One and a half, royal and euro - how much is it? Studying bed sizes

Choosing a bed size requires a highly individual approach. Some find it comfortable to sleep on a semi-size bed, while for others a king size is not enough. But this is learned with experience. I need a place to sleep now. Therefore, we suggest you understand the sizes of beds and understand what to buy for the bedroom.

Important. The size of the bed and the size of the sleeping area are not the same thing. By sleeping place we mean the base for the mattress. The frame dimensions are usually larger. In the article we will talk about the size of the sleeping place.

Jackie King Double Bed with Upholstered Headboard

American, European and domestic - which standard to focus on?

According to GOST 13025.2-85 in Russia there are single and double beds. They have a standard length of 186–205 cm. Width varies from 70 to 180 cm.

In stores you can find not only domestically produced beds, but also European and American ones. If you look at the size chart in Europe or the USA, the choice is much larger. Just look at the cost of an American-style king size bed, which can comfortably sleep a family of four.

Americans love to sleep on big beds

This is interesting. In most countries, length and width are calculated in the metric measurement system, that is, in cm. In the USA, the English system is adopted. There the parameters are written in inches. American companies focused on the Russian market write two sizes: in cm and inches. Therefore, there should be no problems with the choice.

The size of a Euro bed depends on the country. To summarize, the most common length is 200 cm, and the width varies:

  • for single models it is 90, 100 and 120 cm;
  • for doubles - 160, 180 and 200 cm.

We have collected standard bed sizes in the table.

Europe (using the example of Great Britain) USA
Size nameWidth x LengthSize nameWidth x Length
small single76x191twin or single98x189 cm
single91x191double98x202 cm
small double122x191full136x189 cm
double137x191queen152x202 cm
king152x198king193x202 cm
super king183x198california king183x212 cm

Advice. When choosing bedding, you need to focus not only on the dimensions of the sleeping place. The thickness of the mattress plays an equally important role. The thicker it is, the larger the sheet should be.

Difference in American bed sizes

Asia has its own sleeping standards. Basically, culture greatly influences the design of beds. We offer you to learn about what people sleep on in Japan in the article “Japanese-style bed - ascetic chic and oriental flavor in the bedroom.”

How to choose?

Once you've decided on the size and type, all that's left to think about is the fabric.

Elite bed linen is made from cambric. Weightless translucent fabric made of silk and cotton threads allows air to pass through and absorbs moisture, looks gentle and expensive. Of course, its cost will be high.

A budget option for cambric is percale. They are made in a similar way from cotton. The seemingly thin and light fabric turns out to be quite durable. It allows air to pass through well and breathes.

The most economical choice would be chintz. It is based on plain weave cotton thread. Very soft and hypoallergenic fabric, the only drawback will be its low density. Chintz is often chosen for newborn cradles.

Calico and poplin are also made from cotton, but the threads are thicker. The canvas is denser and stiffer than the previous version, but the strength is much higher.

Satin is a relative of calico, but a special weave of twisted threads gives the finished fabric shine and smoothness. Externally, satin looks very similar to satin or silk, cools in the heat and is pleasant to the touch. However, sheets made from sliding materials will constantly roll down if they are not secured properly.

Cashmere is a special fine wool. It is believed that this texture has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and improves blood circulation. Quite a bold and exotic choice for warm nights in cold weather.

If you are interested in the idea of ​​sewing bed linen yourself, here are tips for calculating fabric for a 1.5-size bed.

  • Try to choose fabric in rolls of 2.2 meters or more. This will make it more convenient to select the width of the product.
  • In scented pillowcases, the valve opening must be at least 20 cm, otherwise the pillow will fall out. Thus, we will need 1.25 m for a pillowcase 60x60 cm. For a sewn-in zipper, 0.65 m will be enough.
  • The fabric is cut along the warp threads, that is, longitudinally.
  • Don't forget about seam allowances.
  • Consider the height of the mattress to calculate the width and length of the sheet.
  • The optimal length of material for sewing a double duvet cover is 3.1 meters, and sheets are 2.3 meters.

If the fabric you like is sold only in a width of 1.5 m, then the calculation will look like this: duvet cover from 4.2 m, sheet from 2.2 m, wrap pillowcase 1.75, fastener 1.1 m.

Standard size beds

They can be found in any store. The main advantage of the “standard” is that you can easily select a mattress and bed linen to match it. Manufacturers focus specifically on the generally accepted dimensions of the sleeping place.


Length : 180 cm. Extended version : 200 cm.

Several width options: 80, 90, 100, 110.


Matters single bed from La Forma 90 cm wide in a minimalist style

There is an option with a width of 70 cm. When you need to save room space, such narrow furniture is justified. If the footage allows, it is better to install a model with a width of 90-100 cm. This is the standard when it comes to the size of single beds. Sleeping on it will be much more comfortable and freer.

A single bed is usually bought for teenagers who have long outgrown the children's bed. It is also suitable for single young people living together or separately from their parents.

Among the single beds for children, there are many models with an interesting headboard, for example, in the shape of Mickey Mouse

Advice. If there is very little space in the room, look at beds with a lifting mechanism. You can put seasonal items or sports equipment down. As an option, install transformable furniture. And to make the seating area more comfortable, hang a canopy. What they are like and what they are made from, read the article “Canopies over the bed: how to make them yourself and which ones are better to buy.”

One and a half

Standard length: 180 cm. Extended version: 200 cm.

Two width options: 110 and 120 cm.

Teenage bed Button Tufted Flannelette Beige 120 cm wide

There are no single beds in GOST standards. The name came from the people. The standard size of a single bed is 120x180 cm. It is difficult to call it a double, just like a single. That’s why “one and a half” cars appeared.

A bed with a width of 110 and 120 cm is considered a double bed according to standards. Two people can fit on it, but how comfortable it will be is difficult to say. The size of a single bed is more designed for one person who likes to sleep comfortably.

Advice. If you want to create a bedroom interior in the same style, we recommend buying furniture from the same collection. For example, you can purchase a bedside table to match the Pink Leather Kitty teenage bed.


The size of the one-and-a-half bed allows you to organize additional storage space in the lower part


Standard length: 180 cm. Extended version: 200 cm.

Several width options: 140, 150, 160, 170 and 180 cm.

Double bed Mora 180 cm wide

140 cm is the minimum width at which a double bed is suitable for two. Many people find this size convenient, so they put it in the marital bedroom. There are those who have experimentally found out that 140 cm is not enough, and comfort begins at 160 cm.

The standard size of a double bed is 180x200 cm. But some people find this furniture too big. You can sleep on it without disturbing each other. What to choose depends on personal preferences and the size of the bedroom. Read more about choosing a double bed in the article “How to choose a double bed: our selection algorithm.”

For maximum comfort, we recommend choosing beds with a soft headboard.

King size

Length: from 200 cm

Width: from 180 cm

King size, or king size, is not our “invention”. Although you can find such models in furniture stores. The name of the size speaks for itself: this is a royal bed for those who are not used to denying themselves comfort.

The American size chart includes several dimensions of a king bed:

  • King - 193x202 cm;
  • Cal king or California king - 183x212 cm;
  • Texas king - 203x249 cm;
  • Wyoming king - 213x213 cm.

This is not the entire list. The first two models are the most popular. The rest are considered less common. The bedroom area for such large furniture should be at least 10 sq.m.

The bed can be of impressive size and non-standard in shape.

In Russian realities, the most common size is 200x200 cm. Examples of models are presented below:

Options for structural elements

Let's talk about the main design elements of one-and-a-half sleeping beds. Among them are the frame, frame and under-bed drawers.

The frame can have legs or be presented without them. Its basis is the drawers, that is, the panels located on the sides. But the headboard can also be mounted directly on the wall. These are wall-mounted or wall-mounted models. In addition, an attached model can be used as a headboard.

As for the frame, it is she who is responsible for the strength of the entire structure and its stability. It can be made of metal, plywood or wood.

Underbed drawers usually have roller guides to make them easier to move. They are made from chipboard or plywood.

Now new models of 1.5-bed beds have appeared on sale. They have a mechanism that controls the slope in the area of ​​the head of the person lying on it. Such products are in deserved demand, as sleeping on them is very comfortable and cozy.

If you take all of the above aspects into account, you can choose a bed that will give you healthy sleep for many years to come.

You will learn how to choose the right bed from the following video.

Beds of non-standard sizes

Furniture stores often offer beds in standard sizes. But you can always make custom-made furniture according to your own measurements. This is relevant when:

  • you need to fit the sleeping place into a niche of a certain area;
  • I want to become the owner of non-standard furniture;
  • the bedroom is narrow and elongated;
  • the room is filled with different objects and there is no way to put a standard bed.

Advice. It is more practical to find a company that will make you both a bed and a mattress. If you look for a manufacturer for each task, it will take more time.


The round bed Apriori L is sold with a mattress, which simplifies the choice of furniture

Non-standardity lies not only in size, but also in shape. Round, oval, heart-shaped - the sleeping place can be given any shape. The main thing to remember is that such a bed will take up an impressive area, which means it will not fit in a small bedroom.

Example of a custom size and design bed

What's up


Pink Himalayan salt is mined from the depths of the mountains in Pakistan. It is a product of ancient deposits and is mined by hand, without the use of dynamite. Salt under thermal influence is enriched with magma, and, due to rigid compression, acquires high strength. It is used not only in interior decoration, but in cooking as a seasoning and for decorating dishes, as utensils and stoves for cooking, and for the production of cosmetics.

Himalayan pink salt is primarily composed of sodium chloride and is enriched with numerous trace minerals. It is known to have antiseptic and antibacterial properties. Lithotherapists believe that it effectively fights skin diseases, helps accelerate the removal of toxic substances from the body, stimulates blood circulation and helps fight cellulite, and increases skin elasticity. Inhaling salt vapor reduces fatigue.

What height is considered standard?

The height of the bed and the height of the sleeping place are different values. The first is measured from the floor to the top edge of the side wall. This is what is indicated in the description of the furniture. The height of the bed can be higher due to the thickness of the mattress.

The Astor bed in this photo is not high in itself, but the volumetric mattress doubles the height of the bed

The standard bed height is 30 cm. It is optimal for people of average height. For tall people, it is better to look at a bed with a height of 40 cm. But you should always make an adjustment for the thickness of the mattress so that the bed does not end up being too high.

This is interesting. Americans love high beds. They prefer thick mattresses, thanks to which the height of the sleeping place is about 60 cm.

To choose the height of the bed, pay attention to models with mattresses. This makes it easier to understand how comfortable it will be to use the furniture.

How to make a floor

Of course, the most ideal option, be that as it may, is a wooden covering. It can be absolutely anything: parquet, laminate, cork and others.

You can also use modern materials: linoleum, carpet, porcelain stoneware, especially if these materials look “natural.”

Thanks to modern technologies, it is possible to use various self-leveling floor systems for this, choosing plain, simple textures of the materials used.


Materials for making single beds can be very different. For example, furniture companies present us with models made of wood, chipboard and chipboard, metal, veneer and much more. Sometimes several materials are combined in one model, each of which is suitable for its own part of the bed.

Thus, most frames are often made from chipboard or wood. Chipboard is used in more budget models. Beds made of this material are usually cheaper, lighter, and do not look very bulky. But in terms of durability, furniture made from particle boards is inferior. But despite this, with careful use, a bed with a frame made of chipboard will last a long time.

Disputes about the dangers of chipboard have been going on for quite some time. It is believed that the substance used in its composition is harmful to health and can be dangerous for allergy sufferers. Therefore, many furniture manufacturing experts advise choosing frames made of veneer or natural solid wood, among which oak and beech are especially popular, as an alternative to chipboard. They are slightly more expensive, but their quality is higher. Such models are safe for health, do not deteriorate from moisture and do not lose their presentable appearance for a long time.

The most durable option is metal frames. Due to their polymer coating, modern metal frames are protected from mechanical damage and premature corrosion.

The bed frame is the most important element on which the stability of the entire structure depends. As a rule, it is made from long and thin wooden (and sometimes plywood) boards or metal pipes. The frame may have thin slats, which are most often made of wood and special plastic holders. The drawers are also often made of wood, and in rare cases they are made of chipboard. The frame and slats must be very hard to hold the bed frame tightly.

Wicker beds made of rattan and cane look exotic. They could easily decorate the interior in ethnic style. However, despite their unusual appearance, such structures have a significant disadvantage - they are easily damaged. They will have to be replaced or repaired quite often.

The finishing materials for beds are usually dense fabrics such as chenille, jacquard or flock. Fabrics such as velor are used less frequently, since such materials are more suitable for upholstery of sofas and armchairs. You can often find beds trimmed with faux suede. But models made of artificial and genuine leather are especially popular.

One and a half truck

The size of a single bed allows you to comfortably accommodate a person who prefers a lot of free space while sleeping. The width of a single bed ranges from 120 to 160 cm, while with the 160 cm model, even two people can easily fit in it.

Manufacturer Length (cm) Width (cm)


The maximum sizes of single beds correspond to the minimum sizes of double beds, which makes the difference between them almost imperceptible.

The photo shows a bedroom interior, decorated with a yellow one-and-a-half-size bed.

King size

The king or queen bed is truly king sized, offering free accommodation for two or even three if required.

Manufacturer Length (cm) Width (cm)

Americaout of 200190-200

These triple beds have a really huge width, exceeding 200 cm, and are more suitable for decorating large bedrooms, for example, for a family with a baby.

The photo shows a minimalist bedroom interior with a large snow-white bed.

Description of one-and-a-half bed linen set

A standard set of one-and-a-half sheets includes one sheet, one duvet cover and one or two pillowcases. Information about the number of bedding items is indicated on the packaging. It also indicates the material of their manufacture and information about the models, which are quite diverse.

PB-1 PB-2 PB-3

Models of 1.5-bed bedding:

  • One-and-a-half sheets come standard and with elastic at the edges. The second version of the product is convenient because it does not come out from under the mattress and does not crumple, so it does not need to be constantly adjusted.
  • Pillowcases differ in the type of fastener. There are models with zippers, buttons and non-fastening ones. The latter are equipped with a special wraparound pocket; it holds the pillow inside the product, preventing it from sliding off.
  • One-and-a-half duvet covers are produced in 2 types - with a cut in the center or on the side. The second model is often called continuous. It can be fastened with buttons or a zipper.

An important criterion for choosing a sleeping set is the material of manufacture. It is better to give preference to products made from natural fabrics, for example, cotton. They do not shrink when washed, are easy to wash and do not wrinkle.

Linen is no less popular. Sleeping accessories made from this material are the most wear-resistant and absorb moisture well. They have only one drawback: they wrinkle quickly and require frequent ironing.

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