Furniture closers for kitchen drawers, installation and adjustment

Gas lift with shock absorber 100N GTV

350 rub.

Gas lift 6kg. GTV bar lower

198 rub.

Folding lifting mechanism DTC Top Stay ST h=650-729mm, 7-11.6kg, gray

Delivery is free

11380 rub.

Folding lifting mechanism DTC Top Stay ST h=880-959mm, 8.7-15.1kg, gray

Delivery is free

13120 rub.

Installation of gas mini-shock absorbers is very simple: you need to attach the element to the edge of the panel and secure it with self-tapping screws.

Operating principle

Movable closers are simple in design, and their operating principle is as follows:

  1. The role of the working mechanism is played by a special spring enclosed in a metal capsule with a special oil or liquid.
  2. The design includes control valves that allow you to change the speed of door closing.
  3. The closer acts on the front of the doors, facilitating their silent and smooth closing.
  4. The protruding part of the mechanism acts on a special latch, and an oily liquid is introduced into the capsule sleeve. It is held there by a special system of seals.
  5. The regulatory mechanism narrows or widens the outflow channel, which allows you to regulate the rate of closure.

When purchasing reliable and high-quality closers, they will provide better protection of the facade from negative influences. In inexpensive furniture sets you can find a gas closer, which works on the principle that first the door closes as quickly as possible, and then slows down. The technology guarantees silent door closing, but is not durable.

What types of door closers are there?

Kitchen furniture closers may differ in installation location and operating principle. According to the first parameter, they are divided into the following groups:

  1. Frame. They are fixed to the inner wall of the cabinet.
  2. Built-in hinges.
  3. Installed between hinges.

Depending on the principle of operation, the mechanisms are:

  1. Filled with oil (ensures smooth closing of the door.
  2. Gas (they are affordable, but the doors slow down).

The second type is suitable for swing doors that open downwards. Oil shutters are effective for swing structures.

Lifting mechanisms

If the cabinet has a hinged door that opens up or down, it must be equipped with lifting mechanisms. For a long time, such shutters were found only on luxury furniture, but today they are also installed on inexpensive products. Depending on the characteristics of the project, there are four types of lifts:

  1. Based on spring. They are considered the most popular and simplest variety. A spring is made of durable metal that attracts and repels the door. The device is practical and durable. Among the disadvantages is the impossibility of fixing the door in any position; it must be closed or open.
  2. Spring oil. This type is characterized by high smoothness of operation, since the spring is fixed in a metal capsule filled with polymer or oil.
  3. Gas. The role of the softening agent is played by air, and the closest one is made in the form of a piston chamber. If this container contracts or expands, the pressure changes, allowing the doors to move smoothly. Such elevators fail more often than others, and there are a large number of low-quality fakes on the market.
  4. Electric. This is an advanced and more elite solution that can respond to a person touching the door. The opening angle and delay time are selected individually.

Gas elevators

Such products differ from the previous type in a simpler design. When the door is closed, it acts on the piston, the air is compressed and absorbs the impact. The closer is activated at the end of the door stroke. In modern products, the polymer does not fit into the chamber.

The disadvantage of gas lifts is their fragility. Since the closed door constantly impacts the chamber, the equipment cannot last more than 4 years. At the same time, it is sold at an affordable price and is easy to assemble.

Drawer closers

Door closers for drawers are installed on metaboxes - special structures with a solid bottom, front and back structures made of MDF or chipboard. The side walls are metal.

The mechanism can also be placed on a simple kitchen drawer with a wood fiber bottom. However, before installation, you should pay attention to the mounting method. If the product is attached to the bottom, it will need to be further strengthened.

Ball guides with a built-in mechanism are also available for sale. They are more expensive, but save homeowners from having to reconfigure their headphones.

Closers for furniture hinges

There are three types of furniture closers:

  1. Standard. Installed in a canvas attached to the bowl. They have a characteristic spring shape.
  2. With shock absorption and force adjustment.
  3. Overload. Sold separately from awnings and installed as needed. Each manufacturer produces such mechanisms that are suitable only for branded hinges.

Depending on the installation method, ceiling door closers for kitchen cabinets are:

  1. With fixation on the ring cup.
  2. With latch.


Such products are compact in size and eliminate unpleasant noise when opening and closing doors. Shock absorbers have the same purpose as door closers - they absorb the load when closing. Depending on the installation method, the following types of dampers are distinguished:

  1. Overload. Installed inside the cabinet in the side wall.
  2. Mortise. They are attached to the end of the wall or to the housing cover.
  3. Made from silicone. They are fixed at the end with a special adhesive base.

Types of drawer guides

When making furniture, you cannot do without fittings: handles, hinges, legs, etc. Systems that make it easy to pull out drawers and optimize the work area are also widely used.

Types of furniture fittings

Guides are mechanisms designed for quick and comfortable removal of drawers from various types of furniture . Manufacturers produce several types of devices, differing in the principle of operation and method of fastening, full or partial extension and cost.

Drawer slides come in different types

Roller fittings

This version of guides appeared on our market at the end of the 20th century. The sled structures used until then for moving mobile parts of furniture are obsolete. For that period, the invention of metal guides along which boxes moved could be considered a real breakthrough.

Roller guides

They began to be installed on all kinds of retractable furniture elements: in chests of drawers, cabinets and hallways, on computer tables, etc.

The mechanism consists of two strips, one of which is fixed on the inner side of furniture, for example, a table, and the second on the drawer itself. The length of the guides varies between 25...60 cm (you can also find strips 80 cm long). The main element of the design is the roller itself along which the bar moves.

One of the strips is attached to the inner side of the furniture

Since the material from which the roller is made is plastic, it is not intended for moving massive boxes. In addition, noise is heard when driving. Over time, the fittings wear out. The smoothness of the ride deteriorates. Due to the weight of the drawers being pulled out, the edges of the gutter can turn out, which is why when the bar moves, the roller flies out and the drawer falls. However, this type of guides are quite inexpensive, they are easy to fix on the furniture yourself, and, if necessary, repair them.

Roller guides for drawers

The main reasons leading to the failure of the mechanism are those allowed when installing the guides.

  1. Many assemblers do not tighten the top screw.. As a result, the bar is deformed and the roller bends under the weight of the box.

    Often the top screw is not tightened

  2. Incorrectly made gap between the drawer and the guide . If the bar is not properly fixed on the roller, at some point the box may fall off.

Nowadays this type of structure is not used so often. You can give it preference only because of its low cost, if the product will be rarely used and should not withstand special loads.

Model range of roller guides

Guides with telescopic operating principle

Two guides are also installed to move the drawers. However, unlike the previous option, the slats are inserted into each other, that is, they are fixed both above and below. To move them, a whole system of balls (bearing mechanism) is used, and they are metal, which is already a significant advantage.

The main part of the telescopic guides consists of three parts: counter, middle and main.

Guides with telescopic operating principle

Drawers on ball guides are pulled out almost silently. And such fittings can support much greater weight - up to 60 kg. The system is durable, reliable and aesthetically pleasing, but its cost significantly exceeds the price of its roller counterparts.

Installation of telescopic guides
In addition to the two considered guide options, more advanced systems have recently become widespread - metaboxes and tandemboxes:

  • metaboxes (metal boxes) - a roller system characterized by the presence of additional side walls made of high-strength metal and two support elements. This design allows you to increase the load capacity of the boxes to 30 kg. Some advantage can also be considered a reduction in material consumption, since the guides themselves are sidewalls. The material for the production of devices is steel (its standard thickness is 1.2 mm), which is coated with wear-resistant enamel. The rollers, like those of conventional guides, are made of plastic, but they are designed for a thousand extension/closing cycles;


  • tandemboxes (mechanisms - tandems) are produced according to individual parameters and are equipped with metal or glass side walls and a tubular railing. Drawers are pulled out using ball guides, which are superior in performance to roller guides.

The system can withstand loads of up to 60 kg. The drawers move silently, they can be pulled out completely, which provides full access to the contents and a good overview of it. The design is durable, easy to install and has a wide range for different types of furniture.

Installed dampers, closers that allow you to smoothly close the drawers, drives with mechanisms for opening them with a light touch allow you to open and close the drawers with absolutely no effort and absolutely silently. Hidden installation systems, which are installed under the bottom of the drawer, have also gained popularity.

Concealed guides

An ideal option for home furniture are retractable elements operating on hidden guides with a mechanical “Push” device and a closer . Moreover, today the cost of such components (one set) does not exceed 700 rubles, which allows them to be used in the manufacture of not only luxury furniture, but also interior items for any category of the population.

What is typical for such systems that replace conventional ball guides:

  • when opening the drawers, metal structures are not visible (since the guides are located underneath), which affects the aesthetics of the furniture;

The box is open, but no metal structures are visible

  • drawers open with a light touch of the surface, eliminating the need to install handles, which is especially attractive to designers;
  • drawers slide smoothly and spontaneously;
  • the weight of the contents that the boxes can support reaches 40 kg;
  • The height of the boxes may vary.

Boxes can have different heights

Using such a system allows you to make furniture not only attractive, but also functional. Particularly attractive is the use of mechanical devices instead of an electric drive, which is not always functional. The use of a set of devices is convenient in room furniture, in hallways, and especially in kitchen sets.

Fittings are usually sold as a set. Having decided on the choice of mechanism, what should you pay attention to when purchasing guides?

  1. Marketable condition . The product must be inspected for damage.
  2. Operation of the mechanism . It is important to check how well the rollers or bearings are working.
  3. The most important thing is to clarify the thickness of the metal from which the guides are made . The optimal option is 1 mm (better if 1.2). This indicator significantly affects the durability of the fittings and its reliable operation. If the strips are made of metal with a thickness of 0.7 - 0.8 mm, they will not function for too long.

Which retractable mechanism should I choose for my drawer?
The highest quality fittings are produced by German, Haefele, Grass, Austrian and Harn. As an alternative, you can purchase Chinese-made mechanisms (of quite decent quality) under the Boyard brand. When using even obsolete roller systems from the best manufacturers in furniture, you can not be afraid of a load on the box of 25 kg and the rapid failure of devices. In addition, each set of devices comes with detailed installation instructions, and special templates have been produced for those who often install guides.

Fittings from BLUM are very popular (in the photo there is a special template for installation)

How to choose a door closer

When going to the store to buy a piece of furniture near you, you need to evaluate the main selection criteria and buy quality products that will be durable and reliable. Even at the purchasing stage, it is necessary to determine the weight that the mechanism will hold on each piece of furniture. If you choose an insufficiently strong structure, it will not be able to support the weight of the door and will quickly fail. At the same time, heavy door closers are ineffective for light doors, as they will not ensure smooth operation.

When looking for effective cabinet solutions in the kitchen, you should pay attention to the products of the following brands:

  1. Bloom.
  2. Hettich.
  3. Wout sagel
  4. Boyard.

Blum is a well-known Austrian hardware manufacturer that sells a wide range of furniture shutters. Price range from 150 rub. Up to 3000 rub. The shock absorbers are designed for CLIP top hinges and ensure trouble-free continuous operation. The mechanism is mounted on Blum hinges in special seats. If the doors are compact, you can get by with a closer, but for heavy structures you will have to purchase two products.

Models with smooth and silent closing are suitable for drawers with door closers up to 25 kg. They are equipped with metaboxes. For large structures you will need 2 door closers.

The German brand Hettich produces luxury accessories with a minimum cost of 300 rubles. The company's product range includes built-in mechanisms with automatic closing capabilities. In appearance they do not differ from simple loops. There are also devices on sale with an additional damper, which are inserted into the loop in different parts.

Vauth Sagel products have a positive reputation and are manufactured in Germany. It is being developed for luxury furniture sets at a price of 300 rubles.

Boyard mechanisms are Russian accessories that can be purchased at prices ranging from 647 to 5324 rubles. To ensure that the installation of the door closer goes smoothly, it is best to download and print the template.

GTV is a Polish manufacturer of LED luminaires and lighting with distributors in Russia and production plants in China. The company produces affordable gas elevators for 118 rubles.

Assortment of closers for metabox drawers

For example, Blum offers optional Blumotion door closers for the Metabox system. You can buy them at any time. Installing the closer on the box is quite simple - just remove the boxes themselves from the guides and secure the closers between the guides. Detailed instructions help to correctly install closers in the drawer, calculating all the necessary distances.

The principle of how to install Blum door closers on a drawer is easier to understand from the video.

By the way, almost any metabox can be equipped with a closer. Overhead mechanisms with this function are offered by different manufacturers: Boyard, Amix, FGV, Blum and others. Some of them are quite interchangeable. The main thing is to carefully check the basic technical data before purchasing:

  • Available drawer designs
  • Depth, height of the side walls of the metabox
  • The size of the space between the side wall of the metabox and the cabinet body.

If all the calculations for your box coincide with the instructions for calculating the metabox parts of the selected system, then 99% of all additional accessories, including a door closer, will be ideal for you. You can install the nearest one on the box, following the general diagram of the instructions. It is individual for each mechanism and is included in the kit. For example, for the nearby SlowMotion Zeta from FGV (Italy) this is true.

This is what a complete set of fittings (metabox + closer) for the drawer looks like.

IMPORTANT! Since these types of shock absorbers are attached to the bottom of the metaboxes, it is clear that they will not fit into the bottom drawer of a standard kitchen.

There is simply not enough space between the bottom of the drawer and the bottom of the cabinet itself to install them. Thus, the box itself is twisted higher (with a corresponding twist of the facade).

On which drawer guides can door closers be installed?

It is unlikely that it will be possible to select and install closers on drawers with conventional roller or ball guides and a fiberboard bottom. Because the main options are designed for fastening with partial capture of the bottom. That is, the bottom must be rigid enough for fastening, and screwing in self-tapping screws in fiberboard is not the best idea.

You can get confused with reinforcing the fiberboard bottom to attach the door closer, but this option is more for “advanced” craftsmen who are already familiar with the operation of a particular mechanism.

You will have to be content with mortise shock absorbers (dampers), which will “dampen” the impact of the facade on the body. This is the most budget-friendly equipment option. It fits any type of drawer slide. In this case, the facade must be an invoice (cover the ends).

Installing dampers is easy. For small drawers, one shock absorber installed on the left or right side is sufficient. For wide ones, it is better to provide two, installing symmetrically on each side. This way the drawer will close more evenly, without distortion.

For internal facades, only overheads are used. They are screwed onto the inside of the cabinet, recessed to the thickness of the drawer front. Be careful in your choice: the damper capsule itself should not be larger than 12 mm - otherwise, when screwed into the area of ​​movement of the box frame, it will interfere.

How to install a door closer on a kitchen cabinet yourself

If you bought a door closer and want to install it, first of all you can invite a specialist. But you can install it yourself if you handle this process responsibly. To secure it securely, you will need a screwdriver, a hammer, screws, a pencil and the mechanism itself. If you are interested in how to install a door closer on a kitchen cabinet, then you need to follow the following sequence: first, it is better to remove the cabinet from the wall. This will greatly simplify the installation process. Place it in a place convenient for you, turning it with the side to which you will screw it closest;

  • the sealing part of the closer is much longer than other parts of the mechanism body. It must first be screwed so that it is firmly attached to the cabinet;
  • Using a pencil or marker, mark on the opposite side of the cabinet the point at which the entire mechanism body will be directly attached. Next, use a hammer and a self-tapping screw to drill small holes;

Hinge with closer disassembled

it is very important to install the hinges correctly

Installation of shock absorber (closer)

  • it is necessary to carefully secure the nearest housing, slowly tightening it with a screwdriver;
  • After installation, check that it was done correctly. Open and close the cabinet door and if it can move, you've done it right. After this, the cabinet can be hung in place.

Installation diagram of the door closer on the drawer

Useful tools for installing door closer hinges and lift mechanism on kitchen cabinets

A well-protected mechanism has many advantages. If ordinary hinges without closers only work to hold doors, then it is precisely this that facilitates the process of opening and closing doors. Protects the sashes from mechanical damage during operation. The mechanism of this device is incredibly simple. The spring, located inside the nearest housing, is encapsulated and surrounded by oil. It is this element that helps the mechanism significantly slow down the door at the last moment of closing.


There are several classification principles, thanks to which furniture closers can be divided into groups.

Based on the mechanism of action, there are 2 types:

  • Gas
    . There is a special gas inside the structure. It is placed in a sealed capsule and acts as a working medium to ensure smooth closing of the doors. The same principle as furniture gas lifts;
  • Oily
    . This is a symbol, since not only oil, but also other special liquids can be used here. They are more affordable. But oil may leak.

There is another important sign by which door closers are distinguished.

Lifting mechanism with closer

These are design features or arrangement of elements.

Here it is worth highlighting 4 main varieties:

  • Invoices
    . They are mounted (screwed) from the inside directly onto the body of the kitchen furniture;
  • Mortise
    . A hole is drilled at the end side of the kitchen cabinet body into which a special closer is inserted;
  • Hinged on loops
    . They are mounted on already installed hinges in the kitchen cabinet. Moreover, here you will probably have to look for a closer from the same manufacturer as the hinge itself. The design includes an elasticity regulator;
  • Built into hinges
    . These are initially special furniture hinges, which are equipped with a closer. Objectively this is the best option. Therefore, if possible, I strongly recommend buying hinges with a closer, so that you don’t have to install or look for anything separately later.

It is worth noting that there is already a separate material on hinges with a closer on our website. This issue is discussed in detail there. And how to install them on the door, see the article Forstner drill for furniture hinges.

So go ahead and read. But first, let's finish this question.

Furniture door closer

Choosing a mechanism for the kitchen and its installation

To understand the basic principles of choosing mechanisms, it is necessary to take into account some features. Inside it, the closer is a regular spring, which is hidden in a metal capsule with oil. The door closing speed is controlled using valves.

Even a novice master can handle the process of installing the mechanism. The most important thing is to choose the right mechanism for the type of furniture you need and make sure there are instructions for it. You can also consult a specialist in the store.

Door closers are fixed with self-tapping screws. There are three possible locations for installing the mechanism:

  • on the cabinet body;
  • on the hinges themselves;
  • and between the loops.

To install the mechanism on hinges, these hinges must be equipped with special sockets, which is quite rare. In the absence of such sockets, closers are installed using euroscrews. Using these screws, the mechanism can be installed directly on the kitchen cabinet.

Adjustment options

The main criteria that are indicators of the performance of door closers are:

  • sliding speed;
  • tightness.

The adjusting screws on the mechanism body are used to change the volume of the working chamber and the above parameters. The speed of movement of the elements of the kitchen set depends on the speed of liquid or gas flow. The tightness of the fit depends only on the type of closer. Oil closers have the greatest pressing force at the end point.

It is believed that gas-type return elements are installed in inexpensive kitchens with low mass. As a rule, this is MDF, veneer, plastic. But manufacturers recommend combining mechanisms. For small-sized lightweight sashes, it is better to install gas-type closers, and install oil closers on massive drawers. Ultimately, this is reflected in the cost of the kitchen unit.

How to adjust the door closer

There are several ways to adjust the door closer hardware. A similar action is performed in three planes: vertical, horizontal and frontal. Before starting work, it is necessary to carry out some preparatory activities:

  1. First of all, it is worth assessing the uniformity of fixation of the mechanism. To do this you need to take a building level. If you make a mistake in the attack phase, you can notice the difference in the length of the legs. In this case, corrective work will not give positive results.
  2. Next, you should evaluate the need for door alignment. The permissible distance should not exceed 5 mm.
  3. The next step is to assess the position of the hinge cup in the door. If the installation was carried out with an error, adjusting the nearest one will not solve the problem.
  4. Before adjusting the dimensions, it is necessary to remove all unnecessary elements from the cabinet to ensure easy access to the fittings.
  5. All parts of the mechanism are treated with oily liquid or silicone lubricant.
  6. The first adjustment is carried out immediately after new furniture appears in the kitchen. Otherwise, gap widths may deviate from normal values.
  7. Adjustment begins with aligning the doors. Subsequently, changes are made to other parameters.

Once the preparation is complete, you can begin the adjustment process. In most cases this is done with a Phillips screwdriver, but some designs require the use of a flat tool.

Vertical adjustment is necessary in cases where the cabinet doors are located at different levels, one above the other. To control the vertical uniformity, you need to close the cabinet and then find the two mounting screws. They move back and the door slides into place. After leveling the facade, the screws should be tightened securely.

It is better to carry out such actions in the company of an assistant so that he can check the position of the doors when tightening the screws.

If the gap increases downwards or upwards, it needs to be adjusted horizontally. It consists of tightening a screw in a round slot located near the door itself. The structure must be periodically closed to check its uniformity.

If the door rests on the side of the frame, it will be necessary to adjust the facade. To do this, use the screw farthest from the door. You need to unscrew it a little and pull it towards you. Then the door opens and closes a couple of times. All this time, changes in the gap width are checked. When the required distance is reached, all that remains is to tighten the screw.

Simple models of door closers can be adjustable or non-adjustable. Depending on the design features, adjustment is carried out using different technologies. Items at the checkout counter and in the gas elevators are not customizable and must be removed and reassembled into place.

Other adjustable closers are equipped with an adjusting screw or a special flap. At the installation stage, it is necessary to evaluate the tightness of the door closure. Do not completely unscrew the adjusting screws. Otherwise, oil leakage may occur. The screw rotates slowly, one revolution. Otherwise, the nearest one may fail.

Advantages and disadvantages

The closer is represented by a special mechanism designed for soft closing of doors. At the same time, there are no unpleasant sounds and the process is also slow. Thanks to this unique device, it is possible to protect furniture from strong impacts, so paint chips or other significant damage that usually cannot be restored will not appear.

High-quality hinges and closers ensure durability, impeccable appearance and attractiveness of kitchen furniture.

The advantages of using furniture with closers include:

  • the door closes smoothly, which ensures that there is no possibility of deformation or breakage of the structure;
  • the doors close tightly, so it is impossible for them to open spontaneously;
  • high-quality closures are created in such a way that even in the event of a breakdown, oil or other liquids will not leak out of the structure, so they cannot damage the upper surface of the lower kitchen cabinet;
  • optimal products can withstand even significant loads without breaking or losing their properties;
  • door closers are produced by many manufacturers, so each customer chooses the optimal model based on cost, size, material of manufacture and other characteristics;
  • each person can establish the closest one independently, since this process is not considered too complicated or specific;
  • With the right choice of device, a long service life is guaranteed.

The disadvantages of using a closer in the kitchen include the fact that the installation should be carried out only taking into account numerous requirements and rules, otherwise the design will not cope with its purpose and functions. Many door closer designs do not look very attractive. The design requires careful adjustment after installation, without which it will not cope with the assigned tasks. Many people prefer to choose oil plugs, but at low temperatures they work worse due to the viscosity of the oil, so it is recommended to choose them only for constantly heated rooms.

Cost of closers for the kitchen

The range of prices for door closers is significantly wide: from the lowest to the highest. The approximate price of one middle-class door closer is $5. The average class of the closer does not mean at all that it is of poor quality.

For retractable shelves, closers have a higher price than mechanisms for doors. But believe me, the price is justified by the ease of use and the resulting comfort.

If you are planning to buy a kitchen set, then choose a model with already built-in closers, although if you wish, you can install the closers yourself.

Time-tested quality

Blum furniture hinges are designed to connect the door to the furniture body. The huge assortment that can be found in the store allows you to choose absolutely any opening angle. And if you want everything to work quietly and smoothly, you should also think about door closers.

In their manufacture, only high-quality materials are used to ensure a long service life. The manufacturer guarantees more than 200,000 openings/closings, that is, about 20 years of operation. No special tools or knowledge are required for installation and configuration. Even a beginner can handle this.


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