Synthetic swan down pillow filling

Today, a pillow filling called “swan down” is in great demand. But the material has nothing in common with the plumage of a swan, other than texture. In fact, it is an artificial substitute, made in the likeness of swan down. Despite the fact that the material is synthetic, it is in many ways not inferior to its natural counterpart. And in terms of wear resistance and ease of maintenance, it even exceeds its natural counterpart.

The Swan Down pillow has many advantages over other materials. This is a very soft filler. It is pleasant to the touch.

What does it represent?

Swan down is a synthetic polyester microfiber. Each of its fibers is made in the form of a thin spiral and treated with silicone. The diameter of the spiral villus is much thinner than a human hair. The spirals are woven together, resulting in balls. Thanks to this, the externally synthetic copy becomes similar to the edge of a swan, which is located under the feather of the bird in the chest and abdomen.

Swan down is an artificial material. This modern filler is a polyester fiber.

Printed polyester is lightweight, very soft and easy to care for. But in some respects it is inferior to the natural original. The material is light, delicate, soft to the touch and quickly returns to its original shape after compression. Has high warming qualities.

Today, swan down pillows are one of the most popular in the textile industry market.

Origin story

Filler first appeared on the textile market about half a century ago. The material immediately gained popularity due to its good characteristics, which are no worse than those of its natural counterpart. Another characteristic advantage was the low cost. Products based on it are available to any segment of the population.

The artificially created material is a synthetic analogue of bird down; it almost exactly replicates its properties. The filler is made of highly siliconized polyester microfibers coated with silicone, the diameter of which is no larger than the diameter of a human hair.

Characteristic elasticity, volume and softness are achieved through ultra-thin threads that are twisted into spirals. This structure allows products to return to their original shape in a matter of seconds if, for example, they were subjected to any deformation.

To increase elasticity and make the material wear-resistant, the fibers are pre-treated with silicone, which actually causes the moisture-absorbing abilities to be lost. The material has analogues:

  1. Holofiber is a filler based on fibers twisted into springs, treated with silicone and connected into oblong-shaped balls. Distinctive features of the material are high elasticity and rigidity. The products are able to quickly recover from deformation, but their service life is not as long as that of swan's down, as they quickly begin to tangle.

  2. Bio-fluff is an environmentally friendly material and has a visual resemblance to fluffy cotton wool. It is characterized by strength, lightness, and heat capacity. Manufactured from Sorono hollow fibers with the addition of meta-aramid and polyethylene styrene fibers.

  3. Thinsulate is considered a universal insulation material; it is used in extreme situations, since it is almost twice as warm as natural down. The composition may vary, but, as a rule, it contains polyester fibers and polypropylene.

Today, it is possible to use new technologies in the production of material that make it possible to produce swan down at minimal cost. And this affects the final cost, which is why artificial down products are so in demand.

Swan down pillow: pros and cons

Artificial fiber has many positive qualities. The most important of them is hypoallergenic. Synthetic polyester does not harbor dust mites and does not cause mold or mildew. Therefore, the risk of allergic reactions and other health problems is reduced to zero.

Swan down is a hypoallergenic material that prevents the growth of bacteria, parasites and fungi.

Other advantages of Thinsulate include the following factors.

  • Light weight. The weight of a pillow measuring 50x70 cm is about 1000 g.
  • High elasticity. After sleep, the shape of the bedding is easily restored thanks to the spiral configuration of the fibers.
  • Easy care. Products with synthetic padding are easily machine washable. Requirements for care and use are minimal.
  • No smell. Despite the synthetic origin of the insulation, it does not smell and does not absorb foreign odors.
  • Convenience. Synthetic polyester is very soft, which guarantees a comfortable sleep.

This pillow has a neutral odor and is impervious to foreign odors.

  • Safety. The material does not pose a threat to the health of either an adult or a child.
  • Neat look. The spirals of the packing are interlocked and coated with silicone. Due to this, they do not go outside, beyond the boundaries of the cover and pillowcase.
  • Value for money. The cost of such products is low due to their synthetic origin. And the quality and durability indicators are excellent.
  • Good air exchange. Air fibers allow air to pass through well. This ensures good air circulation. Products with Thinsulate contents dry quickly.
  • Long service life. With proper care, the pillow can last 5 years or more.

After sleep, the pillow restores its original shape well.

There are not so many shortcomings, but there are some. The disadvantages of synthetic microfiber include the following.

  • Low hygroscopicity. Moisture does not circulate as well on the inner surface as air. This is not in favor of Thinsulate, especially if you have the problem of increased sweating. But a minus easily turns into a plus when washing. Polyester synthetics dry quickly.
  • Property to collect static electricity. This ability can damage your hair. To prevent this from happening, you need to treat the fabric of the cover with an antistatic agent.
  • Lack of neck fixation. The texture of the fiber is so soft that your head literally sinks into it. For people with orthopedic problems, this is a significant disadvantage.

It does not come out through seams or fabric, as is often the case with natural down, so this product will not prick and leave feathers in the bed.


However, while listing the advantages, we should not forget about the disadvantages of synthetics. This fluff is non-hygroscopic. If a person sweats a lot during sleep, bedding with the described filler will not suit him. The fact is that the material copes well with a small amount of moisture, but if there is a lot of it, a “sauna effect” occurs. The person will simply feel uncomfortable: hot, humid, unpleasant.

The second disadvantage is possible overheating. Synthetic down provides good air exchange and maintains a comfortable microclimate in rooms with an optimal temperature. If the room is hot, it stops coping with the task. Then there is a possibility of overheating.

The third disadvantage is the accumulation of static electricity. But almost all synthetic materials have this drawback. Artificial down can crack, stick to the body and even give you an electric shock, which is not very pleasant. Therefore, it is recommended to treat underwear or clothes with synthetic filling with antistatic agents.

Which material to choose: artificial or natural?

There is practically no production of goods from natural raw materials. To create a filler for one pillow, 10 swans would have to be destroyed. In this case, the main part of the natural filler will be feather, not down. There is a more humane way - to collect fluff during molting. But it's not very effective. Only 30-40 grams of raw materials are collected from one bird. Such a tiny amount is easy to explain - the bird is heat-loving and is not as abundantly furred as northern birds. Not surprisingly, the cost of real down is not cheap.

It is impossible to obtain swan fluff from a living bird, and besides, swans are listed in the Red Book.

Collecting and processing poultry down is expensive and not humane to these rare and beautiful inhabitants of nature. Therefore, when talking about products made from swan down, they mean a synthetic substitute. Today, an artificial analogue is being manufactured - Thinsulate. In terms of parameters, it is no worse, and sometimes even better, than a natural swan's edge.

Very light and soft, just like natural down.


The main advantage, oddly enough, is the completely synthetic origin of the material. It is wear-resistant, retains heat well, but does not contribute to overheating of the body. It does not cake and does not form those very lumps that are characteristic of natural fluff. Weightless, soft, very elastic.

Additional benefits:

Using artificial swan down

The main area of ​​application of synthetic Thinsulate is the manufacture of bedding. Light and warm padding is also used for other purposes.

  • Production of outerwear. Moreover, Thinsulate is suitable for sewing both adult and children's jackets and coats.

Has a long service life.

  • Making toys. Sometimes artificial “filling” is used to stuff children’s or interior toys.

Safe for children and adults.

  • Insulation of winter suits. Down fills the interior space of winter sets - overalls, jackets, trousers, parkas.

This fiber is very light and warm, and its elastic spirals hold and restore shape well.

  • Shoe edge. Most often these are house slippers with beautiful, delicate padding in different colors.

Synthetic swan down retains the positive characteristics of its natural counterpart, but is safe and environmentally friendly.

  • Sewing sofa ideas. Due to the fact that the material is easily washed and practically does not lose its shape, it is often used for the production of such decorative products as sofa seats.

Artificial origin relieves allergies, but deprives the pillow of the positive natural effects.

Using natural swan down

Today, real down is hardly used anywhere. This happens for a number of reasons.

  1. Expensive production. Down is collected humanely only during shedding. Once a year, one swan can give away only 30, maximum 40 grams of raw materials. Due to this, the cost cannot be called affordable.
  2. The swan is a bird listed in the Red Book. This means that there are not many individuals left. Exterminating unique birds for the sake of blankets and parkas is inhumane and inappropriate.
  3. In terms of strength and durability, the natural original is inferior to the artificial copy. In addition, real fluff can cause allergies. After all, it harbors mites, mold and fungi.

Bird down is rarely used, except for the manufacture of cosmetic puffs for powder and blush. The artificial analogue is cheaper, stronger and more durable. It is much easier to wash, has high antibacterial and hypoallergenic properties.

Thinsulate has become a worthy alternative to natural swan down.

Prices for natural and artificial swan down

Buying a product made from 100% natural material is not an easy task. Firstly, this is very rare. Secondly, the purchase will be expensive. For example, a blanket filled with natural swan down will cost 11,000 rubles.

A pillow with artificial down is easy to use, so you can sleep comfortably on it for at least 4-5 years.

The price of an artificial substitute is several times cheaper. Depending on the size and fabric of the cover, a blanket with Thinsulate padding will cost between 1,300 and 2,500 rubles.

Over time, the passage of air becomes more difficult and the cooling effect deteriorates. Please note if you prefer to sleep on cool pillows at night.

Bamboo or artificial swan down: subtleties of choice

Bamboo filler is obtained from natural raw materials. To do this, plant cellulose fibers are processed mechanically or chemically. The padding is elastic and durable. Products with bamboo filling have good antistatic and hypoallergenic qualities.

For lovers of natural materials, manufacturers offer pillows with bamboo fiber.

If we talk about which product to choose - “bamboo” or artificial swan down, then it all depends on the purpose of the purchase.

Swan down pillows. Suitable for those who love coziness and comfort. They are soft, warm, light. The price for such products is reasonable, and they will last 5 years or more.

Swan down filling is suitable for people who prefer light, airy and soft pillows.

Bamboo filler. Recommended for those who care about their health. Due to their elasticity, pillows with bamboo “filling” are recommended for those who experience pain in the cervical region. But bamboo fillers will not solve serious problems. For therapeutic purposes, you will need orthopedic bedding. Also, bamboo fibers allow air to pass through well and provide excellent thermoregulation. For those who don’t like overly warming pillows, this option is ideal. In terms of price, bamboo is superior to Thinsulate.

The natural component has a healing effect on the skin and relieves pain in the neck.

Is it possible to machine wash it?

For quick cleaning of pillows and blankets, machine washing is suitable. But you should choose a delicate mode with a water heating temperature no higher than 30-40⁰С. Bleach and other aggressive cleaners should not be used. Detergents should be mild. After washing, it is recommended to shake the washed items a little so that the Thinsulate does not crumple and is evenly distributed inside. Ironing after washing is contraindicated. The heat of the iron can cause synthetics to melt.

It is best to periodically have down pillows dry cleaned at a specialized salon.


The main problem with caring for the material described is that the user does not know how to wash the item. Natural down requires careful handling. It is washed only in warm water (about 30°C), by hand, squeezing very carefully and lightly. Dry under natural conditions, on a horizontal surface, distributing the fluff evenly throughout the product.

A synthetic substitute is much easier to care for. You can wash it in a machine without worrying about the safety of the item. Mode – delicate, temperature – 40°C, automatic spin possible.

Never add aggressive bleaches that contain chlorine!

But tumble drying is prohibited, because artificial down cannot withstand heat. They take it out, shake it well, straighten it, and then hang it up. The product dries quickly (again, unlike the natural prototype). Periodically, it is recommended to ventilate the item in the open air and send it to dry cleaning.

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