Decorating a mirror step by step with your own hands - learn how to make beautiful decor according to instructions, photo review of original ideas and examples

Currently, a mirror is an integral attribute of any living room, the purpose of which is not only to admire your reflection. A mirror is also an important decorative element and decoration of any interior. Often, industrial mirrors cannot fully emphasize the individuality of a room’s design. And this is where hand-made mirrors come to the rescue.

Naturally, if we talk about the decor of an old mirror that we personally designed, we should not mean a forged frame or a frame made, for example, from mahogany. There are many ideas for decorating mirrors using readily available and relatively cheap materials that will allow you to make an original decorative element with your own hands.

Decor with mirrors in the room

In a modern house or apartment, almost every room is equipped with mirrors: hallway, bathroom, bedroom or children's room. Depending on the location in the house, the purpose of mirrors may be different, but they are united by the fact that modern people simply cannot imagine life without a mirror. This household item should also be in the living room, although many people believe that this is not the case.

If the room is spacious enough, the absence of a mirror in it can of course be justified, but the presence of this household item in small rooms can visually expand the space of the room.

Room decor with an unusual mirror

Do you like this sun frame for the mirror? A detailed lesson in this article is a Master class on “a modern frame for a mirror made of wood.”

You can also make these 3 very stylish mirrors with your own hands - follow the link for a detailed master class - DIY designer mirrors.

At first glance, it seems that all mirrors are similar to each other. You can avoid this by decorating the mirror yourself. Let us next consider the most common decoration options.

The decision to equip the walls of a room with mirrors often leads to problems caused by the need to purchase a product of a certain size, shape and design so that it harmonizes with the interior of a particular room. Decorating mirrors with your own hands helps solve this problem.

It should be noted that this work will require not so much mastery and skills in a certain area, but rather a developed imagination and good taste, as well as a creative approach to business.

Wall decoration with small mirrors

An unusual shape or frame for a mirror is an excellent solution for an empty wall in a room.

These shaped mirrors are easy to make yourself - you need to choose a shape and order cutting

Composition of 16 mirrors

A feather-shaped mirror is an excellent solution for a relaxation area

Garden decorations from mirrors

Decorations made from a mirror, especially a mosaic made from its fragments, look very impressive on the site. It is enough to cut the reflective surface into uneven pieces and lay them out, for example, around tree trunks, frame flower beds, and mixborders. Such a mosaic is also beautiful in a rock garden or on an alpine hill.

Another option for an unusual design is to use pieces of mirror in the design of a dry stream . To do this, place them between the stones. Shimmering in the sun, the fragments will create the illusion that a real stream is flowing through your area!

If you have pets or small children, it is better not to use mirror mosaics in your garden design.

Things that have served their purpose can and should be given a second life. This will help you save on buying new ones and also help you do your part to protect the environment. You can use not only old mirrors for various needs, but also flower pots, nylon tights, and plastic bottles. You will find even more ideas in the articles:

  • Don't throw it away! 20 things that can be reused in the garden
  • Country life hacks: new life for unnecessary things
  • Flower pots made from unexpected objects, or the second life of old things

DIY wooden frame for a mirror

Wood looks great in almost any interior. This is a very popular and time-tested natural material. Wood products have excellent performance characteristics and an attractive appearance. Therefore, wood is ideal for use in homemade mirror decoration . Square or rectangular household items are well framed with ordinary wooden borders, but you can and should experiment with round and oval mirrors.

Mirror sun made of branches

The so-called sun mirror will look original for any interior . It is made using blocks or twigs of wood, a plywood frame, a primer, special glue, aerosol, sandpaper, and a glue gun.

How to make a sun mirror:

  1. To begin with, twigs are glued with wedges along the entire perimeter of the frame, alternating long and short, so that it looks like rays from the sun.
  2. Each block must be held for 15-20 seconds so that it sticks well.
  3. After waiting for the glue to dry, you need to remove any remaining residue with sandpaper, then apply a primer and leave for 1 hour.
  4. Then you need to cover the frame with paint or varnish.

Decor with dry branches

The twigs can be replaced with wooden clothespins. So, a few minutes - and the decorative sun frame is ready!

Mirror frame made of clothespins

Sea style

A marine-style mirror will not only be a beautiful accessory for your home, but also a reminder of your vacation, the blue sea and the hot southern sun. It creates an atmosphere different from all others, lighter with the aroma of the sea breeze.


  • Mirror;
  • Seashells, river pebbles, pearls, starfish;
  • Sand (cleaned, sifted);
  • Super glue;
  • Bandage or adhesive paper;
  • Scissors, tweezers, cotton pads, alcohol-containing solution.

Step-by-step strategy:

  1. Degrease the mirror. This is a mandatory procedure and in order not to be repeated it will be indicated once.
  2. Using a bandage or paper, we make an interesting frame on the mirror. This is so that you can clearly see the boundaries of the frame, but you can do without it.
  3. Glue the large shells as symmetrically as possible. Before gluing, we lay it out the way we need it and go look from the side, this is done so that you can immediately correct any violations in their harmonious arrangement. We apply glue only to the shells.
  4. Between the big ones we glue small ones and river pebbles. Everything must be washed first.
  5. We glue starfish. They are very fragile and space must be left for them in advance.
  6. We fill the remaining spaces with the smallest shells, pebbles and pearls (they can be replaced with beads). When working with small objects, we use tweezers to avoid damaging the structure.
  7. We fill the remaining voids with glue and pour clean sand.
  8. After drying, clean the mirror and shells from any adhesive residue.

We hang a mirror with original decor made by ourselves in the place that you have prepared for it.

DIY bathroom mirror decor

By decorating an object we mean achieving a form and color scheme that is in harmony with the style in which the interior of the room is made, as well as with its purpose. When decorating a mirror in a bathroom, it is necessary to ensure resistance to moisture and strong fixation of decorative elements .

Decor of an old mirror in the bathroom - acrylic painting

How to decorate an old mirror in the bathroom:

  1. First you need to erase the previous coating from the surface of the frame . To remove old paint, use paint stripper - it is not expensive and can be found in any building materials store.
  2. Next comes priming to prepare the base for the adhesive.
  3. After this, glue must be applied to the places where beads or shells will be attached. Decoration can be done in random order.

The original design idea is a frame made of metal rulers, which are also arranged in the shape of a sun.

Mirror frame made of metal rulers

The standard rule for decorating walls with mirrors is: if the products are voluminous, then there should be few of them. For example, to decorate a large mirror, you can glue toy cars to it and paint them on top. One product decorated in this way is quite enough for the room.

Original mirror frame from old toys

By imagining and using ordinary objects that are at hand at the moment, it is possible to decorate the mirror so that it looks unique and at the same time retains a piece of the invested soul and warmth.

dressing room mirror with light bulbs

Also, a backlit mirror looks very trendy in the bathroom - it’s very easy to make with your own hands. Here is a detailed master class “Do it yourself dressing room mirror”.

Types of decoration

There are two types of decor:

  • Frame decoration. Designer frames, designed in accordance with the general style, will not create a resonance with the surrounding space, but, on the contrary, will become its integral decor.
  • Decoration of the mirror itself. The decorations are applied directly to the mirror plane itself, resulting in a very elegant openwork design.

With the help of fantasy and imagination, you can create a decor with your own hands that will harmoniously combine with any interior and style direction.

Mirror decor with shells

Before starting work, make a pattern of shells by placing them on the surface to be decorated. The composition may or may not have symmetry. Use your imagination as much as possible when creating a drawing.

  1. To avoid contamination of the mirror glass, it must be sealed with masking tape. After this, you can start gluing the shells onto the frame. For the glue to dry completely you need to wait for several hours.
  2. After making sure that the glue has hardened, proceed to painting the frame .
  3. Painting is done in several layers, which are applied every 20 minutes in order to give them the opportunity to dry slightly.
  4. The layers are carefully applied so that they are as thin as possible.

This design of a mirror using shells will decorate any room whose interior is made in the “classic” style.

You can also make decorative candlesticks from shells - detailed lesson: DIY candlesticks from shells.

Few more options

Finally, here are a few more options for mirror design. They are simple and do not require special preparation.

Mirror decor with cotton swabs

Cotton swabs are glued to the mirror and simply painted with paint.

Decorating with scrapbooking paper

Scrapbooking paper is glued to the surface of the mirror and the desired pattern is created on it. After this, the excess paper is removed.

Using the Egg Tray

Flowers are cut out of egg cells, painted in any color and glued around the perimeter of the mirror.

From a fruit bowl

A simple fruit bowl was used as a frame.

Mirror decor with foil

And this is just foil glued along the edge.

Video - Decorating a mirror with bottle caps

Decorating a mirror with your own hands is a great opportunity to give new life to an old product, decorate the interior in an unusual way, or give someone a nice holiday gift. The main thing is to give free rein and scope to your imagination.

5/5 (3)

Mosaic mirror decor

To decorate a bathroom mirror yourself, you can use glass or ceramic mosaics.

Bathroom mirror with mosaic tiles

Frame with mosaic diagonally

If you want to make such a mirror yourself, here is a detailed master class “Mirror with mosaic for the bathroom”

Frame decorated with sequins

You can make such an original bathroom mirror yourself by simply ordering shaped mirror cutting

Decorating with stones

A frame decorated with stones looks quite expensive and stylish. When using glass drops, do not forget that they are quite massive, which means you should leave some space around them free. Do not combine stones of different types and textures.

For decoration, the ideal choice would be: smaller-than-average pebbles, drop-shaped glass, crystal elements, artificial or natural stones, rhinestones and other materials. Use special transparent glue to secure it.

Decor of a round mirror with a frame made of pipes: Master class

A very stylish and modern frame for decorating a round mirror can be made from ordinary polypropylene pipes for water supply.

Frame for a round mirror made of pipes

To do this you will need:

  • plastic pipe;
  • electric saw;
  • skin;
  • glue gun

Assembly technology

Step 1

  • We cut the rings with great care. At the same time, they must have the same width, otherwise the finished product will look sloppy.
  • Therefore, a miter saw with fine teeth is ideal.

If you don’t have such a saw, you can use a miter box.

We take polypropylene pipes for water supply - you can choose any diameter at your discretion

Step 2

  • Immediately before gluing, the cuts on each ring are processed using fine sandpaper to avoid the occurrence of burrs.
  • Since our task is to produce an accessory that has a beautiful appearance, every little detail should look neat.

We lay out the rings in any shape you like

Step 3

  • The rings are fastened with a glue gun , which will ensure an inconspicuous fastening. Gluing of rings can occur in different ways; a different method may be used than in the photo.
  • The shape of the composition can be either square or oval . It is recommended to make it in the shape of a mirror.

We glue the rings together with a gun

Step 4

The mirror is also glued to the rings with a glue gun exactly in the middle. It should be noted that all elements must be cleaned of dust particles and degreased before gluing. You can hang the finished product on the wall using the rings.

So, you can make a product that combines 2 or 3 mirrors, and to give a greater effect it can be supplemented with a glass vase or table.

Is it possible to repair old canvas?

The process of mirror restoration is very painstaking . Many experienced specialists in this field can not only collect the fragments, but also restore complete integrity. Dust from the inside, clouding, scratches, amalgam defects - all these damages can be eliminated independently using a minimum of tools that every home craftsman has.

But you should understand that in exceptional cases, inserting a new mirror into the frame is much more profitable than restoring the former beauty of the old canvas. Expensive and complex restoration is very rarely applied to museum exhibits that have historical value.

But if the mirror is slightly damaged, then it is stupid to throw it away, so in case of minor defects, it is advisable to restore the surface with your own hands .

If you use the right chemicals and abrasives, the mirror will shine like new. The main criterion is a correctly calculated dosage and a little effort.

Master class: Mirror with lace

A frame made of paper lace looks very unusual and homey. It can be purchased at any store that sells disposable tableware.

We have to:

  • Paper lace for cake.
  • Double-sided tape.
  • Round mirror.
  • Covering paper.
  • Aerosol paint.
  • Scissors.

Technology step by step

Step 1

Take some cake paper lace and spray paint it. Dry well for 1-2 hours.

Paint the lace with spray paint

Step 2

Cover the back of the mirror with double-sided tape. Then cut off the protruding end of the tape.

Apply double-sided tape to the mirror

Trim the excess tape along the contour

Removing the protective film

Step 3

Remove the protective film and place the mirror on the previously painted paper lace and press well.

Making external mounts for the mirror

Place a mirror in the center of the lace and press the tape well

Hanging a mirror on the wall

The final touch remains, attaching it to the wall.

These frames look especially beautiful if there are several of them!

Painting with paints

Everyone has seen beautiful stained glass windows made of multi-colored glass; this method of decoration is for those who dream of such a mirror. Here the choice of pattern is also limited by taste and imagination.


  • Circuit;
  • Stained glass paints;
  • Brushes and acrylic varnish;

All this can be purchased at a stationery store.

Pattern application method:
  1. First, draw a drawing with a marker. You must have a ready-made, thoughtful sketch;
  2. We draw the outline next to the lines of the drawing; if it covers the marker, the pattern will be untidy. It is impossible to wash off the marker from under the outline;
  3. We erase the marker after applying and drying the outline. After drying, if necessary, remove unnecessary parts with a blade;
  4. Fill the stained glass paints, diluting them with a solvent for transparency, according to the sketch;
  5. After drying, we open it with purchased varnish. The decor is ready.

Master class: Mirror decor with petals

The frame for the mirror can be decorated with artificial petals; they are usually sold in bags in goods for decoration.

Mirror decor with petals

For this we use:

  • Petals of artificial silk flowers.
  • Glue gun.
  • Round mirror (or oval).
  • Aerosol paint (any color).

Work order

  1. We paint the frame with white paint, how and with what to paint the wood - in detail in this article.
  2. Starting at the outer edge, use a hot glue gun to glue on the petals.
  3. And so we lay the petals row by row.
  4. We insert the mirror into the frame. Your amazing mirror is ready!

Row by row, hot glue the petals in a circle.

Finished mirror with petals

What can be used for crafts

Sometimes novice craftsmen ask the question of where to buy decor for a mirror and how to decorate the canvas. First of all, it depends on the method, the chosen material, and the complexity of the craft.

Absolutely any material is suitable to create a unique composition:

  • Matches,
  • Plastic bottles and broken glassware,
  • New Year's balls,
  • tubes,
  • Textile,
  • Natural material (shells, cones, twigs, flowers, eggshells),
  • Pasta,
  • Wire,
  • Beads,
  • Beads,
  • Buttons,
  • Rhinestones,
  • Paints,
  • Leg-split,
  • Colored paper.
  • For fixation and reliable fastening, use a glue gun, PVA, silicone, or superglue.

To give a glossy look, the product is coated with varnish with different effects (glitter, matte, tinted).

You can purchase the material at any hardware store, stationery, handicraft and creative shops, or find it yourself while on vacation at sea, in the park, or outside the city.

If there is a need for industrial decoration, engraving, etching, or enamel application, then you should contact a company providing such services.

Master class: Mirror decor with gold leaf

An unusual and modern mirror will be created if its edges are decorated with gold leaf. If you don’t find it, you can take regular thin foil.

Mirror decor with gold leaf

We have to:

  • Glue gun.
  • Mirror of any shape.
  • Foil or gold leaf
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