Metaboxes for the kitchen: main advantages and review of popular models

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Savig July 26, 2017Specialization: master of interior finishing works. I am well versed in power tools for repair and construction. Formerly a teacher at a radio engineering college.

Metaboxes are a great way to inexpensively and effectively equip your kitchen.

Do you want to furnish your kitchen economically and efficiently? Metaboxes can help you with this. A review of their advantages and familiarity with the technical characteristics of specific models will help me prove this.

Pros and cons of metaboxing

The drawer system has the following advantages:

  • minimal wall thickness provides greater capacity;
  • high strength, allowing you to place objects weighing up to 35 kg in the box, due to the fact that the bottom is made of 16 mm thick chipboard;
  • ease of use, since retractable guides are located on the top of the box, eliminating loosening and falling out of the box;
  • ease of assembly and installation with subsequent adjustment, which even an inexperienced person can do independently without any special tools.

The downside is that the metaboxes are shallow. It is simply impossible to make the structure deep due to the peculiarities of the structure. The disadvantage is relative, since it is corrected by installing rails that are fixed to the back wall of the drawer and the front.

Do you want a new kitchen without overpaying? Metabox vs Tandembox. What to choose?

If you are planning a new kitchen, you are considering options with metaboxes and tandemboxes. The difference in price is noticeable. What to choose? Is it worth overpaying? I’ve been using both Blum boxes for about a year and I’m ready to tell you what’s what.

The main thing: no matter which option you choose, it’s better to take one with a closer! Because the noise when closing the drawer will infuriate both you and your household, or you will have to quietly and carefully push the drawer closed.

What these boxes have the same: the bottom and back wall are made of chipboard.

The main difference between the drawers is the design of the drawer system.

  • The design of metaboxes is simpler: the metal side walls rest on guide rollers fixed inside the table.
  • The tandembox is technically more complex - it is a combination of a double-walled box that hides the mechanism inside, and telescopic guides fixed inside the table. (ask the salon to show the “insides” of the boxes and everything will become clear)

Metabox selection criteria

To select a retractable system box, three important parameters are taken into account:

  1. Dimensions of the box and components. They are formed taking into account the fact that the assembly is carried out using the facade, rear wall, and bottom.
  2. Manufacturer. Not all companies produce high-quality and truly functional metaboxes. Durability and ease of use are determined by the brand.
  3. Equipment. Available in standard and extended versions. The need for additional elements must be determined on an individual basis.

These criteria are usually considered by furniture makers, but if you decide to do everything yourself, each point must be given special attention.

Metaboxes and tandemboxes: features and differences

Most modern kitchen furniture is equipped with functional mechanisms. They provide ease of use. Spacious cabinets can be used rationally without taking up much space in the kitchen

Most modern kitchen furniture is equipped with functional mechanisms. They provide ease of use. Spacious cabinets can be used rationally without taking up much space in the kitchen. Kitchen cabinet furniture is equipped with special metaboxes and tandemboxes. The two designs are similar in appearance, but differ in mechanism.

Independent calculation of dimensions

The dimensions are determined as follows.

  • The length of the facade and back wall is the height of the box itself, from which 15 mm is subtracted.
  • The length of the bottom is equal to the same parameter of the system itself “minus” 1 mm.
  • The width of the rear wall and facade is equal to the internal width of the section “minus” 31 mm.
  • The width of the bottom is the internal width of the case minus 31 mm.

It is not necessary to carry out calculations on paper yourself. Just go to the manufacturer's website. There are specialized programs that allow you to quickly determine the required dimensions of the metabox.

Assembling a kitchen cabinet with three drawers

The assembly order was as follows:

  • At the first stage, we screw the guides to the side walls of the cabinet according to the results of our calculations using the DYNAPLAN program, assemble the cabinet using confirmations, and attach the back wall of laminated fiberboard using self-tapping screws.
  • at the second stage we twist the drawers of the cabinet, the bottoms and back walls of which are made of chipboard
  • at the third stage, we remove the fastenings of the facades from the side walls of the guides and screw them to the facade, again according to our previous calculations, we install the facades on the drawers.

Metabox equipment

Standard drawers have the minimum necessary for the normal placement of items inside the boxes and use of the system. The expanded configuration significantly increases the design capabilities. Additional elements include the following:

  1. Rails are elements for increasing the height of the side walls, and, consequently, the depth and capacity of the drawers. They are slats installed on the sides.
  2. Soft closing system - closer. It eliminates the possibility that the box will knock on the surface of the frame when closing. This avoids the formation of cracks and chips.
  3. Dividers for the interior of the drawer. They allow you to organize proper and convenient storage of small items. Such “organizers” are used both in kitchen furniture and in drawers of cabinets and chests of drawers for storing clothes and linen.

Metaboxes with a closer require taking this element into account when calculating the dimensions. The height of the opening should be increased by 3 mm. This is done because soft closing systems are mounted to the bottom of the drawers.

Metabox vs Tandembox. What to choose?

Do you want a new kitchen without overpaying? Metabox vs Tandembox. What to choose?

If you are planning a new kitchen, you are considering options with metaboxes and tandemboxes. The difference in price is noticeable. What to choose? Is it worth overpaying? I’ve been using both Blum boxes for about a year and I’m ready to tell you what’s what.

The main thing: no matter which option you choose, it’s better to take one with a closer! Because the noise when closing the drawer will infuriate both you and your household, or you will have to quietly and carefully push the drawer closed.

What these boxes have the same: the bottom and back wall are made of chipboard.

The main difference between the drawers is the design of the drawer system.

  • The design of metaboxes is simpler: the metal side walls rest on guide rollers fixed inside the table.
  • The tandembox is technically more complex - it is a combination of a double-walled box that hides the mechanism inside, and telescopic guides fixed inside the table. (ask the salon to show the “insides” of the boxes and everything will become clear)

It is the design that determines the price. A tandembox with a built-in closer is approximately twice as expensive as a metabox with a closer.

DRAWER DEPTH: determined by the length of the guides. for metaboxes it is 27-55 cm; for tandem boxes it is 27-65 cm, but furniture makers do not always work with everything nearby.

BOX HEIGHT: can be increased for both metaboxes and tandemboxes.

EXTENSION: the metabox is incomplete, about 3/4. tandembox has full.

When does it matter? If the depth of the table or cabinet is shallow, incomplete extension of the drawer impairs the view and complicates the process of removing the contents.


  • at the metabox - at right angles to the bottom of the box
  • for tandemboxes - with a slight rounding closer to the bottom.

When is it important? When it is necessary to place containers with straight walls as tightly as possible. The tandem does not allow you to place the container close to the wall of the box.


  • for the metabox - 6.5 cm less than the width of the facade
  • for a tandembox - by 8.5 cm

This is important to know when independently selecting trays and choosing containers.

FORCE WHEN MOVEMENT: The initial force is less for the metaboxes, they are easier to extend, however, when loaded, the metaboxes put a lot of pressure on the rollers, and movement becomes difficult.


  • for metaboxes up to 25 kg
  • for tandemboxes 30-50 kg (in some modifications 40-60 kg)


  • metaboxes are noisy and dull with some impact before the closer is activated
  • The tandembox has a noticeably quieter, smoother ride.


  • The metabox is easier to remove and insert than the tandembox; it has fewer components where dust/dirt can get in, so it’s easier to clean up the box and wipe off the dust.
  • In terms of child safety, a tandem box is more reliable: firstly, it is more difficult to remove it from the guides even for an adult; a child will definitely not knock it over, and secondly, children can try to climb onto the table using the boxes as if they were stairs. The box must support its own weight + the weight of the contents + the weight of a child, or even two.

Popular brands of metabox manufacturers

The company that manufactures the drawer system plays an important role. Don't think that all metaboxes are the same. Important design parameters depend on the manufacturer:

  • reliability and quality;
  • service life;
  • the ability to replace components and general maintainability.

Manufacturers are conventionally divided into expensive and budget ones.

The first include:

  • The Austrian brand Blum produces drawers of various modifications and configurations that can be fully extended, allowing you to ergonomically manage absolutely every centimeter.
  • German manufacturer Hettich. It produces some of the highest quality, but also expensive metaboxes, and also provides online support to its customers.

The second ones include:

  • Polish GTV, whose metaboxes are up to 750 mm long.
  • Italian Fgv, whose retractable system designs are easy to assemble and operate.

The most affordable among high-quality metaboxes are designs from Firmax and Boyard. This is achieved due to the fact that the production base is located in Russia.



Such designs are a partial extension system, so the drawer can be extended to ¾ of the length. The permissible load reaches 10-20 kg. Thanks to thin metal walls, the strength of the product increases. In this case, the structures are provided with a thick bottom. This increases the possible loads.

The metal box requires adjustment of the façade fastening, making it easy to fit the furniture body. Thanks to the placement of rollers at the top, the box does not wobble from side to side when opening.

Features include excellent capacity - thin walls take up less internal space compared to solid wood, chipboard or MDF.

  • ease of assembly and installation;
  • light weight;
  • affordable price;
  • modern appearance;
  • wide range of linear parameters;
  • low noise level when closing drawers.

Metaboxes are often equipped with a hydraulic closer. It is designed to automatically return the box to its original position. Due to this, you do not need to make any special efforts to close it.


Structurally, metaboxes look very simple

Metaboxes, what are they? Essentially, these are designs that represent a new generation of conventional roller guides. They are distinguished by a number of the following modernizations:

  • The appearance of a bottom 15-18 mm thick made of laminated chipboard;

Chipboard is much more resistant to the humid climate of the kitchen than just chipboard

  • Manufacturing high side walls from thin metal;

Thin metal, and the structure already weighs much less

  • The presence of a system for adjusting the facades relative to the body of the furniture set.

As a result, metaboxes for kitchen furniture receive important advantages:

  1. Excellent capacity . After all, thin metal walls take up much less internal space than similar elements, for example, in boxes made of wood, chipboard or MDF;

Metaboxes are more spacious than wooden boxes

  1. Significant load capacity . Thick laminated particleboard can withstand significant weight, ranging in different models from 20 kg to 30 kg, even without additional stiffening ribs;

Design and main elements

Metaboxes can have different heights of side guides. There are also special extension strips. Thanks to this, if necessary, you can increase the height of the product. Division systems allow you to properly organize the space inside the box itself.

An important element is the guides. A few years ago, runner species were used. Today, roller and ball guides are actively used. The first ones are coated with epoxy enamel and are available in a wide variety of shades. They can withstand dynamic loads of up to 25 kg, which is quite enough for the kitchen.

Calculations and installation

The width of the box should not be larger than 600 mm along the façade. When choosing large sizes, it is worth installing wide rails or two handles on the drawer. This will ensure opening straight forward without distortions in different directions.

The width of the bottom can be calculated using the formula: the width of the sides and guides is subtracted from the external dimensions of the body. For the length of the bottom, subtract 2 mm from the length of the guide. The height of the wall is the height of the sidewall minus the thickness of the bottom.

Rails are installed in those metaboxes where the height of the front part exceeds the height of the sidewalls by 2 or more times. This part provides a tighter fit to the body of the cabinet in the closed position and gives stability to the entire structure. The length of this element is the length of the metabox guide. This element is attached to the rear wall using a bracket with screws, and to the facade using dowels.

The assembly of metaboxes begins with the confirmants twisting the bottom with the back wall. At this stage, it is important to ensure that there is no displacement of parts. After the connection, the side walls are secured; if necessary, small rudimentary parts located in front of the metal sidewalls are removed with pliers.

Since the side walls are located below the guides, the mounting location is determined as follows: 15 mm is added to the height of the sidewall. The resulting parameter is the distance at which the side tires should be screwed.

The installation of facades takes place using a special technology, since special fittings are used for metaboxes. These are two metal corners that are connected with a screw to a clamping bar. On one side, to which the facade is screwed, there are slots for screws or self-tapping screws, and on the side there is a screw for adjustment.

First, the drawer bodies are inserted into the module, and the corners are installed on the side walls. The façade is marked, the corners are removed from the sides and screwed to the overlays. The fronts with fastening fittings are placed on the drawer bodies and fixed. All that remains is to adjust the pads.


Closer for metaboxes

categories Tandemboxes for the kitchen Closer for metaboxes or drawers. For drawers of any height up to 900 mm wide. One closer is placed on the left, the other on the right. When designing, it is necessary to provide additional space. Closer housing (attached to the wall of the housing), trigger (attached to the bottom of the box). Click on the picture - you will see an approximate diagram of the installation of furniture fittings. Detailed instructions are included in the kit.

metabox assembly

Calculation of laminated chipboard components for the metabox system

As previously mentioned, the bottoms of such boxes and their back walls are cut from laminated chipboard. Where to get it is already described in the section on roller guides. True, now more material will be needed, so you need to be prepared for much more severe costs. This time it is impossible to give an exact amount, because it depends on many factors: the completeness of the selected material, the manufacturer of the chipboard, the area of ​​the bottom and the height of the back wall. To produce these components, huge pieces will be required, and therefore the price will be calculated differently, completely different from cutting small components from unnecessary scraps.

To find the width of the bottom, you need to subtract 31 millimeters from the size of the internal opening of the module (for roller guides we took 25 millimeters - don’t get confused). The depth is determined by the measurement method, because the stated dimensions of the metabox

Due to various circumstances, they may differ from actual formats by 1-3 millimeters.
Such a discrepancy may serve as a prerequisite for the appearance of a gap between the bottom and the front of the box, or at the junction of the side walls of the metabox
with the same overlay.

The scale of the rear wall is the same as that of the bottom, but its height depends on the size of the facade and side walls, the thickness of the chipboard and whether you will use roof rails. For the deepest drawers with auxiliary stops along the edges and the highest lining of 283-355 millimeters, the rear walls are cut 80-100 millimeters less than the height of the facade. For example, when your drawer front measures 355 millimeters, then the part in question must be 250-270 millimeters. For situations where roof rails are not used, the height of the rear wall forms the difference between the side wall of the metabox

and the completeness of the bottom (16 or 18 millimeters).

How to make a kitchen cabinet with drawers on metaboxes?

Making a cabinet with drawers just seems complicated.
And it’s complicated because you need to know how to correctly calculate the details of the drawers and how to mark the side walls for the guides and the fronts for the fasteners. In our article we will tell you how to calculate and assemble a kitchen cabinet with three drawers on metabox guides.

Metabox guides

Metabox is a guide system created on the basis of roller guides; the sides of the guides are covered with impact-resistant enamel.

Why a cabinet with three drawers? In our opinion, this division of kitchen cabinet space is the most optimal.

The bottom drawer occupies half the height of the cabinet. Due to the fact that the box is high (357 mm along the front), it can accommodate pots, packages of cereals, bottles of vegetable oil, vinegar, etc.

We make the remaining two drawers the same in height. We use the top drawer to store cutlery, for which we will additionally place a special plastic tray in it.

The middle drawer will be quite suitable for storing cereals, low kitchen utensils, stacks of plates, cups, and small pots.

Blum Dynamic Space ergonomic concept

The main theses of the Dynamic Space concept. Five zones in the kitchen and their placement depending on the kitchen layout. Online kitchen planner from Blum.

Rice. 1. Dimensions of our cabinet with three drawers and dimensions of the facades

Rice. 2. Detailing of a cabinet with 3 drawers, including details of the drawer on the metabox guides

Side system for drawers “IMPAZ – smart, simple and practical!”

"IMPAZ" in your kitchen is:

  • The new revolutionary design, which meets the requirements of modern furniture, is perfect for both modern and classic furniture (photo 1).
  • A variety of coatings, allowing you to choose a color scheme that matches the style of your furniture, select the height of the sidewalls (85,117,147 mm), choose the type of extension - full or standard. Among the huge selection of color combinations and models, there is sure to be a solution that will satisfy even the most demanding requirements.
  • Self-closing effect and optimal load on the drawer.
  • Assembly and adjustment. For simplicity and ease of use, IMPAZ has ideal solutions for initial and re-assembly. The IMPAZ series is assembled quickly and easily, the use of any tools is reduced to a minimum, the CLIP-ON facade fastening system, along with a flexible system for adjusting the position of the facade in three directions, allows you to achieve the best results, both in the production of individual models and in mass production.
  • A smart storage solution. To neatly place things inside the cabinet, the IMPAZ system is equipped with special connectors for internal cabinet drawers (in photo 2 - a system of internal drawers), and for external drawers (photo 3) an easy-to-use extension system is provided.

For high-quality drawers, choose components from the “TRIO” system (photo 4, photo 5) with full extension, control of the synchronous movement of the right and left guides, a self-closing effect and smooth movement even when the drawer is loaded. High-strength double steel sides and a robust design also allow the production of large boxes for heavy items.

The drawer is assembled without tools; the flexible adjustment system is fully thought out for maximum convenience.

"TRIO" is a masterpiece of modern technology for any drawer, because... provides maximum access to the contents of the box. The unique design not only guarantees a long service life, but also a luxurious interior design of your furniture.


Which drawer guides should you choose?

Now we can no longer imagine what furniture would have been like without modern convenient retractable mechanisms. Thanks to them, drawers in chests of drawers, cabinets and kitchen modules open easily and quickly. Yes, we have already forgotten that it could be otherwise and we want drawer guides that are even more aesthetically pleasing and functional to use, that would open with one touch and close smoothly and silently!

Therefore, manufacturers of furniture fittings do not stop and offer more and more innovative developments that can turn your kitchen or dressing room into a world of fantastic comfort. What drawer guides exist today and in what cases is it worth using one or another drawer pull-out mechanism?

Look at what accessories for drawers we install in our projects:

You probably still remember furniture from the 70s (dressing table, sideboards, walls), where drawers moved on wooden runners. Therefore, the size of the box could not be too large (otherwise the slats would break). Furniture was made this way for centuries, until savvy furniture makers came up with metal guides that changed the design of modern furniture. Thanks to them, numerous drawers of different sizes appeared in our kitchens, and hinged doors faded into the background, or rather to the upper tier. Undoubtedly, it became much more convenient for housewives to use the contents of drawers than in cabinets with doors, where it was difficult to see and reach what was behind.

The rapid development of furniture fittings occurred at the end of the twentieth century, when first roller guides for drawers appeared, and then ball (telescopic) ones. Let's take a closer look at the features of these extension systems, highlighting their advantages and disadvantages.

Roller guides

Roller guides are the simplest retractable guides in their design and, therefore, are the most budget option, which can be attributed to the only advantage relative to other retractable mechanisms. The sliding of steel runners occurs through rollers, which can be plastic or covered with rubber to reduce noise when extending. Roller guides, as a rule, have incomplete extension, although there are more expensive options for full extension (their cost will be 4-5 times more)

Roller guides for drawers

Installation diagram of roller guides on a drawer

Roller guides have many more disadvantages. When the drawer is pulled out, the steel runners roll along the roller with a characteristic noise, so it will not be possible to open the drawer quietly (and even in the bedroom you will hear that someone is running the kitchen). The maximum load of roller guides depends on their length (from 250 mm to 750 mm in increments of 50 mm) and does not exceed 20 kg.

Therefore, taking into account the weight of the box itself, it is not worth loading it with heavy objects. Otherwise, if used incorrectly, the steel runners are easily deformed and the retractable mechanism becomes unusable, and you will have to replace it with a new one. In this case, the saying is appropriate: “The miser pays twice!”

Another disadvantage of roller guides is the difficulty of adjusting the façade after installation, which requires the furniture maker to have precise markings down to the millimeter. And since customers are becoming more and more demanding of quality, it is better to choose a more reliable retractable system that is easy to install and reliable in operation.

Articles on modern kitchens:


Metaboxes (metalboxes) are an improved version of the roller system. It consists of two symmetrical metal sidewalls that move on the same roller guides. A back wall made of laminated chipboard and a façade on adjustable fasteners are easily attached to them. Thus, the assembly of the drawer is very simple and precise, without causing installation problems.

The metalbox is also quickly removed from the guide rollers and put back. They come in partial (3/4) or full extension, with lengths from 270mm to 550mm, maximum dynamic load up to 25 kg (the longer the length, the less the load). The height of the metal sidewalls is 54 mm, 86 mm, 118 mm, 150 mm (metabox Blum), they come in white or gray.

Metaboxes, like roller guides, extend with little noise and slam shut loudly. Therefore, in more expensive economy class kitchens, it is recommended to install gas shock absorbers or a BLUMOTION closer (Blumn), Silent System dampers for MultiTech (Hettich), which ensure smooth operation and silent closing of the drawer with metabox.

The metabox kit for a drawer consists of two symmetrical metal sides and roller guides.

Partial extension metabox

Metaboxes are used for small kitchen drawers with a load of no more than 25 kg.

Full extension metabox

To increase the working height of the metabox, use restrictive rails or perforated sidewalls BOXSIDE (Blum). And convenient separation systems allow you to functionally organize the internal space of the metabox.

Metabox BLUM with BOXSIDE side panel

Metabox BLUM with single railing

Articles on kitchens in the modern classic style:

Current offers from manufacturers

I do not recommend purchasing the products in question from little-known “handicraft” manufacturers. Such a product may turn out to be made of low-quality metal, which will eliminate all the advantages of metaboxes described above.

Let's look at the metaboxes of the most popular brands.


The prices in the article are current in the summer of 2022.

The Polish company GAMET offers relatively inexpensive metal boxes. As an example, we can consider the technical characteristics of the SPR-10150-350 model:

Country of OriginRepublic of Poland
Length35 cm
Height15 cm
Wall thickness1.5 mm
Material of manufactureSteel
Load capacity25000 g
Finishing colorWhite
Price178 rubles

The Polish model SPR-10150-350 is characterized by a fairly low cost combined with the greatest possible depth

Linken System

Linken System offers you metaboxes with increased load capacity, which can be seen by reading the technical characteristics of one of the models of this company:

Country of OriginPeople's Republic of China
Length50 cm
Height15 cm
Wall thickness1.2 mm
Material of manufactureSteel
Load capacity45000 g
Finishing colorWhite
Price378 rubles

Linken System iron boxes can withstand greater loads than similar designs from competing manufacturers

BLUM is already an Austrian representative of metabox manufacturers, characterized by high reliability, but also considerable cost. For a closer look at their products, you can check out the 320K4500C model:

Country of OriginRepublic of Austria
Length45 cm
Height11.8 cm
Wall thickness1.5 mm
Material of manufactureSteel
Load capacity30000 g
Finishing colorWhite or gray
Price767 rubles

The Austrian model 320K4500C is highly reliable and expensive


The Turkish company SAMET also produces metaboxes. Their products are low cost and silent in operation. As an example, consider the technical parameters of model 1211134 086/250:

Country of OriginTurkish Republic
Length25 cm
Height8.6 cm
Wall thickness1.5 mm
Material of manufactureSteel
Load capacity25000 g
Finishing colorWhite or gray
Price287 rubles

The model of the Turkish company SAMET 1211134 086/250 stands out among its competitors by the almost complete absence of any sounds during its operation

GTV is another manufacturer from Poland that offers very affordable products, which can be seen using the example of the MP-086400-10 86/400 model:

Country of OriginRepublic of Poland
Length40 cm
Height8.6 cm
Wall thickness1.5 mm
Material of manufactureSteel
Load capacity25000 g
Finishing colorWhite
Price230 rubles

The Polish company GTV offers diverse and affordable products

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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