7 best ideas for organizing a children's playroom in a room of any size

Children are always the center of attention. Parents pay special attention to their health, nutrition, and education. And, of course, you need to take care of the child’s leisure time. A children's playroom is an important aspect and the best option in the development of a growing child, because the child needs to put his energy somewhere. And if this energy is not reset in time and the baby’s movements are limited, then this moving force is difficult to curb and control. As a result, this leads to a violation of the child’s psyche, to hysterics, anger and general negativity. But very little is needed - to equip the kids with a children’s playroom or at least a comfortable play area, where they will be safe for others and for themselves to spend their leisure time in outdoor active games.

Choice of colors and style

Using some designer tips and studying various stylistic designs, you can create a unique playroom for kids. For example, a modern-style children's playroom does not have any special rules. Pastel colors are most often used as backgrounds. This style is also characterized by minimalism.

A small rack or shelves with baskets will help your child maintain order in the room by neatly stacking toys.

The classic style in the interior of a playroom will help to convey the relaxed atmosphere of childhood as accurately as possible. But it is worth considering that this style requires compliance with several rules. The color palette involves the use of warm soft shades, and the furniture is in contrasting shades.

For a small gamer, you can separately install a table with a computer.

When using the Modern style when decorating, you need to choose cozy sandy cream and snow-white shades. The color palette can include one color or a harmonious combination of several colors in the interior. This style allows you to create calm ideas and create a separate world in each zone due to mounted podiums.

The central part of the room can be left for general games.

Equipment for a children's playroom: soft modules, children's labyrinths and other furniture

Currently, there is a very large selection of furniture on the market - upholstered, stuffed, inflatable, wooden, plastic. When choosing furniture, it is desirable for the child to participate - he will choose what he likes best and this event will give him more independence. The choice will be up to the child what would be best for him to sit on - a carved chair, an ottoman or a pear chair. Parents can only direct his thoughts in the right direction and prompt him.

For the floor, it is best to use practical materials - linoleum, laminate. They wash well and are warm to the touch. Children love to lie on the floor, so you can use carpet as a floor covering, but spilled paint on it will be more difficult to clean up.

Natural lighting is considered the best lighting for the eyes. Therefore, on the window in a children's playroom, you can hang curtains that only frame the window opening, or not use curtains at all. On the ceiling and walls it is necessary to use built-in lamps and lighting with blind shades - a knight’s sword and a flying ball cannot easily break them. The quiet play area should have sufficient lighting.

Joki Joya Family Activity Park (throughout the city)


  • Novorizhskoe highway, 5 km from MKAD, RIGAMALL shopping center
  • st. Kirovogradskaya, 13A, Columbus shopping center
  • st. 7th Kozhukhovskaya, 9, Mosaic shopping center
  • Porechnaya st., 1, Mari shopping center
  • Novoyasenevsky pr. 1, Spectrum shopping center
  • 56 km. MKAD, VEGAS Kuntsevo shopping center

Website: https://joki-joya.ru Phone: ; Age: from 0 years Cost: booking a holiday room for 2.5 hours - 4720 rub.
(weekdays), 9520 rub. (weekends) for a group of 8 children; table reservation in a cafe - 5130-9330 rub. (for 7 people + decoration with balloons) How to save DR in Joki Joya? Buy a ticket for all guests with a 40-50% discount using coupons for 10 parks throughout Moscow.

For your event, we will book one of the colorful party rooms, hand-painted by artists in the style of trolls, transformers, the little mermaid and other heroes.

The brand chefs have created a special children's menu, a menu for holidays and for adult gourmets. In the cafe, guests will be able to choose delicacies from the main menu in advance or right during the celebration.

The following services are offered to celebrate a child's birthday:

  • Party room
  • Decorating a room with balloons
  • Photo and video shooting
  • Animators in the image of your favorite characters
  • Show program
  • Festive banquet and cake
  • Face painting


A children's sports complex most often consists of a wall bars, a horizontal bar, a climbing rope and rings. This is the minimum of shells that can be placed on an area of ​​1 sq.m.

The minimal set takes up very little space, but has a lot of benefits

If the area allows and the development of a “sports base” is required, add a few more equipment:

  • rope-ladder;
  • monkey bars;
  • climbing wall
  • rope wall.

Takes up more space, but the functionality is much higher

There may also be a separate board with hooks for the press. Also a useful thing, but more for parents.

Models for children may also have a slide and swing. To save space, the slide can be attached - it can be attached and removed. This is convenient for saving space, but since in such options there is usually no platform in front of the slide, it is difficult to ride on it. At least for the kids. If desired, you can find a children's sports corner with a slide and a playground, and the slide can also be removable.

Sports corner for small children with removable slide

There may also be a separate board with hooks for the press. Also a useful thing, but more for parents.

Models for children may also have a slide and swing. To save space, the slide can be attached - it can be attached and removed. This is convenient for saving space, but since in such options there is usually no platform in front of the slide, it is difficult to ride on it. At least for the kids. If desired, you can find a children's sports corner with a slide and a playground, and the slide can also be removable.

Sports corner for small children with removable slide

Alternatively, there may be a children's abacus and a slate board. These are already kits with developmental elements. There may also be increased interest in them, and in addition to their direct purpose, the abacus is also used as a ladder with a massage effect.

With developmental elements

All these elements are combined in different combinations and variations, the model range is very wide, so if you want you can find whatever you want.

Indoor amusement park Happylon (Southern Administrative District)

Address: MKAD 24 km, shopping and entertainment complex "VEGAS", 2nd entrance Website: https://www.happylon-vegas.ru Phone: Age: from 1 year Cost: cost of programs from 11,500 to 20 thousand rubles, but there is and more expensive holiday packages; individual package: table from 1500/2000 rub. for 3 hours, small banquet hall 5-7 thousand rubles. for 4 hours (up to 20 people), large banquet hall 7-10 thousand. 4 hours (up to 40 guests); unlimited gaming card for all attractions and devices - 1 thousand per 1 hour per person; entertainment programs - from 4 thousand rubles; show programs from 10 thousand rubles; master classes from 5 thousand rubles; there is additional services.

You can choose an individual set of services for your holiday or take advantage of ready-made package offers.

Package “BEST” – 3 hours, group of 5 people – 3 hours

The celebration takes place in the common room of the restaurant.

Package included:

  • A table in the common room of a restaurant, decorated with balloons and festive table settings
  • Interactive program with an animator - 30 minutes
  • Independent unlimited skiing – 1 hour
  • Solemn congratulations with the symbol of the park - the charming dragon “Happy” (cake must be ordered separately)
  • Children's menu (homemade fruit drink and Margherita pizza)

Package “TINY” (from 5 children + birthday boy, age up to 5 years) – 3 hours

The celebration takes place in the common room of the restaurant.

Package included:

  • “Baby card” – 1 hour (rocking chairs, carousels, video games, nursery-labyrinth)
  • Cheerful animator for 2 hours (meeting, accompaniment, games, competitions, congratulations)
  • Face painting for all children
  • Table decoration with balloons and festive table setting
  • Holiday dinner
  • The ceremonial removal of the cake by the dragon Happy

Package “EXCELLENT” (from 5 children) – 3 hours

The celebration takes place in the common room of the restaurant.

Package included:

  • Table in the common room of the restaurant, decorated with helium balloons and festive table setting
  • Interactive program with an animated character
  • Free ride on attractions and video games -1.5 hours
  • Animated character of your choice – 2 hours
  • Festive lunch (drinks, hot dish and side dish for each guest to choose from, pizza, vegetable meadow)
  • The ceremonial removal of the cake by Happy the Dragon

Adventure package (from 10 people) – 3 hours

The celebration takes place in the common hall of the restaurant and in the park.

Package included:

  • Restaurant table with festive table setting and balloons
  • Interactive quest in reality in the Island Park
  • An exciting 30 minute program
  • Riding in the park on attractions with fairy-tale characters for 1.5 hours
  • Festive lunch: pizza, fruit drink, hot dish with side dish
  • The ceremonial removal of the cake by the dragon Happy (when ordering an additional service - a birthday cake)

At your service is a large selection of animators (for different ages), photo and video services, decorations, and a sweet table. Master classes from a culinary school, T-shirt painting, origami, etc., shows with animals, show programs, entertainment programs with your favorite characters, animation support on attractions, unlimited skating in the company of an animator.

Available for rent: a table in the common room of the restaurant, small and large banquet halls.

Playground safety requirements

  1. The playground should be located far from the entrance area and parking lot. It is best if this distance is more than 10 meters.
  2. All elements must have rounded corners, and all surfaces must be perfectly polished. Sharp corners of bolts and screws must be covered with special caps.
  3. All stairs must have handrails.
  4. Once a year you need to change the contents of the sandbox. On rainy days, it should be covered with a material that does not allow water to pass through - a plastic cover or thick film.

Sandbox crab

5. If you are going to buy a ready-made complex, check the quality certificate from the seller.

6. All wooden elements must be treated with a special protective impregnation to prevent rotting and fire.

Indoor skate park “Bunny Hop” (VAO)

Address: metro station Semenovskaya/Elektrozavodskaya, Bolshaya Semenovskaya st., building 42, building 1 (on the territory of the MIZ plant) Website: https://bunnyhop.pro Phone: Age: from 2 years Cost: birthday program with 2 presenters - 10-15 thousand rubles for a group of up to 15 people; additional presenter - 2500 rub.; the cost of rental equipment, if you and your guests do not have it, is paid additionally.

In the skate park you can spend any children's party on a stunt scooter, bmx, roller skates, longboard and balance bike. The active standard program lasts 90 minutes: 60 minutes for the main part, 30 minutes for the cake and gatherings.

The themes of the holiday depend on the age of the child and have a plot: stunt disco, podushkolet, first jump and running bike, or you can simply conduct a master class in the chosen discipline with a show of instructors in the finale.

Arena Space parks (North-Eastern Administrative District, Central Administrative District, South-Western Administrative District)


  • m. VDNKh, Prospekt Mira, 119, pavilion No. 2, Robostation, VDNKh
  • Teatralny pr-d, 5/1, Central House of Art
  • st. Profsoyuznaya 61A. Mall Kaluzhsky, 3rd floor

Website: https://arenaspace.ru Phone: Age: from 3 years Cost: from 1500 rub./person.
There are ready-made programs for birthday celebrations:

Package S

  • Organization of entertainment program
  • Free VR attractions

Package M

  • Organization of entertainment program
  • Free VR attractions
  • Sweet table (additional payment)
  • Photographer on request

Package L

  • Organization of entertainment program
  • Free VR attractions
  • Master class and special effects show (price on request)
  • Sweet table (additional payment)
  • Photographer on request

Event script (interactive thematic programs, 90 min):

  • Superhero School. Transformer Bumbelbee
  • School of real ninjas
  • Role-playing game. Jack's Treasures
  • The world of science and technology with Professor Viarius
  • Quest Hollywood
  • City of professions. Choose your future
  • A world of magic with the Winx fairy
  • Unreal race

What should a children's area in a country house be like?


If you have just started landscaping your site and want to calculate the formula for the ideal area of ​​​​the children's area, you should focus on the following figures:

  • a child under 6 years old needs a space of at least 9m2 for play
  • children from 6 to 12 years old will need at least 15 m2
  • for swings, it is necessary to leave a safety strip of at least 2 meters on each side of the swing
  • if you often have guests with children, you should increase the area of ​​the play area and the number of its elements

Original do-it-yourself table

To make it interesting for your child to draw or play at the table, you can make a table from plywood in the shape of a tree. The table leg will imitate a tree trunk, and the tabletop will imitate the crown.

  • Draw a table top-crown on a sheet of plywood and cut it out with a jigsaw.
  • Sand the edges of the workpiece with sandpaper. Draw table legs on plywood, which should be the same size.
  • The legs will need to be connected using a sawn lock. Drill holes in the tabletop to connect it to the legs.
  • After connecting the parts of the legs, drill holes in their upper part to connect to the tabletop.

Prime and paint the table parts, and then assemble them into a single structure.

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