Bog oak: description, properties and use for furniture products

Long-term natural processes contribute to the transformation of wood species. This concept can mean not only negative influencing qualities, but also positive ones. As a result of being under water for tens, hundreds of years, or even millennia, oak trunks acquire invaluable qualities, becoming extremely hard and receiving a unique color of a singed or even blackish tint.

Underwater, the integrity of oak is preserved due to a unique characteristic - the presence of a special tannin in the structure of the tree.

Bog oak is a component of a refined and expensive interior.

Features of the reaction

Changes in the physical and mechanical characteristics of wood associated with the passage of complex chemical reactions: leaching of water-soluble substances contained in the cell walls. The process has been proven by the results of numerous studies conducted by N. T. Kuznetsov back in the 30s of the last century.

As a result, it was possible to establish that stained wood contains 75% less water-soluble substances than natural wood. This indicates an increase in cell porosity and a decrease in their density, which results in an increase in the moisture content of the saturation limit, balancing shrinkage, and maximum humidity. It is this factor that explains the absolute shrinkage of boards or workpieces during drying of the sawing material.

The analysis data contributed to the development of thought and the formation of a new technology for drying wood and blanks made from it with a thickness of up to 22-32 mm in a convective or convective-microwave oven, or a vacuum-dielectric drying unit.

The use of advanced technologies has resolved the issue of temperature treatment of wood. There is virtually no internal or external cracking. Collapse in such cases is unacceptable.

The interesting concepts put forward by researchers and scientists do not end there. The study of the properties of stained wood is at the stage of processing geoanalysis data and continues its evolution in the world.

Features of wood

The representative of the beech family belongs to hardwoods and has high performance characteristics, the main of which are:

  • high density;
  • resistance to moisture and decay;
  • moderate cracking due to temperature changes;
  • maintaining shape under high mechanical loads;
  • the presence of a unique natural pattern,
  • ability not to cause allergies.

Scope of application

Our ancestors built ships from it, made barrels, made stairs, doors, windows, figurines, and furniture. Nowadays, private craftsmen make window sills, wall panels, ceiling beams and other decorative elements from solid oak.

Features of oak extraction and processing

The process is complex and labor-intensive, and not every specialist can handle wood processing. Despite this, the products deserve the highest praise due to their qualities.

Important! If you plan to process or decorate the surface with stained wood, then try to prepare the material in advance. It takes more than one year to process wood.

To obtain such valuable material, water areas of significant volumes are examined, especially the bottom of reservoirs. Moreover, the work is carried out in very difficult conditions.

Advantages of bog wood

Today, many have heard about such a material as stained oak wood, but there are many other species, the main feature of which is that they have properties that are radically different from standard options.

The price of such materials is too high, and they are used only in the production of luxury finishing materials and furniture.

Let's take a closer look at what this option is.

First, let's figure out why this group of materials is so valuable, and there are many reasons for its popularity:

Extraordinary structureThe color of wood differs from standard options, and this effect will be difficult to achieve using artificial methods. Of course, no wood darkens as it will, but pine and birch also get a unique look that will decorate any interior. As you can see, this material is not in vain used when decorating elite buildings.
StrengthThe hardness of the material is many times greater than that of ordinary wood, so you can find all sorts of stained wood products that were made many years ago, and at the same time look as if they had not been in water for long. There are no exact indicators and characteristics, since it depends on many factors, but there is no doubt that they are many times better.
Resistance to negative influencesAs experts note, the resistance of such wood to water is quite high, and therefore using it for garden sculptures and furniture would be the right decision - the products will last for decades. Another advantage is that the material cannot be damaged by pests, and this only has a positive effect on durability.
Uniqueness of the materialThe color of each log will depend on the conditions in which it was located, as well as on the ratio of minerals, water temperature, etc. It turns out that each element is unique and it is impossible to find exactly the same one, and each product made of stained wood can be equated in value to antiques.

Important! In addition, we note the fact that stained wood becomes more expensive every year, and therefore buying products made from this material will be an excellent investment, since the products will not deteriorate over time and will retain their excellent characteristics for several decades.

Another option is stained birch, which is mined from the bottom of reservoirs and used to create various products.

How is a tree brought to the surface?

Having discovered the trunk, the bog oak is lifted ashore. In this case, it is impossible to do without the use of technology, since one tree weighs around 10-20 tons. Before starting to saw the material, the wood pulled out of the water is assessed at the first stage for quality. Sometimes a tree that has been taken out of the water and prepared for processing is completely unsuitable for further work. As soon as the material is cut, the production of parquet, furniture, doors or window frames immediately begins. Untreated stained wood, kept under water for many years, quickly becomes unusable on the surface. Therefore it must be processed immediately. As you have most likely noticed, extracting bog oak is a labor-intensive process.

Unique characteristics

The oak lives its first life on the shore, the second in the water. The priceless wood is environmentally friendly - it got into the water in the pre-industrial period. After spending at least 300 years under water, bog oak acquires silver and fawn shades. And after 1000 years, the wood becomes almost black, although there are specimens with a purple tint, which allows the products to look even more original. This occurs due to the lack of oxygen supply due to the layer of sand and silt under which the tree rests, and high pressure. At this time, special chemical reactions take place and a natural preservative, tannin, is produced. Oak acquires amazing properties - it becomes hard, almost like stone and resistant to rotting and drying out, and no varnishes or paints are used in the manufacture of products - its texture and color are perfect.

Scope of application of the material

Even if you have never heard of such a material, you can imagine that this type of wood is used in not one, but at least five applications.

Due to the fact that bog oak is a rather rare and even more valuable material, it requires fine manual processing.

Most often, furniture and souvenirs are made from wood, which are doomed to turn into antique objects. It is worth noting that flooring or other types of coatings used in interior design have a long service life.

Multi-level floor

Everything you need to know about furniture nails

To zone the space, craftsmen install floors at different levels. They advise installing a podium to separate the kitchen and dining room. This option is considered one of the most practical because, among other things, the owners have additional free space where they can hide something. It is convenient to use boxes or drawers for this. Wicker baskets will look good. But such space can remain free.

However, such a design should not be made if there are small children in the family, since the podium can become an obstacle for him. In addition, various floor coverings can be used. They will zone the space between the living room and the kitchen and protect the podium from damage. For example, tiles are laid in the kitchen area, and laminate flooring in the dining room. The main thing is to choose colors and textures and combine the finishes correctly.

Is it possible to produce bog oak under artificial conditions?

Thanks to the development of innovation and the movement of technological progress, changing the natural characteristics, properties and performance of natural wood seems possible. Today, scientists are able to successfully imitate the stained wood color, maintaining aesthetic and durable characteristics, and achieving maximum moisture resistance.

Another option is staining oak at home. This option is simple and affordable and is ideal for those who want to get an unusual oak material with silver veins inside.

For this, stain is useful - a special mixture that imitates the color of natural moraine wood.

Apply the product in two stages: the first time on the surface of the wood at a slight slope, making strokes across the grain, the second - along. During work, use a flat, wide brush - a flute, intended for applying stain and simulating imperceptible natural transitions of tones. This is the best tool, characterized by softness and at the same time elasticity of the pile. Stains are often used to imitate the “stained oak” shade of laminate flooring.

How is it made?

Due to the long-term nature of natural processes, we cannot talk about the production of natural stained wood.

However, artificial staining can be used to protect the material from harmful environmental factors and improve its decorative characteristics and consumer qualities.

For this purpose, special chemical compounds are used: stains. The furniture and construction industries widely use this method. As a result, the material acquires good properties, but its cost remains quite acceptable.

You can use the method yourself at home. The use of special compounds will prevent the development of rotting and fungal mold. The compositions will also extend the service life of the product and protect against insects.

To choose the appropriate method, you must first become familiar with the types and properties of stains and the technology for their use.

There are stains:

  • water based;
  • alcohol;
  • oil;
  • wax;
  • acrylic.

Each type of substance has its own characteristics and nuances of application. Application is carried out in the following ways:

  • trituration;
  • spraying;
  • using a brush or roller.

The choice of method depends on the type of wood. Oil impregnation is considered the least demanding and easiest to use. Even an inexperienced worker can use it.

Impregnations based on wax and acrylic are more environmentally friendly and also fireproof.

Small parts can be immersed in containers with substances. Regardless of the method chosen, certain recommendations should be followed.

  • Before applying the composition, the surface must be prepared. The procedure includes cleaning from dirt and dust, the previous layer of paint and varnish, and sanding. For coniferous species, de-resining will be required. Before sanding, wipe the surface with a sponge soaked in water.
  • The stain should be applied in an even, dense layer and wait until it dries.
  • Then the second layer is applied. If a certain amount of the substance is not absorbed into the wood, it is removed from the surface.
  • When the stain is completely dry, apply varnish. The dried and sanded varnish is coated with a second layer.
  • After the final coat of varnish has dried, the surface must be polished.

What is included in wood stain?

Impregnation is made on the basis of three components:

  1. Water. Water-based compounds are better absorbed and are more quickly absorbed by wood. During the processing process, the wood needs to be dried, which takes more time. The result is a uniform shade that can be easily adjusted with a sponge. After waiting for the material to dry completely, it is covered with paint and varnish.
  2. Ethyl alcohol. It lends itself to instant evaporation, therefore it requires high-quality and quick application and caution in actions. Work with such impregnation only with special gloves and a mask. Otherwise, it will not be possible to achieve uniform tinting of the material. Therefore, craftsmen prefer to work not manually, but using special equipment - a spray gun.
  3. Alkidov. In addition to obtaining wood in the desired shade, alkyd stain allows you to increase the resistance of the material to external negative factors acting on the material. Therefore, coating the product with varnish can be skipped, except for shine.

Remember that home-dyed raw materials can be easily distinguished from natural bog oak. Therefore, artificial material is often used in baths, saunas, swimming pools, and other rooms with high humidity.

How to make wood furniture with your own hands?

To begin with, you need to decide on the design and clearly define the idea. It is necessary that all home furniture be combined with each other. We have given the most common combinations where homemade furniture fits quite well into the interior.

In order to make furniture yourself, you should use special equipment during the work, free space and strictly follow the instructions.

Making furniture. Different types of furniture are created for the gazebo and for the house; you should choose the location of the cabinets or tables, as well as the part of the wood used: slabs, beams, slats, solid wood. You need to draw on paper with a pencil an approximate view of the room with furniture.

Marking. Based on the drawing, you can begin to assemble pieces of furniture.

Sawing. Wood should be treated with resins, which serve as a protective film against moisture, air and small pests. Varnishing or painting.

Why is stained wood popular?

Back in the days when man had just begun to explore the Earth, wood took a reliable ally position as the first available material. No matter how the conditions and the development of scientific and technological progress develop, natural wood has always been in demand, and this trend will remain leading for many centuries to come. Eco-friendly wood is not only safe, but also gives the room a special charm and comfort.

Considering that ordinary wood has become not so interesting in recent years compared to other progressive materials, it’s time to collect laurels for stained wood. In terms of strength characteristics, the material resembles stone due to the properties obtained during the period of being under water.

The color of bog oak is not the main advantage that makes the material preferable in choice. Rested wood is not afraid of cold, moisture, or pests that destroy hectares of forest. Stained material does not require specific care or additional processing. At the same time, it remains the standard of naturalness, environmental friendliness, and purity.

Bleached oak and hallway

In modern apartments you can rarely find a spacious hallway. Therefore, choosing dairy modular furniture will help create a bright and cozy space. The color of bleached oak goes well with any interior. But it goes especially well with pistachio, cherry, turquoise or dark chocolate.

If your hallway is spacious, place a modular wardrobe, a soft sofa, or a small carved or glass table there. Your guests see the hallway first, and such an environment will create comfort and friendliness from the doorstep of the house.

There are a few more tricks on how to visually expand the space and make the hallway bright and cozy:

  • Mirrors on the walls. A mirror will add several square meters to your hallway.
  • Don't put up dark wallpaper or make the floor dark. You can use photo wallpaper; just like mirrors, they create the illusion of additional space.
  • More light. Lighting in the hallway should be not only general, but also spot lighting due to light bulbs built into the furniture.

How does it happen that the result is stained wood?

The whole secret is in tannins, which, as a result of the formation of compounds with iron salts, are transformed into super-strong and durable ones. Stained oak boards can be called a reborn material with unique characteristics.

Interesting! Timber has been floated naturally down major rivers all over the world. The banks of the rivers were fortified with oak groves, and when the trunks fell into the water, they remained there to be naturally processed by the elements of nature. About 90% have already been processed, but some of the trees were washed away with silt and remained under water to this day, acquiring even greater value.

What you need to know about this type of wood

To begin with, we will talk about all the features of extraction and processing of the material, and then consider the purposes for which it is used. Let us immediately note that all of the above advantages are inherent only if the material was extracted and processed in accordance with technology.

How the material is extracted

First, you need to understand how the material acquires all its properties; this can happen in two ways: either trees growing along the banks of rivers and swamps fall, or individual elements fall to the bottom when logs are floated down rivers.

They usually remain there for several tens to several hundred years, and some harvested oak logs are generally more than a thousand years old. Everything is clear here - the older the material, the more unique the properties and the higher its price.

Material over 1000 years old is a unique phenomenon; bog oak is considered the rarest wood on earth

As for the extraction of this valuable raw material, it is unlikely that you will be able to do it yourself; the reason for this is a rather complex technology:

  • It is worth noting that Russia has the largest deposits of such wood in the world, but industrial production has not yet been established and only a few enterprises are engaged in such work. This is due to the labor-intensive and costly process; to extract one hundred cubic meters of high-quality material, you need to lift from the bottom and process at least a thousand cubic meters of wood;
  • The production process from the moment of extraction to the sale of ready-to-use material takes at least several years, which requires a significant investment at first, and the costs will begin to pay off in three years at best. Therefore, even large companies cannot afford to master this type of work;
  • First of all, bottom exploration is carried out in order to determine the location of wood on the bottom. With the use of modern echolocation equipment, this process has been greatly simplified, but it still takes time, since 300-400 kilometers of the riverbed are usually examined;
  • Next, divers begin their work, exploring the bottom of the reservoir and determining the exact location and number of logs, this allows them to draw up an approximate plan for extraction;

The services of scuba divers are not cheap, which further increases the cost of the material

  • Then it is necessary to organize the lifting of the wood from the bottom, this requires very productive equipment, since sometimes elements of simply enormous size come across, the photo below is a clear example - it is unrealistic to lift such a trunk with a simple crane, and given that the density of the material is high and amounts to 1500 kg per cubic meter , you can imagine its actual mass. Naturally, equipment is selected in accordance with intelligence data;

Elements of this size are a great success and rarity

  • It is important to understand that work on lifting to the surface must be carried out very carefully so as not to damage the elements, and due to pressure drops, the so-called caisson effect can form, when the material begins to crack literally before our eyes. For this reason, logs are often lifted and left on the surface of the water for a while to allow the material to stabilize;

Extraction is a complex and responsible process that requires accuracy.

  • Then it is necessary to very quickly deliver the extracted elements for sawing, since exposure to air, even for several hours, reduces the quality of the material significantly. For this reason, during transportation, techniques such as humidification or transportation in containers with water may be used;
  • As for cutting, it is carried out using special equipment in which the working elements are tipped with carbide in order to ensure effective cutting of very hard material. Once dry, it is much more difficult to cut the wood, so it is important to carry out this work on time;
  • The finished board must be stacked in a room without direct sunlight with normal ventilation, and this must be done while it is still damp in order to lay it on a flat surface and prevent deformation;

In order for the material to acquire normal humidity, it must lie in a ventilated area for at least two, and preferably three to four years.

  • After drying, all elements are carefully sorted by master cabinetmakers, after which they are used for a variety of purposes. As you can see, the instructions for carrying out the process correctly are very complex.

The use of stained wood in construction

Guess why such a house will not be afraid of snow, rain, windy or frosty weather. All thanks to the “school of survival” that the wood underwent at the bottom of the bay, polynya, lake, pond or other body of water where it was located.

The main advantage of building from stained wood is environmental friendliness. It’s hard to imagine an even more natural material for constructing a residential building. Bog oak siding looks interesting.

What makes it a unique material, ideal for construction, is the lack of shrinkage during the drying process. Newly rebuilt housing is completely ready for use without risks to human life and health.

Artificial stained oak

In English, there is a definition for artificially stained wood - Fumed Oak. As the name implies, this material is obtained by various methods of artificial staining. As a rule, inorganic salts and compounds are used, heat treatment and steaming are also used.

The main advantage of this material, of course, is its accessibility. After all, to obtain it, you do not need to carry out lengthy work to extract the wood from the water, dry it and process it. It can be prepared in any quantities. For the same reason, the price of artificial bog oak is acceptable. It is logical to order parquet or facing tiles from this material.

Artificial staining raw materials are not inferior to natural samples in terms of technical characteristics. It is strong, durable, resistant to external influences. Thus, artificially stained wood is resistant to moisture, which makes it possible to use tiles made from this material in bathrooms.

The main disadvantage of artificially stained wood is the use of chemicals at the time of its manufacture. This goes against the concept of environmental friendliness and naturalness. It is recommended to find out exactly what staining method the company used and choose methods that are as harmless to human health as possible.

Other disadvantages include a limited color palette and repeatability of patterns. If you rely on prestige and exclusivity, then you should pay attention to natural bog oak.

Stained wood in the interior

To create a unique style they often use:

  • larch;
  • birch;
  • oak.

The only requirements for the material used in interior decoration are environmental friendliness and aesthetics, and products made from bog oak fully satisfy these requirements. Often in mansions you can find parquet made of bog oak, which looks unsurpassed.

Wooden buildings of this type are not afraid of any fungi or insects. Therefore, such a coating does not require additional treatment with protective agents, and this is another plus for the environmental friendliness of the house.

The price of wood starts from 12,500 rubles per 1m3. It doesn’t matter how much bog oak costs, the main thing is that the material is of high quality.

How much can you earn from bog oak?

Bog oak wood is considered the most expensive in the world. A simple frame for a small photograph made of this natural material can cost hundreds of rubles. Furniture made from materials preserved by nature itself is affordable only for the richest people on the planet. Our country has impressive reserves of this wood, and there are technologies for its extraction and processing. But the extraction of a valuable resource is often illegal and goes beyond the budget. Why is this happening?

Raising an oak from the bottom of the river is not an easy task.
The trunk can weigh up to 4-6 tons. A chair for the price of a car.
There are dozens of advertisements on the Internet for the sale of products made from bog oak. For example, a slab of this wood (a cut of a trunk or, simply, an unedged board) sells for $440 per linear meter. The simplest coffee table is offered for 1,700, and a more powerful TV console for $6,300. A decorative stand for books will cost an immodest sum of $3,400. For a square meter of floor boards or wall panels you will have to pay about $700. A block of 20x5x5 cm can be bought for 10-15 dollars. There are more radical proposals on our market. For each cubic meter of round timber they ask for 2-4 thousand euros. And there are buyers.

Bog oak is a unique material, the creation of which nature spent thousands of years. In those days when mammoths walked around the planet, a mighty tree grew on the bank of the river. The water washed away the shore, the oak tree fell to the bottom. It was covered with silt. For thousands of years, it “starved” in exceptional conditions, with virtually no access to oxygen. As a result, its structure changed - it became much stronger, acquired a noble dark color with silver veins. And the main thing that attracts people is the age of such material. Agree, few people will refuse to touch the table, knowing that it is thousands of years old. Where are the antiques?

The fishery is covered with silt

In our unique and, to put it professionally speaking, narrow market, only a few companies operate legally. One of them is headed by Alexander Dupanov. Back in the 1990s, he became interested in this topic by pure chance. Foreign friends were visiting him, and they casually inquired about the opportunity to buy several cubic meters of bog oak. Ultimately, nothing came of the idea - too many intermediaries needed to be involved. But Alexander realized that this business, with a competent approach, has more than real prospects. Since then, for 20 years, the enterprise has been developing technologies for searching, extracting and processing driftwood. And along the way, like every businessman, the director of the enterprise and his team carefully monitor the activities of competitors.

“Right now we can drive along the banks of the Sozh, and I will show you a dozen places where bog wood was recently mined - there are traces of heavy equipment, oak fragments, sawdust, and so on,” Alexander met me at his base in Gomel. — The question is how legally the miners operated. It used to be that I spent days traveling along a section of the river allocated for exploration and production. And I invariably met people who wanted to make money. They tore the wood with tractors, sawed it off piece by piece, loaded it into trucks, carts, horse-drawn carts and tried to take it out.

There are no digestible statistics on the global production of valuable raw materials today. Some figures “pop up” only from Soviet times. At that time, the turnover of bog wood and, in particular, oak, was regulated by the Department of Precious Metals under the Ministry of Finance. In 1937, the Council of People's Commissars even gave instructions to study the issues of timber reserves and methods of extraction. Such studies were carried out on the Sozh, Dnieper and Iput rivers, from where about 2 thousand “cubes” were even lifted over the course of 3 years - a fantastic volume for this type of material!

Alexander Alexandrovich shows a log whose age is 7150 years. He says that these are still old stocks. The company has no right to engage in its main activities - exploration and direct production - since 2015. The new edition of the Water Code has banned work on extracting valuable wood:

Stained wood is a non-renewable resource. What we extract from the water will never be replenished. Its reserves around the world are more than modest. The count goes into hundreds of thousands of “cubes”

— Previously, we prepared the entire package of permits and legally carried out our activities. The new law does not seem to prohibit the extraction of oak; in any case, there is no direct ban and the term “flywood” does not appear there, but the very procedure for legalizing such an activity has become impossible.

Perhaps we could put an end to this: it is forbidden to take stained wood out of the water and there is nothing more to talk about. However, for “black” miners, as in other profitable areas, there are no prohibitions.

Sellers with a tarnished reputation

On the Internet I find the following offers: “I’m selling bog oak, about 2 cubic meters”, “Bog oak round timber, 4 trunks, diameter at the butt from 55 to 88 cm”, “For sale bog oak (bog oak), almost black when cut, 2 dry logs. Pickup."

I'm calling under the guise of a buyer. I'm interested in a number of questions. Firstly, is there a guarantee that it is oak and not aspen? Secondly, will there be evidence that this is bog oak and not one soaked in a nearby puddle? And thirdly (and most importantly), when and where was the wood obtained? After all, it has been impossible to conduct this fishery legally for the past 4 years.

Dialogues are standard. A seller from the Zhlobin region wants to earn no more than 150 dollars for each cubic meter of his production. For reference, a “cube” of high-quality lumber made from ordinary pine costs approximately the same:

Production of furniture from stained wood

The following are best suited for such purposes:

  • oak;
  • larch;
  • birch.

When describing furniture made of bog oak, a simple name is appropriate - “exclusive material”. The tone and texture of natural wood is unique. The depth of color varies: from light gray to black-blue tones, from pale pink to amber shades.

Interesting! Craftsmen compare the pattern of bog oak slices with a map of the starry sky - the same unimaginably beautiful picture.

Unmistakably, such furniture is an unobtrusive but pronounced sign of the taste and specific level of well-being of the owner of the house.

Using the color bleached oak in interior design

Bleached oak in the interior looks harmonious and unobtrusive.
Bleached oak doors visually increase the area of ​​the room and do not overload the space. Bleached oak has many different shades: from ash-gray to pinkish. These doors go well with the colors of natural oak, mountain larch or white ash. The combination of bleached oak with cool shades looks very beautiful. Place upholstered furniture with olive, lavender, light green, blue or purple upholstery, and hang suitable curtains. You will get a Provence style room filled with light and air. A bleached oak door with glass, on which a photo, original drawing or engraving can be applied, will help to expand narrow corridors.

Many designers suggest using bleached oak to create contrast. Doors made of milky bleached oak combine well with wenge-colored floors and furniture, creating a rich and dynamic environment. In such a room, light wallpaper and lamps look great, and it is better to choose curtains and decorative items in blue or azure tones. Examples of such solutions can be seen in the photos in the catalogs of furniture stores.

Grayish shades of bleached oak are perfect for creating a vintage style, and copper handles made to resemble bronze will emphasize the feeling of inviolability and antiquity. Photos or paintings in antique frames look good in such rooms. Bleached oak doors are also suitable for an apartment decorated in high-tech style, creating a good contrast with dark and even black interior details.

If you add lilac, lilac or violet details to such a room, bleached oak will look especially light and elegant.

In this case, doors with metal fittings and glass inserts are ideal. Chrome accessories will give the room a finished look. There are several general rules for interior design:

  • in a small room, the doors should be the same tone as the floor. The contrast will visually make the room smaller, and the doors themselves will look too large;
  • cold grayish shades of bleached oak are used in sunny, well-lit rooms;
  • in dark and cold rooms it is better to use warm, pinkish shades of bleached oak; they will help create a more cozy and comfortable atmosphere.

It is traditionally believed that doors from German and Italian manufacturers have the best quality. But the price for such products is quite high. Good quality doors at affordable prices are offered by Russian companies. Browse through catalogs, look at photos and read customer reviews. Then you will definitely choose the doors that are ideal for your apartment.

Manufacturing of products from stained wood

Products made from natural wood that have undergone centuries-old natural processing are widely available on the market. From bog wood they produce:

  • stairs of any shape;
  • windows “stained oak” (shade);
  • window sills;
  • furniture panels;
  • flooring;
  • Wall panels;
  • tinted doors “stained oak”;
  • siding and other materials for exterior construction and home improvement.

Stained wood is an interesting solution for creating a room in a Scandinavian style.

It's nice to look at the interior when there is something unusual in it. Stained wood is the element that fully meets the needs of the designer, creating new and new things to improve human comfort.

Furniture items

Interior sliding doors: mounting options and everything you need to know before installation

A few examples of furnishing a kitchen combined with a living room:

  1. 1. Sofa. It becomes an object that zones space. The sofa is placed with its back facing the place where food is prepared. In small rooms (less than 20 sq m) a corner is placed, which is placed against a wall installed perpendicular or parallel to the kitchen.
  2. 2. Set. According to designers, minimalist models without elaborate details look modern. The service, vases or glasses are placed on an open shelf. You can buy a fashionable display case for them. Furniture is placed near the wall. If the space is large (20 sq. m, 25 sq. m or 30 sq. m), then in the central part you can install an island, which also has sections for kitchen appliances.
  3. 3. Furniture set. The style should be combined with the design of both rooms. In small rooms, a compact table and chairs made of transparent material or painted in light colors look good. You can add a table with a round top to your living room interior. In spacious rooms, the kit is installed near the wall or in the central part. An elongated rectangular dining table would look good here.
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