Bedroom 16 sq. m. - examples of ideal zoning, layout and bedroom design

The bedroom is a place where you want to fall asleep comfortably and wake up with new strength for the coming day. A design that combines modern design trends with a functional approach to the selection of each element will help create the right atmosphere. Bedroom 16 sq. m, quite spacious by Russian standards, will allow you to implement any style concept, from classical to modern.

With a dark accent wall Source

Style selection

For bedroom design 16 sq. m. the following design styles are suitable:

  • Classic style.
  • Modern or modern.
  • Provence or country.
  • High tech.
  • Minimalism.
  • East style.
  • Scandinavian style.
  • Art Deco.

High-tech as the most daring solution

High-tech style is a modern bedroom design of 16 square meters. m. This style is somewhat reminiscent of minimalism. It is better for decoration, furniture and textiles to be made in one color, most often in black or white shades.

Furniture should contain chrome parts; it is better if the decor is also made of metal. This style suits modern people.

Optimal size

An area of ​​16 square meters is optimal for a bedroom. The room is spacious enough to accommodate a bed, a mirror with a cabinet, wardrobes for storing clothes, a relaxation corner or a work area - a table with a computer or a sewing machine. And most importantly, it’s comfortable to rest and sleep in such a bedroom. It does not oppress with its small size and does not overwhelm with excessive space. Bedrooms of this size are found in new apartment buildings or in private houses. Sometimes in elite Stalinist cars. And never in five- and nine-story buildings.

Henri's bedroom

Go to small bedrooms

Art Nouveau style

Modern is well suited for creating a bedroom in a modern style of 16 sq.m. It assumes soft pastel shades and the absence of sharp corners. This style combines luxury and nobility.

The presence of a variety of decor will add bright accents to this style. Instead of bright details, it is better to use bamboo or other unusual finishes.

Functional options

The bedroom needs furniture. Its quantity and configuration depend on who lives in the bedroom: a married couple, a girl, a man, a couple with a baby. And it also depends on the presence of a dressing room in the bedroom or in the house/apartment. The bedroom should have enough space to store clothes, shoes and bedding.

Basic bedroom equipment options:

  • bed (+ clothing storage system);
  • bed and desk;
  • bed and baby cot;
  • a bed and a work area - a table with a sewing or knitting machine, a table for making crafts or handicrafts, an easel;
  • bed and sports corner;
  • bed and seating area - armchairs or sofa.

The quantity and functional purpose of furniture largely determine the design of the room.

Brio's bedroom

Oriental style bedroom

In this style it is better to use warm shades. The main ones are the whole range of beige shades, as well as scarlet, gold, brick colors. You can use aqua or azure along with beige shades.

The oriental style should include carpets, partitions, and floor lamps with dim, subdued light. It is acceptable to use wall sconces.


In a medium-sized bedroom, it is the chandelier that creates coziness. Therefore, it is advisable to choose a set of chandeliers and sconces of an interesting design; simple strict lampshades in the bedroom are not very appropriate. In low rooms, the chandelier should be short. It is advisable to have a beautiful decorative night light in the room.

The installation of overhead lighting using an illuminated ceiling is very popular. All types of ceiling lighting look great in the bedroom - using LEDs, Starpins, Swarovski crystals, simply built-in lamps or hidden lighting. Stretch ceiling lighting must have at least two brightness modes.

Go to bright bedrooms

Art Deco as a bold decision

A black and white color scheme is suitable for this style. It is better that the floor, walls and ceiling are white with dark accents in the form of panels. Instead of white shades, you can use gray, milky, and instead of black, chocolate colors. The presence of at least one dark shade is considered necessary for this style.

It is advisable to use dark colors for finishing the ceiling, or the curtains can be designed in these shades. It is better to make the floor light. All light sources and wall sconces must have clear, sharp shapes.


For a sixteen-meter bedroom, there is no question of using light colors to increase volume. You can use wallpaper with patterns, rich and even dark colors, panels made of plastic and wood, lining, cork, bamboo.

Now the trend is to use bright colors on large surfaces: the ceiling, accent wall. Black, blue, brown glossy ceilings do not make the room smaller at all and add height to it. An accent wall, painted a bright color or tiled or bricked, sets the tone for the entire room. The peculiarity of an accent wall is that when entering a room, it is the accent wall that attracts attention, but for a person lying on the bed, it is not visible.

Exciting scarlet, red, and orange colors are not used to decorate all walls. At the same time, designers constantly suggest using them for the headboard wall. Violet, turquoise, blue, brown, gray, and cherry colors are very popular. It is even possible to use black, purple, chocolate and dark blue colors for all walls in combination with contrasting light furniture and a white ceiling. Dark colors visually make a room smaller and require bright lighting.

The use of photo wallpaper allows you to create an original interior or an interior that seems open to space - when one wall is covered with wallpaper with a natural or city landscape.

Ceilings in bedrooms are most often made matte and light, with a “starry sky” or “clouds” print with backlighting. Floral prints are often used. Gloss is rarely used: not everyone likes to see their reflection on the ceiling. The exception is black or chocolate shiny stretch ceilings, which visually increase the space.

In a fairly spacious room, it is important that the colors highlight the furniture - it is this that determines the style of the interior.

Space zoning

Before you start zoning a bedroom of 16 square meters. m., it is necessary to consider design options. This could be a one-room apartment, or a multi-room apartment, or a private house.

In the case of a one-room apartment, a connection between a bedroom and a living room of 16 square meters is assumed. m., that is, it is necessary to divide the space into a sleeping area and a living area. It is not always possible to create a classic style in such a room, but modern design allows you to cope with any task.

You can delimit the space using plasterboard structures, or by zoning using color schemes. In this case, there will be a clear idea of ​​​​the limits of each divided zone.

If there is no need to connect the room with the living room, it is permissible to place additional furniture in it. Alternatively, you can use a bookcase or coffee table.

The appearance of the room itself plays an important role. In the case of a rectangular bedroom of 16 squares, the bed should be placed closer to the window and parallel to it, and the rest of the furniture should be placed on the opposite side.

It is not advisable to place bedroom sets along the long side of the wall, otherwise the room may simply be overloaded.

In the case of a square bedroom of 16 square meters. m. the bed can be placed in the middle, and the remaining furniture can be placed around it. Placing furniture in a square space is much easier than it seems at first glance.

In your own home, the bedroom can have a wide variety of shapes, for example, a sloped ceiling, or several large windows on both walls. For such a room you will need original and non-standard design projects.

We decorate the walls

To decorate the walls in the bedroom you can use a variety of materials:

  • wallpaper;
  • plaster;
  • paint;
  • wooden panels;
  • decorative brick.

Brown and white bedroom in eco-style

You can choose matte or glossy paint. And then there are those that feel like silk or velvet. Such coverings are suitable for a room in a classic style. The paint must be of high quality and absolutely safe. It will fit perfectly only on a smooth wall, without cracks or flaws. Plaster is suitable for classic interiors. You can choose a coating with golden sand.

To decorate the walls in a loft-style room, use decorative bricks. He always looks stylish.

If the wall has defects, it is recommended to use wallpaper. The cheapest option is to buy paper canvases. They are easy to glue, but do not last long: they quickly fade and the design is erased.

Black and gray minimalist bedroom

The right design solution for a loft-style bedroom would be concrete or brick walls. Brick looks especially impressive. It can be left red or painted white or gray. Decorate the walls in a room in modern or country style with wooden panels. So, even in an ordinary Khrushchev it will be possible to create the atmosphere of a country house.

Photo wallpapers are back in fashion today. Decorate the wall above your bed with them.

Use photo wallpaper for decoration. Today they are back in fashion. Usually, they are glued to the wall opposite the double bed. If you choose the right image (let it be a forest or mountain landscape), the space will seem larger.

Beige and brown chalet style bedroom

Space decoration

Renovation of a bedroom 16 sq. m. begins with the choice of materials and colors in which the future room will be made. A little later, furniture, textiles and decorative elements will need to be added to the overall concept.

It is best to draw up a work plan or draw the design of the future bedroom on paper, which will significantly save time. A good option would be to contact a designer.

If you can’t turn to a professional, then it’s better to look for ideas on the Internet yourself. On the Internet you can find many photos of a 16 sq.m. bedroom. m. of all kinds of styles. The easiest way is to stick with a ready-made solution, or add your own ideas to it.


In the process of redecorating the bedroom, we will take care of sources of artificial electric light. Let's make the lighting diffused, light, unobtrusive. Reflected from the glossy surfaces of furniture. Creating penumbra. An atmosphere of intimacy, relaxation, romanticism. We highlight the bed, various decorations, niches with climbing indoor plants.

The amount of lighting in the apartment, its brightness depends on personal preferences and the way you spend your time. There is a lot of light in the bedroom - the wrong approach to the task. This is a place of rest. They are charged with vivacity and energy in other rooms.

For the living room - just right lighting, emphasizing the geometry of the space, visually expanding it. In the bedroom there is diffused light, partial shade. There is no need for extra light.

For reading before bed we use a bedside lamp-sconce. When we don’t like to sleep in pitch darkness, we use the soft, unobtrusive light of a night light.

Ultimately, the interior design of a bedroom depends both on financial capabilities and tastes, personal preferences, expectations, and aspirations. With a creative, competent approach, you can make a space cozy, filled with strength, harmony, and tranquility. That quiet haven that everyone dreams of!

Color solutions

The bedroom should have an environment conducive to proper rest. Most often, a warm color scheme or a range of pastel shades is suitable to create such an environment. One of the most important selection criteria is location relative to the cardinal points. If the windows are not facing the sunny side, it is better not to use dark colors.

The best solution would be to design a room in pastel shades with a bright element. On the shadow side it is not advisable to use lemon, green, dark red or smoky shades.

In a bedroom with windows facing east or south, you should not use azure, pink, or chocolate shades, because they will look ugly during sunrise or sunset.

Children's bed

To place a baby bed in the bedroom, you need to take into account the following nuances: the bed should be directly close to yours so that there are no problems with feeding the baby at night; and if space does not allow, then any free space, but provided that the sun’s rays do not fall on the sleeping place and the wind does not blow.

Bedroom decoration

One of the important factors when choosing a finish is the height of the ceiling. The higher the ceilings, the more bold and interesting ideas you can implement. If the ceiling height does not exceed 2.5 m, it can be painted or liquid wallpaper can be used.

You can try suspended ceilings, but they will take away some of the height, since this design has a frame that protects against flooding. This type of trim is getting cheaper and cheaper every year and has a quick assembly time.

If the ceilings exceed 3 m, you can try two-level plasterboard structures with light sources that will create a certain atmosphere in the room.

There is a huge variety of finishes for wall design, which differ in relief, material or color. If we consider wallpaper finishing, there are the following types:

  • Paper.
  • Cork.
  • Liquid.
  • Metallized.
  • Non-woven.
  • Vinyl.
  • Textile.

Paper wallpaper is considered a budget option and is designed to last two to three years. It is better not to use them at your permanent place of residence.

Vinyl coatings are more durable and resistant to impacts. They contain two layers: a bottom layer of paper or fabric and a top layer of plastic. Such wallpaper can be wet cleaned and even painted.

Non-woven wallpaper consists of multi-layered cellulose fibers woven together. They will last longer than the paper version, are environmentally friendly and can visually hide small defects on the wall, that is, level it.

Textile coverings are very expensive and look great, but they are very easy to ruin with too much glue and require occasional vacuuming.

Fiberglass wallpaper is considered a durable, resistant and hardy option that can later be repainted.

Bedroom project 16 sq. m., as well as the finishing, it is impossible to imagine without a good coating. There are also various options for flooring. Among them:

  • Parquet floor.
  • Linoleum.
  • Tile.
  • Laminate.
  • Carpet.

To create a warm and comfortable coating, parquet is the best choice. This is a natural and environmentally friendly material with a large selection of colors. The only drawback is that the wood can easily be scratched.

Laminate is a material created artificially, durable and easy to clean.

Carpet is one of the most commonly used materials. One of its disadvantages is difficulty in care.

Ceramic tiles had never been used in rooms before due to their inability to retain heat. But using modern technologies, you can install heating, which will provide a warm coating at any time of the day.

Linoleum is considered one of the cheapest options. Anyone can cover a room with linoleum without having any special skills.

Important interior points

We treat every centimeter of space thoughtfully, filling it with the most necessary things. When there is surplus left, you can use various appropriate decorations.

The design of modern residential complexes does not always allow for redevelopment, demolishing unnecessary partitions, expanding space, or undertaking major renovations.

Proper management of available meters will allow you to visually expand a small room without building or breaking anything.

In the process of decorating a bedroom, we remember three things:

  • Personal tastes, desires, preferences;
  • Emotions, sensations arising in the space of the room;
  • Financial opportunities.

As a room for complete relaxation, privacy, and time together, the bedroom is designed in a style that matches expectations as much as possible. Everything about it should suit you, please you, and not cause rejection or discomfort.

In the process of creating an interior, we pay attention to the following:

We actively use finishing materials in light colors to create space and comfort.

We give preference to designs with horizontal and vertical stripes that expand and visually divide the space of the bedroom;

Let's take care of natural lighting - the maximum amount of sunlight. We regulate the flow using blinds when you want to reduce the intensity of light. We use small transparent curtains.

We carefully select and arrange furniture. Its selection is limited not only by space. We also take into account personal preferences, tastes, and desires. The presence of a double bed, chest of drawers, bedside tables, wardrobe... bulky furniture does not look good in such a room. The correct placement is important, the absence of sharp contrast with the light tones of the surrounding decor.

We are thinking about planning the bedroom space when we want to use part of it as a living room or a personal corner.

Vases, figurines, various trinkets, climbing plants, or aquarium fish are an integral part of the decor. Creating a good mood, adding a touch of charm to the interior.

Bedroom furniture

Most often, a bed, a wardrobe, and bedside tables near the bed are installed in the bedroom. You can create a bedroom of 16 square meters. m. with a dressing room, in any case, each item will have a certain meaning.

Of course, the main element in the bedroom is the bed. Everyone chooses the best parameters for themselves in terms of height, softness and appearance. If the future room is intended for teenagers, then it would be appropriate to use it in a bedroom of 16 square meters. m. bunk bed, which will save space and place other additional design items in it.

The wardrobe is selected depending on the size and shape of the future bedroom. It is better to place a corner cabinet in a square room. In a rectangular room, a regular wardrobe would look more appropriate. You can also place a bookcase in the bedroom.

Nightstands should be located near the bed, as they are designed for small items necessary for sleeping.


It is problematic to allocate space for an office in an apartment; space does not always allow it. But everyone can organize a workplace. And the bedroom is not the worst option for this. Just take into account the depth of the table; the larger the area of ​​the room, the greater the depth of the table, but not less than 50 cm.

Bedroom textiles

At the final stage, textiles are selected for the sleeping room, which should fit into the main color scheme of the room and fill it with comfort. You can focus on bright curtains that will add expressiveness to a boring environment.

In order for the curtains to fit into the overall color scheme, you need to choose a fabric color that is a little lighter or darker than everything else. A good solution would be custom-made curtains with a specific design.

It is advisable to match the bedspreads to the color of the curtains so that they are in the same range. Ideally, you can upholster small ottomans with the same material. Pillows will add comfort to the bedroom, and all together will give the space coziness.

Choosing flooring

For the floor in the bedroom you need to choose a high-quality, beautiful covering that will be pleasant to walk on barefoot. Even if your family can't afford to make expensive renovations, don't put linoleum on the floor. It looks cheap and quickly becomes unusable.

Brown and white narrow bedroom

Laminate or parquet will look impressive. The laminate can be chosen dark, light or natural wood. It does not require special care and lasts a very long time. Sometimes tiles are chosen for this room. But then the bedroom should have a “warm floor” system. If you don’t have one, consider having beautiful rugs next to the bed, closet, and sofa.

Black wall in a white and gray bedroom

Photo of a bedroom 16 sq. m.

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