Furniture‌ ‌for‌ ‌office:‌ ‌what‌ ‌need‌ ‌and‌ ‌how‌ ‌to‌choose‌

A well-constructed office design not only solves the problem of ergonomic location of employees, but also performs a number of other, no less significant functions. It introduces customers or potential customers to the concept of the entire enterprise, increases employee productivity, and has a positive effect on their physical, mental and emotional health. How to avoid gross mistakes when planning, interior and stylistic decisions - read on.

Modern office design Source

Modern office – what is it like?

Office interior design is based not only on the location and style of furniture and the color of the walls. As for employees, for them it is - in most cases - limited to the space of the desktop (seat). You can take a break from the work process, unload your brain, or just shake yourself up by using the following tips:

  • A small slate board (like for schoolchildren) will allow you to relieve the load at the moment when your brain begins to boil. Just take a piece of chalk and draw a funny face or smiley face on it. The item will be useful in that it can be used for group sketching of birthday cards.
  • Your office interior will lose some of its formality if you store pens and markers in a Pringles can.
  • Feel free to keep an ordinary cactus on your table. Studies have shown that office plants increase the well-being of clerks by almost 50%, improve creativity by 43% and increase productivity by 39%. So place a prickly flower and expect a bonus from the chef.

Advice! Decorative elements of the interior of a modern office can be varied. It all depends on the creativity of the employees and mutual understanding with the boss.

Types of office cabinets

Before answering the question - how to choose an office cabinet, we will understand the design and construction features, and in addition, the types of this interior element that exist today.

There are the following types of cabinets that are used in office premises:

Built-in cabinets installed in special niches in the wall, as a rule, have sliding or hinged doors.

They are used similarly to wall ones: for storing outerwear, documents, or archives. The big advantage of this type is that it saves space; however, it requires niches in the walls.

Cabinets. They got their name for their unusual design and are a tall but narrow cabinet. Used to store documents or outerwear. Cabinets - pencil cases are usually installed in small office spaces.

Secretaries: they are a kind of symbiosis of a closet and a desk. A special feature of this type is the presence of pull-out elements, folding shelves, and drawers. Secretaries are usually installed in filing cabinets, personnel departments, accounting departments, archives, etc.

We have indicated only the main types of designs, however, there are also non-standard solutions, the use of which is caused by specific requirements or tastes, and therefore it makes no sense to consider these options here.

Style selection

The design of the office style is the first thing that a partner sees when arriving for a negotiation. This is not only the face of the company, but also its intellectual center. Here the most important decisions are made, meetings are held, and contracts are concluded. Therefore, its design must correspond to the image of the enterprise and be a unique example of impeccable activity.

Silicon Valley office interior (USA) Source

The most current stylistic trends in office interiors are: American, European and Japanese design.

American office

The so-called Open Space appeared in Russia not so long ago, but is successfully replacing the cabinet style of the Soviet era. It pursues the main goal, which implies an open space for work and unity of the entire team, including the management team. All employees are located in the same room, without major partitions and long corridors. The style involves the presence of lightweight, portable partitions, which, if necessary, can be used to delimit space for one or another employee.

Interesting! In some offices of this style, employees can move around in a relaxed atmosphere. Switch to physical activity, go out into the open air, change seats. There are enterprises where the staff is not even assigned their own workplace.

Open Space of a modern American office Source

Location of employee seats using the example of an American office Source
The second feature of the design of an American office interior is the minimum of decorations. Only company logos and paraphernalia related to corporate rules are allowed. The color scheme is expressed in accordance with the characteristic shades used by the company.

The boss's place is located in the common room, but is fenced off as a separate area. Most often, glass or smart glass is used for this. Visual isolation is achieved using blinds, straight plain curtains or Smart Glass adjustments.

Healthy! Open Space is a kind of “interactive” space, with maximum savings in office space. It is clearly visible from the inside and has a great impact on the company’s performance.

See also: Catalog of companies that specialize in interior redevelopment.


The design of a European office corresponds to an analogy with an American one, containing slight deviations. The theme of open space is used here, built in the center of offices with different functional characteristics. The meeting room, the boss, the rest room, the structural ones - all this is beyond the general attention.

European-style office interior design refers to high-tech, minimalism, and futurism. Unlike the American one, decorative elements are used here. This is manifested through the engraving of doors and reception desks, and the installation of more ergonomic furniture. Although there are no bright manifestations here, the presence of drawing and completeness of forms is visible at first glance.

Break in a European-style office Source

European office design style Source

Advice! A European office belonging to the minimalist style does not allow the use of decor, but welcomes color experiments.


When decorating an office in Japanese style, the personal individuality of the nation's representatives is first taken into account. First of all, it is high discipline, hard work, collectivism and dedication to the goal. The workroom is equipped according to the principle of their homes: a minimum of pomp, restraint and the simplest possible forms.

Office interior design is based on strict zoning of space. The division occurs according to the principle of hierarchy. Ordinary employees work in a room without partitions, at a common table. The place can be fenced off with a portable partition, no more than 1.5 m high, but not always. There are interiors where activities are carried out at one, for example, a round table.

An example of the design of one of the Japanese offices Source

Interior of a modern office using the example of a Japanese company Source

Another Japanese office design option is built on a school principle. Staff seats are arranged in the same way as desks in classrooms. The head of the department or chief (in all cases) sits opposite, getting the opportunity to control the work of his subordinates.

Interesting! A distinctive feature of a Japanese-style office is the mandatory presence of additional furniture elements intended for a temporary change of environment. Any employee can change place at any time, join groups, or vice versa, retire for a more careful study of the document.

Document storage systems

Multi-section shelf systems of open or closed type are installed in offices. The first option is used to store current and frequently used documentation, office supplies and literature. Archival documents are placed in closed boxes.

If we talk about the material, then metal shelving is most in demand for offices. They are reliable, unpretentious and can withstand a lot of weight. Models made from chipboard or MDF are more aesthetically pleasing; they are made in neutral colors, so they fit harmoniously into a classic office interior.

In some offices, shelving is used as a partition between work areas or departments. An open type sample with 25 sections is suitable for these purposes.

Color in modern office design

The color scheme plays a key role in the design of a modern office. The choice of shade depends on many factors. First of all, this is the visual perception of a person and the passive psychological influence to which employees will be exposed.

Color scheme of one of the American companies Source

Green using the example of one of the Microsoft offices Source

In addition to features associated with human perception, the choice of color for a modern office is influenced by a number of other factors:

  • Room area.
  • The direction of the windows, their sizes (sunny side, not sunny side).
  • Lighting quality (artificial, natural).

Advice! Diagnose the quality of artificial lighting. When changing the interior, you may need to install additional lamps.

Following the above conditions, we can conclude:

  • Warm colors are used for offices with windows facing north.
  • Cold - for those who “look” to the south.

Plays of colors using the example of one of the most creative offices on the planet Source

Neutral white color for the interior of a modern office Source
Several other conditions also influence the choice of color for the design of a modern office:

  • Interior style of the room.
  • Individual preferences of employees and managers.
  • Furniture style.
  • Type of company activity.
  • Psychological influence on a person.

Types of partitions

What types of sliding wardrobes are 2 meters long, review of models

To make a rational choice of this type of furniture, you need to take into account the existing “geography” of the room, the required number of workstations and their ergonomics. The general functional zoning of office space and the need for visual/audio isolation of workers and clients mean a lot.

What is the priority of the design component, is there a need to support the corporate identity of the organization? If you are thinking about the need to use office partitions, you should start with the above points.

And yet, what kind of partitions are there and what are their differences:

The influence of color on employee performance

Practice confirms that the psychological state has a significant impact on human performance, ability and desire to concentrate to perform official tasks. Taken together, all this affects the effectiveness and productivity of the company.

Excellent office interior, decorated in soft turquoise tones Source

A little more and the blue could have turned into blue and the effect would have been different Source

How to save money when purchasing?

First of all, employers are trying to save on materials. This can be done, most importantly, without compromising the quality and comfort of employees. To do this, you should consult with the seller, familiarize yourself with all the possible options and settle on the option that is optimal in terms of wear resistance and price.

By purchasing all the elements of office furnishings in one place, you can receive from the seller an offer of profitable cooperation with an additional discount. In addition to saving your budget, this option allows you to avoid making mistakes in choosing shades and colors of furniture; all products are guaranteed to be combined.

Before submitting your application, make sure that you have correctly indicated the names and quantities of goods. Agree on a convenient delivery time, and check whether delivery to the floor and assembly are included in the price. This will allow you to avoid conflict situations and save time on unnecessary proceedings.

Smart glass in modern office design

Modern smart glass will fit perfectly into any office interior. Most often used to zone the boss's place or meeting room. At normal times it is transparent, but when the power is turned off it takes on a matte color.

The advantages of “smart glass” when used in office interiors are the following factors:

  • Goes perfectly with any interior solutions.
  • In off mode, it can be used to view photos, videos, corporate or motivational chronicles.
  • The film responsible for darkening can not only be multi-colored to match the walls, but also have an original image. For example, a corporate slogan, company logo.

Rear projection on smart glass turned off Source

Accessories for shelving

When choosing a regular office shelving unit, you should take care of its aesthetic appearance, as well as the convenience of storing things or papers in it.

In addition, sorting is necessary so that the office always has order with papers, so that each of them is in its place. During working hours, some papers are constantly required and to reduce the time spent searching for them, accessories are simply necessary.

Plastic containers will make the rack not only convenient, but also beautiful and modern. Shelf partitions make it possible to quickly swap documents or move them from shelf to shelf. The cost of such accessories is not high enough, so you should still take care of purchasing them.

When choosing a rack, you need to remember that, first of all, it must be of high quality and reliable.

Guided by these two criteria, you will undoubtedly select this piece of furniture that will serve for a long time.

Check out the photo of the office shelving. We present to your attention a variety of designs and shelving made from different materials. A clear example will become an indispensable assistant in choosing such a design.

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