DIY ways to update interior wooden doors

The nuances of restoring an old door with your own hands. Ideas and methods, photos.

A person associates his home with a place of rest. Therefore, she tries to create comfort, choose an interior and a pleasant color scheme in order to fully realize this.

On the other hand, everything in our world tends to become outdated and destroyed. Our homes and their interior decoration are no exception.

By renewing anything around us, we awaken creative energies within ourselves and feel like creators.

Although most types of interior work require special deep knowledge and skills to perform them, we are quite capable of updating interior doors on our own.

Let's talk about the features and methods of reconstructing old doors in more detail.

How to make a new one from an old door with your own hands: options, photos, tips

photo of an old door before and after restoration using decoupage technique
It is important to prepare it before updating the old door:

  • remove the doors from their hinges and place them on a flat horizontal surface
  • fold all accessories separately or prepare them for disposal if they become unusable
  • if there are glass elements, carefully remove the glazing beads and then remove breakable parts
  • if the door has been painted, turn on a hair dryer and gradually warm up its surface
  • equip yourself with a piece of coarse sandpaper and remove the bubbles of old paint
  • replace the paper with another one with a finer abrasive and go over the entire surface of the door again
  • carry out final sanding with sandpaper with minimal abrasiveness
  • treat the door surface with a special putty for wooden products
  • After complete drying, clean the doors in 3 steps with sandpaper of different abrasiveness.
  • fix the result with drying oil or stain
  • then carry out those types of work that are necessary to update the appearance of the door
  • if there were glass elements in it, put them first and then new beads in a fresh color/design

As examples, look at the options for updated doors in the photo.

embodied ideas for decoration and restoration of an old interior door, example 1

embodied ideas for decor and restoration of an old interior door, example 2

embodied ideas for decor and restoration of an old interior door, example 3

embodied ideas for decor and restoration of an old interior door, example 4

embodied ideas for decor and restoration of an old interior door, example 5 embodied ideas for decor and restoration of an old interior door, example 6 embodied ideas for decor and restoration of an old interior door, example 7 embodied ideas for decor and restoration of an old interior door, example 8

embodied ideas for decor and restoration of an old interior door, example 9 embodied ideas for decor and restoration of an old interior door, example 10

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embodied ideas for decor and restoration of an old interior door, example 14 embodied ideas for decor and restoration of an old interior door, example 15 embodied ideas for decor and restoration of an old interior door, example 16

embodied ideas for decor and restoration of an old interior door, example 17 embodied ideas for decoration and restoration of an old interior door, example 18

embodied ideas for decor and restoration of an old interior door, example 19

embodied ideas for decor and restoration of an old interior door, example 20 embodied ideas for decor and restoration of an old interior door, example 21 embodied ideas for decor and restoration of an old interior door, example 22

embodied ideas for decor and restoration of an old interior door, example 23 embodied ideas for decoration and restoration of an old interior door, example 24 embodied ideas for decor and restoration of an old interior door, example 25

embodied ideas for decoration and restoration of an old interior door, example 26

Preparatory work

Before decorating interior doors, they are prepared. The following tools are used for this:

  • construction adhesive;
  • tracing paper;
  • press.

The door needs to be removed. Then examine the canvas for defects. If the old box has scratches, they need to be repaired with wood putty. You can decorate the canvas with photo wallpaper. If the doors are peeling in some places, then an adhesive mixture is applied, tracing paper is applied, and pressed. An adhesive mixture is also used to seal cracks and microcracks. If the defects are large, chips with a fine dispersion are added to the adhesive composition.

How and with what you can update the color of old wooden doors: ideas

a girl paints an old wooden interior door with white paint.
After you have completed work on restoring the surface of the old interior door, choose a new color for it.

Among the ways that can help you in this moment, we note:

  • Painting with stain, paint or opening the wooden surface of the door with varnish. Remember, for the best result, brush along the fibers, then all the cracks will be filled with dye.
  • Accents on moldings, or painting protruding door parts with contrasting or similar colors. If such elements are missing, glue them from wooden or polyurethane slats and paint them.
  • Artistic painting, coloring using stencils. The method is suitable for creative owners who want to bring originality to their interior.
  • Pasting wallpaper, large drawings on paper, pieces of fabric. Decoupage. In this case, follow all the requirements for fixing the material on the surface of the door - soak it with water, glue, and treat it with a stream of hot air on top.
  • Stained glass painting on glass. If you are good at drawing or have some interesting stencils, buy special stained glass paints and decorate the glass elements of your old door.
  • Pasting vinyl stickers. Note that this method saves you time preparing the old door. In other words, you can not even remove it from the hinges, but immediately glue the vinyl elements.

Additional decor

There are several other ways to add uniqueness to your door design.

  • Craquelure varnish. If you apply it to a painted door leaf, small original cracks will appear on it.
  • If available, moldings can be painted in a contrasting color. They are also easy to make with your own hands and decorate the door.
  • Painting. This decoration will take a lot of time, but the result will be pleasing. For painting, minimal artistic abilities and limitless imagination are enough. You can draw anything: ornaments, flowers, ornate patterns, landscapes.
  • The stencil is suitable for those who do not know how or are afraid to draw by hand. You can buy them in specialized stores or make them yourself from cardboard.

See alsoHow to make original mug decor with polymer clay

How and with what can you update varnished doors?

a man removes the old varnish coating from the doors to restore them according to a new design.
To carry out restoration work, remove the old varnish from the door in one or more of the following ways:

  • sandpaper
  • grinding machine
  • chemical solvent

The first method was discussed in the previous section. The second method will significantly speed up the process of removing the old varnish coating. And the third has one nuance - the varnish can selectively remain on the door leaf. Therefore, be sure to polish the latter.

After removing the old layer of varnish, sanding and drying the doors, decide on their new design, for example:

  • apply new varnish or laminate,
  • paint it the color you want,
  • stick wallpaper/photo wallpaper or other self-adhesive tape with imitation, for example, natural wood,
  • apply hand painting, copying a specific drawing, or using a stencil,
  • decorate the door by gluing bulk cereals - rice, buckwheat. Be sure to apply a layer of varnish on top for better fixation of the material.


To make the simplest and most budget door luxurious and elegant enough for classic interiors, use molding. These are ready-made elements that imitate stucco molding, bas-reliefs and other decorative inserts.

The simplest molding is made of polyurethane or foam, so it can simply be glued or mounted on liquid nails. And to make a beautiful aged door, be sure to paint it over the top and use contrasting colors or gilding for details.


How and with what can you update veneer doors?

photo of updated old veneer doors
One of the most common problems with veneer doors is swelling of the panel in certain areas. Therefore, first prepare it, carry out restoration measures before updating.

The following will help eliminate the problem of canvas swelling:

  • Iron. Heat it on medium and iron the swollen surface of the door folded on a horizontal stand.
  • Wet rags. Moisten a piece of cloth with water and spread it on the problematic surface of the door. After a quarter of an hour, remove and wait until dry.
  • PVA glue. Fill it into a syringe and carefully insert it under the swollen surface of the door. Smooth the area with a dry cloth.

To eliminate cracks and chips on an old door made of the material in question, stock up on strips of veneer of a similar color.

  • Cut strips that match the parameters of the surface being repaired.
  • Cut off the excess with a scalpel after applying it to the site of the chip/crack. Please note that the fibers of the patch should be perpendicular to the door being restored.
  • Treat the door leaf with a special putty and wait until it dries completely.
  • Use double-sided tape to secure the veneer strips.
  • Sand the joints.

When your old door has only minor scratches and chips, treat them with wax:

  • liquid
  • pencil

In the first case, drop a couple of drops into the crack and immediately wipe with a dry cloth to remove excess. Before doing this, be sure to clean the door from dust and dirt, and also sand the surface.

In the second, tear off a piece from the wax pencil, knead it in your palms and stick it on the problem area. Wipe off the mark with a rag. Only do this on a previously cleaned and prepared door.

The following will help you update a prepared old veneer door:

  • varnish
  • dye

If you masked chips and scratches on the door with wax, then remember that varnish and paint will not cover them. Or they will linger on it for a short time and then fall off.


This is not a mistake: to breathe new life into old doors, age them even more. There are many techniques for this: from mechanical processing to special paints and coatings.

The roughest and most striking aging for loft or country is brushing doors made of oak, ash or coniferous trees. The surface is treated with a hard metal brush, which destroys all soft fibers. The relief of the tree appears even more clearly and expressively, but this is not suitable for all varieties.


Elegant abrasions for Provence or shabby chic are created using a paraffin layer. First, the canvas is painted with bright colored paint, after which it is thickly rubbed with wax or paraffin. A contrasting light or pastel coating is applied on top, which is then sanded with sandpaper. The paraffin is removed in some places and reveals the bottom layer of paint.

The second method of elegant aging is the dry brush technique, which designers borrowed from artists. It is extremely simple: take a little paint onto a thick, flat, dry synthetic brush and brush it over the base. The hairs will not leave continuous strokes and lines, forming an intermittent scratched layer.


How and with what can you update paneled doors?

old panel doors after updating with paint, options in decor
Panel doors in the interior look interesting. However, it is not always convenient to treat their worn surface. We won't go into details. Let's look at restoration options.

Successful solutions:

  • painting in several colors highlighting protruding areas
  • gluing wallpaper in segments, adhesive tapes along the contour, on panels
  • decoupage of individual segments
  • varnish coating

The cardinal method is to disassemble the door panels and replace them with laminated hardboard. To do this, you cover the door frame with it and select the color especially carefully when gluing its ends.

If there is glass in the door, decorate it with special paints or imitate stained glass. Stencils for decoration are also suitable.

Why do you need self-adhesive?

Self-adhesive is used for complete repairs or for the restoration of outdated items, doors and furniture. The purpose of application may be to impart strength to various surfaces. For example, if wooden doors are installed in a bathroom, they need to be given moisture-resistant properties, and film is indispensable in this case.

Attention! When choosing a material for pasting, pay attention not only to the color, but also to the durability of the paints. Run your hand over the surface of the self-adhesive. If your palm is slightly stained, the paint will quickly rub off.

If you have made a renovation, radically changing the color scheme of the room, but you don’t want to change a door that doesn’t match the color, then self-adhesive will also come in handy.

Using self-adhesive film you can increase the moisture-proof properties of doors

Another area of ​​application is protecting the door from scratches and damage of any kind.

How and with what can you update painted doors?

a man paints old previously painted interior doors.
Your first task is to remove the old paint from the doors and prepare them for restoration work. Their sequence:

  • decide on the location of the door in space - either lay it on horizontal supports, or remove it from its hinges and leave it vertically,
  • use a spatula to go over the entire surface and remove the layer of old paint,
  • sand with sanding paper,
  • treat with a special primer for wooden surfaces,
  • let dry and sand again,

Seal off areas of the door that you do not plan to paint or open with varnish.


The easiest way to refresh a door with minimal changes to the design of your apartment is to repaint it a new color. Choose a solid color fill if you prefer minimalism, or highlight individual parts if you like more complex artistic solutions.

In small classic rooms, light doors look good, but in laconic monochrome minimalism it can be turned into an independent accent. To do this, choose rich red, yellow, green and blue shades.

Acrylic paint is best: it is easy to work with, it is environmentally friendly, odorless, suitable for indoors and harmless to health. This is especially important when it comes to doors to a bedroom or children's room.


Before painting, prepare the base, because the paint applies in a thin layer and does not hide defects. Sand and prime the surface, seal strong chips and cracks with special sealants. It is recommended to apply the paint in even stripes from top to bottom or from left to right.

If the door is textured, first paint the inserts, then the central strips, and only then the sides. And to keep the coating fresh for a long time, cover the paint with a layer of glossy or matte varnish.

Another simple painting technique is to splash paint over the surface in random spots. This decoration immediately creates a creative atmosphere in the room of an art workshop. Hard brushes, toothbrushes and even toothpicks are suitable for spraying.


How and with what can you update paper doors?

updated paper doors in the interior
Renew paper doors with lightweight materials that will not weigh them down and cause the fabric to tear. For example:

  • self-adhesive film
  • decoupage
  • gluing individual elements, for example, paintings, three-dimensional drawings
  • painting with paints
  • stencils

Features of the material

To finally convince the reader of the rationality of using self-adhesive film for door decoration, the properties of the material should be examined in more detail. It has many advantages, but also has several disadvantages.

By and large, self-adhesive film is a polymer material, or rather a thin PVC film, on the back side of which there is an adhesive substance.

How and with what you can update an old door frame: ideas, photos

a man measures the level of a door frame during its restoration.
You should remember about the restoration of a door frame when you are updating an old door leaf. Of course, fiddling with the first one is less convenient, since it cannot be removed.

The door frame processing technology is similar to those discussed above about doors. Choose carefully the shades of paint and stain, as well as the color of the self-adhesive tape and wallpaper, so that this area on the wall is in harmony with the updated door leaf.

Below are a number of interesting door frames after DIY restoration.

updated door frames to match the interior and doors, example 1

self-adhesive door frame decorative elements, example 2

self-adhesive door frame decorative elements, example 3

Video description

How to disassemble the paneled fabric, watch the video:

  • grooves and tenons are cleaned of old glue and putty, the remains are sucked out with a vacuum cleaner;
  • if necessary, remove paint and polish each part - it’s easier to do this separately than on the whole canvas;
  • insert the panels into place, lubricating all locking joints with wood glue;
  • the assembled canvas is compressed with clamps and left until the glue dries;
  • insert dowels into the holes.

Assembly of paneled fabric Source mdveri56.rf

How and what to decorate a door beautifully with?

a beautifully covered interior door after renovation.
Among the common ways of decorating an old door is gluing a new covering entirely or in fragments.

For this you will need:

  • wallpaper
  • textile
  • leather and its substitutes
  • photo wallpaper
  • metal rivets, beads
  • patchwork
  • cut fragments of a picture, for example, a world map

To stick this or that material, select an effective adhesive, for example, PVA glue, special for wallpaper, tape, double-sided self-adhesive tape.


An original and creative way to decorate doors with your own hands. Moreover, you can use it to decorate absolutely any surface. The work works especially well on high-quality wood. And vintage style is back in fashion.

Before applying pictures, the door must be treated with a primer or acrylic paint (if you need to level it, putty will do). After this, the creative process can begin.

For decoupage, special napkins (available in craft stores), wallpaper or fabric are usually used. In addition you will need:

  • scissors;
  • PVA glue;
  • brushes, sponges, rollers.

First, the elements are applied to the surface, the exact location is noted, and different options are tried. Glue them using PVA (replacing glue is not recommended). You need to glue the picture from the center, smoothing out the bubbles and folds.

Door decor with drawings

Decorating doors with different shades

After drying, be sure to coat the surface with varnish.

Many people use various photos for decoupage. The technique remains the same, it is enough to simply separate the bottom layer of paper from the photo so that the gluing is reliable. You will have to do the same with the wallpaper.

See also: DIY box decor: choosing equipment and materials

How to beautifully wallpaper a door?

the old door is covered with wallpaper after renovation.
The main thing is to follow the wallpapering technology.

  • First, prepare the door leaf for renovation. The technique was presented in the first section of the article.
  • Decide on the color and texture of the wallpaper.
  • Apply special wallpaper glue to the surface of the door and attach a paper decorative element.
  • Level the result with a dry cloth.
  • Trim any overhanging edges with a utility knife.
  • Wait until the wallpaper on the door is completely dry.

If desired, add decor:

  • molding
  • design features, for example, small shells and cut nets, glued on top and covered with paint

In addition to regular wallpapers, the following are popular:

  • photo wallpaper depicting three-dimensional objects/paintings
  • decoupage
  • self-adhesive tapes

Required Tools

Before proceeding to pasting the door, you need to prepare the fixtures. To work you may need:

  • ruler, metal corner and measuring tape (marking);
  • pen or marker (outlining contours);
  • scissors or construction knife (cutting film);
  • rubber spatula (leveling the pasted coating);
  • sprayer with water (adjusting the position of the self-adhesive);
  • hair dryer (processing corners and protrusions).

If the door leaf needs preparation, then you need to prepare sandpaper or a sander, a plane, primer and putty

How to update an outdated metal front door?

old metal entrance door after renovation
Metal doors also tend to become morally and physically obsolete. If you set out to update them, keep in mind that the approach and methods will be different for the external and internal parts of the front door.

So, the internal part will be updated by the following solutions:

  • drawing a picture using a stencil
  • art painting
  • full door mirror
  • dermantine upholstery
  • self-adhesive film
  • veneer
  • laminate

And for the outside of the door the following are suitable:

  • veneer
  • MDF panels
  • laminate

To secure any material to the surface of a metal door, you will need an adhesive liquid, for example, liquid nails when working with wood.

Stained glass

Stained glass windows are mainly found in churches, which evoke admiration and peace among parishioners. You can try to recreate the look of small stained glass windows on old canvases. In this case, it is necessary to have glass inserts on the door. To make the task of creating stained glass easier, you can buy ready-made drawings and decorate the glass, or prepare everything yourself, but only after the necessary preparatory work has been carried out.

In order to make a stained glass window, you need to purchase acrylic paints and special metal strips that will help create the illusion of a frame. When applying the design, the glass must be in a horizontal position so that the paint does not flow off. After everything is ready, insert the glass into the panel and secure it with glazing beads.

How to beautifully decorate an old nursery door yourself: ideas, photos

DIY updated door in a children's room
A children's room is an area of ​​creativity, leisure and intellectual work for a child. Consult with him before you start updating the door to the nursery.

Even better, involve your child in the process.

For inspiration, we will add a number of ready-made solutions for decorating the door to the children's room.

decor options for doors to a children's room after updating them, example 1 decor options for doors to a children's room after updating them, example 2 decor options for doors to a children's room after updating them, example 3

decor options for doors to a children's room after updating them, example 4

options for decorating doors to a children's room after updating them, example 5 options for decorating doors to a children's room after updating them, example 6

options for decorating doors to a children's room after updating them, example 7 options for decorating doors to a children's room after updating them, example 8

decor options for doors to a children's room after updating them, example 9

decor options for doors to a children's room after updating them, example 10

decor options for doors to a children's room after updating them, example 11

decor options for doors to a children's room after updating them, example 12

decor options for doors to a children's room after updating them, example 13

Types of self-adhesive films

As a rule, products are produced in rolls, the width of which is 45, 67.5 or 90 centimeters. The length of the skein can also be different - 2, 8, 10 or 15 meters. As noted earlier, the range of products is very wide. There are both inexpensive solid-color models and products with various textures and patterns on sale. The industry even offers designer stickers from famous designers, but the cost of such products is quite high. In general, the following types of PVC films are used for finishing doors:

  • Simple plain ones. They have a matte or glossy surface.
  • Metallized. These are durable films with a mirror surface that are used to provide information protection for objects.
  • Decorative. They are used to imitate different types of wood, metal and even mosaics.
  • Fluorescent. They glow in low light and are often applied to glass doors.
  • Three-dimensional. Installed on interior doors.

Helpful advice: Choose a film depending on the object of its installation and personal preferences. At the same time, you should not focus on the most budget models from little-known manufacturers, since their quality usually leaves much to be desired.

How to beautifully decorate an old kitchen door yourself: ideas, photos

updating an old kitchen door with mosaics
To make the kitchen door transformed after restoration, choose a concept for its decor. It can be:

  • painting
  • opening with varnish
  • decoupage
  • gluing wallpaper and any adhesive surfaces
  • art painting and stencils
  • stained glass elements
  • mosaic and gluing of loose, small elements

See below for implemented ideas with updated kitchen doors.

embodied ideas for restoring an old kitchen door in the interior, option 1 embodied ideas for restoring an old kitchen door in the interior, option 2 embodied ideas for restoring an old kitchen door in the interior, option 3

embodied ideas for restoring an old kitchen door in the interior, option 4 embodied ideas for restoring an old kitchen door in the interior, option 5

embodied ideas for restoring an old kitchen door in the interior, option 6 embodied ideas for restoring an old kitchen door in the interior, option 7


Mosaics for interior decoration are good for their uniqueness and aesthetics with ease of execution. Instead of buying a ready-made drawing, you can post a whimsical abstraction yourself. And no one else will have such doors anywhere else.

To create a mosaic, glass, ceramics, small tiles, acrylic, pebbles and shells, and any other little things are used. The main thing is to draw a sketch in advance and think over the location of all the details, because even chaotic ornaments will be neat and harmonious only if you think about them in advance.


How to beautifully decorate an old bathroom door yourself: ideas, photos

options for updated bathroom doors in the interior
The bathroom is a special place in any home. Here we bring beauty and relax after everyday work. I want the door to have its own style.

If you're currently upgrading, consider these ideas:

  • drawing a picture through a stencil
  • self-adhesive film
  • imitation of stained glass and paneled elements
  • combination of colors when painting fragments
  • mirror interior
  • photo wallpaper

For more details, see the implemented ideas for decorating the bathroom door in the pictures below.

Design options for bathroom doors after a DIY update, example 1 Design options for bathroom doors after a DIY update, example 2

bathroom door design options after do-it-yourself renovation, example 3

design options for bathroom doors after do-it-yourself renovation, example 4

bathroom door design options after do-it-yourself renovation, example 5

design options for bathroom doors after do-it-yourself renovation, example 6

bathroom door design options after do-it-yourself renovation, example 7

Design options for bathroom doors after a DIY update, example 8 Design options for bathroom doors after a DIY update, example 9

Design options for bathroom doors after a DIY update, example 10 Design options for bathroom doors after a DIY update, example 11 Design options for bathroom doors after a DIY update, example 12

So, we looked at the features of restoring an old door in a house on our own. We got ideas from looking at photos of finished ideas. We learned how to properly prepare the door surface for renovation.

If you feel the potential but don't have the courage to take the plunge, start with dollhouse elements. Your child will appreciate creative solutions for decorating doors, and you will gain courage and realize your desires to update them in your home.

Self-adhesive film

Self-adhesive film is made of PVC. This is a durable, waterproof and wear-resistant material in different colors .
It can be either plain or with a pattern, including one imitating wood, stone, or leather. The film is also divided into glossy, matte and mirror. To stick a door with film, you need a small number of tools and mandatory preliminary preparation of the surface.

Stages of gluing a door with self-adhesive film:

  1. The previously prepared sanded surface is degreased.
  2. The sheet of film is measured according to the size of the door. When gluing, it is important to remove the protective layer of the backing gradually, smoothly moving from top to bottom.
  3. Use a roller or spatula to smooth the film so that there are no bubbles or creases.
  4. Along the perimeter of the door, the film is additionally fixed with a hot iron (be sure to iron it through a cloth) or a hairdryer.

The resulting air bubbles can be removed with a regular sewing needle, which is used to carefully pierce the film, after which the surface is further leveled with a spatula.

Before covering the doors with self-adhesive film, it is worth knowing some features. There are many advantages, but the main ones are that the material can withstand high temperatures, it is easy to maintain and durable. But preparing the surface for this method takes a lot of time. If this process is not given due attention, then all the flaws will be visible through the film, and bubbles and creases will also form. In addition, the film is not capable of masking large errors - it is, first of all, a decorative element for a smooth, but not aesthetic, surface.


Unusual pictures can be painted using the door as an unusual canvas. These can be light ghostly landscapes, bright still lifes, cartoon or comic book characters, funny animals or images of cities.

Step-by-step instructions for pasting

Precisely gluing the self-adhesive film on the door contains several stages:

  1. Performing markings for the original material. Measure the door with a tape measure and mark the door with a pencil. If the width allows, then markings should be made taking into account the bend on the end side. For application, the reverse side of the material with millimeter markings is used.
  2. Using sharp scissors or a knife, cut out the pattern. You have to cut it very evenly, otherwise the result will be bad.
  3. We glue the door. Pasting begins from the top, having previously peeled off the protective layer by 10 centimeters. If the canvas was cut taking into account the end, then we place the material on the end, then, pressing down, gradually lower it, smoothing the material used into the edges. For better, faster smoothing, use a rubber spatula.
  4. Excess material is trimmed.
  5. Places for handles are cut out.
  6. If a bubble has formed and cannot be removed with a spatula, then carefully pierce it with a needle and press it with a dry rag.

We also recommend watching the video instructions before starting work:


A door covered with fabric looks elegant. And depending on whether you choose delicate floral fabric or faux leather, you will achieve a completely different effect for different styles.

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