DIY decor: 165 photos of interior decoration ideas. Options for using stylish decor

It's no secret that exclusive items create a warm and cozy atmosphere in the house. Using various design techniques, you can give your home originality, highlighting its advantages and hiding its shortcomings.

You can change the style of the room and make a boring interior more lively and aesthetically pleasing without the use of expensive materials. Today, everything vintage and exclusive is at the height of fashion. Items for interior decoration can be made independently from available materials.

What can you use for home decor?

The choice of materials for partial finishing of an apartment is huge. Most often, natural materials or materials left over from previous renovations are used to decorate a home.

Sometimes even simple cuttings of PVC pipes can be turned into a real masterpiece. For example, make them a kind of travel bag for storing necessary little things.

Improvised fruit bowl

Glassware is a universal transformer for assembling new models of utensils.

Find for transformation:

  • 2 glasses;
  • 3 plates of different diameters from 20 cm;
  • waterproof glue.

Wash all components with glass cleaner, let dry, degrease with alcohol or vodka using a cotton pad, taking particular care at the fastening points. Carefully apply the extra strong binder to the edges of the glass, without missing a single millimeter. Place the glass strictly in the center of the plate and press firmly. For a three-story fruit bowl, repeat the operation 2 times. Try not to go over the edge and get your fingers dirty. If necessary, remove excess with anti-glue. You can use it immediately after the product has completely dried. In addition to fruits and berries, it is suitable for tartlets with caviar or jam. Wash as usual dishes.

What material can be used for decoration

  • wallpaper trimmings
  • tissue remains;
  • bottle caps;
  • old photo frames;
  • natural materials (branches, dried flowers and leaves);
  • plywood remains;
  • paper bags;
  • cords made of flax or jute;
  • old bottles of original shape;
  • flower pots that have lost their original appearance.

Each of these things can be transformed into an exclusive item that will help add new notes to the interior.

Decorations for the holidays

On holidays such as New Year and Easter, it is quite possible to decorate external decorative elements in the house.

Even those people who do not have special drawing abilities will hardly find it difficult to depict on the windows:

  • Snowflakes;
  • Christmas tree;
  • Snowman.

Important! Work with gouache. This paint can be removed very easily after the holidays.

A Christmas tree decorated on a window with New Year's garland or an image of an Easter cake or a cross for Easter will look original.

Your imagination will help you decorate any room in your apartment with extraordinary things. If only there was desire and time for this work.

Items that are easy to decorate yourself

Any, even the smallest object, if you put the right emphasis on it, can transform a room.

What you can decorate with your own hands to get an original, and most importantly, an appropriate accent for the room:

  • photo frames and picture frames;
  • furniture;
  • vases and flower pots;
  • lamps and floor lamps;
  • shelves and racks.


DIY section on the Curby website
This blog has a lot of ideas for decorating the interior, in any room. Lots of tips, such as how to store food in original ways, how to make decorative items and how to better organize space in any room.

There are also tips for cool designs with IKEA furniture and instructions for creating DIY furniture like tables, creative bed headboards and more.

Interior paintings

One of the simplest, but at the same time effective ways to decorate an apartment is with paintings on the walls. These may not necessarily be landscapes or still lifes of famous artists, and not even the original creation of the owner of the home (although if the owner knows how to draw well, then why not demonstrate it).

In order to make a picture, you will need a frame or stretcher. You can make it yourself from wooden slats. Frames are made perfectly from polyurethane interior moldings.

It is important to remember that in order for the paintings to look harmonious on the wall, the coating should not be too rich. On the wall with large and bright designs, the paintings will simply get lost. The ideal option is a monochromatic coating, or a not pronounced or bright pattern.

As the painting itself, you can use the rest of the wallpaper with a pattern, a piece of fabric with a print, a collage of scraps or photographs. If you have the desire and time, you can embroider the picture with cross stitch, satin stitch, or beads. You can arrange diamond embroidery like a painting.

With the help of mats you can create children's drawings or small cartoons, ethnic souvenir pictures or compositions of dried leaves and flowers. Any of these methods can add zest to the interior.

And the number of options is limited only by the skill and imagination of the home owners. Photos of the best ways to decorate your home speak volumes about this. That the more original the idea, the more advantageous it will look in the end.

Practical crafts

If you don’t like various trinkets, then you can make practical interior items with your own hands from scrap materials.

Shelving from an old staircase

Sometimes there isn't enough shelving at home. So why not make it yourself? This will be a truly practical craft. The rack is made from an unnecessary ladder. In addition to the ladder, you will need boards, paint, a jigsaw, a brush, sandpaper and glue.

Stages of work:

  • prepare the frame of the structure: cut the stairs into equal parts and fasten them in the form of two pyramids;
  • cut shelves from boards;
  • attach the shelves to the frame with glue;
  • polish the structure and its elements;
  • paint the shelving.

On such a rack you can place books, original baskets, flowerpots with flowers, A4 size paintings and other beautiful do-it-yourself things for the home and interior using improvised materials.

Table made of drawers

We invite you to create another practical craft for your home - a table from unnecessary wooden boxes. Vegetables and fruits are often stored in such boxes. For this craft you will need 4 of these boxes, nails and a hammer.

Place the drawers on the side surface with the open side facing out and connect them together into a square. Fasten the elements with nails. It is possible to decorate the open space of the drawers with additional shelves. At the end of the work you need to paint the table.

Pallet spice rack

We invite you to create a unique spice rack from an old pallet. To do this, clean the tray with sandpaper. Use a jigsaw to saw off unnecessary elements. You can make additional shelves. The result is a panel with a pocket that is suitable for any interior. Containers with oil, wine bottles, and spices are placed in this pocket. The shelf is painted in the color of the interior. Crafts for interior decor

A house is a reflection of its owner. It’s nice to come visit a creative person and look at the embodied ideas and unique style. We offer you some tips for interior decor and creating crafts.

Mirror frame

An interior decor item made from scrap materials can be a wall mirror decorated with an unusual frame. It is easy to make from a regular newspaper or magazine. Colored sheets are cut into equal squares measuring 10x10 cm and rolled into tubes of equal thickness. These tubes are glued along the perimeter of the frame parallel to each other. The result is a beautiful mirror design. The tubes need to be secured not only with glue, but with varnish.

Plastic lampshade

To make a plastic lampshade, you will need several sets of plastic spoons, an empty 5-liter plastic container, and glue. The neck of the container is cut off. The handles of the spoons are cut off to form petals. Using glue, the original petals are fixed to the surface of the container in the form of scales. The plastic lampshade is ready.

Fabric jewelry

The interior of a home made from scrap materials will become more lively if you use the remains of bright fabric. You can make various crafts from them, for example, fabric flowers. Using a stencil, circles d = 20 cm are cut out. A spiral is drawn on the circles, which is cut along the entire length. The spiral is twisted from the bottom, gluing it so that the bud does not fall apart. After drying, the petals are straightened. Unusual do-it-yourself decor from improvised materials for your apartment is ready. Several fabric colors are combined into a composition, panels, paintings are made, shelves, walls, etc. are decorated with them.

Candlestick made from old beads

If you have old beads, do not rush to throw them away. They are disassembled into beads to make a hand-made candlestick. You need to attach an unnecessary CD to the base of the candlestick. Glue beads in rows along the edge of its circumference to form a cup. If you put a shaped candle in this glass, it will turn into a beautiful candlestick. This decorative element has a big plus. Thanks to the beads, it shimmers beautifully when the candle is lit.

Festive garland on the window

On New Year or any other holiday, the windows of the house are decorated with garlands. It is not necessary to hang bright lights; we recommend that you make an unusual curtain from scrap materials. To create a garland you will need thick colored cardboard, thick thread, a needle, and scissors. Using a stencil, cut circles d = 10 cm. The circles are strung on threads of the required length. The threads are connected together into a curtain and secured to the window frame.

Jewelry hanger

There can never be too many DIY crafts. A woman's dressing table can be decorated with a homemade jewelry hanger made from scrap materials. It's easy to do. To realize the idea, you will need a picture frame, a small piece of plywood, paint, small hooks, and a jigsaw. Saw off the plywood to the size of the baguette, paint it with paint. Mark the places where the hooks are attached and secure them. With this decorative element you can store your jewelry in an original way.

Canvas box

We suggest you make a box from plastic canvas. Canvas is a material for embroidery and crafts. It has the dimensions of an A4 sheet. The canvas has a varying number of perforations. To work, you will need the workpiece itself, threads, a needle, a piece of fabric and scissors. You can embroider with cross stitch or satin stitch on canvas. Make the details of the future box from canvas and decorate them with your favorite embroidery method. Connect the parts with thread and a needle. The canvas box is ready, it needs to be stored on the shelf. Without a doubt, it will become the main decoration of the interior of your home.

Braided rug

The tapestry technique allows you to create a rug at home with your own hands from any available materials. For example, they cut old clothes into strips. This option is called a “grandmother’s” rug. For crafts, you should choose a durable material and draw the thread by hand.

Prepare cardboard 500x500 mm. Sew it with thread. Having secured the first thread, begin weaving the tapestry. Once you have completed the last circle, turn the rug inside out and sew rope around the perimeter to cover the ends of the threads.

Pots from bags

From scrap materials that are sometimes accumulated at home, they make a pot for an indoor flower. For DIY crafts you will need paper bags, wooden skewers, scissors, rope, glue gun, containers (for example, you can use a mayonnaise jar).

From paper bags, make blanks in the form of ribbons measuring 70x300 mm. Using skewers, make tubes from the blanks. Secure the corners with glue. Wrap the sides of the container in a paper bag. Turn it upside down. Attach 8 tubes to the base. Return the future flowerpot to its normal position. Fold the tubes up, pressing them tightly against the walls of the pots. It remains to braid the main tubes with the remaining ones in a checkerboard pattern. The pot is pierced at the top, a rope is threaded through the holes and the pot is hung on the wall of the room.

Fabric hanger

Hangers are always needed in the household. We suggest you make several of them. For crafts you will need:

  • wire hangers;
  • satin ribbons in contrasting colors;
  • piece of fabric;
  • scissors;
  • needle and thread;
  • glue;
  • padding polyester

Draw the outline of the hanger on a piece of fabric. Leaving a small gap, cut out 2 blanks. Sew the pieces together to make a cover. Wrap the hanger hook with satin ribbon, securing it with glue. Place the fabric cover on the hanger. Fill the internal space with padding polyester. Sew up the hole. Make a bow from a contrasting satin ribbon and secure it at the base of the hook. The fabric hanger is ready. You can hang delicate items on it.

Decorating vases and flower pots

An interior with fresh flowers is more comfortable, healthy green plants are an indicator that the owners take care of their home. And the framing of the plants is no less important than the plants themselves. Even the most spectacular flower will fade if the pot or vase does not match its appearance.

Often in flower shops, plants are sold in terracotta-colored plastic pots; the owners simply change the shipping substrate to regular soil, and leave the pot the same.

But this color does not fit harmoniously into every interior. Using acrylic or silicone paints, tape and cord, you can make original works from the simplest pots.

Apply a lighter color first. After drying, the pot or vase is covered with tape, creating the necessary pattern, then the main color is applied. After the second layer has completely dried, the tape or cord is carefully removed.

Important! At each stage, you must wait until the paint has completely dried, otherwise the tape or cord will damage the painted layer and it will come off the surface.

Tricks of life

At the beginning of the century, British journalist Danny O'Brien combined two words and introduced a new one into circulation - “life hacking”.

The word has become unusually popular and is used to denote an original, unusual approach to solving various problems.

Designers also began to use it in their vocabulary, advising their clients on a variety of home decor hacks.

Let’s consider what unusual things experts advise when decorating a “capital” apartment.

How to make a pot or vase in boho style?

Boho is a style that has rapidly burst into not only clothing stores, but also interiors. It involves the use of simple free forms, natural colors and materials. Few people will decide to choose it as the main style, but the decorative elements will look appropriate in any interior.

To create a pot or vase you will need:

  • shape (this could be a jar, bottle, or an old pot or vase);
  • jute or thick linen thread;
  • glue stick;
  • scissors.

U Create

U Create Home Page
This blog was created by Kari and Becky in 2008 as a personal Pinterest board for DIY project ideas. The blog now has thousands of DIY decor and gift instructions, guest posts, and tips.

Various U Create projects

A clock made from a pallet, magnetic jars with spices for the refrigerator, a homemade mirror for the bathroom and many other truly unusual decorative items.

How to decorate a form

The form is thoroughly washed and dried. Ideally, there should be no labels on it; for ease of use, they should be removed.

If the form is made of glass or other smooth material, for a better result it needs to be sanded a little with sandpaper.

The form is carefully coated with glue. The pencil is the most convenient to use, it does not dry as quickly as silicate and PVA, it does not flow, and you only need a small amount of it.

Once the glue is applied, thread is wound around the mold in a circle. It is more convenient to start from the bottom and work your way up to the neck. The tip of the thread is cut off and carefully tucked into the neck. The vase or pot is ready!

Slate surfaces

In construction stores you can now find special slate paint. On a surface painted with it, you can write with chalk, like on a blackboard. This paint can be used to paint a wall in the kitchen or the wall of a refrigerator.

You can also cover a cutting board with black slate paint and hang it on the wall. On the black surface you can take notes, make a shopping list, menu, or leave motivating slogans for every day.

Instructions for making a basket

An impressive basket-shaped planter can be easily made from tubes made from a sheet of newspaper or paper. The diameter of one tube should be no more than 1 cm, otherwise it will be difficult to bend and the work will look sloppy. The tubes are painted in the desired color and, after drying, are collected in a basket.

In this way you can make not only flowerpots, but also baskets for storing small items, vases for fruit and bread.

Curtains made of beads

With fishing line and beads, you can create a weightless curtain. It can be hung in a doorway or used to divide a room into functional zones. There are many photos on the Internet of ways to decorate a room using such curtains.

You can take glass, wooden, plastic or expensive crystal beads, it all depends on your budget.

At the end of each piece of fishing line, tie a knot, put on a bead and make another knot. Knots are tied to prevent the beads from slipping into one necklace. When there is space between the beads, it creates the feeling of them floating in the air.

Instructions on how to decorate a lamp

Inflate the balloon to the desired size. It should be inflated tightly, but not too much, so as not to burst during operation.

A thread is wound randomly onto the surface of the ball. It doesn't have to be tight.

Then the future lamp is painted using a spray can. You can not dye it, but leave the natural color of the thread, but then before winding the ball needs to be coated with glue, or after winding it should be sprayed with clear varnish.

As soon as the coating layer has dried, the ball is pierced with a needle and a frame of threads remains that can be attached to the lamp.

Mirror for the bedroom

It is almost impossible to imagine a place for a night's rest without this much-needed element. How to make a functional thing original and beautiful? Designers recommend two simple options - a sun mirror and a mirror wall.

For the wall you will need several mirrors, and they can be of various shapes and sizes (just not very large). All that remains is to securely fasten them to a common base, place them in a convenient place and the mirror wall is ready.

It is also not very difficult to give the shape of a daylight to a mirror.

You will need:

  • Round mirror;
  • Plywood, with a smaller diameter than the mirror itself;
  • Wooden sticks in two sizes;
  • Spray can with gold paint;
  • Glue and hook.

The work process consists of several simple steps:

  1. Paint is applied to the sticks and set aside to dry.
  2. While the blanks are drying, plywood is glued to the mirror (on the back side).
  3. A hook is attached.
  4. Ray sticks are glued to plywood

The sun mirror is ready. Choose a suitable place for it on the bedroom wall.

Decor of old furniture

Furniture is not purchased every year, and not for every renovation. What to do if the old chest of drawers does not match the new wallpaper, or the cabinet has lost its original appearance?

The easiest way is to wallpaper a piece of furniture. To do this, you will need to thoroughly degrease the surface. If the top layer of furniture is uneven - the film has peeled off or the paint has bulged, these areas must be thoroughly sanded so that subsequent layers lay evenly.

The surface is coated with wallpaper glue. It is better to dilute it with a little less water than according to the instructions, since the smooth surface of the furniture does not absorb glue well.

Then the wallpaper (it doesn’t have to be, you can use gift paper, decoupage paper, newspapers, etc.) is laid out evenly on the surface and smoothed out. To do this, you can use a special plastic spatula or ruler. After which, for reliability, everything is coated with transparent furniture varnish.

There are a lot of ideas for home decor. The main trend in modern interiors is not to maintain a strictly uniform and laconic style, but to dilute it with accent details. The best ideas for home decor are those that come in a burst of inspiration.

Original handmade items will always add color and exclusivity to the interior. There is no need to limit yourself, you need to show more imagination; when a room reflects the character of its owner, you can always feel it.

The Design Confidential

Home page of The Design Confidental
Thanks to this site you will learn how to make beautiful shelves, decorate the space in front of the fireplace, make a bright modern lamp, original pillowcases and much more.

Projects from The Design Confidental website

Also on this site you can find instructions for creating creative furniture and decorative items.


The description of homemade furniture is very detailed, with tools, materials and drawings.

Photos of DIY decor

Time Lord

You often bring back pebbles from a sea vacation as souvenirs. There is nowhere to store them, but you can make them useful.


  • wall clock mechanism;
  • plain stones, with smooth sides, 12 pcs. up to 3 cm, 12 pcs. - 1-2 cm;
  • cardboard;
  • second gel “Moment”;
  • paints;
  • scissors, ruler, pencil, marker;
  • paper (kraft).

First, paint the stones so that you get two of the same color, small and large. Cut a square out of cardboard according to the measurements of the future watch, wrap it in craft paper. Secure at the back. Mark the dial around the perimeter. Using a contrasting marker, draw numbers indicating hours on large stones, and minutes from 00 to 55 on small stones in increments of 5. Make sure that the pairs match in color and count. Attach them to the dial as markings, then attach the hands and batteries. Now it's more fun to count down every hour until your next vacation!

Felt pictures

Compositional subjects or recognizable images made of felt come first in terms of ease of execution.


  • knitwear;
  • felt;
  • scissors;
  • base made of plastic or wood;
  • needle, thread;
  • knitting threads;
  • beads 4 pcs.;
  • Blank sheet;
  • double sided tape.

Draw or print outlines of, for example, kittens on paper. Place tape on the inside. Cut out all the details, secure the stencil to the felt with tape, and go through it with scissors again. Stretch the fabric over the base and connect it at the back with threads using the weave method. Make sure there is even tension. Glue the pieces of felt onto the canvas, first removing the remaining tape. Add a frame of knitting threads around the perimeter and sew beads into the corners. Cover the back of the painting with a piece of paper to hide the working stitches. Smile for the kittens, m-m-mur!

Rope framing

Some experienced craftsmen often think about what material can be used for decoration, because most of the ideas have already been implemented by them.

It wouldn’t hurt to try your hand at weaving with hemp rope; you can use a large mirror or a picture as a basis.

The frame is pre-cleaned and, if necessary, made larger in order to place several layers of material on the plane. The rope is attached to an adhesive base or using a hot gun, and they begin filling from the inside, gradually approaching the edges in order to understand which turn to make the last.

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