How to measure blinds for plastic windows - instructions

Light protection devices differ in their parameters. Before measuring blinds for plastic windows, you need to select the blinds according to the type of construction. For example, they can be horizontal or vertical, rolled or cassette, lamella or pleated.

Installing horizontal blinds requires careful measurements.

Blind mounting options

The size of the curtains and the method of calculation depend on how the roller shutters will be installed.

Mounting options and measuring rules:

  1. On the slope. Determine the distance from the top point to the window sill and how many centimeters between the sides of the opening. Take the width at the smallest point, and the length, on the contrary, at the greatest. Subtract half a centimeter on the sides so that the blinds can move without touching the slopes.
  2. On the wall. Measure the parameters of the opening at 3 points. Then add 10 cm to the largest numbers.
  3. On the frame. Calculate how many centimeters from the edge of the handle to the slope on the side. Subtract 3 cm from this figure to leave a gap. For the side gap, subtract 5 cm. Take the length equal to the distance from the top point of the opening to the bottom.
  4. On the sash. Using a steel tape measure, set the distance from the outer edge to the handle and remove half a centimeter so that the blinds do not break when the shutter is opened to the side. Subtract an additional 5 cm so that the canvas does not cling to the handle. Reduce the length by 2 cm.

Fasteners for blinds on plastic windows.

What you need to take into account

To ensure that the readings taken are as accurate as possible, several specific rules have been identified that can help every novice master:

  • It is recommended to measure blinds using a steel tape measure. It is she who will show the most accurate indicators;
  • You cannot round the result. The resulting figure must be written down exactly to the millimeter.
  • The result is written in a certain sequence: 1 - width, 2 - length. This order is important when ordering, and this is the most common mistake.
  • In order for the blinds to fit perfectly, dimensions must be taken at different levels for each parameter. Very often windows are uneven, and without taking this feature into account, the finished product may rise and fall poorly.

Window measurements for horizontal blinds

It is imperative to consider how the curtain will be installed.

On the window opening

This installation will visually enlarge the window. First of all, you need to determine the width and height of the opening.

The parameters should look like this:

  • the width is equal to the distance between the side slopes of the frame with an addition of 1 cm;
  • the height corresponds to the opening length with a 5 cm margin.

On the sash

In this case, the measurements are different:

  • measure the distance between the beads at 3 points, write down the maximum value;
  • do the same with height;
  • add 1 cm to the original width measurement and 3 cm to the height measurement.

When the window opens, the control mechanism is placed opposite the handle.

Sample measurements for horizontal blinds.


Among the varieties, everyone chooses at their own discretion.


This type is the most common and is often chosen by customers:

  1. The slats are positioned horizontally.
  2. The slats are connected by vertical parts that are attached to the cornice.
  3. There are ropes running along the edge of the plates. With their help, it is easy to lower and raise the canvas.


The planks in such structures are arranged vertically:

  1. There is a chain running along the bottom edge of the entire canvas.
  2. During control, the plates change their angle in different ways, so it is easy to regulate the penetration of light.
  3. Vertical panels are more resistant to dust accumulation.

Curtains visually lengthen the room, especially suitable for rooms with low ceilings.


The curtains got their name due to the fact that the assembled canvas is located in a special cassette. Blinds are found only with horizontally located plates. The slats can be adjusted in any direction.


This type of blinds has a fabric base:

  1. The material differs in density and texture. These qualities will affect light transmission, wear resistance and service life.
  2. The canvases are pre-treated with special products that protect against bacteria and dust accumulation.
  3. The canvas goes down and up along the guides, gathering into a roll. It is possible to fix the canvas at any height.

Pleated blinds

Blinds are made in the form of a fabric sheet, which, when closed, gathers into an accordion. Along the edges of the canvas there are cables that prevent sagging.

Roller blinds

These are compact roller blinds that are installed on the window frame. Control is carried out by tape, chain or cords. During lifting, the canvas is wrapped into a roll. The curtain can be fixed at any height.

Measurements for vertical blinds

Vertical roller shutters are mounted in or on the opening, depending on the shape of the window or design solution. In addition, if the width of the light-protective device is a multiple of 8 cm (for those that fold in one direction) or 16 cm (for those that fold in two directions), it will look more advantageous.

In order to hide the battery, it is better to use a mount on the opening. This method will mask window distortions. But if there are protrusions of more than 6 cm, you cannot do without an extended bracket.

At least 20 cm must be added to the width of the opening (10 cm on each side). If the blinds are mounted on the ceiling, the distance to the ceiling is added to the height of the frame. If on the wall, then 10 cm to the desired length of the product.

For a cramped room where furniture is located under the windows, it is recommended to use the method of fastening in the opening. But it will not work for uneven windows.

Measurements for vertical blinds.

Advantages and disadvantages of roller shutters

Like every object or product, roller shutters have two sides: pros and cons. Let's look at them in detail.

A unique, distinctive look distinguishes it from the usual curtains and blindsHigh price
Take up little space, compact, space-saving windowsDelicate care: hand wash only or gently wipe with sponge
Universal, suitable for different types of premisesWhen cleaning windows you have to remove roller blinds
Protect from sunlight and dustCheap rolls have an unreliable lifting/lowering device
Simple and convenient to use
Multifunctional: can be installed together with classic curtains
Easy and quick to install or dismantle

Rolls have many more advantages than disadvantages. This is why they are so popular now.

Measurements for roller blinds

The system is easy to install with your own hands, overlapping, in an opening and on a wall. It is better to add 5 cm to the height for the cornice.

Into the opening

The dimensions of the Roman blind correspond to the parameters of the window opening. But if the window is distorted, it is better to refuse such an installation.


First you need to determine the width and height of the window, and then add at least 10 and 20 cm to the measured value, respectively.

On the wall

Select the highest values ​​after measuring several points, and then, just as with the overlap method, add 10 and 20 cm to these values.

It’s easy to take measurements for roller blinds yourself.

Main types of roller blinds

The classification of roller shutters is given in the table:

Selection by parametersTypes of roller blinds
Based on materialsWooden, bamboo, fabric - dimout, blackout
By type of constructionOpen, closed
By adjustment mechanismsChain, spring, electric drive

Before choosing roller blinds, you need to find out what they are.

Rolls can be made to order - according to various parameters. For example, roller blinds “day/night” or “zebra” - chain, two-fabric with different light transmission. Denser stripes completely darken the room, while lighter ones filter ultraviolet rays and create coolness in hot weather. These roller shutters are expensive because they are difficult to manufacture.

Universal cassette rolls are of good quality and easy to use. These multifunctional curtains are often used in the design of plastic windows.

Mini - curtains attached with thick double-sided mounting tape or with latches without drilling are popular due to their relatively low price. Installed on the window sash.

Models with electric drive are more expensive. This innovative device has found fans among those who are looking for new products with remote control.

Blackout fabric rolls have a high density and do not transmit light, which ensures quality sleep even on a sunny day.

Light-transmitting fabrics provide comfortable diffused lighting and create a cozy interior.

Roller blinds made of bamboo and wooden slats are chosen by lovers of natural materials. The advantage of these types:

  • practicality;
  • strength;
  • ease;
  • moisture resistance;
  • resistance to fading;
  • aesthetics.

Window measurements for pleated curtains

These curtains are installed overlapping and on the window sash. In this case, the length of the blinds is equal to the height of the opening with glazing beads with a 4 cm margin. The width is taken to be a similar parameter of window clearance (also taking into account glazing beads).

If the window is flat and the glazing bead is at least 18 mm deep, then it is permissible to attach curtains to the opening.

It is advisable to carry out professional measurements, because... this type of blinds is considered one of the most expensive.

Measurements for pleated curtains.

What fabric density is needed?

Thick fabrics are used for roller blinds:

  • cotton;
  • linen;
  • bamboo;
  • viscose;
  • polyester;
  • nylon;
  • elastane;
  • fiberglass.

The most popular:

  • blackout – due to reflective fibers it creates pitch darkness;
  • dimout - lets in the sun's rays and blocks the heat of ultraviolet radiation. Creates coolness on hot days;
  • “day/night” textiles – a combination of blackout and dimout.

Every room needs its own level of illumination. Roller blinds not only decorate windows, but also protect from the sun.

We select the level of fabric density, and therefore light transmittance, for each room:

  1. in the kitchen - roller shutters made of dimout fabric let in light, hide it from strangers, and cool the room on a hot summer day. The fabric is protected with a special compound from dust and moisture;
  2. for the bedroom - thick day/night rolls; they provide good sleep even on a hot sunny day, and at night they protect from the light of street lamps;
  3. in the nursery - medium-density curtains, for example, made of jute fabric. They diffuse and soften the sun's rays, making the interior more comfortable;
  4. in the living room - roller blinds made of blackout fabric. They allow you to watch TV or work on a computer without sun glare.

Decorate windows located on the sunny south side with rolls of thick material.

Measurements for lamella curtains

The values ​​need to be calculated taking into account the type of fastening:

  1. When installing through an opening, first measure the upper part of the window and subtract 2 cm from the resulting number. This is the width of the future curtain. Then its height is determined - the length of the window niche minus 2-3 cm. It is important that nothing obstructs the passage of the shutters, otherwise their service life will be reduced.
  2. When wall mounted, 10 cm is added to the width of the frame, and 5 cm to the height. When the window sill protrudes and interferes with the movement of the roller shutters, the length of the product corresponds to the height of the opening.
  3. When installing on a ceiling, first measure the distance from the ceiling to the end point of the curtain. If there are no protruding areas, you can lower the curtain to the floor, leaving a gap of 2 cm so that the canvas does not slip on the covering.

Several measurement options.


Plates are divided into different types. Both craftsmen and the owners themselves can accurately determine the size of window blinds. The materials of the product are as follows:

  1. Aluminum. The plates may have different shades. The surface can be either mirror-smooth or velvety, matte, sparkling. A special type of perforated blinds creates an original play of light and shadows. The products are easy to care for. You just need to wipe them with dry material every 2-3 months. Once a year it needs treatment with a damp sponge. Curtains are resistant to temperature changes.
  2. Plastic. Different textures, shapes, colors will help you choose the right option for different interiors. The sizes of plastic blinds are standard: they can be up to 6 meters wide and 4 meters long. The material is resistant to elevated temperatures, it is easy to care for and requires wet cleaning.
  3. Textile. Such blinds decorate living spaces. They create a cozy atmosphere, and they can be either individual stripes or a whole canvas. The density of the material determines the service life of the product and the function of protection against the passage of daylight. The fabrics have a water- and dirt-repellent effect, protection against fading and high wear resistance.
  4. Tree. These are rare curtains, which are usually made from Canadian linden, pine, balsa wood, and bamboo. The material is environmentally friendly and durable. It has high strength and resistance to temperature changes. Wood looks great in any interior.

Methods for removing excess length of blinds

Construction stores have a large selection of ready-made curtains. If the product you like turns out to be larger than necessary, then it is not difficult to shorten it on your own. To do this, you need to measure how many centimeters the canvas is in length, remove the plugs, and remove the clamps.

Then the excess slats are removed and the fasteners are returned to their place. After this, you need to cut the cords, put on the bar and return the plugs.

To narrow the blinds, you will first have to remove the side slats, then adjust the canvas using a hacksaw, which is used to cut metal.

Cut lamellas cannot be restored, so manipulation should be carried out only after careful calculations.

On vertical curtains, removing the length is a little more difficult. Before measuring, you need to prepare a hacksaw, screwdriver, metal tape measure, iron and scissors or knife.

The work is carried out in the following order:

  1. Place the blinds on a flat surface and remove the side strip.
  2. Remove the runners from the slats.
  3. Measure the excess length of the fabric.
  4. Leave 0.2-0.25 cm so that it is convenient to tuck and trim.
  5. Glue the edges together or connect them using a heated iron. This will prevent the fabric from fraying. Otherwise, the service life of the product may be greatly reduced.
  6. In the middle of each plank you need to make holes for the runners, and then assemble the structure.

Trim off the excess width.


They started selling blinds a long time ago. A long time ago, Eastern men covered the windows of their houses with wooden strips, which allowed sunlight to enter the room, but everything inside was hidden. Since then, blinds have been used, differing in variety.

Modern options are presented in the form of a set of plates that are controlled mechanically or electronically. For the former, laces or chains are used, for the latter, an electric drive is used. This option is convenient when windows are placed high. The products protect the room from light from outside.

Common Measuring Errors

When taking measurements on their own, buyers make several common mistakes:

  1. In the order form, in the “Width” column, indicate the height value.
  2. They forget to remove 1.5-2 cm from the width when installing roller blinds inside the opening.
  3. Do not subtract 2 cm from the height when hanging blinds to the windowsill.

As a result, the product does not fit correctly. It has to be adjusted to fit the frame or completely redone. Additional work entails considerable costs. Therefore, it is recommended to use the services of a specialist.

The measurer will tell you which blinds are best to choose, and then install them correctly. During the warranty period, he will be responsible for installation.

Fabric selection

Fabrics for roller blinds can be divided into four groups according to material density:

The first group is light translucent fabrics. They do not provide significant darkening, but play more of a decorative function. These fabrics should be used when it is necessary to achieve a slight darkening effect and use the product only as an element of window decoration. Translucent fabrics are produced mainly with patterns.

The second group is dense fabrics that provide significant darkness in the room. They can be either patterned or plain. They should be used in moderate sun. They have both a decorative and sun protection function.

The third group is very dense fabrics. The products are best used in very strong sun, for example, if you have a south-facing window or a large window. In addition to their sun protection function, they are also used as a decorative window design element. These fabrics come in patterned and plain colors.

The fourth group is blackout fabrics, or complete blackout. They come with a pattern and plain ones. When a roller blind made of this fabric is lowered, even in the middle of the day when the sun is shining, your room will be completely dark.


If none of the types of roller blinds discussed above satisfy your aesthetic tastes, but at the same time you are not deprived of the desire to acquire blinds on a woven basis, then know that there is a way out. Its name is Roman blinds.

Roman blinds will decorate any interior

Even if you are not picky in your choice, and you also like the roller version, it is still important to note that for balconies, for example, roller blinds will not work well, given the traditionally large width of balcony glass and their number, but Roman blinds will come in handy here. True, plastic windows are suitable for the recommendations described below.

Considering the volume of such a curtain, it can be installed both on the sash and on the opening, and even on three- or four-leaf windows. The main thing here, again, is to take correct measurements:

Roman blind for the doorway. “Latitude A” is measured by the width of the fabric. Here you should know that the fabric itself of the finished product is 20+ mm (take this difference into account). “Height B” is measured in accordance with the length of the finished product (without additional calculations)

We take into account both width and height

On the sash. The width is measured along the outer edge of the bead (again, we take into account the 20+ mm additional width of the product in relation to the fabric, and we also take into account the location of the window handle). Height is measured according to the height of the finished product.

For triple-glazed windows and more, Roman blinds are usually made to order, although some manufacturers already have ready-made models. Here the following are taken into account: the number of folds of the Roman curtain in height; as well as the results of measuring the lower and upper edges of the curtains at one level to the sashes of each window (so that the fastenings of the Roman blind rods are symmetrical)

On large double-glazed windows, the problem of curtain symmetry is very relevant

If some aspects of determining the dimensions and installing roller blinds are not clear to you, we recommend watching video tutorials and video instructions on the Internet by simply typing into the search: “how to measure a roller blind.”

Beautiful design solutions for the room

A huge variety of types, colors, materials, ultra-fashionable design have allowed blinds to occupy an important place in the interior of any apartment, house, room, room:

  • A combination of protective and decorative qualities, ease of use and practicality, as well as trendy design and a variety of materials.
  • Wooden products matching the color of the furniture are very popular in classic interiors.
  • Young apartment residents will like colored aluminum models.
  • The large windows of a chic living room will be adequately decorated with horizontal blinds combined with Japanese curtains.
  • Neat vertical curtains in pastel colors will have a calming effect on you in the bedroom.

Color solutions

High-tech methods of applying paints and coatings make it possible to produce blinds in a wide variety of colors. Bamboo and wood slats are coated with non-toxic varnish; silver and gold plating are used less frequently. Intertwined textures are painted in different colors or ornaments are applied to them using special stencils.

More often, gilding and silvering is applied to iron slats: they are black, brown or silver-white. A large number of colored blinds can be found among products made of paper or woven fabrics. As for the currently fashionable photo print, each material allows you to apply it manually over the main tone.

Modern designers have created several basic principles for selecting color shades:

  • the color is selected in accordance with the tone of the walls: lighter or a little darker by several shades, which is an unmistakable decision;
  • the color is chosen based on the overall gamut of the decor: the design turns out to be non-standard and attractive;
  • shades based on contrasts, but they are appropriate only if the entire furnishings as a whole are kept neutral and in a monochromatic color palette - in this case, the blinds will involuntarily become the center of attention;
  • white color is the most common and in demand.

Which color to choose

The color of roller blinds is determined by the purpose of the room, its size, design, lighting and location to the cardinal points.

For the kitchen we choose bright colors - yellow, green, orange. They will make this room more elegant and interesting.

White, beige are universal colors, suitable for all rooms.

Install blue roller blinds in the bedroom. This color relaxes, pacifies, and sets you up for a restful sleep. Pastel colors are also appropriate here - beige, light green, light pink.

Roller shutters in green, blue, and beige tones are suitable for a child's room. These colors calm kids down and set them up to relax. But the choice of color can also be left to the child himself, if he is already at the age when he can choose the shades of his interior for himself.

A few additional tips on color schemes:

  1. If the room is small, then it is better not to use dark colors, as they visually compress the space.
  2. Light shades visually expand the room.
  3. A pattern with vertical elements makes the ceilings appear higher.
  4. Light colors harmonize well with dark furniture. They create a nice contrast.

The correct coloring of roller shutters will decorate the room and correct its shortcomings.

Consider the design of the room when choosing the color of the roller blinds. Listen to the recommendations of professionals to create a harmonious space:

  • Add roller blinds with ornaments to plain wallpaper. However, do not overdo it if the ornament is present on the upholstery;
  • if the wallpaper has a pattern, then it is better to choose plain shutters;
  • you will get a stylish design if the curtains, decorative pillows, bedspread, tablecloth in the room are made of the same fabric;
  • if the furniture upholstery in the room is dark in color, then choose light shades, and vice versa;
  • Rolls and walls that are similar in color, or vice versa, that contrast with each other will look original. The combination of colors can be selected according to the color wheel, taking into account the rule - cold shades are combined only with cold ones, and warm shades are in harmony with warm ones.

Contrasting roller shutters will refresh the room and create a unique flavor.

When choosing the color of curtains, consider the position of the windows on the cardinal points. Cool shades will visually “cool” the room and smooth out excess sun for south-facing windows.

Decorate north-facing windows with curtains in warm, bright colors.

Remember about the color influence on a person’s state and mood when choosing the color of curtains.

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