Which cookware is suitable for an induction cooker and how to choose it

Today, the latest technology in the field of kitchen utensils are induction cookers, which have their own characteristics. In order to make the right choice, when purchasing such a product, you need to understand all the subtleties and nuances so as not to regret it in the future.

Today, induction hobs are at the peak of popularity.

First of all, understand all the intricacies of the work, and also study the entire process of cooking and operating the appliance.

What is induction cookware

At the moment, this is one of the most relevant appliances needed for cooking. How is this stove different from all the others? This tool for any housewife is highly energy efficient, which will significantly save your money. In addition, this device is the safest among all others. And the appearance allows you to organically fit into any kitchen interior.

Fast preparation of food occurs due to the specialized operating principle of the equipment.

To use the item, you need special utensils that have special ferromagnetic properties. Any old pan that can be checked using a magnet can be used. But the best choice in this situation would be new stainless steel cookware designed specifically for such technologies.

Discrepancies in terminology

Online, induction cookers are often compared to glass-ceramic cookers. However, it is not correct to contrast them. Glass ceramic is the surface material of the slab. Millions of induction cookers in the world are made from it. Occasionally they are made of ceramics or stainless steel.

Photo: Instagram marya_kuhni_bishkek

In addition to induction, glass-ceramic panels are placed on electric stoves with other types of heating: spiral, infrared, hi-light.

  • Technique

    How to clean a glass-ceramic stove so that not a trace of dirt remains: 10 ways

Do you need special cookware for induction cookers?

The presence of special utensils is necessary to activate the device. Otherwise, cooking food is simply impossible. The main feature of such kitchen utensils is the special coating on the bottom, which has magnetic properties.

Fast preparation of food occurs due to the specialized operating principle of the equipment.

All dishes should not be completely magnetized, since only the bottom is enough, which interacts with the stove. The materials used to make such kitchen items are usually heavy metals such as cast iron and stainless steel.

Optimal cookware parameters

Properly selected cookware is 90% of success when working with an induction cooker. There are certain recommendations on the shape, size of containers, and bottom parameters. And there are no trifles here. Lack of attention to these points can result in unpleasant surprises.

Shape and size of dishes

The first thing you need to know is that the coil of an induction cooker is not capable of recognizing objects whose diameter does not reach 12 cm. And this feature has its reasons - this is how manufacturers prevent the heating of small objects accidentally forgotten on the panel - forks, knives. Fans of Turkish coffee will have to change the miniature accessory to another with a wider bottom. The second option is to purchase a special adapter, which, when heated, will transfer heat to a small coffee maker.

The diameter of the bottom of the pans should correspond as much as possible to the parameters of the burner, occupying at least 75% of its area. This will ensure optimal cooking efficiency. An excessively large bottom surface is also undesirable. It is not recommended to use square, rectangular or oval shaped dishes. The areas that protrude beyond the disc will not heat up and the cooking time will increase. Tall pans with a small diameter are equally ineffective. It is advisable to use squat dishes with a wide bottom.

Bottom characteristics

The main requirement for the base is that it must be made from a material endowed with ferromagnetic properties. Simply put, it should stick to a magnet. The metal from which the remaining parts of the cookware are made does not have to have the same properties. Therefore, do not waste time checking the walls, the main thing is that the magnet sticks to the bottom. This is what you should pay attention to in the store. The base must certainly be thick and multi-layered - at least 2 mm, and even better - 6 or 10. Such dishes will cost more, but the result is worth it. Why is this so important? Isn’t it possible to save money and buy saucepans cheaper or not spend money at all and make do with good old enamel “friends”. They are also magnetic. We do not recommend doing this. The thin bottom will inevitably become deformed during use. An uneven surface will not allow the pan to press tightly against the stove. The price for such savings will be unpleasant noise, crackling, hum.

The structure of the bottom varies. It can be solid, made of one material, or a multi-layer sandwich. The number of layers in budget models is usually three:

  • ferromagnetic - directs the flow of thermal energy inside the cookware;
  • aluminum layer - has the ability to retain heat;
  • internal - made of the same metal as the dishes themselves. May have a non-stick coating.

How does an induction cooktop work?

When using such a stove, a rather interesting question arises about the principle of operation of such a stove. If you look at this, you can understand that it is significantly different from the method we are used to. Typically, heating is carried out by using a special special heat source, which can be either a fire or an electric heater. After which all the heat passes from the source to the dishes, and from the dishes to the food.

The stove is in contact only with the bottom of the container being used; the risk of getting burned on its surface is minimal.

In this technology, everything happens a little differently. This is due to the absence of this same heat source. Under the panel there are special coils that do not heat up after electric current passes through them. The question arises, what is this connected with? This is due to the fact that an electromagnetic field is created around from nearby objects made of ferromagnetic materials, which creates vortex flows. This is what heats the food.

On such a stove you can cook exactly according to the recipe.

The principle of the idea is quite simple and straightforward. Knowledge of physics and nothing more.

Instructions for use and care

If you have an induction hob in your home, you should know how to avoid the spread of radiation. A few simple tips will help with this:

  1. Choose cookware that completely covers the circumference of the burner. Budget models of appliances may not have a function that allows the burner to adjust to the dimensions of the bottom, then it is worth purchasing frying pans with a diameter of 12–14 cm or more.
  2. Place pans in the center of the heat.
  3. Do not use metal utensils for stirring food during cooking.
  4. If possible, avoid standing at the stove all the time.

To ensure that the induction cookware itself lasts as long as possible, you should:

  • use only liquid detergents for cleaning (preferably with the indication “for glass-ceramic surfaces”) and soft sponges - to avoid mechanical damage;
  • thoroughly wash and wipe the hob dry, without leaving oily stains, otherwise soot will accumulate here;
  • Allow ceramic elements to cool to room temperature and only then wash them, otherwise the material may crack;
  • Cast iron products should be stored in a dry place to prevent the formation of rust.

The induction cooker is not recommended for use by people with installed pacemakers, defibrillators and similar devices, since the electromagnetic field can negatively affect their operation, knocking out the desired settings.

How to choose cookware for induction

It is worth considering that not every kitchen utensil, even specialized ones, can be suitable for cooking on an induction cooker. To make the right purchase, you should pay attention to a number of factors so that the purchase is not in vain. To do this, a number of certain characteristics should be taken into account. If you do not pay attention to some rules, your life and the life of your family may be at risk. For safety, it is best to familiarize yourself with how to choose the right cookware for an induction cooker.

Since the surface is smooth and mirror-like, food residues do not stick, which means that they can be removed without much effort.

Sizes and varieties of shape

What kind of cookware is needed for an induction hob? If you look at the principle of choosing dimensions for a regular slab, it is worth noting that dimensions have practically no role there. It all depends on the preferences of the consumer. Here, the quality of operation, and most importantly, safety, will depend on your choice. Do not use cookware that is too small based on the size of the burner, as this may affect human health and the surrounding electronics.

You can cook food by first selecting the desired function.

Bottom parameters

Paying attention to the parameters of the bottom, make sure that the vessel is multi-layered, since it is between these layers that a magnetic layer is installed, due to which the interaction between the stove and the utensils occurs. If the bottom does not have a certain size, then the automatic stove may not work at all, but if on the contrary, then the heating time will be much longer. The diameter of the bottom must be combined with the size of the burner, because otherwise, at a distance of 12-20 cm, the electromagnetic radiation exceeds and human life becomes in danger. Also, this threatens to damage nearby electrical equipment.

Kitchen equipment only heats the bottom of the vessel.


It is important that the dishes occupy at least 70% of the burner area. Otherwise, heating will not occur, and electric currents will be directed not to the cooking process, but to the environment. This is not very useful for humans and other equipment.

Therefore, for most stoves, the standard requirement for the diameter of the cookware is at least 12 cm. For some appliances, this figure is reduced to 8 cm.

Please note that the larger the contact area between the bottom and the surface, the more effective the heating. Therefore, in a wide, low pan, the dish will cook faster than in a narrow, high pan.

Although today there are a number of panels that independently adjust to the size of the utensils used. Then there are no restrictions on the use of devices of any diameter.

Induction cookware materials

What kind of cookware is needed for an induction hob? Products manufactured for the purpose of operation using induction cookers are always marked with a special symbol in the form of a spiral. But, unfortunately, not all people have the opportunity to buy specialized cookware for an induction cooker. Therefore, it is worth talking about the most preferred materials.

Specialized dishes should have a thick bottom.

Stainless steel

Products made from this material are very durable and popular. They have a huge number of advantages. It should be noted that this material is of very high quality, as a result of which it is not afraid of deformation in the form of oxidation. Food prepared and subsequently stored in such utensils will not spoil it in any way.

Between the layers of the bottom there should be ferromagnetic layers, which contribute to uniform heating of the container.

Also, for those who like an attractive appearance, stainless steel will be an excellent choice. It has a fairly stylish design with a glossy and matte surface.

In addition to the above, it is worth noting that such material does not have much weight, so it is very convenient to use.

Special kitchen utensils for induction will be considered suitable if they are made of heavy and durable materials.

But when caring for such utensils, you should be especially careful, since hard brushes and other similar products can cause unwanted scratches that will affect the quality of the dishes you prepare.

Cast iron

Cast iron cookware is the most preferred option and has a huge number of advantages. This material is one of the most environmentally friendly, which gives it a definite advantage. Cast iron utensils are the most popular and widespread among housewives due to the fact that food practically does not stick to this type of utensil.

Such metals are resistant to deformation and other defects.

It is worth noting that cast iron is the most highly durable material, so you won’t have to worry about rapid wear and deformation. This device will be the most durable among all the dishes and will serve you for a long time.

Also, it retains heat perfectly, and cooked food will be able to maintain its temperature for a long time. But, compared to stainless steel, cast iron is very heavy, which makes cooking pancakes very difficult.

Products made of stainless steel and cast iron are considered the most suitable.

The surface of the material should be handled very carefully and carefully, since it is still possible to damage it. Like any other product, if dropped, dishes can crack or even break. And improper care can contribute to corrosion.

With enamel

Cooking utensils with an enamel surface are also suitable for cooking on an induction hob, but only if there is no deformation in the form of chips. Such dishes do not require specialized care. It is only important for her to use care products that will not harm her.

They are perfect for induction use.

Such cookware is durable and can serve you, your family and your kitchen for an impressive period of time. The enamel coating is one of the most durable, which is why the choice is unlikely to disappoint you. And also, compared to all other dishes of this material, they do not have an impressive cost. In any store you can find a huge variety of dishes with an enamel surface. A large assortment awaits you.

Even the simplest metal vessel, coated with high-quality enamel, is suitable for such a stove.

But when purchasing, you should be careful in your choice, as the quality may disappoint you. Look at the bottom, it is important that it is flat and its thickness reaches at least 2 mm. If you want to preserve the visual beauty of your dishes, then you should not resort to using a strong cleaning agent that can damage the surface.


When using aluminum material on an induction cooker, first of all, you should pay attention to the material of manufacture. If it is steel, then the use of such a product is permissible, otherwise, cooking a dish is impossible.

Selecting suitable cookware should be based on the specialized operating principle of the induction panel.

Also, specialized stores sell adapters that will allow you to use cookware regardless of the material.

What should the bottom be like?

The bottom is the most important part, so we need to talk more about its characteristics.

Firstly, it must be thick - at least 0.5 cm, and preferably 1 cm. If the thickness is less, then the heat redistribution will occur unevenly, and noise and crackling will be heard during operation. Deformation of the bottom is also possible.

Secondly, the bottom must be smooth and even in order to fit as tightly as possible to the surface. If there are any grooves, irregularities or indentations on the frying pan, then immediately put it aside - this is definitely not our option.

The above requirements apply to both old and new dishes.

Modern manufacturers produce products with special bottom parameters, so when you choose a set in a store, you may encounter the following options:

  • Fused - two or three heat-conducting layers are soldered into one another by stamping.
  • Capsule is a more complex technology, when the bottom consists of several layers: the outer one is always stainless steel, then there is cast or forged aluminum. In more expensive products, in the central part there is also a copper or iron disk, as well as an air gap. Such items usually have a prominent lower part.

Is it possible to cook on an induction cooker in regular cookware?

Is it possible to cook on an induction hob using regular cookware? In answer to this question, it should be noted that a lot depends on the coating on the bottom of your cookware. If you look at it objectively, then most likely you will not be able to cook a culinary masterpiece. Because using regular kitchen utensils can cause a number of problems. The induction cooker may not respond to the material your vessel is made of and may remain switched off. Or it may happen that the stove turns on, but no heating occurs, which will leave the vessel cold.

The bottom is the main parameter on which the consumer must focus attention.

This will not cause any harm to the stove itself and will not damage it. The only downside is that you will waste your energy trying to cook something. Therefore, when using such modern technology, it is worth taking care of the appropriate devices.

Many people wonder – what is an induction pan? The answer is the simplest. This is a vessel that has the same dimensions as a regular saucepan. Its difference is a special bottom, which allows it to heat up completely.

The diameter of the bottom must be at least 12 centimeters.

If you simply do not have the funds to purchase special utensils suitable for this technology, then manufacturers have made sure that cooking can be carried out using conventional appliances. This requires the use of magnetic adapters, which are a disk with a handle. It is placed on the burner, after which your dishes are placed on top.

This device will allow you not to change all the dishes, but to safely use the old ones without spending effort and money. This device does not cause any particular harm, but rather quite the opposite. This will protect your stove from unwanted and unfavorable scratches and all kinds of damage.


When choosing a set of professional kitchen utensils, it is important to familiarize yourself with the manufacturer’s symbols. On cookware for induction cookers there is always an icon in the form of a twisted spiral in a square or a spring consisting of several loops. This designation indicates a multi-layer bottom. Under the corresponding engraving, as a rule, there is the inscription Induction (translated from English as “induction”). This marking also indicates that the leading working parts of the plate are circular spirals made of copper.

If there is no corresponding sign on the dish, it is better to refuse it, even if the seller convinces you otherwise. The spiral information emblem is recognized internationally for all cookware manufacturers and must have a uniform style, which allows customers to easily recognize the appropriate option.

How to care for induction cookware

The implementation of specialized care depends solely on the material from which the dishes are made. But still, when leaving, you use the dishwasher, not paying attention to what food was used when preparing the dish.

If your pot or frying pan is made of cast iron, then you should remember that you need to thoroughly dry the item without leaving any traces of moisture. This is due to the fact that traces of corrosion may appear on this material; therefore, drying is the main condition for care.

Kitchen utensils should not be subject to even the slightest deformation.

If the material of your product is stainless steel, then care must be carried out somewhat differently. Such devices must be washed immediately after you use them. When caring for and cleaning metal, you should never use hard scrapers, as they can lead to deformation of the device, leaving microcracks or scratches on it. The ideal option would be pre-treatment with a salt solution before use. This will significantly increase the lifespan of your kitchen utensils. You don't need to make any special effort to do this, everything is surprisingly simple. All you need to do is add a vessel of clean water and add a few tablespoons of salt. Next, just put it on the fire and after boiling, rinse the vessel thoroughly.

Tips for use

Induction cookers entered our everyday life relatively recently, and many people simply do not have enough experience “communicating” with them. Good cookware that can be used for electromagnetic heating will help you quickly adapt to new equipment and not be disappointed with the purchase. However, even the highest quality induction pots and pans need to be handled correctly:

Do not place containers with a bottom smaller than 12 cm in diameter on the stove: the burner may simply not respond to such a small object. If you really hate to part with your favorite Turkish cooker, buy an adapter that is suitable for induction burners. This metal multilayer disk with a handle will brew your coffee.

If you decide to use some of the pots and pans left over from your previous stove, first inspect the outside of the bottom for scratches and uneven spots. Any defects will lead to uneven heating of food or failure of the stove. It is better to send the utensils that were used for cooking on gas to “retirement”.

Popular manufacturers

Today, a large number of manufacturers are engaged in the production of this kind of dishes. But, unfortunately, not everyone does this with special diligence, putting quality above all else. The wide assortment of the store will allow you to choose exactly the product that you will like both in appearance and in characteristics. First of all, when choosing any product, you should give preference to trusted manufacturers who are very popular among consumers.


This is a German company that has long been recognized among chefs and housewives. Their peculiarity is the production of kitchen utensils with a bias in favor of modern technologies. The product of this company has many additional functions in the form of measuring scales, sides designed for draining and a special bottom that evenly heats the dishes.

It will satisfy the tastes of any buyer - from a professional to a novice amateur.

The number of positive reviews is growing every day. People prefer high-quality goods, after purchasing which they will not have to regret.

Zwilling JA Henckels

This global brand is engaged in the creation and production of popular, and most importantly, budget and high-quality products. Making a profit is not the main goal of the company, since the quality of the device they create is much more important to them. Many chefs from all over the world use this device. There are some famous ones among them.

The Zwilling JA Henckels brand is one of the oldest and most respected brands in Europe.

Isn't this a confirmation of the quality of products that Zwilling JA Henckels produces?


Manufacturer from Italy, which specializes in the production of high-quality and lightweight tableware. Their products are equipped with a special multi-layer bottom. Also, the company does not forget to pay special attention to stylish design. Also, the company’s pricing policy is not overpriced, but rather the opposite.

Zanussi is a recognizable and leading home kitchen brand.

The combination of price and quality are the main advantages that are still worth noting.


A German brand that prefers steel products. Their products are distinguished by the fact that, in addition to a multi-layer bottom, they have durable walls. The design has a glossy finish, giving the cookware a very stylish visual appearance. In the store's assortment you can find a wide selection of different colors. And what’s most interesting is that their product is one of the most durable on the market and has a long service life.

Kitchenware from Kochstar (Germany) is the best in its class.


A company from France, for which design is equal to quality. Accented and special attention to this aspect allows us to make some of the most stylish products on the entire market. Their dishes can be used not only for cooking, but also for decorating the holiday table.

The smooth, enameled bottom allows Staub cookware to be used on all hobs, including induction.


Manufacturer from Germany, which produces products with a thickened bottom. You can also find specimens on the market whose bottom reaches 10 mm. In addition, the inside of the cookware has a special titanium-ceramic non-stick coating, which is very difficult to find in analogues.

Cooking on induction hobs is safe and energy efficient with cookware from Woll.

The technology of an induction cooker is quite simple, if you understand everything. This is one of the latest modern technologies, which is convenient and has a number of advantages. For proper and careful operation, certain rules must be observed. Also, the consumer does not have a strong need to purchase special marked utensils, since it is assumed that they will use a magnetic disk, which allows them to use old kitchen utensils. This will save you a lot of money.

Today, people have gradually begun to switch to using such technology. Every day the number of consumers wishing to purchase such a stove is growing. This trend is quite logical, because comfort and convenience are the main needs in the life of every person. This stove will be an excellent choice that you won’t have to regret.

Advantages and disadvantages of sets

Purchasing a set of kitchen utensils marked Induction entails certain advantages:

  1. The user receives high-quality and durable equipment, which also becomes a stylish addition to the kitchen interior.
  2. Money is saved, because a ready-made set of pots, ladles and stewpans is cheaper than buying these products separately.
  3. A cast-iron or steel frying pan purchased for an induction hob can be safely used on all other types of stoves - such utensils are universal.
  4. The speed of cooking will surprise even the most experienced chef, as the process will go much faster. As a result, a person will receive a pleasant bonus - more time to communicate with loved ones.

A significant disadvantage of a set of cookware for induction cookers is the high market cost: the price range ranges from 7 to 100,000 rubles.

What to buy: choosing the minimum required for cooking

The best option would be a set of four-piece cookware with a bottom size that completely matches the diameter of the burners. Such kits are easy to find in specialized stores that sell kitchen utensils.

When purchasing, it is worth considering that it is better to purchase a pan with a smaller height and a wider bottom - this will optimize the heating efficiency. Usually the set includes: a frying pan and three cooking pots for 5.3 and 2 liters, but with a large selection in stores, you can easily choose your own option.

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