Pillow "Swan's Down": reviews, properties, sizes, manufacturer

Modern swan down pillow filling is a completely artificial material. Its second name is Thinsulate. In softness and lightness it is not inferior to swan plumage, but other than the name, it has nothing in common with it.

The fact is that thick and dense down grows only on birds living in a relatively harsh climate. The swan is a heat-loving bird. In order to fill at least one pillow with down, you will need about a dozen individuals. And if we take into account that before this they will have to be destroyed, since it is impossible to pluck a live swan, then the industrial production of pillows filled with natural swan down is impractical.

Fortunately, modern technologies make it possible to produce materials that have all the advantages of natural analogues and are devoid of their disadvantages. Polyester siliconized microfiber swan's down is one of them. It combines the positive qualities of two natural components at once - the softness and tenderness of swan down, and the strength and durability of natural polyesters such as shellac and tree resin.

If you look at this filler through a powerful microscope, you can see that it consists of millions of tiny fibers. Each lint is treated with silicone and twisted into a spiral. The spirals intertwine with each other, forming small balls, which give the material a soft, durable and springy structure.

general characteristics

Artificial swan down is often confused with natural material. These are different fillers. The production of natural swan down is not practical. To collect material for even one pillow, it would be necessary to destroy 10 adult individuals of these beautiful birds. Therefore, such production is not developing today.

The artificial material resembles swan down in its qualities. However, the presented filler is made entirely from artificially synthesized fibers. The second name of this material is “thinsulate”.

The presented synthetics have a fibrous structure. Each of its fibers is covered with silicone. The fibers are twisted, resembling a spiral in appearance. They are connected into a single structure. In this case, the material looks like small balls. This feature distinguishes Thinsulate from other types of artificial fillers. Pillows made from artificial swan down have many advantages over their analogues.

Description of the filler

Swan down is an artificially obtained material as a result of the use of high technology. It is not inferior in quality to natural raw materials and even surpasses it in a number of indicators. Synthetic swan down is practical and safe for health. It has chemically inert properties, so it does not tend to absorb odors.

To understand what artificial swan down is, you need to imagine white polyester fiber, twisted into a spiral and collected into fluffy balls. They are interconnected by fibers and form a springy and soft fabric that can restore its shape.

The special structure of microfiber is saturated with air, which helps retain heat. Thanks to silicone processing during production, the fibers are soft and elastic.

The manufacturing technology involves several stages. To fill pillows, down is combed using special equipment into a single-layer fabric. To fill blankets, carding produces a multi-layered, homogeneous structure.

The resulting siliconized fiber is very thin and therefore lightweight. It is much thinner than cotton and wool.

Modern technologies have made it possible to create swan down filler of high quality and at an affordable price.

Main characteristics

The Swan Down pillow, according to customer reviews, has many advantages over other materials. This is a very soft filler. It is pleasant to the touch. At the same time, products created from this material are lightweight.

The siliconized fiber from which the filler is created combines the qualities of artificial and natural materials. This is a light, delicate and warm filler. Natural swan down is characterized by the same qualities. However, the artificial material is also characterized by increased durability and practicality.

This is a fairly durable material. It is easy to care for. Swan's down acquired these qualities due to the presence of polyesters in its composition. Wood resin and shellac give the artificial material durability. The presented filler has a lot of positive qualities.

Artificial swan down: what kind of filler is it?

Manufacturers often indicate that swan down was used as a filler for pillows. However, products with a natural version have not been produced for a long time. Firstly, this is not humane: for the sake of one pillow it would be necessary to destroy about 10 birds. Secondly, swans are listed in the Red Book.

Features of the filler

Products with so-called swan down are filled with artificial siliconized fiber. In its production, polyester balls are used, which are pulled into thin threads and twisted into spirals. The spirals are treated with silicone to increase strength and elasticity. The result is fluffy balls that look like swan's down.

This fiber is very light and warm, and its elastic spirals hold and restore shape well. Typically, a swan down substitute is used as insulation for outerwear and filling for pillows, blankets and soft toys.

Photo: what swan fluff looks like in pillows


Blankets and pillows “Swan's Down” are now supplied to the market by many domestic manufacturers. The demand for such products is constantly growing. This is explained by the advantages that artificial material has.

It does not cause allergies. It does not harbor mites, fungi and other harmful microorganisms. This is a hygienic, clean material. It doesn't smell. The material is well ventilated. At the same time, foreign odors do not accumulate in the fibers.

This is an elastic material. It does not roll down, does not come out in separate threads through the napkin. These are durable products. Their service life exceeds 5 years. Also, the weight of the products is insignificant. A 70x70 cm pillow weighs less than 1 kg. Their cost is low. At the same time, caring for a product made from the presented filler will not require serious effort or a lot of time.

Comparative characteristics

Artificial swan down is one of many synthetic materials with similar consumer properties, but there are still differences:

Comparison criteria HolofiberThinsulate
Consumer characteristics
  • breathability;
  • high heat-protective qualities;
  • water-repellent properties;
  • lightness, elasticity and plasticity;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • breathability;
  • high heat-shielding properties;
  • water-repellent properties;
  • lightness, elasticity and plasticity;
  • hypoallergenic;
Care instructions
  • Hand and machine washing is allowed at a temperature not exceeding 40 degrees C;
  • not afraid of dry cleaning;
  • Both hand and machine washable at 40 degrees C are allowed;
  • not afraid of dry cleaning;
Average service life7-10 years7-10 years
Price (cost per square meter, taking into account the same density of the fabric)300-350 rubles350-500 rubles
Comparison criteria SinteponArtificial swan down
Consumer characteristics
  • breathability;
  • ability to absorb moisture;
  • has no odor and does not absorb foreign odors;
  • susceptible to deformation, clumps;
  • use with caution for people suffering from allergies and bronchial asthma; contains glue;
  • breathability;
  • very low hygroscopicity;
  • ease;
  • elasticity;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • antibacterial;
Care instructions
  • wash at a temperature not exceeding 40 degrees C;
  • dries quickly;
  • Washing is allowed at a temperature not exceeding 40 degrees C;
  • dries quickly;
Average service life1-2 years3-5 years
Price (cost per square meter, taking into account the same density of the fabric)20-35 rubles200-400 rubles

Adequate rest during sleep largely depends on the right pillow. The filling of linen blankets and pillows is a natural antiseptic. It is hygroscopic, always cool, hypoallergenic, and has an antimicrobial effect.

You can read about the therapeutic effects of pillows with eucalyptus filling on people with respiratory problems in this article.


Filling with swan down also has some disadvantages. This material is quite soft. It cannot provide good neck support while sleeping. Insufficient orthopedic qualities make the use of the presented material impossible for people with diseases in the spine.

Also, synthetics are non-hygroscopic material. It is not able to absorb moisture efficiently. This causes discomfort. Most often, swan down pillows are used in winter. In summer, with increased sweating, the surface of the pillow may become damp.

Synthetic fibers can accumulate static electricity. This fact is also one of the negative characteristics. Because of this, the hair loses its shine. They start to get confused. However, the filler itself is not always the cause of discomfort. It is very important to choose the right material for your pillowcase. In this case, natural fabrics are more suitable than synthetics.

Disadvantages of the product

But there are also negative sides to using swan fluff. The fibers of the synthetic filler are electrified. This may affect the condition of the hair. The thread is not hygroscopic (the ability to absorb water vapor from the air). Therefore, the pillow is also not suitable for people prone to excessive sweating. It is not advisable to use bedding at elevated ambient temperatures and air humidity.

Often users complain about the inconvenience of artificial down and return to natural fillers. In fact, the reason may be in the case. For example, the same company produces pillows with “teak down-containing” and “quilted with bamboo fiber” pillowcases. Even though the contents are identical, the bamboo case is compared to stone.

For particularly picky customers, there are models with camel hair. As a rule, such pillows, in addition to being hypoallergenic, provide a bactericidal effect.

What to look for when choosing?

You need to know how to choose the right pillows made from artificial swan down. This synthetic material, thanks to its many advantages, is quite durable and functional. First of all, when choosing, you need to pay attention to the quality of the case.

Synthetic materials of the bedspread do not combine well with the same filler. High-quality products have a cover made of calico or satin. These are hygroscopic materials that are pleasant to the touch.

Also, great attention must be paid to the packaging of the goods. High-quality pillows should be packaged in a separate plastic case. This will protect against the accumulation of various unfavorable substances in the material during transportation. If the pillow is sold without a cover, it must be washed and dried thoroughly before use.

Pros and cons of artificial substitute

Artificial swan down has an impressive list of positive characteristics:

  1. Soft, light and airy.
  2. High heat-saving properties.
  3. Synthetic fibers do not harbor microorganisms, mold and dust mites.
  4. Maintains its shape for a long time due to its elastic properties.
  5. Doesn't clump or cake.
  6. Suitable for people with highly sensitive skin, asthmatics and allergy sufferers.
  7. Does not accumulate dust and foreign odors.
  8. Easy care and storage.
  9. Machine washable and dries quickly.
  10. Deprived of its own specific smell.
  11. Air exchange is ensured by the free arrangement of fibers.
  12. In a fabric cover, the material is securely held and does not fall out through the seams.
  13. Proper care will ensure a long service life - up to 5 years.
  14. Cheaper and more practical than natural fluff.

Now about the disadvantages, of which there are very few:

  1. It does not absorb moisture well and is not suitable for people with excessive sweating. Products with such filling create a sauna effect.
  2. In a warm room it causes the body to overheat.
  3. It is prone to the accumulation of static electricity, like other synthetic materials, so it must be periodically treated with an antistatic agent.


Today, many domestic manufacturers produce artificial down pillows under different brands. The center for the production of such products is the city of Ivanovo. The main production capacities of various enterprises that operate in this direction are concentrated here.

“Swan Down” pillows (Ivanovo) are produced by companies such as PamTex, Belashoff, as well as “Capital of Textile”, “Samson”, “Liza”, “Posteltex-plus”, etc. Manufacturers produce pillows with different cover materials.

The cheapest products can be purchased at prices starting from 270 rubles. In this case, the pillow will have a size of 50x70 cm. The most expensive types of products are characterized by high density. Their cover is made of natural cotton. In this case, a 70x70 pillow can be purchased for up to 800 rubles.

Quilted and unquilted models are available for sale. In the first case, there will be less filler in the product. This is a flatter pillow. If the product does not have stitches, there is quite a lot of filler in it. This is a more elastic, high-quality pillow.

Manufacturers and prices

When choosing a pillow, you should pay attention to its presentation. You can distinguish a good manufacturer by:

  • high-quality packaging - the product must be in an individual polyethylene bag;
  • a well-designed label indicating the main parameters;
  • natural fabric cover: otherwise the bedding cannot be considered safe for health.

The price of a product with swan down depends, first of all, on its size and manufacturer:

  • 50×50 - from 180 to 500 rubles;
  • 50×70 - from 230 to 1500 rubles;
  • 70×70 - from 310 to 2000 rubles.

Popular manufacturers producing swan pillows:

Mona Lisa (Mona Lisa)

The Russian company Mona Liza has been producing high-quality bedding and linen for about 20 years. Pillows with swan down are presented in three collections:

  • Provence by Serg Look: Provence Lilac with lilac scent (from RUB 1,080)
  • Mona Liza Premium by Serg Look: Secret Gardens (from RUB 1,091);
  • Mona Liza Premium: “Swan's Down” (from RUB 1,279).

All products have natural cotton covers, labels with detailed information about the composition, size, weight, expiration date and care recommendations. The package also contains a brochure telling about the company, its mission, and products.

Ecotex (Ecotex)

Over the 17 years of its activity, the manufacturer of home textiles Ecotex has become very popular among Russian consumers. The company has separated products with swan down into a separate line, which is called that way. All pillows in this series have a special modern “DownFill” fiber and a cotton lining.

  • 50×70 - from 1150 rubles;
  • 70x70 - from 1800 rub.

Verossa (Verossa)

Verossa is considered one of the leaders in textile production. The company claims that their products can provide a unique experience, comfort, style and quality. Pillows filled with microfiber are called “Swan Down” and are available in two sizes:

  • 50x70 - 1190 rub.;
  • 70х70 —1490 rub.


The company from Ivanovo has been operating since 1997, and in the manufacture of bedding it uses its own raw materials, that is, fabrics that have not been pre-treated or dyed. Pillows with swan's down are available in the Premium and Soft Collections. Products have a wide range of sizes:

  • 38x38 - 410 rub.;
  • 48x48 - 510 rub.;
  • 38x58 - 510 rub.;
  • 58x58 - 760 rub.;
  • 48x68 - 810 rub.;
  • 68x68 — 980 rub.

Selena (Selena)

The largest manufacturer in the south of Russia, the textile company Selena, has been producing home textiles for 22 years. The products of this company are easily recognized by their soft pink label and beautiful patterned microfiber cover with embossing. For its “Selena Daydream” collection of pillows and blankets, the company chose swan down as a filler.

  • 50x70 —989 rub.;
  • 70х70 —1298 rub.

You can also buy products from companies such as Adele, Vasilisa, Alvitek, etc.

Video: Pillow “Swan Down Luxury” from the manufacturer AlViTek

Bamboo or swan's down?

Going to the store, the buyer is interested in which pillows are better. Bamboo or swan down are the most purchased types of fillers. However, they have significant differences. It should be noted that the structure of the synthetic material completely eliminates the possibility of fungus development. In bamboo material this indicator is somewhat inferior.

Swan down is also cheaper. This is a more affordable pillow option. Bamboo, although more expensive, remains in demand. This is due to its unique characteristics. Bamboo filler is more rigid. It creates a good orthopedic effect.

Bamboo is also a hygroscopic material. It absorbs moisture well. At the same time, the material allows you to maintain the required temperature both in winter and in summer. In the hot season, such a pillow gives coolness, and in the cold it warms. Therefore, in terms of its technical characteristics, bamboo is superior to swan's down. But pillows made from artificial filler are cheaper and therefore are a more affordable product.

Customer Reviews

The “Swan's Down” pillow, according to reviews, is a fairly high-quality product. It does not deteriorate when washed and is soft. These qualities are appreciated by many buyers. If there are no problems with the spine, this option will be a worthy alternative to other artificial materials.

Experts advise not to skimp on the quality of pillows. You should purchase products with a cover made from natural materials. They are the ones who most often receive positive feedback from customers. These are comfortable, soft and quite durable products.

There are also negative reviews about pillows with such filling. Buyers note that due to their ability to become electrified, products made from swan down attract dust. Some people prone to diseases of the spine in the cervical region may experience headaches and back discomfort. In this case, it is recommended to purchase other types of pillows with increased rigidity.

If a buyer purchases a high-quality swan down pillow, he will be satisfied with his choice. The presented products receive many positive reviews. Affordable prices allow you to choose a quality product for all categories of buyers.

Pillows made of feathers and down were a luxury in Rus'. Only the rich used them. And the more significant the “cushion” capital was, the wealthier the owner was considered. Poor people and peasants slept on pillows stuffed with hay and horsehair.

Natural swan down

pillow filling consists of swan, duck, goose, eider down, chicken feathers or a mixture of soft feathers and down.

Natural swan down is one of the warmest, softest and lightest fillers. It retains heat well. But currently it is not used anywhere on an industrial scale. Collecting down from a live bird is difficult, and shooting the bird has been illegal since the 1960s. Some species of swans are listed in the Red Book. And even if you find places for hunting swans somewhere, if their numbers are higher than average, this fluff will still not be enough for large-scale production of products filled with swan fluff. But it was considered inappropriate to artificially breed swans: firstly, meat is not in demand; secondly, for one pillow you will need the down of more than one or even two adult individuals. We will have to destroy several dozen handsome men.

If the fluff is collected manually, then this happens during the seasonal molting of the swan. And considering that they have very little fluff - 30-40 grams per bird, natural swan fluff becomes too expensive. And accordingly, such a pillow will cost a lot.

Advantages of natural swan down:

  • wear resistance - natural down is able to quickly restore its shape after load;
  • softness – the filler has a comfortable density;
  • thermal insulation – swan down retains heat perfectly.

Disadvantages of natural swan down:

  • short service life without proper care. On average from 2 to 5 years;
  • softness - an advantage can sometimes be a disadvantage - a pillow that is too soft supports the cervical vertebrae rather poorly;
  • inaccessibility – natural down filling is quite difficult to find;
  • allergenicity - mites infest the fluff, and over time their waste products accumulate, which can cause allergies;
  • swan's down can come out of the fabric of the pillowcase and prick the skin;
  • difficult to care for - after washing, the fluff collects in clumps, which are quite difficult to break up;
  • high price.

Artificial swan down

Very often in stores you can find pillows that say “filled with swan’s down.” But at an affordable price, you can immediately understand that this is an artificial material. At the same time, it is in no way inferior in characteristics to its natural counterpart. And maybe in some places it even surpasses. These two materials are also very similar in appearance and feel.

Artificial filler burst into the textile market about half a century ago. And it instantly began to gain popularity - excellent properties and low price played a role. Today, in any bedding store you can find pillows with artificial swan down.

Faux swan down is created from thin polyester microfibers coated with silicone for durability. The thickness of such a thread is thinner than a human hair. The development of technology has made it possible to make the material production process even cheaper, which affected the price of finished products. It is quite competitive in comparison with other types of filler.

Advantages of artificial swan down:

  • creates excellent conditions for comfortable sleep and relaxation, following the contours of the human body;
  • supports the head well in the correct position, relieving the load from the neck;
  • wear-resistant – quickly restores its shape after loading;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • has good breathability;
  • easy;
  • great for children;
  • does not absorb unpleasant odors;
  • microfibers are well connected to each other and will not be knocked out through the fabric of the cover;
  • it does not harbor ticks and other parasites;
  • easy to care for, thanks to silicone the fibers do not bunch up;
  • has good thermal insulation;
  • service life about 5 years;
  • affordable price.

Disadvantages of artificial swan down:

  • do not absorb moisture well, which means there may be a problem with increased sweating;
  • accumulates static electricity, which requires treatment with an antistatic agent. If this is not done, then the hair will lose its elasticity and elasticity due to prolonged contact with static electricity;
  • the orthopedic qualities of pillows made of artificial swan down are still worse than those of products with latex, as in RAYTON COMFORT MAXI , or Memorix, as in ASKONA VITA HOME ESPERA .

How to choose a swan down pillow

  • Choose a manufacturer. A serious long-lived company will be responsible for the quality of its product, because this is the only way to earn a name and reputation.
  • Focus on the size you need. It’s better to decide on this before going to the store.
  • Pay attention to the height and rigidity of the product. These are important parameters to consider when purchasing.
  • If you buy a pillow with natural filling, smell it. If the product smells unpleasant, it means the raw materials were poorly processed.

Rules of care

A pillow with natural swan down requires special care. You should not wash the pillow yourself. It is better to take it to a specialized dry cleaner, where the fluff will be treated with a powerful air stream, removing dust and dirt. And they will finish the cleaning with disinfection under ultraviolet lamps.

Due to the fact that natural down is highly hygroscopic, it is advisable to ventilate the pillow in the air at least once a week. Beat the fluff every day so that it does not lose its fluffiness and volume. To wash your pillows less often, use thick, high-quality pillowcases.

Products made from artificial swan down do not require special care. They can be machine washed at 30 and 40 degrees on a delicate cycle. When washing, do not use bleach. Dry flat out away from heat sources and direct sunlight, shaking occasionally. You can't iron. Pillows and duvets with artificial down must be aired several times a year. It is better to store products in vacuum bags.

As you can see, artificial swan down is even superior to natural down in many respects. It’s up to you to decide which pillow to choose – with natural or synthetic filling.

Features of care

To ensure that artificial swan down does not lose its original qualities for a long time, it is necessary to properly care for such a product. The structure of the fibers promotes rapid drying. At the same time, good elasticity allows you to immediately restore the original shape of the pillow.

You can wash the product with the presented artificial filler manually or in a machine. In this case, the water should be at a temperature of up to 40 ºС. After this, automatic drying can be used. After a light spin, the material becomes almost dry.

To ensure that the artificial filler dries evenly, the pillow must be placed on a flat surface. It is allowed to leave it in direct sunlight or on a radiator. Even after machine washing, the swan's down will not come out of the cover. This material is easy to care for. The pillow needs to be ventilated periodically. It is prohibited to use compounds containing chlorine during the cleaning process.

Having considered the features of the Swan Down pillow, reviews from customers and experts, we should note the many advantages of the presented material.

How to wash swan down pillows

There will be no problems with caring for bedding with artificial swan down. They can be washed. They are resistant to hand and machine washing at low temperatures. However, in order not to spoil the product, if you decide to wash it, it is better to follow the following rules:

  • use the delicate wash mode with a minimum number of revolutions per minute;
  • do not set the temperature above 40˚, optimally stop at 30˚;
  • do not use bleaching or chlorine-containing products;
  • You can squeeze it in a centrifuge, but you shouldn’t dry the product in it;
  • When washing by hand, you don’t have to wring it out - just let the water drain.

After washing, the pillow should be shaken, lightly fluffed and left to dry away from heat sources on a flat surface. It should be turned over periodically. Do not heat the product, and do not try to iron it.

In the intervals between washes, the sleep accessory should be taken out into the fresh air at least once every six months, so that the foreign odor will disappear from the filling and the fibers will be saturated with oxygen.

Artificial swan down as a pillow filler will be the optimal solution for any bedroom, because it combines the achievements of modern technology and a reasonable price. In addition, manufacturers offer products of different shapes, sizes and densities, so everyone can choose the right option.

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