Review of the best juicers: screw and centrifugal devices, their differences

When the question is which portable assistant to buy for the kitchen, the first contender is a juicer. Screw or centrifugal: which one is better? In today's publication, the editors will help you understand this issue. When choosing a device, you need to take into account not only the technical features, but also its design, because using household appliances should definitely bring pleasure.

  • Distinctive features of juicers
  • Which juicer is better: centrifugal or auger?
  • Leading manufacturers of centrifugal and auger juicers
  • The best juicer models: a review of five options for the home
  • Comparison table of the best juicers

Using fruits with seeds in juicers can damage the blades and gears.

Distinctive features of juicers

Centrifugal and auger juicers are different devices in design and principle of juice extraction. If you load vegetables into the auger, the juice will come out with pulp, and its speed is significantly lower than the centrifugal speed. The centrifugal version of the device works faster, leaving a minimum of dry residues.

Kitchen appliances also differ in appearance, but they are all equally similar to an electric meat grinder. In addition to the operating principle, the internal details also differ. Each housewife will choose the option whose working mechanism she likes. Despite all the differences, both models produce equally tasty and healthy juice. The common advantage of both juicers is that they work with different products. Having finished summarizing the features, it is advisable to consider each option in more detail.

Before preparing fresh juice, it is better to first remove the skin from the fruit if it is too hard. As a rule, it adds tartness to the drink

Device with a screw mechanism

If you believe the statistics, at first auger juicers were much more expensive than centrifugal ones. Today, everything is different, despite the fact that such a unit is multifunctional. It is intended for preparing juices, smoothies, vegetable and fruit pulps, which is very important for children.

Design and principle of operation of the unit

The kitchen device works on the principle of a press or meat grinder. The inside of the chamber is occupied by a spiral auger, which rotates intensively and, pushing the fruit and vegetable mass forward, compresses the contents, turning soft particles of fruit into juice, and pressing hard ones against the inner walls. Subsequently, solid residues are discharged into the waste chamber. Some of the resulting cake penetrates through the mesh barrier, resulting in fresh juice of moderate thickness.

When preparing assorted juice in an automatic juicer, the aromas do not disappear

Advantages and disadvantages of the design

The versatility of the electrical appliance has already been discussed above. Accordingly, any vegetables and fruits can be used for processing, including citrus fruits, pomegranates and grapes. This is the main difference between this type of juicer and a centrifugal one. The main capabilities of the electrical appliance are:

  • high spin quality;
  • rich taste and natural color of the finished drink;
  • convenient operation, easy maintenance;
  • the correct design of the mechanism prevents fruit particles from getting stuck;
  • use of high-quality components in production that do not affect the taste of the juice.

Considering the capabilities of the juicer, it is also necessary to take into account the type of design: horizontal or vertical. As a rule, horizontal devices have a larger volume of receiving capacity than their opponents.

Differences in the number of augers

Each device, depending on the number of built-in augers, has its own performance.

Before each new fruit or vegetable, you must thoroughly rinse the device. Otherwise, it will turn out to be an assortment

Two rotating augers will allow the device to produce many times more juice than the option with one press. In this case, the maximum grinding of the fruit occurs, so the final product is a drink that does not have large slices and a large amount of pulp.

Device with centrifugal force

The operating mechanism of the gadget is similar to a centrifuge. Therefore, preparing the drink can be divided into several simple steps:

  1. Products placed in the container are ground.
  2. The processed mass immediately enters the separator.
  3. The crushed pulp sticks to the mesh filter, where the juice is separated from the pulp.

The compressed cake exits into a special container through a hole

In this case, the drink can be made from any hard fruit, including cucumbers, apples, pumpkin, and citrus fruits.

Functions of the electrical appliance

As a rule, all juicers have one thing in common - the ability to produce high-quality juice. When products are processed in a high-quality device, the juice turns out rich, healthy and tasty.

Using fruit with veins increases the likelihood that they will become entangled in the auger mechanism.

At the final stage of production, it is allowed to add sugar, vanillin, and food coloring to centrifugal devices. As a result, there will be no lumps of additional ingredients in the drink.

Advantages and disadvantages of the device

The positive characteristics of centrifugal juicers include:

  • transparency and richness of juice;
  • prompt preparation of the drink;
  • large volume of loading opening;
  • convenient care and operation;
  • Due to the high rotation speed, the drink is actively saturated with oxygen.

Disadvantages include the presence of foam and low performance. As a result, the housewife will have to load food several times to feed the whole family. However, this factor often depends on the volume of the container for simultaneous processing.

Good to know!

If you do not plan to prepare fresh juices in a juicer, then a centrifugal type of device is an ideal option. It is not suitable for various experiments. And screw models perform quite well in the production of grape, pomegranate or orange juice, as well as fresh juices with the addition of herbs.

Delicious tips

  1. Before cooking, wash fruits/vegetables thoroughly with cool water.
  2. Nutritionists say that it is better to drink citrus juice 30-45 minutes before meals.
  3. If the juice is sour, drink it through a straw.
  4. If the drink turns out cloying, you can dilute it with water in an amount of 30-50 mg.
  5. To get the maximum vitamin complex, it is recommended to drink the juice in small sips, rather than in one gulp.
  6. It is not recommended to add additives (salt, sugar) to freshly squeezed juice.

What happens if you regularly take juice from citrus plants, vegetables or fruits? We present not the entire list of positive effects on the body:

  1. The skin will acquire a natural light shade,
  2. The body tone will be restored: healthy, sound sleep, a boost of energy for the whole day.
  3. The level of serotonin (the hormone of happiness) will increase. You will be less stressed.
  4. Has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. Cholesterol and lead are also removed.
  5. Taking citrus juice strengthens your immune system. The body is less susceptible to negative viruses.
  6. The gastrointestinal tract is restored, digestive problems disappear.

Which juicer is better: centrifugal or auger?

In this section, we will conduct a detailed analysis of the types of household juicers that function according to different principles. Let's consider several nominations and decide which option is better for a specific indicator.

According to the quality of the finished product

After turning on the juicer, everyone wants to get perfectly prepared juice. Such a product can be produced by a centrifugal unit, but on the condition that ingredients without solid components (peels, seeds) are loaded into it. For example, carrot or cucumber juice cannot be prepared correctly in a centrifugal juicer.

As for auger models, they are much more versatile than their opponents. You can load a range of different products here: apples, carrots, cucumbers, kiwi, pineapples. You will get assorted juice with pulp. Therefore, for those who prefer to drink freshly squeezed drinks with tangible pulp, it is better to opt for screw units.

According to versatility factors

Universal models that can prepare both smoothies and juice are more likely to be classified as centrifugal. The main thing here is to choose the right food processing mode. Centrifugal machines are capable of processing berries with small seeds (currants, gooseberries, raspberries), while the auger unit grinds them to a homogeneous mass. Accordingly, centrifugal juicers can make juice from any fruit, except those with seeds. But it’s not difficult to remove the solid components.

In this case, screw devices are very practical for those who do not have time to deal with bones. Therefore, instead of juice, you will get a smoothie of moderate thickness. But such a unit cannot prepare a clear drink without sediment, no matter how fine the mode settings are. At this stage, it should be concluded that in terms of versatility characteristics, the centrifugal juicer won.

On the relationship between reliability and quality

A quality kitchen appliance always costs good money. Therefore, it is important to understand what factors such as reliability represent.

The screw mechanism has long been considered one of the most reliable. You can always find the necessary parts for such units, and they wear out much less often than with a centrifugal type mechanism. Here you should clearly understand for what purposes the unit will be used. For example, bulk preparation of juice for its further preservation involves the use of a screw unit. For regular juice for quick consumption, a device with a centrifuge is suitable. It is worth remembering the wear resistance of internal equipment. Therefore, the higher quality and more expensive the model, the longer it will last.

Principle of operation

The auger model can safely be called a meat grinder for fruits and vegetables. It is equipped with a screw shaft that rotates and grinds the raw materials for juice. Screw devices operate at low speeds and cannot accelerate. There is no centrifugal force generated inside the juicer.

The difference between centrifugal devices is that they work more precisely. At high speeds, the juice is separated from the pulp. When you turn on the juicer, it starts to work like a centrifuge. Its contents are pressed against the walls at high speed and due to this, juice is formed. The resulting liquid flows into the glass through the provided holes.

Leading manufacturers of centrifugal and auger juicers

Regardless of the country of origin, quality plays a huge role in the choice. We present to your attention options for brands that have existed on the household appliances market for decades.

Russian brands

  1. Neptune . Quite a productive unit that effectively produces juice from both overripe berries and just ripened fruits. This product has a quality certificate.
  2. Firework. Reliable and high-quality equipment. The main advantage of the unit is its ease of use, which is why the device is considered to be the safest.
  3. Rossoshanka . High quality juicer. Designed to produce clear and translucent juice.

Foreign brands

  1. Moulinex. A device with perfect workmanship. Suitable for preparing various types of smoothies and traditional juices. The main feature is the ability to interchange parts.
  2. Bosch . Household appliances from a world-famous brand. The juicer models of this brand are distinguished by independent design elements. The impact-resistant plastic case deserves great attention.
  3. Braun . Models from a German brand that are gaining popularity due to their technical characteristics. According to users, these models are among the easiest to care for and maintain.

However, these are not all manufacturers that produce centrifugal and auger juicers. The editors recommend paying attention to them for comparison with the devices you like.

The best juicer models: a review of five options for the home

Modern technology makes the life of housewives easier. This is especially true for the production of freshly squeezed juice. But even in this situation, it is necessary to carefully approach the choice and purchase options with the best technical characteristics. Let's look at five devices that can handle quick juice preparation.

Kitfort KT-1101 - model with a vertical design

A convenient auger-type juicer that produces high-quality juice. The device has an interesting package. The body is made of durable plastic, which does not crack during operation and does not lose its color even with repeated use of colored fruits.

Price: RUB 5,990

Bosch MES3500 - high-quality centrifugal juicer

Easy to use and maintain unit. Designed for quick preparation of tasty and healthy juice. The model has a lot of automatic options, including pulp cleaning, as well as an anti-drip system.

Price: RUB 9,290

Bosch MES4010 - fully equipped option

High quality centrifugal juicer with excellent performance. The device has useful options that almost completely automate the process of making juice. It is possible to load whole fruits.

Price: ₽ 12,270

Mirandi J-100 - multi-level auger juicer

A device with an original design. Despite the novelty of the model, this unit has gained popularity among users. The complete set and convenient design make it easy to care for and operate the device.

Price: ₽ 19,900

Kitfort KT-1106 - for processing whole and crushed fruits

Vertical model with one working auger. Allows you to prepare juice in minutes. The product works well against large fruits, and also treats small seeds of currants, gooseberries, kiwis and others. This model produces a delicious smoothie with foam and healthy juice with pulp.

Price: RUB 9,690

Let's sum it up

We looked at the differences, advantages, and disadvantages of screw and centrifugal devices. It was noted that the vast majority of consumers choose screw types because they are multifunctional.

For visual reference, we provide a video in which the two types of juicers are compared.

And we hope that we have answered all your questions, and now you can independently choose the model that will delight your family with healthy drinks and long-term work!

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