Wallpaper for the bedroom: TOP-150 photos of original design and combination in the interior of a modern bedroom

Decorating a room with wallpaper is a traditional solution for any interior. First of all, you should pay attention to color: psychologists say that it affects the emotional state. The mood will largely depend on the chosen shade.

What wallpaper is best for the bedroom? After all, this room is intended for rest and recuperation.

Brief overview of the article


There are many wallpaper options available these days. Therefore, it is very important to decide on the end result and personal preferences.

The most common types:

  • Paper
  • Vinyl
  • Non-woven
  • Textile
  • Fiberglass
  • Photo wallpaper
  • Liquid wallpaper

The simplest wallpaper option is paper . The cost is low, but the quality is not at the highest level. Their most significant advantage after price is the environmental material. They also have a rich color palette.

However, such wallpaper quickly fades when exposed to sunlight. Therefore, the service life of paper wallpaper is short. If you like to change your interior design often and not spend a lot of money on it, then this option is the most suitable.

Vinyl wallpaper is made from a denser material than paper. However, they should be glued to leveled walls. And the gluing itself will not be the easiest process. Vinyl wallpaper is classified as synthetic. They do not allow air to pass through.

After sticking them on the wall, an unpleasant odor remains in the room, which will finally disappear after a long period of time. Wallpaper can be made on paper or non-woven backing. The latter have a beautiful relief pattern and are easy to glue.

A more expensive option is non-woven wallpaper . Their distinctive property is their ability to stretch. This is due to the fact that they are made from soft material (cellulose fibers).

Non-woven wallpaper is easy to glue, since the glue is applied only to the walls. Also, due to their sufficient thickness, they are easily joined at the edges without forming bubbles. Main advantages: ability to pass air, environmental friendliness of the material, variety in colors. Some non-woven wallpapers are painted. Due to the dense material, it can be repainted up to fifteen times.

The textile type of wallpaper is most often used to create a certain style. They can be produced either on a paper basis or on a non-woven basis. But the top layer, which serves as decor, is much more diverse: silk, linen, cotton, synthetics. The choice and color range is varied.

An important feature of synthetic-based fabric wallpaper is that it has excellent soundproofing properties. Fabric wallpaper looks very rich and elegant. The negative points include the following: they accumulate dust, are not resistant to water, and are also high in price.

Fiberglass . Such wallpaper is made from environmentally friendly material: molten glass stretched into threads, or from quartz sand. This composition also includes soda and lime. There are many advantages of using such wallpaper: durable material, can be washed with water, breathable, easy to stick to the wall. The only obvious disadvantage is the high price.

Liquid wallpaper is perfect for hiding obvious unevenness in the wall. Apply with an ordinary spatula. Easily washed off.

Wallpaper color

It is important to pay attention to the color scheme. Both the interior itself and the feelings that the pasted wallpaper can evoke depend on this.

White wallpaper will look great in any interior. Pairs perfectly with other colors. The most common way to use white is in combination with black. White wallpaper evokes feelings of airiness, cleanliness and freshness. This color visually expands the room.

Don't think that white is the only option. The variety of its shades from pearl to milky can diversify the entire design. White wallpaper is used in classic, Scandinavian or minimalist style.

The gray color of wallpaper gives many people mixed feelings. On the one hand, it’s dull and dull, on the other, a calm background relaxes and helps you get a good night’s sleep. Gray wallpaper can highlight other bright interior details.

Designers recommend using gray in combination with others: white, black or richly bright shades.

It is believed that green and its shades are perfect for the bedroom. This color has a beneficial effect on the mental state. For the bedroom, green wallpaper is best combined with blue, pink or yellow colors. Green will also visually increase the area of ​​the room.

Beige color is chosen by people who prefer a calm interior. This color can not only relax, but also promotes creative impulse. To prevent the walls from looking boring, they should be diluted with other colors.

Beige wallpapers combine beautifully with black ones. However, you should not give preference to dark shades that are repeated too often. This will make the room seem gloomy. A chic option would be to combine beige with gold. Such an ensemble will attract attention, and will glow beautifully under the sun's rays.

Black wallpaper in the bedroom will look elegant, luxurious and a little mystical. The main thing is to diversify such a room with additional elements. Designers do not recommend gluing black wallpaper to those who were afraid of the dark in childhood, or who are often depressed. Such a range will worsen the mood even more.

If everything is in order with this, then black wallpaper will contribute to normal sleep not only at night, but also during the daytime.

Brown wall color is most often appropriate in large bedrooms. Light furniture can diversify a dark atmosphere, as well as proper lighting, which should be bright.

It is generally accepted that pink is only suitable for girls. But this is far from true. When properly combined with other interior items such as furniture, curtains, paintings, and so on, you can get a very harmonious design for the newlyweds’ bedroom.

If the bedroom is made for a girl, then this color with its many shades will transform the room beyond recognition. It is better to choose wallpaper with a pattern.

The color red itself is very dangerous. Excessive saturation can cause fatigue or aggression. It is best to combine red wallpaper with white or beige. Also, with this color of the walls, you should choose furniture in light shades.

Yellow color evokes a feeling of joy and goodwill. Easily invigorates after a night's sleep. When combined with beige or white, you can get a very interesting interior. It’s not for nothing that this color is used in hospitals. After all, it can relax and set the mood for the whole day.


  • combine classic English patterns with color blocking to create a Modern style;
  • Summery yellow shades can do wonders in a room—and your mood, too. Choose a soft, sunny color with a delicate floral pattern that will add charm to the bedroom.

Add contrast in the form of gray rugs to complete the look;

  • Imagine crawling into a log cabin with a roaring open fire and cozy fur throws and pillows. You can easily achieve this feeling at home with some smart decorations. Choose natural material-effect wallpaper, woodland themed accessories and plenty of animal motifs - foxes, deer and owls will bring the room to life.

It's a bold look, but the finished room will be warm and inviting;

  • black and gray are not always gloomy colors. When mixed with beautiful pastels, these eye-catching shades become soft and soothing, creating a modern-style bedroom. Use a bright design on the bed wall and black and white illustrations;
  • Don't use wallpaper just for walls. They easily cover countertops, headboards or closet doors - use paper from previous projects or any samples you may have saved;
  • stripes are a great way to change the scale of a room. Use horizontal ones to make a small room appear wider or use vertical ones to make ceilings appear higher;
  • Use wallpaper on just one wall or niche area for a dramatic effect. Mix them with white walls and pale floors and add just one accent color such as fuchsia to add visual impact;
  • High quality metal trim is a great way to add the Wow factor to a small space. Just stick to a subtle palette of coffee, cream and gold to create a luxurious look;
  • red and white is a classic combination that stands the test of time. Try to create a French country house style.
  • The tone of your bedroom decor is important to the quality of relaxation you are looking for. Surrounding yourself with images that bring calm can help you relax and unwind after a long, stressful day.

Pattern and texture

The drawing directly affects our perception of the interior as a whole. Most often, wallpapers with the following patterns are chosen:

  • Floral ornament. Suitable for creating an atmosphere of romance. Most often, such wallpaper is used in vintage or English style. To prevent such an interior from seeming feminine, you can combine the pattern with other patterns, such as stripes or a simple check.
  • For a man's bedroom, wallpaper with a checkered or striped pattern is more suitable. Designers recommend gluing this type of wallpaper on the side of the bed.
  • Geometric patterns , animals and plants would be appropriate for wallpaper in a classic or art deco style.
  • An embossed texture is best suited for the bedroom . As a rule, it imitates such noble fabrics as velvet and corduroy. With such wallpaper, the bedroom is filled with home comfort and is conducive to relaxation.

Choosing a wallpaper style for the bedroom

For wallpaper, the style depends on the background color and the specific patterns. In some products, patterns are replaced by geometric lines, which are advantageous to use on one plane to visually expand or increase space.

Since the bedroom serves as a place to relax, its walls should remain:

  • Pastel or neutral - to promote peace;
  • Light - so that the space remains spacious.

As a result, wallpaper for the bedroom should be monochrome and have discreet patterns. These qualities do not make the room boring, because... The bedroom itself should not be bright. Moreover, the combination of walls with ceiling and flooring creates contrast by default.

Combined wallpaper

It has become fashionable to combine wallpaper in the interior. This technique is used for several reasons:

  • Helps to highlight zones in the room. If the bedroom is also used as a workplace, then wallpaper can perfectly divide the space into zones.
  • Hides some imperfections. Not everyone is lucky with the right layout. Sometimes elements such as protrusions of heating risers or niches can spoil the mood when staying in such a room. Combining wallpaper will help emphasize other areas of the bedroom. Or, on the contrary, you can make imperfections the highlight of the room, highlighting them with a bright accent in the form of wallpaper.
  • The main emphasis is placed. When there is a need to highlight one of the walls, this technique is most successful. You can use photo wallpapers, the variety of which is now very large.

How to decorate walls with a large pattern?

Covering your bedroom walls with a large pattern requires a little subtlety to create a cohesive overall look. Do it right:

The structure must be consistent and clearly defined.

  • Choose bedrooms with subtle patterns, floral, baroque and geometric patterns.
  • Consider the height and layout of the room. Wide, large-scale or three-dimensional designs make a room appear smaller; horizontal stripes have a similar effect.

The best option is subtle or small patterns and motifs that elongate the room.

  • Wallpaper made from natural materials such as bamboo, cork or grass can be used on all four walls. They create a very warm, cozy and natural atmosphere.
  • Metal wall decor captivates with its fantastic shine and dazzling effects, use it not only for Hi Tech style.
  • Textiles with stripes and shiny threads provide sophistication and glamour.

Create a multi-purpose bedroom space by defining different “zones,” such as a dressing room or home office.

Combination of wallpaper with other interior items

Every attribute in the room plays a role in the correct and complete perception of the interior. Therefore, many try to choose the most advantageous combination of curtains and wallpaper. In order not to make a mistake, you must adhere to some selection rules.

Curtains to match the wallpaper. The most optimal and common option. But you should not choose completely one color. This way the curtains will merge with the walls. It is enough to choose a tone lighter or darker to make the bedroom seem cozy.

If the wallpaper has a catchy pattern, then the curtains should be selected in neutral tones. It is not recommended to hang braid or lambrequin on curtains. With this choice, the emphasis will be on the walls.

When the wallpaper has a monochromatic, calm color, you need to hang bright and catchy curtains. This way you can avoid despondency in the bedroom interior. Just keep in mind that this technique will be appropriate with the right combination of wallpaper and curtain colors.

The most convenient option is white curtains. Pairs perfectly with any wallpaper in various interior styles. The only obvious drawback will be that such curtains need to be washed very often.

Some people believe that the bedspread and wallpaper should match. However, this is not the case. To diversify the interior, many designers advise choosing patterned bedspreads with plain walls.

It is necessary to decide what the main emphasis will be on. If on a bed, then it is better to choose a brightly colored bedspread. If the bed fades into the background, then it is better to choose a bedspread in the same shades as the wallpaper.

Photo wallpaper in bedroom design

With the advent of photo wallpaper, it has become much easier to highlight a wall in a room. Such wallpaper can be on any theme and in any shade. This could also be your own photo. It is customary to glue photo wallpaper to only one wall.

In addition, no unnecessary items such as cabinets and tall chests of drawers should be placed near the designated wall. Otherwise you will end up with a very awkward interior.

Today, photo wallpapers can depict any image: cities, nature, landscapes, plants, animals, people and so on. It all depends on your personal mood and preference. Photo wallpapers are easy to glue and can also be washed if dirty.

Wallpaper for a small bedroom

Those who have a small bedroom should not be upset. You can completely harmoniously and tastefully create a modern and cozy interior. In addition, there will be much less consumable materials, which will allow you to choose higher quality and more expensive wallpaper.

Designers have always advised and continue to do so by gluing light-colored wallpaper in small rooms. This will visually increase the space and improve the lighting. It is better to avoid any bold or flashy designs. The most suitable option for such a bedroom would be non-woven or liquid wallpaper.

Which wall covering material to choose

Modern designers have presented many options for decorating bedroom walls, from practical to sophisticated.

You can apply today's fashionable trends in decoration:

  • Decorative plaster,
  • Liquid wallpaper,
  • Paint the walls.

Wallpaper is considered a common and affordable decorative wall covering. The bedroom is the most suitable room where you can use wallpaper. Wallpaper for the bedroom interior, its pattern and texture will make the room cozy, and the humidity, which this decorative material is afraid of, is minimal in the bedroom.

The variety of prints and types of wallpaper for any budget, as well as ease of use, allow wallpaper not to lose its relevance in the interiors of bedrooms.

Wallpaper for a teenager's bedroom

When choosing wallpaper for a teenager’s room, you should focus not only on the environmental friendliness of the material, but also on the color scheme. Excessively flashy and bright wallpaper will not contribute to healthy sleep and comfortable rest. Wallpaper with a pattern would look appropriate in such a room. Children always look at the patterns on the walls with curiosity.

When choosing wallpaper, you should also take into account the character of the teenager. If he is temperamental, then it is best to give preference to cold, but not dark shades. If the child is more phlegmatic by nature, then feel free to hang wallpaper in warm colors. If a teenager is lazy enough, then it is recommended to choose moderately bright wallpaper.

Combination methods

It is important not only to choose wallpaper companions, but also to think about their placement.

We present the most popular options:

  • Colored large-format wall panels in plaster, polyurethane, wooden frames against the background of plain walls;
  • A vertical “carpet” strip centered on the wall located at the head of the beds;
  • Plasterboard niches trimmed with contrasting wallpaper;
  • Alternation of two panels with different designs;
  • A wide horizontal border dividing the plane of the walls into two parts;
  • One or two walls completely covered with wallpaper with a print or a surface that is noticeably different in texture.

Apartment owners who are not confident in their design abilities and are not ready to conduct experiments in their own home are advised when purchasing to opt for companion wallpaper, which modern industry produces in significant quantities.

Large shopping centers specializing in the sale of construction and finishing materials offer customers winning combinations. When making purchases via the Internet, users who have chosen certain wallpapers immediately receive an offer to purchase wallpaper that is harmonious in color and texture.

A bedroom in an apartment or house is a place of privacy and special comfort. Properly chosen wallpaper, which occupies a significant amount of space in the room, is certainly a factor that largely determines our mood for the coming day and helps relieve stress for the coming night.

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