How to repair a spring mattress at home

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A mattress is a soft bed base that can be with or without a frame. It comes in several types, but in everyday life, only two are most often used - spring and stuffed. In our article we will talk specifically about spring types, which, in turn, are divided into two types.

  • With a continuous weave of springs called Bonnell
  • With independent blocks of springs, which are considered orthopedic

The first type is more common. It is inexpensive, so it is very popular. The second type has greater capabilities, but is also more expensive. In any case, the subject of discussion consists of a spring block or shock-absorbing parts, a hard layer, a cover and a filler. The latter can be both soft and hard. As for the covering, it is better that it be made of natural fabric.

Repairing spring mattresses with your own hands at home

Every person needs sleep in the process of life. Health and capacity directly depend on the quality of rest. Most people pay special attention to choosing the appropriate sleep equipment. In this case we are talking about mattresses.

These components provide the necessary rest for the muscles in a horizontal position. However, like any other items, sooner or later components may suffer mechanical damage. At such moments, a logical question arises: how to repair modern spring mattresses.

Devices with continuous weave springs

In this case, we are talking about a standard product, which contains a block with independent springs. Let's consider the main features of such accessories:

  1. Such an orthopedic mattress has a long service life.
  2. The load is distributed evenly across all elements.
  3. Damage to an individual spring does not lead to loss of functionality of the remaining springs.
  4. There is no standard alignment and fastening.
  5. The springs are mounted directly to the frame.
  6. Repairs do not require complete removal of the casing.
  7. Built-in elements are not very expensive.
  8. You can repair such a mattress yourself.

As a rule, restoring such a mattress with your own hands involves identifying the fault, gaining access to the problem area, removing the component and installing a new device.

Important. Despite the widespread use of such devices, they quickly lose elasticity under the constant influence of heavy load on a certain area.

Mattress with independent springs

Here we are talking about an accessory that uses separate components, the operation of which does not depend on each other. Let's look at the main characteristics of the device:

  • the presence of a large number of individual elements;
  • long service life;
  • high degree of compression of components;
  • ability to withstand heavy loads;
  • easy mattress repair if necessary;
  • simple design.

All this makes the demand for such devices quite high, but there is also a high cost of individual elements that may need to be replaced.

Important. In these devices, each independent spring has a certain load life; if it is exceeded, mechanical deformation or breakdown of the product may occur.

In what cases is repair work required?

Do-it-yourself repair of spring mattresses may be required in the following common situations:

  • damage to the rack fastenings;
  • deformation or breakage of springs;
  • rupture of the outer casing of the device;
  • mechanical resizing of built-in components;
  • failure of the outer or inner frame;
  • failure of corner fasteners.

In each individual case, the owner of the product must properly carry out diagnostics, as well as high-quality repairs, so that subsequently he no longer encounters deviations in the operation of the accessory.

Important. It is recommended to carry out a thorough visual inspection before repair, which will eliminate the possibility of missing parts that need urgent replacement.

How to seal a velor surface at home

If damage occurs on the side of the velor surface, you will have to clean the area using a cotton pad soaked in acetone, as well as the blunt side of a knife.
But when performing such manipulations, you should be careful, otherwise you can create additional holes. Then the surfaces to be joined are cleaned with sandpaper and treated with a degreasing compound. In order not to spoil the appearance of the mattress, it is better to glue it from the inside, because it is, in most cases, smooth.

Recovery instructions

In order to properly repair the accessory, it is necessary to carry out repair work in accordance with the following step-by-step algorithm:

  • All elements must first be cleaned;
  • Next, a thorough inspection of the device is performed;
  • components are checked for functionality;
  • the rack fastening is removed;
  • the spring is being knitted or replaced;
  • the device is assembled in reverse order;
  • The product is re-plated.

DIY spring mattress repair

Mattress » Mattress repair » DIY spring mattress repair

Spring mattresses can operate on independent or interconnected spring blocks. Depending on the manufacturer and the quality of the materials used during assembly, they can last from 5 to 15 years. Over time, all the mats are pressed down, forming depressions from which you need to climb out. Sleeping on them becomes uncomfortable and harmful to health.

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The relevant question is “If the mattress is squashed, what should you do with it?” In some cases, it can be repaired at home without hiring specialists for this work, and save up to 40% of its cost. This is not so difficult to do, so every man can handle it. To replace the upholstery, you need to select a fabric that is suitable in density, and repairing the spring unit will require purchasing new elements.

Sheathing of the product

The final stage of repair is reupholstering the mattress with outer upholstery. To do this, first cover the spring block with a lining. The material must be dense, for example, tarpaulin (burlap or dermantin is also suitable). So, the lining base is placed on top of the spring block and secured with it with a regular stapler.

Then take a sealant (foam rubber, padding polyester). These rollers are placed on the lining in selected places. This ensures high-quality styling. The top of the mattress product should be covered with decorative fabric, and the edges of the upholstery should be carefully tucked inward.

What are spring mattresses made of?

The frame of a mattress with dependent spring blocks can be wooden or metal. Its springs are made of hardened steel and are connected in different ways to form a single structure. Popular are the classic models with Bonnell springs, the production of which began more than 150 years ago.

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The springs of a dependent mattress are a twisted wire resembling an hourglass.

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Mattresses with an independent block are distinguished by the fact that each spring in them is enclosed in glued fabric pockets. The design evenly distributes the weight of the human body over the entire plane.

How to look for a damaged area

Identifying a hole in an air mattress at home can be difficult. After all, the puncture site may be in the most unremarkable part of the structure, which the owner does not even think about. To identify damage, one of the existing inspection methods should be used.

Sound of air escaping

First, you need to inflate the mattress as tightly as possible, and then ensure complete silence in the room. When you bring the product close to your ear, you should listen to see if any hissing sounds appear. If they are present, it means the mattress has been damaged. To determine exactly where this happened, it is important to carefully examine the entire area, as well as listen to the valve separately.

Immersion in water

The inflated mattress must be immersed in a container of water. Air bubbles will appear at the cut site, which will indicate the cause and location of the damage. When checking a surface, it is necessary to inspect it from all sides. If there is no access to open water, the procedure can be carried out in a regular bathroom. However, even 1-bed models have difficulty fitting into such tanks, and piecemeal testing may not be accurate enough.

Soapy solution

The mattress is carefully inflated and then treated with a sponge dipped in soapy water. Foam should be applied to the potential cut site. If there is a hole, bubbles will come out of it. Using this method, you can check the entire surface of the mattress. Liquid soap, shampoo or dishwashing detergent is used as the key substance for the foam solution. However, it is better to avoid washing powder, because... it consists of coarse particles that can damage the surface of the product.

Shaving foam

It is necessary to inflate the mattress tightly and treat the valve with shaving foam. If there is a puncture, bubbles will appear in the treated area. This technique is especially effective when checking valves for loss of tightness.


You can check the product using starch. The substance is scattered over the entire area, and if there is a puncture, a so-called “cloud” appears. After carrying out the above steps, the mattress needs to be vacuumed.

Cling film

The surface of the inflated mattress must be moistened with a spray bottle and then covered with cling film. At the puncture site, air will begin to collect under the film.

Liquid filling

A popular way to check a mattress for punctures is to fill it with liquid. It is necessary to pour several liters of water into the mattress, pump it up and start twisting so that the water is evenly distributed over the inner surface. Then you should inspect the mattress on both sides. If there is a puncture, a wet spot will appear on the velor surface, and liquid will appear on the smooth surface.

Tools needed for repairs

The choice of tool depends on the damage to the mattress. If you need to replace the upholstery, you will need glue and a fabric of suitable size and structure that will not tear after several months of use. If the problem is in the metal structure, you will have to buy new springs to repair the mattress.

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Materials and tools that may be needed for repairs:

  • Metal wire or elastic cord.
  • A backing that can be used with any durable and breathable fabric.
  • Wooden slats 70×20 mm.
  • Decorative cladding.
  • Nails, hammer.
  • Furniture stapler.
  • Decorative cladding.
  • Thread, needle or sewing machine.
  • Glue gun.
  • Scissors.
  • Pliers.

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Repairing or restoring a spring mattress for a bed with your own hands involves: removing the upholstery material, replacing the necessary elements, tying the springs and final covering.

Stage 1: Removing the upholstery and cleaning

Experts recommend repairing a mattress outside or in a garage, but if this is not possible, it is permissible to do it at home. The entire structure should be placed on a flat horizontal surface or several stools so that the structure can be approached from any side.

In most cases, the top decorative cover is closed with a zipper along the entire perimeter; it is easy to remove and remove the structure itself. If the outer material is stitched, it should be ripped apart; it is not necessary to cut all the seams; it is enough to separate the parts of the cover on one side. Then carefully remove the sealing and cushioning fabric that covers the springs.

In modern mattresses, the lining fabric is glued with strong glue. To remove it, carefully cut the glued seams with a sharp knife.

If the mattress has been in use for a long time, a large accumulation of dust may form in it, which should be removed with a household or car vacuum cleaner. At this stage, you should thoroughly clean all parts of the mattress. If the sealing and lining material has become unusable, it is recommended to replace it with a new one or wash it.

Repair of a mattress with independent springs

Reasons for product deformation:

  • Violations of the integrity of tissue pockets.
  • Breakage of the adhesive connection of the bags.
  • Frame deformations.
  • Separating the springs from the frame base.

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If the mattress sagged due to the fabric pockets unsticking, which formed depressions on its surface, then they need to be re-attached. To do this, you need to use a gun into which thermoplastic polymer rods are inserted. To preserve the orthopedic properties of the mattress, fabric covers need to be glued together in the center.

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If the bags are torn and springs are sticking out of them, you need to buy new ones or sew them yourself from a suitable fabric.

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If, after disassembling the mattress, you see that the springs have lost their elasticity (sagged), you can try to stretch them, but it is better to buy a new block and insert it in place of the damaged one. Each spring row must be connected to a wooden frame. If the fasteners are missing or worn out, they are replaced with plastic ties or wire. You also need to inspect the mattress frame and, if it is deformed, replace bent or cracked bars with new slats of the appropriate size.

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Glue selection

When wondering how to seal a hole in an air mattress, you need to choose the right glue. Due to the wide variety of such compositions, finding the right option can be problematic. Experts advise giving preference to rubber and universal types, as well as special glue for PVC. The key requirement for consistency is the formation of a durable, waterproof and elastic layer after processing.

Glue "Moment universal"

It is considered a popular product, which is characterized by highly reliable adhesion to almost any surface. It is used to join rubber, PVC, plastic and fabric. Before processing, the product and patches are degreased, after which the working surface is lubricated with glue and pressed for 15 minutes. The mattress can be used within a day.

Polyurethane shoe glue

This composition is widely used in the shoe industry, but can also be useful for restoring a punctured mattress. Due to its excellent properties and high quality, it firmly adheres to two surfaces, preventing further damage. Shoe glue is applied only to cleaned and dried material.

PVC glue

Many models of air mattresses are made of polyvinyl chloride, so to repair them you have to use a special PVC glue. They treat both the damage site and the patch itself. After the first layer has dried, another one is applied. After a quarter of an hour, you need to apply the patch and press it.

Glue "Super-moment"

Specialized adhesives are used for serious punctures, when it is necessary to restore the integrity of a seam or a large area of ​​the mattress. But some series may contain aggressive substances that can cause damage to the surface. Also, Super Moment glue creates a hard seam that can crumble when bent.

Natural rubber rubber adhesive

It is characterized by a natural composition and the ability to create an elastic seam without visible stains. The solution is applied in two layers, allowing each layer to dry. When gluing surfaces, it is necessary to exert considerable effort, so any weight is placed on the patch and left there for 25 hours.

Air mattress repair kit (repair kit)

Many air mattresses come with ready-made adhesive compositions. They are designed for a specific material, so they are the best option. If after several repairs the adhesive has been exhausted, it is recommended to find similar products in the store.

Other adhesives

If your home workshop does not have the necessary glue to seal the hole, you can use simple tricks. Some craftsmen take pieces of PVC and thoroughly soak them in solvent. After this treatment, the plastic stretches well and acquires a number of qualities that make it no worse than store-bought glue. As an example of such a composition, acetone and a plastic bottle are considered.

DIY orthopedic spring mattress repair

Orthopedic mattresses wear out in the same way as conventional products with independent springs. Therefore, if you want to throw away your old mat because it has sagged and it has become uncomfortable to sleep on, then you don’t need to do this.

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Use scissors to open the mattress edging tape and identify the problem. Depending on the breakdown, follow the steps described for repairing models with independent springs. If the product is springless, then you need to replace one or more worn layers; you can buy material for them in specialized stores.

How to avoid new damage

After successfully restoring a burst mattress, you must follow a number of rules for its use to avoid future damage.
First of all, it is important to carefully inspect the surface of the ground before placing the mattress on the grass, sand or floor. The presence of prickly and cutting objects is a serious threat to the product.

You cannot play on the mattress with pets, because they can damage its surface with sharp teeth or claws. Also, do not pull the mattress across the floor if there are people on it: this can lead to seams coming apart.

Many holes and damage to a mattress are not fatal. Therefore, it is not necessary to go to a workshop to fix the problem. It is enough to determine the cause of its occurrence and find a suitable recovery method.

Mattresses with continuous weave springs

Mattresses with springs tied into a block are a classic design that can be found in almost any home. The shock-absorbing elements of such models are made of high-carbon steel and are fastened together with steel wire. Their main advantage is their low price, and their main disadvantage is the lack of orthopedic properties.

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The production of mattresses is carried out in factories using semi-automatic machines. Therefore, it is impossible to buy shock-absorbing elements for them individually, unless you remove them from another mattress. But if the only problem is that a depression has formed on the product, then you can use the old method and tie the springs. This will align all shock-absorbing elements in one plane, give the product elasticity and extend its service life.

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The binding of mattress springs with continuous weaving is carried out in stages:

  1. Hammer construction staples into the wooden frame opposite each spring row.
  2. Thread the binding cord into the staples. To do this, you need to use durable synthetic twine.
  3. First stretch the cord between the springs in the transverse rows, then tie the longitudinal shock absorbers and move on to strengthening the diagonal row.
  4. Hammer all the staples with twine threaded through them.

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When tying the springs, you need to make sure that their height along the plane is the same. In sagging rows, the tension should be stronger.


The stage that requires the most effort and time. It includes several steps:

  • checking the serviceability of parts;
  • frame installation;
  • spring binding.

First, remove the cord connecting the springs and remove the nails from the frame. Then you need to inspect the springs and return them to their original position. Broken parts are thrown away and new ones are installed. To do this, the springs are nailed to the slats using nails that are bent inward. It is first recommended to make precise markings on the body of the product.

It should be taken into account that in orthopedic mattresses the individual springs are located in special bags

. And in conventional ones there are three methods of fastening:

  • using wooden slats. Sometimes it is enough to simply hammer a loose part;
  • the use of fabric straps over wooden slats;
  • fabric belts. They give the mattress orthopedic properties.

If fabric straps were used in the manufacture of the mattress, you will need to cut out the wooden slats yourself. Elastic fabric straps are attached to them. The length of the slats should correspond to the width of the mattress.

To replace the spring bag in orthopedic models, you will need an element with new springs. It is sewn in using a regular needle and strong thread.


After checking and securing the springs, the strapping process is carried out. For this purpose you will need a strong rope (diameter about 3 cm). First, take nails and drive them opposite a separate spring row. Then the nails are bent to create peculiar hooks. The cord will be wound around them.

First of all, you need to deal with tying the transverse springs. Each spring is processed separately with a cord. Then they begin to tie the elements in the longitudinal direction. For efficiency reasons, they are fastened with transverse ones.

Finally, the springs are processed diagonally. The angle with respect to the previous harnesses should be 45 degrees. At the end of this work, the nails left by the hooks are completely bent.

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