How to repair a sofa spring block at home with your own hands

How to fix or replace broken springs in a sofa?

If the springs have even broken through the sofa upholstery, it means it is very old or the children used it instead of a trampoline. If you did not plan to replace it with a new one, then you can repair it, replace several broken spring blocks and sofa upholstery.

First, remove the cover and upholstery of the sofa, to do this, carefully remove all the staples. You will find foam rubber under the fabric; it must also be removed along with the felt. Now visually examine all the spring blocks, and they consist of several small springs and long connecting ones. Select those that are damaged, burst, or ruptured. To replace old springs, you need new ones, where can you get them? You can buy a new spring block and disassemble it into elements yourself. It is important that they fit in size; long springs come in sizes 100 mm, 120 mm. The fastest replacement option is to cut the old spring with pliers and carefully unscrew it. Put a new one in its place and tie it securely with a strong rope and nearby springs.

If all the spring blocks are intact, and only in places where they often sit, they have sagged a lot, the springs can be stretched with pliers and, if possible, the stiffness of the springs can be increased. To do this, you need new pieces of foam rubber (do not use old foam rubber, it is no longer so elastic), with which you need to tightly stuff the spring block.

After repairing the springs, preferably instead of the old batting and foam rubber, cover the top with dense material and, evenly stretching, secure with staples to the base of the sofa. Then it’s time for foam rubber and upholstery fabric, which can be nailed down with nails, or it will work better and neatly if you use staples, but for this you need a stapler.

Over time, any furniture loses its original properties, and the question of replacing it with something else becomes acute. Good quality furniture is quite expensive, but the old module has a strong base, and the model fits the interior.

Then DIY sofa repair becomes popular and a more economical option to get an updated piece of furniture. You can use the services of professional craftsmen or arm yourself with tools and materials and carry out all the work yourself.

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Repair of the “sofa book” mechanism

Before starting repairs, you need to determine the extent and cause of the breakdown. As a rule, it is mainly the rivets of the guide strip that are bolted to the sofa frame that break here. They fly out completely or wear appears, leading to an increase in gaps.

For work we will need tools:

  1. Drill or screwdriver
  2. Rivets
  3. Hammer
  4. Anvil or any other massive stand

It is necessary to firmly fix the mechanism on the table surface, for example, using clamps. Using a drill, we drill out the broken rivet, starting with a small drill and gradually moving to the desired size.

To select the required drill diameter, the size of the rivet and its thickness, we measure it with a caliper. We insert it into the hole, with the cap down, and the part that will be riveted should face up.

If it is not possible to repair the mechanism using rivets, the bar can be secured using a bolt and nut.

Sofa damage: the most common problems

Of course, it is always easier to buy a new product than to repair an old one. However, in case of some problems, it is still possible to restore the structure. We will look at the most common types of damage to sofas (they also apply to other upholstered furniture):

  • the fabric has lost its appearance (this is a common problem if small children or pets live in the apartment) - in this situation, only replacement of the upholstery will be required;
  • there are dips in the seats - such damage occurs as a result of wear of the foam rubber and other components of the soft part, and here these components will need to be replaced, and in some situations, repair or even replacement of the spring unit is required (at the same time, when the upholstery fabric itself has a normal appearance, then you can leave it);
  • damage in the lower part of the seat - sometimes it happens that springs make a hole in parts of the sofa frame, and in such a situation you will have to replace parts of the plywood after disassembling the furniture;
  • cracks in the longitudinal and transverse bars of the frame are the most difficult and unpleasant problem, due to which it will be necessary to completely disassemble the structure and replace these bars.

Over time, even the most expensive upholstered furniture may require repairs

Of course, after disassembly, it is necessary to carefully assess the damage and calculate the cost of repairing the sofa. They should be no more than 50% of the cost of a new product, because in other cases it will simply not be profitable to restore it.

What is the structure of the sofa made of?

Before you begin the repair, you need to familiarize yourself with the elements that make up the design of the sofa:

Why might they burst or come out?

A breakdown can be detected when a characteristic squeak occurs or the spring block sags when pressed. The problem arises both due to the displacement of the elements of the sofa structure, and when some of them fail.

Reasons why springs may burst:

  • choosing an unsuitable spring block under different operating conditions of the sofa;
  • cheap, low-quality models that become deformed and shift;
  • drying out of elements, formation of cracks as a result of prolonged use;
  • decrease in the elasticity of the wood substrate under the influence of moisture or sunlight;
  • improper care, deformation when rearranged, expiration date;
  • insufficient rigidity of the spring block, leading to uneven load on the elements.

Sewing covers

Let's start cutting and sewing a cover for the sofa. In order to make the task easier, you can use the old cut, having first measured all the sewing details.

  • We remove the old fabric from the sofa. We carefully sew the seams into individual parts using a special steaming device. If there is such an opportunity, time and desire, then each part can be ironed well to maintain its original dimensions.
  • After ironing, it is advisable to number the parts so as not to get confused in the future. We lay out everything we got on a new piece of fabric.
  • You need to try to arrange them so as to “fit” into a width of 1 m 40 cm - this is the standard width. Pay attention to how the fabric fibers run. Longitudinal ones can be used on the seat and back, and transverse ones are best used on the sides.

Difficulty may arise if the fabric has a pattern. It is necessary to extremely accurately calculate the moments of joining, for example, strips, in order to avoid unnecessary consumption. The direction of the pile is also taken into account, this is especially visible on velor fabric.

Always buy fabric with a reserve. Take at least 100 mm of extra length and width!

When all the parts have been cut out, the frame has been previously repaired, the springs have been changed, new batting is in place, only then can you begin to adjust the fabric cover.

All seams are basted by hand. Marking needles can be used for fixation. Where the fabric sags, you don’t need to cut it right away, measure everything to the end and only then can you cut and sew it up.

If the job involves a sewing machine, set it for the appropriate fabric. Check the quality of the seam on a separate piece. Where there will be allowances, make small cuts, especially in those places where the fabric runs at a right angle or along an arched line.

When the cover is sewn, you can try it on.

How to fix a sofa

First of all, it is necessary to determine the location and extent of the damage. To do this, you need to look at the root of the problem. Pull the sofa to the center of the room and look inside. Perhaps the breakdown is hidden inside.

Often in such cases, the frame bar breaks or the filling in the pillows is pressed through. If the sofa has a spring base, this may be the problem, but do not despair.

Once we have identified the problem, we move on to repairs.

How to replace the filling of sofa cushions

There is nothing easier to repair a sofa than replacing the filling.

And sometimes you don’t need to change it completely; simply adding filler inside the pillow can save you. This happens if the pillows have been washed several times. During washing, the filler clumps or simply becomes softer. This gives the feeling of the sofa sagging.

Fixing the pillows will not be a problem. We carry out the work in this sequence.

  • Carefully open the seam on the side of the pillow.
  • Add filling, being careful not to overfill, otherwise the pillows will become hard and uncomfortable.
  • If necessary, replace the filler completely.
  • Don't forget to sew the seam carefully.

Important! Try to use the same filling that was used in the pillows.

If the casing becomes worn, it must be replaced. Choose a color similar to the original, or use a contrasting combination.

How to repair a spring block

Sometimes it happens that, in addition to squashed pillows, springs break.

In this case, it is necessary to remove the casing without damaging it, unless it is worn out and requires replacement.

After this, you need to find the broken springs, carefully remove them and replace them.

Furniture springs can be found in hardware stores, or you can use an old mattress that has become unusable.

In some cases, the springs are simply compressed, and their repair consists of re-tensioning the spring.

After replacing the spring, make sure to secure it correctly, otherwise you risk getting an injection when using the furniture.

If the trim does not need replacing, simply put it back on and secure it with a furniture stapler.

Advice! To avoid injury, use pliers to replace the spring.

How to fix a frame

If, after looking inside the sofa, you find that a part of the frame is broken, do not panic. Any damage can be repaired with your own hands.

To replace a broken frame part, make the same one from the required material. Disconnect the broken part, if necessary, replace the fasteners; sometimes moisture causes the fasteners to rust.

Advice! Do not use raw material. During the drying process, it will lead, after which another repair may be required.

Install the new part. Carefully inspect the entire frame; there may be cracks in other parts. Therefore, they also need to be replaced.

Repair failed sofa. Greetings to all. We bought a sofa a little over a year ago from MnogoMebel. I was attracted by the modern design, size and price of just over 20 thousand.

Everything was fine until recently, when we noticed the seat sagging on one edge of the retractable part. We looked up the contract and found a clause stating that for warranty repairs it needs to be taken all the way to the Saratov region to the address of the manufacturing factory. It's a bit far from the Tula region, it's easier to get a new sofa. This option disappeared by itself. And then my wife and child left for two weeks and I decided to try to repair this miracle myself.

We have such a sofa, only a different color and a different upholstery material: a spring was just sticking out from the outside and it was noticeable that the bottom crossbar was broken. after opening it turned out that the cause of the breakdown was not excessive uneven load, but design features. In the working position of the sofa, the plywood plank rests on a plank made of coarse chipboard through four bars and in one of the corners it is extended with a piece of plywood and fastened with staples, and with this piece it rests on the block. Consequently, over time or with a little stronger pressure on the joint, the fasteners fly out and break, and so the fragile bottom bar and the sofa cushion fall through. I understand that this was done on purpose, because... on the other side the same thing was done. I took a larger photo so that the poor quality of the material could be seen.

Plywood would be much stronger in this place. I found suitable bars and secured the surviving connection. I didn't bother replacing the broken strip, because... was limited in time. I took furniture corners and screwed them on the inside; they won’t be particularly noticeable, because... half will be hidden under the skin. It all took a total of 6-8 hours and 200-250 rubles for consumables (bars, screws, corners, etc.). My wife is happy)) Well, something like that. League of Handjobs.

Best on top First on top Current on top. . YES, stop supporting this crap with rubles, people. Well, don't buy this!

Also for 20k+. Kick. So write alternatives so that you know where this is not sold and by whom it is not manufactured at reasonable prices =) what saved my situation was that the sofa was without mechanical parts and mechanisms. Much easier to disassemble and assemble.

Tags: sofa, failed, renovation, a little more

Preparing for work

For quality repairs, you need to carefully prepare in advance.

You should have new elements available to replace those that have failed and all the tools that will be needed for the job.

We decide on the springs located inside the sofa and buy them in any convenient place (store, market or online).

Main types of spring elements




Easy to manufacture, long service life, low price.

Over time, they sag, lose elasticity, and are used mainly on sleeping models.

Bonnell spring dependent base

Affordable price, fairly high quality workmanship, good quality and convenience.

After prolonged use, it may begin to make extraneous sounds; if even one spring breaks, a complete replacement of the unit is required.

Block of independent springs

Each spiral is attached independently of the others, which ensures ease of repair and a high level of comfort when unfolded and folded.

Do-it-yourself repairs will save a significant amount for the family budget, since you will not need to pay for the services of a master. Once you have decided on the springs, you should prepare the tool.

To eliminate sofa defects at home, we will need the following tools:

  • Screwdriver Set;
  • wrench or adjustable wrench;
  • pliers or wire cutters for removing fastening staples;
  • a stationery knife or scissors to cut the lining material;
  • tape measure for measurements;
  • stapler, preferably a construction stapler, for securing upholstery fabric after completion of work.

The final stage of preparation is the acquisition of a base for springs and foam rubber. Spring blocks are attached to plywood; it is best to use material at least 8 mm thick.

The filler should be purchased in the required thickness, which is determined after measuring the height of the base and springs, but if the required size is not available, you can buy a thinner one and lay it in several layers.

Types of spring systems

There are 4 types of springs that are used in sofas. Most of them are laid on a wood base, then covered with a layer of felt or foam rubber. Insulated systems with increased durability are also manufactured.

Main types:

  • Bonnell. It is durable and reliable. It is made of high-carbon steel in the shape of glasses with two cones at the base. Placed on a plywood or MDF base. Service life is at least 10 years. The price is low, as are the orthopedic properties.
  • Snake. They are fixed on a substrate made of MDF or wood with fasteners, then covered with foam rubber or felt. They are used primarily for the backrest when forming weak shock absorption. They are not resistant to regular mechanical loads, so they are not recommended for sleeping places and the base of a sofa.
  • Independent. The springs are placed in a separate case, which ensures long-term operation and increased orthopedic characteristics. Mainly used in accordions and books. The more independent elements in a structure, the more reliable it is. Optimal, but expensive option.
  • Multipack. A spring system with elements placed in textile covers that are connected to each other. Violation of the integrity of one spring does not reduce the performance of the entire structure. Durable if there are at least 400 elements. High price.

Common breakdowns

Spring failures can be caused by:

  • factory defects, which appear after a short period of operation;
  • intensive use of the sofa, in this case the entire block or part of it is replaced.

Repairs will be required when the level of rigidity is not satisfactory to the owner. If the model is quite expensive, it makes sense to replace the spring unit in the sofa instead of buying new furniture.

Breakage of springs, as a rule, leads to damage to the appearance of cushions and seats. Steel parts with sharp edges easily damage the gasket material and sheathing, which must be restored or replaced.

Types of breakdowns:

  • mechanical - the steel of the spring breaks;
  • separation of individual parts in bonnell type springs;
  • deformation of individual parts.

Change spring blocks in the following cases:

  • failure of several elastic elements, since this indirectly indicates that other parts will soon break;
  • the block has lost elasticity in several places.

Most other problems can be fixed at home.

Changing foam features

Foam rubber in a sofa will be replaced if the filling has lost its elasticity and firmness, has crumbled or torn from the inside due to broken springs.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Purchase a filler 35-40 cm thick. High-quality foam rubber, when pressed, slowly acquires its original shape and is filled with small bubbles.
  2. Carefully remove the upholstery so as not to damage it. To do this, unscrew the bolts and screws. At the place where the staple is attached, use an anti-staple gun or a flat-head screwdriver.
  3. Remove old filling. Based on it, parts are cut out from the purchased material.
  4. Install foam rubber. To prevent its movement in places of contact with the frame, apply a layer of furniture glue.
  5. After the foam rubber has been replaced and the glue has dried, return the upholstery to its place, nailing it around the perimeter with a stapler and staples.

Restoration methods

Restoration of a Soviet sofa - new life for old furniture

Conventionally, the sofa can be divided into four parts. This is a wooden base made of solid wood and chipboard, steel springs and a folding mechanism, filling (foam rubber or batting) and upholstery (fabric, leather, leatherette), decorative elements (wooden overlays, buttons).

The process of reupholstering a soft sofa step by step

There are several ways to restore a sofa with your own hands, depending on the complexity:

  • minor repairs to upholstery and decor;
  • complete replacement of upholstery (reupholstery);
  • replacement of upholstery and filling;
  • replacement of upholstery, filling, repair of mechanisms;
  • complete repair of all parts.

Repair of the spring mechanism, replacement of the filling and upholstery of the sofa-couch

You should not get down to business if we are talking about antiques, or if the old sofa has complex structural elements. It is also better to entrust work with capricious materials, such as leather, to professionals, or change the material to fabric.

Transformation of a leather sofa after restoration by specialists

Upholstery replacement

If the upholstery has lost its aesthetic appearance: faded or dirty so that it cannot be cleaned, torn, etc., you can sew a cover and cover the sofa so that no one sees it, or you can reupholster the product with another material.

Various upholstery fabrics are used, you can use leather or a substitute. Regardless of the material, the process follows the same scenario:

  • The old sofa is disassembled into its component parts (back, seat, armrests, frame).
  • The upholstery and filling are removed and later used as a pattern.
  • If necessary, the sofa should be repaired: tighten fasteners, lubricate moving elements, install additional reinforcing structures.
  • If the foam rubber has not lost its properties, return it to its place, having previously covered the wooden parts with a thin layer of adhesive.
  • Pre-prepared pieces of upholstery are laid on a flat surface. The part is placed on top of it. The material is fastened around the perimeter with a construction stapler, making sure that the staples fit tightly to the end.
  • When nailing the fabric onto the sofa, it needs to be slightly stretched and leveled so that folds do not form and the surface becomes slightly stretched.
  • It is better to fold the part of the fabric where the staples are driven in in half, bringing the edges under the bottom, thereby eliminating the knocking out of the threads and strengthening the seam.

All furniture elements are reupholstered one by one, and then they are assembled in the reverse order: back, seat and armrests.

Greetings to all. We bought a sofa a little over a year ago from MnogoMebel. I was attracted by the modern design, size and price of just over 20 thousand. Everything was fine until recently, when we noticed the seat sagging on one edge of the retractable part. We looked up the contract and found a clause stating that for warranty repairs it needs to be taken all the way to the Saratov region to the address of the manufacturing factory. It's a bit far from the Tula region, it's easier to get a new sofa. This option disappeared by itself. And then my wife and child left for two weeks and I decided to try to repair this miracle myself.

We have such a sofa, only a different color and a different upholstery material:

there was just a spring sticking out from the outside and it was noticeable that the bottom crossbar was broken

after opening it turned out that the cause of the breakdown was not excessive uneven load, but design features. In the working position of the sofa, the plywood plank rests on a plank made of coarse chipboard through four bars and in one of the corners it is extended with a piece of plywood and fastened with staples, and with this piece it rests on the block. Consequently, over time or with a little stronger pressure on the joint, the fasteners fly out and break, and so the fragile bottom bar and the sofa cushion fall through. I understand that this was done on purpose, because... on the other side the same thing was done.

Possible breakdowns and defects

Restoring upholstered furniture begins with clarifying the causes of the malfunction:

  • when purchasing a new furniture, you may encounter a manufacturing defect (for example, a burst frame, poor-quality stitching threads, torn stitching and divergent seams, a poorly functioning transformation mechanism);
  • defects in upholstered furniture may occur due to improper transportation;
  • used items may break due to the fault of the owners (for example, jamming of the mechanism due to storing the sofa in a room with high humidity, exceeding the permissible loads, wear of the upholstery);
  • structural elements may be susceptible to the negative effects of domestic animals or parasitic insects (for example, termites).

The decision to repair upholstered furniture with your own hands is made depending on the cause and nature of the damage. If the amount of work is significant, a private master or a specialist from the manufacturing company is invited. Light and non-labor-intensive work can be done independently.

Manufacturing defects

Damage due to careless transportation

Wear of the casing during intensive use


The frame of the sofa is usually made of wooden blocks. If there are complaints about the stability and reliability of the body or armrests, the load-bearing elements most likely need to be replaced. The armrests are subject to restoration; it is better to replace the legs with new ones. Repair is also required if there are visible defects, when creaking is heard, the structure is loose, there are subsidence or shrinkage.

When working with a frame, it is advisable to completely replace broken elements with new parts.

Furniture grinders often appear in upholstered furniture. When the cause of the failure is hidden in the loss of strength due to insects, special treatment with chemicals is necessary. Only after the elimination of the “uninvited residents” can restoration activities begin.

When working at home to repair upholstered furniture, you can organize the correction of defects in the wooden frame yourself. To do this, you will need a tool for working with wood and special furniture glue. Screws are useful for fixing parts.

In addition to wooden elements, parts of the frame suitable for repair include armor and rubber-fabric belts. They also hold the structure and are responsible for maintaining the shape under load. They are made from wood-polymer composite or fabric materials. Frames made of other materials (metal, plastic) require specific equipment for operation.

Stages of superficial and complete restoration of old furniture with your own hands

Transformation mechanism

The frequency of breakdowns of the transformation device directly depends on its cost. For new furniture, the mechanism elements may be included in the manufacturer's warranty. The most common malfunctions include:

  • distortion of the structure due to damage to the frame (in this case, you need to pay attention to the cause of the defect);
  • curvature of loops;
  • insufficient space between moving and stationary elements;
  • hinge-lock malfunction;
  • curvature of load-bearing elements due to excessive loads.

Before repairing upholstered furniture and its moving elements, you need to determine the type of mechanism, and also understand exactly where the problem lies:

  • French folding bed - legs, lifting system, rivets, slats are subject to breakage;
  • click-clack - rivets and springs are subject to damage, and sometimes the fastening bolts become loose;
  • withdrawable - a weak point in withdrawable rollers;
  • lifting - failure of the lifting mechanism;
  • accordion - malfunction of the internal lever, jamming, deformation of the folding lock.

Many manufacturers include the possibility of failure of the transformation mechanism in their warranty service conditions.

Sheathing and filler

Upholstery most often becomes unusable during use due to mechanical damage or the inability to clean deep layers of substances with an unpleasant odor. Reupholstery is a fairly common procedure that helps give furniture a second life. In order to refresh the upholstery, choose materials of similar colors and quality.

A set of upholstered furniture in a new color will help update the interior.

The most commonly used materials in upholstery are textiles (velor, flock and others) and leather (artificial or natural). Depending on the conditions of use, you can choose durable and dense fabric for pet owners. Repair of leather upholstered furniture is most often required due to the susceptibility of the coating to mechanical damage. If there are sharp parts in the frame, it may be necessary to replace a section of spunbond - a hypoallergenic material that is often used in cases to reduce their cost.

The pleasant springy and soft base of the furniture is made up of filler, which can also become unusable for various reasons. Materials vary in cost, strength characteristics, and appearance. In addition, the inside of the sofa can be composite and contain polymer and metal elements. The most common fillers include:

  • foam;
  • furniture polyurethane foam;
  • latex;
  • felt;
  • padding polyester;
  • holofiber;
  • synthetic fluff;
  • durafil;
  • polystyrene foam balls;
  • springs.

To make the upholstery last longer, it is recommended to use special synthetic detergents for cleaning, as well as proven home care methods. For example, a mixture of glycerin and castor oil returns shine to the skin.

How to replace or repair it yourself?

You can change the springs in the sofa or make minor repairs to the spring unit with your own hands, since available tools and a little time are enough for this:

  1. Initially, the sofa is disassembled and the cause of the breakdown is determined.
  2. Then the elements are repaired or replaced.

Required tools and materials

The choice of tools depends on the cause of the breakdown. If the metal has pierced the upholstery, it will need to be replaced. It is recommended to lay new insulating material during repairs - felt or foam rubber (how to choose and replace foam rubber?). It is better to replace the spring block completely.

Required tools:

  • construction stapler;
  • wrench;
  • pliers;
  • wire cutters;
  • flat screwdriver;
  • stationery knife;
  • strong wire or twine;
  • springs or new block;
  • construction tape.

To collect debris between metal elements, you will need a household vacuum cleaner. Stock up on staple gun staples to reattach the upholstery and padding.

How to repair a product and restore furniture?

Before repairing, you need to disassemble the sofa:

  1. Dismantling begins with the side parts and armrests, since if they are attached to the legs, a wooden beam can be placed under the frame to secure this part and remove the sagging.
  2. Then the seat is lifted and the bolts are unscrewed with a wrench.

When the side parts are dismantled, proceed to removing the back and disassembling the transformation mechanism:

  1. remove the cover and upholstery from the sofa by removing the staples with a flat-head screwdriver;
  2. remove foam rubber and felt, look for burst or deformed springs;
  3. Vacuum the spring unit to remove dust and large debris;
  4. old but not cracked ones are reinforced with wire or twine;
  5. the spring block is tied around the perimeter with cobwebs for insulation;
  6. if the twisted elements are disconnected, bite off the sharp parts with pliers and bend them;
  7. bite the broken spring with wire cutters and carefully unscrew it;
  8. install a new element, tie it with adjacent wire;
  9. for safety, the wire is twisted inside the spring block;
  10. to completely replace the spring unit, it is necessary to remove the fastening elements around the perimeter of the structure;
  11. Clean the substrate with a brush, vacuum, or use a damp soft rag;
  12. install the new block on the substrate, secure it around the perimeter with a construction stapler;
  13. install staples in increments of 5–7 cm, cover problem areas in the substrate with foam rubber;
  14. Place a foam rubber or holofiber bedding on the installed block;
  15. if replacement of the filler is not required, then simply return it to its place;
  16. cover it with cleaned upholstery, secure the fabric with staples;
  17. return the side elements and backrest to their place, installing the mounting bolts with a wrench.

To determine the dimensions of the spring unit for replacement, measure the perimeter of the substrate with a construction tape (width and length). The space between the springs can be insulated with foam rubber - this will ensure uniform distribution of the load on the elements. Broken springs can be tied with thick wire in the cracked area, but over time it may come apart.

If 2-3 springs fail, then replacing the spring block completely is irrational. It is enough to dismantle the problematic element and replace it with a new one. It is fastened to adjacent parts using a strap made of thick wire or twine. If most of the elements have failed, then a complete replacement of the system is recommended. Otherwise, the rest are unlikely to last long.

Tips for choosing

The correct choice of a spring block is the key to long-term use of furniture and comfortable rest. When purchasing upholstered furniture, you must consider the following basic parameters:

  • diameter of the wound circle;
  • thickness of metal elements;
  • height;
  • number of bends in 1 m2.

We should not forget about the general parameters:

  • level of resistance to loads;
  • period of operation;
  • orthopedic indicators;
  • air exchange intensity;
  • level of elasticity and rigidity.

All spirals must be packed in a special non-woven material, and to create structural integrity, all parts are united by a metal frame. To fill the gaps, it is permissible to use latex, coconut coir, memorix, horsehair, and felt.

The following points must also be taken into account:

  • purpose of the structure;
  • transformation type;
  • the need for an orthopedic effect;
  • quality of internal filler;
  • adequacy of the price range.

You should purchase any interior item only from large retail chains that sell quality goods from well-known manufacturers. It is mandatory to have all quality certificates and permits, which is a guarantee of the safety and durability of upholstered furniture.


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