Design of a teenage boy's room: ideas, principles, ready-made solutions

Teenager's room

The time of cheerful bright cars has quietly passed. A matured young man has quite serious hobbies, and will be happy to receive guests in his room. Nothing in it reminds of the former nursery: everything is strict and functional. But...faceless. The workplace and the bed are too boring, we need some zest. Therefore, you should start with a dream.

In dreams of the sea

The design of a children's room for a teenage boy is a clear reflection of his interests and, at the same time, a creative space that helps him improve and realize his many ideas. The main task is to give the room expressiveness, but to create a special, comfortable world, preserving the individuality of the young owner.

Choosing a style

Modern stylish children's room

Young people strive for non-standard solutions that break the stereotypes of the older generation: bright walls, fancy furniture, “abnormal” (according to their parents) chandeliers and other details that introduce a touch of negligence into a boring everyday life in which there are so many responsibilities. Or maybe the young man is modest and doesn’t like bulky furniture and painted walls?

Neutral teenager's room

For the interior design of a children's room for a boy, modern style and its directions are suitable:


When choosing furniture for the design of a boy’s apartment, use the principle - save more free space and do not forget about the functionality of the items.

The ideal option is furniture that can be transformed or combine several functions. Examples: a bed with drawers underneath, a folding coffee table for the living room, a sofa with a pull-out table.

In addition, spacious cabinets are suitable, behind the doors of which you can place a lot of things. A comfortable sofa with decorative pillows is suitable for relaxing and receiving guests.


Children's room in loft style

The scene is the dream of most teenagers: bare bricks and the feeling of an abandoned warehouse. But in the interior, this harsh concept is embodied more carefully and is complemented by your favorite modern appliances and cozy furniture. If your son is romantic and slightly brutal in character, he will like this style.

Plastic, metal and glass are used for decoration to make the space sparkle in a new way. Furniture can become a bright and stylish accent against the background of the “attic” theme. All kinds of poufs on which guests can casually sit are very useful. The design of a children's room in the loft style is the choice of athletes and artistic people.


Minimalistic interior

For modest teenagers with a hidden craving for creativity. A minimalist interior is a blank canvas on which you can fully realize your ideas. Instead of traditional pastel colors (“girly”, the boy will say), the main role is given to dark gray and black, diluted with bright details.

In the design of a children's room for a teenage boy, it is imperative to use modern materials and original textures in decoration. A stylish solution - a suspended ceiling with spotlights, glossy surfaces and a compact but spacious storage system. A minimum of designer accessories and a maximum of things that reflect the character of a teenager.


Room for a teenager in Art Nouveau style

A universal style suitable for children with any hobbies. Unlike minimalism, you can choose any accessories and leave them on display. They are the ones who will add special chic to the space: pillows, paintings and framed photos, stylish lamps and posters with idols.

The main rule is convenience in everything. Transformable furniture, a two-story bed, a wardrobe and a pull-out table - everything that will not clutter the room and will be at hand at the right time. The design of small children's rooms for teenagers is based on this principle.

Marine theme

Marine themed room

Fans of adventure and sea adventures in the spirit of “Treasure Island” will love this destination. The abundance of “ship” attributes, a bunk bed and a small table - everything is reminiscent of the old captain’s cabin. The combination of blue, golden, white colors with the texture of natural wood will refresh the interior.

READ ALSO: Room design for two boys - solutions and ideas

The nautical design of a children's room for a teenage boy does not limit the details: a rope net, ropes, shells, a lot of metal objects and even an anchor - everything will be appropriate. An aged chest instead of a pouf will delight everyone who visits this space.

Design rules

  • Color palette with delicate pastel shades
  • White furniture
  • Simple finishing without unnecessary complications
  • Multi-level lighting
  • We pay special attention to fabrics: bed linen and curtains

By following these simple rules, you can create an unusual interior that will appeal to everyone, even the demanding occupant of this room. It is not recommended to deviate from them and not pay due attention to each of the points. The likelihood of creating an ordinary boring and uncomfortable room is very high. Even if you use all the colors of the rainbow.

Many designers use these rules unconsciously, relying on their excellent taste. Here we formulate clear and understandable categories, following which you will get excellent results. Take advantage of this.

High tech

Boy's room in high-tech style

Laconism and equanimity are the basis of the style. Smooth wall surfaces, a minimum of functional furniture with hidden cabinets and drawers, cool shades in the design. This is very practical, especially for a teenager who does not like cleaning and likes to keep little secrets from his parents.

With this design, a children's room for a teenage boy turns into a “spaceship”, complemented by practical furniture with chrome fittings, metal shelving and sports equipment. This is a space for athletes, computer geniuses and lovers of technology in all its forms.


Children's room with avant-garde elements

For bright and daring natures. Non-standard solutions and unexpected experiments are welcome here. A characteristic feature of the avant-garde is the use of pure shades. Contrasting combinations and originality of white, black, red, green enhance the energy and dynamics of space.

Bizarrely shaped furniture, shapeless bean bag chairs, library-style cabinets, rotating shelves and even a hanging bed - everything should be functional, without a clear desire for originality. The bold avant-garde design of a children's room for a teenage boy can be complemented with sports equipment.

Sports area in the room

These are not all the options that a student may like. You can choose from bright kitsch for rebels and lovers of poisonous flowers, geometric techno and a perfectionist's paradise - rational constructivism, where all objects are classified and subordinated to logic. Whatever a teenage boy chooses, the interior design of such a room should take into account all his wishes.

Room design for a young man. What to pay attention to when decorating the interior?

A young man's room is a special place in the apartment. Here he not only sleeps, but also spends time with friends, doing what he loves. The interior of the room should be multifunctional and comfortable, but without frills. They look attractive, harmoniously combining colors and shades. When choosing a design, it is necessary to take into account the age, preferences and wishes of the owner. This will allow you to get a home that is pleasing to the eye, comfortable and functional.

The design of a room for a young man should be multifunctional and comfortable

When choosing a room design, you should take into account the owner’s preferences

It’s worth thinking about the design of a room for a young man down to the smallest detail.

A person spends most of his free time in his room. The boys were no exception. This must be taken into account when organizing the premises. First of all, he must satisfy his principles and desires. Sometimes this design defies common sense. Therefore, it is worth adjusting the interior. It should contribute to the proper development of a young person and the formation of his character.

It’s not difficult to design a room for a young man. First, it is necessary to divide it into functional zones. Each has its own purpose:

  • rest;
  • opera;
  • meeting with guests;
  • personal space.

Their presence is typical for the standard interior design option. If it is necessary to emphasize the individuality of the owner, you can abandon some imposed clichés and opinions. The main thing is that the room is spacious and functional. Men love freedom in everything.

Design should promote proper human development

The room should be multifunctional and spacious

It is important to decorate a room for a young man with a twist. There may not be one, but it is present in all functional areas. This will allow them to stand out and emphasize their individuality. Each part of the room is designed to perform specific tasks. Therefore, it will be necessary to create an atmosphere in him that is emotionally and psychologically attuned to this process.

Men prefer minimalism in the interior. The ideal design idea for them would be to install the most necessary furniture. Its location should be such that there is free space in the room. Do not clutter the area with things. They must have a useful function and be appropriate for the area in which they are located. This will allow for efficient use of space.

Minimalist style suits boys better

Choice of colors

Bright accents in the nursery

The best atmosphere for relaxing and doing your favorite things is practical shades that are not irritating to the eyes. That's why teenagers love neutral tones of gray, green and blue. An elegant combination of white with cobalt or black looks grown-up - such combinations refresh the interior and visually push the boundaries.

Neutral shades in the interior

Most boys gravitate toward deep, dark tones, and there's nothing wrong with that. The space will not look gloomy if you use velvety shades of gray, green and sandy yellow. The design of small children's rooms for teenagers only benefits from this: the interior becomes cozy and more intimate.

Combination of dark and light shades in the interior

Bright red, contrary to popular belief, is not irritating. On the contrary: it stimulates work and creativity and gives energy if you use muted tones. For a boy's bedroom, dark red is suitable paired with blue, white or calm gray.

Cheerful red in a marine interior

Warm and cozy safari colors are provided by orange, brown, gray and lemon yellow. Such an unusual design of a children's room for a teenage boy will give confidence and calmness, and in the bright rays of the sun it will sparkle with new colors, fueling him with energy.

Warm color in a small room

The unmistakable color scheme necessarily reflects the tastes and mood of the young man. The design principles here are the same as in “adult” design: comfort, practicality and harmony.

Stylish interior design for a young man’s room – a selection of photos

Properly selected wall decoration will help hide the shortcomings of the room. For example, wallpaper with vertical stripes is often used in a room with low ceilings. Neutral striped wall trim makes the ceiling appear higher.

A dark floor is a practical option for a boy's room, and it's easy to freshen up the floor with a light-colored rug.

A bright chandelier adds zest to the interior and breaks up the monotony. Furniture in a fashionable woody shade of Chamonix oak will fit perfectly into a young man’s room.

Tired of bright colors? So avoid them completely. Today, monochromatic interiors are in fashion, so don’t be afraid to show your individuality. A monochrome interior can be created based on grey, black, white or brown. Some men prefer dark purple, blue or marsh colors, which are also used to create monochromatic interiors.

Monochrome colors create flexibility when modeling the interior, so a guy in such a room will be able to hang paintings, photographs, musical instruments and transform the interior. Decorative elements not only add zest to the atmosphere, but also emphasize the taste and character of the apartment owner.

Photo wallpaper

Using photo wallpaper in the interior

A great way to create the most suitable design for a child's room for a teenage boy without much expense. The photos only confirm this. The images should reflect the preferences of the young person: favorite sport, aviation, urban landscape, bright three-dimensional letters, rock theme.


Stylized world map in the interior

The political map of the world is a timeless design option for rooms of an even older generation. Modern versions are not only useful in practice, but also original. A map with an erasable protective layer allows you to mark territories already visited by a young traveler, while a magnetic one invites you to add small photos from trips with your parents. Bright continents will organically fit into the interior of the training area.

Individual details that can be added to the interior

If a teenager thinks that despite all his efforts, the decoration of the room turns out to be boring, he should not give up. Perhaps you need to add bright details. These can be beautiful curtains, posters, luminous stickers or an original blanket. It is not necessary to limit your imagination and adhere to a certain standard when it comes to a child’s room.

Related article: Features of nursery design for two girls (+35 photos)

It would be even better to let the child independently complete the room with whatever he finds necessary. For a growing girl, you can equip the room with a mini-wardrobe or install a beautiful trellis, or replace practical blinds with cozy curtains. Pears are ideal for a future young man if he is interested in sports or a comfortable desk.

It’s not scary to turn a blind eye to some things if it becomes an outlet for the child. Children's ideas are often more interesting than adult delights.

A person can do some details of a thing on his own. These can be decorations, beautiful photo frames for a collage on the wall, bottles with shells and much more. With a girl you can sew unusual curtains or paint glass. A boy can be fascinated by building wall shelves or creating homemade wooden figurines that will later decorate them. In this case, you can not only enjoy the process, but also give the room a special coziness. In addition, teenagers are very fond of original things.

Imitation of concrete and brick

Imitation of concrete in the interior

Conceptual grunge, loft, brutal industrial are beloved by stubborn boys who do not recognize conventions. Why not create a stylish industrial area at home with vintage details? This is what the walls look like in the industrial design of a small children's room for a teenager, photo of the actual project:

Brick wall in the interior

If the choice falls on wallpaper, it is important to take into account the design style. They are not always appropriate in one direction or another - for example, in high-tech and techno, where it is enough to paint the walls or decorate them with metal mosaics.

Wallpaper in a classic interior

Organization of space: from floor to ceiling

A well-organized space is the unity of all its components, including lighting. When developing the design of a small children's room for a teenager, as in the photo below, it is important to take into account some nuances.

Small room design

The floor is designed in accordance with the chosen style. The ship theme is successfully complemented by a universal laminate or dark wood parquet board. Tiles, porcelain tiles and parquet with a pearlescent sheen - for high-tech. Modern allows you to choose any finish and add a cozy shag rug as an accent.

Wooden floors are always in style

Multi-level lighting will help to zone the space, visually expand it, add volume and create its own atmosphere in each zone. An interesting floor lamp or a small conceptual chandelier in the sitting area, spotlights above the bed and a high-quality lamp in the study area are the best options. Soft, diffused lighting is also necessary to distract from everyday affairs - let it be adjustable.

Versatile lighting

The ceiling should be discreet. Clouds and bright prints are a thing of the past; teenagers choose calmer options, closer to an “adult” theme: a suspended ceiling with spotlights or a glossy stretch ceiling, wood trim or simply painted in pastel colors.

Stylish ceiling in a small room

Design for two boys

If the room is designed for two guys, you should divide the space equally and carefully approach the interior design. If there is not enough space, it is appropriate to combine the sleeping area for boys and install a 2-level bed, use one closet and a long desk. With this design, it is important that each boy has his own inviolable territory and personal space.

Often, for a room of 2 boys, a nautical style is chosen, which is distinguished by the use of various ship paraphernalia. This design involves a color scheme of blue, brown and dark red. A design in this style involves the presence of dark wood, ropes, chains, grilles, shiny metal fittings and other nautical paraphernalia.

A creative solution is a space theme, where the bedroom can be decorated with an unusual chandelier reminiscent of the solar system or finished with textured wallpaper.


Compact place to sleep

Pull-out beds, bunk models with cabinets and shelves, a transforming sofa are the best choice, especially when designing small children's rooms for a teenager. There should be as much space as possible where the boy can pursue his hobbies or meet guests. The bedroom will fit well into a niche, but if there is none, you can highlight the resting place using wall decor and lighting.

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Room zoning

The number of functional zones depends on the size of the room and its shape. Techniques used: visual (if the room is small) and constructive (if space allows).

We once devoted an entire article to construction or zoning using partitions, where we described everything in detail and with examples.

A boy's room should have two main zones - a sleeping area and a work area. And each of them can combine many more functions.

Sleep zone

The interior of a boy's bedroom can be without a bed. So it’s not difficult to set up a relaxation area and receive guests here. Furniture poufs, corner sofa, folding sofa, regular or frameless chairs are suitable.

We put the bed in a spacious room

In a smaller room, instead of a bed, there is a comfortable sofa

You need a closet for things. A regular closet can take up a lot of space, just like a walk-in closet. Although there are small changing rooms.

If space allows, place a coffee table. There are models in which you can change the height of the tabletop.

You don't need a floor mirror or a dressing table for a young man. It is enough to select a separate shelf for toiletries in the closet (or simply hang the shelf on the wall) and mirror one of the furniture fronts.

Work zone

In this area there is a table (with or without a computer), bookcases, shelves, other cabinets, a chair, an armchair (if there is space).

If a young person has a hobby, you can immediately set up a personal zone. Set up musical instruments, an exercise machine, an easel, a telescope, a cork board for posters on the wall, open cabinets to display your collection, etc.

Room for an 18-year-old music lover

The interests of the 25-year-old are multifaceted

Ideal room zoning

The work area should be concise and not overloaded with details. Otherwise, it will be difficult to concentrate on work or fully devote yourself to a hobby.

Work zone

Well-lit workplace

Where you need to concentrate on your studies, ergonomics is important: everything is at hand and no chaos. A computer must fit here. It is important to choose a non-bulky table and a high-quality compact chair. It is better to organize a study corner near the window: natural light is more useful than artificial light, especially when reading or writing.

Interior optimization if there are several girls

If you need to make separate corners for your sisters, you need to focus on their age. When they are the same age, you can divide the room into two parts with a visual or conventional boundary, arranging the furniture in a mirror image. For example, a closet and a dressing room can be shared by two people - this will save space. That's the basic zoning.

Distributing places for girls of different ages can be a problem if there are few available square meters. The best solution is to create a partition, the actual separation. But if this is impossible to implement, then it is worth dividing the zones with decorations, screens, decorations, and furniture.

Bunk bed - suitable for two sisters, even of different ages. If there are three residents, one has a bunk bed, the other has a loft bed. It will accommodate a work or play area, depending on your needs.

Useful tips for setting up quadrature in a room where you need to place more girls:

  • the playroom should be located as far as possible from the learning area;
  • Every girl should have a separate bed for sleeping and resting; buying a double model is not rational;
  • if there is a lack of natural light, you need to count on the fact that the training part will be located near the window;
  • if there is very little space, it is worth equipping only a bedroom and a work area; the dressing room and other areas can be moved to adjacent rooms, for example, to the living room;
  • When choosing thematic concepts, it is necessary to take into account the wishes of each resident or find a compromise option.

A radical way to solve space problems is redevelopment. If the area of ​​the house allows, you can use partitions to create several rooms separated by a spacious room for each girl.

Personal space

Hammock swing for a break from studying

Formatting it is a difficult task. For some, a chair and a favorite guitar are enough to be happy, while others will require separate meters for a sports corner, easel or synthesizer. In this case, the interior design of a children's room for a boy should be based solely on the wishes of the owner of the space.

Modern modular systems allow you to assemble entire sets for your own interior concept. If you invite a teenager to go to a furniture store and choose the right furniture on their own, he will appreciate it.

Details and accents: a guide to style

Bright decoration in the bedroom area

Accessories complement the interior and create that very highlight of the space. The choice should be based on the overall stylistic direction.

For hi-tech and techno, metal, plastic or glass parts in small quantities, preferably glossy ones, are appropriate: conceptual watches, chrome vases, geometric mirrors. Marine style is boring without ship figurines, a steering wheel, a large globe and an hourglass. The modern interior design of a children's room for a boy will sparkle in a new way with original colored lamps. Loft and grunge look complete when a skateboard or electric guitar hangs on the wall, and a retro floor lamp on a “forged” stand stands on the floor.

Grunge style details in the interior

The stereotype “textiles are for girls” is wrong. Thick curtains, blinds and stylish Roman or roller blinds are simply necessary during hours of rest and relaxation. For a marine theme, light pastel colors or tulle with imitation of a ship's net are suitable; modernism is in harmony with textiles in natural shades: purple, green, ocher, blue.

Marine style curtains

Any boy loves to decorate his room with posters of his favorite bands, magazine clippings and other youth-themed attributes. Therefore, the harmonious design of a children's room for a teenage boy should not be overloaded with diversity. You can decorate the shelves with cups and awards of the young man.

Details in harmony with the interior

READ ALSO: Room design for two teenage boys

Finishing materials

The choice of finishing materials directly depends on the style of the interior of the room, as well as on the budget allocated for renovation. For an expensive interior, natural wood is used, including valuable species, natural or artificial stone, and stained glass. The cheapest options are made of plastic, chipboard, self-adhesive film, washable paper or wallpaper, etc.


Laminate or solid boards are often placed on the floor; natural stone for the bedroom is very cold, so it is used only locally, and linoleum is not always environmentally friendly. Parquet is a great idea, although expensive; the sleeping area and sports corner are usually highlighted with neutral-colored carpets. Less commonly, floors are made from self-leveling, cork, vinyl tiles, etc. In combined rooms, zoning with different floor coverings is usually used.


The easiest way to stick wallpaper on walls is paper, non-woven, vinyl, fabric, etc. Photo wallpapers are placed on only one wall; popular themes are animals, city landscapes, cars and motorcycles, geometric three-dimensional abstractions, including black and white. Cork panels, slate metal panels decorate the room of a creative person, who pastes posters and memos there, makes sketches and notes on the walls.


The ceiling in a modern interior is made suspended or suspended - it is easy to install any lighting fixtures, cornices, and zone dividers in such a design. Not less often, this surface is simply painted in light colors, decorated with plaster or plastic stucco, if the internal direction requires it. In high and spacious rooms, zoning is carried out using differences in ceiling height; Each level is highlighted for beauty. Some types of interiors allow only wooden options, decorated with large beams.

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