Making a mezzanine with your own hands: simple, beautiful and functional

Hi all! A comfortable and functional apartment or house is a space that has different storage systems in addition to basic furniture. We store a lot of things in the garage, leave them in the hallway, and bring them into rooms. Every now and then we throw something on top of the closet, make a mess on the balcony, and don’t forget to collect trash for the kitchen as well. You can get rid of this in different ways. One of them is a do-it-yourself mezzanine.

A similar design is made under the ceiling. Most often in the kitchen and hallway. But it can also be installed on a balcony, loggia, as well as in a bedroom or living room, if such a need suddenly arises.

Today I will show you a guide for beginners. This is a step-by-step instruction that allows you to make mezzanines.

But there is one caveat. You need to understand the concept itself.

Some features

Once upon a time, mezzanines were the upper floors of houses where servants lived. These were small and low rooms. Now these are compact furniture structures under the ceiling for storing things that are rarely used - paints, varnishes, empty cans, boxes with Christmas tree decorations, clothes for another season.

Beautiful and functional design gives the room a stylish look. With mezzanines, the hallway looks more spacious, which is important for small apartments. With its help, you can free up part of the pantry, providing better access to things. The installation is suitable for apartments with ceilings up to 2.6 meters high. Otherwise, the structure will be directly above the heads of the people entering. The bottom must be at least 2 meters from the floor.

How does a mezzanine differ from an additional floor?

An additional floor is considered a renovation because it increases the base area of ​​the building and its number of floors. The construction of a mezzanine refers to redevelopment, since it does not affect the main characteristics of the house or building. There are other differences:

  • occupies only up to 40% of the total area of ​​the room, floor - more than 40%;
  • it is built with minimal impact on the load-bearing structures, and during the construction of the floor all the load-bearing structures of the building are fully involved;
  • To organize a new floor, it is necessary to obtain a building permit; for the construction of a mezzanine, a redevelopment project with a technical conclusion is sufficient.

Here is an example of a mezzanine designed and erected in one of the cafes in Moscow:

Constructive solutions for the construction and stairs to it, all drawings are made only by the design bureau, which has SRO approval. It is important to prepare it correctly, since it depends on whether the redevelopment will be approved by the Moscow Housing Inspectorate and whether it will be safe to live and work in the premises.

APM-1 is competent in this matter and has permits for design work. The company is a member of SRO – Permission No. 1891, issued by SRO “MezhRegionProekt”.

There are often cases when calculations are made with errors, due to which the mezzanine structure may bend. In our company, the project will be calculated as correctly as possible, with the loads that are permissible, which eliminates operational problems in the future.

Here is an example of a redevelopment project page for a non-residential premises with a mezzanine.
The document was developed for an apartment in Reutov. The project must include all architectural and construction solutions, in particular, it describes how the mezzanine will be built and what it will be used to secure it.

What to prefer: a ready-made mezzanine or make it yourself?

First, you should take care of purchasing the material from which the mezzanine will be made.

It could be:

  • solid wood. This material does not contain harmful impurities, is durable and easy to use and install. The disadvantages include: high cost, with temperature changes, can be subject to deformation;
  • drywall. The advantages of using it are low price, does not react to sudden changes in temperature conditions, has soundproofing properties, is flexible, and even a beginner who knows nothing about construction can handle the installation. Disadvantages: may slightly reduce the volume of the room;
  • Chipboard and MDF. They have a low cost, do not react to high humidity, thanks to the even and smooth surface, installation does not cause problems. If we talk about the shortcomings, these include: if damage appears on the slab, it is impossible to repair it.

You can make a mezzanine in the hallway yourself, the main thing is to read the instructions and advice from experts

If desired, you can easily combine artificial material and solid wood. For example, if the outer part of the structure is made of wood, and for the inner part you use plasterboard, MDF or chipboard, you can get a wonderful product that is not inferior to ordinary furniture in appearance.

After the drawing is ready, you need to make markings on the selected material. Making markings requires a serious approach; it is very important that in the process of applying the drawing to the material, there is as little waste as possible. This way it can be saved for later use.

To make internal shelves, you can use both chipboard and plasterboard; they are excellent for this.

Mounting options:

  • Wooden beams. This option is perfect for installing a mezzanine between two walls.
  • Metal profiles.

All structural parts are fastened with self-tapping screws.

  1. Examine the required location in the room for wiring. In this case, a special detector/indicator screwdriver will be useful; otherwise, consider the area of ​​the wall above the switch.
  2. Decide on the type of mezzanine (with or without doors). The second type will certainly save time and materials.
  3. Marking the bottom panel and cabinet walls with measuring the height of the mezzanine.
  4. Using a drill (hammer), make holes for the bottom of the structure.
  5. Using a building level, install aluminum guides.
  6. Select the necessary material (plywood or board) and make the bottom. Khrushchev is famous for its uneven walls, so this factor must be taken into account when selecting planks.
  7. Place the lower structure on the corners, and secure the strips with suitable screws.
  8. Finish the mezzanine using modern materials (varnish, paint, plastic).
  9. Next, make a door frame, making it from narrow strips.

  10. Attach the made box to the walls.
  11. Attach the doors using piano hinges. You can choose doors if there are different options: sliding (compartment) or regular - hinged. Door material can be used as decoration. Here sheets of chipboard, MDF or pieces of plastic will be an excellent helper.

This simple method will make a narrow corridor in a Khrushchev building comfortable and interesting. The contents in the mezzanine can be of different weights and sizes, the main thing is to think through everything in advance.

When the size and general appearance are known, you can move on to choosing a specific mezzanine. Purchasing pre-made ones can be difficult due to mismatches in size, color or style.

  • do it yourself;
  • make to order.

Self-production requires the availability of: skills, materials, tools. If you order production, you must clearly specify all the requirements before starting work.

Even if light items are stored on the upper shelves, care must be taken to ensure the reliability of the structure.

Choosing material

At the stage of choosing a building material for a superstructure, several main factors must be taken into account. These include: style, your taste preferences, environmental friendliness and practicality. Most often, mezzanines are made of natural wood, chipboard or plasterboard.

Let's compare the advantages and disadvantages of these materials using the table:

Material Advantages Flaws
Solid wood 1. Environmentally friendly material;

2. Durable;

3. Easy to process;

4. If there is minor damage, the texture can be easily restored.

1. It is expensive;

2. Sensitive to moisture;

3. Sudden changes in temperature may cause deformation.

  1. It is inexpensive;
  2. Good sound insulation and energy saving;
  3. Suitable for both dry air and high humidity rooms;
  4. Plastic;
  5. Has little weight;
  6. Easy to install.
1.The material is quite fragile, its transportation requires special care;

2. Helps to slightly reduce the volume of the room;

3. Artificial material.

Chipboard (MDF)
  1. It is inexpensive;
  2. The surface is flat and smooth;
  3. May be large in size;
  4. Suitable for use in rooms with high humidity.
  1. Small chips and damage are almost impossible to repair;
  2. Over time, it becomes loose and may not hold fasteners well;
  3. Artificial material.

Which of these options you prefer is up to you. For example, a mezzanine made of chipboard is more suitable for a bathroom, and a mezzanine made of natural wood is more suitable for a living room.

If desired, you can easily combine artificial and natural materials. The tree is very beautiful in appearance, but expensive. You can use it to make the external walls and façade of the superstructure, and for the internal shelves you can safely use chipboard or MDF. If you prefer an open mezzanine, make the sections from glass or metal.

Main types

Manufacturers produce the following types of structures:

  • One-sided.
    The doors are located on one side. Therefore, depth is undesirable here - it will be difficult to get things out. The back rests against the wall; One-sided mezzanines in the hallway.
  • Double-sided. Opens front and back (through). Such mezzanines in the hallway are usually long and roomy. Can be located on both sides of the interior door;

    Double-sided mezzanines in the hallway.

  • Open.
    They are cabinets without doors or just shelves. It’s easier to get what you need, but you’ll have to periodically wipe off the dust. Not the best way to store junk, because it will end up on public display; Open mezzanines. It's not always convenient.
  • Closed. Designs with doors. Helps store a large number of household utensils. In addition to aesthetics, this is safety - you don’t have to be afraid that some bottle of solvent will fall on your head;

    Closed mezzanines are safe.

  • Mounted. Mounted between parallel walls, directly under the ceiling;

    Hanging mezzanine in the house.

  • Modular. The mezzanine is an element as part of other furniture. Attaches to the very top of the cabinet. A coupe with such a section on top is a good option if there is no suitable space for a mounted model.

    Modular mezzanine on the closet.

Ideal place for a shelf

For a kitchen, especially a small one, using the free space under the ceiling is a necessity. The best option is mezzanines that form a single unit with the suite.

In this case, they will fit in as organically as possible. In addition, the space above the door can be additionally used.

  • rarely used dishes, household appliances;
  • additional oven mitts, towels;
  • conservation, etc.

In the interior of the kitchen

Often a mezzanine is placed directly above the front door if there is enough space. This will advantageously decorate the entrance to your home. The design can be installed in a long and narrow corridor.

Mezzanine above the entrance to the hallway.

Between rooms

Double-sided structures are installed through the door. You get two access points from different rooms. At the same time, the appearance of the rooms should not be spoiled. For example, if a door leads from the corridor to the living room, the shelf in it should be compatible in style with the interior of the room.

Mezzanine between rooms.

Gallery installation

If there is a niche in the hallway or just a lot of space, installing a gallery mezzanine is suitable. It will occupy the entire space from ceiling to floor, from wall to wall, around the entire perimeter. And it will have different functions: shelves for accessories, a wardrobe, and shoe stands.

Gallery mezzanine in the hallway.

Options for finished interiors

A mezzanine can be used in many interesting ways in design. There are many types of such furniture.

For example, you can make a shelter house for children's games from the mezzanine. To do this, you need to equip the structure with a ladder. However, it must be at a safe height.

Mezzanine for children's gamesSource

If you want to leave the mezzanine open, you can make a beautiful shelf out of it. Several spotlights will illuminate the space between the ceiling and the shelf. All that remains is to arrange your favorite decorations on the shelf.

Mezzanine in the form of a shelfSource

If space allows, you can place a real library in the mezzanine. This option will be appreciated by fans of collecting paper publications. You can cover the books from dust with a curtain that will complement the interior, or decorate them with lighting. It can be turned on on cozy evenings without using the main light source, making the atmosphere calmer due to dim light.

Mezzanine as a shelf for booksSource

If you place lockers along the perimeter of the corridor, it will be convenient to store in them those things that are not used during the season.

Laconic design Source

Mezzanine in the interior of the corridor Source

Where to start choosing?

About 40-50 years ago, the mezzanine was not a particularly beautiful structure. Now it is possible to choose a design that will complement the specific layout and style of the interior.

Additional storage space under the ceiling

  • open or closed;
  • stationary or mobile;
  • single-door and double-door;
  • double-sided or single-sided;
  • connected to the cabinet or mounted separately.

When installing an overhead structure, the height decreases


. For small spaces this can be a serious limitation. In this regard, it is necessary to carry out measurements and calculations especially carefully.

In a modern interior

Suitable location for the superstructure

So, we’ve sorted out the materials, now we need to think about how our mezzanine will be located and what needs to be taken into account in order to avoid mistakes when assembling and placing it.

As already mentioned, the mezzanine is located under the ceiling in any of the rooms in the apartment, but if it is a corridor, then the most frequently used and convenient place is above the entrance door to the kitchen. When installing the structure, consider some points that you should pay special attention to:

  • be sure to think through the design, calculate the dimensions and amount of material required, ideally, create a drawing of the product;
  • the depth of the product is also an important point that must be taken into account; if you make the cabinet too deep, it will be very inconvenient for you to get everything you need from it;
  • if, nevertheless, you decide to make a fairly deep cabinet, then it is more convenient if you make it double-sided;
  • make sure that the walls on which the box will be mounted are strong enough to withstand the load;
  • for safety reasons for you and your household, the base material must be durable;
  • the mezzanine should fit harmoniously into the overall layout and design of the room;
  • the shelf under the ceiling should not interfere with access to the window and the free opening of the door above which it is located;
  • be sure to find the location of the electrical wiring in the walls so as not to damage it during installation;
  • design the structure so that there is no free space between the top of the drawer and the ceiling, otherwise this space will not be functional, only dust will accumulate in it.

Tools and accessories

Initially, the design needs to be thought through, its dimensions and the amount of material needed must be calculated. The best solution would be to make a drawing of the box. You need to make sure that the walls that will hold the box are really strong and can handle the new load.

Tools that will be useful in your work:

  • level;
  • roulette;
  • a screwdriver, or better yet, a screwdriver;
  • perforator;
  • jigsaw;
  • aluminum profile;
  • wooden beam;
  • dowels, screws;
  • pencil;
  • necessary fittings, hinges or guides;
  • perhaps a click-clack mezzanine bracket will be used.

To this list should be added those items and means that will help decorate the mezzanine.

How to choose

There were no such problems before. In Soviet times, apartments were bought with already built-in hanging shelves and cabinets. New buildings cannot be pleased with this, and residents must choose mezzanines in the hallway themselves. Here are some useful tips:

  1. When choosing the size, keep in mind that the mezzanine should not hang over the door or block access to a window or closet nearby;
  2. The material must be such that the walls can withstand the weight of the structure;
  3. It is desirable that the interior has a light source;

    Lighting for the mezzanine in the hallway.

  4. If you choose noble wood for the facade, and plasterboard or chipboard for the rest of the box, it won’t be so expensive;
  5. The material must match other furniture in the interior, including color, tone, texture, texture, and decor.
    The correct color of furniture in the hallway.

Creating swing doors

Hinged doors are best made from veneered MDF or chipboard. Less commonly, plastic is used for such products. We cut out the elements of the required size and process them with coarse sandpaper. The front side of the doors can be decorated at your discretion.

Piano hinges are used to secure swing doors. They are first attached to the sashes, and only after that - to the main part of the mezzanine. To ensure that these products are perfectly level, use a building level when working, otherwise your efforts may result in skewed doors.

Don't forget to attach the handles on the outside. To ensure that the doors close as tightly as possible, you can attach a latch and a magnet to the inside.

Door options in the photo

Sliding doors for a furniture mezzanine in the hallway Sliding doors for a furniture mezzanine Hinged chipboard doors for a stationary mezzanine Hinged doors for a mezzanine

A mezzanine is a useful and multifunctional piece of furniture that will help free up space in your apartment. Anyone can make such a design on their own with a little effort. Before you begin work, be sure to think through the design of the product and select suitable materials for it.

  • Author: Natalya Broslavskaya
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Variety of styles

Selecting a mezzanine for the existing interior requires compliance with a certain style and color combinations that already exist.


Traditionally, classics are natural wood in noble shades. Good quality and functionality in this case guarantee long-term operation.

Classic style

Provence and country

Country trends and eco-styles are emphasized by natural materials and light shades. Country embodies convenience and homeliness. Natural materials and simple colors are welcome here. Painting with light paint or tinting the wooden surface is acceptable.

For Provence, the best choice would be aged white and pastel. The shelf under the ceiling can be open and serve as a storage place for various small items in wicker baskets.

Provence style


This is one of the popular trends in organizing modern interiors. This design, designed in a laconic style, will make the storage system not stand out, but at the same time spacious and convenient.

The hallway with mezzanines, like any room, is decorated in the same style. If the room is small, it is better to give preference to light colors. Popular:

  • Classic. Looks impressive in a large space. Usually natural wood of a dark color is used. Straight surfaces, even corners. A strict decor is required;

    Mezzanine in classic style. Looks impressive in a large space

  • Modern.
    A more elegant style, characterized by roundness and smooth lines. Preference is given to light shades. The ornament contains plant motifs (stems, leaves); Elegant Art Nouveau style with mezzanines
  • Country. Country style, suggesting a cozy home environment. Warm colors. Wood can reveal texture. The wenge breed looks great. You can also get by with stylized wood materials, for example, PVC;
  • Minimalism. Smooth, plain walls and doors, usually in pastel colors. No drawings or decoration. Nothing superfluous in the room. Here the mezzanine in the hallway will come in handy.

Design options

When constructing a mezzanine floor, the main task is to achieve maximum strength with minimum weight. The materials used are selected taking into account these conditions.

The frame is often built from wooden beams, the floor slabs are chosen to be hollow, and the load on the floors itself is partial. There are three types of designs:

  • Beam. When the mezzanine frame, consisting of beams, rests on the load-bearing elements of the building - walls, columns, racks. In this case, reinforced concrete beams, I-beams or channels or wooden beams can be used. The flooring can be made of hollow panels, wooden panels or boards, ceramic slabs or metal sheets;
  • Beamless. When a lightweight slab is used as a floor, which is placed on the load-bearing elements of the room;
  • Combined. This type of construction is most often used within a private home, since its weight is significant. In this case, the frame is made of metal and rests directly on the supporting supports. And the ceiling is made of reinforced concrete slab. A special permanent formwork made of corrugated sheets is installed, into which concrete is then poured.

To arrange a mezzanine in an apartment of an old housing stock, it is recommended to choose beamless structures. In new buildings, you can use both the first and second options.

Cabinets with mezzanines in the hallway: useful nuances

According to designers, hanging products, in particular mezzanines, should not be placed in random places. To do this you need to follow some rules.

They are:

  1. The hanging cabinet should not block the access to the door or window opening.
  2. When choosing the location of the cabinet, you should definitely check whether the walls can support the additional structure.
  3. The choice of location of the mezzanine should not change the room. For example, if the cabinet is placed incorrectly, the room can visually become narrow, small or low. This nuance must be taken into account.
  4. If the apartment has very high ceilings, it is better to use a gallery mezzanine. It surrounds the room on all three sides. A gallery-type mezzanine is perfect for arranging a library.

An excellent option for a small hallway would be a beautiful closet with a spacious mezzanine.

Mezzanines must be located at a height of 2 m relative to the floor, so they will not interfere with people passing by.

The light from a lamp located in the room or from a lamp hanging on the wall will not be enough.

In this case you need:

  • Install an additional lamp near the mezzanine so that the rays of light can illuminate its interior;
  • Place a light source in the cabinet. To prevent mechanical damage to the lamp when arranging things, it must be equipped with a lampshade.

In general, you can play with lighting as your imagination allows. Change colors, directions, brightness. All this will affect the overall perception.

The mezzanine for the wardrobe is made using the same technology as the stationary product. However, there are some rules that must be followed.

You can make your hallway beautiful and practical with the help of a modern and functional mezzanine.

Let's look at them:

  • The mezzanine should completely match the stylistic design of the furniture. Otherwise, it will not fit into the interior and will look superfluous.
  • The material of manufacture must be identical or at least similar to the wardrobe.
  • If chipboard is used to make the cabinet, make your choice in favor of laminated one. The chipboard should be fastened using metal corners.
  • If a mirror is installed in the wardrobe, then you can also decorate the mezzanine doors with a mirror. Thus, it is possible to achieve harmony in the perception of the mezzanine with the wardrobe.

For those who are especially lazy, you don’t have to make a mezzanine yourself, but buy it in a store. Fortunately, today’s new furniture products make our eyes run wild. For example, the mezzanine for the Alla hallway is a universal option that can be placed either on a furniture set or attached to the wall structures of the apartment.

When choosing a tall cabinet with an upper level, certain parameters must be taken into account. Pay attention to the door opening mechanism. Depending on how the closet is positioned in the room, these doors may catch light fixtures or other objects.

The folding version of the doors is convenient, but requires a reliable locking mechanism to prevent spontaneous slamming. In addition, you should take into account the dimensions of the furniture. The upper part (removable or non-removable) must be of the size corresponding to the parameters of the cabinet.

The optimal total height of the cabinet is 5 cm from the ceiling.

Wardrobe with upper level

Installation of a mezzanine. What are they like - modern mezzanines

Mezzanines are wide upper shelves used as storage rooms in apartments. However, this term also refers to the upper mezzanine, located within the volume of the main floor. In the works of French writers of the eighteenth century, there are often references to the fact that mezzanines were set aside to accommodate servants.

Today mezzanines have two meanings:

  1. The upper part of the room, which is divided into two small floors.
  2. A shelf located under the ceiling of the room.

Purpose – for storing things

Mezzanines can be used as a storage room. However, before starting its installation, in order to place various things, it is necessary to calculate the exact structures. To make a mezzanine with your own hands, you need to calculate how much load the base can withstand.

This will ensure the safety of using the cabinet with a mezzanine. It is necessary to pay attention to how the shelf will close. Doors for mezzanines are sold in various shapes, so you can choose the option that will suit your style better than others.

To make a mezzanine with your own hands, it is important to take care of how it will be ventilated or illuminated. To ventilate things naturally, you can make small holes in the walls. This will allow access to oxygen and ensure its circulation.

Device recommendations

A closet with a mezzanine must be properly lit. A simple lamp or lamp installed in the room will not be enough to help you navigate. Usually a mezzanine is installed in a corridor or hallway that is poorly lit. Experts recommend:

  • Install a lampshade to protect the light source. This will avoid mechanical damage to the chandelier when placing things;
  • It is best to place the lamp or lamp itself closer to the shelf.

Attention! The mezzanine above the door is a wall cabinet. Its main function is to fill the free space from the ceiling to the opening.

Doors for mezzanines can be made in the form of curtains. This method is used infrequently, since such a design will not look aesthetically pleasing. The situation is different if the closet door and the curtains in the room are made of the same material.

Model classification

As for the placement of mezzanines, they can be of two types (they are made to order):

  1. Rectangular.
  2. Angular.

Depending on the number of doors, there are two types (everyone can see and choose photos of suitable models here):

  1. One-sided.
  2. Double-sided.

According to experts, double-sided models (they can be seen in the photo) are the most convenient to use. When installing a mezzanine, you need to do everything necessary to make it look beautiful and complement the design of the room. This is especially true for rooms with low ceilings. In them, the mezzanines will be located low, so they will attract surrounding attention. If you place an order, you must indicate the height of the ceilings in the room.

Attention! Mezzanines should be located at a set height, varying from 1.9-2 m from the floor surface, so as not to interfere with the passage.

Make a mezzanine yourself

How to make a mezzanine if you don’t want to place an order? To make mezzanines yourself, you can use the following instructions:

  • Attach a strip 3x5 cm thick to the wall.
  • For flooring, you can use various boards installed in a close-fitting row.
  • It is recommended to paint the flooring in dark colors.

The second method of making a mezzanine is much simpler. To work, you will need a plywood board that can fill the entire area of ​​the opening. To prevent the mezzanine from moving from its place, it is recommended to fasten it with screws from the bottom. To give the structure a more attractive appearance, the recesses are puttied.

And the final way to make a mezzanine involves using a wooden frame. A slab laid on the frame will be used as the base. On the lower side it is sheathed with a slab pre-veneered. Experts advise making the coating in a light shade, and the bottom slab in a dark shade.

Advice! To ensure the functionality of the structure, it is recommended to delimit the internal area with small partitions. If you make custom mezzanines, then mention this.

Making sliding doors with your own hands

Sliding doors are very convenient and compact. You can make them yourself using the step-by-step guide:

  1. You will need a plastic profile with grooves. You need to cut it into two parts along the width of the mezzanine.
  2. Using a hammer drill, we fix the profiles on the ceiling close to each other.
  3. We cut out the doors for the structure from chipboard using a jigsaw or circular saw. We carefully process each element on a milling machine. Subsequently, they can be decorated at your discretion. We attach handles for convenience.
  4. We insert the finished elements into the grooves of the profile, securing them along the contour with a plastic frame. In this case, all extraneous details will be securely hidden.

Ready! Sliding doors should open easily. Check if anything is blocking them.

How to place it in an apartment?

The suspended product cannot be installed in any location. There are certain rules for this.

  • The mezzanine should not block access to the window or door or interfere with their opening.
  • The appearance of the room and its ergonomics should not be compromised. If you hang a shelf incorrectly, it can make the room look too narrow, low, or elongated. Be sure to maintain the effect of open space.
  • For a room with high ceilings, you can safely use a gallery mezzanine. This design encircles the room on three sides and is well suited for placing a home library. However, keep in mind that the width of the gallery mezzanine, taking into account the bookshelves, will be about a meter, while the standard shelf size is much smaller.
  • Quite often, mezzanines are used in bathrooms and kitchens. Before installing the product, make sure that the wall structure can withstand such a load.

We do it ourselves

Such a simple design is easy to make with your own hands. The easiest way: order a cut of laminated chipboard in the desired color, stick the edge tape on the ends and hang the finished doors on the hinges.

You can upholster the plywood with leather or fabric, laying foam rubber between them and making decorative ties. Or assemble doors from wooden slats. There are many options.

We offer you a master class on making mezzanine doors from a special frame profile with filling. A little effort - and they will look no worse than store-bought ones.

You can buy the profile in large hypermarkets, for example, OBI or Leroy Merlin. They come in a variety of colors and shapes, allowing you to choose the right details for your interior.

Any sheet material is used as filling - plywood, MDF, glass, etc.

In addition to basic materials, you will need:

  • Silicone sealant;
  • Furniture wax of the same shade as the profile;
  • Dowels – connecting fasteners for frames;
  • PVA glue;
  • Furniture hinges with screws;
  • Pens.

All this can be bought in the same stores.

Advice. It is advisable to order both cutting and milling of holes for dowels there. Made on special machines, it turns out smoother and more accurate than at home. But for this you need to decide on the sizes in advance.

The table provides detailed assembly instructions:

  • can be used for both interior and exterior decoration of the mezzanine;
  • large selection of sizes and thicknesses;
  • relatively low price;
  • it is possible to purchase a product covered with a laminated film, which gives an aesthetic appearance;
  • a large selection of colors for laminated chipboard, which makes it possible to perfectly match the color of existing furniture.
  • the material contains resins, which at first may emit a not very pleasant specific odor, but over time it will disappear;
  • afraid of moisture;
  • It is not advisable to use used pieces of chipboard since the material is hollow and can crumble when reused;
  • When cutting yourself, there is a high probability of chipping.
• just like chipboard, can be used inside and outside the drawer; • aesthetic appearance and wide
  • choice of colors;
  • moisture resistance;
  • no resins are used in the manufacturing process, the material is environmentally friendly and odorless;
  • high strength and resistance to mechanical damage;
  • long service life.
  • the price is significantly higher than that of chipboard;
  • weight – the material is quite heavy;
  • You will have to buy according to ready-made sizes or order cutting at a factory, since the material is difficult to process independently by hand without special equipment.
  • natural, environmentally friendly material;
  • easy to process and cut;
  • possibility of long-term use.
  • high price;
  • does not tolerate both high humidity and too dry air - there is a possibility of cracks;
  • there is a high probability of deformation due to temperature fluctuations.
  • relatively low price;
  • insensitive to changes in moisture and temperature;
  • easy to use and install;
  • weight is not heavy.
  • fragile material, requires care when processing;
  • not suitable for the base and as doors for the mezzanine, can only be used for exterior decoration;
  • requires additional lags that will act as support and base for the box.

Note. If the filling is a material whose thickness is less than the thickness of the frame groove (for example, glass), then a special seal is installed on the back side of the insert.

Having finished making it, all you have to do is screw the hinges to the doors and install them in place.

How to make a mezzanine in the corridor with your own hands: step-by-step production

1) Be guided by the dimensions of the desired location. Measure the height, width, depth where the structure will be located. Write down the results obtained in a notebook or notebook.

Take measurements for the future mezzanine.

2) Purchase material. What's suitable:

  • Drywall;
  • chipboard;
  • MDF;
  • Natural wood;
  • Metal.

    Choosing material for the mezzanine.

To store a large number of things, it is better to use stronger materials.

3) Make markings. Cut all the details of the future canopy using the drawings with dimensions.

4) Make holes for self-tapping screws on the guides in advance. They can be made of timber or metal. Fix the wooden profiles using construction adhesive according to the markings and secure them with large self-tapping screws.

5) Place the bottom on the guides. You can secure it with special glue.

6) Install a frame on the front of the profile and further along the perimeter of the walls and ceiling.

7) If necessary, metal holders are attached inside and shelves are screwed to them. You can use chipboard.

8) Attach hinges to the frame and install doors made of lightweight material if it is not an open mezzanine. Or attach rails for sliding doors at the top and bottom.

Following the instructions we get a mezzanine.

Fastening the mezzanine to a metal profile

Along the perimeter of the bottom of the mezzanine we attach a PN ceiling profile 28 x 27 mm and connect it with crossbars from a PP profile 60 x 27 mm. We hem the bottom of the frame with a sheet of plasterboard. On top we place a flooring made of OSB or thick plywood, rigid enough so that the shelf does not sag under the weight of things.

If there is a significant span of the mezzanine inside, we arrange additional fastening to the ceiling using a suspension. Mezzanine doors are made hinged or sliding. They can be decorated with veneer, self-adhesive film, paper, or simply painted with enamel paint.

After assembling the shelf itself, doors of the required size can be ordered from a furniture workshop, which will not cost much.

How to close

A hallway with open mezzanines can become uncomfortable due to cluttered shelves. Then you will have to make a facade. Doors taken from old unnecessary furniture or purchased separately are suitable. If they open upward, the handles should not hit the ceiling. Another option is to install sliding ceilings.

Doors for the mezzanine.

When it comes to indoor design, the question of combining functionality and style always comes up. If the existing cabinets and bedside tables are not enough, the mezzanine in the hallway already solves the first problem for its intended purpose. And making the right choice, based on the information above and a basic sense of taste, will help give your interior a beautiful look.


For cladding the product they are most often used:

  • adhesive film, with various patterns and textures, suitable for the overall interior of the hallway;
  • curtains, used for products without doors;
  • blinds, such a door opening system saves room space;
  • when the doors open towards the top, it is necessary to calculate so that the handles do not damage the ceiling.

Do you need a mezzanine in the bedroom?

If the house has a dressing room, a spacious wardrobe, chests of drawers and other storage systems, then a mezzanine in the bedroom may not be needed. In other cases, when many people live in a small area, upper shelves will help free up space below. Spare bed linen, towels, and pillows for guests will find their place there.


If there are no natural niches in the room, then additional storage spaces can be located above the cabinets, as an addition to them, or attached above the entrance door to the room.

In the interior of a modern bedroom

Rules for placing a mezzanine

You need to take into account several rules so that your mezzanine does not stand out from the interior:

  1. The facades and lower part of the structure must match the color of the walls and other furniture in the room.
  2. The finished mezzanine should not, by sticking out, block the light source, and should not be too large.
  3. Under the lower shelf of the mezzanine, if it is located in the aisle, a person of even tall stature should calmly pass.
  4. Do not overdo it with the number of upper shelves in a small room, otherwise you will visually reduce it even more.

What not to do when constructing a mezzanine

It’s not difficult to make an add-on for storing household belongings, but to make the product convenient and functional, you should still take into account the advice of experienced craftsmen:

  1. you should not place the superstructure lower than two meters above the floor level, otherwise your household members or tall guests risk getting injured when passing by the structure;
  2. when decorating your new shelf, you should not cover the doors with wallpaper in the same color as the walls, otherwise the design will visually clutter the space;
  3. in addition, the wallpaper quickly gets dirty, scuffs appear and its attractive appearance is lost;
  4. at the stage of hanging the sashes on gas lifts or mezzanine hinges, do not open downwards, this option will be extremely inconvenient for use at height, since the ability to get the necessary thing from the depths of the superstructure is limited;
  5. the mezzanine doors should not touch the chandelier and interfere with the opening of doors to other rooms.

Mezzanine in Khrushchev

It is very difficult to decorate a small apartment beautifully and at the same time practically. In order to avoid cluttering with rarely used items, it is advisable to use mezzanines.

  • bulky, seasonal items;
  • for sports paraphernalia;
  • rarely used items.

Mezzanine, like a separate room

When installing closed or open shelves under the ceiling, it is necessary to take into account their compliance with the existing interior. This is important in order not to reduce the space and maintain its balance.

What it is

Mezzanine is a French word. This is what they called special rooms where servants lived around the 17th and 18th centuries.

In fact, this is an additional mezzanine. A little later, they began to use it to organize a library in an expensive house in Europe.

We, as heirs of the Soviet era, know the mezzanine as a wall cabinet located under the ceiling. In fact this is a misconception. Even the regulatory construction documents say that a mezzanine is a floor with an increased height, or a platform that occupies half a floor. You can look into SNiP 01.31.2003 yourself. The explanation there is more accurate, but my version is easier to understand.

In simple words, this is a floor inside a residential or public space.

But that’s not about that now. The mezzanine, in its correct understanding, must be agreed upon, obtain permission, and also draw up a project. Our Soviet version is a hanging structure where you can store a lot of things. However, no permits are needed for this.

Recommendations for design

An additional structure under the ceiling can visually weigh down the space and disrupt its balance.

  • Mirror panels will help to visually add height to hanging elements;
  • the outer part of the design facing the floor should be predominantly light or repeat the finishing of the ceiling;
  • It is unacceptable to block access to other furniture or a window;
  • when open, the doors should not cling to lighting fixtures or other furniture;
  • if the design requires the use of natural wood, and the budget is limited, you can use a good imitation.

Visually increases the space

The country style that appeared in America has long spread throughout the world. What is he like? This direction betrays the spirit of the countryside with its leisurely, simplicity and unpretentiousness.

But there are some subtleties. Here they are:

  • the use of natural materials both in decoration and in interior items;
  • rough matte surfaces;
  • minimum decor on furniture;
  • the use of pastel, natural shades;
  • ban on the use of flashy colors;
  • use of handmade textiles.

Surface finishing

You need to start finishing work with the design of the ceiling. No tension structures! They are not acceptable.

As you can see in the photo of a country-style hallway, wallpaper or wood panels are often chosen for wall decoration. The use of natural stone is allowed.

As for colors, it is preferable to stick to a light, warm palette. This will make the room seem cozier and brighter.

The floor in the country hallway can be laid with ceramic tiles or made of planks. Again, there should be no shine or gloss present.

Mezzanine in the nursery

A securely organized mezzanine in a nursery can serve not only for storing things. Another application is to organize a sleeping place for a child under the ceiling. The design must be very reliable and durable, with a margin to support the weight of the child.

Comfortable and durable


- a prerequisite for creating such a secluded place.

Organization of a sleeping place under the ceiling for a child


Lighting plays an important role in the interior of a country-style hallway. It should be represented by both a central ceiling lamp and point light sources.

All lighting fixtures must be selected so that they match the style with the overall design.

It’s just ideal if you buy handmade lamps, or make them yourself using glass, wood, stone, and forged elements.

Massive mezzanines are very rarely organized in offices and living rooms. They can be used to store books, magazines, and collectibles.

In the living room, it is especially important that the upper shelves blend seamlessly with the furniture in the room. The best organization option is tall cabinets, complemented by a mezzanine row under the ceiling.

It is often hot in the upper part of the room, where the mezzanines are located. In order to ensure good air exchange, it is necessary to consider ventilation with an influx of fresh air.

Non-standard solution for children

  • organize lighting;
  • use a lampshade (preferably matte).

Frequently asked questions about mezzanine approvals

What are the requirements for coordinating mezzanines?

The main condition is the distance from the floor to the ceiling, which must be at least 4.4 m. The height from the finishing floor covering (laminate, parquet, linoleum, etc.) to the base of the mezzanine floor must be at least 2.1 m, height from the mezzanine floor to the ceiling - also from 2.1 m.

If there is a living room below, then the height from floor to ceiling in this room should be from 2.5 m, and the height of the room above the living room - from 2.1 m. In addition, the mezzanine should occupy no more than 40% of the total area of ​​the facility . That is, for an apartment of 100 square meters. m. The mezzanine area should be a maximum of 40 sq. m. m.

How much does it cost to coordinate mezzanines?

The cost of approval starts from 200,000 rubles, including the services of the design organization, site visits for measurements, and all construction safety calculations.

How long does it take to repair and approve mezzanines?

This depends on the complexity and volume of design work, the characteristics of the room where the mezzanine is being built, and its design. The period for consideration of documents by the Moscow Housing Inspectorate is up to 25 working days. Plus, it takes time to get the old registration certificate for the apartment before the redevelopment and receive a new one afterwards, to order an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate, and to collect a package of documents. The repair itself also takes time, so you should expect that you will spend at least six months coordinating the redevelopment with the mezzanine.

Installation instructions for a stationary mezzanine

Step - make markings and attach the support

Before you begin work on marking and installing the mezzanine between the walls, you should determine the location where the electrical wiring runs. Without doing this, there is a high probability of unpleasant consequences if you touch the cable during installation.

If it is not possible to visually locate the cable passage, use special devices, for example, an indicator screwdriver. Or better yet, use a special finder, which can be purchased at a hardware store. It will probably come in handy in the future if you decide to renovate your apartment.

First you need to make the correct markings and use them to attach the support to the place where the mezzanine is mounted

After you mark the location of the electrical wire, you can safely begin the main work. Using a tape measure and a building level, we draw a line on the wall, focusing on which we will mount the main fasteners to support the drawer.

As fastenings, you can use a wooden beam or a metal corner of the required length. Drill holes for self-tapping screws in the fastening element in increments of 15-20 cm. Attach the part to the line marked on the wall and mark the places for fastenings in the wall through the drilled holes.

We fasten the support

Drill holes in the wall using a drill, insert dowels and attach the guides to the wall with self-tapping screws. The same manipulations must be performed symmetrically on the opposite wall and above the doorway.

If you plan to cover the mezzanine with plasterboard, then you will need additional logs made of aluminum profiles. The finished frame can be sheathed underneath with plasterboard or any other lightweight material, such as plywood, fiberboard or even plastic panels. Inside there should be a solid base that can support the weight of all the things you plan to load the shelf with.

Step - installing the base of the superstructure

Using a jigsaw, you need to cut out the bottom of the future superstructure from a sheet of the material you have chosen. Today, construction hypermarkets offer the buyer a large selection of ready-made slabs of different sizes. If you have chosen chipboard, then you have the opportunity to choose a product not only by size, but also by color and immediately finished with an edge, which makes it easier for you to decorate the sawn edge. If the product still needs to be filed, make sure to purchase edge tape in advance.

We fix the bottom

Place the bottom in place and secure it to the corners or wooden slats (if you used them) using self-tapping screws. Provided that you still have the edge of the product sawed off, without an edge, then when attaching the bottom to the guides, move it forward, literally a few millimeters, to make it easier to decorate the edge. And use glue to glue the edge plastic tape, thereby covering the unsightly end.

Edge Tape Options

Step - assembling the door frame

The next step is to make the side posts and the top of the box, on which the doors will subsequently be hung. Measure the required height from the bottom rails to the intended top of the mezzanine, or to the ceiling. By analogy with the bottom slats, attach the side posts to the walls, but use wooden beams as the material. And the last step in making the box will be the top bar, which can be attached using corners to the side posts.

Next we attach the side racks and the upper part of the mezzanine

Step - hanging the door leaves

When the base and box of our mezzanine are ready, we just have to solve the issue with the doors. Let's look at what door options you can come up with. There may be several of them:

  • swing;
  • sliding;
  • with lifting mechanism.

You can purchase the door leaf itself at a furniture manufacturer, or buy it at a construction hypermarket, fortunately there is a large selection. If the proposed dimensions of the finished products do not suit you, you can cut a sheet of chipboard to your dimensions and cover it with edge tape made of PVC or laminated film.

Door designs can be completely different: lifting, hinged and even sliding

The PVC edge, as mentioned above, can be glued using glue. If you take a laminated edge, you can connect it to the plate using a regular iron. The fact is that hot-melt adhesive is applied on the back side of the edge tape. All you need to do is heat a regular household iron to 180 degrees, apply the edge evenly and iron.

When the doors are ready, we will decide on which hinges we will hang them. There is a wide range of door hinges. But for the mezzanine, card ones are quite suitable for us. They do not require additional cuts, unlike overhead cuts.

We fasten the doors

Although, if you have the skill and tool to cut a niche for a hinge bowl, then this type of fittings will also be an excellent option. Attaching the facade to the card hinges is quite simple: we fasten it with self-tapping screws to the side posts using a screwdriver.

Finished mezzanine with hinged doors

If you decide to make a door that opens upward, then mezzanine hinges would be the ideal option. They, like card ones, are fastened with self-tapping screws, but thanks to the spring included in their design, they allow you to fix the door in the open position.

Another good option is a folding one - for convenient opening of the door upwards and installation of a gas elevator - a system thanks to which the doors will open and close smoothly and be securely locked in the open position.

Installation of such a mechanism is not difficult, since it always comes with instructions that describe the installation diagram for fasteners. All you have to do is, after checking the diagram, fasten the fasteners to the frame posts and the inside of the sash at the required distance according to the instructions. And after installing and securing the facade, install gas lifts.

Hinged doors are also equipped with specific fittings

Another possible way to open the doors would be a sliding version. But it is not the most convenient, since access to the contents of the locker will be limited to one of the doors. For such an opening mechanism, you will need to install special rails and attach the rollers to the door leaf.

The installation of a double-sided mezzanine will be similar. The only difference is that the opening above the kitchen door is not blocked with bricks or false panels during renovation, but remains open. Subsequently, when installing the superstructure in the corridor, doors will be hung on it from the kitchen side, which will make the mezzanine end-to-end on both sides.

Option for designing a through mezzanine in the corridor

A few ideas for decorating door leaves

If you don’t want your mezzanine to blend in with the furniture, you can take note of the idea for decorating doors.

  • You can cover it with artificial leather, laying a layer of foam rubber as a filler. We secure it to the back of the door using a furniture stapler. And if you want your doors to look more pretentious, create the effect of a carriage tie using the same stapler, only from the outside. Decorate the paper clips with leatherette-covered buttons or plastic rhinestones.
  • If you glue a mirror sheet to the door, the space in your corridor will visually appear larger and higher. The mirror can be glued using special glue or silicone sealant.
  • If you still decide to decorate the doors with wallpaper, then cover them with a layer of PVA glue, which will create a protective film and prolong the beautiful appearance of your product.
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