Ways to update an old furniture wall with your own hands, examples in before and after photos

Required tools and materials

Before starting any work, you need to prepare everything you need - buy material, tools. The list consists of the following:

  • Furniture fittings;
  • Putty material for wood;
  • Facades, if necessary;
  • Paint or stain (preferably spray);
  • Construction knife;
  • Construction hair dryer;
  • Screwdriver;
  • Sharp scissors;
  • Iron;
  • Self-adhesive furniture film;
  • Wax for furniture of different consistency;
  • Candle;
  • Spatulas;
  • Rags, clamp;
  • PVA glue;
  • Wood varnish;
  • Felt pen;
  • Edge for processing ends.

This is not the entire list of materials and tools, since you can update old furniture in several ways, each option has its own specific set of necessary tools.

Features of the restoration of the Soviet wall

Previously, the Soviet wall was an attribute of any home. It was prestigious and beautiful. But time takes its toll, and furniture loses its former appearance, not to mention changing fashionable furniture trends. But don’t rush to throw it in a landfill. There is an excellent solution - restoration or alteration.

If desired, the Soviet wall can be restored or updated, extending its life for another ten years. But you will have to work hard. After all, the process is labor-intensive.

The restoration process consists of elementary stages and can be done with your own hands, even without experience.

Types of update

If you don’t know how to update an old furniture wall with your own hands, before and after photos can be found on the Internet. In addition, we present several methods that can be used to give a second life to any furniture.

Restoration of an old wall

If old furniture is dear to you as a memory, but its appearance has been severely damaged by time - chips, creases, deep cracks have formed on the surface - it can be restored. After spending a minimum of time, you will receive an updated piece of furniture. For repair work, a standard set of materials and tools is used. For quality repairs, it is enough to perform the following steps:

  • The working surface must be cleaned and washed with a solution of water and soap, and dried well - this will help increase the adhesion of the material to the wall facade;
  • To rid the surface of deep scratches, they are filled with melted wax. After the fill has hardened, you need to take a felt-tip pen to match the wood, apply strokes to the wax that will imitate the structure of the wall material. This is not difficult to do; just continue an existing drawing. After this, take a clean rag and carefully rub it over the frozen wax, slightly smearing the lines. As soon as the desired result is achieved, the plane is coated with furniture varnish;
  • If severe abrasions are visible on the facade, they are painted over with varnish of the desired shade from a spray can;
  • If there are cracks and delaminated areas on the facade, you can update the old wall using basic means - PVA glue, a medical syringe and a fixative. You need to fill the syringe with glue and inject the required amount of the composition into the crack. Then press the split and remove excess glue. Using a clamp, press the area and leave to dry for 24 hours;
  • Are there many chips on the façade? The same melted wax will help you deal with them. First, you need to use a spatula to trim the edges of the chip and fill it with wax. Once the wax has dried, buff the area well with a clean, dry rag. Then perform the same steps as when filling scratches and apply varnish.

After this treatment, the wall will not change its design, but its appearance will become much more attractive.

We remove dirt and dust from coatings

Treating cracks with wax

Repairing chips with glue

Painting over abrasions

Transforming a wall with furniture varnish

If the interior of your apartment has changed, and simple restoration does not suit you, then you can radically change the old furniture with your own hands. There are several ways to update furniture, the choice of which will depend on artistic skills, preferences and the amount of free time.

The easiest way is to varnish. The process is not complicated, provided that the procedure and restoration technology are followed.

The set of tools is standard, but for a good result you need to follow the following algorithm:

  • Take a photo of the wall before starting work. This will help you assemble it later after the update without confusion;
  • Disassemble the structure. It is necessary to remove the fittings and doors;
  • Wash the wall and all components with soapy water;
  • Remove dust and soot deposits in the corners using a toothbrush or toothpicks. This stage should not be ignored, since the quality of the final result depends on preparation;
  • Inspect the condition of the facades. If the surface is not badly damaged, then it will be enough to simply coat it with varnish;
  • If the facades are in poor condition, there are a lot of chips and deep scratches on them - the old coating is removed without leaving a trace. To make the work go faster, you can use special compounds that help remove varnish, or use a regular spatula;
  • As soon as all the exfoliated areas are removed, the old varnish is removed, you can begin restoration with wax - how to do it is described above;
  • Using fine-grain sandpaper, sand the surface and remove dust;
  • Cover the wall façade and all components with 3-4 thin layers of furniture varnish. It is worth remembering that when applying a thick layer, drips may form that will spoil the appearance of the wall;
  • As soon as the varnish coating has dried, the wall should be assembled and the fittings replaced with new elements.

By updating old furniture in this way, you can add a few more years of life to the wall in your interior.

Remove dust and dirt Remove cracks

Removing old varnish

Varnish in several layers

Installing new handles

Application of self-adhesive wallpaper

Today there are a lot of materials that can be used for restoration. Updating old furniture with self-adhesive wallpaper is one of the easiest options. This material is easy to work with and inexpensive. In addition, the range is so wide that you can choose material to suit every taste. The film is waterproof, so it can protect the wall from environmental influences. The algorithm for performing the work is as follows:

  • Make preparations as in the previous method - remove the fittings and disassemble the structure;
  • Clean the facades, wash them, and after drying, treat the surface with white spirit to degrease;
  • While the facades are drying, we cut out the material. Sheets of film should be 10 mm larger than the original size on each side. This is necessary in order to eliminate gaps in the finishing;
  • The surface on which you plan to stick the material must be moistened. Apply the film to the top edge and carefully peel off a small strip of the protective layer. The film is pasted gradually, slowly moving down;
  • After gluing, you need to level the material with a soft rag, moving from the center to the edges;
  • As soon as the entire wall is covered, you need to heat the iron and iron the plane through the fabric - this will help the film adhere tightly to the surface;
  • Replace the doors and fittings and apply edge tape.

It is not necessary to use wood-look film; you can choose any color. A competent design combination of different shades will help turn an old wall into a real masterpiece.

We disassemble furniture

Cleaning the surface

We moisturize the coatings

Glue the film Put it back together

Restoration using staining

Repainting an old wall will change its appearance beyond recognition, while the main outlines will remain unchanged. You don't need any artistic skills or special tools. The work is not difficult to complete, just follow the basic rules:

  • The wall is completely disassembled and the fittings are removed - this makes the restoration process much easier;
  • The old coating must be completely removed, obvious flaws must be repaired with wax;
  • Sand the surface after it has dried with sandpaper or a soft rag;
  • Painting is carried out in several layers, and care must be taken to ensure that no sagging or smudges appear. As soon as the painting is completed, we leave the structure to dry, after which the wall should be assembled.

If a sagging has formed during the work, which was discovered after drying, it should be cleaned with sandpaper and additionally coated with paint. For a complete understanding of the painting system, watch a master class for beginners on updating furniture with your own hands.

DIY old furniture decor

One of the most pressing topics for discussion in interior design is still “decorating furniture elements.” How and in what way can you update old furniture? Is it possible to decorate furniture yourself? What materials are best to decorate a furniture wall? All these questions are asked to designers every day, and every time they come up with new and interesting ideas in solving these problems.

The combination of artistic techniques with technological advances in our time provides a unique opportunity to quickly and without much difficulty create the atmosphere in the interior that is sometimes lacking. the correct selection and use of decorative elements, you can easily decorate any furniture with your own hands . The ideal solution to such problems is the use of decorative vinyl stickers.

When creating a modern interior, designers often draw patterns or designs on elements of cabinet furniture. It looks very beautiful and gives it a special exclusive look. This effect can be achieved using sandblasting artistic processing of mirror, glass or plastic surfaces. The result looks very impressive, but what to do if the budget is limited and the designer’s idea requires implementation? In this case, designers recommend decorating furniture with vinyl stickers.

The color range of stickers is varied, so there are no restrictions on the choice of surfaces for pasting. Decorative stickers are easy to use and do not require special application techniques, unlike sandblasting. Therefore, furniture decor can be done with your own hands .

If you are a supporter of minimalism and love bright modern facades, then decorating furniture with stickers is not recommended. An interesting solution would be to add details next to the furniture. For example, a TV area made in a modern style will be perfectly complemented by characteristic elements in the form of a plant on the wall or a graphic design.

The use of vinyl stickers on the front parts of the kitchen unit is also a very interesting and original solution when designing or updating the interior.

As practice shows, ergonomically distributing space and skillfully choosing colors is not always enough for the interior to acquire the desired look; it is important to correctly place accents. Decorating furniture with your own hands using vinyl stickers will create a cozy atmosphere for you and give the interior individual features.

Work technology

Carrying out work for any type of restoration has one general technological sequence - preparation and actual updating.

Preparatory work

Before you decide to remake old Soviet-era furniture, you need to understand that such a process is only justified if it is made of wood. It is not advisable to renew old furniture made of chipboard, since the service life of these structures is not long, and perhaps the wall is no longer suitable for restoration. So, there are preparatory activities that must be carried out before any restoration:

  1. Clean the surface from dust and dirt, while dismantling all decor and fittings;
  2. The old layer of paintwork must be removed. This can be done with coarse sandpaper or a sanding machine. A solvent solution can also be applied;
  3. Grout deep cracks with a special material;
  4. Fill chips and dents with wax and sand;
  5. Prime the surface with a wood compound. It is advisable to use acrylic compounds that fill all microscopic cracks.

The preparation stage is very important, since the final result depends on the quality of surface cleaning.

Removing dust and dirt

Remove old paint or varnish

We erase the deformations

Prime the surface

Update instructions

Before you restore old furniture, you need to decide on the design you want to get. Let's consider the most popular updating method at the moment - decoupage. The preparatory work has been carried out successfully, and restoration can begin. The algorithm for performing the work is simple and will not cause difficulties even for a beginner:

  • Cut out the desired design, or take special napkins for decoupage. If you are doing the work for the first time, take pictures of medium size relative to the surface on which they will be applied;
  • Apply PVA glue to the surface, you can use a blending composition. Do not coat the entire wall at once, as the glue may dry out while you are covering one area, so you need to work in stages;
  • When gluing a pattern, you must strictly ensure that the edges adhere to the surface. Drawings can be pasted overlapping each other, so the decor will be voluminous and original;
  • If you need to paste over a corner, the material just neatly bends around the corner, there is no need to cut anything. Smooth the picture with your fingers or a rubber spatula to remove air bubbles and leave to dry;
  • The next stage is varnishing. Apply a thin layer of clear furniture varnish with a brush or lint-free roller and let it dry. We repeat the process 3-5 times;
  • After the last layer of varnish has dried, you need to rub the surface until it shines; this can be done with a soft cloth. Polishing should be done in a circular motion without pressing.

In the before and after photos you can see how to update an old furniture wall with your own hands.

If you follow the instructions and apply designer methods of decorating furniture, you can get a great result that will be the pride of the apartment owners.

We cut out the elements and cover the furniture with glue. We glue the stencils.


Design tips

Thanks to simple restoration methods, you can find a use for the mezzanine and refresh the appearance of other old furniture. You should build on the existing design. If the wall is wooden, this can be emphasized with varnish. It is worth pre-coating the surface with stain to give the appearance of oak or other wood.

Modernization of the wall can be carried out using metal color and mirror inserts. Fittings play a big role. You should select gray or black elements. Coziness is created by decoupage using wallpaper. This method of restoration can turn the living room into a Renaissance room. With the help of simple ideas and materials, you can harmoniously fit Soviet furniture into a modern interior.


Trading house construction blog

Surprisingly, old Soviet walls, which are already 40-50 years old, still stand in many apartments. On the one hand, it’s a pity to throw them away, since such furniture is distinguished by its good quality and quality, but on the other hand, this model is very outdated, and scratches and abrasions cover the facades. So what to do in this situation? Transform the wall so that it becomes not only more modern, but also stylish. And there are several ways to do this.

Method 1: Make a wall out of a wall

It makes no sense to rearrange such furniture from place to place or swap individual sections. But such Soviet furniture can be updated as follows:

  • the entire inside should be pulled out;
  • if the wall is not up to the ceiling, then use drywall to sew up the empty space;
  • it is necessary to remove all the doors so that the distinction between the sideboard, wardrobe and mezzanines is erased.

A Soviet wall can be used as a storage room, dressing room or home library. Therefore, you should leave only the necessary shelves; if necessary, move them to another place, add new ones. If the shelves are placed evenly, you will get a wonderful library. In separate niches you can install shoe boxes and laundry baskets. For certain areas, you can order modern doors with a more acceptable facade.

Method 2: dressing room

You can make a complete dressing room from such a wall. To do this, all the doors are removed, new shelves are made and crossbars are installed so that you can hang various clothes. If the mezzanine does not reach the ceiling, then there is no need to seal anything, since this place can also be filled with certain things. It will be very good if the wall is long, covering the entire wall. Instead of all doors, sliding doors are ordered and they should be installed from the floor to the ceiling. With the help of such sliding doors you can close all the gaps.

Make a slate surface

Chalkboards are all the rage right now, so why not make one out of cabinet doors? The slate effect can be easily achieved in two ways: buy a film or paint the chest of drawers with chalkboard effect paint.

Historical excursion

In the first years of the formation of the Union, the councils hardly thought about the conditions of the homes of workers and peasants. Those decades after the revolution were difficult for everyone, people had to use the furniture that they already had. At that time, even in the future, there was no such thing as “Soviet walls.”

All production capacities were aimed at establishing the state as such, and then at meeting the needs of the front. During these years, the main furniture producers in the country were wood processing plants and factories, sawmills, and small cooperatives where interior items were made by hand. The furnishings of rich houses of that time were distinguished by pretentiousness and pomp; it supported the canons of the pre-revolutionary years. Wardrobes, sideboards, chests of drawers and dressing tables were solid, massive, they were made of wood, often valuable species, and decorated with beautiful carvings and paintings. Few could afford this, and therefore these examples of furniture from the Soviet era are now the most valuable.

Ordinary people were content with rather rough cabinets and cabinets, cobbled together from what was at hand. There could be no talk of any aesthetics or luxury then.

Ten years after the end of the Great Patriotic War, the party decided that it was necessary to abandon excesses in construction. This provision also concerned the personal space of citizens, and therefore the interior furnishings of their homes.

Make the doors mirror

Mirrors not only expand the space and add light to the room, but also hide surface imperfections. Any closet can be turned into a mirrored one by attaching one full-height or several small mirrors to its doors. This technique will help you create an Art Deco style cabinet.

An alternative option is a mirror mosaic, which will create wonderful highlights.

Cover with fabric

This method gives a smoother, more textured look than wallpaper. It is better to cover large elements such as wardrobe doors with fabric, fasten them with a furniture stapler or with glue. It is interesting to choose leatherette as a fabric for a luxurious look.

Fabrics made from pieces using the patchwork technique will make your closet more comfortable and will help you fit it into a child’s room or into styles such as Provence and country. The style can be embodied with wallpaper or film if you cover the panels of the drawers with materials with different patterns.

Stick rivets

To create a brutal effect for a loft or steam punk, cabinet doors can be decorated with metal rivets or staples. Nails with decorative heads will also work. Let the chest of drawers look like an old chest, and the wardrobe look like a door to a submarine. You can use other metal fittings for decoration, and support the style by painting or covering it with fabric.

Does the color of the old kitchen frame not match the new facades?

What to do if the color of the body of your headset differs from the color of the desired facades? It's no problem. Inside, the frame will only be visible when the doors are opened, and in addition, the body can be repainted, updated with self-adhesive film or covered with veneer.

Advice! If you doubt which color of the facades will exactly match the existing frame, then feel free to choose white. Rest assured, it matches any body color. In addition, light shades visually enlarge the space and add light to kitchens located in the shady side.

Cover with film

Self-adhesive film will help hide all the imperfections of cabinet doors or dresser drawers in a couple of simple steps. The range of films is huge, you can choose one color or with an interesting pattern, golden or imitating wood. Do not forget to degrease the surface before application, or even better, sand it and cover it with a layer of primer.

Removal of an old sofa with movers to a landfill

A sofa these days is a must-have piece of furniture. But unfortunately, over time, it simply, simply becomes deformed, falls apart and becomes unusable. Upholstered furniture becomes unusable after its service life or after any mechanical stress. The only result is that it needs to be disposed of. It’s quite easy to take out an old sofa, a large corner sofa, an armchair, or upholstered furniture for recycling with our company. We will do everything ourselves. We will dismantle - disassemble upholstered furniture, take it out, lower it from the floor, load it into our truck, take it out and dispose of it at the city landfill. We recycle all types of upholstered furniture, sofas (office, for work rooms; for the hall, living rooms; for kitchens and dining rooms; in the hallway or corridor; for children's and playrooms).

Creating a stylish interior with your own hands

Does your grandmother carefully preserve furniture purchased many decades ago? At the moment, Soviet furniture in a modern interior looks quite stylish, you just need to show a little imagination.

You can use existing furniture as a basis to create real masterpieces. The following items will provide excellent solutions:

  • An old carpet, red was once in fashion.
  • A wall that runs along the entire length of the wall.
  • Sofas that were previously very difficult to buy.
  • A variety of chests of drawers and sideboards.
  • Soviet crystal, which was taken out only on major holidays.

You can make real masterpieces from old Soviet furniture

You can give new life to old things. Such a transformation will bring great joy to grandparents, who will be able to feel your attention and care.

Using a Soviet carpet in a modern interior

Carpets purchased in Soviet times are of high quality. They are made of wool, so they are ready to give warmth and comfort. As a rule, such an element was rarely located on the floor.

In ancient times, the carpet was treated very carefully; it hung on the wall. Currently you can use this masterpiece in the following interpretations:

  • Bedroom decoration. It can be placed under the bed, protruding slightly beyond it. The result will be a luxurious podium built in oriental style.

Old Soviet carpet in a modern interior

  • Living room decoration. An excellent solution would be cut carpet elements, which are made in the form of covers for armchairs and sofas. If you also cut squares that can be placed on the floor, you can enjoy the warmth and coziness.

Sofa covers from Kovar

  • It is wonderful to use natural carpets to decorate a children's room. You need to cut the old carpet into specific pieces that can be placed near the child’s bed, in the play corner. Your baby will be able to enjoy the warmth, and natural wool is good for health.

Excellent solutions will come from decorative elements made from carpet remnants. You can make covers for chairs and stools. It is enough to use individual squares, which will become a wonderful decoration for kitchen furniture.

The whole carpet looks very colorful, but if you cut it into squares, you will get a stylish solution that looks very fashionable and harmonious. You can create an individual style that emphasizes your taste and sophistication.

Price list for Disassemble the wall in Kyiv 2022

Cost of assembling computer desksPrice, UAH.
Assembling a table without a cabinetfrom 70 UAH
Assembling a table with a cabinetfrom 150 UAH
Cost of assembling cabinetsPrice, UAH.
Cabinet cabinetfrom 160 UAH
Built-in wardrobefrom 200 UAH
The cabinet is not drilledfrom 320 UAH
Wardrobe with hinged doorsfrom 150 UAH
Assembly and installation of the wallfrom 150 UAH
Assembly and installation of each drawerfrom 70 UAH
Pantograph installationfrom 70 UAH
Cost of assembling wardrobesPrice, UAH.
Sliding wardrobe (1 door)from 150 UAH
Sliding wardrobe (2 doors)from 200 UAH
Sliding wardrobe (3 doors)from 250 UAH
Sliding wardrobe (4 doors)from 350 UAH
Dresser assembly costPrice, UAH.
Assembling a chest of drawers (drawers only)from 100 UAH
Assembling a chest of drawers (drawers and doors)from 150 UAH
Bed assembly costPrice, UAH.
Single bed assemblyfrom 120 UAH
Assembling a double bedfrom 150 UAH
Cost of assembling a dressing roomPrice, UAH.
Furniture wall, slide (without hanging elements)from 150 UAH
Wall, slide (with hanging elements)from 170 UAH
Hallway assemblyfrom 200 UAH
Assembling the dressing tablefrom 150 UAH
Assembling the bedside tablefrom 80 UAH
Assembling a bookcasefrom 200 UAH
Assembling the dressing tablefrom 200 UAH
Assembling a shoe cabinetfrom 150 UAH
Cost of assembling children's furniturePrice, UAH.
Assembling a cribfrom 170 UAH
Assembling a children's roomfrom 800 UAH
Cost of assembling kitchen furniturePrice, UAH.
Assembly of one kitchen section (with installation, adjustment)from 100 UAH
Assembly of one section with an additive (drilling, milling)from 150 UAH
Assembling a kitchen tablefrom 70 UAH
Assembling a soft kitchen cornerfrom 200 UAH
Chair assemblyfrom 20 UAH
Cost of assembling office furniturePrice, UAH.
Assembling an office table without a cabinetfrom 70 UAH
Assembling an office desk with a cabinetfrom 150 UAH
Office chair assemblyfrom 30 UAH
Office chair assemblyfrom 35 UAH
Assembling an office sofafrom 100 UAH
Office cabinet assemblyfrom 100 UAH
Assembling an office bedside tablefrom 40 UAH
Assembling an office shelving unitfrom 50 UAH
Assembling a conference tablefrom 100 UAH
Assembly and installation of a microwave shelffrom 100 UAH

Make old

Many styles, such as shabby chic, Provence and vintage, are furnished with artificially aged furniture. So if your closet is ugly old, you can make it beautifully old. We discussed the methods in this post, choose the most suitable one: “Aging techniques: an overview”

How to: Restore old furniture at home

And isn’t it easier to entrust this work to professionals?

First, let's figure out whether you need to restore the furniture yourself or is it better to entrust this work to professionals? What is good and not so good about restoration in a workshop:


The quality is excellent. Agree, there is no point in experimenting with “home” restoration of objects of antique value. Only professionals will be able to recreate the original shapes and coatings. At home you may not even guess.


Saving time and effort. It only seems like it’s done, but the craftsmen will have to tinker with your chest of drawers for several weeks. Imagine that you need to do this in the evenings after work and on weekends: it may happen that work will be a burden.

Complex logistics. Cabinets and sideboards will most likely have to be disassembled in order to be taken out of the apartment for delivery to the workshop. As a result, there are additional costs for delivery to the restoration workshop.

If the house does not have an elevator, you will have to call movers and hire a Gazelle. Of course, all these efforts can be taken on by the workshop staff, but additional services will be included in the cost of restoration work.

The deciding factor is location.

In the process of restoring old wooden furniture, you will almost inevitably have to deal with dust and unpleasant odors. For example, you can remove old paintwork either by sanding (dust) or using chemical compounds (smell). Many wood protection and covering compounds also have a strong odor. If possible, move furniture restoration work to non-residential premises. This could be a garage, utility room, loggia or balcony.

If you live in a private house, then in good weather you can work in the yard. But in this case, pay attention to the conditions for using paints and varnishes specified in the instructions: minimum and maximum temperatures, air humidity and reaction to direct sunlight.


if the only possible option is a room in an apartment, cover all other furniture with protective film, take out textiles and carpets for a while. Cover the floor with film as well to avoid stains from chemical compounds.

You will need sandpaper of various grits, a spatula, brushes and rollers. But it will take several hours to properly sand even a small coffee table or stool by hand. Professionals use an eccentric (orbital) sander for these purposes, which is not available in every household. In addition, you may need a screwdriver, a jigsaw, or a hair dryer. It is more convenient to remove dust immediately - with a construction vacuum cleaner.


It is advisable to buy a power tool only if you have a lot of old wooden furniture that requires restoration or if you plan to do it regularly. At the same time, all these tools are universal and are often used in other repair work. If there is construction or major repairs coming up, buy it, it will come in handy on the farm. If your plans include restoring only one piece of furniture, ask your friends for a loan, or rent them. With a good tool, things will go faster, and the result will look neater and more professional.

Where to get materials for restoration

For restoration work, you may need: paint removers, compositions for filling chips and scratches (wood putty, furniture wax, furniture sealant), paint and varnish materials (paint, enamel, impregnation, oil). It’s easy to buy finishing materials at any building materials store, but I recommend ordering goods exclusively for furniture restoration (furniture waxes, pencils, sealants, furniture edges) from online stores that deliver/send goods throughout the country.


Look on websites for advertisements from individuals. Often people sell excess material, or the color is not suitable, and they list the goods on online flea markets. On the Internet you can also find recipes for making some materials for restoration at home.

How long will it take

Restoring furniture at home is not a quick process. Everything can take from a few days to a whole month. And it’s not only about painstaking work, but also about the peculiarities of using paints and varnishes. Putties, primers, paints, varnishes require a certain drying time before applying the next layer: from several hours to a whole day.

If you have little free time, and you take the process very seriously, carefully plan the stages of work. Often the delay occurs due to the fact that there is no specific product or tool - you won’t be running around the shops before each next stage.


To speed up the process, give preference to compounds that dry quickly. For example, water-based paints and varnishes dry faster than their alkyd solvent-based counterparts. One of the “fastest” coatings is Danish oil. It does not require pre-priming or inter-coat sanding at all, and the second coat can be applied after 30 minutes.

Sequence of actions during restoration

1. We disassemble the furniture, remove fittings

It will be much easier to restore furniture with your own hands if you disassemble it into individual elements - you won’t have to think about how to get to hard-to-reach places. Often it is enough just to remove the fittings and hinged doors and remove the drawers. Whether to completely disassemble the frame depends on the situation. Glued elements like the box in the photo are definitely better left assembled.


Before starting work, take a photograph of the object and the places where its elements are attached. Place the fasteners in small bags and label which elements they are intended for. This will make it easier for you to assemble the parts after restoration.

2. Remove the old paintwork

There are three ways to remove old paint, varnish or enamel: with sandpaper, remover or using a hair dryer. Choose the method that is most convenient for you and best suits your piece of furniture. You can combine methods: for example, scrape off a layer of paint heated with a hairdryer with a spatula on flat surfaces and sand it with sandpaper on uneven, rounded areas.

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