Panel ceiling in the kitchen: types of products, calculation of the required amount of material and installation stages

Panels with decorative inserts look very elegant

The ceiling in the kitchen is a surface exposed to many unfriendly influences. Temperature changes, condensation, steam, fat deposits, dirt and food odors have a direct impact on its appearance and performance properties.

Therefore, the choice of finishing material should be approached responsibly, taking into account the operating conditions. A paneled ceiling in a kitchen is one of the most frequently made decisions. What is the advantage of this finishing material will be discussed in this article.

Basic requirements for the material on the kitchen ceiling

White paneling with wooden inserts visually makes the space larger

Day after day, the surface of the ceiling in the kitchen, especially above the work area, is exposed to negative consequences, leaving traces of grease, stains and dirt on it. This requires frequent wet cleaning and some mechanical effort.

To always have a clean and tidy kitchen, you need to choose high-quality finishing materials for all surfaces. A ceiling made of plastic panels in the kitchen will be an excellent solution, as it meets the requirements.

Paneled kitchen ceiling

So, the material should:

  1. Be moisture resistant and withstand repeated exposure to moisture during cleaning or when steam appears;
  2. It is easy to wash and does not absorb dirt and odors into its surface . It must be resistant to a large number of detergents, especially alkaline ones, which allow you to quickly remove grease stains;

Kitchen ceiling made of plastic panels

  1. Allow the manufacture of a ceiling structure in which it would be possible to hide utility lines , which are often found under the kitchen ceiling and spoil the appearance of the room;

Ceilings in the kitchen made of panels

  1. Be safe, non-toxic, non-flammable, and comply with the hygienic requirements that apply to food preparation premises;
  2. Being easy to process, install and repair will increase the speed of work and the profitability of using just such a finish;
  3. Have an aesthetic appearance.

The wear resistance of the material affects the preservation of its original appearance and service life.

Wallpaper - room for creativity

Moisture-resistant wallpaper for easy cleaning

Moisture-resistant fabrics are used for the kitchen. When dirty, they are easy to clean. Paper products in the kitchen will lose their appeal after a couple of months.

The decoration of the ceiling with wallpaper is different:

  • price of materials;
  • masking minor irregularities and cracks;
  • possibility of painting, wet cleaning;
  • variety of color, texture, pattern.

Wallpaper is a variety of colors and textures

You should not skimp on the quality of wallpaper to avoid quick repairs. In order to save money, you can cover it with an ornament from leftover material. A cheap composition will add personality to the room, but will not last long. Washable wallpaper is quite heavy, so over time it begins to peel off under the influence of hot, damp vapors.

It is better to use plain models. Light-colored products visually expand the space.

Plastic panels - description of material

Ceiling panels for kitchen

PVC boards are a polymer finishing material that won the hearts of many as soon as it appeared on the construction market. The material is based on light, hard and durable polyvinyl chloride, allowing it to be installed in a short time with your own hands, and its excellent performance qualities make it suitable for residential and public premises.

Ceiling panels for the kitchen with imitation of natural wood

The outer side of the PVC sheathing has a decorative pattern, which is applied using thermal printing, lamination or offset printing. A special protective varnish that covers the front side of the cladding allows you to obtain a matte or glossy surface.

Due to such processing, the material becomes more wear-resistant, is endowed with antistatic properties, and can adequately withstand sunlight and mechanical stress, such as scratches.

The surface with the shade and texture of natural wood gives the room coziness and warmth.

Manufacturing of plastic panels

Ceiling panels in the kitchen

Plastic elements are harmless to humans, since no toxic substances are used in their manufacturing process.

The process itself occurs in several stages:

  1. First, a special mass is made from polyvinyl chloride, which is based on polypropylene chips, solvents and plasticizers. Using an industrial mixer, the components are mixed in a large container until a dough-like mass is obtained;
  2. It is loaded into an extruder, and the strip coming out under pressure and a certain temperature through a special nozzle is cut using a guillotine into products of a given length and width;
  3. Then the surface of the products is inspected for defects;
  4. Then the cladding is painted or sprayed, which imitates the shade and texture of a certain material - metal or wood;
  5. At the final stage, a protective layer is applied to the surface.

Ceiling panels for the kitchen are lightweight with decent strength, which is ensured due to their internal structure.

Internal structure of products

A cross-section of the slab shows that its inner part consists of partitions that resemble honeycombs - these are stiffening ribs, due to which the very thin and light slab acquires strength.

The finished product must be decorated with the front layer using a pattern using one of the three methods described below. It is possible to create monochromatic fragments, with an abstract fantasy or thematic pattern, as well as with imitation of shades and textures of natural materials - natural wood, granite, marble.

Plain cladding

There are no micropores on the surface of the plastic, so the product is not afraid of bacteria and microbes. Plastic also has antistatic properties, so it does not accumulate household dust on its surface. One side of the slab is equipped with a tenon, and the opposite side is equipped with a groove to ensure reliable joining.

Structure of a plastic plate

The range of plastic products for the ceiling is quite diverse, and allows you to choose the finish for a room decorated in any color scheme.

Positive and negative qualities of the material

Kitchen ceiling panels

This finishing material is characterized by both strengths and weaknesses, which should be taken into account when choosing a method for finishing the ceiling in the kitchen:

Positive traitsNegative qualities
The versatility of the material. Despite the fact that their original purpose is to decorate the ceiling or walls, the panels have also found other uses. They are used to line window and door slopes, make screens for shower cabins and bathtubs, and are used for the construction of formwork in the manufacture of steps; Plastic products are not resistant to sunlight. Thus, white and light products of other shades may turn yellow over time and lose their aesthetic appeal;
The material is easy to install and does not require professional skills and tools;They have low impact resistance and can become deformed and lose integrity as a result of significant load;
The method of installation on a metal or wooden frame allows you to hide defects in the base and not have to prepare it first, which significantly speeds up the work process and saves money;New products have a specific odor that disappears after a few days, but may cause discomfort to people with a sensitive sense of smell;
When creating a suspended structure, it is possible to hide communications and electrical wiring. You can also install spotlights, which make kitchen lighting more practical and functional. It will allow you to highlight individual areas, for example: the work area, where the lighting should be bright and uniform; The joints are the weakest point of the cladding, so when cleaning, it is necessary to especially carefully clean these areas of dirt;
They are easy to clean, do not get dirty and do not absorb odors, which is especially important for the kitchen;In case of flooding from above, plastic, unlike tension fabric, will allow water to pass through the joints and at the points of attachment to the wall.
The biological passivity of the material allows us to provide the necessary sanitary and hygienic conditions in the kitchen;
Safe from an environmental point of view, as they do not emit toxins;
Due to the presence of stiffening ribs in the internal part, the products are quite durable despite their low weight;
The insignificant weight of the products does not exert any load on the base to which they are attached;
They have sound and heat insulation properties, and thereby increase the energy efficiency of the living space, retaining heat;
A wide range of colors and a variety of patterns allows you to choose the material for a particular interior;
Resistance to moisture allows frequent wet cleaning;
Plastic products are resistant to temperature changes. The permissible temperature range for this material is from +50°C to -50°C;
Using this material you can get a perfectly flat ceiling. And if you use light fragments with a glossy sheen, you can visually enlarge a small kitchen space;
Plastic does not rot and is not afraid of corrosion, so it can be considered a durable material;
They have a reasonable price.

Advantages and disadvantages

Attention Most often, consumers pay attention to plastic ceiling cladding due to its low price and easy installation. Benefits of coverage

Benefits of coverage

  • High quality plastic, environmentally friendly, which makes the coating safe for humans.
  • If a visual defect or damage appears on a panel during replacement, it is not necessary to disassemble the entire structure, but only remove the panel with the defect.
  • The service life of the cladding is at least 15 years with proper care.
  • Easy to install, which is accessible even to people without skills.
  • Dismantling does not require destruction of the surface or coating elements. Panels can be reused.
  • Plastic is highly resistant to fluctuations in humidity and temperature, does not deform, and does not change the color of the decorative layer.
  • It is resistant to microorganisms - mold, mildew, insects.
  • Any dirt can be easily removed; wet cleaning with non-abrasive cleaning agents is allowed.
  • Due to the decorative nature of the coating, finishing is not required after installing the panels.
  • The parts are lightweight, which does not require durable metal profiles, and allows the installation of a frame from “economy” category guides.
  • It is possible to organize spot lighting or install pendant lamps.
  • A space is created between the surface of the ceiling and the panels into which additional insulation and communications, including electrical wiring, can be placed.
  • No complicated and expensive preparation of the ceiling surface is required: leveling, priming and other measures.

PVC panel coverings have several disadvantages

  • small gaps will be visible between the plates;
  • if only plastic plates are used, then there are few design options; for an original look, other types of finishing will be required;
  • if the power of the lamps is too high, then the edges of the panels adjacent to them may melt;
  • low resistance to UV radiation, the appearance of burnout areas on the surface;
  • after installation, a characteristic smell of plastic can be felt in the room for several days;
  • if a fire occurs, PVC products, as a result of melting, will emit toxic smoke with harmful effects on humans;
  • The surface of the slabs is fragile, so they are poorly resistant to mechanical stress and physical stress, easily crack, and break as a result of an impact.

Important Due to the many advantages and resistance to moisture, such panels are often installed in the bathroom, kitchen, toilet and other rooms with similar microclimate indicators.

Varieties of products according to the method of drawing

Plastic panels for the kitchen on the ceiling with imitation of natural wood

Methods of applying patterns in the manufacture of colored products deserve special attention:

Method of drawingAppearance
With offset printing, a white base is covered with a pattern using a special roller. Then the drawing is varnished and dried under a UV lamp. Thanks to this method of applying the pattern, the cladding becomes glossy. As a rule, such slabs are used to decorate the ceiling rather than walls.

Advice. To prevent the gloss from fading and the cladding not to lose its decorative appearance, when cleaning it, it is not recommended to use hard brushes and cleaning agents that contain abrasive inclusions.

Offset printing

When applying a design using thermal transfer printing, a white plastic base is coated with a composition that dissolves its top layer.
Then, the surface is covered with a film with a pattern. In this case, the cladding turns out to be semi-glossy, and is more practical than previously described, since the film layer is characterized by higher resistance to mechanical influences. A distinctive feature is the wide selection of shades and patterns. Products have a standard length of 2.7 to 3 m.
Imitation of natural wood using thermal transfer printing
The initial color of the workpiece with this method of decorating it does not have to be white - the base is covered with thick PVC film, which gives it additional strength and decorative qualities.
Laminated plastic boards are the most resistant to mechanical stress. However, if we talk about the variety of shades, then it is quite scarce and consists more of imitations of wood textures. The cost of such panels is much higher than those described earlier.
Laminated surface pattern

Design selection

What panels will you be pleased to see on your ceiling? Here's what they can be:

  • shiny glossy;
  • rough matte;
  • plain
  • colored;
  • with contrasting frame;
  • with mirror stripes;
  • with alternating stripes of different colors;
  • marbled;
  • under the tree;
  • under the skin;
  • with an image
  • with ornament.

The color scheme and style of your kitchen will help you make the right choice.

For example, if the entire room is predominantly made in one color, PVC panels of a lighter shade will look harmonious. Or, thinner stripes on the ceiling will duplicate the color of the kitchen unit, and those that are thicker will match the color of the walls.

The creation of a holistic space is facilitated by PVC wall panels of the same color and texture. But for some, the same design of walls and ceiling may seem too monotonous and boring. If your kitchen is located on the sunny side, you can “cool it down” slightly with cool shades of gray or metallic. Otherwise, you should give preference to warmer tones.

Gold or silver, alternating with white, mirror stripes will give your kitchen a sophisticated look and create a harmonious environment, moderately reflecting all interior items. Panels with a pattern can create excessive variegation, but they will look good as inclusions on a plain background.

The main accent on the ceiling can be a beautiful chandelier with stained glass windows. Square, round or a more funky shape, it will not only look great on a plain ceiling, but will also fill your kitchen with an unusual color palette.

What else can tell you the best colors for ceiling panels? The colors of the floor, table and chairs, household appliances, kitchen apron and, of course, your taste preferences. In addition to the color, you need to choose the width of the panels.

It can vary from 12.5 to 50 cm. Although wide plastic panels help create a solid, monolithic space, they are not so convenient to work with, because...

they are usually less flexible. The optimal width is 25 cm.

Ceilings in light colors are best suited for the kitchen, which will make it more spacious. The glossy surface creates additional depth and will serve as a pleasant bonus for low rooms. Taking into account the characteristics of the kitchen, white panels will quickly lose their immaculateness and will require more frequent cleaning. They might be worth it because... These ceilings look really very beautiful and modern. Panels in light gray, brown or warm yellow (vanilla) shades would be practical for this room.

If PVC panels hide all the curves of the ceiling, then uneven walls can be hidden with molding or ceiling plinth. Plain, in the form of a plank, or decorative, embossed, it will give the transition between the ceiling and the wall a more neat and comfortable look.

What about two-level designs using several types of panels that contrast in color? Contrary to popular belief, this is quite possible, as evidenced by the photos below. Placed at an acute angle or perpendicular to each other, plastic panels will add volume to the ceiling, divide the kitchen into zones or act as an addition to the interior.


Varieties of products depending on size

Rectangular PVC Ceiling Plate

One of the most important factors that must be taken into account when choosing plastic cladding is their size, which varies depending on the width of the slabs.

Plastic products presented on the modern market can be divided into three groups:

  1. Tiled type;
  2. Plastic lining;
  3. Sheet plastic.

Products included in one group or another differ in size, cost, level of rigidity and weight.

Important! The external perception of the interior design and the type of finishing work depend on the size and other parameters of the lamellas.

Plastic lining

The parameters of the standard thickness of products vary from 0.5 to 1 cm, which must be taken into account when purchasing molding in the form of a decorative overlay strip, which is the final element and decoration in the interior. As for the length of products, ceiling ones can reach 3 meters.

Standard sizes of PVC products

Structurally, PVC cladding is classified as follows:

  1. “European” or eurolining is characterized by a length of up to 3 m with a standard width of 10 cm and a wide locking system;
  2. “Polka” has the same parameters, but a narrow locking system;

Types of plastic lining

  1. Reinforced lining can be distinguished from others by its double profile and width of 12.5 cm;
  2. The tiled elements are square in shape without a locking system;

Tile type PVC wall panels

  1. Expanded panels include elements with a width from 15 to 50 cm and a length of 2.6/2.7/3 m;
  2. Sheet plastic products often have a mosaic design and are used for wall cladding. They are not equipped with a locking system and can be quite large – from 0.8 to 2.03 m in width and from 1.5 to 4.05 m in length.

Two- and three-section linings with metallized or colored inserts are highly decorative.

Slab in the form of a three-section lining

Calculation of purchases

We will need to purchase material for the sheathing and the PVC panels themselves.

So, what should we rely on when purchasing?

  • We calculate the ceiling area by multiplying the length by the width of the room.
  • Based on it, we calculate the number of panels. The area of ​​one panel is indicated on the packaging; dividing the area of ​​the room by the area of ​​the panel, add 15-20 percent to the resulting number for trimming.
  • The quantity of UD profile (a wide rigid profile that we will install around the perimeter of the room) must be purchased exactly according to the length of the perimeter (of course, rounded to the whole number of planks).
  • The amount of the CD profile that will make up the sheathing itself is calculated based on its location perpendicular to the panels every half meter.

We will need both of these profiles.

The number of screws for fastening is taken with some reserve: a certain number of them will inevitably be damaged and lost.

In addition, we will need dowels with screws to attach the profile to the walls; L-shaped profile or ceiling plinth for framing the edges of the ceiling and tools: an angle grinder with a cutting wheel for metal, a hammer drill with a drill, a level, a tape measure, a pencil and a screwdriver with a Phillips bit.

You will also need any universal glue (Titanium, its analogues or liquid nails).

Types of products depending on the type of connection

Ceiling panels for the kitchen

Wall and ceiling plastic cladding, presented by modern manufacturers, has different connection methods, based on which we can note seamless and chamfered (rusted) lamellas. For the ceiling, tiles with a seamless connection type are purchased so that, as a result of their tight fit to each other, you can get an almost smooth surface - the connecting lines will be barely noticeable.

Seamless fastening

From seamless lamellas, a chamfer-shaped connection is characterized by the presence of rust - a decorative recess, which is used when connecting PVC fragments into a single covering. Rustic cladding allows you to create an expressive ceiling surface.

Rustic cladding


Installing plastic ceilings with your own hands can be done by a contractor who does not have any experience in performing such work. Self-cladding of any type of ceiling with plastic does not require specially purchased tools. Screwdrivers, drills, hacksaws, hammers, levels and plumb lines are always at hand for any home craftsman. All materials traditionally used for this purpose can be easily processed and adjusted to the required dimensions.

  1. To install plastic, it is enough to familiarize yourself with the work technology and study the recommended order of operations.
  2. Next, you need to prepare materials and get your tool into working condition.
  3. In order to minimize overspending and limit leftovers in the form of scraps, a preliminary calculation of the required amount of materials is performed. This is done using concepts from a high school geometry course. These include width, length, height, methods for measuring the areas of plane figures, their addition and subtraction, Pythagorean theorems of sines (cosines). Older men are often disappointed in the services of prostitutes, but not because they are all hardened and think only about money. You need to be able to find uncut diamonds in the dirt, select them in time and process them yourself. Many people want to get to young whores from Ufa who have only recently been working; they are a fresh “pussy” who has not managed to outrun all the guys in the area, is still trembling in bed and has a desire to please. Juicy pussies really moan with pleasure, get a thrill from sex with unfamiliar clients.
  4. Further, the contractor who performs the work on cladding and finishing ceilings with plastic will only need accurate calculations and accuracy.

You can install it yourself

Advice Do not forget about the use of protective equipment - glasses, respirators, workwear. To protect your head from falling objects from above, you will need a standard construction helmet. And in general, when finishing the ceiling with plastic, one cannot ignore safety requirements and fire safety measures.

Reliable stepladders and scaffolding must be in demand. During work, it is recommended to invite an assistant who, in addition to providing services in auxiliary work, will be able, if necessary, to provide first aid during accidental mechanical injuries or electric shock.

How to choose quality material

Panel ceiling in the kitchen

A guideline when choosing high-quality PVC products can be their cost - the more expensive, the better. However, there is a risk of running into an unscrupulous seller who passes off a low-quality product as a high-quality one, unreasonably raising the price.

To avoid making a mistake when choosing, you should consider some nuances:

  1. Please note that the thickness of the material is 10 mm; for the ceiling you can choose thinner products;
  2. The resistance of the material to mechanical stress depends on the thickness of the front surface. If the stiffening ribs are visible on the front surface, such cladding will not look beautiful on the ceiling;
  3. It should be remembered that the strength of the slab and its correct geometric parameters depend on the location, strength and number of stiffeners. The distance between adjacent ribs should not exceed 10 mm.
  4. You should not purchase products with clearly dented stiffeners, as it no longer meets the requirements for strength;

PVC cladding on the kitchen ceiling

  1. It is important to evaluate the uniformity of application of the decorative topcoat and its quality;
  2. When purchasing material, in the store you need to take any two lamellas of your choice and connect them together, checking the strength of the connection and its quality;
  3. To check the material for fragility - and such a defect is possible if the manufacturer added more than 20% chalk during manufacturing, it is necessary to bend the corner of the product to evaluate the ductility of the material. If no white stripe or crack appears, then the components are selected in the correct proportion and the material is of appropriate quality;
  4. As previously noted, PVC products emit a specific odor for the first few days after they are removed from the packaging, which then disappears. If the store contains demonstration samples that last for more than one day, but exude a specific aroma, then it is better to refuse such cladding;
  5. To avoid making mistakes and wasting money, it is better to purchase products from well-known brands.

What to look for when choosing ceiling finishes

Choosing the right plastic coverings is not so easy. An undoubted advantage is the availability of this material from an economic point of view and a large assortment, thanks to which the product can be found for every taste and budget. But the difficulty lies in the fact that not all decorative elements of this type can be installed in residential premises.

In order to obtain as much material benefit as possible, many retail outlets offer their customers products that do not meet existing quality standards, which are even dangerous to human health.

What to look for when purchasing PVC panels: 1. The number of stiffeners: the fewer there are, the more unstable the product. 2.

The edges of the plastic tiles must be intact and straight. 3. The surface of the PVC panel should be evenly painted, smooth and without unevenness.

4. The two panels must be properly connected at the joint groove.



Installation of a plastic suspended structure

Before you begin installing plastic panels, the material must be acclimatized. The products must remain where they are to be installed for several days. This makes it possible for the plastic to acquire a size in accordance with the existing temperature conditions of the room, which will subsequently eliminate the appearance of gaps between individual fragments of the ceiling structure.

Plastic elements have a high coefficient of thermal expansion - a 9 m long rail increases by 9 mm when the air temperature fluctuates from -10 to +40°C. The width of the product will also undergo expansion.

Important! The ability of plastic parts to change their linear dimensions under conditions of temperature changes should be taken into account when installing them in a kitchen, bathroom or loggia. The cracks form when the air cools and disappear after the temperature normalizes, returning to its normal values.

Thus, installation should take place in conditions where the air temperature is slightly lower than normal for a particular room. If these conditions are met, after acclimatization, the plastic elements will increase in size and clog the cracks, creating the impression of a monolithic coating.

An important factor is the frame

When constructing plastic ceilings, the material from which the future frame will be made plays a rather important role. In some cases, wooden blocks are used when installing the base. But such a frame is simply unsuitable for a dining room, since this particular room has high humidity.

And as you know, moisture and wood products are simply incompatible. After all, as a result, unpleasant mold and mildew will form, which will lead to the destruction of the wooden base. A frame made of galvanized profile is the only way out for a room with high humidity.

Ready frame for plastic panels.


Mounting options

Mounting on a wooden frame

There are several ways to attach panels:

  1. The panels can be attached directly to the base ceiling surface using two-component MDF KIT adhesive, provided that the base is level. The glue must be applied in a zigzag motion along the entire side to be glued. Due to the fact that the composition is elastic, it does not prevent the panels from expanding and returning to their original state under conditions of temperature changes;
  2. The panels can be glued to the leveling sheathing. In this case, glue is applied exclusively in places where the tiles are connected to the sheathing beams. Additionally, it is recommended to fasten it using fasteners for structural reliability;
  3. With mechanical fastening, when plastic panels are fixed to the sheathing using nails, staplers, and self-tapping screws, the result is a reliable and easy-to-use design, but it has a significant drawback - this method of fastening rigidly fixes the panels and does not allow them to react to temperature changes. This method of fastening is recommended for rooms with relatively stable air temperatures;
  4. You can secure the panels to metal, plastic or wooden sheathing using clamps. A clamp is a metal plate (clip) that has a different throat height, depending on the thickness of the panel. The clamp is fixed to a metal profile or a wooden block.

The clamp is inserted into the groove of the panel

The clamps can be attached to a plastic sheathing, which will not interfere with the thermal expansion of the panels. Installation occurs quickly and with a minimum of effort - the cladding is simply fastened to the sheathing. This method allows you to unfasten individual elements for replacement if necessary.

Preparatory work

The process of installing panels begins with preparing the base

Before proceeding with the installation of plastic panels, it is necessary to carry out minimal preparatory work. When attaching the panels to the sheathing, it is necessary to repair large cracks in the ceiling.

In the case of installing panels using glue directly on the existing ceiling, the old paint is removed from it - but only from those places where it no longer holds firmly.

Advice! The strength of the supporting base to which the panels are planned to be glued is checked using a piece of wide tape, which is applied with the sticky side to the ceiling, and then, with a sharp tug, is torn off. If at the same time the old paint layer remains in the same form in its place, then it will withstand the panels, but if the paint comes off along with the adhesive tape, then a complete cleaning of the ceiling or installation of a frame will be required.

The base is treated with antiseptic compounds to prevent the formation of mold. If the fastening occurs on a wooden sheathing, then the wood must be processed. If built-in lamps are used, it is advisable to increase the fire resistance of the wooden frame by treating it with anti-feathers.

Installation of sheathing

Frame options

When creating a frame, you must consider the following recommendations:

  1. Markings are applied to the prepared base using a tape measure and pencil. Where the fastening will be made, the base is drilled, sometimes using a Pobedit drill. The holes are marked based on the direction of the profiles;
  2. Panels located along the longest wall look better than across. The latter method is easier for one person to do the job;
  3. For the manufacture of sheathing, a metal (galvanized) profile or wooden beams are used. The frame is mounted in the same way as for a plasterboard ceiling, but the difference is that the pitch between the guides (CD profile) is larger due to the low weight of the PVC panels. The step can be from 70 cm to 1 m.
  4. A load-bearing profile (UD) is fixed around the perimeter of the room, and a starting PVC or baguette profile is attached to it. After this, a set of panels is produced, screwing them to the profiles using self-tapping screws (seed) at the very edge of the lock (panel groove);

Metal carcass

  1. In the case of using wood for lathing, it is recommended to use dry bars 40 X 25 mm;
  2. The most convenient way is when the sheathing is mounted from ready-made plastic J-profile and H-profile, which allows you to use a clip-on panel fastening system;

Fastening panels to a wooden ceiling with self-tapping screws

  1. To give the ceiling a complete appearance, a special ceiling plinth or universal corners are installed at the junction of the ceiling covering and the walls.


You need to think about this issue before purchasing panels and installing the ceiling. We recommend that you consider the following:

  • The height of the frame profile or sheathing to which the PVC panels will be attached depends on the type of lighting. For built-in lamps, this distance is 10 cm. In the case of pendant lamps or a chandelier, this distance is practically absent. The combination of two types of lighting also threatens a loss of height;
  • Each lighting fixture must be wired. To install a spotlight, you will need to cut a hole in the panel, and for a chandelier, you will need to attach a mounting;
  • The thickness of the panels can range from 5 to 12 mm. For pendant chandeliers with rotating lamps, this indicator is not significant. But when installing spotlights, thin panels less than 8 mm thick can be translucent, revealing the profile structure, wires, pipes and other communications;
  • Don't forget about its mirror-like ability on glossy surfaces, which will almost double the amount of light. The main thing is that the light reflected in the ceiling panels does not hit your eyes. Rotating lamps will help make this task easier;
  • It is convenient and economical to divide the ceiling lighting into 2-3 switches according to intensity. To illuminate work areas, add side (wall) lighting or, for example, lamps built into the kitchen unit.

We work with plastic correctly

Regardless of how accurately the calculation was made, and it must be done correctly, when constructing a covering, everyone is faced with trimming plastic material. The need for this arises when adjusting the product to certain dimensions, as well as when installing various equipment and lamps.

When performing this type of installation work, many do not even think about basic safety rules, simply forgetting that when cut, this material releases substances that can cause allergies.

And if in a calm state the certified product does not cause any harm, then when pruned it can cause some discomfort. After all, when drilling or cutting is done, it is subjected to mechanical stress, resulting in areas that begin to release harmful elements, and crumbs can get into the lungs. If one person simply does not notice this, then another may have a certain reaction.

This does not mean that it is necessary to abandon this type of plastic element when decorating a living space. You just need to avoid circumstances that could lead to these circumstances. At the same time, the main rule in this case is one - a regular respirator, an inexpensive and accessible product, or the help of qualified specialists.

The right approach means a reliable result.


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