Paintings for the bedroom on the wall and above the bed - an overview of all options. Instructions on how to choose and where to place a painting in the bedroom interior (100 photos)

Paintings play a special role in the bedroom interior. They not only decorate, but also create a certain mood. And if you consider that the bedroom is the place where we relax, the most private space in the house, you should be especially careful when choosing wall decor. Experts from the Cozy Wall online store tell you which painting to hang above the bed in the bedroom.

Modern tendencies

Previously, classic oil paintings on canvas were used to decorate bedrooms. They were necessarily inserted into a richly decorated frame, often gilded. Nowadays such paintings are rarely used for bedrooms. More often you can find lightweight modern works.

Photos in macro mode. Insects, dew on flower petals or dust particles in the air taken with high magnification completely replace classical paintings.

Panel from photo wallpaper. Vintage cars, photographs of ancient streets, images of city panoramas and bridges have been in demand for several years now.

Engravings and frescoes are used in classical and baroque interiors.

For children's bedrooms, choose wall paintings in a given theme or posters with your favorite cartoon characters.

Pictures embroidered with threads or beads are suitable for romantic interiors.

Modular paintings for the bedroom are also not giving up their positions. One canvas is divided into 2-4 parts, which can have different sizes and shapes.

Pastel and watercolor paintings. Thanks to the soft colors, such paintings have a very soft look and look good in all but ultra-modern interiors.

Modular pictures

Classic paintings can be found less often than modular ones. Paintings for the bedroom, divided into segments, are the most fashionable trend. Their device is very comfortable for the human eye.

One plot, divided into several semantic parts, tells a whole story, but at the same time the composition looks integral. This solution contains exactly what is needed for eye rest and mental comfort: dynamics, movement, development.

Character traits

Modular paintings have a number of features:

  1. No need for heavy frames. The individual parts should give the impression of unity. The frames are only light and narrow. Or there are no frames at all (gallery design of the painting).
  2. The whole image is divided into any number of fragments. But the universal number is: 3-5. It is better to choose an odd number, then the picture will have a clearly defined center. But there are no strict rules here.
  3. Fragments can be of any shape, although squares and rectangles are the most popular.
  4. You can divide the common canvas in different directions, horizontally, vertically, diagonally and arbitrarily. This is an additional decorative technique that will allow you to set the mood of the composition and even optically adjust the room. Narrow vertical paintings stretch out, horizontal ones expand.
  5. The greater the distance between the fragments, the deeper and more dynamic the overall impression.
  6. The size of a modular painting is not limited; it can occupy the headboard or the entire wall.
  7. The minimum side length of one fragment is 30 cm. Smaller fragments will be difficult to perceive.

Modules can break up the plot in different ways:

  1. Fragments continue one image.
  2. Fragments repeat the same image in different shades.
  3. They are mirrored.

Modules in the interior

A photo of modular paintings for a bedroom can become an impetus on the basis of which a unique solution will be built. But in any case, you will need to decide a number of things yourself:

  1. Will the composition continue the theme of the existing design, or, on the contrary, define it?
  2. Where will the posters be placed, will they be too cramped, or, conversely, free.
  3. Will the paintings be clearly visible? It is better to avoid options when you always have to look at the picture only from the side.
  4. The color scheme is neutral or bright. Calm colors support, bright colors dominate.
  5. Genre agreement. You shouldn't place a view of New York in a room with rustic or rustic motifs, pop posters and abstract paintings are not suitable for a classic-style bedroom with an abundance of wooden surfaces, and food images are good in the kitchen, but rarely in the bedroom.

To avoid mistakes, it is recommended to first cut out modules from unnecessary cardboard, arrange them and evaluate the effect.

How to visually expand a room

Due to their ability to add depth, modular paintings are often used to optically expand a room. A great trick for small bedrooms.

The stories then support this goal. These are overview canvases with depth and perspective: views of nature, mountains or forests stretching into the distance, city streets.

Paintings that imitate windows look funny and attractive, for example, a view from a window of an Italian village.

Which paintings can be hung and which ones cannot

When deciding which paintings to hang in the bedroom, you need to rely on the general style of the room, color scheme, and lifestyle of the residents.

For a young couple, you can choose canvases depicting pairs of birds or animals. If you choose pictures of people, don't go for portraits that are too realistic, as they will make you feel like there's someone else in the bedroom.

You should not hang photos of relatives who are no longer alive in your bedroom.

In the bedroom of lovers, images of red flowers, especially roses, look organic. This is a symbol of bright passion.

For newlyweds who want children, images of babies or baby animals are suitable.

If spouses live in the bedroom, there should not be one person in the picture, this will cause a feeling of distance from each other. There should be two objects on the canvas or two single paintings should be hung.

If you have allergies in your home, you should not buy an oil painting. The varnish and solvent based on it can cause allergies. Choose paintings made with acrylic paints, they are based on water.

It is better to avoid close-up images of human body parts.

The bedroom in Feng Shui is a place of passion and tranquility

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, the bedroom has a dual meaning: on the one hand, it acts as a kingdom of peace, and on the other, all objects and symbols in it should be associated with love games.

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Before you start choosing a painting for your bedchamber, you need to determine the general color scheme of the room.

If a young couple who has recently tied the knot in love lives in this room, they should use passionate, exciting shades. The ideal solution is, of course, all shades of red, but if it does not look harmonious in the overall design, it can be successfully replaced with peach or rich pink.

Don't forget about bed linen. The most suitable sets for the bedroom are white, pastel and other shades that are as close to natural as possible. At the same time, you need to avoid underwear with blue color variations, which can cause trouble.

Often people love to decorate their bedroom with lush indoor plants. The latter have their own energy; scientists say that they, like people, experience different feelings and emotions and sense the mood of their owner.

For this reason, do not place more than two flowerpots in your bedroom. And also carefully monitor the condition of the flowers, water them on time and use special fertilizers so that they always look great.

According to Feng Shui, the best flowers for the bedroom are peonies.

Arrangement of paintings according to Feng Shui rules

The science of Feng Shui involves placing objects in a room in such a way that they do not interfere with the free circulation of energy flows. According to these rules, you cannot hang a picture above the head of the bed. There it will attract negative energy, which can interfere with healthy sleep.

According to Feng Shui, a painting in a bedroom should hang on the wall opposite the bed. There she will delight the eyes of the owners of the room and correctly direct the energy. If there is no space opposite the bed, place two paintings of the same size and theme above the bedside tables on either side of the large bed.

Favorite place

As I already said, the bedroom is the very room in the house where we relax, the place where we want to find peace and comfort. When choosing the interior for your bedroom, think about the paintings you want to hang there.

They should convey peace and tranquility, but at the same time, correspond to the spirit of your room, emphasizing its style and the characteristics of the owner of the apartment.

To find out where it is better to hang a picture in the bedroom, how to do it according to Feng Shui and what the basic rules are, read this article to the end, look at the photos and get inspired to create a special atmosphere in your bedroom.

Shape and size of the painting

When choosing which painting to hang in the bedroom, it is best to opt for one large painting. It will visually make the room larger. Vertically stretched canvases will make the room visually taller, while horizontal ones will add width to the wall.

Images that are too small leave the room feeling cluttered.

If you like several small paintings, you can put them together into a composition. To do this, images that are similar in theme and color scheme are hung next to each other, aligned along the bottom edge. There should be no more than four such parts in the composition.

Paintings should hang at eye level so as not to disturb the proportions of the room.

Images in a round frame or depicting circles are only acceptable in a bedroom with semicircular doorways or porthole windows.

Icon in the bedroom

A person has a special relationship with an icon in the bedroom. When it appears, the question is often asked, where to hang the icon in the bedroom? This is not a painting that can be hung anywhere.

Advice: Incorrect placement of the icon can violate the traditions of Orthodoxy, which are sacred. Prayer is a sacrament where strict canons must be observed. Therefore, it is very important to choose the right place to place the icon.

Placing an icon in the bedroom

Before you properly hang icons in the bedroom, you need to determine the so-called red corner. Typically stored here:

  • Iconostasis.
  • Lamps.
  • Candles.
  • Cross.
  • Spiritual literature.

The red corner is located directly opposite the main entrance, which allows people who cross the threshold of the room not to wander around in search of icons, but to immediately bow to the images. According to custom, the altar should be on the eastern side, so that those reading the prayer near the icons look east.

Advice: If it is impossible to hang the icon in the room like this, you can hang it in another place, but make sure it is light and spacious, which will make the room even brighter and more festive.

Choice of colors

Paintings on the bedroom wall can be combined with the overall color scheme of the room or contrast with it.

In the first case, the colors used in the painting should repeat or harmonize in tone with the colors of the bedroom. This way the painting will give a feeling of comfort and will merge with the interior. Pictures in the bedroom above the bed look especially beautiful, they repeat the color of the curtains, pillows or bedspreads on the bed.

The accent painting should stand out against the background of the interior and attract attention. However, for the bedroom you should not choose too strong a contrast, it can interfere with sleep and quickly get boring.

The meaning of the image

If personal preferences are not certain, you can trust Chinese philosophers. In Chinese painting, greater importance is given to the semantic content of the plot; it is believed that it can influence the energy of the house and the owner himself.

Favorable paintings for the bedroom will promote health, well-being and prosperity, poorly chosen ones will work on the opposite. Symbolism of common plots:

  1. Horses – performance and energy.
  2. Abstraction – movement, development.
  3. Wolves and lions - strength, family.
  4. Nature – peace, tranquility, health.
  5. Fruits – wealth, prosperity.
  6. The sea is a road, adventure.

Paintings with angels for the bedroom are chosen by those who want to protect themselves and their family from negativity, and paintings with peonies by those who want to attract wealth. Peonies as a symbol are very popular in Japan and China.

The splendor of a flower makes us endow it with bright features: courage, courage, honor, nobility, strength, the origin of life, activity. It improves morale and at the same time is gentle and luxurious, a great subject for a bedroom painting for a married couple.

However, it is worth understanding that all this is conditional symbolism. It is impossible to decide in absentia which paintings are suitable for the bedroom of a teenager, adult, or elderly person.

The most important thing is to listen to your feelings. If the image of a lion or a lonely sailboat evokes negative feelings, such work should be abandoned.

Place for a painting

If you are guided not by Feng Shui, but by the recommendations of designers, then the best place for a painting is just above the bed. The wall against which the headboard is located must be used. Otherwise the room will look empty.

The place where it will be located is carefully chosen before purchasing it, as well as its size. The painting should be in harmony with the interior and not violate the proportions of the room.

Since the largest piece of furniture in the bedroom is the closet, the painting should first of all match it in color and style.

If you have a large bedroom that accommodates several zones, you can afford several completely different images at once. In the recreation area, it is better to hang something light and pastel, and in the office area - strict or, on the contrary, bright. Canvases in different parts of the room may differ in size, style and shape.

The best paintings for the bedroom are those that not only decorate the interior, but also allow you to visually distinguish between different areas of the bedroom.

“Paintings for the bedroom in the style of...”

Neoclassical bedroom paintings

Neoclassical (or modern classic) is an interior style that has been very popular in the last 10-15 years. Let's say more: 90-95% of the interiors of our gallery clients are neoclassical.

Let us recall the main distinctive features of this style:

  • light interior, pastel shades;
  • a lot of light and air;
  • symmetry in the interior;
  • light classical forms of furniture;
  • elegance and intelligence.

From the point of view of placing paintings, this is the most favorable interior style that can withstand almost all painting styles. There is one exception - paintings in the style of academic realism. In such a modern interior, the works of even wonderful realist masters do not look organic to this space. It seems that the interior is for young and modern people, and the paintings were chosen by the grandfather.

Of course, no one will point a finger at you and say “ugh”) But the lack of harmony in this case is felt on a subconscious level. And people who value aesthetics and harmony will definitely notice this. Yes, and over time you will begin to notice it.

Therefore, we recommend paying attention to paintings by artists working in avant-garde styles.

Examples of well-chosen painting options for the neoclassical style are in the photo:

Classic bedroom paintings

Let's be honest - we almost never see interiors in the style of traditional classics in our work. Most likely, this is dictated by the fact that this style is not in trend now.

But still, not everyone should chase fashion, right? Therefore, we will tell you which painting to choose for a bedroom in the style of traditional classics.

What is a traditional classic? More often dark furniture, antiques, symmetry, stucco molding is possible, a tendency towards ostentation. This is just very brief so that you and I can equally understand what we are talking about.

In essence, this is the most conservative interior style. Accordingly, such an interior needs the same conservative painting. Realistic paintings - landscapes, still lifes, portraits - are perfect for such an interior. It is in such an interior that they will look organic.

You can also consider paintings made in a style leaning toward impressionism. They will also look organic in a traditional classic interior.

Here are a few examples from bedrooms in the traditional classic style:

Country bedroom paintings

Note that country style interiors in their pure form are very rare. Perhaps this is the specificity of the high segment in which we operate. More often we see a trend in interior design towards a kind of eclecticism and a mixture of styles. Style in its “pure form”, implemented according to all the canons, is not bad manners yet, but the desire of designers to mix different styles has long been evident.

Therefore, we propose to consider a mix of different country styles. What these styles have in common: naturalness in finishing materials, a lot of wood, absence or minimum of glossy surfaces, abrasions and aging are welcome, predominantly light interior colors, simplicity.

We look at paintings for the country style in approximately the same vein - rustic, aged, with rough edges, simple in plot and execution.

Examples of paintings in such bedrooms are in the photo:

Paintings for the loft bedroom

A loft-style bedroom is almost always a man's story. The loft style itself is deliberately rough, industrial, brutal. Even the descriptive words themselves are from masculine semantics.

The loft style is characterized by the use of brick, metal, rough wooden products - in short. Of course, the loft style, made taking into account all the canons of style, is an unsuitable room for daily living) It’s more of a backdrop for filming a post-apocalyptic scenario) However, designers know how to stylize loft interiors very elegantly.

For a bedroom in the loft style, you need to look for the same painting - brutal, masculine, rough. And these are not necessarily images of Harley Davidson)

Let's show successful examples of paintings for the loft style:

Paintings for the bedroom minimalism

Minimalism as an interior style is quite common. Including in houses and apartments of the premium and luxury segment.

Let us briefly recall that this style is characterized by laconicism (in everything), geometry, absence of small details, a desire for functionality and ergonomics, most often these are bright interiors.

Paintings for a minimalist interior should also be chosen to be laconic, with geometry and without small details - these are the main criteria.

Check out our selection of minimalist interiors with matching paintings:

Choosing a painting depending on the color of the headboard

In white interiors, paintings depicting the sea, birds with light feathers or images of beaches look good.

If the headboard or bedside tables are black, choose black and white images or, conversely, paintings in red, orange or pink.

If you decide to hang a dark painting on a dark wall, make sure it has bright or light accents.

Interior options for the bedroom

First of all, you need to pay attention to the color scheme of the bedroom. The practice of Feng Shui convinces that red interior items would be an ideal option for a bedroom. It is a symbol of passion and love between spouses. If you don’t have a loved one, then the color red will help you quickly establish your personal life.

You also need to install fresh flowers in the bedrooms. As you know, they are able to absorb negative energy and attract happiness into the home. Living flowers can even sense a person’s fear and take it upon themselves. But, in the bedroom there should not be more than 2 vases with flowers. Choose only plants with rich colors and in perfect condition. Feng Shui says that it is better to choose peonies, because they are considered the most powerful love talismans.

Most Feng Shui experts say that there should not be many cutting or sharp objects hanging in the bedroom. You also need to choose furniture in such a way that there are no sharp corners. It is believed that such objects can destroy human energy. This can lead to deterioration in work matters or family quarrels.

Also, don't get carried away with mirrors. Mirror surfaces are characterized by negative energy, which can destroy the love and passion between spouses. Mirrors are also commonly referred to as magical objects that bring otherworldly spirits into our world. To avoid unpleasant consequences, mirrors should be abandoned.

Give preference to crystals. If you constantly have crystals of different shades in your room, then you will increase your chances of conceiving and having a baby. Make sure that the crystals constantly shimmer in different shades. To do this, they can be placed near a floor lamp or attached to a ceiling chandelier. Literally after a while you will hear favorable news about pregnancy.

Bad advice

There are several themes that you should avoid when choosing a painting for the bedroom. It is not recommended to hang in the bedroom:

  • Depiction of floods, earthquakes and other disasters;
  • Sad scenes from the Bible or fiction books;
  • Sad rainy landscapes;
  • Images of cliffs and rocks;
  • Destroyed cities;
  • Baring predators;
  • Hunting scenes.

Types of paintings

Color and theme are important when choosing decorative designs for walls. Based on these two parameters, paintings and posters are divided into the following categories:

  • The painting-rhyme repeats and combines colors in the interior. The shade of sofa cushions, curtains, bedspreads, and chair covers can be duplicated on the canvas. With this choice, the image merges with the decor of the room into a single whole, making the interior complete and complete.

  • An accent piece above your headboard will make your bed the most prominent piece of furniture in the room. The brighter its shade, the more significant the accent.
  • A style painting will also help complement the interior. If the room is decorated in a country style, then the image of a spring village landscape will be an ideal stylish addition.
  • The theme picture makes you think about a specific theme for decorating the room. Thus, an image of a lavender meadow, enclosed in a white frame, will hint at Provence, and a hot African safari will hint at the corresponding ethnic style.
  • The mood canvas will create the mood in the room that you think should prevail. Most often these are endless meadows, lush green forests, evoking a feeling of freshness and coolness on the street after the rain.

When choosing a painting, pay great attention to its frame. Plastic and metal will absolutely not fit into a classic bedroom interior, but they will look very organic in a modern one.

USEFUL INFORMATION: Bathroom design in blue tones 12 photos

How to choose a painting theme

In addition to the color scheme, the painting must match the chosen style of the room. Depending on what style of decoration you have chosen will determine what kind of painting you can choose for your bedroom. A painting that looks good in a romantic bedroom is unlikely to harmonize with high-tech furniture or classic pompous decor.

The size of the painting is directly proportional to the size of the bedroom. The larger the room, the larger the canvas should hang on the wall.

What paintings are suitable for the bedroom in color?

When choosing a painting for a bedroom by color, you must be guided by general recommendations for color compatibility. If you are familiar with the concept of Itten’s color circle (or now look in a search engine what it is and how to use it), then you will not have any problems with combining paintings by color.

Let us add on our own that most often we see interiors with light gray, almost white walls (including in the bedroom). In second place are bedrooms in beige tones. And by a wide margin, in third place are all kinds of colored bedrooms.

Paintings for a gray bedroom

Choosing paintings for a light gray bedroom is both simple and difficult. Light gray is a neutral background and paintings in any color will definitely look advantageous against its background. But unlimited choice is also bad and sometimes it’s much more difficult to choose.

In this case, we recommend starting from the “like/dislike” criterion and choose the picture that you simply liked! And then - a little trick from interior stylists:

  • look at the colors and shades in the picture
  • choose 2-3 colors
  • repeat some decor in these colors: it can be designer ceramics (vases, flower pots), interior sculpture, textiles (plaid, decorative pillows), etc.

Take a look at the photos below. Here, interior stylists used exactly this technique:

Here the color of the purple upholstery of the chair and the yellow color of the glass of the vase are “pulled” out of the picture.

Here is the color of the blanket and sofa cushion (red)

When you look at these photographs, it seems that the paintings seem to have been specially painted for these interiors. In fact, it’s the other way around: the paintings became the starting point for decorating the bedroom. Take this tool into service!

Paintings for a beige bedroom

A bedroom in beige tones is also a classic option today. As for the choice of paintings that match the color, we would note three possible options:

A. A calm option in brown and beige tones.

That is, we remain in the same color scheme, but we can look at the paintings either darker than the main color of the bedroom or lighter. This technique is often used for bedrooms in the minimalist style (but not necessarily only minimalism; sometimes you want monochrome in country styles, neoclassicism, and loft). The result will be a very calm version of the bedroom.

Suitable paintings for this method:

B. Another frequently used technique for a beige bedroom is black and white painting or graphics. In this case, the result is a strict and laconic interior. More often, this option is used only in the minimalist style. An example of such a bedroom:

B. And another harmonious color combination – beige and blue. Beige bedroom, blue paintings. It seems very simple. But depending on the saturation of these colors, whether they go cold or warm, you will get completely different combinations and, as a result, completely different rooms.

Examples of blue paintings:

These are the simplest combinations of a beige bedroom with different paintings. It is better to select other combinations with specialists - designers, stylists and decorators, since the options are limitless. Or experiment on your own - that’s also a thrill)

Paintings for colored bedrooms

Bedrooms in bright colors are much less common, but they still occur. We're talking about the bright color of the walls. Let's look at these interiors:

What do we see? That paintings for color bedrooms are selected according to the same principles as for “non-color” ones - either according to the principle of color contrast (blue/yellow), or according to the principle of proximity of colors (light blue/blue), or black and white options.

It turns out that everything is not difficult! But we note that working with color (especially when it comes to global color spots - bright walls, bright furniture) still requires certain skills and abilities, and the help of a professional designer, in our opinion, is necessary.

Love theme

Such paintings are also very diverse and suit almost any interior style. For romantic, calm bedrooms, classic images of couples or their silhouettes against the backdrop of the sea, sunset, etc. are suitable.

For more daring interiors, choose black and white posters from old films, pop art paintings, cartoon caricatures and modern paintings in bright colors.

Color solutions

Colors in bedroom design are of great importance, because they can put a person in a positive mood, give him energy or calm him down. Looking at photos of paintings in the bedroom interior will help you decide what colors to choose for your design.

Each color has special properties:

  • Green is the color of prosperity, harmony, it helps to calm down and put thoughts in order. It perfectly stimulates brain activity and promotes concentration on what is important. In a green bedroom, lighter paintings, for example, with white flowers, will look good.
  • Red – gives the atmosphere in the room a certain piquancy and romance. It’s not for nothing that they say that red is the color of passion. With a harmonious combination of it and other colors, you will get a favorable environment for living, but if there is too much red or its shade is too aggressive, the room will be uncomfortable. Red rose - this picture will add luxury to the bedroom.
  • Pastel colors do not tire the eyes, create a calm, relaxing aura, and are associated with purity and airiness. Combines with any other colors. Rooms in which the design is made in various shades of pastel look very beautiful. Delicate paintings with flowers in pastel colors are ideal for bedrooms.
  • Pink – has a relaxing effect, relieves headaches, and sets a person up for positivity and serenity. But only if it is a calm shade of pink; aggressive tones, on the contrary, lead a person into an excited state. A painting depicting pink sakura is well suited for the bedroom.
  • Blue is the color of peace and sky, freshness and purity. Relieves anxiety and stress. Blue harmonizes well with white; together they create a marine style. But in paintings with blue color, you should be careful, some of them are irritating, repulsive, you should choose more delicate shades.
  • Brown is the color of earth, stability, wisdom, helps to gather strength. A brown bedroom needs a light painting - beige or white.
  • Black – mystery, authority, severity, restraint and luxury. Combines with any colors. But in the bedroom interior it is not advisable to use too much black, as this can bring unnecessary tension. For a black design, you can use images with gold and silver colors.

Each color has its own shades, and they can always have different properties. For example, one shade relaxes and gives a feeling of security, while another very similar one already puts a person in an overly active state. Therefore, it is worth looking first of all at the sensations that color evokes.


For bedrooms, spring and summer natural landscapes in soothing colors are usually chosen. Such a picture can and should be hung opposite the bed to look at before going to bed.

Cityscapes look great in modern interiors. Moreover, you can choose a color painting with a view of a big city or a black and white canvas.

Christianity's position

The most desirable items in the home of a believer and in his bedroom in particular are icons and paintings of religious Christian content. Still lifes, landscapes, abstract drawings, and portraits of family members are absolutely acceptable.

It is undesirable to hang pictures with cruel and violent scenes, such as war or hunting, as well as indecent images with naked bodies. What is completely prohibited is the religious symbolism of other faiths, especially those associated with paganism and polytheism.

Water theme

Images of bodies of water are acceptable only in the form of sea, ocean or crystal clear river water. Images of swamps and fords will be more depressing than calming. If you are decorating your bedroom according to Feng Shui, then it is better to avoid depicting water in the bedroom.

When choosing a painting for the bedroom, you should always focus on your impressions of it. After all, only an image that evokes pleasant emotions in you can truly decorate and enrich your room.

It is also worth sticking to the golden mean. After all, having too many pictures can look just as bad as having completely bare bedroom walls.

Acceptable decoration for your bedroom

To everything listed above, you will need to add a few more points.

So, when decorating a bedroom, it is worth giving up sharp corners, teeth, ribbed decorative elements, plaster relief ceilings - all these are not the best solutions for how to decorate a bedroom. According to Feng Shui, the greatest danger is found in decorative elements similar to spears and arrows. Free your interior from everything that carries some kind of threat or energy of aggression.

Instead, you should use different crystals that form an interesting play of light. They will contribute to successful conception, plus they will harmonize relationships in a couple. In this case, both individual jewelry and entire compositions can act as crystals. In order to continue the play of light under artificial lighting conditions, crystals should be hung on a chandelier or lampshade.

The science of Feng Shui expresses an extremely negative attitude towards mirrors in the bedroom. Experts of this teaching are confident that reflective objects have an extremely negative effect on relationships between partners. In addition, mirrors act as conductors to parallel realities, through which various otherworldly entities can penetrate into the home.

And this attitude towards mirrors is accepted not only in Feng Shui - many other mystical teachings practice various rituals using mirrors, and the custom of hanging mirrors when someone dies is also popular in many nations.

In the same cases, if mirrors for the bedroom, in your opinion, are a necessary attribute, you need to come up with a way to reduce the reflective surface. For example, at night you can cover the mirror with a curtain. It is important that in no case does it contain a reflection of sleeping people.

Also note that the bed in the bedroom must be placed in such a way that the soles of your feet are directed towards the door. Do not place the head of the bed towards a window, sharp corners or closets, or towards the toilet. If this is not possible and you are forced to face one of the listed factors, it is worth isolating yourself from the problem with the help of a screen or curtain - this will help protect you from adverse influences.

Photos of paintings for the bedroom

Best options

Hang a picture of a sunset opposite the bed; it will help you fall asleep faster.

  • Macro photographs are perfect for the bedroom: flowers, berries, drops, textures, etc., photographed very closely. Such images tend to be relaxing.
  • Images of water are controversial among some designers: some believe that they have a calming effect, others argue that water energizes. Especially pictures with turbulent streams of water, waterfalls.
  • Pictures with delicate, spring flowers are perfect for the bedroom.

There are a huge variety of painting options, and thanks to this, everyone can find something suitable and unique for themselves.

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