Decorating modern bedrooms. Bedroom design ideas for a married couple

Feng Shui is an ancient Taoist practice of organizing space. This is a philosophy, this is a whole religion. People who decorate their apartments in accordance with the rules of this practice notice that they get sick less often and are less nervous. Moreover, a room furnished according to Feng Shui is incredibly comfortable and harmonious.

“Feng Shui” is a name known to people since ancient times, when the energies of water and wind were considered the most powerful forces for people.

What should a bedroom be like according to Feng Shui?

The basis of Feng Shui is the proper formation and circulation of energy in a room. This is facilitated by the location and shape of the room, as well as the location of all its components.

All existing directions and schools associated with Feng Shui are aimed at creating harmony between a person and his environment.

So, the correct room according to Feng Shui should be a perfect square shape, rectangular is also allowed. Round, triangular, trapezoidal, and any irregularly shaped rooms are not allowed.

If you are planning a bedroom according to Feng Shui, the rules for its arrangement are also directly related to the harmonization of a person’s stay in this room.

Important! The walls, floors and ceilings of the bedroom must be perfectly level.

The room should be located away from the kitchen, toilet and front door. It should not be a passageway, and the doors of another room should not be located opposite the bedroom door.

Not everyone fully understands that a person spends almost a third of his life in the bedroom, in his sleep.

Feng Shui bedroom rules for a couple: basic rules

The main task of Feng Shui in arranging a space for a couple is to eliminate quarrels and balance the energy in the couple. Therefore, to make the right Feng Shui bedroom for a couple, you need to know certain rules and laws.

Positive energy “qi” has an effect on the body not only while a person is awake, but also during sleep.

  • To maintain warm relationships in the family, the couple’s room should be located in the northwestern or western part of the apartment or house.
  • To enhance the romantic energy, use paired accessories, joint photos or paintings with paired figures.
  • There should be no beams or lamps above the bed; it is better to hang a dream catcher or canopy above it, which will accumulate positive energy.

The environment should be calming and conducive to relaxation.

It is better for a married couple to arrange a bedroom together so that it turns into a real love nest, and the energy circulating in it strengthens their relationship.

The interior design should be dominated by pastel colors, soft lighting and smooth shapes related to the beginning of “yin”.

Important! When arranging a room together, there should be no quarrels or disputes on any issues related to repairs.

tip #4. Harmony is above all

Let us remind you once again: the bedroom is for relaxation, which means that everything in it should stimulate relaxation. Choose wallpaper and textiles in calm, muted tones. If there is a pattern, it should be small and discreet (for example, small flowers and twigs).

lighting in warm colors. For romantic evenings, reddish tones are especially good, setting the right mood.


What flowers can be kept in the bedroom according to Feng Shui?

Flowers play an important role indoors: they produce the necessary oxygen, and they are also able to absorb harmful substances released by other objects. According to Feng Shui, plants still have their own energy, which they transmit into the environment, and also absorb negative energy.

The influence of positive energy “qi” largely depends on where the bedroom is located in a house or apartment.

According to this philosophy, the following types of flowers are best suited:

  • aloe;
  • Uzambara violet (it can also be replaced with ordinary indoor violet);
  • chlorophytum;
  • laurel;
  • geranium.

Based on the recommendations presented, you can try to arrange the bedroom in the correct way, from the point of view of Feng Shui.

The main thing is that the flowers are liked by the occupant of the bedroom and do not have a strong smell.

In a harmoniously arranged bedroom, yin energy should prevail, promoting rest and relaxation.

Maintaining style

Even if after some time your stylish bedroom for young people becomes no longer fashionable and stylish, remember that you can always add a few new details and completely refresh its look. One of the important rules in decorating a bedroom is to keep it in the same style. There are several most common styles:

  • Minimalism.
  • Classical.
  • Oriental.
  • Baroque.
  • Country.
  • Eco.
  • High tech.

Note. To choose the right bedroom interior for a young couple, you can consult a designer. He will take into account all your wishes, measure the size of your bedroom, and suggest the style that will be most appropriate and versatile in this case.

A few recommendations:

  • If your bedroom is small in size, then baroque or classic style is unlikely to suit.
  • It will be very overloaded with small details, and visually will decrease in volume even more.

Advice. For small rooms, a minimalist style is recommended. There is nothing superfluous or lush about it. Visually it enlarges the space very nicely.

  • And if you decide, for example, to decorate a bedroom for newlyweds in a minimalist style, then add elements of eco-style or baroque.
  • Remember that minimalism involves the use of two or maximum three contrasting colors.
  • A room in this style is restrained, laconic, simple. And if you add lush and gilded decorations from the Baroque style, then the entire original style will be lost.

Therefore, first fully think over the look of your bedroom, and then go buy furniture and accessories.

Bed placement according to feng shui

The bed is the main place in the room. And it also occupies a central place in the philosophy of Feng Shui. And for a feng shui bedroom to function well, position the bed correctly.

The main piece of furniture in a bedroom is always the bed.

  1. It should be facing the wall with its head (preferably on the south, south-east or south-west side).
  2. If the room is adjacent to the kitchen or bathroom, make sure that the bed is not adjacent to the wall behind which the bathtub, sink or toilet is located.
  3. The bed should not be adjacent to the wall so that it can be approached from both sides.
  4. Don't place it with the foot of it facing the door.

The bed should not be placed opposite the front door. This placement is associated in Feng Shui with death.

At the same time, do not forget that the bed itself should be made of natural wood, have smooth sides and clear shapes.

If two people sleep on the bed, then it is advisable that there is enough free space around it on three sides.

Arrangement of other furniture in the bedroom according to Feng Shui rules

It is also important to know how to arrange the rest of the furniture in the bedroom according to Feng Shui. There should not be a lot of furniture in this room: it interferes with the free circulation of Qi.

There should be no massive pieces of furniture in the bedroom, for example, large wardrobes or other wardrobes.

Apart from the bed, the bedroom may contain:

  • closet;
  • a couple of chairs;
  • mirror;
  • bedside tables.

You should not clutter the bedroom with a lot of furniture, as the space should be “breathing” and free for positive energies.

They should be located along the walls, not blocking windows and free access to the bed.

On a note! According to Feng Shui, a bedroom must contain a mirror.

It is recommended to purchase mirrors with rounded corners for the bedroom.

How not to make a mistake in choosing

Radical renovation is an important part of many apartment and house owners. It requires not only concentration in choosing a design, but immaterial costs. It’s a shame if after the renovation it will be difficult to stay in the bedroom. And this is quite possible if expectations do not coincide with reality. How to make sure that the selected colors fulfill their function and give the owner of the bedroom peace and tranquility.

Depending on your mood, the style of the room can be changed at least every quarter Source

A few tips before starting a renovation:

  1. Decide on the color you want in your bedroom and head to the hardware store. It is advisable to have a sketch of the future premises with you.
  2. Having chosen the necessary shades, do not rush to make your purchase. The patterns on your wall may look completely different from what you imagine. Buy several samples.
  3. At home, apply strokes to the bedroom walls, or better yet, draw squares, combining the selected colors on all walls.
  4. Leave it for several days, looking at the flowers at different times of the day and in different moods. It is quite possible that your opinion will change.
  5. Having finally decided on the shades, proceed to complete painting or wallpapering.

Add accents with details Source

Feng Shui mirror in the bedroom opposite the bed, what can you do?

According to the philosophy of this practice, the mirror should absolutely not be placed opposite the bed. This piece of furniture should not depict a sleeping person. According to the Taoist religion, a person’s soul is very vulnerable in a dream, so the mirror should not be placed opposite the bed. But if it is not possible to remove it, hang it with thick fabric every day before going to bed.

If you plan to install a dressing table with a large mirror in the bedroom, then the place for it should be chosen in such a way that people sleeping on the bed are not reflected in it.

Feng Shui and paintings: what images will decorate the walls

A painting depicting blooming peonies is best suited for a couple's bedroom. This flower symbolizes passion, love and fidelity in relationships. The following images are also suitable:

  • sea;
  • snow-capped peaks;
  • dawn (but don’t hang a sunset picture in the bedroom);
  • elephant (symbol of stability and fidelity);
  • river.

In order for the bedroom to comply with the rules of Feng Shui, you need to adhere to the interpretation of color shades, according to this science.

Refuse abstraction, minimalism, images of aggression, decadence and misfortune. Also avoid images of standing water.

By reducing or increasing the intensity of the design, you can change the decor in the bedroom in accordance with your goal.

The location of the bedroom in a house or apartment according to Feng Shui

Each of the cardinal directions has its own meaning for the feng shui of the bedroom.

The northern area of ​​the apartment promotes restful and deep sleep, which means that a person will receive good rest after everyday hassle and stressful situations.

  • South: romance and passion.
  • Southeast: Prosperity in business and favorable cash flows.
  • Southwest: unlucky side with concentration of negative energy.
  • North: calm and balance.
  • Northeast: side with active energy, stimulates human activity.
  • North-West: warmth and health. Especially suitable for a mature married couple.
  • East: passion and strong energy.
  • West: strengthening romantic relationships in couples.

The South is the optimal place for young people who strive for passionate relationships, as this zone is especially favorable for an active intimate life.

Determine your bedroom location based on what your couple needs.

How to choose the color of bed linen according to Feng Shui for a good sleep

To begin with, it is worth considering the basic colors - black and white. The first symbolizes passion, and, contrary to stereotypes, it is worth using to improve sexual relations in a couple.

The same color, having different shades, can have both negative and positive perceptions and influences.

White is considered peaceful and symbolizes purity. Great for both single people and married couples.

White color combines all the shades found in nature, and at the same time is associated with purity and innocence.

Blue and blue are also calming. Suitable for restful sleep and balancing overly active energy.

Blue color is a symbol of clear sky and water. It helps create a sense of depth and mystery.

For married couples, pink and purple are also suitable, as they embody romance and passion.

The color pink promotes such conditions as cheerfulness, good mood, strengthening of hope, feelings of warmth and comfort.

Color palette

The bedroom is a place for relaxation and sleep. Therefore, professional designers under no circumstances recommend using bright colors. Like green, red, yellow and others that can cause irritation. It is best to give preference to bed colors. For example, blue, cyan, purple, violet, white, gray and others. You shouldn't throw on too many shades, as they will be quite noticeable. Approach this matter wisely. Everything should be in moderation.

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