Caring for eco-leather furniture: features, nuances, tips and recommendations

Furniture made from eco-leather has excellent characteristics and costs much less than a similar option made from genuine leather.
During operation, abrasions, cracks, stains and snags may occur, which sooner or later will lead to the formation of bald spots and holes requiring expensive repairs.

If you think the only way to prevent this is to use protective covers. Then what is the point of spending money on such furniture, the beauty of which will always be hidden under the mask of bedspreads?

There are other ways to care for eco-leather furniture that will preserve its original appearance after many years of daily use.

A few important rules

Before buying eco-leather furniture, first of all think about practicality. The purchase will not be beneficial if:

  • There are animals in the house that like to sharpen their claws on the end of the wooden frame.
  • There are small children who love to draw with felt-tip pens.
  • There is a lot of traffic in the room during the day.

All this will lead to the fact that the furniture will be constantly exposed to negative influences and will quickly lose its attractive appearance. Therefore, if you have a sofa or chairs made of this material in your home, remember a few important rules:

  • Any dirt must be removed immediately using a soft damp cloth or rag - eco-leather is difficult to clean from old dirt, as the surface can easily be damaged, leaving scratches.
  • Furniture needs daily preventive cleaning - small debris accumulates in the joints and depressions, which will stick to clothes in a couple of days.
  • If the stain is old and dried, then you need to apply a damp soft cloth to it for 2-3 hours, waiting until it softens and moves away from the surface on its own without applying force.
  • It is better to install eco-leather furniture away from radiators and radiators, since they dry out the air, which will cause cracking of the coating if it is not treated with special moisturizing mixtures.
  • If there are animals in the house, then they should be weaned from sharpening their claws on the sofa. There are special products that emit an unpleasant odor, scaring the animal away from the furniture.
  • Before using a cleaning product, be sure to check whether it is suitable for eco-leather. Typically, the furniture manufacturer gives recommendations regarding care, indicating specific brands of detergents and cleaning products.

By following these rules, eco-leather furniture will last for many years, and it will look the same as after purchase.

How not to clean?

It’s paradoxical, but even the highest quality material can be ruined due to ignorance. To prevent this from happening, pay attention to the following points:

  • Do not use hard brushes to remove difficult stains. Abrasives will scratch the surface, which will later create a hole.
  • Avoid using gasoline, solvents and other aggressive compounds that can leave burn marks.
  • Do not use hot air from a hair dryer for drying. It deforms eco-leather and makes it vulnerable at the slightest tension.
  • Coarse cleaning powders, as well as salt and soda, scratch it upon contact with the surface, so you should also avoid using them in cleaning.
  • It is strictly forbidden to use bleach and other chlorine-containing products, as they destroy the structure of eco-leather and bleach the color. In addition, the material is capable of accumulating an unpleasant and pungent odor that lasts for several days.
  • Acetone and products containing it cannot be used to remove any types of stains.

Some “traditional craftsmen” advise using alcohol if there are persistent stains. This should not be done, since alcohol in its pure form can leave a burn at the site of application, which will soon cause the formation of cracks and holes.

Strict restrictions

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Reading people's reviews, I noticed that many people damaged eco-leather with their own hands because they did not know about the important warnings.

In general, the manufacturer should write about this in the instructions. And sellers are also obliged to warn buyers.

Of the most important restrictions, I would like to highlight the following:

  • Do not use brushes or similar tools for cleaning or maintenance. They leave scratches and easily damage the structure of the decorative layer;
  • If oil or greasy dirt gets on the surface, it should be removed with soap solutions. Many people take turpentine oil and even gasoline. This will destroy the upholstery;
  • Never dry washed areas after removing dirt. Drying with a hairdryer or other devices deforms the artificial turf;
  • Do not use cleaning agents in powder form. This is a strong abrasive that violates the integrity of the surface.

I honestly admit that I somehow decided to wash a stain on the carpet with white. Yes, this is not eco-leather, but I heard enough words of gratitude from my mother. Since then, I have always tried to carefully read the instructions and learn about the features of caring for different materials.

Oh yes, the carpet had to be thrown away. We bought a new one a long time ago. But we still remember this story.

Daily care

It is recommended to clean furniture once a day. No special detergents are needed for this.

You can do this in two ways:

  • Dry cleaning with a sofa vacuum cleaner - be sure to use a soft attachment on the vacuum cleaner that will not scratch the surface. Cleaning will help remove all the dust and dirt, as well as crumbs and small dirt.
  • Wet cleaning - a soft rag is moistened in warm water, completely wrung out and passed over the surface of the furniture. First, dirt is removed from the folds, after which the entire surface is wiped.

There is no need to apply any products, nor do you need to dry it. The furniture will dry on its own in 1 hour.

There are special microfiber cloths that have long pile and remove dirt well without having a negative impact on eco-leather.

Drying rules

Washed clothes should be turned right side out. All zippers and buttons on the product must be unfastened. Immediately after washing, hang the item on hangers to allow water to drain from it. After 10 minutes, the eco-leather is shaken and straightened with your hands.

After washing, it is recommended to place leatherette jackets on a terry towel and roll them up. The product should be kept in this position for 15 minutes. Then the item can be put out to dry.

Eco-leather can be dried on hangers. It is advisable to use plastic hangers for this. You can also place the item on a horizontal surface and dry it in this position. An ironing board or a special clothes dryer is suitable for this.

You don’t have to turn the artificial leather right side out, but continue to dry it on the wrong side. It is recommended to dry leatherette backpacks turned right side out .

Do not place leatherette products on heating appliances. Do not dry even near radiators. You should not dry such clothes with a hairdryer. Do not hang eco-leather in the sun to dry. It makes the thing wrinkle quickly.

Eco-leather shoes and leatherette bags are recommended to be stuffed with dry paper . It will absorb excess moisture faster. It is important to periodically change the paper filler. Items should be stored in a room that is regularly ventilated.

You will find maximum useful information about washing clothes and various fabric products here.

Fighting stains

No matter how carefully you care for your furniture, stains will appear sooner or later.

Greasy and corrosive, they spoil the appearance of any, even the most expensive furniture, and the removal of each of them has its own characteristics.

Oily stains

The faster the fat is removed from the surface of the eco-leather sofa, the easier it will be to remove the stain.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Quickly remove excess grease with a dry cloth without pressing on its surface, as the stain will penetrate deeper into the coating faster. Change the napkins until they no longer absorb grease particles.
  2. Take a drop of dish detergent, apply evenly to the stain, and leave for 3-4 minutes.
  3. Use a damp soft cloth to remove any remaining detergent in a circular motion.
  4. Let it dry.

If you are unable to remove the stain the first time, you can try this method several more times. The contamination will become noticeably lighter, after which it will be completely unnoticeable.

In the event that a greasy stain was created a long time ago, but was not noticed immediately, the following improvised means will help:

  • Ammonia and warm water - take 1 tablespoon of ammonia per glass of warm water, dilute it, blot a rag and apply it to the stain. Press down lightly and hold for 3-5 minutes.

  • Hydrogen peroxide – take a cotton pad, soak it well in peroxide and place it on the stain. Cover with a rag and place a light weight (book, overturned chair). After 5 minutes, remove the cotton pad and let the stain dry.

  • Shaving foam - apply a thick layer of foam, leave for 5 minutes, then remove any remaining residue. There is no need to wash it off.

If all this does not give the desired result, then you can buy a special stain remover for eco-leather furniture. The instructions will indicate how and in what cases to use it.

Contamination from markers and pens

Traces from a ballpoint pen are among the most difficult types of stains to remove, which hopelessly stain eco-leather furniture. It is not always possible to completely remove contamination, and old stains will remain in place forever.

If this type of contamination occurs, you can try the following methods:

  • Hair fixing varnish - spray varnish onto the ink stain, wait 2-3 minutes, remove the residue with a cotton pad. Repeat until all dirt is gone.

  • Slaked soda works well with markers and felt-tip pens. Extinguish a tablespoon of baking soda with a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar, apply the paste to the stain, and after a minute wipe off the residue.

  • Nail polish remover - lightly wet a cotton pad and clean it with gentle, gentle movements in the direction of the stain.

  • Glass cleaner - apply to the stain, let sit for 5 minutes, then use gentle blotting movements to remove any remaining dirt.

The faster the action was taken, the greater the chance of completely getting rid of the ink and felt-tip pen stain.

Wine and juice stains

If an alcoholic drink, juice or compote gets on the surface of light-colored furniture, there is every chance that a colored stain will remain. It’s not easy to fight it, but you can try the following methods:

  • Liquid soap and citric acid - dissolve ¼ teaspoon of citric acid in 50 ml of water, add a tablespoon of any liquid soap. Apply the resulting mixture to the stain and gently wipe it off with gentle movements.
  • Dishwashing detergent and ammonia - take 1 drop of ammonia for 1 tablespoon of dishwashing detergent, apply to the stain, let stand for 10 minutes, then remove the excess.

Spilled drinks must be removed from the surface as quickly as possible before they are absorbed by the coating. The older and deeper the stain, the more difficult it is to deal with.

Washing rules

Not all stains can be removed with a wet cloth. Also, many products, for example, winter jackets and demi-season coats, sundresses, sweaters and pants, are made from various materials or decorated with small inserts. In this case, many people wonder whether it is possible to wash the item in a machine.

Variety of colors

Whether washing is allowed or not is indicated on the label and nowhere else. Washing is allowed at 40 degrees, with liquid powders. Drying should be in a horizontal position. If eco-leather with foam rubber, then washing is prohibited.

Is it possible to wash eco-leather in a washing machine?

Basically, most factories indicate in the instructions permission to wash eco-leather. Some materials require only delicate care and drying.


Any surfaces in the house need periodic disinfection, which will help reduce the concentration of pathogenic microorganisms. And the eco-leather sofa is no exception. The following means can be used for this purpose.

Baby liquid soap1 time per monthDissolve a teaspoon of soap in a glass of warm water until it foams. Moisten a soft cloth in soapy water, twist it well and walk over the entire surface. The cloth should be rinsed periodically in soapy water.
Water with lemon juiceOnce every 2-3 monthsFor 1 liter of warm water you need to take 3 tablespoons of lemon juice. First, you should treat the armrests and headrests where there are visible areas of grease. Next, use a damp cloth to go over the remaining areas.
Water with ammoniaOnce every 6 months as a preventive measureYou need to dissolve 4 tablespoons of ammonia in 1 liter of warm water, moisten a soft rag and walk over the entire sofa. If there are stains, you can linger on them and treat them several times
Special antibacterial wipes for leather furnitureDaily or as neededTake the napkin out of the pack, unfold it and apply it to the recommended area. If there is a lot of furniture, then you need to use more than one napkin, but change them as they become dirty.

Disinfection should be carried out as soon as it gets dirty. If the furniture is rarely used, then once a month is enough. With high traffic, treatment is needed daily.

What is eco leather

The fabric is made of two layers, and woven fabric is used as the base. A polyurethane coating is applied on top, which is painted in the desired tone and thereby structures the canvas. A polymer is a solution consisting of a large number of organic and inorganic compounds. For example, it could be cellulose, rubber, jute.

Faux fabric sofa

The best care products

Manufacturers of high-quality eco-leather furniture insist that owners use only specially developed products that do not harm the coating, remove dirt well and protect the surface from cracking. The best of them are the following:

  • Eco mist is a spray that does not require rinsing. It removes dirt well, is non-toxic, completely safe for children and pets. Gives furniture shine and gloss. Does not contain fragrances and is safe for allergy sufferers and asthmatics.

  • Glutoclean – removes dirt and debris well and has an antistatic effect. Does not cause allergic reactions, protects leatherette from the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation and dry air.

  • Unicum – gently cleanses and nourishes eco-leather, gives a beautiful, moderate shine. Does not require rinsing or wearing gloves.

Before using products, make sure that they are specifically approved for use on non-natural leather surfaces. Read the instructions first, as each of them has its own method of application, and some need to be rinsed off.

Advantages of eco-leather products

When creating eco-leather, you don’t need any special expenses to have animals - you only need material and a chemical substance. Other benefits include:

  • Durability of the canvas;
  • Does not cause allergies;
  • Stretchability;
  • Large selection of colors and patterns;
  • The material holds its shape;
  • Easy to care for;
  • It allows water to pass through, so it is not hot in it;
  • Air circulation;
  • Resistant to frost;
  • You can choose any fabric size;
  • No animals are untouched during production;
  • A little worse than genuine leather, but much cheaper;
  • No chemical smells.

Proper care

General tips and tricks

Caring for eco-leather furniture, although not easy, is worth it. The coating will have an attractive appearance that cannot be distinguished from real leather.

Follow these guidelines:

  1. Do not cut off the dirt with a sharp object - this may lead to the formation of a hole.
  2. Aggressive chemicals, even in small quantities, are prohibited.
  3. It is better not to use a hairdryer and ice cubes - temperature changes will lead to damage to the integrity of the canvas.
  4. If a stain appears, you need to remove it as quickly as possible before it gets stuck.

Expert opinion

Kokovin Dmitry Vasilievich

Furniture restorer

Furniture made from eco-leather in light colors is more whimsical, since over time it can darken and fade, and any dirt is clearly visible. Think before you make a purchase and evaluate its feasibility specifically for your home.


Based on all of the above, the conclusion suggests itself that shoes made from eco-leather have both pros and cons. The main advantage over leather is its affordable price. A competent approach to care, storage and selection of protective equipment will ensure its safety for a long time. Regular treatment for preventive purposes will help keep shoes fresh and save on purchasing a new pair.

As Coco Chanel said: “You can get used to an ugly appearance, but never to negligence.”

Beautiful makeup and hairstyle will not have the desired effect if the shoes look unkempt. Well-groomed and polished shoes are the finishing touch to a person’s overall appearance.

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