How to make a sofa book with your own hands at home

It is now impossible to imagine any office, and especially residential, space without a sofa. This piece of furniture not only creates coziness, but can also serve as a sleeping place and even a place to store things.

And, of course, guests will definitely sit comfortably on it. So now it’s impossible to live without a sofa. However, first you need to choose an option that is suitable in size and method of transformation .

Thus, book sofas have been and remain very popular, as they are comfortable and extremely easy to use and, moreover, do not take up much space at all. When purchasing this option, you can order a furniture assembly service at home, but in general, if you know how to assemble a sofa book, you can do without the help of craftsmen.

How to assemble a sofa book?

Types and classifications of sofas

Under one general name “sofa” are hidden a variety of types of this furniture. And corner ones, and books, and even round ones. To understand which sofa is suitable for an apartment, it is worth understanding the classification of this type of furniture. First of all, let's look at sofas by the type of how they fold out (or transform), that is, by the type of folding structure.

Sofas come in different types of transformation

Table. Types of mechanisms.

SesameSuch a sofa can easily be turned into a full-fledged and quite spacious and comfortable bed, although only for one, and it will have a comfortable mattress resting on an orthopedic hard surface. It is perfect for decorating a nursery, a hall or another room. To unfold this version of the sofa, you first need to pull out the part hidden in its depths, and then raise the sleeping place itself. This is a proprietary development of Anderssen.
JuniorThis is an excellent option for a small room, often placed in a nursery. It looks like an ordinary sofa, but when unfolded it turns into two beds, one per person. Between the sleeping sections there is a small seating area. This sofa can be folded out very simply - you need to pull out the sleeping places using special hinges.
TangoThis sofa resembles a variation of a click-clack book and is suitable for those who want to sleep together. It’s easy to unfold – you just need to lift it up a little and then lower the top back. It turns out to be a fairly spacious place to spend the night. The sofa has armrests, they can be positioned at the desired angle and made into a headrest.
CoupeThis sofa can easily be converted into an analogue bunk bed. It is the original development of one of the furniture companies. This is an excellent option for a nursery, as well as for those who often receive guests for several days. To unfold it, you need to lift the upper part of the structure up, fix the side for the upper place, install a ladder and raise the lower sleeping place located in the depths of the bed.
AccordionThis is a classic version, which is a kind of accordion of three elements - two halves of the back and seat. By unfolding it, you can get a spacious place that can accommodate up to 3 people. When folded, it will not take up much space, but it requires a lot of free space in front of it.
American folding bedEasily foldable option. The “bed” is rolled up inside, and you just need to unroll it and you can get ready for bed. Moreover, such a place does not have any kinks or seams, which means it is very comfortable to sleep. Ideal for a guest room.
BreezeTo unfold such a piece of furniture, you need to roll out the sleeping section forward. It will not take up much space, but will provide sleeping places for two people.
New RollerOne of the simplest options. If you pull the back, a dream space rises from the depths of the sofa. There are no rough joints on it, sleeping is very comfortable and cozy.
EurosophistEasy to fold out comfortable sofa. You just need to pull out the laundry drawer and place part of the seat on top of it. The furniture takes up little space, and the joint between the halves of the sofa is almost invisible.
TransformerSuch sofas can be hidden for the day when they are not needed in a closet or table. And only at night take them out again and turn them into a sleeping place.

Sofa book

There are also book sofas, which are one of the most popular models. But they will be discussed below in a separate chapter.

Also, sofas can be divided into several types according to the type of design.

  1. Straight - a sofa with a flat seat and a flat back. Can be folded out. It is this type that book sofas belong to.
  2. Chair-bed. Compact and take up very little space when folded. Designed for one person's sleep.

    Armchair beds

  3. Angular. For a long time, such sofas were very fashionable. But they take up quite a lot of space. They have an angular shape and can be converted into a bed by folding out or pulling out the straight part of the sofa.

    Corner sofa book

  4. Couch . A small-sized sofa that can easily be converted into a bed for one person just by moving the seat and lifting the lower part.
  5. Roll-out . This sofa unfolds by rolling part of it forward or to the side.
  6. Unfolding . To unfold such a sofa, part of it needs to be unfolded.
  7. Folding - a sofa that can be unfolded and turned into a place to sleep 1-2 people.

Sofa “Book-Finka”

Disassembled? We transport!

Once your sofa has been disassembled into its component parts, there is no need to rush to load it into the car. Firstly, you risk staining or damaging the upholstery, and secondly, wooden elements may lose their presentation even at the loading stage. To prevent this from happening, the sofa must be carefully packed. Take a few rules into account.

  • For packaging you will need cardboard, plastic film, bubble wrap and tape.
  • All elements are packaged individually: hard corners and edges are padded with cardboard, soft parts are wrapped in several layers of film.
  • Each layer of packaging must be secured with tape.
  • With the right approach, a well-packed sofa will not get dirty, wet, or scratched during a move.
  • Don’t forget to put all the fasteners in a separate container with a lid. Then it will be easier to put the furniture back together without wasting time looking for lost fasteners.

A little about book sofas

This is perhaps the most familiar version of the sofa to many, which could be seen back in Soviet times in almost every apartment. When folded, it takes up very little space and is usually placed along the wall, and when unfolded, it turns into a comfortable and cozy place to sleep, where two people can sleep at once. At the bottom of the sofa there is usually a convenient and spacious drawer for linen, and bedding can be put away in it for the day when they are not needed, as well as storing various things there. During the day, the sofa can not be folded out and can be used as a place for one person to rest - its length is quite enough to sit comfortably and stretch out your legs.

This design has a number of advantages

On a note! Book sofas come with or without armrests. Those that do not have these design details usually take up less space.

This sofa design has many advantages:

  • easy to assemble and disassemble;
  • small size;
  • durable option;
  • you can buy covers and capes and preserve the upholstery, protecting it from dirt;
  • has a drawer for linen;
  • comfortable for sleeping;
  • It's inexpensive.

How to choose the right sofa book?
But this version of the sofa is not without its drawbacks. You also need to know them in order to make the right choice. Disadvantages of book sofas:

  • the structure needs to be moved somewhat away from the wall in order to unfold it;
  • a weak person or child may not be able to handle unfolding - it may be too difficult. But a lot depends on the model;
  • frame parts can be felt in the middle of the bed;
  • the transformation mechanism must be regularly lubricated with oil so that it does not creak and functions correctly;
  • There are poorly made models whose transformation mechanism quickly fails.

Give preference to quality models

In any case, everyone will have to decide which sofa to buy on their own. But books were and remain one of the most practical variations.


This sofa transformation mechanism is similar to the Eurobook. Their main difference is the fact that the “Pantograph” does not have a roller system. It opens using a hinged mechanism. For this reason, it does not damage the floor covering. The sofa folding mechanism “Pantograph” is also called “Tick-tock”.

Sofa with pantograph transformation mechanism


According to the general principle, the opening of a sofa of this type is similar to the “Eurobook”. To extend the seat, you need to pull it up, and then forward. Its movement resembles an arc. When extended, the sofa seat will be at the same height as it was in the folded position. This action opens access to a drawer where you can put bed linen.

Mechanism for transforming sofas “pantograph”

Now all that remains is to lower the backrest. To do this, you need to press on it from the back until it covers the resulting niche. When opened, the “Pantograph” sofa is comfortable for a person to lie on and even sleep.

Advantages and disadvantages

The list of advantages of this type of sofa is similar to the Eurobook variation: ergonomics, ease of opening, the presence of a drawer for bed linen, no need for maintenance and compactness when folded. But one new thing is being added to them. This is the fact that when opened, the “Pantograph” moves not along the floor, but through the air. For this reason, the coating is not scratched in any way.

The “pantograph” transformation mechanism does not scratch the floor surface

But this fact also adds a disadvantage associated with less reliability. The suspended structure receives a large load. This means the roller system will last less. Plus, sofas with the Pantograph mechanism are not the cheapest.

Other book variations

The classic version of the book sofa is described above, but now there are more advanced models on sale. This is a click-clack and a Eurobook.

The click-klyak is an almost traditional book, but has the ability to be installed reclining. However, its transformation mechanism is very unreliable. It unfolds in the same way as a regular book. There are no joints or height differences in the sleeping area.

Sofa click-clack

The Eurobook has a roll-out part. That is, to unfold it, you need to move the seat forward and then lower the backrest down. A simple option that folds out easily and has such a simple mechanism that it is extremely difficult to disable it. It is considered very reliable and durable, usually lasting longer than an ordinary classic book. Even a child can lay it out.

Eurobook sofa

Preparation at work

Each sofa model has its own disassembly techniques and transformation mechanisms. Consequently, the set of tools that will be required when disassembling structural elements for their further loading and transportation may be different. If you do not know what is inside your furniture, it is recommended to stock up on the following tools:

  • open-end wrenches for 10, 12 and 14;
  • pliers and long-nose pliers;
  • straight and Phillips screwdrivers;
  • a screwdriver with various polyhedral bits.

Selection and use

When choosing a sofa, you need to pay attention to several aspects:

  • ease of use and folding;
  • the dimensions of the furniture, and it is important to take into account the parameters of the people who will sleep on it;
  • color spectrum;
  • price;
  • the presence of the necessary additional structural elements - drawers, armrests, etc.;
  • product quality.

Assembling a sofa book

Important! It is worth choosing furniture only from good manufacturers so that it is of high quality and lasts a long time. This is especially true for variations of a classic book. Cheap sofas usually do not have high quality mechanisms and break down quickly.

To keep the sofa book clean, you can purchase special covers or capes that cover it. Fortunately, stores sell a variety of bedspreads specifically for such models. It is also better to immediately place the sofa so that access to its side is convenient, otherwise it will be impossible to unfold it.

Sofa cover click-clack

It is important to know how the book mechanism works, otherwise, if you perform incorrect actions when unfolding, it can be damaged and ruined. First you need to move the backrest forward, and then raise the seat, the backrest will begin to fall. Next, you just need to lower it down, and the seat will move forward. That's it, the sofa is unfolded.

On a note! Some mechanisms, when unfolded, emit a characteristic click, which indicates that the mechanism structure is seated correctly.

Diagram of the book transformation mechanism (klya-klyak)

Step-by-step instruction

To figure out how to dismantle the old-style “sofa book”, you should carefully study its structure and transformation mechanism. This sofa includes 4 basic parts: a back, a seat, a box and back support bars. Some modifications have sides with armrests. Another, more modern modification is the “Eurobook”, in which the box is intended to contain bedding.

The parsing algorithm is simple.

  1. From the inside you need to find fastenings. They are visible or disguised by upholstery material.
  2. To find the hidden fasteners, you will need to carefully unfasten the drapery, and after completing the assembly work, attach it in place using a furniture stapler.
  3. The side panels are detached first, then the seat, and only then the backrest itself.

On a note! For Euro versions, you will need to unscrew the backrest together with the seat, since they are located on the same support.

Repair of the mechanism for folding out the sofa-book is given below.

How to assemble a sofa book?

Many people, when purchasing a sofa, do not want to take the furniture “from the display case”, but prefer to order a new one from the warehouse. In this case, the sofa may arrive completely disassembled, and you will have to assemble it yourself. In order to save money, buyers can refuse the services of furniture assemblers and do the assembly themselves. Some sofas are easy to assemble, but with a book it will be a little more difficult. But if you have instructions, this procedure will not raise any unnecessary questions.

On a note! You don't need many tools to assemble the book yourself. It is enough to have screwdrivers, a screwdriver and the instructions themselves on hand. Sometimes you may also need wrenches, a wrench and an adjustable wrench. It is better to invite an assistant to help, since collecting a book alone is quite inconvenient.

Scheme for disassembling and assembling a sofa book
Let's look at how to assemble a sofa book (bed) from one of the furniture factories. It is worth remembering that the designs of different manufacturers in the assembly may differ in small details, but in general the mechanisms are still the same.

Step 1. First of all, you need to unpack all the elements of the sofa from the packaging. This must be done carefully so as not to spoil the materials from which the furniture is made. When unpacking the elements, it is worth inspecting each of them for defects and checking the contents in accordance with the instructions.

Unpacking the sofa elements

Step 2. Assembly must begin with the box with the mechanism itself. It is necessary to remove the restraining clamps from metal products. Next, you need to use screws, washers and nuts to install the crossbars on the racks of the transformation mechanism.

Assembly begins with the mechanisms themselves

Installing the crossbar on the racks

Step 3. The sofa backrest lifting mechanisms themselves need to be secured to the inside of the side posts. The mechanism platform should be on top. Fixation is carried out with bolts using washers and nuts.

Fastening the lifting mechanisms

Bolts with washers and nuts are used for fixation

Step 4. Next, you need to install the sofa frames on the platforms of the mechanism. First, the one that will serve as a seat is installed.

Frame installation

Frame installation process

Step 5. Then you need to install the second frame on the second platform of the mechanism.

The second frame is installed on the second platform of the mechanism

Step 6. Once the frames and mechanisms have been assembled, you need to make sure that the sofa folds and unfolds normally.

Checking the functionality of the structure

Step 7. After this, you need to unfold the sofa and place a mattress on it, which serves as seat cushions and a sleeping place.

Placing a mattress on a sofa

Step 8. Next, on the back side of the sofa frame, you need to fix the mattress using specially provided clamps, securing them to the frame.

Special retainer shown

Step 9. Then you just need to put on the cover that comes with the kit, secure it to the frames with special tapes and that’s it, the assembly is complete.

The cover is put on

Assembled sofa book

Note that now it’s quite easy to assemble a sofa even on your own. But the old Soviet sofas were very massive and heavy, and it was very difficult to assemble them precisely because of the large weight of the parts.

Sofa bed assembly diagram

Video – DIY sofa book

What do you need to have for assembly?

Assembling a modern Eurobook sofa will not take much time if you prepare all the necessary tools in advance. It’s not a fact that you will need everything, but assembly schemes are different and therefore it is better to play it safe in advance and keep it on hand:

  • scotch;
  • construction stapler;
  • adjustable wrench or wrench;
  • screwdriver

There are many different videos on the Internet, as well as assembly diagrams that help you see the process live. Also, we all know that upholstered furniture is quite massive, so it is better not to start the process of assembling the mechanism alone, since in this case the help of a partner is practically necessary.

How to collect a Eurobook?

Another popular variation of sofas is the Eurobook. It is very similar to a regular book, but this option is easy to assemble and disassemble, as well as reliable. Let's see how to assemble such furniture yourself.

Step 1. First of all, the sofa delivered to your home needs to be unpacked, freed from film and cardboard. It is important to inspect its elements and make sure that everything is intact and has no defects or damage.

Unpacking the sofa

Step 2. Next, you need to move the sofa seat forward - inside you will find a box in which all the other small parts of the structure lie.

The seat moves

Step 3. Now you need to install the armrests. First you need to decide which side is the inner side. In this case, it has a protrusion. The armrest must be installed in its intended place and secured with a bolt through a pre-made hole. First, you need to tighten the bolt with your fingers and then tighten it with a wrench.

The armrest is screwed on

One armrest installed

Step 4. Then you can install the backrest. It must be installed on an open box so that the hinges screwed to it are at the bottom. Now you need to screw the hinges to the box using self-tapping screws and a screwdriver. The lower screws are tightened first, and then the upper ones.

Installing a sofa back

The hinges are screwed on with self-tapping screws

Step 5. It remains to make sure that the sofa is functioning correctly and all its mechanisms are working.

At the end, the functionality of the sofa mechanisms is checked

Required Tools

If you have a leather sofa at home, you can learn how to disassemble it from specialized literature or video instructions posted in the public domain. The structural elements of the product are connected to each other using various fasteners. Their number and variety are determined by the characteristics of a particular model. As a rule, in factory production the following are used:

  • bolts;
  • nuts;
  • screws;
  • screws;
  • Euroscrews (with threads, like self-tapping screws).

In Russia, corners and dowels are most often used. To dismantle most domestically produced models, it is enough to have a simple open-end wrench . Its diameter may vary depending on the dimensions of the product (10, 12, 14). You should also stock up on a corner wrench in advance.

To give the product an aesthetic appearance, many upholstered furniture manufacturers deliberately hide fasteners under the upholstery. When working with such sofas, the craftsman will definitely need pliers and a flat-head screwdriver to pry the staples and pull out the nails. You can also use a regular nail puller.

Before you begin disassembling the product, you should prepare several containers for fasteners in advance: put nuts in one, bolts in another, and screws in a third. Large round tins of tea or biscuits work well for this.

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