Children's bedroom design - the best ideas for decorating a nursery's interior (110 photos)

The interior of a child's bedroom is radically different from that of an adult. Here the child not only sleeps, but also prepares homework, plays, and stores things. Therefore, approaches to organizing space are different. Everything becomes more complicated if there is one room and two children. But you can always find a compromise solution. Dekorin has prepared a selection of different photos for you. Look at the design options. You will see that even with a limited budget, the interior of a children's bedroom can be made functional and cozy. Choose an idea and create!

Boy's room

Boys are, as a rule, playful and mischievous, energetic and crazy dreamers. Therefore, keep in mind that there should be plenty of space in his room so that he can splash out his energy, at a minimum! Modern style will be the best option to decorate a boy's room. There is no need for pretentious furniture here, as in a girl’s space. On the contrary, a functional position, combined with a practical one, as well as a technological and innovative one, is very important. Let's consider the most interesting design options.

Some useful tips for planning a small bedroom

  1. Buying a functional crib usually means that the crib has built-in shelves or drawers, sometimes even a changing station. It all fits compactly into one design. This approach will free up more space.
  2. It is imperative to provide the young mother with a comfortable seat with armrests so that it is convenient to hold the baby in her arms and feed her.
  3. Practice shows that adults feel more comfortable when there is zoning. This allows them to have personal space and time, shutting off during the baby’s sleep period. Such conditions improve the “weather” within the family.
  4. A canopy over the crib often helps out, as sometimes it happens that insects or a draft or excess light get in in the summer. The material will protect the child from these situations and provide him with quality rest.
  5. Sometimes the solution when zoning a small room is to purchase a movable screen. It will not take up much space, it can be removed when not needed, but the child will sleep more peacefully, and adults will have more freedom for personal affairs.

Light colors in decoration and decor will help to visually expand a small space.

If possible, furniture should also be selected in light colors


If your son is interested in traveling, likes funny pirates, reads books with great interest, or watches movies/cartoons on similar topics, this option will definitely be just perfect. He simply cannot be left indifferent to the various options for submarines, ships and pirate flags. Here you can use such interior decoration devices as: globes and maps, ropes and flags of other countries, a clock in the form of a steering wheel. Another fun element would be a box-chest for baby’s toys, instead of a regular cardboard box.

Modern children's beds with a pull-out bed

A bed with a pull-out mechanism allows you to save square meters. A relevant model for families with several children. When choosing a product, you should pay attention to the following parameters.

  1. The quality of the material used. Wood models are preferred.
  2. Addition in the form of small sides. Safety is important and a detail like this will help children not fall.
  3. Product strength. It must be able to support the weight of children.

There should be no electrical outlets or falling objects near the bed.

If there is no room to install a bed for each of the kids, a design with a roll-out mechanism will solve this problem. At night, the model will turn into several sleeping places, and during the day you can free up an area for games. There are designs built into the closet that are suitable for families with one child.

The most common situation is when a crib in the parents' bedroom takes place next to the matrimonial bed, which makes it convenient to look after the baby.


Of course! Every boy has his own preferences for various types of technology. Some people like cars, others like planes, tanks, trains, spaceships and so on. When choosing furniture for your son’s children’s bedroom, choose a car bed, a train, or another masterpiece. You can place a variety of wooden models in the room, and hang bright posters on the walls, as a result of which his abode will have a complete image!

Sports version

If you know that your son is passionate about some kind of sport, then there is nothing wrong with the fact that his room will be in this theme. Let there be some themed necessary items and accessories, for example, a punching bag, hang up diplomas and other awards that indicate his achievements, maybe he will like to hang up a poster of a football player. If space allows, you can organize a sports corner in your son’s nursery, where your son will conduct independent activities, developing himself any time he wants.


Proper lighting is very important for the baby and parents:

  • bright lamps, ceiling chandeliers and the sun should not shine directly into the child’s eyes or blind the mother. The main lighting should be located slightly to the side, and the bedside area should be equipped with dim, matte light;
  • While the baby is sleeping, it is necessary to dim the lights, including daylight;
  • it is necessary to equip functional illuminated areas: next to the crib, at the changing table and feeding area, a night light or dim lighting;
  • It is better to purchase a ceiling chandelier with the ability to adjust its intensity.

Comfortable day and night lighting creates a cozy, relaxing environment in the bedroom.

We are decorating a room for two children

As you have already understood, decorating a nursery is not an easy task. But if you have not one, but two children, then the task of decorating the interior will be twice as difficult. It is important to consider the following aspects:

  • What is the child's age?
  • Boys and/or girls
  • What are everyone's hobbies?
  • Are there any peculiarities in their development?
  • It is important that all functional areas in the room are equipped

We will not focus on the age category and interests of the child. It is still worth paying special attention to the zonal division in which two same/two-sex children will live. Everyone needs to organize a place to sleep and relax, for lessons, a storage system, an area for games and creativity. It is very important to manage to organize everything as appropriately as possible in one room, while the interior should not look somehow overloaded. In turn, each child will be able to be active in their own way.

Completely regardless of the gender of the children, each of them must have their own corner where the children can dream, play, and cry... It is important that none of them is deprived as a result of differentiation.

Daughters and sons

If it so happens that you have exactly this option - children of different sexes, decorate the interior of their mutual room quite creatively. Here the style and color scheme should somehow look harmonious and appropriate in relation to each other. You can mentally divide the room in half, and use some kind of partition or color design for this.

Decorating a room based on the age category of the children

Yes, this question is also important. After all, at every age, a child may or may not yet have his own vision regarding the design of his home. Therefore, we will consider the main age categories and design options for each of them.

Two or three years old

Just as if you were thinking through the design of a bedroom with a crib for a baby, your baby has already grown up. Yes, he still can’t make his own choice regarding the colors he likes, but for sure, we can say with confidence, each of them at that age definitely needs to “chase” around the room, and how can he not jump on the bed! The main criterion in organizing a room for a baby is the issue of his safety. It is important to ensure that the furniture is made of hypoallergenic materials; there should also be nothing protruding on it, such as corners or drawers. Here it is better to select items that are inexpensive and also easy to clean.

Four – seven years

There is already a real world here that can be comprehended at this age! A child up to seven years old runs, jumps, plays, develops, receives guests, learns a lot of new things, makes some discoveries. It is not at all necessary that the space be strictly divided into zones. For now, the table at which the child will do his school homework in the future can be furnished with some beautiful and interesting options for toys and other little things. But with the help of bright colors, the mood will be lifted, the child will be stimulated to be much more active. It is not recommended to use more than three different color options in the interior.

Arrangement of the parents' area

The recreation area must be equipped with a sleeping bed, bedside tables and storage systems for things. A spacious room can be complemented with a table, wall or TV stand.

The adult half of the room is decorated with paintings, photo wallpapers and other decor in calm colors. Wall sconces or floor lamps are located near the parent's sleeping bed. Lamps that match the style of the surrounding interior will look good on bedside tables or chests of drawers.

The photo shows the organization of the parental area in the design of the bedroom combined with the nursery.

To save space in a bedroom combined with a nursery, it is appropriate to replace a bulky bed with a comfortable folding sofa, and instead of bulky cabinet furniture, choose modular designs with the necessary elements.

Schoolboy. Nine – twelve years

Now the baby is becoming more mature and independent. Yes, and he already feels like that. His interests and hobbies are constantly changing. Now you will have to gradually remove a lot of things from the room altogether, for example, the same toys that were used for the baby at a very early age. At the same time, you don’t need to do anything yourself, according to your own preference. It is very important, regardless of the gender of the child, to consult with him about what he needs and what he no longer needs. You must understand what he would like his home to look like. Therefore, the interior should be updated based on his new hobbies and interests.

If your child loves to draw and is good at it, you should definitely hang his works on the wall. This also applies to some of his personal achievements, for example: certificates, medals, fakes and other things. This will not only please him, but also you!

Creating a comfortable environment for a newborn

The comfort of a child depends on many factors, not only physical, physiological, but also psychological. And the most important of them is a feeling of security, then the baby gets sick less and does not suffer from anxiety. This is possible when there is a calm atmosphere around and there is an opportunity for proper rest, nutrition, and spending time with mom.

If there are two cribs in the room, their location should be thought out so as to ensure free access to each of them

If the room is spacious enough, you should put a separate chest of drawers, cabinet or cabinet for children's things

It would be absolutely ideal if there is space in the room for a changing table

If extraneous sounds, music and conversation, or sharp noises are heard from behind the wall during sleep, then the baby’s nervous system will begin to develop incorrectly. Also, for internal balance, it is important to think through the color schemes of the room. Usually choose light, pastel colors:

  • beige;
  • sky blue;
  • light pink;
  • peach;
  • lilac;
  • light yellow;
  • white.

The best material for wall decoration is paper wallpaper, which is not harmful to the baby’s health.

Wall decoration can be the same for the entire room or different for each zone

The main thing here is to catch the essence, but you should definitely minimize or remove flashy shades from the room, bright red, acidic, black, raspberry. Large amounts of gray or purple can also have a depressing effect, so you should be careful with them.

The priority is neutral colors that cannot negatively affect the emotional background of the child.

Child - teenager

It is during this period that the process of personality formation occurs, when the room of your son or daughter must absolutely correspond to his age. Is the low chair no longer relevant? It should be replaced with a new, taller one, but instead of a crib, a sofa should be installed. If necessary, arrange your workplace by installing a spacious table. The child must take part in all this. Try to find compromises in choosing colors, furniture, and flooring.

Here he will not only sleep. Now this is his living room, office, and also a games room. The plan must be made in advance so that literally every square centimeter is used for its intended purpose, and at the same time, is not the least bit cluttered or overloaded. If you have a daughter, you should provide a spacious dressing room in her room, which will have a huge mirror, which is very important. If you have a boy, there must be a computer area.

When you renovate the nursery, you should wait at least a couple of weeks to move your child in there. After all, even if you use some safe materials to weather the chemicals. smells will take time so that the child does not feel any discomfort as a result!

Children's bedroom design 110 photos

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