Children's bed-type car: a selection of the best ideas for the interior of a nursery. Advantages and disadvantages, description of types and models with photo/video review

Remember how our parents or grandmothers put us to bed? They sat next to each other on the bed and read a book or told a story. Now this also has not lost its relevance, but the development of the furniture industry has presented a possible alternative on how to make the process of putting a child to sleep interesting.

Perhaps you have seen a photo of a children's car bed on the Internet or walked past one of the models in a shopping center. Anyone who has never seen anything like this before will obviously be surprised by this decision. A huge number of questions will involuntarily arise, some of which we will answer in our article.

Brief overview of the article

Is it really necessary?

In fact, the question is extremely interesting and most frequently asked. Why does a child need a bed like this if there is a regular one? Then why are there children’s toothbrushes in the shape of animals or movie characters, or handkerchiefs with animated characters? There are many examples that can be given.

Children learn about the world through play. Some kind of conclusions are constantly happening in their heads. Taking a break from the things you need to do every day is as easy as shelling pears. It is much easier to involve a child in some process if you interest him.


Like any other piece of furniture, it has its advantages.

  1. The price of the product may vary. The cost is influenced by the complexity of execution, the manufacturer and the materials used. If you wish, you can either find or ask for something accessible and inexpensive to be made to order.
  2. Like any other bed, it can have a special place to store bedding. These can be shelves on the side of the bed, drawers below, or a special cover that will rise along with the mattress.
  3. The children's bed in the form of a car is made only from environmentally friendly materials that cannot cause any harm to your child.
  4. There are models for both boys and girls, which will differ in both appearance and color.
  5. The bed becomes part of the child's play. The opportunity to feel like a real racer is the dream of many, a feeling that no computer game can compare with.
  6. There is an additional opportunity, at least for a short time, using a new object for games to distract the child from the tablet or phone.

“Turbo”, “City”, “Lamba”, “Classic”: 4 series, more than 30 models

How many children, so many preferences. Some are crazy about the Batmobile or racing cars, while others gaze with admiration at police cars. Therefore, in the catalog of our online store there are more than 30 models of car beds that will satisfy any little dreamer.

The soft illumination of the bottom and headlights to match the car is convenient to use as night lights. Moreover, the car bed looks fantastically beautiful! The backlight, like the number with the baby’s name, can be ordered additionally - just include it in the package.


There are not so many disadvantages, but their thoroughness should also be voiced by us.

  1. It is not always easy to fit such a bed into the overall interior of the room. An ordinary children's bedroom set, which is more functional in this regard, is one thing, and painted, colored, and sometimes even illuminated furniture is another.
  2. Often such products are made only to order. Not having simple template furniture parts in its form, the cost of a bed is often higher than for simple similar samples. Price is the main factor that can discourage you from making a good purchase.
  3. Children grow up quickly. They grow not only in height, but also mentally. Over time, a child may consider his sleeping place to be childish, which will cause him and you discomfort.
  4. If the mattress is somehow damaged and a new one is needed, the search for it may take a long time, since it is often made in the color of the car. How pleasant it will be to be tied to only one manufacturer from whom you bought the car is up to you to decide.

Rules for choosing a mattress

The mattress is selected, first of all, based on medical prescriptions. If there are none, the model purchased for the bed should be as comfortable as possible for the child. Therefore, before making a final decision, we recommend letting your baby lie down on the mattress and lie on it for a few minutes to determine whether his sleep will be comfortable and safe.

The mattress must be comfortable for the child. It is especially important to carry out such procedures for models with built-in mattresses. When purchasing a mattress separately from the bed, it is important, after checking the comfort for the child, to make sure that its size is compatible with the sleeping area of ​​the bed.

The size of the mattress should perfectly match the size of the bed.

Is it possible to do it yourself?

Of course, such a possibility exists. The only question is how complex you want to make the machine. You can make a baby bed with your own hands only if you have all the necessary tools: a jigsaw, a screwdriver, a polishing machine and the place where it will be made. In other cases, the production itself will cost you more than the purchase.

It is also worth considering that you are unlikely to be able to make something complex on your own, similar to store display samples. Whether the game is worth the candle is up to you to decide. But this is not always rational.

Advantages and disadvantages of a car bed

A baby bed machine for a boy has the following advantages:

  • a wide variety of machine shapes;
  • possibility of choosing a single or two-tier design;
  • availability of additional storage space (in models with a lifting mechanism).

The main disadvantage is the inability to change the appearance of the model. Therefore, if your baby no longer wants to be a heroic policeman, but decides to try himself as a fireman, his bed will have to be changed.

Keep in mind that narrowly themed car beds can get boring for a child very quickly.

One might note a rather high price compared to other sleep models, but this is unlikely to be a decisive factor, because for a child there is nothing more valuable than emotions, and his favorite bed can easily become a center of attraction for the most positive emotions.

All children are very emotional and such a bed will give them a lot of joy.

Real wheels

Of course, the real wheels there are quite conditional. They are simply executed not on a plywood sheet, but separately. “Rubber” is either plastic or soft material. Something similar to tires is not used due to the lack of environmental friendliness of such a design. These models have discs. The machine stands on the floor not on special mounts, but on wheels, which further adds to its naturalness and similarity to the real model.

Schemes and design drawings

Before starting to manufacture the structure, it is necessary to draw up a detailed drawing or take a ready-made version. So, the design of the product may have additional drawers and other elements - it depends on the overall design of the room and your desire.

Having chosen one or another model, you should take the drawing as a basis, and then use it to prepare patterns on thick cardboard. They will be needed to prepare wood parts.

Cutting diagram

In our case, we will use the following cutting scheme. You must first prepare cardboard patterns according to these dimensions (this is not a mandatory step), or contact a professional workshop. If you choose the second option, you are more likely to get perfectly smooth parts.

If it is not possible to contact the craftsmen, then it is recommended to cut the material with an electric jigsaw. Using a handsaw can damage the edges of MDF, resulting in unsightly chips that will be difficult to disguise with anything. In addition, there will be a lot of dust in the apartment from such a process.

It is better to entrust the cutting of parts to professionals

Double bed

The children's bunk bed machine is suitable for families with two children. Of course, such models are based not on cars, but on buses. London red public transport is a good solution to further spur a child’s interest in another culture and learning a foreign language. Otherwise, such models replicate ordinary children's beds in two tiers, practically no different from them.

Traditional (classic) bed

The simplest model is four legs or more, a frame with slats or a solid rigid base and a mattress. Such beds differ in the presence or absence of a headboard and footboard, their height, the height of the legs and the overall dimensions of the bed. This model is ideal for installation in the bedroom. The under-bed space can be used to store a wide variety of things.

Beds with cartoon characters

Due to the copyright that applies to any images of cartoon characters, a copyright fee may be included in the price of such models. Because of this, such a bed may cost more than similar models. Costing more, it will not necessarily be better. Sometimes, in order to adjust the price, the manufacturer in such models can save on some things. Remove storage boxes and draw wheels directly in the picture.

With opening doors

What child doesn't want to open the door of his own car? Such beds do not use any complex fastenings for the closing mechanism. As a rule, they are exactly the same as those found in your closet. They can be cheap or expensive with a closer function. There is definitely no need to be afraid that a child will pinch and injure his fingers as a result of playing.


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Car bed sizes

The size of the beds should, on the one hand, be generous in relation to the height of your child, and on the other, provide the ability to accommodate a mattress, if necessary.

There are several sizes of beds:

  1. For young children - 140-160*60-90 cm.
  2. For preschool age - 160-190 cm with the same width. The same dimensions can also correspond to school age.

The dimensions of a sleeping place for a small child are 140-160*60-90 cm. The main nuance here is to take into account the possibility of placing a mattress if the proposed model is not equipped with one.

The non-standard size of space for a mattress will greatly complicate the search for a suitable model.

Bed size for a school-age child is 160-190*60-90. With due diligence, you can find a bed of any design, especially when it comes to popular cartoon characters.

A car bed from a favorite cartoon series will delight your child with indescribable delight. If you decide to purchase a bunk bed, the level of the second bed is usually located 160-180 centimeters from the floor.

The second tier in such beds is usually located at a height of 160-180 centimeters from the floor.


A children's bed and mattress can often take on completely unusual shapes. Such models copy fire engines, special equipment vehicles, or for girls something more sophisticated and light. This is a great opportunity to get your child interested in some profession or activity. These beds often cost more due to the fact that they use more material in their manufacture.

approximate cost

The prices for children's beds for boys on sale vary as widely as the beds themselves. First of all, the simpler the equipment, the lower the price.

As a rule, the lower limit starts at a level of 6-8 thousand rubles. For this price you can buy a machine with a sleeping area of ​​160*90 cm and a slatted bottom without a mattress.

The cost of such a machine starts from 6,000 rubles. If the question arises of purchasing a bunk bed, you need to have double or even triple the amount. The price for such beds often approaches the level of 20 thousand rubles.

The price of bunk beds can reach up to 20,000 rubles. The more decor used in equipping a car, the higher its price. For example, the presence of storage boxes adds about 3-4 thousand rubles to the cost, decorative lighting - another couple of thousand.

By following the recommendations given in the article, you can easily choose the most suitable children's bed for a boy.

What are they made of?

  1. Tree. The main advantage of such products is environmental friendliness. There is no point in being afraid that a child will eventually give himself a splinter. All wooden models are coated with a material that prevents physical impact on the product. Beds made from natural materials are more expensive. This is due not only to the cost of raw materials, but also to the complexity of subsequent processing.
  2. Plastic. Cheap and capable of taking almost any shape. When purchasing such a bed, make sure that the machine does not emit an unpleasant smell of glue and plastic.

What materials are they made of?

Most often, single-tier beds are made from laminated chipboard, covered with an original print on top. It is rare to find models with natural upholstery. Their price will differ dramatically and increase from other similar beds, and the durability of such material is a big question.

Beds with natural upholstery are expensive, but they also last longer than other models. Painted fiberboard can also serve as a base.

Multi-tier machines are most often made in a combined form - from wooden beams and laminated chipboard or fiberboard.

The main requirement is that the materials used must be safe, this is confirmed by the availability of appropriate quality documents.

In bunk beds, they must be equipped with upper tier limiters; they are often made of metal.

The most environmentally friendly material from which a bed can be made is solid wood, but its price is impressively high compared to the same options from other types.

If your child is prone to allergic reactions, it is better to opt for untreated wood, at least for the interior upholstery of the bed.

Beds made of natural wood are suitable for children with allergies.

Child's age

There are different models for each age of the child. The child must be at least three years old. It is important to understand that what is good for a baby, will be unpleasant for someone who has already matured. This is always worth keeping in mind.

  • From 3 to 5 years. Beds for very small children are sometimes found in stores. They are replete with images of cartoon characters.
  • From 5 to 10 years. The child becomes more active, including his games. Such beds should be round in shape and completely safe.
  • From 10 to 13 years. This bed is already more precisely detailed. The wheels are more designed, and a steering wheel with a signal function may appear. The headlights may come on and off.
  • From 13 and older. Most often, a child may already refuse to sleep in such models, considering them too childish. An exception can be made for beds that look like real racing cars, which evoke a feeling of delight in a small teenager.

Important requirements for a children's bed

Material. Most often, ordinary chipboard is used for furniture, on which photo printing is applied, or laminated chipboard. The first is short-lived, the second is able to withstand moisture.

It is important that it does not contain toxic resins and adhesive components. It is better if the bed is made of MDF - the environmentally friendly and non-toxic material will last a long time and is not afraid of moisture and mechanical damage.

Safety. Children's furniture should not have sharp corners or dangerous elements that could injure a child. All side edges must be made of PVC.

If the child is small, bumpers are required on the sides. For babies, you cannot choose a high bed.

Furniture should be appropriate for the child's age. Considering that the car bed will be used not only for sleeping, but also as a play area, it is better if it is spacious. It will also be more comfortable for a child to sleep in such a crib than on a narrow bed.

A few additional tips

You have finally decided to purchase a children's bed for your interior. Remember the important things we've outlined below, regardless of your intended choice.

  • The bed should have low sides so that the child does not fall out of it during sleep or active play.
  • When choosing a bed with built-in lighting, be sure to check how well it was made. Everything should be as reliable as possible and not raise even a passing doubt.
  • Ask your child what kind of bed he would like, what shape and what it looks like. By choosing a bed on his own, it will be more pleasant for him to spend time and sleep in it.

What criteria should you use to choose?

The main criteria for choosing such furniture are quite simple - one- or two-tier, depending on the number of children who need to be provided with sleeping places.

Of course, when choosing a bed, you need to consider how many children need to be provided with sleeping places. It is also important to consider the quality of the materials used in the manufacture of the bed - all of them must be as safe as possible.

The materials from which the bed is made must be safe for the child. Thanks to the huge selection, finding a car that suits your child will not be difficult. Be it a policewoman, a firefighter, or a model in the form of a favorite cartoon character.

It is better to buy mattresses for car beds separately. It is better to split the purchase of a bed and a mattress. The standard configurations do not offer the best solutions, especially if the child has special indications from the orthopedist for the sleeping place. There are also recommendations to purchase a bed with an average width of 80-90 cm and a length reserve in case the child wants to stay in the arms of his favorite car for as long as possible at night.

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