Paintings for the bedroom on the wall and above the bed - an overview of all options. Instructions on how to choose and where to place a painting in the bedroom interior (100 photos)

One of the most popular ways to decorate a home space is through paintings, which make the design complete and stylish. At the same time, they have ceased to be an expensive decoration only for art connoisseurs and people from high society. Anyone can afford to buy a beautiful canvas and hang it on their wall.

Paintings for the bedroom are of particular importance. It is she who is the personal space of its inhabitant, where he sleeps, spends a significant part of his time, and does his favorite things.

Large modular painting with a floral theme for the bedroom Source

Painting for the bedroom in a modern design with a stylish design Source

Modern tendencies

Previously, classic oil paintings on canvas were used to decorate bedrooms. They were necessarily inserted into a richly decorated frame, often gilded. Nowadays such paintings are rarely used for bedrooms. More often you can find lightweight modern works.

Photos in macro mode. Insects, dew on flower petals or dust particles in the air taken with high magnification completely replace classical paintings.

Panel from photo wallpaper. Vintage cars, photographs of ancient streets, images of city panoramas and bridges have been in demand for several years now.

Engravings and frescoes are used in classical and baroque interiors.

For children's bedrooms, choose wall paintings in a given theme or posters with your favorite cartoon characters.

Pictures embroidered with threads or beads are suitable for romantic interiors.

Modular paintings for the bedroom are also not giving up their positions. One canvas is divided into 2-4 parts, which can have different sizes and shapes.

Pastel and watercolor paintings. Thanks to the soft colors, such paintings have a very soft look and look good in all but ultra-modern interiors.

Which paintings can be hung and which ones cannot

When deciding which paintings to hang in the bedroom, you need to rely on the general style of the room, color scheme, and lifestyle of the residents.

For a young couple, you can choose canvases depicting pairs of birds or animals. If you choose pictures of people, don't go for portraits that are too realistic, as they will make you feel like there's someone else in the bedroom.

You should not hang photos of relatives who are no longer alive in your bedroom.

In the bedroom of lovers, images of red flowers, especially roses, look organic. This is a symbol of bright passion.

For newlyweds who want children, images of babies or baby animals are suitable.

If spouses live in the bedroom, there should not be one person in the picture, this will cause a feeling of distance from each other. There should be two objects on the canvas or two single paintings should be hung.

If you have allergies in your home, you should not buy an oil painting. The varnish and solvent based on it can cause allergies. Choose paintings made with acrylic paints, they are based on water.

It is better to avoid close-up images of human body parts.

Fish as a symbol

In Chinese, the word “fish” means abundance and happiness, which in itself says a lot. Two carp are a symbol of harmony between a woman and a man, and nine give prosperity. An aquarium with live fish - one black and 8 gold - improves your financial condition. Two orange aquarium pets are called “double fish”; they bring independence and emancipation, making you highly value your own opinion.

Arrangement of paintings according to Feng Shui rules

The science of Feng Shui involves placing objects in a room in such a way that they do not interfere with the free circulation of energy flows. According to these rules, you cannot hang a picture above the head of the bed. There it will attract negative energy, which can interfere with healthy sleep.

According to Feng Shui, a painting in a bedroom should hang on the wall opposite the bed. There she will delight the eyes of the owners of the room and correctly direct the energy. If there is no space opposite the bed, place two paintings of the same size and theme above the bedside tables on either side of the large bed.

Icons installed above the bed

You can hang not only pictures above the bed in the bedroom, but also holy images. But unlike paintings, icons need to be hung only in a certain place. This should be the red corner. It is usually located opposite the entrance to the room, and the person who worships the images of saints at the entrance should face the east. This is what many priests recommend and our ancestors did – let’s honor traditions. Although there are no clear recommendations and strict rules, so if your heart tells you to hang icons over your bed, you can do it.

You can hang not only pictures above the bed in the bedroom, but also holy images.

There are no clear recommendations or strict rules, so if your heart tells you to hang icons over your bed, you can do it.

Many people wonder how logical it is to hang icons in the bedroom, since this is such an intimate place? Following logic and God's instructions, the manifestation of love between a husband and wife in a legal marriage is not considered a sin. Therefore, if you want to hang icons in the bedroom, there is nothing stopping you from doing so.

This is what many priests recommend and our ancestors did – let’s honor traditions.

If you want to hang icons in the bedroom, there is nothing stopping you from doing so.

Shape and size of the painting

When choosing which painting to hang in the bedroom, it is best to opt for one large painting. It will visually make the room larger. Vertically stretched canvases will make the room visually taller, while horizontal ones will add width to the wall.

Images that are too small leave the room feeling cluttered.

If you like several small paintings, you can put them together into a composition. To do this, images that are similar in theme and color scheme are hung next to each other, aligned along the bottom edge. There should be no more than four such parts in the composition.

Paintings should hang at eye level so as not to disturb the proportions of the room.

Images in a round frame or depicting circles are only acceptable in a bedroom with semicircular doorways or porthole windows.

Bird symbol

In Feng Shui, birds have great internal energy. People mainly associate them with the symbol of freedom and also consider some of them as messengers of Heaven. When choosing a talisman, you need to listen to your own intuition and understanding of its energy:

  • Phoenix is ​​a famous bird. Sometimes it is installed together with the dragon as a sign of the well-being of the family. The energy of the dragon is Yin (feminine), and the phoenix is ​​Yang (masculine). The power of phoenix energy is enormous; it easily survives all changes and is reborn to reach even greater heights. Its element is Fire, its location is south. It is customary to place it at the entrance to the house;
  • white swan - fidelity, pure love and chastity. The talisman attracts love and is considered one of the best for families. Paintings with swans effectively generate positive energy and spread it to the entire surrounding space;
  • flamingos bestow the energy of heat and sun. Their images are located where fire is considered the main element. By placing a figurine in the south, you can achieve popularity. Paintings of pink birds will revive love feelings that are beginning to fade, and a panel with a flock will become a real hymn to constant care and strong relationships;
  • Mandarin ducks are never separated. Talismans should be paired and resemble the natural colors of birds. They are symbols of fidelity and mutual tenderness of spouses;
  • According to Feng Shui, the peacock is a symbol of prosperity and wealth. This talisman will be useful to careerists who dream of moving up the career ladder and receiving a salary increase. It will also be useful for businessmen, helping in concluding profitable contracts and finding reliable partners.

Birds have always been considered very strong amulets and talismans in Feng Shui. Most of them bring good luck to their owners, protect them from adversity, and remove obstacles on the path to glory.

Choice of colors

Paintings on the bedroom wall can be combined with the overall color scheme of the room or contrast with it.

In the first case, the colors used in the painting should repeat or harmonize in tone with the colors of the bedroom. This way the painting will give a feeling of comfort and will merge with the interior. Pictures in the bedroom above the bed look especially beautiful, they repeat the color of the curtains, pillows or bedspreads on the bed.

The accent painting should stand out against the background of the interior and attract attention. However, for the bedroom you should not choose too strong a contrast, it can interfere with sleep and quickly get boring.

Where is the best place to hang it?

When deciding where exactly to place the linen, many bedroom owners choose the head of the bed. Indeed, this is the most popular option and, as a rule, the most visible wall in the room.

However, it is believed that it is better to place the canvas opposite the bed - at the foot of the bed. This way it will not concentrate too much attention and focus energy on itself, which can interfere with restful sleep, and it will always be clearly visible.

Place for a painting

If you are guided not by Feng Shui, but by the recommendations of designers, then the best place for a painting is just above the bed. The wall against which the headboard is located must be used. Otherwise the room will look empty.

The place where it will be located is carefully chosen before purchasing it, as well as its size. The painting should be in harmony with the interior and not violate the proportions of the room.

Since the largest piece of furniture in the bedroom is the closet, the painting should first of all match it in color and style.

If you have a large bedroom that accommodates several zones, you can afford several completely different images at once. In the recreation area, it is better to hang something light and pastel, and in the office area - strict or, on the contrary, bright. Canvases in different parts of the room may differ in size, style and shape.

The best paintings for the bedroom are those that not only decorate the interior, but also allow you to visually distinguish between different areas of the bedroom.

What doesn't belong in the bedroom?

A perfectly selected, harmonious and stylish interior can be ruined by an incorrectly selected painting. Let's look at what should not be hung in a room intended for rest and relaxation.

  • The selected image should not have dark, harsh tones.
  • Feng Shui does not recommend choosing paintings of battles, scenes of violence and cruelty, or wild animals for this room. Such images seem to invite aggression into your home and spread the breath of death.
  • A photo or portrait of a celebrity, idol or relative who has long passed away can be placed in the office, but not in the bedroom.
  • When choosing paintings with hieroglyphs, be sure to find out what they mean; the hidden meaning of a painting in the bedroom can be negative.
  • Waterfalls, seas and oceans fascinate and attract the eye, but they should not hang in the bedroom, because proximity to this element is unfavorable for the health of a sleeping person.
  • Autumn landscapes are calming, but the rules of ancient teaching prohibit adding decorations to the bedroom interior during this sad time.
  • Images of crying, loneliness and sadness are also inappropriate, as well as a noisy holiday or feast.

Choosing a painting depending on the color of the headboard

In white interiors, paintings depicting the sea, birds with light feathers or images of beaches look good.

If the headboard or bedside tables are black, choose black and white images or, conversely, paintings in red, orange or pink.

If you decide to hang a dark painting on a dark wall, make sure it has bright or light accents.

Urbanism and Feng Shui

The growth of cities, their transformation into huge megacities with developed systems of motor transport and ecology, the relationship between all the main structures is very difficult to regulate. But some city departments still organize their work taking into account the Feng Shui system. The location of squares and parks, green urban areas, the choice of flowers, tree species and shrubs in our technological age is built on the basis of knowledge about natural landscapes developed over thousands of years by the peoples of the East.

The Feng Shui system is inextricably linked with them, capable of regulating the designs of cities and small settlements based on the observations of many generations of people. Images in paintings of high-rise buildings, plants and factories are not always appropriate for placement in an apartment, but for public places they can serve as decoration and original decor. If the living space is decorated in a loft style, then you can hang a large panel in the hall or living room.

Bad advice

There are several themes that you should avoid when choosing a painting for the bedroom. It is not recommended to hang in the bedroom:

  • Depiction of floods, earthquakes and other disasters;
  • Sad scenes from the Bible or fiction books;
  • Sad rainy landscapes;
  • Images of cliffs and rocks;
  • Destroyed cities;
  • Baring predators;
  • Hunting scenes.

How to choose a painting theme

In addition to the color scheme, the painting must match the chosen style of the room. Depending on what style of decoration you have chosen will determine what kind of painting you can choose for your bedroom. A painting that looks good in a romantic bedroom is unlikely to harmonize with high-tech furniture or classic pompous decor.

The size of the painting is directly proportional to the size of the bedroom. The larger the room, the larger the canvas should hang on the wall.

Correct placement

Harmoniously filling the space of a room is an important aspect when choosing a place for a painting. If the selected wall is occupied by too many parts, you should choose another place. The most suitable places for placement:

Near the bed. The bed is the main part of the bedroom, which can be emphasized with the help of canvas.

Opposite the bed. While preparing for bed or after waking up, the eye will be drawn to the plot of the picture, delighting with its motives.

Above the nightstand. By choosing such a place, you can achieve various visual effects by expanding the room or the height of the ceiling by choosing the right size of the painting.

Other walls. Without creating dissonance between the height of the furniture and the size of the canvas, you can decorate an empty wall.

Love theme

Such paintings are also very diverse and suit almost any interior style. For romantic, calm bedrooms, classic images of couples or their silhouettes against the backdrop of the sea, sunset, etc. are suitable.

For more daring interiors, choose black and white posters from old films, pop art paintings, cartoon caricatures and modern paintings in bright colors.


For bedrooms, spring and summer natural landscapes in soothing colors are usually chosen. Such a picture can and should be hung opposite the bed to look at before going to bed.

Cityscapes look great in modern interiors. Moreover, you can choose a color painting with a view of a big city or a black and white canvas.

Bad options for the bedroom

Not the most suitable paintings for a bedroom interior:

  • battle and war scenes,
  • herbariums and insect collections,
  • weapon,
  • warships,
  • autumn,
  • A lot of people.

The complex subject is water. She has strong energy and actively influences everyone who looks at her. Calm water is associated with stagnation, and stormy water with impermanence and instability. But here everything is individual. If the image of a mermaid against the backdrop of a calm lake attracts, relaxes and energizes, you should choose it.

Water theme

Images of bodies of water are acceptable only in the form of sea, ocean or crystal clear river water. Images of swamps and fords will be more depressing than calming. If you are decorating your bedroom according to Feng Shui, then it is better to avoid depicting water in the bedroom.

When choosing a painting for the bedroom, you should always focus on your impressions of it. After all, only an image that evokes pleasant emotions in you can truly decorate and enrich your room.

It is also worth sticking to the golden mean. After all, having too many pictures can look just as bad as having completely bare bedroom walls.

Forest and trees according to the feng shui system

Each tree has its own purpose (for example, red rowan has very strong energy, it is a warrior tree, it perfectly protects against any type of dirt). The forest is friendly to the element of water, so their joint image in the picture is perceived very positively by people. Drawings with flowering plants are placed in the southeast, this is a place of good luck and prosperity. According to Feng Shui, shades of green should predominate in the kitchen. Therefore, images of trees will come in handy here.

Photos of paintings for the bedroom

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