How to build a closet around a window in any room to save space

A bed with the headboard facing the window is a non-standard solution that can radically transform the interior

Should you place the bed with the head of the window facing the window? The question is increasingly worrying many apartment owners, fascinated by the exquisite bedroom interiors from Western designers. On the one hand, a bed with the headboard facing the window looks very stylish, but on the other hand, constant drafts, noise from the street and bright sunlight are frightening, which are unlikely to have a favorable effect on sleep and will also disturb the intimate atmosphere in the bedroom. It’s different in the West: private houses, quiet streets, lack of frost - nothing prevents you from furnishing this room the way you want. But they do this here too, many will say, but what about hospitals, children’s camps, hotels? You can certainly find a similar arrangement of sleeping places in them; why not resort to such a fashionable design move in your own apartment?

Indeed, why not? Although interior design experts are divided on how a bed should be positioned, it's important to consider your personal needs first. Therefore, if you want to place the head of the bed next to the window, you should weigh the pros and cons, and then decide for yourself whether this option is convenient or not.

You can install a bed with the headboard facing the window in the attic

A fresh look at the bedroom: installing a bed with the headboard facing the window on the entire wall

Bed with headboard to high window of irregular shape

Advantages and disadvantages

First, let's look at the pros and cons of such cabinets. Let us immediately note that such furniture is suitable for storing a variety of things, for example:

  • children's toys;
  • bedding;
  • clothes and linen;
  • kitchen utensils;
  • all sorts of useful little things used in everyday life.

The cabinet around the window can be used to store books, magazines and newspapers, souvenirs and decorations, and if desired, you can place a TV in it. Other advantages of such cabinets include:

  • versatility - furniture can be installed in any room, including a bedroom, nursery, living room, study, kitchen and others;
  • practicality - cabinets frame the window opening in an original way, allowing you to avoid heavy curtains;
  • usefulness - an enlarged window sill can be equipped as a desk/desk, and additional built-in drawers and cabinets will help keep everything you need for work and study at hand;
  • aesthetics - the craftsmen who make such cabinets can offer a solution for any interior style, thanks to which the furniture looks laconic in the room.

Unfortunately, there are also disadvantages. The design of a cabinet around a window should be developed by an experienced specialist who takes into account the dimensions of the room, layout and a number of other factors. The installation itself is quite complicated, and often requires remodeling part of the room or forming a niche that will be reserved for a cabinet.

A certain difficulty lies in closing pipes and heating devices. This reduces heat transfer and also significantly complicates access to utilities in an emergency or during repairs. The immobility of cabinets around the window is also a disadvantage worth taking into account.

Where did the belief come from?

The belief that you should not sleep with your feet facing the window comes from ancient times. It was once common, but today is mentioned in passing or not considered important at all.

According to the majority, the direction towards the entrance is much more dangerous for sleep, since the dead are carried out of the house with their feet towards the door. However, during pagan times, the dead were moved precisely through a window opening or another specially cut into the wall. After the funeral, the window was closed (the hole was sealed) so that the spirit would not find its way back.

In an energetic sense, a window is not too different from a door: it is also considered a portal connecting the internal space with the external one, as well as with the mystical other world.

Unlike door shutters, it is transparent, which plays into the hands of evil spirits: it can appear, frighten and thus enter inside - through excited human emotions. In a position where the legs are directed towards the window opening, the face also looks there - the person sees everything that is happening behind the glass and at the same time is clearly visible to himself.

From a practical point of view

Our ancestors noticed long ago that there is a draft from the window, and a person is more susceptible to colds in a dream (all body systems work in energy saving mode). Especially if the bed is also in line with the door, it creates a draft. No matter how insulated the window is, strong winds can blow through it.

Of course, it is dangerous to overcool your head, but cold feet no less often lead to illness.

In addition, positioning your feet towards the window encourages you to wake up too early. If there are no thick curtains, the rising sun mercilessly awakens those sleeping. If you need to wake up at dawn, the situation is suitable, but if you want to sleep longer, the morning rays will greatly interfere.

Window location options

There are several proven and most effective solutions, often used in modern interiors. It is necessary to consider each option to help you choose the most suitable one.

On both sides

In this case, all available space is used to the maximum. The symmetrical arrangement makes the living room neat and attractive, and the cabinets themselves can be either open (without doors) or closed. If desired, you can create an asymmetrical design with different dimensions and number of compartments.

Corner cupboard

This solution is suitable for cases where the window is located closer to the adjacent wall. Thanks to this, the installation of the cabinet is greatly simplified, and in addition, its design can be made semicircular, which reduces the number of sharp corners in the room. The disadvantage of such cabinets is their small capacity, as a result of which they are used to store all kinds of small items (for example, children's toys, cosmetics, personal care products).

In the center of the window

This option is more suitable for large rooms. The cabinet is located under or above the window, so it does not block the flow of sunlight, making the room more comfortable. If the apartment layout includes huge panoramic windows, then the closet can cover a small part, providing additional storage space.

Between the Windows

One of the most practical solutions that can be used on balconies and loggias (in rooms with several window openings). In this case, the cabinet looks attractive without standing out from the overall interior concept.

General criteria for healthy sleep

Ideally, you need to rest 6-8 hours a day. Sleep is considered healthy if a person quickly and quietly falls asleep and does not wake up for no reason in the middle of the night. To meet the stated criteria, you will need to follow the recommendations of experts:

Stop sitting with your eyes on the TV, phone or computer before going to bed. It is recommended to read a book or listen to relaxing sounds and melodies. By reducing visual stress, you will be able to speed up the process of falling asleep and the quality of your sleep.
Choose a medium density mattress and pillow. Rules for caring for bedding vary depending on the type of materials and fillings. With the right selection of pillows and mattresses, you will be able to get a good night's sleep and avoid back problems.
Take a walk half an hour before bed along the street. 15-20 minutes will be enough. Walking in the fresh air helps reduce nervous tension.
Take your last meal 3-4 hours before bedtime. Overeating at dinner is not recommended. It is better to choose vegetables, herbs, whole grains and lean meat for an evening meal. A properly designed menu will help improve melatonin production and avoid nightmares caused by overeating.
Air out the bedroom before going to bed. Aroma lamps and scented pillows can create a relaxing atmosphere. Fresh air combined with a pleasant smell will speed up the process of falling asleep.
Stop drinking coffee, energy drinks, soda, strong black teas and alcohol in the evening. It is better to replace stimulating drinks with green tea, natural juice, water, fermented milk products or herbal decoction with a sedative effect. Nervous tension will decrease and sleep quality will improve.
Maintain a work-rest schedule. Constantly falling asleep and waking up at different times, a person overloads the body. There is a feeling of drowsiness and weakness. Following a schedule will help normalize your daily biorhythm and improve your overall well-being.
Try not to overload physically and mentally at night. Mild fatigue helps you fall asleep faster, but heavy stress has a detrimental effect on your health. The body will fully recover during sleep. After waking up, instead of fatigue and lethargy, you will feel a charge of vigor and a good mood.

According to popular beliefs, it is undesirable to sleep near a window, which is associated with the negative impact of otherworldly forces on a sleeping person. Scientists do not agree with the unusual interpretation and consider such a direction inappropriate due to irritating factors. You will have to choose the optimal point of view for yourself. Expert advice, signs and oriental wisdom will help you decide on a place for the bed.

For many centuries there have been folk signs and superstitions. One of them says that a person’s health and family well-being depend on the position of the head during sleep.

Unwritten laws about the correct position in a dream have appeared since ancient times. Today these theories are actively preached by feng shui and yogis. In practice, those who go to bed in the right direction get a good rest at night, are in harmony with others, their psycho-emotional state is stable, and their mood is good. Where did these prejudices come from, and why can’t you sleep with your head towards the window?

How to combine furniture near the window

Here, too, there are several solutions that may be useful during the renovation and improvement of the room. The wardrobe around the window can be combined with all kinds of furniture, making the room more functional, thoughtful, and comfortable.

With work area

By placing a table in front of a window, you can get a beautifully lit space, ideal for productive work. In addition, you can use a small table, the ends of which will rest against the cabinet and not interfere with the passage.

With a sofa on the windowsill

This solution is perfect for living rooms. On autumn and winter evenings, you can cozy up on the sofa with a cup of hot chocolate and enjoy reading your favorite book.

With a bed by the window

This is a great option for the bedroom. The closet helps to carefully store things and bedding, and several separate shelves can be designated for an alarm clock, candles, a night light and other pleasant little things.


Summarizing the many years of experience of mankind, we can identify several main directions that develop the theory of proper sleep: yoga, feng shui and beliefs passed down from generation to generation. What they say about sleeping with your head towards the window:

  1. The essence of yoga is to maintain harmony of body and soul. This theory allows you to sleep near a window if it is in the north or faces the northeast side. This improves health, promotes complete restoration of strength overnight, well-being in business and family.
  2. Feng Shui strictly prohibits sleeping in the window area. This leads to troubles at work, in personal relationships, and health problems.
  3. Our ancestors also condemned sleeping in this position, linking it with the fact that evil spirits roam the streets at night and look into the windows. A person sleeping with his head towards the window may not only be afraid of them, but also lose his energy.

From a practical point of view, sleeping with your head towards the window is really not the best position because:

  • you put yourself at risk of catching a cold if your house has low-quality windows, or you often open the window;
  • During night sleep, you will be disturbed by the moonlight, because of it a person sees nightmares, suffers from insomnia, often wakes up, and suffers from headaches.

Whatever theory you adhere to, rely on your own feelings. If you sleep by the window, and subsequently your health worsened: you began to lack sleep and feel irritated by the slightest trifles, you should move the bed away from the window.

Types of cabinets

As noted earlier, cabinets come in a wide variety, and modern methods of producing cabinet furniture make it possible to produce any model, taking into account all the features of the interior.


Ideal for small apartments, since the doors smoothly move to the side rather than opening wide. This saves free space in the house.


A bold and modern solution. Such cabinets are difficult to manufacture, but they offer enormous possibilities for storing things. They can also serve as a folding bed, extendable work desk, etc.


Great for people who collect books, glossy magazines and all kinds of printed publications. The rack has a lightweight design, so it does not visually clutter the room.

Wardrobe with open shelves

The disadvantage of such a cabinet is access to dust, so wet cleaning is required more often. But such a cabinet looks great in the interior.

Which direction is the correct direction to sleep with your head in an apartment or house according to Vastu: expert advice

Vastu is an Indian teaching. According to this religion, sleep is a time for rest and replenishing energy. To get a good night's sleep, there are many factors to consider.

Sleep rules according to Vastu:

  • You can't sleep with your head facing north. Representatives of Vastu believe that this destroys the subtle energy shell, which can cause illness.
  • It is best to sleep with your head pointing towards the East. Thus, vital energy is restored the fastest.
  • You should not sleep in the West, this can lead to increased selfishness.

Which direction is the correct direction to sleep with your head in an apartment or house according to Vastu: expert advice

Facades and decor options

In terms of design, you don’t have to limit your own imagination. Using modern furniture fronts made of chipboard and MDF, you can style the cabinet in any direction, from art deco to loft.

If there are built-in doors, they can be either with or without fittings. To do this, it is enough to install a special mechanism that opens when pressed. As a result, the cabinet facade will not stand out from the overall style of the room.

It is not at all necessary to close the entire cabinet. By leaving several shelves open, you can “unload” the structure visually, making it lighter and airier.

Is it possible to sleep with your head towards the mirror?

It is believed that a mirror is a kind of guide to the other world. It is just beyond the line that another world exists. Representatives of all energies and religions believe that one should not reflect in the mirror at all during sleep. This slows down the spread of positive energy. Accordingly, you should cover the mirror before going to bed.

Is it possible to sleep with your head towards the mirror?

There are a lot of superstitions and signs around sleep and rest. But church representatives believe that signs come into force only when you believe in them.

Pitfalls - what nuances are hidden in an interior with a built-in wardrobe near the window?

The disadvantage is that visually a room with a closet around the window appears smaller. This is due to the fact that several square meters are allocated directly for furniture, which occupies the entire wall. This solution is not suitable for rooms where the entrance is located next to the window, since the cabinet will block the passage.

Installing such a cabinet is a labor-intensive and time-consuming task. It is necessary to take accurate measurements and correctly secure each structural element, which will help avoid the appearance of backlashes and other shortcomings.

Yoga philosophy

Yoga followers do not attach much importance to the position of the bed in relation to the windows.

They are more concerned about the situation depending on the parts of the world. In this they are quite original, since they advise sleeping with your head to the north, northwest or northeast, believing that in this way the human body coincides with the corresponding poles of the Earth. In addition, in their opinion, the northern direction helps to increase spiritual strength.

Interestingly, Ayurveda, Vastu and Feng Shui completely disagree with this and most often recommend the south or east. The Christian religion also prefers the eastern side of the world, claiming that it promotes communication with God.

And the Indian philosopher and yogi Sadhguru clarifies: classical recommendations are not suitable for residents of the northern hemispheres; they really prefer to sleep with their heads to the east.

Selecting curtains

It is advisable to buy plain curtains for a narrow bedroom. You can choose voluminous curtains if the window is located at the end of the room. It is preferable to purchase a curtain that matches the wallpaper or is a couple of shades lighter than the curtains. Tulle should be made of light, transparent, almost weightless material.

In the bedroom, designers recommend hanging roller blinds that tightly cover the glass, or fabric vertical blinds. You can also combine them with roller blinds.

Key Features

A narrow bedroom is perceived more easily than an elongated corridor or kitchen, because due to the overall sleeping space and other pieces of furniture, it is visually easier to make such a room more square, which is optimal for a living space.

In a narrow long bedroom, with the correct arrangement of furniture, you can also place storage systems, places for beauty, and arrange a work space.

Suitable direction in the interior

Choosing a style for a bedchamber is an individual matter, because its selected details should reflect the personal preferences of its inhabitants.

The main rule, taking into account the dimensions of the Khrushchev building, is not to burden the overall design with an excess of flashy details and bulky components.

Every detail is important here

Minimalism for a narrow bedchamber

Compact, comfortable furniture and no frills are the main qualities of a minimalist style, optimally suited for cramped Khrushchev-era bedrooms. This design leaves maximum free space and looks very elegant, without frills.

Bedroom in a cozy modern style

In the modern design style of the bedchamber, the presence of textured furniture is presupposed; there are also attractive finishing options and original bedside tables made of rough-hewn wood.

A bright bedroom will make the space seem larger

Narrow bedroom in loft style

Creative and freedom-loving people prefer a fashionable industrial style when decorating a relaxation room. To create such a unique atmosphere in your life, bare walls made of concrete and brick, durable metal shelving, as well as durable cabinets made of rough-hewn wood.

Lof style - minimal and stylish

Beautiful bedroom in classic style

Classic interior design presupposes strict symmetry of lines and restrained beauty of the furniture as a whole. The distinctive features of this design direction are comfortable enamel furniture with curved carved legs, a high headboard, and an elegant chandelier.


The ceiling space of a small room can be arranged on two levels. It is not necessary to make a standard rectangle around the perimeter. This arrangement will create certain frames that are completely unnecessary here. Instead, organize the ceiling into two different halves. Use smooth lines. An interesting option would be the arrangement of three components. In this case, the middle part of the bedroom on the ceiling will be indicated by a certain “depression”, which can be painted in a different color from the rest of the part.

White bedroom ceiling vault in oriental style with the most necessary interior items

The ceiling with a 3D effect looks original

Lighting the ceiling space will give the interior lightness and airiness. A soft glow LED strip is installed in the level junction. Point light sources are installed along the edge of the transition, as well as throughout the entire ceiling space.

See alsoCombination of gray with other colors in the interior

Design in Khrushchev

A narrow bedchamber in an old Khrushchev building is a case that requires an extraordinary approach, because such a non-standard area puts forward special requirements for its design. The area is only 6-10 square meters. m.

Competent planning in Khrushchev

Convenient zoning

Even in a one-room Khrushchev house you can create a cozy sleeping area. A comfortable bed can be skillfully hidden with heavy curtains; you can also make light partitions from plasterboard or plywood. A cabinet, shelving unit or shelf in the ceiling is suitable for dividing a room into zones.

Zoning using a partition

Folding bed

An excellent option for saving space would be a folding bed that is placed vertically against the wall during the day. This will be a full-fledged sleeping place, which cannot be said about a transforming sofa.

Transformable bed - lots of free space

Small podium

The formed small elevation above the floor provides a good example of the rational use of vertical space. Installing a spacious bed on a raised platform allows you to place storage boxes inside the podium structure. Under a slight elevation you can skillfully hide a pull-out bed, place a comfortable sofa, or build another sleeping place.

A podium with drawers allows you to store more things

Creating a cozy atmosphere

It is advisable to arrange the sleeping area near the window. It is recommended to clear the middle of the room and not place furniture along the walls. It is worth ordering a corner or narrow wardrobe for the bedroom, installing it immediately after the entrance. A small built-in dressing room is welcome. Place a dressing table asymmetrically and then a bed.

It is advisable to choose light tones for the room. On one of the walls you can make an accent in the form of 3D wallpaper with perspective. It can be cozy views of the city at night, or natural motifs.

It is recommended to choose any curtains for such a bedroom. Designers even welcome heavy curtains or window drapery options such as blinds and roller blinds. Such solutions should be assessed from photos of narrow bedroom designs.

Style solutions for small narrow rooms

The style of a narrow bedroom does not have to obey strict canons and exactly comply with the recommendations of famous designers. Minimalism, loft and, of course, classic look quite simple and tasteful in a narrow room.

There is no need to give preference to interiors with elaborate elements, rich in decor, which are found in such styles as Rococo, Baroque, Provence. You can successfully combine a couple of types of designs and avoid anything unnecessary in the interior.

Merging a room with a balcony

To do this, it is worth obtaining permission from the relevant architectural structures and property departments. Having acquired the necessary documents, you should begin reconstruction.

It is enough to remove the partition between the room and the balcony or loggia. It is advisable to use the place that served as a window sill. You can equip a dressing table here or build in an elegant wardrobe.

Having combined the spaces, it is advisable to think about insulating the balcony, as well as glazing it. The transition can be decorated with interesting curtains or tulle, or you can completely abandon curtains in this area and hang vertical blinds or roller blinds on the balcony.


Good for narrow rooms and ideal for decorating small, non-standard rooms. A loft can always be distinguished from any other style by the presence of brickwork on one of the walls. Nowadays, masonry is successfully imitated, creating a unique accent.

You can organize a space with such decor in the space between the windows or at the entrance, pave part of a long wall with plastic masonry. You can choose both light and darker design tones.

Illusion of space

A narrow bedroom with one window “requires” the use of pastel colors in the design. It is advisable to choose a white ceiling. It can be matte or glossy.

There is an option to make a two-tier ceiling, with a box that visually makes the space square. It is recommended to choose wallpaper or other wall drapery in the tones of delicate peach, olive, or prefer pink, lilac or blue shades.

Vanilla and cream tones are also good. Only the floor should be dark. The covering is linoleum or laminate and a small rug in the middle, or rich-pile carpet.

Advantageous lighting

When creating the design of a long and narrow bedroom, special attention is paid to lighting. Proper use of it can radically affect the visual appearance of the room.

Having natural light from a window in the bedroom is key. You can place a mirror opposite it, then during the daytime the light from it will be scattered throughout the room.

There is no point in hanging massive lamps here: it will only worsen the situation. It is better to give preference to several small lighting fixtures in functional areas or spot lighting along the square perimeter of a multi-level ceiling. It is worth equipping a short wall with additional light if there is no window on it.

Be sure to provide additional lighting to the area near the bed. This could be a small night light on the bedside table, a lamp built into the headboard or a sconce above the bed.

It will be convenient to build in a light brightness control, which will allow you to adjust it from bright lighting for work or cleaning to intimate, muted twilight.

Pure modernity

Despite the fact that it is at the height of fashion, this style is capable of borrowing elements from the Soviet Union. For example, designers recommend laying parquet on the floor. Of course, this will be an exclusively modern material, the care of which will not be as tedious as in the Soviet years.

The modern style also “prefers” light colors of decoration and an emphasis on the sleeping area. It is permissible to decorate a bed or a low podium as a bed with pillows, a cape, or a blanket in a bright tone or with a catchy print.

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