Executive furniture: types of beautiful and functional office furniture. TOP 100 photos of stylish design solutions

A well-constructed office design not only solves the problem of ergonomic location of employees, but also performs a number of other, no less significant functions. It introduces customers or potential customers to the concept of the entire enterprise, increases employee productivity, and has a positive effect on their physical, mental and emotional health. How to avoid gross mistakes when planning, interior and stylistic decisions - read on.

Modern office design Source googleusercontent.com

Features of executive furniture

Simple forms, functional solutions, accessories emphasizing the prestige of this unique room - the executive’s office requires special arrangement.

  • The boss's room should not be luxurious or too extravagant.
  • Elegant but expressive furniture, well made from quality materials, is best.
  • The most important piece of furniture in an office is, of course, the desk.
  • It cannot be too small - spacious document shelves behind large doors that open using the push to open method will come in handy.
  • A large tabletop for current paperwork and a lamp may also come in handy.

Due to its function, the manager’s office, regardless of whether it is at home or in an office building, must first of all be done with taste.

In this case, comfort and elegance are key factors. Here it is worth trying to be consistent in the style of the arrangement to achieve the desired effect.


There are several types of office cabinets. Each of them is designed for a specific type of activity, the requirements of which it fully meets. It is necessary to pay special attention to this aspect when choosing furniture for the workspace, especially if several people will work there at the same time.

Arrangement of the work area

In the work area, the boss's chair is the central element, which, along with other furniture, must correspond not only to the image of the company, but also to the character and status of its owner.

The chair invariably emphasizes the prestige of the manager, so it must stand out among other seats in the office, which means impeccable workmanship, highest quality materials, good design, comfort and ergonomics.

In the office, this should be the only copy that stands out from the rest of the seats.

The desk should be located at the back of the room, facing the entrance.

  • This is where conversations often end with binding agreements and confidential documents, so lockable furniture pieces can come in handy.
  • Some executives will also need a safe. The style of furniture (the choice between modern and classic pieces) depends on the profile of the company.
  • Modern office furniture is a good choice for companies in the innovation and technology industry, media, advertising, and entertainment.
  • Classic furniture is suitable for a business that adheres to traditions.


The office design project should focus as much as possible on the quality of light. Natural lighting is considered the most comfortable for human perception, so the location of work areas should be thought out in such a way that during the day they are well illuminated by sunlight. Of course, this requires a sufficient number of windows, but it doesn’t hurt to think about the proper placement of additional light sources.

General rules for creating lighting for workers:

  • people are not meant to sit with their backs to the window;
  • the light should never be dim;
  • lamps with a white or neutral glow are installed;
  • Compact lamps are installed on work tables;
  • It is better to use directional light;
  • preference is given to spot lighting over general lighting;
  • relaxation areas are equipped with adjustable lamps.

In general, the principle here is: there should be a lot of light, it should be of high quality, and even better if it is natural.

Private zone

A natural consequence of the stress and responsibility of a manager's job is the need to calm down and relax, even on a difficult day.

A comfortable seating area located in a secluded area of ​​the office, preferably with natural greenery, pleasant views and muffled acoustics, where a comfortable sofa should be located, will help him in this.

The lounge area can also include a small bar, private bathroom and wardrobe, allowing you to discreetly and quickly freshen up or change clothes before your next meeting. In this matter, much depends on the personal preferences of the manager.

The influence of color on employee performance

Practice confirms that the psychological state has a significant impact on human performance, ability and desire to concentrate to perform official tasks. Taken together, all this affects the effectiveness and productivity of the company.

Excellent office interior, decorated in soft turquoise tones Source gidpokraske.ru A little more and the blue could have turned into blue and the effect would have been different Source ru.dreamstime.com

Place for meetings and negotiations

Guests, conversations, contractors are everyday visitors to every manager’s office. Often these types of meetings take up most of the work.

Therefore, the area of ​​the room dedicated to this purpose must be very carefully designed to accommodate the different types of meetings and the nature of their holding.

  • A sofa, comfortable armchairs with a small coffee table are a good base for less formal business meetings, where the interlocutors are “on the same level”, sitting closer or even next to each other.
  • When the conversation is more business in nature, it usually takes place at the boss's table, where the chairs or armchairs of the interlocutors are located on opposite sides of the table. This allows you to maintain the formal tone of the meeting and emphasize the prestige of the leader.

Another option is to place a conference table in the office, which will allow you to organize meetings with a large number of colleagues.

How to save money when purchasing?

First of all, employers are trying to save on materials. This can be done, most importantly, without compromising the quality and comfort of employees. To do this, you should consult with the seller, familiarize yourself with all the possible options and settle on the option that is optimal in terms of wear resistance and price.

By purchasing all the elements of office furnishings in one place, you can receive from the seller an offer of profitable cooperation with an additional discount. In addition to saving your budget, this option allows you to avoid making mistakes in choosing shades and colors of furniture; all products are guaranteed to be combined.

Before submitting your application, make sure that you have correctly indicated the names and quantities of goods. Agree on a convenient delivery time, and check whether delivery to the floor and assembly are included in the price. This will allow you to avoid conflict situations and save time on unnecessary proceedings.

Combination of interior and furniture

To choose the right furniture for an executive, you should follow some rules.

  • Stylistic restraint is needed. Furniture for the boss's office, which comes from the same collection, always looks better. Maintaining stylistic consistency in interior design and using classic or modern office furniture without unnecessary experiments with decor (especially if a non-professional is responsible for the arrangement) allows you to avoid design failures.
  • Taking care of symmetry and harmony is the right decision. These are typical architectural guidelines. Symmetry brings order and structure that is pleasing to the eye, and the harmony of shapes and colors has a calming effect. The executive's office, as a rule, involves serious conversations and decisions that require concentration, where the additional element of chaos in the form of cluttered decor is impractical. So it’s good to take care of the symmetrical arrangement of chairs near the table, cabinets near the wall or decorative elements on the walls.
  • Don't worry that minimalism means a lack of elegance. This is somewhat different. Sometimes, as the classics say, less is more. It is enough to choose simple shapes, but with sharp edges. At this stage, you can also choose a special texture, a non-standard color, while abandoning jewelry and accessories. If the boss wants to personalize such a place, he can add his own additions there. Classic with a touch of modernity is a good option when choosing executive furniture.

Despite the fact that modern trends in organizations dictate the abandonment of many separate offices in favor of uniting managers with subordinates in a common space, this is not always possible or advisable.

While people running departments in a company often work with their employees on a one-to-one basis, senior management always needs a separate office. Therefore, the selection of furniture for the boss’s office still remains relevant.

Smart glass in modern office design

Modern smart glass will fit perfectly into any office interior. Most often used to zone the boss's place or meeting room. At normal times it is transparent, but when the power is turned off it takes on a matte color.

The advantages of “smart glass” when used in office interiors are the following factors:

  • Goes perfectly with any interior solutions.
  • In off mode, it can be used to view photos, videos, corporate or motivational chronicles.
  • The film responsible for darkening can not only be multi-colored to match the walls, but also have an original image. For example, a corporate slogan, company logo.

Rear projection on smart glass turned off Source www.dm-steklo.ru

Photos of the best furniture for an executive

Choosing an office desk

First of all, let's determine what kind of table you want to see in your office. It should be as comfortable, beautiful, and functional as possible. The main criterion in its selection is ease of use, attractive appearance and high-quality, wear-resistant materials.

Director's desk - having an aesthetic appearance and representativeness. They look original with a glass tabletop, glossy, with steel legs.

Reception table - specially designed for receiving visitors, consists of a tabletop for an employee and a tier of shelves above the tabletop for various papers.

Table for meetings and conferences – used for holding meetings, it offers capacity for a large group of people.

Computer - designed for employees working on a computer or laptop; it contains sections for a keyboard, speakers, system unit, drawers and other shelves.

Tables can be round, corner or straight. For everyday work, the latter type is usually preferable, since it takes up minimal space and does not have a flashy design. A round or oval table shape looks extraordinary - usually this is installed in the reception area or used for conferences. Corner tables are respectively installed in the corner - they save space, but have their drawback in the lack of lighting.

The choice of material from which the table can be made is quite large - chipboard, IMF, glass, metal, plastic, wood. Everyone has their own taste and pricing. If you choose based on practicality, of course, metal wins. You can always buy cheap office furniture, this includes chipboard, IMF and plastic.

Choosing an office chair

An poorly equipped place to work can bring a feeling of discomfort, fatigue and a bad mood. Therefore, take the choice of a chair seriously; one glance at the chair will not be enough. Be sure to evaluate its properties based on your feelings to be convinced of its quality. First of all, pay attention to the seat - it should be moderately firm, with a reclining back, comfortable armrests, preferably on wheels.

The seat should be easily adjustable in height, the legs of the person sitting on it should not hang down; it would be great if the chair had a special footrest. The material with which the office chair is covered also plays a big role - leather or thick fabric is best, this will prevent overheating and hypothermia.

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