Caring for cabinet furniture: professional secrets, life hacks from experienced housewives

Without exception, every buyer wants the newly purchased piece of furniture to last as long as possible. Operation directly affects the service life of the furniture: the more carefully and carefully you use it (providing proper care), the longer it will retain its original appearance. We must not lose sight of the fact that by saving on a purchase, you risk losing much more in the future: inexpensive furniture cannot be of impeccable quality. High-quality materials are quite expensive, but the cost of caring for them will be minimal. Purchasing the next set of furniture will happen only if you want to change the interior of the room, and not because your favorite and functional, but inexpensive wardrobe has broken down ahead of schedule.

Mr.Doors uses only the highest quality materials and components. Every detail of your future furniture set undergoes multi-level checks and only after that it arrives at the warehouse, where it will wait its turn. The compliance of the impeccable quality of our materials with European standards is confirmed by numerous certificates (for details, please contact the interior designers).

How to take care of wooden furniture?

“When caring for wooden furniture, it will need to be protected from damage by vermin.”

This is the most picky category, because wooden things react poorly to both dry and overly humidified air. They do not like direct sun, therefore, wooden furniture is not placed close to balcony doors and frequently opened windows. You cannot place it close to heating radiators.

Wooden furniture is not recommended to be placed next to the heating system

A protective wax layer that absorbs ultraviolet radiation will help protect the varnished surface from damage by the sun. If you take the time to polish the varnish coating well, it will give the furniture a beautiful gloss.

Polishing furniture with wax will extend its lifespan

In rooms with extremely dry air, an aquarium or an ordinary vase filled with water will help to cope with the task of humidifying it.

An aquarium will solve problems with air humidity

When caring for such furniture, it will need to be protected from damage by parasites. To do this, its lower parts are wiped with turpentine on the eve of summer.

Furniture in use must be level on the floor. Distortions are fraught with deformation of shapes, breakage of parts, and sagging of hinges.

Arrange furniture so that the opening door does not hit it. If this cannot be avoided, then use special devices as a buffer, which are today offered by furniture showrooms and hand-made websites in a wide variety of interpretations.

Door buffer will protect furniture from scratches

A polishing cloth will help rid furniture of dust.

Vegetable oil can refresh the appearance of varnished surfaces. Experts recommend using burdock. For this treatment you will have to make a tampon. A cotton ball moistened with oil is wrapped in a piece of flannel and the resulting ball is used to carefully process things.

Lacquered furniture can be refreshed with oil

You can try to remove stains from wood by sprinkling them with cigarette ash, followed by polishing with burnt cork. At the end of the procedure, wipe the treated area with a damp and dry cloth.

When caring for lacquered furniture, you often have to deal with stains caused by hot cups, plates, and glasses. To remove them you will need a regular eraser. Just erase the marks as you would with a pencil.

Water stains are covered with flour, which is removed with a swab containing machine or vegetable oil. You can also deal with such stains by wiping them with a walnut kernel. The diaper formed after the procedure is allowed to dry, after which a cloth is passed over the varnish.

Scratches on furniture can be wiped with walnut

Furniture that has been in a damp room may become covered with moldy spots. Gasoline will help remove them.

After repairs, it may be necessary to clean furniture surfaces from lime splashes. This is done with a mixture of vinegar and vegetable oil.

Traces from fly “gatherings” are removed with a cloth slightly moistened with kerosene.

A cloth soaked in kerosene will remove traces of flies.

When caring for oak furniture, use warm beer. To give it shine, it is polished with a mixture of boiled beer, sugar and a piece of wax.

Mahogany is cared for without any frills. It is wiped with a slightly damp cloth and wiped dry with a piece of flax.

Scratches on expensive oak, walnut, and cabinetry furniture can easily be made invisible using a weak iodine solution.

Iodine solution will remove scratches from mahogany wood

You can return painted furniture to its former whiteness as follows. After washing, it should be wiped with a composition of:

1. Tooth powder.

2. Water.

3. Linen blue.

Regular tooth powder will save white furniture

Matte surfaces, without polishing, are cleaned from dust with soft, dry cloths. In case of heavy contamination, washing with heated soapy water followed by thorough wiping with a dry cloth is allowed. For surfaces of this quality, polish is not used, since the composition leaves greasy stains on them that are practically impossible to remove.

Care for metal furniture components is carried out with the following mixture:

1. 30g of ammonia.

2. 15 g of tooth powder, diluted to a pasty state in a quarter glass of water.

A flannel moistened with the suspension is used to wipe the darkened and tarnished fittings, after which the cleaned surfaces are polished with cloth. If you don’t have toothpowder, you can use a mixture of baking soda and lemon juice or a piece of onion.

Furniture care mixture

In case of such troubles as veneer lag, as well as when bubbles appear, use an iron. Deformed areas are ironed with a not too hot sole through paper folded in several layers. Sometimes it becomes necessary to first pierce or cut the swollen area. There will be no problems with puncturing, but the cut is made along the wood fibers. It is worth introducing a little adhesive into the resulting holes and after that try to iron the bubble again.

Eliminating bulges on plywood

Industrial cleaning products

Nowadays, the industry produces many special products for the care of all types of furniture. For example, “Pronto”, “Cinderella”, “Luxus”, “Chirton” and others. With their help, cleaning polished furniture at home is a snap. Most often, the composition of such polishes includes the following components:

  • Solvent that removes stains.
  • Wax that smoothes the structure.
  • Silicone or oil that adds shine to surfaces.
  • Antistatic, preventing dust from settling.
  • A fragrance that gives furniture and the entire room a pleasant aroma.

Caring for furniture with polished surfaces

In everyday care, only dusting is provided, but this seemingly simple task must be done correctly. The fact is that polishing does not tolerate friction with rags. The resulting static electricity serves as a magnet for dust particles, and they begin to settle on the furniture at triple speed. To avoid the opposite effect, cleaning is carried out with rags made from natural fabrics, which are pre-impregnated with polishing compounds with an antistatic agent.

Treating polished furniture with antistatic spray

If you don’t have such a product at home, you can use a mixture of boiled beer and wax. The mixture is applied warm and allowed to dry. The final step will be rubbing with a woolen flap.

Greasy stains from polishing cannot be removed with solvents. There is talc for this.

Talc will remove greasy stains from polished furniture

“Burns” from hot objects are removed with a combination of vegetable oil and ordinary kitchen salt. You need to scrub the damaged area with light movements, without pressing or forcefully, so as not to remove the flaw along with a piece of the furniture surface.

You can restore the shine of facades by rubbing them with a piece of wool soaked in turpentine and oil in a ratio of 1:2.

To make furniture shiny, wipe it with a piece of wool dipped in turpentine.

Caring for furniture with polished facades also includes minor repairs of scratches. Shoe polish of the appropriate color and polishing with cloth will help hide ugly white stripes.

Fingerprints can be called the scourge of polished furniture. They appear everywhere and it is impossible to wipe them off using ordinary techniques. Freshly cut raw potatoes will come to the rescue.

You can erase fingerprints using raw potatoes

Stains on polished surfaces are common. Get rid of them with soapy water. After cleaning, the treated areas are sanded with felt or wool. Do not try to remove dirt with alcohol, acetone or your favorite cologne. In this case, there will be no other effect except harm.


If you have things that you cannot immediately throw away, then create a special, temporary storage place for them. There will always be items that you think will definitely come in handy someday. But you just need to store such rubbish for a strictly defined time. If, after the appointed period, you still have not found a use for them, then feel free to get rid of them.

Approach the problem creatively. For example, imagine that you urgently need to move to another place of residence. You are moving to a smaller house or apartment than the one you currently live in. In a short time you need to get ready for the trip, and besides, you will be transported by a small Gazelle, the space in which is strictly limited. There is little time, and there is no way to take all your things with you. Therefore, you urgently need to decide what you take with you, what you will give to your friends, and what you will simply throw in the trash.

Another effective method is temporary financial difficulties. The real opportunity to earn extra money is to sell something. Now think about which of your things can be sold without regret. Have you thought about it? Take photos of them, post ads on the Internet and wait for a call from potential buyers. Things you don't need can actually last a long time for their new owners. And if you can’t sell it, then just give it to someone as a gift.

Vacuum cleaner method. You need to take a large garbage bag and collect several unnecessary things around the house that are asking to be thrown into a landfill. This should be done once a week. It's actually not that hard to collect a few pieces of junk. These could be old socks that for some reason don’t have a pair, empty perfume bottles, cracked dishes, shorts that you can’t fit into, a VHF receiver that doesn’t pick up a single radio station, but from which you wipe the dust every week.

Useless gifts can become a real problem when ridding your apartment of junk. It seems somehow wrong to throw away what your loved ones and friends gave you. In this case, try giving these things away for free to those who will really need them. But first try to sell them. After all, a set of beer glasses that has been in a package for several years and takes up space on your shelf can brighten up someone’s pleasant evening. The fact that they bought it at a big discount will add a special charm to the new owners.

Let's move on to the wardrobes with clothes. There may also be a lot of old stuff hiding here. Do a little test. Take one thing out of the closet and inspect it. Ask yourself: when was the last time you wore this item? When are you planning to wear it next time? If clothes have not been used for more than a year, then most likely you will not wear them again. You can safely get rid of it. Leave only those that can really be useful. Give away the rest. If the item is already so worn out that it is indecent to give as a gift, then put it in a bag and leave it near the entrance. Someone will definitely take it.

Establish a daily ritual for yourself: Every night before you go to bed, take a few minutes to do a little cleaning. Take a close look at your living space. Try to find a few items during this time that you can throw away. Be uncompromising in the fight against clutter. Don't go to bed until you've cleared the house of trash. Give yourself some slack, and the trash will take over your entire space.

Of course, it is important not to overdo it here. You don’t need to throw away the books you read, in case you want to re-read them after a while, don’t throw away your photographs either - then it will be impossible to find them

But throw the magazine you looked at into the trash can - in a week you will buy another one. Try to follow these rules. Be persistent, be consistent. And soon you will see positive results in the form of freed up space and your apartment or house will seem not so small to you.

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Methods for caring for furniture with soft surfaces

Caring for such furniture involves preserving the original beauty of the upholstery. It can be maintained in proper form only by preventive measures, which include regular cleaning of surfaces with a vacuum cleaner.

Upholstered furniture should be vacuumed regularly

The appearance of stains will require more radical action from you. Help to fight them:

1. Soap foam.

2. Sponge.

3. Dry wipes.

Soap foam will help remove stains from upholstered furniture

Fresh grease stains can be removed with a detergent, which is applied directly to the dirty area and left there for several minutes. After exposure, the stain is wiped off with a soft brush. But this can only be done with fabrics that adequately respond to water getting on them.

Fresh stain removed with detergent

It is possible that to eliminate the flaw you will need to resort to a solvent. For example, lipstick, traces of juices and white wines can be removed with ethyl alcohol. Coffee, stained chocolate, tea can be removed with a foam of non-aggressive detergent. If you prefer to use ready-made stain removers, then read the instructions first to see what type of furniture they are used for, as recommended by the manufacturer.

Be sure to read the tour before using stain remover


This coating can be cleaned with neutral products. It is unacceptable to use organic solvents or alcohol-containing solutions, because they dissolve the adhesive base of the upholstery and erase the pile. Flock is not bleached or squeezed. Chemical cleaning of such surfaces is prohibited.

Furniture with flock upholstery cannot be cleaned with chemicals

If stains occur, they are removed using the following algorithm:

1. Treat with a small portion of warm water (not higher than 40°) and delicate soap.

2. Exposure 2-3 minutes.

3. Wipe off the stain with a sponge.

4. Dry the surface.

5. Iron with an iron using a steamer.

Cleaning upholstered flock furniture

Stubborn stains can be removed with water-based cleaning products.

You can try to remove grease stains, traces of pens, and lipstick with a ten percent alcohol solution.

Stains from flock furniture can be removed with a 10% alcohol solution

When regularly caring for flock furniture upholstery, it is treated with a vacuum cleaner or cleaned of dust deposits with soft brushes and sponges. The silky shine of the fabric will indicate the good condition of the upholstery.


The material does not tolerate water treatments, so upholstered furniture containing it must be protected from such contacts. If the upholstery of chairs, sofas, banquettes looks like a removable cover, then to put it in order, it is sent to specialized dry cleaners.

It is recommended to protect chinilla from contact with water.

Removing stains at home is done with methyl alcohol, 2 tablespoons of which are dissolved in a liter of water. Since this ingredient is not available in every home, it can be replaced with table vinegar. The dilution proportions in this case remain the same. The remaining moisture after cleaning is removed with blotting paper by lightly patting it.

A solution of table vinegar perfectly removes stains from furniture

Simple dirt, including dust, can also be removed with a vacuum cleaner, brushes, and sponges. Spilled liquid is immediately soaked up, trying to prevent the fabric from stretching. You can dry your chinillas using a non-hot iron and applying movements.


But when caring for furniture with jacquard upholstery, water is welcome. The fabric can even be washed, albeit at a temperature of forty degrees, but still.

Jacquard upholstery for upholstered furniture

Some types of stains, in particular those from cosmetics and ballpoint pens, can be removed with alcohol dissolved in water in a ratio of 10:1. Fat and moisture are removed by pressing a waffle towel onto them. Stubborn stains and old dirt are cleaned with special water-based products.

Stains from jacquard are removed with special means

Dry cleaning and bleaching of jacquard are contraindicated. What you can try in extreme cases are hydrocarbon solvents, but they should be handled by professionals.

Regular care methods include all types of washing without machine spinning and drying. Dust deposits are removed with a vacuum cleaner.


The care of velor furniture must be approached extremely responsibly. The material is delicate and easily deformable. It is not treated with chemicals and solvents made from petroleum products. The fabric is not wrung out, much less bleached.

Velor upholstery

If necessary, remove the stain using a warm soapy solution and a sponge. The treated area is dried and ironed through the fabric with a not too hot iron, the design of which includes a steamer.

Serious stains, as in the case of flock, can be cleaned with water-based cleaners.

Everyday care and dust cleaning is carried out according to standard rules, using a vacuum cleaner and soft sponges.

Cleaning velor furniture with a vacuum cleaner

Faux leather

This type of upholstery can be cleaned with a soft damp cloth. Too greasy areas are wiped with light movements, without force. At the end of washing, the surface is dried.

Faux leather furniture can be cleaned with a soft cloth

Do not use substances with a bleaching effect during the care process. Furniture with this type of upholstery should not be placed in direct sunlight. It must be protected from becoming clogged with dust. It is rational to cover sofas and armchairs with protective covers or beautiful bedspreads. Routine cleaning is carried out weekly.

The blanket will protect the furniture from wear and tear

Genuine Leather

When caring for leather furniture, you need to be careful, as damage to such a coating will be very expensive. Dust deposits are removed with a gentle flannel moistened with plain water. You can try to wash off stubborn dirt with a mild soap solution.

Leather furniture is wiped with a soft flannel cloth.

To remove a number of stains, such as traces of felt-tip pens, drops of red wine, medicinal tinctures, use cotton wool moistened with medical alcohol. After wiping with an alcohol solution, the area is treated with a stearin sponge. The skin is not afraid of organics. Fats are absorbed over time without leaving unsightly marks.

Leather furniture can be wiped with an alcohol solution

Regular care of hygroscopic porous material involves controlling the humidity in the room where the furniture is located. Its indicator should not be lower than 65%. In a more dry microclimate, the upholstery will quickly lose its beauty, dry out and begin to crack. The dye will fall off and you can forget about the presentability of the situation.

In order to maintain a normal fat balance and prevent the skin from losing its elasticity, the care of furniture upholstery includes a fatliquoring process. At the same time, it is lubricated with a special compound. Stearic lubricant is considered the most suitable for such work. It is applied to the coating using a sponge.

Stearic lubricant will prevent the skin from losing elasticity

To prevent the leather from losing its color, do not place pieces of furniture in sunny corners, and if this cannot be avoided, then hide it under covers.

Popular folk methods

Despite the danger of fabric damage, many owners continue to clean furniture themselves. For a service such as furniture dry cleaning, the price is 2-4 thousand rubles, and not everyone is ready to part with even this amount. But at the same time, it is necessary to find effective ways to remove stains, dust and other contaminants from the surface of textiles. In this case, folk cleaning remedies come to the rescue.

Traditional methods of cleaning surfaces are techniques for using various active substances that help put furniture in order. Most often, the specific composition of a cleaning product from the people is found experimentally and does not have verified concentrations and mixing instructions. This technique uses substances that can always be found in the kitchen or bathroom. They are always on hand, or you can freely buy them at the nearest supermarket.

You can use such dry cleaning methods solely at your own peril and risk. Despite the assurances of the authors of folk recipes, improper use of active substances can damage furniture, change the shade of the fabric, and leave stains and burns on the material.

Stains on fabric are one of the consequences of folk cleaning. Source

We have compiled a list of the most popular folk remedies with which people in Russia and the CIS countries still fight stains and stubborn dirt to this day. In addition, each section includes step-by-step cleaning instructions.

How to take care of plastic and glass furniture

“Caring for furniture with glass inserts and elements is more labor-intensive, because the slightest dirt is clearly visible on the transparent surface.”

Unlike the above-mentioned counterparts, modern furniture made of various types of plastic and glass responds well to wet cleaning, even with the use of detergents. You can quickly tidy up such surfaces using specific aerosols. All that remains after applying them is to simply wipe the surface thoroughly, making sure that no streaks remain (in the case of glass).

Glass furniture can be cleaned using aerosols

In general, caring for furniture with glass inserts and elements is more labor-intensive, because the slightest dirt is clearly visible on the transparent surface. One good thing is that dust, miscellaneous stains and fingerprints are very easily removed. The dried dirt is left to soak by pouring a soap solution over the area. After the stain has gone away, rinse the area of ​​glass with running water and wipe dry.

After cleaning, glass furniture is wiped dry with a soft cloth.

We have already mentioned how to care for fittings and other metal elements.

No. 12. Getting rid of dust

Upholstered furniture must be cleaned of dust regularly. The upholstery absorbs all kinds of dust very well, and in addition to the fact that when wet it can cause streaks, dust can cause various types of allergies. You can get rid of dust in two ways: either vacuum the furniture with a special nozzle, or knock it out with a regular plastic cracker. Please note that leather and suede furniture cannot be knocked out.

Before knocking out the dust with a cracker, you need to moisten the sheet with water and spread it on the furniture so that at the moment of knocking out, the dust does not fly into the air, but settles on the damp fabric. If there is a lot of dust, you can carry out the procedure several times, but each time you must change the covering material to a clean one.

Kitchen furniture: care features

Typically, cabinets and shelves that appear in kitchen furnishings are made from particle boards, which are easy to clean. They can be put in order in any available way, the main thing is to ensure that liquids do not accumulate in the gaps of the fasteners and the joints of surfaces. This does not mean that tables and facades can literally be flooded. Excess moisture will cause the veneer or other finishing material to peel off, and the furniture frames themselves may swell and lose their shape.

Avoid excess moisture when cleaning kitchen furniture

Caring for furniture with a glossy sheen is somewhat more difficult. Do not allow such surfaces to come into contact with aggressive media such as solvents or caustic acids and alkalis. Clean surfaces of this type with a soft cloth, which can be dampened if necessary, but then squeezed well. Abrasive powders are also prohibited for use on glossy surfaces. They will leave a network of small scratches that will be impossible to get rid of.

When cleaning glossy surfaces, no abrasives are used

Countertops are considered the most vulnerable places to contamination. They are tested by temperature and mechanical stress. Hot pans are placed on them, food is cut, etc. To extend the life of your kitchen furniture, use special cutting boards for preparing food. Place insulation under pots removed from the heat. Immediately wash off spilled aggressive and coloring liquids such as vinegar, wine, brine. Liquids such as solvents and acidic cleaners should not be easily soaked with a napkin, but washed off with plenty of water and soap. This is the only way to prevent corrosion of the cosmetic layer.

Wash off aggressive and coloring liquids with plenty of water.

Even if the countertops in your kitchen are stone, caring for the furniture does not cancel it. Natural materials, be it marble or malachite, also need to be treated with water-repellent compounds that will create a protective film on the surface.

Stone countertops can be treated with water-repellent compounds

An important point in the safety of furniture will be the presence of a hood in the kitchen. When it works, the risk of boiling fats and steam coming into contact with nearby furniture is significantly reduced.

The hood will extend the life of kitchen furniture

What is also important to control when trying to keep furniture in excellent condition is the operation of its internal mechanisms involved in transformation processes. Mechanisms and hinges must be lubricated in a timely manner, and springs and fasteners must be tightened.

Choose us and you will be satisfied

Don’t know where to go for chair dry cleaning in Krasnoyarsk? Our cleaning company is ready to provide you with quality services at the best prices. Our specialists will cope with even the most complex and long-standing stains in a short time. We are professionals who will take on the most difficult jobs.

Among our advantages we highlight the following:

  • experienced craftsmen;
  • modern, European equipment;
  • harmless and hypoallergenic chemicals;
  • work with any types of fabrics;
  • quality guarantee, regardless of the order price.

Contact us today and we will get the job done in a short time. We promise you will be satisfied and contact us again and again.

No. 11. Cleaning greasy areas

During the use of furniture, it absorbs sebum, pet saliva, and other minor contaminants, resulting in greasy stains. Coarse salt will help with a small greasy spot. Sprinkle it on the desired area and wait until it absorbs the stain. If these contaminants are quite extensive, then there are several methods for different types of cladding:

  1. Wipe leather furniture with glycerin. If the upholstery is white, chalk diluted in water will help you. This solution will help cope with some other contaminants.
  2. For fabric upholstery you can use:
  • ammonia mixed with water;
  • treat the surface with foam of ordinary laundry soap;
  • Particularly dirty areas can be cleaned with a specially prepared solution: water, soda and laundry soap. This solution is applied to the surface and washed off with water.

Please note that such stains are removed from regular fabric upholstery using cotton pads or fabric rags. If the surface is fleecy, you should use foam sponges or brushes with soft bristles.

Cleaning the sofa from dirt and odors

The sofa is the main piece of furniture in the living room, which is always the first thing that catches the eye of guests. Sometimes you have to quickly remove a stain from a sofa at home, but dry cleaning will take too much time and money. For such cases, universal tips for cleaning furniture using improvised means are suitable. We have compiled small instructions for each individual type of stain.


It is important to clean such a problem area immediately, otherwise there is a high risk of leaving blood particles on the fabric. To remove it, ice water and laundry soap will be enough.

Instead of water, you can rub the stain with a piece of ice - it’s more convenient.

Tea and coffee. If the fabric allows, you need to moisten the area where the drinks were spilled with warm water. After this, thoroughly rub the stain with laundry soap and remove any remaining product with a sponge. If the tea was with dye and the coffee was instant, then the stain should come off easily.

A coffee stain on fabric won't be a problem if you know what to do. Source

  • Wine. Another type of stain that needs to be removed as quickly as possible. Be sure to absorb excess liquid so that the problem area does not increase in size. After this, sprinkle the stain with salt and after 5-10 minutes, wipe it off with a sponge and soapy water.
  • Cosmetics and greasy stains. They are difficult to remove, even if immediate measures are taken. Sprinkle salt on the stain and leave for 20 minutes. When excess fat is “pulled out” from the fabric, use the foam from the detergent to wipe the stain. After this, remove the residue with a wet sponge and dry the surface.
  • Ink. Most often, ink is removed using solvents. It is better to use non-concentrated alcohol, such as ammonia solution. Make sure that in addition to the ink, the textile itself does not begin to lose color.
  • Wax. Take a thick piece of paper and cover the wax stain. After this, iron with a hot iron or use a steam generator. After 3-5 such operations with new paper, the wax will completely disappear from the upholstery.
  • Glue. Here a lot depends on the type of glue. Most often, you can use ordinary solvents: acetone, hydrogen peroxide, ammonia, glycerin. If there is a stain of quick-fix glue on the fabric, then in the store you can find a special “Anti-Glue” product that will clean the problem area.

Glue on furniture is one of the most dangerous stainsSource

  • Chewing gum. You can try standard methods - freeze or heat the gum, and then remove it with a scraper. This method is dangerous because it can damage the structure of the textile or the pile. It is best to use solvents, but they are not suitable for leather and leatherette.
  • Smell of urine. To get rid of a persistent unpleasant odor, use tincture of iodine, vinegar with citric acid, potassium permanganate solution or a weak ammonia concentrate. The smell of urine cannot always be removed immediately, so any removal procedure must be repeated several times. After using tincture of iodine and ammonia, you will most likely have to do independent dry cleaning again.

Use any of the methods presented only if absolutely necessary. Solvents and physical manipulation can damage the upholstery of the sofa and disrupt the natural structure of the fabric or pile. To be sure to quickly remove dirt, contact a cleaning service with a dry cleaner.

Damaged pile is the result of improper cleaning of the sofaSource

Cleaning the living room or office.

The principle of beginning and ending is the same.

  • Go through books, newspapers, magazines. Take what you don’t need to the library or book exchange points (Bookcrossing). Which is in a very deplorable state -
  • Get rid of old receipts and checks (the required storage period for receipts is 3 years). It is better to burn the checks at the dacha in a fire or at home on a gas stove. Paper receipts are discarded.

Tip: Don't go empty-handed, if you go to the kitchen from the living room, take a quick look, maybe there is a dirty mug on the table that should be in the kitchen. Go from the kitchen to the children's room, take toys, etc.

  • Do not store figurines or figurines (unless you are an avid collector, of course) that do not carry any emotional load. Most often, we do not buy them ourselves; they are mostly gifts from friends and colleagues (forced gifts). They take up space and accumulate dust. Put them in a box with unwanted items. In the future, make lists of gifts for your birthday and tell all your acquaintances, friends and colleagues (gently and casually) which gifts you definitely don’t need. Well, because it's trash)
  • Don't forget to wash the windows.

  • Go through your office supplies - dried pens, felt-tip pens, broken rulers, business cards, discount cards, covered notepads and notebooks, notes, abstracts - this is unnecessary rubbish. All paper is recycled - the rest will have to be thrown away or burned at the dacha.
  • Let's move on to furniture. Upholstered furniture covers can be washed or dry cleaned.
  • Vacuuming, removing pillows from the sofa.

We wipe leather sofas and armchairs with special cleaning products.

Tip: Leather furniture should not be cleaned with harsh chemicals. If you don’t have any special leather products on hand, use a rag soaked in soapy water, then clean the surface of soap and wipe dry. In the future, switch to more humane, economical and practical Eco-leather. With it, both cleaning and conscience will become easier.

  • If there are many flowers in the room, take each flower to the bathroom and rinse the flower pot and leaves under a cool shower. In general, such procedures with flowers should be done much more often than once a year; after all, these are living organisms and collecting dust on themselves is also not very pleasant for them.
  • We move upholstered furniture, cabinets and tables, vacuum the floor, and then wash it by hand.

Cleaning the bathroom and toilet is done last, because while you are cleaning other rooms, you will be constantly running into these rooms: rinsing something, draining dirty water, doing laundry. When everything else is clean, finish cleaning the bathroom.

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