Interior in shades of lilac: the most successful options

The color scheme in the design of the living room plays almost the main role. After all, visual perception, as well as the feeling of comfort while staying in this room, depends on it. Therefore, a lot of attention is paid to choosing the appropriate shade. Lilac color is not often used in living room design. But at the same time he is able to create an amazing, unique atmosphere. Moreover, it can be used in the interior in completely different ways.

Features of lilac color in the living room interior

Before decorating the living room, it is worth studying the features of the chosen shade. For example, the color lilac represents conservatism and balance. It is mainly chosen by people with a philosophical mindset, as well as those who are in search of their inner harmony.

As for its use in the interior, much depends on the shade. Sufficiently saturated colors add pomp to the living room design, and sometimes create a gloomy atmosphere. This effect can especially occur in small rooms. In turn, the light lilac color gives the interior airiness and romanticism. Despite this, designers note that the lilac color itself greatly affects a person’s mood and well-being. Therefore, it is rarely used to completely decorate the living room. Here it is worth experimenting and combining it with other shades. Thanks to this approach, the interior will look more original and harmonious.

Features of the structure of Khrushchev buildings, their types

Before moving on to tips for repairs in Khrushchev-era buildings, it is necessary to outline the features of buildings that fall under this name. After all, they have in common only small dimensions, often a combined bathroom and low ceilings, but in terms of design, the differences are quite significant, which should be taken into account when planning repairs, both major and light decorative. They are also united by the period of construction - 60-80 years of the last century. At that time, a whole group of projects was developed and introduced into mass construction. Among them:

  1. Panel houses made of reinforced concrete panels with load-bearing longitudinal external walls;
  2. Houses with external brick walls, internal frame made of reinforced concrete columns;
  3. Panel houses made of reinforced concrete with load-bearing longitudinal and transverse walls.

A typical building of its era in Moscow

The main design feature is the presence inside the structure of load-bearing columns and crossbars on which the floor slabs rest. In all types of houses, floors were made using 220 mm reinforced concrete slabs with voids.

Internal partitions can vary significantly in material. Thus, in panel houses, thin walls, only 40 mm thick, made of foam concrete and gypsum concrete were most often used. Another design option was wooden partitions, which were covered with shingles and plastered.

The layout of the apartments assumes the presence of small walk-through rooms, a combined bathroom and a small kitchen, which in the best case could have an area of ​​up to 7 m2.

Ventilation is organized centrally with air ducts leading to the kitchen and bathroom. In panel versions there are no window sills on the window openings.

Thermal insulation of external walls is in most cases insufficient. This is especially noticeable for the central and northern regions of the country.

Lilac living room in different styles

As mentioned above, many details influence the visual perception of the living room. Including the design style that was chosen by the home owners. Therefore, before you start decorating, carefully consider all the details and nuances.

In a classic interior style, a delicate lilac shade is most often used. It allows you to convey all the sophistication of the design. In turn, minimalism involves cooler tones combined with a white base. This solution looks very fresh and neutral. The living room in the Art Nouveau style is most often complemented with black, making the room look restrained.

In the case of developing a design in the Provence style, it is worth taking a closer look at the delicate lilac color scheme, which reflects the delicacy of the design. Of course, not everyone will like this option, but nevertheless it is worthy of your attention. Country style often involves a combination of lilac and brown. For example, natural materials such as wood, stone or ceramics.

How to install plastic windows in a wooden house with your own hands

To install plastic windows in a house made of timber, you do not need to have construction skills or expensive equipment. It is enough to prepare the necessary tools and materials, study the drawings and get to work.

If you entrust the task to a specialist, this will increase the cost of installation by 40-50%. However, not all companies can guarantee the required installation quality.

Carrying out preparatory work. Equipment and tools

Any installation work begins with the preparation of equipment and tools. Among them:

  1. Level.
  2. Screwdriver.
  3. Construction foam and gun.
  4. Hammer.
  5. Primer.
  6. Hexagons.
  7. Roulette.
  8. Brush for applying paint.

You can limit yourself to fewer tools, but the listed set will provide the best quality of the result.

Removing old windows and measuring

To dismantle old window structures, you must follow these instructions:

  1. We remove the sashes. They may be needed for other business purposes.
  2. If the glass is not securely fixed with glazing beads, it must be dismantled using a crowbar or crowbar.
  3. After removing the sashes, you need to unscrew the second part of the curtain from the window block.
  4. When installing a window to an old block, its frame must be left.
  5. After loosening the rack, it should be removed from the groove in the top crossbar. Then you can dismantle the crossbar, the stand and the lower part with the window sill.

Casing: purpose, types and design

Installation of PVC double-glazed windows in a wooden house involves the installation of a casing - a special wooden structure, which is intended to relieve the load from the window on the frame. The frame itself is not able to withstand intense impact and is subject to deformation.

Depending on the installation method, there are the following types of casing:

  1. Side bars with a U-shape are installed in the deck.
  2. T-shaped models that are fixed to a monolith spike.
  3. An option for the installation of which an embedded block is used.

Choosing a method for installing metal-plastic windows

Specialists use different technologies for installing plastic windows. The most popular option is fastening with anchors. This option involves making through holes in a plastic frame

The next method is fastening with plates. The advantage of this technology is that there is no need to dismantle the glass unit to install the window in the opening. Another method eliminates deformation of the profile system by the anchor, extending the service life of the camera.

There is also a combined mounting option, which is used most often. In this case, you will need to install plates at the top of the frame and place anchors for plastic windows at the bottom. The method will allow you to correctly adjust the window unit and align it vertically and horizontally.

Fastening the window structure into the prepared opening

First of all, you need to install the window sill, observing the placement according to the level. To improve the fixation strength, you need to make cuts in the side of the box 8 mm deep. To make adjustments, planks or plastic plates are used. Fastening is done using self-tapping screws to the bottom of the box. When screwing them in, washers are placed under the screw head; this will prevent deformation of the coating.

Control and foaming of the structure

Having completed the process of hanging the sashes, it is necessary to check their functionality. With proper installation, the closing and opening of the double-glazed window will be carried out without failure. If everything works well, the cracks should be sealed with construction foam.


An important stage of installation is sealing the seams. Despite the good resistance of metal-plastic structures to heat loss, they require additional insulation. Otherwise, there will be a problem of heat leakage or condensation on the glass.


Existing window installation standards require the installation of a waterproofing layer that will protect the opening from ultraviolet radiation and moisture.

To protect against the first impact, platbands are used, and to isolate the structure from water, you will need to use raw materials that have one-way conductivity.

Such insulation functions as follows: condensate evaporates from the hermetic layer without obstacles, and it cannot penetrate into the building from the outside.

The following materials are used for waterproofing:

  1. Vapor permeable tape.
  2. Vapor permeable acrylic sealant.

In terms of ease of installation, the second option is superior to the first, but it is not sold in small quantities and is not cheap. To seal 2-3 windows, you can get by with waterproofing tape.

Using the standard waterproofing method, you need to cut off the outer layer of foam and cover the cut areas with film.

Lilac wallpaper in the living room

Perhaps the most popular solution for wall decoration is wallpaper. There are many options in lilac color to suit every taste. But if you need to highlight a certain area, then you should cover it with deeper or contrasting tones.

Important: it is important to dilute the lilac living room with other colors. An excellent solution would be beige and cream tones. This combination is considered one of the most harmonious.

If the walls are decorated in a soft lilac color, then the remaining details and furniture can be purchased in a white or beige shade. Thanks to this solution, the living room will be especially cozy and at the same time retain a very festive, luxurious look. As for the ceiling, in this case the most optimal solution would be a white glossy canvas. With its help, the room will look a little more voluminous and spacious.


The lilac interior of the living room is not a common occurrence, but it is exclusive and unique, moreover, it is impressive and evokes a lot of good emotions.

As for pieces of furniture for such a room, you can give preference to light gray if the wall surface is dark. At the same time, against the background of a fairly light wall surface, a dark lilac setting will look great.

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Lilac furniture in the living room interior

Since lilac color in the interior is considered quite complex, choosing suitable furniture often causes a lot of trouble. Basically, designers are guided by the principle of contrast. This means that if the room uses wallpaper in dark shades, then the optimal solution would be light cabinet furniture. This will visually make the space wider. In turn, if the walls are light, then furniture should be purchased in dark colors. The game of contrasts gives the same effect of originality and diversity to the room.

Window decoration

Pink curtains and curtains in the bedroom should be as suitable as possible for the decor. If it is decided to make them pink, then the color should be harmonious and not stand out from the general color scheme. If you choose light pink colors, you should think about the black-out effect or additionally install blinds or roller shutters.

Curtains covering the entire wall will enhance the room - they will perform an additional decorative function.

Tulle curtains should be light and not prevent sunlight from entering the bedroom. Avoid heavy materials and leave velvet and velor for aristocratic living rooms.

Stylish lilac living room: rules for choosing accessories

Many factors influence the overall impression of how you decorate your living room. This is not only wall covering, style and furniture design, but also much more. First of all, we note that the quality of lighting plays an important role. That is, pay attention to the location of the window and, based on this, choose the appropriate lighting. Remember that bright light will make the living room more elegant, while dim light will create a light romantic atmosphere. For additional lightness, it is worth purchasing light tulle, even if the curtains are quite thick. All this will significantly enhance the perception of lilac color in the interior.

Regardless of the chosen interior style, small accents always add special comfort and warmth. We are talking about various paintings, photographs, posters on the walls. Luxurious or laconic vases with fresh flowers not only decorate the room, but also fill it with an amazing aroma. As for the figurines, the attitude towards them is still ambiguous. Some people consider such details outdated and meaningless. But still, there are modern variations that look completely different.

The textile design also deserves attention. First of all, we are talking about curtains, which can emphasize the overall style of the interior. The sofa is often decorated with original pillows. They reflect the overall picture and only emphasize the good taste of the owners. It is noteworthy that pillows do not necessarily have to be lilac. In this case, lighter, neutral shades will also look great. However, it is very important that textile items are of high quality and pleasant. The most suitable options are linen or cotton. They will organically fit into the overall style of the living room.

When thinking about the interior of a living room in lilac, it is very important to listen to your own preferences. And only then pay attention to fashion trends. In this case, the design will delight you for a long time.

Classic performance? Not only

When planning a blue bedroom arrangement, it is worth remembering that a particular shade of this color can fit into slightly different styles. Therefore, interiors decorated in a classic or New York style will look best in shades of dark blue, which will highlight the elegant nature of this type of arrangement and give the bedroom a harmonious and stylish look.

Light shades of blue will look good in modern and Scandinavian bedrooms. Therefore, pure blue or blue colors are an ideal choice in such arrangements, especially if you are decorating a cramped interior and need to visually add some space. These colors will be very successful!

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