.

To reduce the “sound accompaniment” of sleep, you can:

  • file the legs, making the bed slightly lower, this will reduce squeaks;
  • Place a plywood sheet under the mesh - the result will significantly soften harsh sounds.

Advice. A sheet of plywood can be installed if there is a bulkhead under the mesh: without it, it will not last long.

If your legs creak

Quite often the source of squeaking is the legs. There are many reasons for the appearance, but the most common are:

  • too large constant loads on the surface of the berth, which can lead to deformation of the part or its complete destruction;
  • weak fastening.

The most rational solution is to tighten the connection of parts; this must be done carefully.

Attention! When tightening the nuts, be careful not to overdo it: if you overtighten the connection, the side of the bed or the leg may break.

Why does the IKEA bed squeak?

Worn parts Often squeaks

as a result of unscrewing screws and bevelling fasteners.
This defect can be eliminated by slightly tightening the nuts, but sometimes this is not enough. ... The reason for the nasty sound may not be the bed
, but the mattress, or rather its springs.

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Determining the cause of the squeak

  • Remove the mattress and orthopedic base from the bed. Remove the mattress and orthopedic base from the bed. An orthopedic base is a special base made of wooden planks, which is located under the mattress. Place the mattress and orthopedic bed base on the floor.
  • Check if the mattress is squeaking. You'll want to make sure that the mattress itself isn't the source of the squeaks before you move on to checking the bed frame. Climb onto the mattress and move around a little, if you hear a squeak, then the cause of the squeak is the mattress.
  • Check the orthopedic bed base for squeaks. Press down on it from above and try to wiggle it. If you hear a creak, it is probably the orthopedic base that is causing the problem, not the bed frame.
  • Rock the legs of the bed and listen carefully. Squeaking often occurs at the joints between the bed legs and the rest of the bed frame, so try wiggling each leg. Try to find the exact location where the squeak is coming from.
  • Rock the support bars at the bottom of the inside of the bed frame. The support strips can be wooden or metal; they are located at some distance from each other and stretch from one side of the frame to the other. An orthopedic base and mattress are then placed on them. Press down on each support bar to check if they squeak.

Often the cause of squeaking is the friction of one wooden part against another.

Frame repair work

The frame repair process depends on the material from which the bed is made:

  1. If the base of the bed or the entire bed is a metal structure, then the fasteners should be tightened. You need to figure out what size the nuts and bolts are, choose a specific wrench, and tighten them with ease. At the same time, it is worth lubricating with a special lubricant, or Vaseline.
  2. Such tightening is not suitable for wooden ones. After all, old models are fastened not with bolts at all, but with nails, and boards that cause creaking are very difficult to tighten, but you shouldn’t give up lubricant.

Take note: to tighten it, you need to use a wrench of the right size, because you can damage the edge of the nut or bolt, and then you won’t be able to unscrew them without special tools.

Quick ways to fix problems

Line the frame support strips with old clothing. Use old socks or shirts that you no longer wear for this purpose. The fabric will not allow the orthopedic base or mattress to rub against the bed frame and make squeaks.

Use cork caulking to fill excess gaps in a wood frame bed.

  • Check the bed for any gaps where the orthopedic base or mattress could potentially ride and rub against the bed frame. Place cork sealant in these gaps to ensure all bed components fit together tightly.
  • Slide a towel under the uneven legs of the bed frame. A bed foot can be considered uneven if it does not touch the floor. Slip a towel into the gap between the corresponding leg and the floor to prevent the bed from rocking and making unnecessary sounds.
  • Place a book under the mattress near the source of the squeak. If the creaking comes from the support bars, remove the mattress and orthopedic base from the bed, and then place the book on the creaking bar. Then return the orthopedic base and mattress to their place.

Ways to get rid of unpleasant sound

In order to eliminate all unpleasant sounds, you do not need to specifically call a specialist, since a man can do everything himself. To “cure” a wooden frame you need:

  1. Tighten the fasteners. If there is a need to even replace it with more reliable and durable materials, the creaking will go away almost immediately.
  2. Repair cracks and other defects. If a crack or other damage occurs on the frame, the damaged beam can be easily replaced with a new one. Small cracks can be tightened and secured with a metal plate.
  3. Remove all gaps. Gaps found between joints need to be eliminated, because they are the ones that cause the most unpleasant sounds. In such situations, you can cut a strip of wood.

In order for an iron bed to bring joy and a sense of comfort again, you need to:

  • Tighten all connecting elements and check for seals.
  • Lubricate the metal contact points with technical oil.
  • This way you can get rid of all the defects that bother you, rest comfortably again and not worry about squeaking.

Next, we will consider the features of quickly eliminating the causes of squeaking, as well as what prevention can be used to prevent such creaking.

Determining the source of the squeak on the bed

Of course, it will be better to work in pairs, since it will be inconvenient for one person to “wobble” the bed and listen to sounds. To calculate the seats, you need to lie on the bed and turn over, simulating a standard night's rest. At this time, your partner should listen to where the creaking is coming from.

It often happens that the source is in the joint of the corner frame or in the places where the legs come into contact with the base of the bed - how to get rid of a squeaking bed.

  • To fix the squeaking of the bed, we will need open-end or adjustable wrenches if the connection is bolted, or a screwdriver if there is a screw connection. Try to tighten all the connections, but not too much, so as not to crush the wood. If the bed continues to squeak, then you should look for other sources.
  • It happens that the mattress rubs against the bed - try to level it so that it does not come into contact with the walls of the frame. If the problem is not corrected, you need to move on to an orthopedic foundation. Remove the mattress from the bed to the floor and check it at the same time; sometimes the springs creak.
  • Lie down on the slatted base and fidget a little; the slats can creak from the pressure on them as your body moves. The bed creaks, what should you do? You can fix the creaking with WD-40. To do this, you need to carefully spray all the connecting places of the bed before tightening the bolts and nuts.

Remove squeaks without disassembling the bed

How to remove squeaks using a simple method - you can try to remove squeaking sounds using a chest of drawers and a pillow. You need to do the following:

  • Insert a pillow or some other thing between the wall and the headboard, at the headboard.
  • Or you can place the bed tightly against the wall and press it with a chest of drawers or an ottoman, so you can straighten a bed that has moved apart.
  • If the problem remains unresolved, then you need to move on to another option.


Most often, an unpleasant grinding noise indicates defects in the structure itself that require repair. But before resorting to serious measures, it is worth trying to cope with the problem using easy methods. How to remove a squeak in the simplest ways:

  1. Insert a pillow or similar object into the space between the bed and the wall. This will prevent annoying sounds and also minimize frame vibration.
  2. Press the bed with other furniture; cabinets and chests of drawers are best suited for this. Once fixed, the product will not wobble, and accordingly, the issue of rattling will be resolved.

If such tricks do not help, and the bed creaks again, you should determine the exact cause, and then get rid of it using the recommended means. A variety of tools may be required for these purposes, depending on which part of the bed needs repair. It’s definitely worth stocking up on a wrench of the required diameter and a suitable screwdriver. In addition, a silicone-based lubricant will be useful for lubricating the fasteners.

Place a pillow between the headboard and the wall or press the bed with a nightstand


Problems with the frame are typical of wooden beds, since the material dries out due to dry air. Small gaps appear between parts that have lost their grip, causing them to touch during movement, producing a grinding noise. If measures are not taken, the elements will wear out even more over time, and extraneous sounds will intensify.

To prevent the bed from creaking, stand in sequence:

  1. Tighten the fasteners - it is important to go through all the joints, tightening the bolts and tightening the screws. Do not use excessive force, as this may lead to deformation of the wooden elements. If, after tightening, the fastener is still loose, it is equipped with a washer, which will make the joint tighter.
  2. Apply lubricant - there are special anti-friction compounds in the form of aerosols, gels, sprays, the most famous is WD-40. To avoid purchasing a store-bought product, you can rub the parts with a paraffin candle or soap, but this must be done regularly.
  3. Install gaskets - they are required for large gaps, which are covered with rubber or felt elements. They are glued in places of gaps, tightening the fasteners so that they fit tightly to the gasket.

Assortment of metal beds, advantages and disadvantages of furniture

To prevent the bed from creaking, you can strengthen the frame. First you need to disassemble it. Dust and dirt are removed from the elements, and the joints are degreased with alcohol. Next, PVA glue is applied to them (it is better to use wood glue), after which the parts are quickly connected and tightened.

The bed cannot be used until the glue has completely dried; in general, this takes 2–3 hours.

Tighten fasteners

Apply lubricant

Install gaskets


The orthopedic base of the bed consists of lamellas, which are wooden slats mounted in the space of the frame. They take on the main loads, so they wear out quite quickly. To repair the base you will need:

  1. Replace the slats if cracks or chips appear on the old parts.
  2. Replace the lat holders if the places where the lamellas are fixed are broken.
  3. Tighten the fastenings of the slats themselves.
  4. Lubricate the ends of each part that squeaks. It is revealed by pressing the lamellas one by one. A silicone compound is best suited for lubrication.
  5. Close strong gaps with felt or polystyrene foam.

In cheap models of beds without lath holders, experts advise placing soft fabric under the screws of the slats.

Replace the slats if they are damaged

If the lat holders are broken, replace them

Tighten the fastenings of the slats Lubricate the ends of parts that creak


If the mattress creaks, it is quite possible that it simply lies incorrectly, loading individual areas of the base too much. To stop the bed making unpleasant sounds, the product should be turned over to the other side.

If the reason lies in low-quality or outdated springs, the mattress will have to be completely replaced. Alternatively, you can try to send it in for repairs. The craftsmen will go through all the springs, replace the damaged ones and install them correctly. In terms of cost, such work will be slightly cheaper than purchasing a new product.

In expensive mattresses, each spring block is placed in a separate cover, which not only counteracts friction, but also protects the metal from moisture. It is enough to simply turn such models over so that the worn parts are subjected to less stress and the creaking stops.

Polymer mattresses that do not have springs can also make extraneous sounds. Most often this is due to leaks in the chambers and air getting into them, as a result of which even a new bed creaks. Unfortunately, such a product will have to be replaced.

Turn the mattress over and replace if there is internal damage.


Typically, the headboard is a massive piece attached to the drawers (side walls of the frame). If they wobble, the wooden structure will creak, so first of all you should tighten the fastening elements at the points of their connection. If there is no effect after tightening, felt or rubber pads should be used. They are applied to the joints, secured with glue. You can even apply a gasket to the entry point of a bolt or self-tapping screw, punching through a pad that will go around the fastener, reducing its friction.

Useful tips on how to place a bed in the bedroom correctly and comfortably

Tighten fastenings

Lifting mechanism

Beds with a mechanical or electric lift system are also susceptible to squeaking problems, which may be due to wear and tear on the lift itself. In this case, it is recommended to lubricate the squeaking mechanism, as well as tighten the bolts and nuts. You need to be careful, because excessive tightening can lead to breakdown of the entire system. If the manipulations done do not produce results, all that remains is to replace the lift. Here you will have to turn to specialists who will select a similar mechanism and repair the bed.

Lubricate the lifting mechanism


If the above methods do not give a positive result, then you will have to move on to more serious work - dismantling the creaking bed. To do this, we may need a tool and auxiliary material to lubricate the rubbing particles:

  • A set of screwdrivers or wrenches, it depends on the fastener itself;
  • Metal corners and screws (wooden reinforcing elements can also be used);
  • Paraffin or candle;
  • Ski lubricant;
  • Graphite grease;
  • Litol;
  • Laundry soap;
  • WD-40;
  • Silicone spray;
  • Rubber based adhesive.

We prepare all the tools and auxiliary equipment so as not to be distracted in the future.

Treatment of rubbing parts of the bed

When all parts have been removed and inspected, bad screws have been replaced, you can begin processing rubbing parts. To do this, you can take any lubricant and lubricate all the parts with it. This must be done carefully so as not to stain the front part of the furniture.

Of course, liquid and thick impregnations will wear off after some time, and the squeak will appear again, but they will still serve for several years.

And if you use silicone compounds, this sound will disappear for a long time. You can use paraffin, all parts are rubbed, after which everything is put back in place.

There is a more reliable processing method, but it is only considered if you do not intend to disassemble the bed in the distant future. To do this, you will need rubber glue, which will create a reliable flexible gasket and at the same time glue all the processed elements together.

The operating principle is as follows:

  • All disassembled parts and joints of the frame are degreased with an evaporating substance, for example, alcohol.
  • When the alcohol dries, you need to apply rubber glue to all prepared parts of the bed.
  • The frame is immediately assembled, the legs and all other parts are screwed on.
  • It is necessary to allow the structure to dry, after which it can be safely used.

But do not forget that such a variation does not imply a secondary disassembly of the bed. There is another option, gaskets - balsa wood. The cork spacer is cut to size and placed between the boards or parts during assembly.

To strengthen the structure, it is recommended to install additional corner fasteners made of metal or wood.

The orthopedic bed base creaks, what should I do?

Now we will try to answer another question - How to prevent the base of the bed from creaking? In one case, the simplest relocation of the slats in the orthopedic base to other places can help you.

The reason for the base to become unusable lies in the fact that it takes on all the load created by your body during sleep, and with the passage of time it can subsequently seriously wear out, subsequently becoming unusable. Then the question arises - what to do in such cases? We know and will tell you everything:

  1. First, you need to conduct a thorough inspection of the lamellas installed on the orthopedic base. This procedure is necessary in order to determine whether cracks and chips have appeared on them or not. In addition, over time they could become deformed, so such slats need to be replaced;
  2. We cannot rule out the possibility that your solid wood bed may produce an unpleasant squeaking sound due to the lath holders that have become unusable. In this case, it would not be superfluous to replace them as well;
  3. Do not forget that sometimes the fastening units at the base could become loose and loose, so check them and tighten them. This may help and the squeaking sound will go away;
  4. Then you need to check each part by gently pressing on it. If a part produces a skip noise during inspection, it must be released from its fastening in the base structure and its ends must be lubricated. A silicone-based lubricant is suitable for this procedure;
  5. As in the case of large gaps in the bed frame, in a similar situation with the base, felt or, for example, foamed polyethylene will also help you;
  6. It is worth noting that inexpensive models of solid wood beds may not have lath holders, so the slats can be attached using self-tapping screws. Therefore, to prevent friction, you need to place a soft cloth under them.

Sometimes a frame made of metal or wood can make a creaking sound. It is this frame that can come into contact with the support bars, so it can seriously rub against it. In order to prevent squeaking in this case, felt pads attached to the frame, in addition, you can attach felt pads to the support strips.

Determining the source of the squeak

To quickly find the source of unpleasant sounds, you need to ask someone close to you for help.

First you need to simulate a night's sleep: lie on the bed, turn in different directions, and at this time the assistant will listen to the place of origin of the sounds.

If a wooden bed creaks when a person moves in a lying position, then the source may be the joints of the legs and the base of the frame, as well as the corner joints of the lounger. Problems can also arise in wooden planks. Even unused slats that are not screwed securely will begin to creak from the first day.

An uneven floor causes the legs to constantly shift, producing an unpleasant grinding noise. Old floorboards may creak, and the sound may seem to be coming from the bed.

  • If, after a long search, we couldn’t find anything on the furniture itself, we move on to the mattress. Since he’s just lying on the floor at this time, let’s lie down and try to detect extraneous sounds inside him. This means the problem is in the springs.
  • The final source of squeaking is where the mattress meets the base of the bed. To detect it, you need to return the mattress to its place and carefully roll on it. The source of the noise cannot be detected immediately, but only after the mattress is installed in the position that is problematic.

After all search methods have been implemented, you need to proceed to the last stage - eliminating the creaking of a wooden bed.


If the legs creak, first tighten the fasteners with a wrench or a screwdriver. Also, make sure that all legs are supported on the floor. If the base is not level, to eliminate squeaks, you can put a pad of plywood or any other material of sufficient strength and suitable thickness under one or two legs.

Of course, this only applies to non-adjustable legs. If they are adjustable, you just need to increase or decrease their length.

Place pads under the feet

What if the new bed squeaked?

When the furniture has just been purchased, and the question has already arisen of how to remove the creaking of the bed, the situation requires immediate action. In this case, you shouldn’t look for the source of the squeak yourself: such phenomena are most often associated with poor-quality assembly or factory defects.

The best solution is to contact the place where the bed was purchased. Store employees, as a rule, correct defects in the assembly, but if the defect is beyond doubt, the model is replaced with another one.

Thorough elimination of squeaks

If you are not planning to replace the bed, you should try to strengthen its elements as securely as possible. Usually the frame is strengthened with glue in several stages:

  • disassembling the frame;
  • wiping parts, removing dust and dirt;
  • degreasing the surface;
  • applying glue to holes and joints;
  • connecting parts, assembling the frame;
  • leaving the bed until completely dry.

It is also possible to strengthen the structure of the bed with furniture corners - they are attached to the weakest joints and firmly fixed.

How to treat rubbing parts?

If the furniture is in good working order, it is enough to treat the rubbing parts with lubricant to permanently eliminate extraneous sounds. It remains to find out how to lubricate the bed from squeaking - for this you can use:

  • paraffin - in the form of a special bar or an ordinary candle;
  • laundry soap - for rubbing until completely smooth;
  • silicone lubricants - special compositions for treating parts subject to friction;
  • WD-40 is an aerosol for short-term lubrication of beds with a metal frame.

If the bed squeaks, you don’t have to immediately think about replacing it. In most cases, the causes of unnecessary sounds can be combated - just carefully examine the entire structure, find the sources of creaking and put a little effort into eliminating them.

How to fix a creaking bed frame

A wooden bed frame usually begins to creak after several years of use. In the dry air of an apartment, wooden elements dry out, their sizes decrease and micro-gaps form at the joints. When loaded, the wooden parts rub against each other, and the contacting surfaces gradually wear away, which further increases the gap. The creaking intensifies.

Advice! If your new bed squeaks, contact the manufacturer. Perhaps this is a manufacturing defect and it is better to replace it under warranty.

The easiest way to eliminate frame squeaking is to tighten the fastening elements: bolts, screws or self-tapping screws. This technique will give a temporary effect, the creaking will decrease or even stop completely, but with a high probability the fasteners will weaken again, and the wear of the wood will increase.

Therefore, when a squeak appears, it is better to immediately resort to fully strengthening the frame.

For small gaps, the use of lubricants has a good effect. Anti-friction lubricants reduce friction and eliminate squeaking of wooden parts, and also reduce their wear. Lubricants are applied to all rubbing areas of the frame. The types of suitable lubricants and methods of their application are indicated in the table.

The main causes of noise

The reason for the creaking of any bed is always the same - it is the friction of some of its parts against others. Therefore, the task of eliminating extraneous noise is to find exactly which elements rub against each other, and, accordingly, eliminate their friction.

Next, I propose to consider the most common causes of squeaks in different types of beds:

Types of beds


Most often, it is wooden structures that are held together. This happens for the following reasons:

  • As a result of drying out or dampness, parts were deformed. Due to deformation, the parts begin to rub against each other. As a rule, this occurs as a result of the slats abutting each other.
  • The fastening element has become loose. In this case, the connection ceases to be rigid. Most often, a similar situation occurs in furniture made of chipboard, since the fasteners in the chipboard do not hold well.

Extraneous noise may occur due to structural deformation

  • A crack has formed in one of the structural parts . For this reason, the part begins to make a sound under any mechanical impact.

The source of the noise may be a cracked part.

  • The headboard or body is in contact with other furniture . In this case, any slight displacement of the structure leads to creaking or knocking noises.
  • It's not level . Extraneous sound occurs due to deformation of the frame.

With lifting mechanism

Models with a lifting mechanism can creak for the same reasons as regular wooden ones. In addition, noise can be created by the mechanism itself or its attachment points.

The source of extraneous sound is often the lifting mechanism

To eliminate the sound of metal mechanisms, you can use any lubricant. Just do not use edible oils, as they will only temporarily eliminate the noise, but over time will lead to corrosion on metal surfaces.

A children's pendulum bed most often creaks due to the contact of moving wooden mechanisms. To eliminate this squeak, lubricate the contacting surfaces with soap.


Metal is a stronger material than wood, so metal beds usually squeak for only a few reasons:

  • Has a metal mesh (shell-like) . Such models creak and crack by definition, but you can still get rid of the noise, and quite simply, as you will see for yourself later.

Old metal beds are held together by definition

  • The joints between the frame and the headboard are noisy. This happens because the hooks do not fit tightly in the metal loops.

Also, the structure may creak due to the fact that it is not level, resulting in the metal frame being deformed.


Inflatable furniture may make squeaking sounds due to the friction of the material in the folds. To get rid of them, try to inflate it harder or coat the rubbing surfaces with soap.

Airbed squeaking can occur in folds and seams

In general, if an inflatable product creaks, then it will most likely not be possible to completely get rid of extraneous noise. Therefore, it is necessary to check it when purchasing.

How to eliminate frame and slats creaking

A frame with orthopedic slats takes on the entire load and redistributes it. That is why it wears out quickly and is often the cause of squeaking. Both the slats themselves and the places where they are fastened - the lath holders - can creak.

First you need to carefully inspect the slats for cracks, chips and deformation. Some of them may need to be replaced.

How to eliminate a squeaking mattress

Not only the wooden elements of the bed can creak, but also the mattress, spring or with polymer filling. Sometimes squeaking is caused by an incorrect position of the mattress, in which case it needs to be leveled on the base.

Cheap models of mattresses with dependent springs - blocks - creak due to the friction of the springs among themselves. The creaking of such a mattress will sooner or later arise and can only be eliminated by replacing the mattress.

More reliable and expensive models of spring mattresses are equipped with independent blocks. In them, each spring block is placed in a waterproof case, which plays two roles at the same time: it eliminates friction of the blocks against each other and does not allow moisture and sweat to destroy the steel of the spring, weakening it.

Advice! If a mattress with independent blocks begins to squeak, it needs to be turned over - this will help reduce the load on the worn blocks and temporarily eliminate the squeak.

Springless mattresses filled with polyurethane foam can also make sounds similar to squeaking. This occurs if the seal of individual bubbles of the foamed polymer is broken and air flows from one to another when a load occurs.

The appearance of extraneous sounds in a PU foam mattress indicates that the polymer has lost its properties and it’s time to think about replacing the mattress.

Prevention measures

To prevent a situation when a wooden bed creaks in advance, you should pay attention to simple expert advice. When choosing bedroom furniture, it is recommended to prefer products made from natural and expensive wood. Typically, these models are the most durable, which means they are less likely to break. Breeds worthy of attention:

  1. Oak is a strong tree that is resistant to external influences. It features a beautiful natural pattern that will fit well into any interior.
  2. Mahogany is an elite variety with an unusual color, original structure and resistance to ultraviolet radiation. In addition, the material emits an aroma that repels insects that can spoil the wood.
  3. Rosewood is also a luxury item that exudes a violet scent and, if built well, will last for many years.


Red tree

Regardless of the type of wood, high-quality assembly of the frame is important so that its elements are connected as tightly as possible without gaps. Before purchasing a bed, you also need to make sure the quality of the slats. It is advisable to choose a mattress with separate blocks that last longer. Regular turning over will help to extend its service life in order to reduce the load on individual parts.

The bed should stand as level as possible; if it is placed at an angle, the frame will be loaded unevenly, which will lead to rapid wear of parts and loosening of elements.

Instead of a wooden bed, you can choose a metal one; it creaks much less often, and most of these problems can be solved with the help of lubricant. In addition, it is worth paying attention to forged models made with a minimum number of fasteners. They look as elegant as possible and do not make any extraneous sounds.

If the bed creaks, there is a problem in its design that should be solved immediately. Problems may be hidden in the base, headboard, frame or even mattress. First of all, you should tighten the fasteners and lubricate them; if this does not help, the reason is more serious. The situation needs to be corrected as quickly as possible, otherwise a minor breakdown will gradually render the furniture unusable.

Mattresses with independent springs are less likely to squeak

The metal frame is durable

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